Huron Signal, 1852-02-19, Page 3il1 - we le is xl .r- an ils I1 all' '4 he ;at trV eer- ers the ies arc I the and ac- ent cefl ; of V to iout itu- .rer tub - of both egai It is, 1, ra- ther ct in t at- 'ern - %Ate by a 'wart- ( N. et that kgrely have Mt do - too my Pflices, 'tricks 4 wra •' ri• t ia 1111040 11 we . _,-....--ememegwew"""SIMPRIC• • sr- - - • asswered by holltag oat his finger and cal- ligg yea "Grand Mamma." I may ashnit; Sir, that I am somewhat thigkbeaded, but 1 ase very certain that eves the Callrg reader be has got, will fed to discover either wit or argument in the expeogiosi, I am mire that I can me DOW. lie might last as well have cried Claick-a- dee-dee ! or Cock-a-doodle-doo!! and in- deed, I would aot be egrprimed after the, te hear ham do ro some fine morning when he takes another of those aerial eights.. Why Sir, I greatly fear Mae of his own " Jumps" (and I can aasure you they are ripe for any rivet of iniselief) have already, discovered his malady, and have been pok- ing rue at him by putting words in his mouth and making him call Isis report a simple nar- ration of futile place of a plain tiune,cf falsehond and abuse" as kis never failing monitor" had, in use of his lucid moments, caused him to write it. In sheet, he tried to create a prejudice against Horace Horton, for his conduct in the election; I asserted, and do still assert, that it was the father whir was brought out of another ward at the 'eleventh hour' to oppose the soo. And whenever the Loyal- ist will co de off his percA and condescend to realities and particulars, instead of Pure assertion and childish nisneenee, 1 hall eitber prove my statemeuts to be true, or admit my error and beg his pardon. • I remain, Dear Sir, Your obliged Seet, P. 1'. Godericb, lith Feb. 1852. • 1 TI1E SURON SIGNAL,GODERICH FEB 19 1852. •-• pleased thea otherwise to aro Mr. Galt united to the Loyalist party, lad 1 4011 cheerfully asaist io every effort that may he made to keep lam there, as I do like to see everyman at bums to his political exer- cises. Yours is earnest, AN ELSCTOR OF lit:ILO:IL TO TSI Everost ot SUS SHIMS 10111141.. Sia,. -1 maw John Gales feeler in the Huroo Loyalist. Where are tbe three men who voted for hias as a Gosincillor for Colborne, that he has to cane out himself Where is his old friend who voted with Liu) in 1S46 far Cayley. Ala. how the mighty are fallen!!! NOIVIll En/TROPE. --- so wila sinistell OW TILS WOISOS S*. -1' observe by a letter in the Huron Loyalist, that you bad refined to inert as Address signed by Jobn Galt to " The Electors and other inhabitants of the Uni- ted Counties of Huron, I'erth and Bruce." You certainly did right M my humble opinion, and 1 abould think in the opinion of all true Refomers. When a man turn. traitor to a cease, 1* has oo right to look for favors from the friends he has deserted. When a MA attempts to influence the Electors of a County by fetching such strong acruutions as" chicanery and false- hood," against any p.irty and more espe- cially against the member for the County, he ought to look the first place to see that be be in a such a position that be is free from the Ranee epithets as Inc has used against other parties, and which, at tbe mine time with more troth world equally apply to hinsself. Mr. Galt says, " Wherefore as hmest and consistent Reformers, • • • we cannot support the IlonoraLle Mal- colm Cameron." I would like to know who WE are, and whether he, dam Galt, supposes himself to be a paragon of Li- cellence in the shape of a "consistent Itelosneei.." Does Inc think that tbe whole Electors of the County will cry bay, whenever Inc bids them. No. The Elec- tors of Iluron mind the time wleo Inc Win eine of the staunchest supporters of Mr. Carley. When he used to league with d that he "was ynit avito• or Tata moao• shaysx. SIR, -In the Logo/tat of the 13th. inst. I have read two CON/DM an Address to tate Electors aileron Perth and Bruce by join Galt, and like all the other produc- tions of John Galt, it is a very dry atTair-- it contains sot one original idea. Mr. (;alt him laid hold of (Inc few silly, clap -trap ar- guments which the Glebe and (Inc other an- tiininisterial Journals have been retaining for the last three or four weeks, and, after husking tbem up in his own peculiar and inimitable style, offers them to the Reform- ers of Huron over his own potent signature art as Isis own sentiments. In a prepatory not;ce, Mr. Galt apologises to Iris. friends of the Loyalud, for troubling them, and as - as his reason for doing so, your refu sal to admit his Address 1 It thus appears that Mr. Galre political pr ndian: for '• jumping Jim Crow," is intended to Inc made epidemical. Ile is not pleased with exhibiting his own personal spleen aid dugmtsable selfiehnees, in his own person and through his own acts, but, he must irnis hare an organ. Ile 11 net satisfied may Jibe hese from me agam, but is the teatime bolting on for a strosiger pull. I am, air, Your moat obd't eer't, ALut. hitTcHELL. &IF+ Corners, S. Easthope, ltitb February, 1852. STORM IN THE NoRTII OF SCOT- LAND. The North of Scotland has just been eiret• ed by tete nf the eeverest storms that has happened there for neeca year.. It cons - °sewed by a slight fall of boor oo the 1eth ef January, and on the ifitn the rind seer- ei to Borth and north (met, blowing a gale. On the searoaet the storm raged with lin, nn 'team liners. no "gin" are aide precedented fury; and has done a great deal. lever,, of the hrgcst size, we believe ever of damage to property slim!. the east coast. put on board a reseet,the evlinder being 103 At Aberdeen the tide rose six fest above inches in diameter, with a wine feet stroke. bigheat ordinary lesel, and for a tone The collective power of the two engines oecastosed much uneasiness in regard to will upwards of 1,000 borse-power work - the new thmks, but such aro her strength • at a low pressure. 'The wheels are 37 and power of resistaoce teat they withetood - feet diameter; the teenage ‘2,4-02 tuns. The the waves, and the shipping in the harbour owners havf bran the more readily enabled escaped causer. At F'reeethurgh at the entrance of the Murray teeth, the storm to part with thi Aruba, from the fact that larfleassep•ii If"ts:e7"."hmicehathe",,,,f and destroyed the better part of that great ID, 0IC0 advanced that she will at launched in April yrepared to execute alt orders be may be u're"ual,ret'ar•ant wteolemile prices,. Ile is Alen has swept away a large port en of en Wen the Persia, another of their liners, is so far sive breakwater in coureie of erection there unalert•king. Al lioselioarty, • few miles next. favored with la the abose branehes in th. to tee westeard, the nee &Sept right over equal style of st ork marmites. Oil 11.e etteriesi tbe parapets of the ralay, eed temded some There were aline Pales io'w of it ha to nie.a,cde,:rstlym.riat reasonabie terms, for those - - - --- day 'wep (elm 10) to 1 ON bluets et - .1.'1.'4 Feb' 11 11' 1.853' parties oho have the nstethe, and feel dis of the booties in the lower pall of the town ' g• Leap P•ri lee fr int the country bringing eleove the eighwaier mark. Further up the ty. Tbe roads are gno.I. There as no e art clef to be repaired, ran get teem ea ' 17.. a 171 ed. per barrel. The muket was Fritb the fishing %Ones were ell more ori r.e.gh,ng is ihe city, tut la the cuuntry it theW r•ture b leavtog time' as ion as teey c. me in yiowo. A e ood isuiiply •weePleg away range of wall" property moderately suppeed, and wheat 'note plen• lees damaged, bit et MacJellan Barifithe stoseomes ma hind, and at 10J. per lengte. moat serious lots iwenreed. At the and N.11 --T;; e highest ()twice rinuodheiee otkrlanuse .oi I laYreatnhde v6etgrsewtab011ee. pri The price 01 wheat is 'till fe'enenatieneelPeecamcsaia.a„:7,„,"1,,, !nail A ti is now 4.. 2/. pia 'rushee Tbe weather to lathes of Merchantsele prudwittto taken to ex. place the lower parte of the theen were coal. It %011ie reen by th• market reeort t het tt change at cub ricers. THOMAS WEBSTER. Stratford, February 2ne, 1e52. e3n2 , 1 evoviammaivii of the Engeebman who wee half tilled the WANTED. No. 1, BY-LAW other day, at Florence. by SD Offi• rliWo good BOUT ano *OWE Makers. To authorize the Ttee.etee ,he ueite 0 tiost constant employment AushrlD tII ces; and there ea good reason for believing gib contract a lose of Thiry TImuearel Counties of !Info', Perth and Bruce, in Packet Company hare purchased, from the and osid w ri, by •pelyteg •t the :them Sept 9tb, 1851. Unit- J Caere -.. one ;et Luielam a WW1., scrota On 1..i et ..;;;tisrd, at tii-idelich. . that ample amend. have been demandml• of (lags subscriber, Wool -street. (aut.-ride BUSTARD GREEN. Poonds, for the purpose of C.reitrtivIiii,f The West -India Royal Mail Steam certain G,•1.1 'lusts wilLio as irate British and North Ansericaa ltoyal Mail '1•IN ANL) Ce)PPle..)t SIMITIi-sTnAr Fem.). THE Subscriber be.ng *Imposed to meet hie paymeete sel•ea due, and hissing eeperreaced peat 4liffsculty la collecting hie aceouots, be hay been c•mpeeed by neceesity t• to adopt the Ceealter'• If thy fr;end deceive thou once, sham on him, Betel( be deceive the twice, 'home on thee, and so refuse credit any longer to Ovum cuatonsers, *Po are over two years no at- otatata. A.4 a av rear* of parti•St. la eonseeplenee.v hereof, a rept ih.• aeeee fee it eird e. :11 Of 411 A4.Ctliileflten: ..arid in the :sire,/ .1 iv Twills., i iii.nds at 14.1 r., cent, 41.11.. to make •!,, so far the void created by the ‘ArlIEREV.• •t top it toTO tiSs . calankituus losses of Deottra and the for the ‘...irpuse 01 glee Ise. ',revelling and • the •the 1 ea) iitadialtd rt•ohtlil Company, the magnilicert steamer Arabia, ioteteort. 'The Ai was launched, at uthibeerierearaee -1.11,,z41 ilamsio:trs course of rzpid completion in the dockyerd tloderich. to •-•-e*.e of I% three : •n I the kcal tones n et the bereave Hera field Greenock, ou the 21th ult., and in the of Mr. Napier of Glasgow. "lie is con- the 1'ailage.d P., the Tow • rs aidered the finest tie all the North Arneri- IN: TO Ciare,n, III London, and bisiteing the neee•eary .0g • crows tee lever akelieeil ai Ire laths -nu-is...ye Lawyer!, met week. welch, he •ppretienee, treght dale thoireeed irvi.t hitt area peer& per au• ,tient 11,01* eau.* hie Blonde end cuetomera at a die- man. 4.1 c.esv,,, tence, to suppose he lias decamped, if not trued ler the we're.* uf repel -"4 the eel I inforuaed to the*on, rary. tebt 0111110 1.0 etty )ea'• ft.•id 1:.‘ cus;.•.-t. esiptreessibteitriegiurraetililiah1L:tsithhitisle"P°14"1.1"dreirlititY •,"Liarr:rfisdtlippreti=p:I.:0101'na.111".1..0a sit! t4s17.710•11 5"13 have ir cashed up" their accounts, and be is Three Theus eat erre nonered roenoe to inform ebeet that hie le Oen •1 Is old 'mousey. Andethereee • Ire anteset rote • ...siert where Le Las con,tentle on hand Ate ironer's, intim Ilenetet Ceethacr el ron, Petah and Muer-, appeam by the Ii•l, eiter. se•ea -went returns tj be Ore aridroli one Ilitielred and Ono Tho•tesnd, One Illunilred an.' (inc Pouieae•ai erteets see - 'legs • and Heist le nre, eselearre of the Incerporetee Teen at Gederich. and gollefr, as the anomie value or eroperty in the es Incorp w•te i Town et atheerii h amineete .se 5.640 105 4 I. And wheiese the reecal rai.• et three (awl!). ef a , rent. per pound, Lere. meter inipeeee epee all the reteable, reel site per.otial property ilea) 0.e peel elided Country', and tbe *lomat fete of ties *lul- ling sad e penny per pound per Hamm levee .neiter reopoved Imo-, the anneal yahoo of all the rateable teat and rearmed promoy within the eerie Incorporated Town of Code - rich, the only Incortseraled Town new es. le wig in the ttr! United Ceunt CP, will be' sufficient to satiety and discharge the loam herein autherized to be made, • ith I hs ,e. tereat tbereof ; within the Line knitted hereby, and by the Lase of thea Prosince. let. Ile it therefore enacted by the Mee.- cipie Council el the United Counties of He- ron, Perth end Bence, Oust the Treasurer of the raid Untied Counties., be, and he to hereby authorzed Lehrlf ce the real Municieal Counce,to contract lean of Har- ty thourand pounds in sums not lees then twenty-five poueds Leafing tntereest atsuCi rate pie exceeding eix par cent. per antigen as may be agreed neon betaren bad Om party or partieli effirieg to make such loaa, which interest *Lail be payable half ,,arty sterling money at Luritho, in Evgttrd And ten ihetward rounds of niece principal sum shell bo payable 03 100 sears trent that data of ex f the eaiJ Debenture., the anther E111,1.1 often thourend pounes in fif- teen yPare from the date of the woe ot tho said Debenteres, and the' balance of ten thotemod peons tn twenty years horn the det• of the reeue of the Debentures, . all payable at Lorden aforesaid. dad. And be it farther enacted„That fol aflardirg evearce ef the raid hosn, and for ...coring the payment thereof with entcresi. Debentures on behalf of the raid MUIIIC11111 Council shall be termed for the same In sume of rot le.* than twenty five pounds, which Debenture• that: he sealed with the aeal of the said Mimic:pia Canticle signed by the Wareen, mat ceuniersigoed by tho county Clerk an Treasurer respectively,end Isbell bear date cn the lay the money is id• vented to Ole Treasurer, end be made pay- able with intcrelt according to the terms abvardorceoirneciottinionnered1 the feel Loan as hereto 3rd. And be it (lected, That iv epeeist rate of Terve Farthings the -Pound paw annum over and •boie,and in addition to all usher rates shateeever shalt be r. teed and Rued in each year for the -payment of the ,ail debt to be create -I by toe said Loan until the same *hall 1.o folly paid, upon all the ratable real and, personal property with - in 'le eloeUteted Connate, and • 7 -dell rite f ne ehie rg arid perry Intim pound per aurum (being the rano of the anneal to tlo real or capital value) upon the Santini sa'ue of ell the rateable teal and personal -property with.° tee cad lecorrerated Tose of Goderieb. and within every Inerporsted Town or V.I:age wheal shall hereafter Le lacorporateel within the Ned United Coen. ale, der leg en ,neance of las sell rtal•• riterlell.-TI•o above is • tree copy uf a ;repelled By.1.1e. te Le taken into con- e donators by the elearemel Connell a the tate! Conntiee of Ileren, Perth and lames, on Tuesday Om fourth dee of May 1,159, at the tee. Puree Hotel, (o.lerit (Gee- tles') at Ito ui clack in ths foreno,ms it st.ieb tette and place the member of the med elmoc•pality are hereby required to at. tend f tese yerpose eforesail. 1). II. RITCHIE. Comity Cletk • Conley Clerk's Offiee, Oat Sis 0.derich, 21st Jab. DISt. - pletely inundated. sud the est/nave rope. works of the Provost washed esay. The cool an c.ear. We see it mentioned in an American fishing town was to a conaideratee extent nt le 11115 0' she Lad under water, and not a few of the User- peatr7hr.asetibatteasfilr. •t the New Volk trade metes houses were (tended end their furni :lees, found woe of the boxes to contain tors deetroyed. Boats were reeve In and rice, bulle, sad piracies a burnt city. Jodeing Born anrmarances, the bee did not thrown up into the town, and f w • while It was (tercl that many of the Louses wotatt be wasbed away. At Cullen the Laurel of Liverpooi, was wrecked on the Skerries, but the crew, after,beirg four hours on tbe lamest to here bens opened metre if left China. an.1 the treed therefere (the hr.( of Oe kind that Lae been detected) se cbarged upon the Celerstale.-Dutly illifeaTeria-eseeiereffeee. were ha rptly fayeil by Captatni GODERICH MARKET'S. Mara) es apparatus which was brought to i GODEP1(111 Fee 19, 152. the epos by the °facers of the Court Gard,' from Portaoy. For miles along theaceset there was nothing to be 'peen at the (effer- ent Geeing istatiens but wreck and desola- time. At the Spey the Industry of Inver lobn Strachan, who statenes, went *satire, an one man drown . It1,-rsr Bush of 56 ..... 0 not.aand tbe Fisher of I.eith, was a wreck nut puna -Nr c1 shamed to declare before the world 0 that Inc was a black blooded Tory." Ther far from the Indus l,) -crew savei. Ali II ross-P;Lmlb. udrii:.(11 Fent:it-Superfine per t!OU tlo .... LO IS ft Fthe per 1 arrel, Wawar -Fall per bus .• • •••• •• Serena ..do Retr eye -per Buthel tee.. tee -Peso per beehel 1 culs.. OfTS-Per bew7e134I7s..•.. .... . lamas Coss -lar Beth 5f, lbs.. TAKE NOTICE. -sLI, thee', inJeLted to the Ilsros Sily• A.• sal Office, either by Note et hand or by Book account, at this date, see oblige the Sub,erther acktura 'edging their and obtaining • settlement of Inc sante with Mr. Horace Horton of G..sdericti, at their earliest convenient°. THOMAS MCQUEEN. Goderich, Jan, 28, 155e. %Set roll (91 " iisT in the beginning of July, a French ..o u u Pony about 11 years old, grey face nod .. 0 2 0 ithouleers, the rest of the body more white ..U I 6 than grey, i -n the right shoulder a long cut .. 0 9 0 and on the left ham soother cut, it was left .0. also mind the time when Mr. Gerynne run for the Counties, in 1847, when Mr. Galt had net yet received a feistren House Office with a large salary for his services to Mr. Ciller. They mind the time when Inc supported Mr. Gwyune as a Li - &era! Conserrattre, when he Mr. Galt knew at the same time that was a Re- former. I do not for one moment attempt to say llopernan the Joeeph, o. Losmemouth, was wrecked, •id one man drowned; and the Murry"- Frith, and as far tsp as lei -emcee, is strewed with or; ck. Tbe storm inland d t was r coal iy severe, and oia lees tea! roos in 'erne parte to property. The snow laid for three days in some pleces 10 feet dee-, and so comp'etely were Inctroads hlocle e At Brutene'd London Itned, Township of up that on one day tiler, were In Tocker,inth on the 1417 'net. the belosed elle of the ltev. Jahn Rowe, Fete Ceurch begs fermate •t Edingbergh. The snow Minister. • Suoceures-Dried per lb••••• ..... 0 Greco per Ib ...........0 acrree--But ter per lb.. .,...... g eao--Lare per Ib PorsTot•- Potatoes -new • • 0 WOOL..--Woot pit Ib ...•.... 0 2 6 te immure at the Sable river, any mforea. 9. 3 t;on relative 10 as being •tolen or strayed O n from there will be thankfully reeeived by ti 5 O 4 • PROSPER. TESSIER. O 44 11 P. S. --if any one should find and berg ble River. will receive three dealers or more if requisite for hie trouble. French Settlement near Bayfield, Feb. 5th, 1851 v5 a2 O the eaid animal either to Bayfield or tlut Sa- ll 9 5 26 1 1 with puttsoi 'his own foot on the oe f plough was put Into (pestle° on the turn, c ° anyibine in defence of Mr. Cameron. as I --•_ on Tuesday the mails were being made up m - am perfectly conscious that Inc will be able to P k" maa.' and as tile 'weather fic‘heped the infant freedom of Heron, but coate insinuation wi o every prospect of being alt got in dor - plates the destruction of the Reform I defend himself aethinet any newspaper, by endeavoring to make it war brought **garnet liim by any traitor to (Inc ing the fo:1,iwing day; but attogethei there against its own principles, and become the vehicle of the ambitious and vindictive lu- cubration' of John -Galt ! Verily, there is an astonishing, degree of coolness in some rata! It is quite possible that the inten- tion of eodorsng the hackneyed Tory no- tions with the name of Joha Galt was to add weight -to render them more „palate. lee to (Inc Electors of Iluron. Vi•ell, it is all right that a man should entertain a good (sonica of his own importance and influence. John Galt is certainly a very respectable same, and belonging to the non -electoral portion of the community, inay be more in- fluential than the name of any other non- cfeeter in the United Countfics. Hot it n nat a " tower of strength" to (be Reform- ers of Horon-it does not' carry sn pence worth of weight to the electoral body -it as oti reprelentatire of the electors -no re- presentative of tbe non -electors ----no repre- sentative of political principle nor political ▪ party !--it is, in short, no representative of Uy thing save a lore of office, a thirst for preesiotion. Tbe electors will remember that it Las been "everytiung in turns and n othing long," exerted bitterly in Mr. ileayley's interest, and thee, against him " bitterer than ever "-and, that although partia//y exerted in behalf of Malcolm Cameron, it was naturally to be expected that it would do exactly as it has done n inety, stick itself at the end of two eolorans of rindietive seliebsess! The Electors of Iluron are sot exactly what they were in 1847. They have !Mite del - severed that Jobs Galt estimates polities at fel.at Cwry will bring 1 The side dist bring promotion or the hope of that will bring more °Ikea for bis relativeg mid special favorites, or that will briag ma op- portuallf for jobbing and brokering -bar- tering and trafficiag in public offices, is tbe *into which Joha Galt will always @Haab *seer. The Electois Hiroo have As aware of this qrsee-pedlioso ipte, and belies, they are prepaired '4th a just approciatioa of say adobes "nod ha Joke (4alt. asieod, Mr. Editor, I flbalessidatati 111041114 Reformer% of Horns are ratter Reform cause. But this 110 pretend to say that if John Galt intends to persist in dictating to the Eleetors Of the Counties, and saying for himself and the whole of us that" We canngt support thr Honorable 31alenlm C.ameron." 1 fir one would beg to be allowed the privilege offollowing my own opinion wnich I hope in his mercy Inc will grant. By the way I would recommend that Malcolm get a ming berth for John. and send him down to Quebec out of the road M ease be lose his election. Is there an Elector in the Iliiron tract who dote not remember Gales famous speeches in favor of Mr. Coyley tbe first time he wan elected! If th•re is any, let him read " I support Mr. Cayley because Inc is a member of the Government, and an soch having more influence than any other man we could elect, we ought to support hiriv." If tbe above applied in Mr. Cay - lay's case why doe, it not equally apply in Mr. Cameron's? I leave it to (Inc Electors to judge. I would also ask them at the same tinse•to judge of Mr. Galt's consieteney. John after all IS a pretty knowing Coos, Inc addrevies (Inc whole Electors" as an old friend wbo has %tend with you in pretrial* struggles." (luite right is John -be has worked with the 'Fogies and 'Reformers turn about, therefore, I will give him credit of having as interest is (Inc whole. Is emiclosios 1 would beg to ask the Electors of Huron -whether--by Mr. Galt. supporta% Cayley when a Tory *wary was. in powwee--by supporting Gwynne (tinder fake colours which Inc kaesr) when a Reform Government was expected. Ho boa sot skews mows politi- eal hurobleggiag and iwoonisteacy, than ha ie his letter attempts to aver against the Heeeinble Malcolm Cameroon I wowiter if Jobs has ever heard of Ow old proverb, "That Ewa who hve is glass houses shoold not throw stases at their sseeglabriers-" By his Address to the nectars 1 would think sot, hut there in owe 1 will Tomb for, that ha does lame ebasigiss are lightsoma." If there is soy awe ripply of pHs yam CAN.kDA )JV Virtue of Comely of Huron. one 1 " a writ of Scotland for many years. of tie Uwited „counters e Attecement is o- Hu.. Peri,' and ( Rue,' out of the IlCounties of Howe, Pertn and 110. rind to TOlfrelr: ) Ir the United 1 County (ort, me e., reeled agrest the Etat, Real as as Personal ot Jon+ Se 411., an shecond.ng or concealed debtor, at the reit . f Metiers llot iv .1, for the sem of eighteen pounds has not been Poch a storm in the north ef THIS MORNING'S MAIL' FURTHER PARTICUI,ARS THE -1_ PACIFIC. rfinewn eh:lenge. I Lave felled an a e - . loll the Etats Real ea well as Per.onal of ENGLAND 1 the Paid LOIS SIM -I, and telt, untees tee Tee alarm of an invasion ham infected the i said John Sinall, return within the Jurtsdic- whole pepulation." Rumors of every char.! lion of 110 said Court, and put In bad to acter were afloat at the sailing ol the steam. the act,on, or cause the tame to be die. •r; meter the teat, that 23,000 troops Itad I neehearEge-diareitRhallre0 c liaoiPersonal rno3f fit'lib: ;ine'l.il been ordered to corcentrate at Lend m• ! .10111 SW t EL. 01*0 emelt thereof as may be necesecre. wei be held heel! for the pay; There is little Tease° to coritiee in :trot, •xsegerationeit is true 'het the Board of 0.dnance has ordered 23,000 Mime mus- kets from Birmingh•m, and that all the different armouries are busily employed in Inc menufacture of locks and bayonets. Tim paipsra likewise teem with editorials and communications expetiating upon the national danger. The Tagus sqoadron has been ordered home, and a commission is en- gaged io inspecting and re•commendingim- islaals. But there apposes to be no ter II Goder°, lite co .... ell bane, • cheice provemente in the defenses of the Chan oell Ich !ores bag been made out, and the &teed rneeis• stock of T111Writre., Cooking arid Box Stoves, grounded beers for the excitemee le. No $,c., which he Will sell at considerably 10 - chases, are that matters will very shortly col h. ahilael:arek „Nelenee. ghpee"MiknIfler:1;aftrWn.1 113. lafermation that it ie believed by theme The Pelted 8. ewe J 1. indeed, has Merchantable produce talon in exchange al b.:r1:1:ies. feathers and rag's. All kinde o: resume their ordinary placidity. NOTICE I WILLIAM HALL of the Township of • Cnderich hereby forbid any person pur- chasing or receiving a promissory note for £17 lete. bearing date the 2817 Nov. 1851, and made be me to Bete -atom Jamzel or bearer due 47 day' after date as said note has been paid, and I hereby farther forbid any person trusting the raid Benjunte Rofzol en my aecoout as 1 wet pay no debts contracted by bine. WILLIAM 1)11.1.. Iles fiele, Feb. 5th le53. nree5 ment, knelt or satisfeetion o claim nr claim. erf such other Planeff Of Plaintart, attallall or easy take proceeding' marine% the property and etr-es of the said John Sweet, within sat months of the lament; of the airove Writ. Jtel IN McDONALD, Sheriff: 11. P. IX 13. Snenrrie Orteee, Gouitaien 1817, February, 1951. S v5 -414 -em JOHN RALPH, TIN AND COPPER SMITH, next door V tom Hotel, West Street, . A TEACHER WANTF.D. VOR No 8 School Section, Township of Elice, bolding o eecood or third rote Certificate from the Public Board, of In- structioo • (JOHN PON ALT% Trueleee, e PATRICK HANNAN, (MICHAEL O'BRYAN. Eilice, Jan. 20th, 1852. .5 e2 wale ought te knew, that in the bltget 10 be peemisted to the Freach Legislature up. ea it• aseembliog, a proposal will be undo, emulating from the bigbest !authority in the Republic, for Use reduction of the Froneh army. This, taken in coolie:ma with tbe pae-fic tone of the circular to Inc European power', ought to disarm appro. beelines. la Ireland, increased activity of the part of the military authorities, is obtervaalea-- cash pticet. Goilevich, Feb. 19, 185t. A. NASMVIII. VASHIONABLE TAILOR. roor doer a West of W. E. Grace's Store, West Statist °oder reb Feb. 19, 1832. ve-e4 -- -- N 0 'I' I C E . L11.7119.\* BUILDING SOCIETY rrIl F. next elert ing of the Shareholders of *hie Society will be held at the BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL. Saturday ern ning. the 31.1 lostaist, far the re- ceipt of sobseriptiome WM. BE.. 4. S NNEITH2 T. R1C1s1, r,y. Feb 19. letese. Se.a4 .5-14 FARM AND BAW MII.L FOR SALE. TII AT excellent Let 01 1101. Lot Nn. 7, eth Coaernorton, Eaviern Township Avi.field, will be sold cheap for Ce.h. The, let 'Pretested in ore the moot prosperous mule - men*. in Ihe Boron Thiel. asi ha• the hest Wa- ter privilege in the locality. A Bs. Nall olihit hest deyeareion is in tee operating' oa rho lot, and the Water pewee i• safer Pet to propel any amount of machinery throvrtinot the whole year. The Lot eirots.e• e'er 100 113. beet Nnahty of :and. aem: five be ore cern of which ire cleared, aid has • good subsume& dwelltsg• hoone 001.. Fer farther worrier:ors apply to iho Utley of rh. Huron Mesal. or to the proprietor, Jobs Slerareoo, ea the prerwiwe. Aehfi,lif. Dee. 24, !eel. v4e46 91111E set -eget' of 4;sewirw k C'. A. Mr. Lewis' hen lre and ell debt° dee to OODERICI1 ?JUNDR' ere Dew transferred to Wm. J. Kenya, Fog.. who eall entice, grant receipts and pay aa A•rangensente for reeruitieg Inc army ere debts del e. veld a progress,mediation. Tbe Board of °edam:me, seem rptover;mball,Aiel.C5tOl., C A el is.)Ni isad measures ate about to bei taken to preemie enlarged barrack accost- nsonths Selletti, had issued all order for tbe Ix/ 11.1,, by be tei y m. GC‘DDRICHI FOUNDRY reeftertvs Jac__ h___..v.: sale of exteesivie learraeks is the town of ' . J. Keay', no he owe accounts *la° Dumbed*, but that order bee fist been eau- a'll "'PO' every de•vielioba efmci:itt':if.• 51 milled, sad the Imillifiage IOW to be placed,. 1".r.eoc roe,: .I. Bugg' Brae' E" ie untie a 'tat* of thermager repair, fee the rocoption pssasid in Ca0.sed., eved will be e Id an Ceehr SI kilter Owe sore. a• t. erresponding neaaler erte. reetieth The Foroigersoffilos has %skips op illo easel Cadmic's 9111 Feb., 1833. )5e1 CAME letw te• encl. *wee of the sehisertber, 015 or toe ewe,. ote--targe horns. The about the llth 11.).-comher. • Pale Red Steer! i•erer Is r. q .yetod to proper's. pay it,s,vis, and inks him •s•,. ja 1..i It.. 5. let maielsesr‘„Ilvesem4/4•Ire‘ Rork °ODER Itell AUCTION ROCIllte. elketlyrou'r romeitwi -wnwitt:tiwe7....i‘ownittolly;"".atz.41151.:•117A.fsw:w71... wo kusimi ere wow *pew, and shot Inc is •t ell all reedy 10 &need e.t.a'''. Wife =Tows or country, to diseseoe er,• de z weription of Goode er Vera Sam! 0 - ee the Most reeemiable terms. F. All kind* of emissary petedmeereeeiv rd sod sold nu Vensysiimerms, either .1• private se A (xi Ion melee so me epee -re LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Stratford 0. to Feb. 611 le5Z. Allen Rev 0. Aram rogg Arroll A.la•r eletthew Aid) Valentine Ahern Pate. !Serowe', Charles Black 'rhos. B.) ce Rohl. Beacham Plitim Hurter Peter Brenner Ttethesed Charesek Ma Caution Campbell Sego sat 2 CI wain? ft1r. l'hos•n Carson a w noggwn ; .,k. I/entries Jne • Cave, W". reelable, Joe. Helmsley Thos. Ileiwt Welter liebIe Smote! Illesly El ward febied W se. I Ilse Andrew Sittheetand Ai gas ' 11 armee' )(ea Sparrow 1131. •t the fledweeth Atrellon Fe: Kate Cernen id KelPor Urn, King Ilenvy Kiley `Moms Hveraaem Gen. Pdoilon., Taws. W en. Merry 11r. Mayhew Wm. MeCarthy ;no. A. etc Kees Neil el, N.egiao* leeway boinay lno. blerhirtaws Denote eleCiee Jeir. lake Jo.. Pieder Pearson Jen. Iteelead Jew Rae, Hee 11.107 Jural h liven Ile. ItInlan 1 h... Nrieems, Jr.°. la and Commaisien Room, (next dour te.Z cares 'Fanner Jew. Mr. Ifortoriat i(adtwev,Mailint Sonars )F• Kipp** lermean lavish, Jas. e: Caret adeanced on gouda mtended X Kean J teem W.A.. Aura. A • y. mirt:i.E, I'. M • ()II P It I NTI NG 01 .i(srie .1 and pr worsted at (bit Mace. leeermeer flp foe tionsodiste Sate. i a All ailVeri ming fro, of charge. ca No Salo, so enter.. fitt•loorai Fob. 11 MOT iAnt GODERICII AUCTION ROOMS. 1sid la a ran atwiriatiopsoosaw lbw irt, osiesd " gsweeir wow leilet sissy rid or did --Mi b invest& Ha WOW Alter* $r la"' the matey*, hall smother Fermat- Mitoill *Ore ea *Pat° tbe -et tea tightly rowed Ime shit wows!, es - ise WIWI el. lea& to hot by a sesomistiks inset the bert Nerame•--SearikeY • elle* 214000, which instantly brought o glans (5100 I petters wreagfall, istorproted the ac • mobilo locker 1`, rick etersitt. liana ols rtsimattly la 4 • , yao the s te oats It • y v oaf s all, • ry llama , tholes -w to obsoteth t, sad ore hid aPrin lb° hall seised ,etie rapulution, spate of time Has done, toy ty of dive, 1 "--,ad 'ue Darned . Three others roe boats, two g them down to ip. No, would bc alele to dear:" tyro were by this :telt half chid:awl frorkf ir theyal untidy of is boot; tout he It, the mewl, w d ther way with lho women ask reek Whose WO let thw boats frost' eolith their tbe four d for the dug, board reach as ba. gni a bullet ud I y.00r Ildr he 2 here - old nes. gx,ftext tha y k.16 kafianio, more into trough oat of an ex root the d Is ir ord* beaks Niipt ; pa NOW-, the' tt d rota 111110111 t.t) WC • ren clown ars! MIMS lb. \IP*. pasoollers, semi be aier my .04°11 frisali Hee las Imo& is ow t ship. gaited • ear.o...e",, •