Huron Signal, 1852-02-19, Page 2• 4 e e THE HURON SIGNAL, GObk 1C ,'FEB. 19, 1852 ream its Toitylf,S8 AND TI1E • w • Amfl>st many theegmbet eye dislseartet • � en"m°� t atatw4.astb ted ia+ ml i l.1�a, am. •�aa�rtifug wined closer. BUREAU. t y• t► lfe might content ourselves with the •"d N'am'es ells bgliii of ewer, true chines et'feaattiotu and npiruoas we ! ar^ already ma and p'idasihrsphbl, sad that 'e Ilse cline•. std on the subject of Mr. Cameron s • great seaway that valeta to have ewer ebil4 ge.JpWty sad elsaenttr rJueated� dam,• die ao .'•two as Cbsinuao of 'Tse u.caetou of Ibe 1511• rill.•&. hs.1t d Ittl end Mi'iseer of Agriculture. sow.- b." aur base 1s01 deuans.trsled r tie thee, fwd flirt the creat miss of 1:e uric—sN r bis •.nrN e(snrrtty. And way b thi.rl h c•nw line 'friends of the .:dinia.•t&a:ma--will atsltNlee se4 ,"neral eapertouee K., to Hail theueut with satisfaction and accept prove that unto.. the young now .re cul it as a prom. that the best i°Irres!s of the suited tad properly directed, the Iendenct WO, 111411 to t1lem.el,ee, tewar.te w'cked- Mea as crime. The mousvie p.i.ripsl thee le the good wry of social elevationis tee eetaerue one afar rapwvannn. N.. sane U samocaiee hureett true the t A ernes of society, bit these either good or ••n. After all we are Iboror'ghly s rpeute.t upon nue another. lf, for teatime*, we are nes emanated t• employ youths at apprentice, ti our pnettngrisubli.bsleat, It is eure:y ru t .coas'derable 'ratter la yoq ore .a to whether them bur• have received isle lectu al education end morel molter.. We sae depe.deat ; upon tl.em fey esaaetbieg, we must se.ncute with them. Their prn. ceders. is life hes a direct heating upon our 'eternal. If there •n 10 env stere rt tellectesl tied virtues, 1e that sere eel• nm are they valuable. :Surely then, area upon country will be diligeutty promoted by the twee sow at the bead of affairs. But it is sometimes eipedient to follow up au.1 re- fute the serupulnus opponents, e. .1 nbea like the Cdonrsl, in a recent number, they avow their implacable Luatihty to the Gov- ernment, and their determination II to Le pleased with any thing it has done, or may, or can do! Wr have confidence in the present Gov- ernment as a whole ; we lent our humble aid to establish it ; we koow that it is com- eoeed of the best materials that it was pos- sible to brine 'together under tie cIrcuai- atances in winch the rr:ornt party was placed at the di•solutiuo of Ibe late Gov- ernment ; it wasthe present combination u of the tors, 'Wild we claim that those t e principM;o( Nttl.hseee,n is ab...r3 1•. 01- politicians through whose cffotts the latter ter use Igeoraet awerunw. •It se so how in s• I I o I Mr. lliucks, in his repty 10 Caucuon, an- 0('tnse u to whether :his. we Ilse ether bo) alten,atiie was --t°' 'd, drserte well of ; ewe this absurd objection against Mr. or girl a edtaeued•" It ikr lM burn Ise sal their party. \h ho eau J:seribue or num- I Cameron's consistence, of which the Glib(every member (tithe eemmuany to lam her the calamities that would bice befal- j and the tory press have become so very 'bat the yte rising srehlien aimesl .dnos4 for, len the country th, iugt. on uuprii,cipled. an I careful, as follows:— .• repeat, else principles e( protection and self interests (keeping the higher and no bl•r mntives out of the g•'eauos.)deo.nd it. If not, eoetety sole duurgarvrrl Jorma its delineusecy doueds our prows' are fore Parliament at its beet session. Mr. Cameron espr'esed,the Male openes thea with regard to its imellaseemei as a diatiect office that be bad dime bells/&, rehearse refused to sanction its abolition, but de- clared it Lugbt to be continued, and that a 'airy of J:tS00 sboutd be provided for the incumbent. is \Ir. Cameron to By in the Face •,f the Legistatnre1 He is to refuse to serve his party and bis country as an ad- viser of the Crown, beesuse the people, through their r.:prexatausea, will not .eo- dorse his opinioo,tbat a particular salary tray be saved? Ile was overruled by guise who held the I•urse-strings, and whose un- doubted right it west* decide the matter. Why should be object as] longer! h a statesman to persist in an °pinios which he inay hare entertained on a paltry questiou sat ing a few pounds—a question invoking no political principle, r.o party consiiiera- tions—after I'arliament has pronouseed against him? Ile may continue to bold the opl..ton, sae admit. l'arliament cannot fere; •,• u,au': thoughts but his duty is to acgm• ., e. A member of parliament might, upon the same priucip le that a few knaves, and a considerable number of fools apply to Mr. Cameron, refuse to take bis seat and cote with hu party, because he had been left iu a minority no snore favorite measure! says that • Member of I'arties:if n ;-:- ins arty office of profit it etunloment frau, the C'otp ,seet rats(' his seat, lice. Mr. Cemerc " actepted" such an office. Ile therefore "vacates" Lis seat and a new rlectioa west lake 'data. Now Air. Globe we Lave 1.110w° yuu the way to get for milk out of that cocoa nut. We hope you'll steep easy.— North Americus. Tea Aoucut.ruut, Iluaaau.—The Go• zsUs costuming Ili" aaorunaemaot of the Hoo. Yr. Canute/is ■ppwotmeot to the Presidency of the new department has not yet made its appearance. but we understand that the office has been weeps/id by him. The,'grout. Tory papers mistime' to kick up a great dust on the subject, bet they may depend on it no one is loju:ed by it but themselves. The farmers generally ap prove of the sew more leer their benefit. Ons advantage which we have not seta nos Weed will at any rata accrue 16 the eeeeral Counties is which Agricultural Societies are •stab'u"ed—they will receive their aa - oust grant io some eon of season to enable theru to dirts,bu'e the premiums which they offer. To the Globe, Patriot, Celeaisl, and other city gentry, this may be a small con- sideration. probably one, the bare mention of which will p•ovoks their rdf^ule. in the country it wall ha viewed otherwise. Hard- ly a year passes round without very serious taeoncenienee of the kind in all parts of the Province. Ilona in Norfolk, we have known of the Parh.mentary Grants being delayed for mouths after the periods when• due.—And wAy' 1.:i because there was nobody to look after the busmen.' who was respoaaabl• for the negligence connected with ,t.—And this is hot oos of many in• conveniences arising from a want of a de- partment having f •r its special care the in- terests of Agriculture. Such a department le needed, and we doubt not will receive the unction of the people. Mr. Cameron ie just the man to manage it.—Norfolk Mes- senger. unholy cwnbmatiou 01 Lower t'anada, anti- e I proceed to the consideration of the progressive, priest -ride' Caur•/uss,tand L p- circmmtilnces connected with :I r. Came - per Canada t 'fourth and State, loose-tbh !eon's retirement from office under the late Tories, of the Bill Boulton and lien r Sher- : wood ,SrMull I,IsI theyof s e 5500' Admiuient.'. n, as bearing on ...e new nes full. Our cities particularly Moist seep u!' g po' ranments. You say final, according to as espseaiee and protective met defective II of the reins of poem. for only one 7°3.1'1'46: Camerons own statement, be retired force tereritne •beu•:l•. The ("not of out what would base been the resultl e;i, 1st!) because the administration would erunteal j.dicatorie. Neome eenrnou•, and II shall not now stop to indicate e'en its out - not abolish the useless offices of Assistant line. , 'That danger was nearer than many Commissioner of Public Works, and Pre - person. think. It was aroidcd through l sident of ibe Executive Council, and that the timely efforts of a few. The present I he has again taken offiee without the abola- goveroenent uthe getter ahernauve, and 1 tion of the former, while the latter has been what Reformer will u] it is not to be pre- re-established for his own beuefit. 1 be- ferred! \1'e have out seen or beard a stn- liege twat I am correct in asserting, that Mr. Cameron himself grounded bis resig- nation especially on the refusal to abolish the Assistant Commissionership of Public our penitent jariee end penal Nuieneo'e,be- adM being is themselves moral plague e pou, (eras the •takaog dead weights of si oppressive tasaties. lo stew of theme things who would pre- e u n to utter ewe word against the b1.•a- Ings of a free edueatiue. And yet we have a few stuped objectors io every eommmuty. But we eaenat stop to argue at present: we will return to It in (ovum. Meanwhile lel w record ger unwavering conviction that the intellectual, moral, religious and commercial iatersete of Canada a.a young but rising nation, are dependent upos the bleesinge to be obtaaled througb tee toting rnwnuht] of Tana senorita ,f in a cikeoP4i.oisetir the Rovison saw fit 11 &span'e s iota objection is of little weight. No c i, ta- tuhrnal right—no real s aluable princi1Se has been vieleted M the administration-- tlte issue is merely a question of etiquette, and is scarcely sulliciet.:1.• p.osoke theeus- sion. (Jur own up iniou is, that the "Bu- reau of Agriculture" is simply an experi- ment—and should it be successful and pro- ductive of benefits to the agriciinrnl es - tercets, the informality complalued of may Le very eerily overlooked. A few of our eolompuranea seem willing to make merry at Mr. Cameros a espeose, by accusing him of accepting( an office which he bat' declared useless, and refused to accept on that aceouet. Now this is neither candid not bneorahle—the 'Presi- dency of the Council is no longer a sine- cure—the duties to be henceforth perform- ed by the President are perhaps as arduous asd as valuable as why other class of du - the A gle Reformer since the e 1'oion" was ,;reed to,Jowu to tete present mmneut, ex- cel the Editor of the Glide, who distinct - y avows his preference for the Tories, •Works. It is true that be afterwards ex - Chat gentleman's claim tL be regarded ala! messed himself strongly on the subject of Reformer will not be admitted by mal}} the i'residensy of thL, Council: It must, who know hila.—The present is a Reform however, be Lorne in mind, that Mr. Came - Government. It is pledged to the great roe's objection was made to the political measures of the pasty. ' nu ma, ;inn./ of character of the. Assistant Commissioner. members elected to tele new 1{uuse are 1'he charge subsequently made, by which pledged to the same measures. The friends one of the Engineers in the employment of progress and good goverutuent, are look - of Government, was required to act like- iag with hope and confidence for the fu!LI wi.e as Assistant Commissioner. may fairly tient of these pledges, and those, condac-be supposed t red 111 Came tors of the press. particularly of Ile T efurrn press, who endeavour to create doubts and distrust; vile) strive to withdraw confidence .. T f Mr.halla1 ' appointment O :Member, •t was genera.ly reputed Pown&or EeoLaso.—The Gewdos Glnte f.rnishee us with the hollowing teter••tieg eta'islies nu Europe and the army of Eng land:—"The tate; popnlatioo of E-iroye i. stated by M. Rodeo to be aleeit e61 mil lions: and of these about 11113.120,000 are males. Deducting thorn over 20 sno under VI yaws of ere; end .nMlraeting onethud n( the ro'Iusder, oe account of the 'angor endue• sufficient to tneap'c,•i 0 even young men for military service, and we hare a to tsl ,sober, 1• E•trnpe, of 7 118,000 men fit to beat arms. Without the United king dim the Dumber would be about 6.100,00o. Rut there ere ,,under arms (sows la drapers ems) in Karma, ezcluties of thec'untry, at least 3,400,000, raven; equal to about woe out of every seven of the men betweee 20 end 33 years of age, capable of military ser• vise. We, on the other band, with a sopa- - - latino in round numheirs, o(.20,000,000, have not, in army and navy, se many as 200,000 men, trained to best and nee any weapon more otreo.ve than a wooden trun- cheon; and, of three., al :east two-thirds are always scattered over the world front Aus- tralia to Canada, in colonial garrison., or in •hips in furotgn •tauoaa, or 'n puling to and fro a reliefs to others so pt seed'. Were we a well armed a nor nei_hbo•,r., errs should have sheat 4S0.000 men trained for war, ashore sod ef•.at, and shoulJ even then, with reference to the hypothenm jest now in vim, of our hiving in resist an invest m of England, from the Continent, be at a desail .aotage, ae having a large section of both breeches of the force eonstanllj employed .t a distance so great ase wi(!t certainty to deprive es of their std. Fa•cas acrwesuAwna'c•+e anoEarrr he corro•pondeot u( the London Chronicle, writing from Aiexandris, under date of the lath ult., save: "On the 21th, the Ent passenger steamers fur Assyrian and intermediate port., kit Cairn, taking a goe.11y number of tourists, of whom • great proportion were American gentlemen. On tho day following, an m forunete fracaa•e- eurre.l between a Parti of six Americans, I is simply a cabinet arrangement, mhvoh:ng h b' h who had errand am C.iru from this city, m no constitutional p•inciple, no additional ex-' b f II in concluding that the nature of its action one of the usual purne,r boats of the nn question of public ronrcrn, ex- will be to a great extent determined by the country, and the 0.1,0. �ohsbitanta of • so ' pease,9 I b•'rban village. e•11•4 Fri sig . arising ont the low from regard twto at. ins to be he benefies woidehrtamay I charge of which %%ould promote the best cbiracter and n111 of the Government. 11 betweeeinterests of the province, were asst rned to is then, certainly of the utulost importance vit,„„A devolving upon the Pre - ;ere not such as to war - the county in payite; eight huudit'd run 9 10/0,Sor his Ilervlces. Stuce that tlnie I1ow- ever,'the'driceof idEn oVthe Council but Keep ',i1ati natty al- tered and other important duties, til now negletrterddl?lave been attached to it—so that it is now in reatity tttf loft 'sinecure and hence !II 'ptjticiple objection to it is entirely • removed. In- deed, it way be �rreeunled that the duties allotted to the, Presi- dent o1"the' Council, in future, are equal in number, and altpost Iequit in importance to the'if;tgles performed by nay .other mctiibt r trf the Cubit. ' So early all, the year 1841, I urged iu strove; terms,: upon the atteliti011 o:. the then Govern - lira fur which country pays eight tis•- Illent, the -judice and ldility of rlred pounds a year. 'fill such time as the office could be abolished by statute, this sum of eight hendred pounds per an- omie 'would Live been paid although no Bureau of .ke,riculture" had been creat- ed, or although it had retained needy its original siaecurc character. And if the duties which Lave ensu been attached to the Agricultural. 'hilly is Cana- duties office are egial to the duties of any tl.is great interest -411e fuunita- other sena hundred pounds Office, then, (iull t'f all our hopes Of �t'allll ::nd prosperity ; and nuttvith- it follows, uwt :Ir. Caueron teas again stalidUlP, IIIc (&)ill rat1V(s trrtdlf- been successful in his endeavors for re- trenrl„neat, and that the ogre of !'resident 'Crowe with which it Itas hither - of the Chanes, (bks ter .\ss'•taat Ccm- i to been rivaled, it is tike flit.' missionership of Puf.:te iVotic.) in ao far !which must furnish the ” n►t'n as salary n coocernrd, is ririeaIIy tytn:n.'tl and money," tliat will abolished. I ultimately raise us in the st"u:.' We are altogether' unahle to under-uf nations. stand those of our entempors: ins whop '1l'L G '\-erinnl'ttt has now established a Departtueut of -agriculture the mataagetflettt of whicii, together with several other tlutica_connected. with erni- t rati:►n, atul the statistics of the province are entrusted to the Chairman of Committees or Pre- sident of the Connell. Anil ,His Excellency having been pleased Mr: Cameron s mental powers! But the toof3'et me thin of'fi'e itt its alter- rona objection, which was made solely on I&Ling u sunpij ridiculo'n a The Govern- ed and improved character, I felt tiw ground of economy. . The practical; to the Electors of these United Counties. meat was anxious to hate Mr. Cawrree s It ung (heti :milesteemed it on honor to affil in the deliberations of an Administration in which I had full cnnfillence•—which I hall' HURON. SIGNAL. estalilishing a Department of .tt riculture. feeling then as I do now, that if any one interest t•r department was entitled to the ctoosideratitm and vigilance o. iAI,it•Iaturc, that nue should :'• THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 135x,:• iN another column will Le found the Ad- s objection, o have removed dress of the Il000rable :Malcolm Cameron charge Mr. Cameron with "chiselling" this office for himself. What do they mean? Will any reasonable man, for one mom 0t, s•ippoee that the whole member of the Cabinet with Francis 'Leeks at their bead, would be awed or infirneed by a single memirtr of the Moose of Assembly The mag Who cherishes this ',opposition mast entertain a vers gigantic ripinien of by maguif7&na eery J.tLculty, and givin;; effect o i v s appotn men was the ( Oar : , s amiatance, an! if there has berm "dhiael- currency to the uuacrupulous fabrication, reduction of the establishment to the extent has become a meutber of the Gocernm,tut.' demanded by 111. Cameron. \Pith regard 'tine" it bas bees -on the part of the Goy - of the enemy; who refuse cordial en -aper- and in conformity with his whole political (lo the office of Chairman of the committees eminent. For our own part We regard I •tion with well loran[ and Leneti:ial objects of Council, it is true that :In Cameron, on character, appeals to the people for their this anxiety to secure :ialcntm's eo-oprra- a+ iiattti to fisrtu, and of which I are not serving either their country or their many occasions, objected to its cootinuance approval of hie conduct. \\'Wlever dif- party.-1Vr have sail the present adminis- tion as certainly the most hopeful of the expCttf`d to have been, from the 1 i ne however, that as by an Act pass- foresee of opinion may exist in reference first. fra'inn, as a whole, possesses our conti- great I , cd durin, the last session df Parliament, to the means b which Mr. o Came- executive acts. fhe country may now ` r.. a member. deuce. Until they have developed their the once was formally recognized, and a y rest assured - that something better than Atal although I still feel that policy on the floor of auiiiiament, we shall yon has bee° induced to enter the floc- F •— a gentleman sal' superior mitt rare give them a generous support. if that pelf- a o provided for it, Cameroaand this wiit little, if I t or in reference to the office which the xx Burman of Agriculture anmethiat{ V J those eromeo , y suc h as we cannot defend, consistently with whom he bad .acted,'.o. i. not feel that h has accepted, emery tree Reformer will more likely to secure popularity and pub- attainments would more proper. our pr oyressive views, we shall with -tic confidence i, m cootemplatioe. Iv discharge the duties of Chair- .. ir- they would be justified in making its Aboli- be gratified with the fact that he is a mem- draw our ru, ,inrt- lint until the time ar- tion, a sine qua non."V per- than of (.,oninlittt'cs, vet as His rices, when a fair and impartial judgment her of the Cabinet. '1 The resent is r has one o L most im r TJ.C'nRR':SPUNI1ENTh—"'Istt�ty For- Excellency and hid A(iYtBPT" can be passed upon the measures and poli- V V I have been pleased to consider n)e r7 eot ithe government, we nor enc timid most powerful efforts to destroy, for cnhcal periods that \\e Id g ewer mend sur competent to the several duties other�nuroal that supported the late iii n \I t at the electtona root and breach political Ltstnry of Canada Pubhe now attached to the office, .I here accepted it. And in d ling so, I affirm in contradiction of the statements of the opposition and discontented Press, that my ac- ceptance of it, in its present fires, will he a considerable sav- ing to the country. It has been alleged by certain portions of the Press that I am at liberty to accept and hold this office tritlitmt again appealing to my constitu- r tits&. Put, t;en tletnen,whaterer the lme may sal- nn the subject, 1 hat e ton much respect for pub - lie rrpininn :►net the principles of our Constitution.'- fes evade both by eroding myself of a legal. quibble. 1 shall, therefore, rat► soon as a writ can issue, that is, so soon•as Parliament meets, re- sign my seat and give you, the Electors of Huron, an opportuni- ty of expressing, at the Pulls, Your opinion of my conduct in But when driven from one position. thea f t ' ^tent and most, cavilers take up another. They put forth has occurred in the myth"shall appear in our next. woo again :c lois ry and failing in this 0 -rand enterprise we sap- opinion is unhinged, public confidence has frieu-l• at a •I:,tauce to post their Com - of the Reform party, which has been so ful- ly endorsed by the electors of Canada. can' ,solely or hoaenSly refuse to sustain the pn`ed they would magri°nimously allow its been shales and is no -where. Party hes mtmwal to reach its by. the Tues members to make their own little persona) severed and unanimity of pur- days man- >st!'le• or dela] in publira- •r t • st th nttac4s of enetoirs,) have been y _rot. gnu► n a„ain e and parte arrangements to wit tlsemselves. whether from without or within. But no, they must have their finger in the Vose ao:l of action seems all hut annihilated, The first act of the Government which pie.to the last. Mr. C. is unfit lor the nail the whole people are wandering and coup give even the semblance of as excuse office, SOT thley, and should not take it. Mr. groping for a starling -point. But in the fern attack, Las been eagerly laid bold of by i.C. thought himself unfit to diselarge P13"(midst of all this confusion, and groping, the entire tory •prey, in •which •we include' peel, some of the duties which be lnewbe- the disappointed Mile, the chief organ of ILn"cd strictly to the office of President, and wandering, great questions—queetioos to give the lloo.:Maleolm Cameron a pub the faetie,nists. And what is this wonder- rub - eau true modesty refused to undertake involvin g the future prosperity of Canada I tic dinner on the 'i. ►ib inst. ful crime that has called forth ',their' coluntns what 1,' thought he could not perforin. Well are coming up for settlement. The ap- _ _-- of rirtmous in lignetion? t itnply this. One leis Bollcagfies ihou�Lt otherwise. Tb"y proaclano session of Parliament will be im- ( - \\'e will notice Mr. Gait's Address of the members o; the gorernmrot who re- were willing to girt aesi,tsn a in all rats portau't to futurity, and whether thepeo-fused to accept a particular office in the y in curt nett issue. T° 1Le meantime we V Va of difficulty. '1'be neral bnsinrss of a cabinet, chiefly on personal grounds, hes at 1 Cabinet is not left to env one member of it. I plc ae ee or disagree—whether they take isonl3 call the attention of our readers to last consented 10 take it, an arrangement The very object of a ',Council," is, that, i touch interest 01 little interest in the ac- a communication signed " An Elector of having been made by which other duties of the wisdom and bbiiity of a n•tmber, of men hon of the Ler lature, the Legislature Huron," and a communication from Ales - , utility have been addett,tn it ! It may be brought to bear upon matters of I will act, and past esnerieace warrants as ander Mitchell, which will be fouud in State. To meet is objections, that wit mach an arrangement he wouldnot e fully employed, additioaal duties, the proper dis- tion most frequently occur. r r We take pleasure in stating that the true Reformers of Toronto, -are going u..reet crew, resprenng eomo preserved t-Npar. We regard the cauls of the tory press pro - which tinted in a resort to fire. ar'ne. About I per, as more impertinence. They say •• Oh, a deem allots were exeh.nied. and some orithis is a dodge to get in Malcolm Came - both parties were badly wounds.!, but sit yon n Very true, gentlemen. We own lime lost. 1t anpesr. the Among -an gentle the corn. And what IbeuT , We want tnee had bee. /emelt maltreated. bemire, they had islerf.red to protect their p•onle and their eweduct hoe been Morse out in tb• tnveetigat,on which followed." A P r sir r -a • Qnar...T110 Rntharei Fee, I'r'a ,rad .Hieing Jarrow' ..v., that • boll, of gentlemen in Nv.wev• et the heed of whom are the Colonial Neer/t- iler! ■rad the Np.•nb"r of the t.e••i•tsi,ve Goose)• hese determine,) up .n "ffertng to she Qnres n( England " a crown of pun veld,"—en • ebt.m of h•r s••v••reignt., end tocol. He tried bardlto keep Lim out, and of her poonle', Insley. not lou 10.5. lhe•r their success, neat -ones himself to promote d t to ugh 1.1 the law which' the I if Jen Cameros had shnwi a d';""`111")° to, their success• and relieve them from threat - him. IIeliering ghat a field ie thus opened that the Government should contain as to him in winch be can labor, not only with much as possible of the real reform priuei- a•Ivantage to les country and hit part], bot I,—should contain men who are known with satisfaction to himself, he tonneau. lie , V will go back to bis constituents for their to be faithful to the cause of justice and • :Idcolm Cameron in the Rurernment; the epnroval. Jr they desire that he shall sot 1 progress. W e s'ill indulge the opinion (nit error lreueral wants loon m the govern- take • seat at the Council table—that be I that the Imperial Government will teacake mint sus colleagues want km in the (:overs- 'ball not use his influence where it may pro the settlement of the Clergy Reacn cs menti the reform party want him in the dace the greatest he shall not. l'overnmenl; the electors of I lural sulci in addition to the duties of the office al- I question to the Colonial Legislature, and if Inc in the gn0ernmrnt, as they well _run 1 ready established and saoctioaed by Par- an, the settlement will be jest or unjust, have an opportunity of abowin„ and —7nu !lament, and without increase of salary,' satisfactory or otherwise, according to the don't want him in ibe gove.teneot ! The strive to advance the interest• of the Fen- I texture of the Provincial Administration. ('atalinc of the Globe ym,sat!tizes with you mss b] giving special sttestioi to measures cordially—he don't want him is the govern- introduced by ethers, or by preparing and etpee'mi io• deepen er futon to les •"11-mwdosnng., we vent] cord roils, the farmers of llama will no Never let a Aar rase wolositt haeme Ileac the (a.the woel•1 hive made Aima doubt, under the disinterested and patriotic mode en effort to 11.41i,some see hapneer; present of all the conn -skins of the 11'1110•11 ed ranee of the tore and faction prose., rejent overt' eitc 1 sRor', whether ,h-re•.tul or ••fere, gratis, fix nntk,ng." It's a great 'xjr. Cameron and lease Imre government to Oawell ineretim poor own h.p;,Inr... ' pity that In our party arrangemenla we cant get 00 as best they may without him. \Ym•otTw •42, Nr•at•sk• --Is nor trees I P But+� lease these opposition gentlemen. But it Wenhserve in a Inn arrav of most tin- foil the 6 h tn•I., we pnhl,.'s� rn settee raw t be helped, pontirely, and they mutt xre ropulour misstatements' and false mesca- 1 " Weirton and Mese,' jk.. wh'e4 only gni and bear it. d free the rre we en eRkeelRecorder! NI'Iros.e gentlemen bore ►come wnnrkr- and whieh up•,e ' rs.mt•'alt.•n, we fn•,a4 tri' f„Il• e snlicltml 111,041 \lr. Cameron's repu- he ,neer t. nth. folh'w•nr 'e t r .IstenewU h' nf'he W.',a n(A•.•n170.110.s.170.110.I Laino, eosstateecy, ti Mr. C. has takes k w e.tsbimbed by Ike Aet U. C., 4 Wet 1 rare of ins owe reputation heretofore wilh- 4th.ey 1:— out their aid, uJ we premiere he can Jis- Wheat, %motel, Sorts newr'd.: , pease with thew assistance sow. It his arcordiog to law as fn as powbk. frothier Isere, bootie,. Fifty -.v pnes,lt; brim said that Mr. Cameron retrgwed , you'll promise trot to tell any of your fel- Rye, ►sshel P'uv-.•s p •weir; ht, enwsertrow with la” late , Miwiatry, be- kw labor. • •,1 the tory press, we'll inform Few public men in Canada have given mrwe indubitable proofs of their faithful at- tachment to the pit..• spies of civil and re- ligious liberty than .•lalcolm Cameron, and hence, in the present aspect of our politi- cal horizon, his entrance into the Cabinet must be regarikd at :,:• additional guaran- tee far the equitable seit.rment of the im- portant question to wit we have referred. hap in veai,rday's Glaris,• very keened in reference to the office which Mr. dissertation a the subject of Mr. Caineroo's Cameron has accepted, it may be oboe'ved re-election. Numerous and complicated dif&Ialtips beset the gne•tins according to that a Department of Agriculture has long enr eotempor•ry. Don't make yourself un- been talked of is this Province, and at easy Mr. Globe. Ererything will be done present, even some of the mixt respectable Conservative Journals are favnrsblte to it, and amity object to the hurried, and, as they say, informal manner is which it has been created. These Journalists allege that the subject should hare been submitted to the consideration of Parliament. The ob- 'terrane, of this formality n entirely op- tional on the fart of tete Government sed Pea•, tswabel, li Or paww.b: ea ry this woe11 nM abolish the lh•esideney Ruler, bwhel. !Forty swill pomade; 1 rime, basket, Thirty -feet pomade; e( th• Conseil. We den e retrare- � that Is lienee. bushel. F.fty pn+eds; left y t epee asmell gritenBol M ppose T••aelby and elevo, reed, and, po'wgh be did. Che chsrgr of iweooisomev for —•shoe lkrold.sow jnenin{ • gnyeninemet is which 1 At ef- Mw terse, foe 1s, (sm•d rw,1,..nt, is+ free i• enetieeed, is eiientow. 'fl' que- r wig Ike re•es%.meets trw•w E repo. i tion of abwlitin° of nye Presidency eats be - yew beer the thing eau be dorso. Mr. Came- ros, ubordy before his 'kettle was appoint- ed by bi ettedasey, mai we suppose a com- a istios min out, la doe dice of President a Cassell. This ogee Mr. Cameros never formally accepted, until, the Mew day. There r ea Aet d Pati+meat winch another column. y We Lad the pleasure of attending a Lecture held at the Hall of the Sons of of Temperance last evening. the Lecture was delivered by Mr. William Malcom, of this Town upon the merits of the Steam Engine, the subject was well handled by Mr. Malcom, who seemed to be perfectly atbome on the subject, and illustrated his thus concurring in the first at - arguments with a miniature Engine, which tempt of any Canadian Govern - stood working upon a table before him, the mellt to recognize and elevate audience was very large and seemed much the agricultural interests by a plraeed with the efforts of the Lecturer. It distinct Governmental Depart - was announced that another Lecture will ment. be delivered on Wednesday evening, 3rd, I have the Honor to he, of Marsh, by .Tames \Watson,Esq„ the sub- Gentlemen, ject will be Commerce, we hope that all Your obed t serv't, who can make it convenient will attend as MALCOLM CAMERON. this is. truly a step in the right way. _ TO THE ELECTORS OF HURON,PERTH AND BRUCE. GENTLEMEN You are aware that when i appeared before \ ou at the late General Election 1 had not ac- eipted Office, although i had been gazetted as President of the Executive Council. My reaaoa s for refusing that Office 1 stated to you plainly and in full. 1 thee) exelained to you, that although it is necessary to have a their - man rL man or I'resident, the duties (omiRUIic tieatt. re yw■.r Tt/fr uv, 010111L. Dc a a 191 ,--I could alaeet regent that by my note colloid greet( trbie'b roe kielly published for train este, 1 aboslil tin caused each as etpeebee ad* itteeMe vin- tage of yam. e ante..... ary the Ie 2/1111, that ',Niched in his tart, id Ilareree tb my charge of teleatlod xvr t per.eitl1? Nitiea, in bis repot of the election is Si. ?Wicks ermid, ani 1. .It , • ^ k; sw: al I. . • • lie dolt) &let feirolfrsistia lig s tttdrse, steal. Weer+, 1 hit Otte - NSW IiiiiatiG, a is sad ch dhoeo, he Nukettldllde ie