HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-02-26, Page 14'O TRE ELECTORS . `"�"\'mow'''•-.rs..r .. iiVpoN,YEBTH AND BR CK. �;. WNW".•.-w Iota are aware that when I beton you at the late Election I had not ac - Office, although I had been gestated as Pres►dettt of the Executive Council. My reasons for refasiag that Office I stated you plainly and It full. 1 then explained to yen, that although is necessary to hare a Chair- man or Pr'e'sident, the duties hitherto devolving upon the Pre- sident were not such as M war- rant the country in paying eight hundred paws& a .year fur his services. Since that time, how - ver, the office of President of the until has been materially al - red and other important dirties, 1 now neglected, hero been hed to it--eo that it is now reality no longer a niueettre d hence my principle objection it is entirely removed. • In- , it may be presumed that e duties allotted to the 1're'~ti- adf•at of the Council, in future, - `rare equal in number, and almost •''egwil in importance to the duties (iperform(d by any other tnember 'of the Cabinet- tt bides* tell the tempted that the joy So early as the - fear 1811, 11 .Of guilt todulgod, w116 change aro loos urged in thong terins, upgan the l la sorrow , Tho draught of sweeties, eweeta SOOD wiI1 attention of the then (iitvern- clary, �a.W ta.4 to mer ment, the justice and utility of ► Aad war ofeaa establishing a Department of I row. Agriculture, Reling then as Ido Ant tlloea who copy thus Christ's life on now that if anyone interest or 1 earth, department was entitled to the ' I Feali ( the poor, mrd comforting the weeper, consideration and vigilance of I Will sit receive a meet of prineeleee worth, Legislature, that one should be Wee. aripely gathered by the heavenly the Agrieultural. This Ls Cana - 1 dais great interest. --tile founds. THE OCEAN BURIAL. tion of all our hopes of Weaith •, o ! Nary me set hn th- e deep, Joy sss," and prosperity ; and notwith- j These words earns low and ,neerefolly, standing the comparative lnaif From the pal:) lips of a yyouth, wbo lay PP los bit Cabin coach, at t6s clue of day. Terence with ♦vhieD• it has hithi'r- Hebert wut«I aril pioed,'till o er iia hooey to been regarded, it is the itne1 ,.e death abate hid sloPao". wlyJ par. and "wwhich -must furnish the men , %thea twheere tainigl. h.and hie fond loved borne women and money," that will I They had gather'd rotted to see bun die. ultimately raise us in the scall' j "o !bury tee not h ea the deep, deep s, of nations. Where the bellow ahretasl wilt roll ower raw. The Government has now Where no light will break through the dark o'd wa established a Department of, And ,sc.mn beave, m rest apo my grave. ;riculture the managetnentIt matters sot, 1 have ore bleu told. R'}tlCh, together with several Where the body shall lie when the heart is cold— other duties connected with erui- Yet grant yc, 0 ! grant ye this olio boos to gration, and the statistics of the ; O! bury me [retie the deep, deep •e•. Province are entrusted to the Chairman of Committees lir Pre- For in farm/ Fre listened to the well known wo. sident of the Council. And Ills I The freordd,d winds, and the serge of the Excellency having been pleased i birds; to gaiter me this office in its alter-' I have thought of home, of cot and bower, And of scenes that I loved in childhood's ed and improved character, I felt I hour. • it my duty and esteemed it an' t bavo ever hoped to be laid whits I died, ' In the churchyard there, on the green hill - honor to ail in the deliberations ; of an Administration in which I Ila the bade, of my fathers wy grime b• had full cunfulel:ce—which I had •o! buryhould me note in the deep, deep ken. assisted to form, and �r which I Let my n.�'slumben be where(' mother'■ expected to have been, from the first, a member. And a sister's tear, abaft be mieglid thrive; And although I still . feel that 0! 'twill be sweet, ere the heart :Throb is o' ' a gentleman of superior literary Te knower, when its fountain. 'shall gash Do attainments would more proper- more! ly discharge the duties of Chair- That those it so fondly bath yearu'd for will eo man of committees, yet as His To plant the first wild.tlower of spring on Excellency and his Advisers my tomb! Let me !'.e where those loved ones will have been pleased W topsider Inc 1 weep e'er me competent to the several duties Ol bury me rot in the defrp, deep sea. now attached to tilt otter, I hare Ara there is another; ber tears would be accepted it. -lend in dying. so, I abed, affirm in contradiction of the For him who lay far ie the ocean bed; (n hour. fiat it pains me to think" of now, statements of the opposition and Ube bath twined thew locks and bath kis''d discontented Press, that fray ac- this brow. In the hair she hatb wreathed shall tho sea ceptance of it, "in its present .rake his., form, will be a considerable sav- Aad the brow she barb prised .ball the ing to the country. It has beenFort cold wets b Kiran final. TEN SHILLINGS./ rr s "THS SAWMILL? POSSISLS 000D TO THS OELATSST PO3a11Lts ISQM1311." TWELVE AND SIX PENCE aT Twa aso e► T01 taaa: VOLUME V. 1)ott>~L. THE LAW OF MERCY. 'Ti. written with the pee of b ly low On every Mart wind Well steles has moulded; A tr..•criptfrom the etetute•book above, Where angels rod their eovsretga'a will refolded. Into &mocktkebelewherefamine lurks. . Clulekins the hoarded cruet with trembl- ing diners; Where Toil io damp unwbotesorae caverna weeks Or with i{raie'd eyeballs e'er the needle hag ere. 1t bide no steed herd, the dying bed Of throe about to flea the world for seer; Smooth the tori d pillow, prop the •iakiog heat, Cheer the Mut broker), whom death hates to sever. alleged by certain portions of the Press that I ani at liberty W accept and hold this office without again appealing to my constitu- ents. But, Gentlelnen,whatever the late may say on the subject, I have too much respect for pub- lic opinion and the principles of our Constitution, to evade both by availing myself of a legal quibble. 1 shall, therefore, mi font soon as a writ can issue, that is, Toy ►a•o mem him there fa abs dee*, deep sea. so soon as Paslimitent meets, re - be sake of the bright OD. that waiteth for me, 0! bsry me not in 1111 deep, deep ear. She bath been le my dram."—bis votes faifd there; They `ove no Beed to ber dying pester; Tbey lower'd hien slow o'er the vessel's stag, Above hue has cloned the dark. cold tide; Where to dip their light wings the sea - fowls rot, Where the Nae waves demo o'er the oceans crest; Where billows bound, and the winda•eport eiga relyseat and gyre you, the Electors ot Huron, an opportuni- ty of ex.preaeing, at th_pP �Polls, your opinion of lay Conduct in thus conCtlriln,g in the brst at- tempt tto pt of any Canadian Govern. meet to recognise alts elevate the agricultural intereate-by a distinct Uovcrmnentat Depart- iiJeat* I !lave ie Resort° be, Wet etbed'treed, . MiZ.ceut O1 gN iolf. •Aywhb.skwheInssgtetheW oes•, Sed 'bollworms tea petty o flet ' a- ga�� ro. .'beet see .res w bowl" a sal • Nod ,e hw always blooding •Sesna5KA b M/ bsI r fold • =to lireitiOrt email "OW et Awl? te arab heron Ohl aboggiest dhredy- Rwf(ihiMm h tNlsilso am Laid of Joelperhii.- I lie r .leghl I ' PA" K Faith arkeea' mod hs if pm ow abeami. ft •'e leo is III�d•'��pt'tW eMM t1�get a ebo isilt M tM oar for oM wIlt ,`eleessiredws 14th of Ai *line wanmese a bower, 'that lest dime b.w- Wil eye amebed tee he beth" £IteiaiL•tl1 ..��II_ A ROMANeE OP REAL LIFO. • Thi-follswieg Sects poems' same wrikter polite of iotws•t. We may Meagre that the story is strtetty tree,. the gaaaee male for obvious r y bele.; suppressed. . la the year 18V a Jones wotsaa, of /s- coot pal-Sntage, engagaa ie the trioe of etetoynlin'e fitiitly in the writ epuntrys became ecgasiniciretb, aiii formed as at- teakteanditepsydliE*silk the "libber; hood. A ,fir d,ithe result of this SIIspb- dbeht, �idf iu�iiateiy, tan ttt*sillily of either of the paella to eags,,.rt i cou•igu- N to the taro . paella greadmet r on iif father's aide. 'IUs blether 11.d iregilsnt o ore MONO loPMint lata blurts etierSd}M wade ohm misslaed If1 \bat *Mite* df fie e.salryt heehaw Mee. aehe'tiafs M IMI the uiglbbbrie44e eiae te111ieiad•te r d'5' �At4tt'.Na.*M e the What gams « si*lb an& Fotnttd ta.la tssi. t.dt.i iqg �. fe ! a1.sg4.a ,Bolt mid* p5 s4 Seer, tear veins mets• ly ig•WMf it Isar otbih'o prise of 're.Muse, the astittker, Weer ' actor LSSWfs ' to iioiote► ab.*itOm/ '(Aid Ali kWh reastMad, `gats iss elk 7ql' d olamoisf ASmme►d'Stref Isolliges w, ' NW esimilmatld slush OW m tbs.e0'• •wa y: Ni ssbteb•aW lined, sled is a kw years arta as sear et marriage will made to her by a rostgsetabe GODF.RICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) TIIURSDAY, FEB. 26, 2851. trademaa, which, aftericai didly relating to bin the eireuataae.0 of ber previous life he was, by r f hie attachment to -Ler, isdueed to repeat, sad she gratefully accept-. ed the offer. 1e the proeeeetios of las business he soon after remove) to Glasgow, where be commenced budaess as an sari. neer. TM tither of the bey, in the loess time, had also married, and by him the youth. when be grew op, was sent to and es spieled bar apprenticeship ah► ea engi- neer in Ireland. 8ubsegoeatly the lad went to Glasgow in search of sod obtained employment, by r aingul,r coincidence, and without a knowledge en either side of the relatlua.hlp, from the engineer who, as we base stated, Lad marred the boy's mother, and, from tbe feat of ber net having seen him *late he was au iatant, she never sus- pected, arid, indeed, could not possibly have recognised him as her ling lost boy. It appears that a brother of the lad's fath- er hap; et;cd to keep • bookingodrice fur prcels, llrq., in tis city, and to him, among others, the father, bad sometttnee in his 1ut`eesalluded to tltu mother of his boy, and Lia natural curloeity to know wilt had become of her. The ynaog man was nece- •tooally is the habit of cat:tog os his father's brother, and reading or to:sing over any mutual lettere they might reedy(' from bis (ether :a Ireland. 1t chanted one day that a well-dressed, end eves lady lake, woman, entered the arca to book a parcel: the man fized his eyes upon ber, anal ad some distant recollection of baring bed b og Still her before, aid begged with as civ.iity to Ingo::o whether, in Ler youth, the had been to emo!orment .aa • servant at a swan in the greet country which be Lamed. The lady repind that .ho bad; and ever anxious regarding ber buy, and baring ao re.on kw concealment, nngerly inquired if be could give her any tidibge of her 100, or i1 be knew anything concerning him t The man teed her that he wa• h:u.eelt the broth- er of the boy's father; that, having seen ber in former years, be remembered aoJ reccg- oited her countenance, and ;robe *root) call at hie office en the •uecee•ling events. at • oven o'clock, be would make arrangecwots whereby her .on should he in attendsgce,aod she might •,e him. Tho interest and -anxie- ty, it may be imagined, of the woman were great. She had not heard ot her boy, after many rein in.;rarourv, for the long space of twenty year, not even by letter, and here. by a nodular accident, wile° she least e xpected it, alts was oo the following even- ing to see and converse with him. She im- mediately went home and told the circum. stance to her husband, and deep was the iotereat he also teak in the matter which SO much concerned her: for she hal been to him a good and faithful wits, and ,1 she had erred elle had washed it away a,ih long sorrow and repentance: end he, of all oth- ers, bad fully and freely cergiveri ber. The interven.ng time, et may be-uppo•ed, seemed Iona and tedious, end it wan with e n anxious eve and a palpitating hurt that ahs mitered the °Sea of the bookkeeper the succeeding evening, a few minutes Ito, fore the appointed hour. The mac inform- ed her that the lad bad net yet arrived, bot would be there •ooa, and, laminae her • seat. told her that he would clog, a hal f. shutter of the side window schen ho came in, by which signal ohs would kirow that it was her eon who entered. Pebple caw and want for a considerable time, and the moth- er's ferlioge end anxiety were every mo. meet increasing. when one of ber husband's workmen entered the office. She iesttoc tively turned array her head, for ehe liked n ot that one io her husband'• service should observe her at such an anxious tune, but at that instant the half -shutter we• hastily closed: tor it was indeed her •on who had entered. She gazed at him as he stood in in his prime, and her weeder was great that she 'horrid recognise in one of her hus- band'; workmen her Ionrsleet on; bet the preeed;ng anxiety and the shock were too much, slid aa she hooked •he became pale and feinted-•wey. Restoratives were im- ssedlately•proeored, and, on her being com- pletely recovered, an ezplanatiosof the az. traordin•ry circumstances, was communi- cated to the nos. Altboogh be had frequent occasion to speak to Lm mistress, there bad not hens the least au•p•cios, on either side, ea the close relationship. They went borne So her ha•band's hawse and Lis place of business together. tier husband' war amazed, as well be might be, at 'tie turn matters had taken, and indeed it was a sub- ject of deep interest and weeder to ell of them. Ile was plesel to find that lir wife'• .on was doing so well; for, of course, am his matter, he knew him well; and abort- ': afterward*. bavisg used IAmmo with hi• friendp,00 her behalf, and knowing the lad's •billy, he procured for him a situation se meteor on See of 1M English niiw•ye, sebum be reel bolds. Only about us months ago the lad wtereeded and obtained for Inn father a subordinate eltaation on the mama 1, . of railway. The subdued and begrateful thought" of the another may well imagined. An absence of cear(y twenty year" edeid net in aha degree abate the fooliage • of seatarn•I attachment; noel. though ehm bad often deplored the errors of her youth, it was with feehngs of thankrul- • Sw aside gladdened beset ebe eoatempiat- .d the extraurarnary cbaan of clrcar aatascss which, under Providence. had rostoril to t.,. ~Iamb a remitted' morellos, the atlas( We sfteeti.ns.--eisirliig Journal. sod part owner—for 'aloraut Bay, Jamaicp ate was a liesteaaot in tbe Spasuh artil- lery, and nephew of our best; another was a M. I)spont, a young and rich creole, of mingled French and Spanish parentage, and the reputed suitor for the Laad . Don- na Astarte the daughter and sole heiress of Senor Argnelles, and withal a graceful and charmers maiden of eighteen a ripe age in that precocious cline; the 6th guest was Captain Starkey, of the Neptune, a gurgles surly, fire -looking English seaman of about thirty years of age; the seventh and last was myself, at that tune a mere youngster, and but just recovered from a severe fit of sickness which a twelvemonth previously had necessitated try removal from Jamaica to the much more temperate and eq.r Ile climate of Cuia, albeit ILe two ialattlls are Duly distant above five degrees from each other. I was also oneof captain Starkey's passengers, and so w -aa Senor Argntllas, who had business to wiud up in liiugaton. lie was to be accompained by Senora Ar- guelles r- eelles Antonia, the young lieutenant, and 1T. Dupont.—The Neptune had brought a cargo of st udries, eousisting of hardware, cottons, etc., to Cuba, and was returning about lid a ladeu with goods. Amongst these belonging to the American mer- cLants, were a nutnbcr of barrels of gun- powder, that had proved unsaleable i*Cuba and which, it was thought, might find a satis- factory market in Jamaica. There was eacelleut caber acFomatlatiuu on board Cap- tain Starkey's vessel, and as the weather was fine, and the passage' rromised to be a brief as well as pleasant one—the wind hav- ing shifted to the northwest, wall intention it seemed, of remaining there for some time we were a11, as I have stated, in exceeding! good humor, and discussing the intended trip, Cuban, American and European poli- tics, and the comparative merits of Preach and Spanish 'wines, and Havana and Ala- bama cigars, with infinite glee and gnsto. The evening, too, was deliciously bright and clear. like brccze, pronounced by Captaign. Starkey to he rising to a five or sir knot one at sea, only sufficiently stirred the rich and odorous vegetation of the val- leys, stretching far away beneath us, gcut- ly to fan the heated faces of the party with its grateful perfume, and slightly ripple the windioging rivers, rivulets, ' rather, the everywhere intersect tad i.ig. to tae is- land, and which wero now glitteriog with the myraid splend ours of the intensely -lus- trous stars that diadem a Cuban uight.— Nearly all the guests had drunk very free- ly of wine—too much so, indeed; hut the talk, in French, which all could speak tol- erably, dill not profane the calm glory of the the scene, till some time after Senora Ar- guellas and ber daurh'er had left tar. The Senor I shoatd state, was still detained in town by business whiela it was necessary he should dispose of preaous to embarking for Jamaica. THE POtNT OF .40,Z191,14. tine envies to the batuiM of tbe year t $2 viten/arsons, Mcleasag myself, were sadist mid ehattint pleasantly io a state of billittlems gayety, in front' elf Setter Argoel- lae s einuo -home, • mak 4 in eat of tan - t de Cuba, p the E.attn Ltesdeeia nftlte Q.1.4 etbe Antilles, aid beet }t1 ic'iiie(capital,'Aree an secidest .ccettted that a rertudlpat et ea4ignisher spin the n(u.v rgirt is ii'a brim .6111 list!`sad-, de.ly exoodei e vont oar teal. ltttt Arst a fir;eraceuant of tho.e,sires pe' mos, and the taus; of tbt]1r•Isssig so snbled wt{1y be ndeeesaary. war! !ay smokima csmisb- erilers, sal smart traders, sod e0teasirfly eWlaestsd t►ttht the eaOlnirea SI Ai Co- kswbwra .Arliberkgo thiel le nil the morns, triad sad weather pe'mitt MLitt the bark Neyetse--8hrkq, soh' wine fun in bis face from floe halal of Cap- taia Starkey. They were a!1 is an instant os their feet, and appnraally sobs red, or nearly so, •by the imfortssate Mese of the wady tumstt. Captain Starkey was tbs first to speak. Ms gushed angry features paled .sdrkefy to es almost deathly white, and lie stam- mered out: "I beg your pardon, f 1. Dupout. It was wrong --very wrsng in me to do so, Omagh not inercesable." " Pardon! Mille tonnerres!" slw,tted Dupont, who was caperin; shoat in an ecstasy 01 rage, and wiping his fns., with bis t au4kerchief. " les, a bullet through your bead shall parties you—notL.ng %deed, according to tie then•notions of Cuban society, no other alternative save the daclln appeared possible. ! tt..tcntmt Ar- guellas hurried at once into the home and speedily returned with a case of piatols. "Let us proceed," Ile said m a quick whisper, "to tho.grore yonder; we shall Le there free from interruption" He took Dupont's urns and both turned to move off. As they did so, Mr. Desmoud, tbe elder of tbe A merican gentlemen, step -towards Cap- tain.Starkey, who with recovered calmness and with hit arms folded, was standing by the table, and said: "I am not entirely, niy good sir, a stranger to these affairs and if 1 can be of service Ishan"— ' Thank you Mr. Desmond,' replied the Eogtisb,captaia; "but I shall root require your asaistmee. Lieutenant Arguelles, you any as well remain. 1 am no duellist and shall not fight M. Dupont." What does be say'' exclaimed the 'lieutenant, gazing with stupid bewilderment round the circle. "Not fight!" The Anglo-Saxon blood, I saw, nus -'6d as hotly in the veins of the: Americans. as it did it mise aL tri -'exhibition oldie white feather by one of our race. 'Not fight Cept*ia Starkey'!" said Mr Desmond with grave earnestness, after a painful pause; "you whose mune is in the list of the British royal navy, say thus. You must be jest- ing" " I am perfectly serious -I am opposed to duelling, upon principle." " A coward upon principle!" fairly scream- ed Dupont, with mocking fury, and at the same time shaking his clenched first- at the Englishman. . The degradug epithet stung like a ser- pent. A gleam of tierce passion broke out of Captain Starkey's dark eyeca and he made a step towards Dupont, but resolutely checked himself. "Well, it must be borne! I was wrong to offer you personal violence although " Do not go away," said Senora Arguel- las addressing Captain Starkey-, as she rose from her at "(4111 see you again: When you are at leisure, ring the !medic on tbe table, and the servant will inform 'me. I wish to speak further with you relative to tbe cabin arrangements." Captain Starkey bowed. I had never, I thought seen Antonia smile so sweetly and the two ladies left us. I do not pre- cisely remember how it came about, or *Loll first led to it, but it was not very keg be- fore we were aware the conversation had assumed a disagreeable tone. It struck me that possibly M. Dupont did sot like the expression of Antonia s face as sbe curtsied to Capt. Starkey- The after espleasaat- ttetb did not, however. arise, ostensibly, from that cause: The commander of the Nep- tune hdagreed to take several free colored families to Jamaica where the services of the mss, who woe reputed to be expert at sugar cultivation, had been engaged it mneh high- er wages thee could be obtained in Cuba. The Americas geatlamca bad ptcriuusly expressed daapprohation of this arrenge- meet, and saw began to be very liberal in- deed with the taunts and sneer telatire' to Captain Starkey's " principles," as they plearntly termed titan gentkrta to s very temperate veiacatioa 'file tight of.doer-, ed people to Me* cam sone Thfs, bene. ever, weold, I think, bare passed oil barn- leanly, ha4 it int bean that the captain hIp- pn.sd to meniiM, very igprudaed , the M bid ones served es Midshipmen w • beard the CM English elavl-sgaidren. Thhirm- ricd lf. ;1lppontve sreoulderi4 111-Mroot ieAS s AaJM,A ll 1 gathered from Lis •cie- fie d miediitiodedilmt. hp. ked nffefed is prop'rty fen* lMtointiease1whatiines The storm Of apgtjr **dm feel fiert4ty. Tia setae, or the English for Mastering Iwith 6Mstsem Maids were drsossesd with eesisrptaet>.1Atetseae a lbs One .ids, Awl airmetaly'bnd esellt defies d ass Om other. nay -6. elect ie, lint sem bath �wtind wit11 wine sad pe iota Mi fsbeciy ttatln eblat "bey tad er dei --Y • • s •. tea les. of a u.un.cat." Time 15.4.4414 w the seeded bet attentive 'casette, ha anti/ is a rapid but drat voies- 'Yoe well Imam men, fiat L *mold net w ay memoir" or for soy motive deceive you. Liaise, this, attentively. Yoe dreskee brute --be n Lieutenant Arguello' aerrant--has fired wi;h'a candle the spirits he was stealing, and the held is a ma.s of fire which it tame- less to waste one precious moment is tempting to extinguish." A cry of rag • and terror burst frena the crew, and they sprang impulsively toward be boats, hut the captain's authoritative voice at once arrested their steps. "Ilear me out, nil you? hurry and confusion will d,• -troy us all, but with anlage and steadint's every soul on bored may be sat- ed before din tlamcs can reach the powder. and runember,' Le added, as tj• !' ok the pist•o!s fano Ilackiut and cocked oue of then, "that I :sin send a bullet after any uo _s:: -Lo di -obeys Inc. and 1 seldom udas soy nim. Now, that, t,your we. k•--steadi- !t• .roil ui:h a hill!" It ea. martelou, 1 observe the inftc- ence Lis Loll, cool! Irut, and ecmmandia:; burring and word, had nix.:i the men.—'11...: pao,c 1i rr'r that 1: td seized them gate phi -e. to energetic r`ayltrtictr, and In so h.- '•4•Lie,-.ui.1:.ce of Inci.tiic bat• went: in t!i.rlttater.-Well '..;ne,my titre li.tlnk,! 'rI.; rc t, Neely of L:::r, I a_•n:a t.-: ea(. 1 fur of yon'' ---::id he tamed 14c•nt•-••r' - tuaiu with enc. 'Three others j.ttnp int:, each of tip large !:)lt,,;uo int ) the snail ones, anl brut, them down to the landwar.l side of the she:.- A r'•h w,###! ! s•,ta: tp the boat., and w: .!.10: he able 10 !::.it only one gangway clear." 0 '1'44 passengers were by this time rusk- i::upon rle�: half clad, and in a state of the wildest terror, f:r they all knew there vas a large quantity of gunpowder on board The itDtai.1 the Stats toubel the starboard site of the Lark, the men, white as well as eolored,f'rced ther way with frenzied ea- gerness before the 'se ile° and children— careless, ca-I:arenlly whom they sacrificed, that they might let themselves kap to the shelter of the boats from the fiery vol- cano raging beneath their feet. Captain 'tarkoy, aided by the four athletic seamen he toil selected for the duty, buried them fercely hack. " Back, back!" be shouted, "we must ha'se funeral order here—first women and children, nest the cid mei. Iland Senora A r; utl ,s alueg: next the young lady ber daughter: quick." As Donna Antonia, more dead' than alive was about to be lifted into the boat, a gash ';f dame burst up through the main hatch - s ay with the roan' of au explosion; a tumult - oars cry bunt from the frenzied passengers, and they jostled each other with frightful violence in their efb,rta to reach the gang-. way. Dupont forced his way through the lane of sea raeu with the energy of a mad- man, and pressed so suddealy upon Ambrosia that, but for the exertion of the captain's herculean strength, she must have beer precipitated into the water. " Back unmanly, dastard! back dlag!"e roared captain Starkey, terribly excited by the lady's ringer, and amongst after,seiz- ing Dupont by the, collar, be added: "or if ' you will heck there ben for a moment"— and be pointed with his pistol band to the fins of several sharks plainly visible in the glaring light at but a few yard's distance from the ship. ...Alen," he added, "let whoever presess forward out of Ids taro fall into tlae ." Aye• ayewater, •ir; was the prompt reechs- i teal 'response!. I 'Ibis terrible ptenanee instantly restored. order the colored women and children k were nest etabarked, and the Twat appeal- „ ed Ldl. . aft with liawkits, the first mate, whose ' I'ull oll," was the order,' you are deep watch it was,eagerly observant of the lights ' enough for safety.' A cry, faint as the wad of • child, arose on the well -k own shore, that I had left so in the boat. it was heard and Nader. before with but faint hopes stnod• s of seeing it again. As I thus gazed land- i • Slay one moment; pan along the Eto- ward, a t right gleam as of crimson 4 .040- 11113"."1: Mr rgndllas. Now, !ben, be of with hghl, shot aeries 1Le dark sea, and turning 'tool quick. ' 1:A.uu arc a noble f,•!1•,w: call I)esmnad, quickly rotted, I saw that it was caused by patniott a moment sad cnt'•Lis10*— al tb. Cap - tall jet of dame shooting up ft ma the main taia'• Land; ' and I was a foal (0'— hatchway, which two seamen, for some • 1'aason; was the reply;,'there is w rerpose or other, had at one moment milli - terror tome to handy t•rwplurwnf.. Tlie order to shore nCr led rs••ed the ally opened In my still weak, state, the eaptains tips. *ben hr Bance i»ppeaed terror of the sight—for the recolleetion of bo tig1i1epon me. as I teased demo with the barrels of powder on board Instantly Merin. jest behind hind, epee the rescue flashed acsnsb my mind—for,eretit"inn- bulwark• mends r imeleteliestunnedtele• and but that ! ' I loll en a mnrnent 1' hr ri'wd. *Item caught ursiinc ore y ra mss, :yon; aril he fairly lined in.. rac ftp sad plr should hate fallen i:. ostrate ou the deck. red me is the boat, wlwspenn; as be did A wild cry of :Fire! fire!"—tbe most fear- 'sur ' Lcment.er lye tom] father rad ero- ful the can_ be heard at sea --mingled with i tier, Ned, .hcufd 1 sever we them apin heightened tiro dizzey ringing in my brain, There was now only d!e' sinal b'ul, ra- t std was Ind art�eisstl cunacittus to. gable of fantod, ,' bel ei(ht pensees ;toad ] 1 how, it was wlnsrr•red ar�'ri2 tw-!tow, an dist rale, amid't the rututiaga to and fro, and addition to the two seamen already k b -r, 1 the ;cohetcn' -xdaustious of the crew, "renftake nil Lieutenant Arg" ti M. a...._ XL'1113E R V. �t - hen --it would be soiled It contact with a dtmnn,.ti-11.17 touched Lim—only Imo - ever, for a few h: icf wr.ments. 'YLe es-. pge..eion of pain quickly vanish d, and his countenance was as eld u.' ,cera a be- fore. l lore was, alLeit, it was snow found *limit to thi.,it se,'ro l,cnnteurpti:nusfor- bearance, Durrant, a, pruac',•iug Lits, rat his three 1t audilde etnres.inn, e.l'tinnn••. loud coolish for •ei :.1 • f !Le err w to Lea: awl looking ion-detiy in Ila: captain's :f: c.•, • L^•-' - 1 l wJ'SJ bare tiro., 1 axe, , lett was arrested by a en;•� of .r tee!. •'T.o's.ie:, .L'or.aierr." said ('rnb.iu Starkey; whatever you may .:i:: !gut I a„t and kin! fu this s'.iL nod 1 will refloat n;, one to beard id: Le: we the cr. w,:: ! there- by les -ca my auttimrity oter them. 1' you regime ac:.:s to do so, aril 1 r. 111 put you in solitary e • `':t n:et;t,1•• tall we arri;e at Jatuaio s: lie then t: lett off hu auditor, and w-c'a 1 forward. TLe passengers, coloured as wc11 a. tsLith were all on board, the anchor, already al:eak- was brought home; the bows of the ship fell slowly off, and we were in a kw m.> meats running before the wind though but a faint one, for, Point Moran:. No one could he many Lours on board the Neptuoe without being folly satisfied that, however deficient• in dueliicb courage • ber captain might be, be was a thorough seaman, and that his crew --about a dozen of as fine fel.ows as I have seen -were en- der the most perfect discipline tt'1 com- mand. - The serriee e: the vessel was car- ried on as ;.oiselcs•ly and regularly aeon boa-•: a ship Qf war; and a sense of csnfi- deuce, that should a tempest or other sea - peril overtake use every reliance might he placed in the professional skill and energy ; of Captain Starkey, was soon openly or tacitly acknowledged by all on board. The weather throughout happily continued fine, , but the'arind was light and variable, so that for several days after we had sighted the mountains of Jamaica, we scarcely app'ared to diminish the distance betwi'en them and us. At last th-' breeze again Llcw steadily from tate northwest, and we gradually near- ed i'oiut MIorant. We passed it, and opened up the -bay at about two o'ehock in the morn - when the voyage might be said to be over. —This was a great relief to the cabin pas- scagers—for bey -end the ordinary pleasure to lant'Jfolk of escaping from the tedium of confineeut on sLipgoard. There was a constraint in the behaviour of every One that was exceedingly unpleasant. The • captain presided at table with 'free:-, your impertinence certhinly deservdd re- Dig eitilitr; the contersatioo, it such it could bike. Still I repeat,I will not fight with be called, was usually restricted to monesyl- you:, tables; and we were all very heartily glad " Bat you dual give my friend satisfae- that we had eaten our last dinner in the tion!" exclaimed Lieutenant Arguellas,who Neptune. When we doubled Point Mor - vans as much exetted as Dupont; "or by ant, all the pass• ngcre,except mtself, were heaven I will post you as a dastard, not on- ly throughout this island, but Jamaica!" Captain Starkey, for answer to this men- ace, coolly rang the s9nnctte, and desired the slave who answered it to inform Senora Arguelles that he was about to leave, and wished to. sec her. " The brave Englishman is about to place himself ender the protection of your aunt's petticoats, Alphonso!" shouted Du- pont, with triumphant mockery. " I ahnost doubt-whetber Mr. Starkey is an Englishman," exclaimed Mr. Des- mond, wbo, as well as his two friends, was getting pretty muchineensed: "but at all events as my father and mother were bore and raised in (Le ohl country, if you pre- game to imamate that"— Senora Argttellas at this aliment ap- proached, end theirnte Atoerican with some dilitrolty restrained himself. The lady ap- peafed 'surprised at the strange aspect of of the company she bad so lately left. She, boweyer, at request of the captain, instant- ly led the stay late the home leaving the rest ether tisitots, as the French say, rho:t ea lg. Ten misetes afterwards, we ire informed that Captain Starkey had let iljte house, after impressing upon E�eoora Argucltas that the lepton would sail the next mai- Mg precisely at ninil o'clock. A renewed torrent of rage, contetnpt and scorn broke forth at this annieece ne.l, and a duel at emir time seemed.Moritable between I.ieu- 0140 4 i as mutat to Os nisei `it Fmdiod, wbiebisstaotly hvtgid a g� of L7'a tenant Argtrelta,s sed namel genilcmin maei!r, %q 'hoot somebody or et �cstnopd the last ing great anxiety r is vindication in bed, and a quarter of an hour afterwanb Captain Starkey went below, and was semi busy, 1 understood, with papers in his cabin. For my part, I was to excited to sleep and 1 continued to pace the deck fore and • ` ' ifs • er wbnse weight wi11 cot .beet L - t' 1 it the til' I yor"Cst of hit Amgia,ii.ms tina;,.r, This, how- ever, Wrll'iterrek6, mod ttir" play br*M rP ti ttitl et triabtdkit. �� a worn all os.hosllt by .;he se cd time as the following tseroii. {S.• Mark' ftttteirethtivitli civil Nolifferenee, mid l noticed that ilia elaborate stir •rt which sat apse the toolmaking* king* of buyout and 11111. • Lissrmsest•did n astypser M the ttigbeIat degree w litho se Mill. Walt Ma fie averted rye and Neiman! aft of T►tssI't aiatgsii. M s e,p'.itlitjab S.para AaAttei- he tnrgsda thft .Me., drawl' bar Mal" cera t+�wy toundi ar ohs swepi y, u if — so I ptrbspe wrongfully istsrpeeted the se • the • • athletic figuref the cap-11)ep the remaitior colored in4, th• campanwn-ladder to the deck. and with, law: acept the captain. a•rrtkodi y + trumpet yoke eommeeded irmaediate "throe ; 1 l n slat hear another t' lee asaeato..54 , instantly folowed by the order to again although he eoi.-e amt es ever, his emote- r'• batted ik w* the blaring betehway. The, . Dance, I noticed, was ashy plc, jet Aril ever of unswertiag resolution. with ln; own asafstanrt', was promptly eft: c- t , We mu and will, sir, since alio job } . :cd, and than be disappeared down the fore- 1 but we are :rally overcrowded heli,, er- castle. , perially with our ugly customers ttf111 l.k :Um tttr-nr three minutes be was gee rosbd sa.' r . --it could scarcely have beta tnwe than + • ata; one &wheat ; 1 cosset `lift t thee. .teased neeraiaakle; and se en!- Ain whilst there is a firing snot et hoar He ahpped knstdy forward, and Pease pimply ill it appear to M i e,egaisd that mated at the gamma, with the t eau Ate t*rst,iepwa •ices bee juai rieeM a.aeeteas body of the Liestewsat a ser sad hi, ., that est a weed was spokes', Dee iii is nos. had dropped it o'st l►s ash the boat. There was s sf i a Linger, i think mored till be reappeared, f seal. Tit 1 .core fuse floe next urtaol tit ettla rill ,{re. Ml dragging *I' whet seared s dead ri t. • Now tett torr Iivtlp!- body in las ansa. Ifs fly?* its kerdes os nave, from an !mil et of .elf petreer -- tie dank, pad pami ag swiftly is when Ilsw- *inset fest Mb eke tense, sad ik Mai i e1, eeid e a low hurried whiyar, tyro'+( ni. Costa* Hara.s, easl.t beet aa,6ble to me, -ism iota aid room W I4 hiswollteml• eller al Am 10 I a rased esaa rj�• aha .1 pewees**, ppl snag sy pratobs fres the i him ►sad, in eke ire . .. 1 esbis later. (;inrk *twit' bags es. Katt] M ballad alms i'-' sinewy, t u .c o v t four men and l�lateaasl 1 y 1441st lea; ung, at it were, frena the ' 'bey were, bowers', all -speedily saabeiki4 already ked aid Maskesed with lie ' ate, but it we" o to w wnm+e.w•' "wire- ,o.- e •"'' » ' . -.;Zs..e+'s*1-s..r:.� w-: n• .er" - r • t�• w :t-i:y ape' ' .ry — .ty a. ..,x • �„ v tet. %' ii,". s