Huron Signal, 1852-02-19, Page 4MP v. • • v MO vv.. vggaganagavareamv•-•• geig THE ITTTRON SIGITALX1311MITCET, FEB. 19, 1852. 6 CIIIPPA IVA FOCA DRY- FigigT fag 11110. MOFFAT'll VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PROSPIRGTEIS. DIVIBION 4.0 Utillat ••••• THE was theism. Craw irdt W HAMM In Voleenry wItSs 40111shed. se Connie* "6'. r"th 4.4 ‚Inc., t Tan Cemeces,“ • Isi-weell WOW OR& 110111•4 UMW Le." I" : L CilIF if tiliki*.k• lb° r semar et lind et the times mid placed 1.1111.114 s 11 m be demised mobs dlesesaiee ink "Drf • . G.A.„.b. rad Fersert; el Me dez;isi "wpm OA row. ...nosy wee" r,b,..u. Is • elm Jeered is ihs Prate.- it ie Johlt !lurks*, Toyota, 113'h , es111.11"11 he fas PA11•614111# inahe Row; de- nail 27111 Slay. r,..,664.....ekr- cassein eftfm erliwriples en which the O11110 DItinfoS• Tim riebdielieee cr ri Tu. ccm.44.7,,c11":".:1„ .joas.".3.1.1,V;V:.....Igac.arryjW.14:17.sku*rd..11:31;111FAH.411 it IMO be esedeeted. ietimate their iateatiee te modem • themembir ',cern ott1'1'''• , ,, r kis:, i'411"168•1 NewsiMiden. ars be denrime• to lbre Quirk', Tavern, Ledo, Real; ..i.I getters' latereme siCastada, 1111111 SO dee priamples and glat May tote C•rul'''11-. of milimal Roseau by the gradual adaptioo el roults o1/100.• ..1kbe laratirsoloso idtbo Cumin to the pro res- School Hoon. r.o."°°. 3"I r`b"a" gad .1,.aseprcereeraest et tie reeehattee. g 11..y. Ja,..e. C. went E•181- C'tik tu themselves exclueiyy ,#oesicut: eetik:n.oi.tbo 40111 R.heork's Tavern! Snliej:7•:;;•1.26 rjrla." r.nyi0t."1". 1.--."*". Iller CRON'S retrain mid 22th May. Janes Odense, E.4. • i abk4slaess •xxi elLneocy Newttp•Pc't flaacke's Tsserene.eVeii:xelrfield. 6 eertimthe111(F1,1h. Preen is impaired by the bitterness of party sot- ccd n't,a Mn- pord/l.nsi R trhie, rm. 110,11%111111*.aey Opbypc,,,‘",10.re./47.."peitoma.. olito,ufellolveLe•ci We& llare el ohm 041004 claim re p•trietic ARTHUR ACLAND1 , • ImPfsarrt Gederich, 2'.!..1 Ike. 1031. y4o46 White" The Casadi•s" wilt engage fearless- ly dreaussios 0(the greet gigeglailiall IS 00- •wslorst. Polley. sad a/semi Impremmego which inset emeisetly worm the Public mind. ire e01lIMI•11 will, as far ea nsay be commoners witb free amen., asd tarearnion, mudiormily sued the exhibit."' ref pommel m party t•noor sad ismetter, arid will .1 .11 time* cultivate • waaet Gad tbsperin• 11111411114 toss amid 'Melds - moo rat prieorphes mid et their proctical opera - Th. belief that • learns! conducted with mach views, and is reek a spirit, is required by the increased teielliettees tiod PoPslattoe lb,* lo- cality. aid ao.cooatry geoerallg, has prompted the Publishers to baud the sadertakiag lor the INOppoet or which they oow •ppeal to tha rebid, Is *eliciting &SI. they awed' referteCe la the Burney ability. which, at considerable ,pecust. trey disk. Mat with ranch confidence in torment, they have mewed ; esal la avowing some ot the teadiag principles cm which " The Canadian" will be conducted, they pledge therneelves that It will fearlessly and uncompromistegly advo- cate mad absolute civil 'guilty among the meted religious 8ects denoutinatmos Is ihr• Pteviees ; sad as • corollary to this pricier - plea" The Casettes" will int ly mamma OW immediate applicators Of the emirs pro. coeds .1 111. Clergy Reserves to the further - ace of k:docation, sod to other public porporree, with the speedy aholitium and satiric- tton of the Reetorte.. " The Canadian" will advocate Reciprocity of Trade and Commerce with the Honed State., and overy measore for the advenceroent of the Metesatile sad Agricaltural Interims of Cana - Greenfly, " Tbe Casedian" will be a warm and :calms (timid to every measure belong s trodency to promote the interests of labour, and to ameliorate the cooditios of mankind : and to predeee herromy, good feeling, and fellowship •neentg the different 04110,11 of society. " The Canadian" will be pieced under the immediate editorial thanagemeat of Timers Margolies. Eel., of Ike HURON 810VAL ; lad wt11 be misted on • large Imperial sheet, with sew mad lusderowt type, on Wedoesday and flatarday01 each week, et the Printing Office 01 IltonanIrson'& -H•aets, the- Poblisisers. Taaits.-15s. pe asesm, if paid strictly io 17s. 61., if paid within Mx moeth• from the time a subscribing ; or 20e. at do. end 0(Me year. Papers delivered by the Carriers. 90s. Kis( Street, Elansilies, Jammer, 24, 1852. WOUND on the Iloron Road .1 507 place, A basket Containing Clothing. the own er can have it by provng the proper', and paying Charges, Lot 28 Huron Road Cun• 1141111111/100 Tuckersmith. A L.EXAN DER HYSLOP. January, 27tb, 1852. v5 -al Apti Steam Engine Manufactory' . 1•1=11.111. 1111E Undersigeed 14 now prepared to do • all kicds of work in tbe best manner, and at short notice. The Patterns of Steam Engines for grist and Saw Mills, are all new and la the most approved kind. Also, complete sets of gear- ,, Bitafting, lee. for Grist and Saw Mill., --to which the atteatioa of tbe public is Particularly directed. Having devoted considerable time and expense to getting op th• best description ,o I.:twine, with all the other Ilift•Seillty fil• tures for Mutely Saw 114111s, is mow ready to offer them with gaht cosfideees to thorn, in want ef such machinery. Them Engine., kr, contain all the recent improvesseste, ind are very complete. Seven of them are now finished, and the. dimmed to such that oarld#, desirous of purchasing can Ise fitted tip in a few weeks, with everything nee's- A Boiler Y•rd is also attached to the Er- tabliehment, where boiler's of the beet qual. WANTED.•ty will •1 all to • es bo made ord•r, on reasm onable terms., and of the best materials et:nos AND CORS• 'r ' TER and workmanship. Aot ',disco b in returning hie sincere thanks to the P•blie for the liberal support received him eine, his commencement in t Be1r.c. to inform hue that his stock, is nos replete widi every article usually kept In a country Store, having made considershle Mitchavio in the British and Ainerican mar- kets which he intends Selling el cost. Pre- sloUrs lo retnnyining in1.1 'he New Store, ehteh he intends to be ready in the month of November, Any of the shore article. taken As cash Ana the b.at price Allowed for them. Therefore, cone to the Cheap Store arid s•uly yeur names' by buyine where tbere is one price sod one price only.' W. C. TIPPET. Bayfield, 3Is1 August, 1451. s4n28 wnEAT, POR NOTICE. THERE is an excellent operant for. a A" TINSMITH In the Town of 8tratfo(4. Couoty of Perth, ono who understands the business would find as good an openiog is Stratford for country business as any whets is Canada West. Stratford, 22,01 Jan. 1852. •5•1 Improved stationary Fire Engines con- stantly on hand, rewty for delivery. Iron Planing, Turning, Screw Cittiline, Brew Casting sod Finishing, Ste. dose in every vertety. In connectim with the above, there is now in coots. of erection the largest Stove Foundry in the Province the Mouldieg Floor of which will cover upwards of 10,, 000 vinare feet. There will be coat:iterate on hand • Storm of the most approved Potterns pf English .nd American Cooking Ranges. Stoves, Ste. fitted with Tin mr1 Copper Ware com- plete, also, the handsotneet and newest ,tyles of Hall and Psrlour Stove., a variety nf Plain aad Ornamental Patterns of Cast Iron Fence arid Gate., all of which will be aold at lower prices than have irser before been offered to the public, and which, from the position of Chippewa, as retards water communication, can 10 forwarded to any elm of tbe Province, at a ••fg 11011 RA - ?enge. OLIVER T. MAK LEM . Chippewa, June 24, 1851. Spect.-22 •111 D PHCENIX BITTERS 'Th.lahala nod ..4.d ablebemy "thew thew p.• 1.4alag•I Atieranfew bow estyaleed fee their howasible elliewty be Hi 160 &ewes wheat user reline to wee. W. 1116 weal prwrisee of wan stet wily .....o.').galeg). bet .00, e Imo. 'They au Mom by Writ (0.10, 10.0eval worts witty foe thew wa they Wive tee• by the_6 ef she e.,,10M.MIL Mir ._ 1/1_.111L ROO 1.1:11111M1 101 ASTHMA. 4COTS wed CHRONIC RIILU114 Tux IFIECTIONS 0/ LiliS RI -ADDER out KIDNEYS. 01110(101 reveals a LICS• oulertaidarra•- ni its mite mi mos +bob don ammo wen& WO t•Ill e l. bowl lowlstable. emote fi10....bed Mhos. Was w▪ 10...ee SbIlediewc oxen allomards ,..h..(ag L. CUOLIC. Rol YEAOIM LL...0.00. RUSS. CORTIVILNRsa. COLDS & COtti1111. CHoL.C. cometimmots Seed with wen swam et rho Warw. COS/ OPT HUNIORS. f0 1/1.111411. DYSPEPSIA. So ewer thre Wilma& as ear. sloe& Abby ems Oro g...10-.....10-..Imobsikoly RAVY(WAIII 0/ tha tato KILYSIFKLIo. ?LATH LS NC V. ✓ VI( end SOUK. rot otose•• rrwo.”. loth Soweto these ember= IVA be fowl • ea.. mewtr .*.Ii. •. wooer reggegeg. Odes reline. Weed. welees Weeet to • ov.,i.,.of Ow Wowe-• owe lw slow reettewee worn...A - rISv TRAM. XX OA flaslIV.S. fih11 SR C(*111(0rolIL,10R.4S qf .•o.110,1-4.,(1. GENTIDAL DDHILITIT. tuctIT. 41011WINCOS. ullArgL ItEADAt•HIO..econ ••44. INWARD pares. isscausissuer #1111.11.0A • AXE FACTORY, 477. &e. IIESobscriber begs to intonate to the farmers and new unhesitantn or the United Counties, that be baryct coinp'eted hie arrangements, and ts now prepared to furnish Axes, warrented, cf ii supeitur q las loyormil on terms suited to the circumstan- ces of the country, and the quality of tbe article. Ile also invites all farmers to Call amr.ex ; amine hir improved specimen cf the CANADIAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, which he briers himself will b3 found superior in many resoects to any other Plough now in ute in Coe section of the Province. HARVEY BRACE. Goderich, Aug. 31, NAL r4cr17 A TEACAER WANTED F3R No. 1 School, Colborne, holding Certificate from the Public Board of Instruction, apply to Tromees of said school on or before the 1014. February, Colborne, 225*3 Jan. 1852. GODERICIL 22nd Jimmy, 1862. NOTICE. PARTIES whose Accounts of 1850, remain unpaid are hereby notified, that unless those &dances be immediately settled, the under- oeireed will, without any distinction place them, in tho hands of their Solicitors for Cofilection. Grain of all sorts, of a marketable litelity will be taken in payment . 11. B. SEYMOUR k Co. 60-4t GODERICII, 22nd ha. 1859. THE Subeeribers' Stone Warehouse, situ ated on tbe Harbour Quay, having bean completed, the Publia are respectfully in- formed, that the same is now open for the Storing of Produce, Merchandze, ate- Ice. es the most reasonable ternie 60-61 M. B. SEYMOUR k Co. THOROUGH BRED BULL FOR" SALE. T411. eabsciiher te dispose of be Thotoogh Bred. Durham Ball. asd .01 do so on reasoosb;e WM!: The animal is an ex- cellent specimee of his kind -strong and well formed. He istwo years cl,t, end hu takes the Bios premium each year, at ise Exhibition of the Ultimo Agoeultaral Society. He is faithless, awl the owner desire, to part with hire merely with the •isyr of chaining the breed. A good Deroosiiire or Ayrsoire Bell eon be tekea ex. clisoge. JOHN SALKELD, Saytield• Road.' Goderich. Dee 24, 1851. ir4s46. NOT IE LOST. THE Subscriber lost in the Town of Wood stock or neighborhood, in December Imo a small pocket book coalitions, Male moon!, • nd • Note dated 12 November 1831 by M•• Francis Fishleigh for £5 3 74. to the Nobeeribee-Whoever has rimed the ROM% will plies,. COMMithleste with Mr. Reid. Stratford. -Payment of the Note bag been stopped. JOHN Mc DON ALD. Stratford 28 ha. 1832. (VOL IMPUILII BLOOD. /411NRICR. ./ 44 11 riTS. LIV1D13 CONIPLAINTS. LILIckicS Y. 1.0110/a•11001. 05.4414 Now Wks to wain. 0•184l4, all Ile .11 cis .4 NI•r•uo ••• merle ...Ow l *10.10 6.4•Mi VVVVIIVfid witaratow Osomputto 1411:011T 1411 EAT.0 ,'.10 1111:1 neeitir V. NEI( l'oC0 COW PL.I ts of ail Ow& VISO INIR. AYILGTIONS PA, 111'1 rieiNS 1:1101.1(:, PILEs. wormal on I. Id lot or ts se rovrInoos ▪ V.. Rerre & rem wwwa as in im thin td• teetoe•c P41 \14 thallIV.A• oak. 104. 10.- coos and .amo• tt tt t" hi A le s M • alflrerett onto it. own.. drowse be row or ober O unit -do m.o.-nos 1/1111 ea BLOOD tet y, 41LT0111.1,1I. •Si FULA... RIND'S IlYiley woo. hew. 1 1.. 44.., .1.01,1 44,04 .PS 111, 0 R r.r kin.. ant tiC0.13. r.t. 4,1 14 Anse lIashesame egnms0 sesli *a sell,. adnolsomet "yr. • Ira nIwo...sworn sortottrun• Re:of 1...1 We wt.. ROBERT Nr.tn, •11001L-ISELLNIt & STATIONER. et 13 timpani. Ma de• Howl.) Comer of Dusdas and Talbot -it ttttt , Leaden, c. W. Schuot &mks, Common esd Clef/Meal Beek. itli iadieg sad Raog of every dentimicia Ezece• ted du Premium. la' Order, km Accost Books, from tb• Tiede or Country Merchants, punctually encoded too mole liberal dim:most allowed. Ti I MAI the Heron Sonmei.-T Leaden, Much 1861. 4,4 :811lELINGS per annum if paid strictly in TIIE U1TBOKS1GNAL Is Printer{ 04- Patna erery Tkurstiast llY GEO. & JOHN CO(. (Iffice, Marko! Square, Godericla. er Book and 3 ‘b Urintin4 cstcuted with Drawees and dispatch. . Lands for Sale tH the Township of WawanOsli. %VIE following Lots of Land. the proper- -6 ty of WI& Garrett, Esq., Kinston, are new for Sate, namely, - Cos. 6, Westsbalf of 07, 100 acres, Con. 6, Lots 26, 27, 28, SO, 31, 32, 1000 acres. Con. 7," East -half of 28, Lots 30 add 31, 500 acres. Coo. 10, Lot 30, 200 RMS. The above lots are siteated on, or near the River Maitleod. The land is of the eery best quality and well watered, one- fourth of the price in required down, and the remainder in ten annual Instalments with interest. For further particulars apply to the Subscriber at tbe Crown Lands Office, lituon Road. JOHN CLARK. Goderieb, 27th Feb,1851. v4_o2 F. Et C. II. BUHL, NIAN'UFACWRERS of Hats, Caps and It -R Fancy Furs, Wholesale end Retail Dealers is Fur., Buffalo Rubes, Deer Skies, Glove*, Mittens, kc. kc. • . Cask Paid for I'vrs. The highest price, paid, st all ti nes in Cash, for all descriptions of Shipping rut, by F. k C. BUHL. Detroit, Michigan, Aug. 1851. vO.,28 ROWLAND VILLIANN, A OCTIO1111111. is prepared to attend Sales ie •ny part .1 10 Utoted Cniinties, ere the Moot liberal teem.. Apply ha 16. F1001 , Division Cowl office, or at bre home, Ewe Street, Goderieh. N. 11 -Goode .01other ',reportv will he received to well *elm, by priests or putalse .• 1 r8, 18611. •4.111. - - - - WANTED. A sCHOOL TEACHER for School -1•; Somme No. I, Waweno.h, he must prodoe• a Seemed Claes Certificate. ROBERT TAYLOR. Trustees, WILLIAM MALLOGGII, REMEDY MACAO. Wauseon', Dos. 2, 1851. .41•42 WANTED. TOR 18. 3 SCHOOL, Clodertrat Teoratiip( • Tearer, 44a144i4 • First Class Ceetillieste, ye gime • Siberia Oaks, win be siege te the Theme 49 4 STRAYED from the subscriber, Lot 25, Hay, Lake Road, Two Steers five yrs. old -one Dark Red, tire other between Yellow and Red. 511 Headed. Any ooe finding them and using inforination where they they may be obtained, will be suitably rewarded for the.r trooble. -EWAN CAMERON. Dee. 2, 1831. v2c42 111EXE. NAZE/HUN FOR SALE whence or Twelle and his reuse with y OT No. 2. the W.Side •f North Strut _LA in *1*. Tows of Goderirb Terme Easy. Apply to, D• 11 LIZARS, Soncirer, Stretferd. Goderich. Sub Infil HOW. THE subecriber begs to inform the inha- A; mots Godertch and its vicinity, that he has received • Large Supply of the La- test Improved Patter°. of COOKING, B 0 the eapiration of the ear. No paper discoutimed until arrears are paid up, unless tie publisher tkielie it hut eadvaatage to do so. Any .inditidual in the country becoming responsible fur sit sebneribers, : a setenth copy gratis. r•J" All letters isstdressed to the Editor must he post-paid, ur they will int'ee tales out of the post office. Terms of Atfrertisi g.-- Six line, and milder, Gros taw rime, .00 ti Eaeli eubsequent inserfion, 0 0 7: Ten lines and under, font inser„ 0 3 4 rmse Each sacquent insertion, 0 0 10 Withest arremittog , Over tee lines, first in. prr line, 0 0 ac q E MAIM' uest insertion 0 0 1 AND PARLOUR STOVE'S, cfr A liberal dreount made to those who "Um' advertise by the year. which he alms for Sale at very Prices fur Cash. The subscriber al.o keeps on heed as usual, at Ins Olt! Stand, a large and very superior assortment Tolf,eTilluNb: WARE of every deem:tenon. amber takes this opportunity of returning hie sincere thanks to tbe Public for the very libetal patronag• he has received ORR! he TUE LIFE FIEI.3 8:10 fllii.111 BITTE1S PURIFY TUE 131.808, And thus retnuve an disease from tbe symete. A 5104re 'Vial .111 Slate tie LIFE PILLS ived PHOENIX BIT lEIS beyw.I the resea coorpr litho. tr. the witetatio• of liter, wetrot• The osieltne 41 ,4*... angslieiwee are SOW rid op in ,..1141. t, .f4 kb•IL tr.th • wort...t. wiled •Oartl.e." tronwervi toe nowt.. as, o•w4,i00. o • &ono nf Besviewas 11, as Wall &heel NO 04.1 rehiels orso‘cro 0, lt• city ow wry oh:2 I Pad es. Tire oworpers awl Swots..i, we cnyyree Woolf.* Owe oho procure We.. troth • 1.11• wee, *WU they .rt teaming. 1.• csrvinl. .10 4. art bey Wow Intb pollees worprent; bet if r, rAr do, Wisesert riot nes gosa• 41010 fia . ot, or 4oit.00• 1117- rreparea awl 204 by DD. vrir..z.ze.ia 33. viorrivr, 133 Swadoiy, cower of Amapa,' street, 1v•0 Tot rcr FAO a• BENJ. 1,m:so:Ns, Sole .1gent. 9 TAILOR,' GRATEFUL for the liberal Wrestle° which he formerly received from the respectable iohabitants of Goderith and the surrounding country, begs to inform his old customers and the public generally,that HE HAS NOW RETURNED, and opener, his TAILORING ESTAB, LISILMENT in the house next door to 51. B. Seymour es, Co.e Store, West street, ODERIC where, by punctual at- tendance on Busioess, and strict attention to the • Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. L1BDIRN1 DIN DR. P. A. McDOUGALI. has been in business in Goderich, k hopes C A N 4.. consulted at all hums. a by strict attention to Weems', and mode- F- Cooing',, Fen; -Si. ate pccee, to coatinUe tO reealv0 a abate Godmek,sept. 333b,18.38. 33 THE subscriber begs to info:tu nts nu- meroue friends and cuatorners, and tho public generally, that hie LARGE BRICK BUILDING is now completed, am( that front the great increase thus added to his -for3ner premises, he is now enabled to offer accommodation to the travelling public at least equal to that afforded by any other House in Town. And without beino anx- ious to monopoliee the entire tavern busi- ness of Godericb, he •t least hopes fur • couttnuanee of the patronrge which he has hitherto enjoyed, and will always endeavor to *enure the satisfaction ct hie guests and customers, by attending to their comforta- ble accommodation. ROBERT EI.LIS. N. 13. -The Stabling at the Colborne Inn is extensive aed of the first gnality. Godericb, June 11, 1851. vitsel PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. rllIIE Suhscriber begs lege. to isferm the Inhabitants of the Distriet el/boron, and the neighboring Districts. that be has Established himself in Stratford, and prepard eerie@ Plane end Spectfic•- arms of Public or Private Builmngs, Bridg- es, Mill Dame Lc. kc. 12.c., and will take the supertotendenee of si.ch Erections, on the most reasonable termy. Ilis thorough knowledge °fills profession and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for any undertatine in the lose. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON. Mohler, Le. ke. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 6111, 18;19. 1e•-•71 - Newest &most approved Fashions, he hopes to merit a fair share of public patronage. Goderieb, Hey Tith, 1851. c4n15 of public patronage. N. B.-Grainjog, Painting, Glazing. Pa- per and Bell Ilaegino. emoted on as hereto- fore. WILLIAM STORY. Goderich, Sept. 4419. v2n3 I -- NATIONAL HOTEL lilt UCEFIELD. THF:-SUBSCRIlla begs leave to lc - form his friends sad the peblie rally, that he has now gut the National Hotel 'so tar completed, as to vr•rrant hint lettering that bit. prepared to fornirm ac- eqeunotlation for nose osd horse, equal at least, to anything that can be felled be- tween London and GoJerir b. The .Valito. al Hotel is s1500te41 in the Iteatitiful and thriving village el Brucefii•lif, i8 'miles from CrOderich sod 43 miles from London. .01 8.3.1 the eligibility cf the situation, •nd strict attention to the cornfmt of his guests and customer', Le !roper for • share of pubs! Iic patronage. ; 'JOHN McKENZIE. Brucefield, 1s1 Ian. 1s51. •3-n46 TRAVELLER'S HOME, 'STRASBURG, WATEet.00, 3314. Febreary, 1849. THE Subscriber hereby intimates to hi• 2- froinds and tbe Travelling Public gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village et Strasbergh, and will now be found in tharwell-known house for- merly occupied by Mo. Jones, -where he will be ready and able to coednee to the comfort of those who may honor hint with their patronage. And while he returns thanks for past favor.. he hopes, by etnet :atteetion to the wants' and wishes of hie customer', still to merit a cootie ttttt of their Petrel'age.'• ..*-ioni4 ABEL. . ILL -Good .STABLES and attentive Gf00v2-Oftf 1#11. WATSON So WILLIAMS, DWATSON of Goderieb, Barrister ••••1 at Law, foc.k.c. and George V.illiams, of Stratford, late of the firm of Elector, Weller k Williams, Barristera Esc. Toron- to, h•ving this dny entered into co-partners *hip, in the practice and profession of Law, Chancery, and Conveyancing, will in future keep their Offices at Godench tz Stratford, respectively, under the name, style and firm 'of Watson k DOOM Weosore, Goderich. Gomm WILLIAMS, Stratford. title December. 1349. s3047 _ FRUIT TREES! k-7 TRAYED from the eubsenber on or a- bout the 5th day of Mar last, a Large Yoke of Stsers-ose a Dark Red. 9'11h long wide horns, sad a ..a( lump on the right fore leg ; the ether %Chile, with light rod spots thr•mgh the bed•, omit four year. old. Also, throe Ile,fers, ne• dark red with whit. stook, theatre- the body, three yews old -one White .0* red moots en Iter body, sae veer 01-1-14*e wirer Brindled with b xr/111111 Inc., Gee year 01,1. Any per sew givieg math informati,m it Will 1001 10 11111If geCOney. Ilei 1 teems. • R•oe.o'cl o($ DUNCA:Y 54eRF:NZIE. Township rif Smalley, 414. wow 1.1 111, 1014. Nov 1431. NOTICE TO PARTIE4 IN ARRE.ARS F013 TAXES. _E -SEES Ot LANDS under the ALa Canada Comesny in the United Colle- tt** a throe, Penh sod SO/CO. The Col • lemon' .1 ,4*. "snout Townships ef the game ate hereby informed. that the Carmel* Company will dtseherge all mews of few* whtek the mad Linda ;say hew* been liable t• at 'Sedate of each Loses recepeetwely. Goderwh, November 28144,1851 Meel VALUA BLE FARM LOTS IN THE TOWN- SHIP Of GOOF:RICH FOR SALE, VIZ.; LOT 27, ist conceesion, fronting the Lake, contaming 83 Acres, about 40 • of which are cleared end 1 anted, arid LO 36, 2nd concesouo, contaionig 80 acres of wild land. 'rhea° Lots aro rAiiated about inid.vray betren the Town of Goderich ars? Village of Bay field. For particulars appl7 to JOHN CLAL' . - Croo n Land Agent, Goderic 414* June, 1,51. - subscriber in returniog thanks to the -a inhabitants of tho County of Flores generally for the very liberal encouragen turret be has met with in the Sale of Fruit Trees. begs to announce to the Farmers of these United Countitte that be is prepared to introduce this Fall, • large sod well se- lected stock, comprising every vsnety of Nursery frees, epee his utrual liberal term,. It would be superfluous to enlarge upon the superior elerits a this Nurvery, •nd the qualattes of Fruit brought from it -hut the large quantity of Trees that hewn been distributed over nearly •11 01 tipper Canada, fir the last 18 y eeee hie :tuned for thee Nursery a superiority ever most other. The sobeenlier wend Ng to istrodnee to the commie( ell them who wish as get good Winter Erma tre celebrated Norther* Spy Apple, its qualities eresuperior to ell others of its hssd, keerawg geld July. awl preeerv • mg ail its freelieesemal flavor, which ie a grim. derohloratem sniff that period. The eebeeribes would als increase that hie Dwarf Peer is is great demand as a Gorden ?butt, berate( is too years aftin pleetIng. Etery of Fruit Trews, Groomsmen mad Iteergrowe Trees mid Shrubs, Hardy Hlerbeeeese 111400‘.10rille Plaids, Dahlias, Bellow" Flowernselloots, See. Catalogues eta be had of soy local ca travellieg agent, givtng • fell deeerfettee. Terse. or 4.,,3O Tome are takes. SO per Neared, or le SJ worrowey NON NAN IQ Trees. le 61 el'. two yeses trail*, betas payable with inter. me. Orden will lie received. sad say in- foretatioe gime 4. Mr. oraeHomo., Market Illetnime. awl ilt• Posit W mate, Uwe* Hetet. indeed. Imal agouti fee Are Plumieve. SAM GIRL MOULSON. Old Eearwter Newry, N. Y. Gederieh, 1St! My, 101. SS JOS 11111011/ING eif *veer ilieurrove. NOTICE. IJIIIE Revimme hereteinee- serrigd ea 4.ems I iv, •otire oh. elm et SIMI sad Beigge law New flevlbal Tservive bee Mt* day bees dminlved by "mewl rftuoutt. D 14. Reetile, t1Aco8 RUNT. • EDWARD SR10011 Tire aml ohm We tete, th'e maim boomer ern be earned we vister dos tide id Ilost Wad LANs. ereeley, 804. Dee., HNC sefl 'HORACE HORTON, [Markel sqe-iee, Garrick.) AGENT for the Provincial Mutual sod General Insurance Office, Toronto, - Also Agent fur cis* St. hareem* Conotv Mutual, Ogdensburg, Now York. ',evil Agent for Samuel 3OUI1011 OidRothester Surgery. July 1850. 22 - _ Wanted to Borrow £300. CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE • cl.) P 4 N Y. . THE Sandier baying been appointed -a.. Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURAVGE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for 'Assu- rance, and will 6e happy to afford to any person them y information, as to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATSON' Godericb, 3th June, 1849. or2n 91 ' STAGE OFFICE. THE Subscriber having perehased tbe premises at the kited OF Ligbthottee Street, known as II e Farmers Inc, and lately occupied Ey 51r. Andrew Donough, indestrono of intintalmg 10 4.4. friends sod 1the public generally that, be hes cowmen- ' ced businesses Inn Keeper in the said pre - miles and by 'Witt atteetion !obis business end wraeinlly to the proper aestommorfa- 'ion of those who may favor bim with their costom he hopes to obtain • fair share of ?omelette. The Med Stalge to and from Hamilton, lessee and arrives aad i good supply of horses and eccireoilions vehicles will always be hept fur hire on reasonable terms. N.B.-Good Stabling *el expertenced add Minim hostlers always in reedioess. GEORGE HOESON. Goderieh, 9th April, 1861. ir4ra8 FOR which maturity for twice the &mow in Real Estee-, will be given. The property is situated within less than twenty iniles 41 Goderich towo, on the leading road of the District, aed in one of the best Agri- cultural settlements of Hume. N.B -For particulars apple to tbe Editor of the Humus Siged. Goderieb, 10th Sept. 1831: 80 seell=rafressepeeed nis c #0 IRA LEWIS, B A RRISTER, SOLICITOR, Le. Wise - street. Goderieb. Jime 1818. • flys25 DANIEL 11103IE LIZARS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, mid - eer, Seltenev in Chaucer!, Ise. tie lis .ffiee as formerly ill Stratford. Stratford, 2ed Jae. 1850. 3-vs49 DA:VIT.!. GORDON. ir /ONSET MAKER, Three doers Fasitf ihr• Canada Compaes's fr.cei Wt0- street. Getlerirh. Auenat 274. 1849. 1,r15 „THE OLD BAKERY. HNEWMAN, BREA D. CATE. Comets . • mid PASTRY SAFI& Ms, don, Few Wks Cased. Compasy's Office, IV sac-c-tes, Ger rteh. Goderieh, September 24. 1;.:'. STRATFORD IRON Foist:my. -Tb subscriber hams( purchased the met. est of Mr. C. J. %Citron in the above E. - habiliment, is 'boot to ennt inert the Bea- ms on Ists own responsibility. In trauma, thanks to the public fur the very liberal ow couregewent received byclattolci:%;:se.Ge,. be begs to mit itnat• that he woe constantly keep on hand an astiortment of Soperior Crmoirerat, consisting of PaidicaTril,osucor, tactil4;11tox ,ant:a-'1.:1;A),olltighler; of the most Improved Moulds,__ALILT ROLLERS, Teenhig 1.0100,0, seiati's Rollers, dpe. THRASHING MACHINLII of * soperier deeeription In ram hitherto try frolos their lightnes.ebooiereauogihbeastiedow le iete,,,100111,and better adapted this ems - strength of conetruction. A c 11 from le- teed's, pii-ch is requested before por- es ht °I 707! .I 11 la st ewe h rt. CO.12 n" r TAr a. dile ,. o(r.)2Re: 1 t_ceo. or - responding rates on approved credit. Stretford, Nth Jene,18110. !Astrid Crown Lando Office. •••••••• JOHN J. E. LIN t 'NOTARY PUBLIC, Ctirainiamoner 4.11, a- end Cone e y eee tr, Sm.:ord. V 1LLIAM REED. 1_10ugUltIllEitiotNee...1) ifilrelGe4NuedFAericbINT,Efie k. s October 25, 1849. 2.t.58 STOKES, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, West - .bet, Cloderich. July 1,860. 20-3 NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN TIRAT 1. rernetsing CROWN LANDS 1 is MIDFIELD sad WAWAN011141. ene sew epee FOR SALE -Alt *iceman', sadoems• nee r tieg thew Lards may he ebteined by spplytag ee DIS TILLERY TO BELL OR I ET. Subeeriber begs fo inform the PIA. A lie that be will sell or let les Osulle- re, 1141111104 RR cc'''. 14., Lot ag,e(t4. H, Teereehm of North Eastrame, donut inte raile'frotin the Sonnets's, Tema of Su t poi For part•eulars apply at the Post 08„,, go hoe •w stir nu the prienime ALEXANDER SCRYWAGER. North Feetkepia Nov. 1 itth, 1831. gem JOSS CLARK. MDarren Cmtwe Lee4 Agent od November 1114 . SNOW MYRON HOTEL, RV JAMES GENTLES, Goderick... AA Attentive Hest:ere always on head. Goderch, Sept. 12, 1850. 11-s3e S;ERACIIAN AND eamilea. Barrister aed Alfonsin et-Le14 • Gomm -it C . W. . JOHN STRACHAN Barrister and Atter oe, at Law, Notary Public and ancer. A LEXANDER WOOD STRACRAN, -"aAllots*, at Law, Solic.tor M Chess eery, Conveyaccer. ; Goderich, 17th November,MI GODERICH A'SrT10N ROOD& THF. mbiscriber haying reared the Rumen. Mr Hortee's Sadlery, Market Spasmin he i•timate tbst they ere ready for :he :leo. er Heneehold retaliate, Goode, Prn'eara, act petty el every deseripsono gib eb panes mil"; wish to offer by Auction nr Pliette Selo. DAVID 11. L1ZAR8 Godericb. Jen 11,53. NOTICE. - THE Sobeeriber harm, RENTED ibis mg le the Messrs. Davenport, of thie pllic4 hAas es‘Vta4:11:111.41°A7m1:e: ("I a Wa JOHN McEWAN. • HARP woof- .ite-7•1 elissts ef Godericii, will reciting WHIM" Asy orders or commission from *be Sler- roseate,' Inft f011111111O101• IlltaCia•NT. Wiltd•at, Vieth 1a49. ittnties. BOOTS AND SHOES. THE sebeenber hereby joineries 4.14.1 lakahitaele of Goderteh sed tbe Mt" tessiliog country, that he be. oommeeeed Wessel to the sleeve Into, i• 1 he Pie" formerly eceepow by Mr. Whet*. 110 lower part M West-etregt, and will Item emegatitly se bend a fell supply of awn; 451 BROSS eif every els• sod deeerm4011. insivf a magnet quality, which lie ITO •1111 to rams for Cash. 11-41145•••1 Wheat takes Is to ....M. lbeillOsst sastrbyt pelts. 11. 411110114 °W1164. Sept. 18$1. • , VIGINA1111 WEST STREET, GODERICA (Near the DIAN !Ammon BY MESORS. JOHN & ROST. DONOGH. G005 Accommodations for Traveller,, aed se emeetive lieseles at ell times, to take Hauge ef Timm. O•derieb, Dec. 6, 1850. 43-tf • WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., • CAPITAL $1,000,000. EZRA HOPKINS, Ilamiltos, Agee. See ALAI the Counties of Waterloo and Hires. August 27, 1850. 3.14 MR. JOHN MACARA. ARRISTER, Solicitor in Chseerny, - Attorney -et -Law, Cesveyenem, Ilse. ke Office : Ontario Bulldog's, Empat. opposite the Gore Bank, and the Bask of Ildtreh North Amemes. 414 T. N. MOLESWPRTH, MOIL ENGINEER end Prosiseial Lead 1110 Surveyor. Goderieb. " April 30, 1861. .4.11 DR. IlYNDMAN. 41UICK'S TAVERN, Leaden Read. May 1861. JAMES wOoDs, AUCTIONEER, le prepared to allege - Publ.* Salm in any part .1the Ueillni Colosimo, on moderate terms. Stratford. /1#7 1060. v4-414 PETER BUCHANAN, TAILO NEXT door to 8..13.Ceieser'e II' West Street, G04b. Clothes sad repainal, sea ev'I 6.1 ..14 Ike less space, sad mem Motel Mei& Number 1r4. 1431. Hee 14 Village imts in Port Alberc, A nhfield--for Sale. THESE well situated Let* Nos, Me. A 41, oh the East stde of Colrain* et aol P4.. 445, 41 end 12, on *be OM el seed street, fa tee ImIllemisg • of Fort Albert. ie else Toweerap Geld, Haigh Gisierieh. For farther beirmelMe. apply te J. ClOrIlif Eeq. C Lewd Oftlerrele, ee the CRT MOOR . ibtre waisney, gir, a.