Huron Signal, 1852-02-12, Page 3tillitrigboat the several Towiebipe, when
fly Led wen add, saggestieg that such
foe should date from the time the had rais-
ed to its rung price. Mr C. sad that he
W bees is cooversattee
'si be was last a Go4pe• la" wJo
erich will John
Birt, Esq., Crows Lead Agent, whose
oboe on thm matter, cemeided with his
/!R sod be W requested that galleon.
411111ed,h him with as article es the sub-
giv.g his *Motu from his etperi-
wh& filling that office, ha had just
received Mr. Clark's decimal sad cos -
sagged it a very able article, to whch be
should pal particular attention. Ile had
received a reply from Mr. Rolpb, Crown
Lands Commissioner, who had promised Lis
hearty cooperation with itr. C. oa this
important subject, sed that Le would en-
deavour to make a personal visit here in clergy, and the paramount ditty of the pa -
the spring, and that Mr. Cameron might rents, in their proper places 1 A moral
rely epos ooe of the two things being done and talented teacher, ooe able to guide his
viz. the reductio. to Ss. ora portion of pupils in tbe use oldie means for acquiring
the Purchase moon applied to the opening knowledge, will certainly not "be wise
of roads. above what is written," sad destroy or part -
Mr. Cameron stated that thus far, be ly eradicate tbe moral sentiments of tbe
had got before be expected to joie the young mind, or foster bad propensities -
Ministry, when a Telegraphic report reach- ! all equally inherent in the human mind,
ed him to go to Toronto, to which call he i though not in all minds.
responded, and having been earnestly so- Nay, all depends on the teacher --and if
hefted by his friends to join the Ministry, the commission to prectice the profession
and certain objections havidg been remov- j of teaching, is granted only to the deserv-
ed, be bad accepted office, the Hoe. Gen -ling, there can be no need of supplemes-
t$ then went on to explain certain I lary teachers, such as tbose'of the various
thiols coonected with his office which was l and complicated professors of religious de-
coosidered quite satisfactory. It was then
moved by Mr. William Wallace, that this
meetiog fully approve of the course adopt-
ed by the Hon. -Malcolm Cameron, and
pledge themselves to nse their every exer-
tion to secure his return again for these
United Counties.
Robert Uibbo.s, Esq. then rose to se -
coed the moires of Mr. Wallace and was
much pleased with the manly and •traitfor-
ward explanation gives by the Ilon. Mem-
ber, and mug confess that Mr. C. had
gown more interest sad had attempted to
do more for these Counties in the few short
weeks be had bees their member, than his
predecessor [Mr. Cayley] had done during
the six years be had represented them.
Mr. Cameron stated he would be in
Goderich again on his war to Quebec,
nod go down by the war of Stratford.
The Meeting then adjourned.
iastraetios separately -sod then there
win be a gold pro quo, for the temporal
mem given for the support of the teach -
eau, whether that support will be by •
" School -rate," by " assessed tau," a
"Cosmos School Taxpayer," or by Gov -
et menta aid. Put the gesersl system of
education, in any country, under the pow-
ers sad charge of the ministers of religion,
and farewell to the free and enlightened
mod* of tuterisg the young muds to im-
bibe the " menta craft," of knowing the
principles of reading, writing, arithesatic,
grammar and geography. Let aay is-
biamed mind reflect on this -what have the
various religious opisioas to do with being
inculcated la a public general school tee
the young and tender mind, so long u there
are the too often boasted influences of the
tea sae Orme. siC..t.
[Addressed particularly to Geo. Brown.
Esq., M. P. P.. and the Editors of the
Toronto Globe.]
Avoiding the queatios of taxed.and non -
taxed Schools -and the views of the advo-
cates of both, y•,u hare very laudable pub-
lished. Allow me to give the following
remarks for as after consideration--defer-
Flag the propriety of your advocacy of
Free Schools, te a fatwre opportunitg.
I plead for the riai.g generation -and
say from the experience of Dear 20 years
is Canada, and many years in Scotland,
that this rule may be adopted, without al-
most an exception, " that when the misis-
tsr, or servants of religion promulgate their
creeds is our schools, u applicable to edu-
catioo, tbe interests of tbe rising genera-
tion, as to general and useful edecatioo are
sacrified os the altar of sectarianism." -
There is opt, I believe, among the various
wets of religionists is this colony, (I do
.bt say but that the same u especially in
other cosntries and colonies) any other de-
sire in THC FIRST 1. iiCY, than to pro-
vide temporally for their ways and means
of support. Seceedly (contrary to Matto.
eb 6, at the end,) to look vigorously or
indolently after their Master's business.-
Tbe general education of the young has all
, beg stiffened, from the inroads of .erta-
riaaism. The mere learning of a ehild is
passed by, to give way to the inculcation of
* reeds, which for the time, neither the
teacber or the scholars, are able to com-
prehend thoroughly. The weight of a
parent's duty, seems to be eased off the
parent's mind, and put on teachers, as es-
pousals of religious truth, which the game -
lies in all the churcbes, dispute about. Tbe
od.eatio5 of tbe young, in the artificial
modes adopted as instruments,ougbt to con-
oo-gist merely, in learning them u in any
trade or profesioo, " tbe use of the tools
or implements,' to prepare them for their
a, when tbe mind has been elaborated
sad concentrated by the experience of
11 a 'otiose!, or Can/ lam system of oda
cellon lam bees, or will be, acknowledged,
tea kat the sem be fought, irrespective+
of the creeds of the parties. The iatant
that a Missions preposdera.ce is gins,
list memest the ck l4's coalmine edeeatios
u mare (sot apt) to be segleetrd, velem
M. a thriving or vigorous plant, it pushes
IOW beyood its fellows-leaviug ie tbe
me, the miseries of the weaker .lads to
be Mired by doves, which all differ
& met. Dived the sen redimeatal learn-
sg et the schools, from the i.Aseaee of
tRS iergy-•let the IIsIV and the parents
Of 11I3ri111M. sun le ti. ssetttffi a reliOoa
nominations. As regards the mere ac-
' quisition of the rudiments of knowledge-
! for whether in a College or a Common
School, I apply the same terms -the mere
handling of the" tools" to acquire learning,
requires not either cooseerated or non -
consecrated quasi religious aassstance.
As to your •' Coustant Reader," in the
Globe of 27th January, and his expression,
•• They (common sc book) are no guardian
of morals at all 1" You may bear from me
again. L.
Stratford, god Feb., 1852.
New York. Feb 6-10, A.M.
Halifax, Feb. 4. -The steamship Niagara
free, Liverpool, with 44 psmesgers, hound
to New York stored at t o'clock, P. M.,
curb Liverpool dates to the 84th.
The English papers de not coatis say
D ewe of importance.
The Leedom correspondent of the com-
mercial 'Advertiser says that it will by item
possible for Lard Joh* Roeeell to retia his
00511160. with bit colleagues. Attie uncer-
tain sad unsatisfactory. Trade is depress,
ed, sad ssterpnss damned is every way.
The MMowite.r has published the now
Constitution. As indicated in the proelam-
aties, the President is to be responsible
Government for 30 years. Justice 1. to be
dispirited is tbs President's name. Hepve-
e sts an 1 message, commands the
land and tsa forces He declares war, and
makes treaties, and appoints all fusetio.-
arim. "1 swear obedience -to tbe eoe.tita-
Iian and fidelity to rho Preeideat," is the
oath rrgs rod from the public funetionsrioo.
in cat. of the President's mans, the Senate
convokes the nation by a secret deed, to
de.igsate a .loess as meriting the confi-
dence of the people.
The papers are filled with aeeouste of dm
removal of the prieo.ere to Cayanso,-s•
MOO( them aro two additional ninoasts.
tive•, M. Alexander Martins and M. Michot
Brontit., who tat for Loyr.t. Political
primners have hese Lassferred to the Part
et Terme.
Iltupau, Feb. 6; 1852.
Europa just arrived -bringing 36 pas-
sengers. The Canada arrived at Liver-
pool on the 18th January. The Poe*
was telegraphed, of Holyhead, on tbe
2lst, and arrived no the Mersey in the
England is busy arranging for the meet-
ing of Parliament.
One of the most serious states that ever
occurred in the m•nufactaring diatriete
commenced Janeary 10th, and still cen-
times. Tbe operatives io the Tarim Woo
works is Lo1don and the Provinees have
attempted to coerce the masters into regu-
lations wholly inconsistent with tbe free and
retinal rowrse of labor, and the meters
have determined to Gloss operations rather
than submit. 20,000 sae., who were pre-
viously ear9ing good wages, are thus
thrown nut of employment, and the indus-
try of the country is to that extent dis-
M. M. DeMony ed Foeld had left the
Ministry, sed wore replaced by Pereign
and Abbehmrta.
A sew ministerial office bed bees erod-
ed, vis.: the Minister of State, and M.
Casa Biases had bees appointed to it.
By a decree the Odessa family eased
pewee property of any suet is Frame,
and are bowed to ma e1 their prated per
u.iose is es. yew.
Asotber decree camels Louie Philippe's
donation to his childrea, ad appropriates
it b other purposes. The dowry of the
Duchess d'Orleaas, of 300,0001. u maia-
The decrees are combated by the
sew Minister of State.
The Minster of War had acceded to
(:es. Caveigsac's deemed to be placed os
the retired flet of the arta,.
The great Officers of State are to wear
a particular dram. That of the Ceased,
Senate said Legislature wdI be rich, and
resemble what was wore i. the Empire
It was said that a second, if not a third,
attempt oa the life of Louts Napoleoe lad
been made. An officer is reported to
hare snapped his pistol at ham, as his car-
riage was retursisg trod, a carousal. A
rumour was also rife in Paris, that the wife
of an es -Prefect had tried to poignard him.
Bostou, Feb. 9.
The following telegraphictch,
which had been received in Liverpool,
prior to the sailing of the Europa. was
published here this morning.
Loodoo, Jan. 24.
We learn from Paris, that a decree had
been issued, naming the various chief of
Battalions, Captains, Adjotans, &c., of the
organized national guard of Paris.
Tbe Moniteur denies the statements,
made by some of the journals, that the
President has addressed any communica-
tions of a political character to the Pope'
or any other of the sovereigns of Europe.
it declares that nothing but an official com-
munication has passed between the Go-
vern meets.
Ftot:R.-Dealers here bold their stock
at an advance of ooe-eigtb of a dollar per
bbl. The letters state France will be
obliged to import Bread stuffs, and that
I•:.glub dealers were sanguine that Flour
bad not reached the top price.
The fust Annual meeting of the Agri-
cultural society, of the United Counties 'of
Huron Perth and Bruce, under the act 14
& 15 Victoria chap. 127 took place at the
Colborne Inn (Mr. R. Ellis,) .o January
the 10th inti when the following gentle-
men werellfdcted O6ee-Bearers for tbe
iusuing year,
President. -Mr. John Salkeld.
Vice Presidrntt.-David Claris Esq., &
Mr. William Young.
Secretary. -Mr. R. G. Cunningbame.
Treasurer. -Robert Moderwell Esq,
Directors. -Mr. Thos. Elliott, Mr.
Alex. Aunand, Mr. John Hunter, Mr.
John Blake, Mr. Cor. McKee,
Oonsaicw Feb. 12, 1952.
FLocm Soperfi.o per 200 lbs .... £0 15 0
Flee per barrel, 0 CO 0
Wisest -Fall per bes 0 2 3
Berme .0 0 0
BoaiiT-Per Stahel of 48 Iba. 0 2 0
Paso -Peet per bt,hel of 60 lbs0 1 6
Oars -Per bushel 34 Ib. + 0 9 0
i.nus Co.s-r.r Pool 56 I10 2 6
Rrr-Per of '.e }.... 0 2 3
r,.r-Par 0
Hera -1'.r 0
Hanoi salted 0
SuoetDaas-Deed per Ib 0
Green per Ib 0
BcrTaa--Better per Ib 0
Loan -Lard per Ib 0
PoTaroas- Potatoes ..-now
Woole-Wool per lb ... 0
Toaoaro, Nev. 24.
Roca -Per bbl 196 ,be £
Wegor-Fall Per bosh GO lbs
Spriest Wheat.
O.Trgat-Per bbl 196 :be
Pea. -Per ►sskel
BalLaey-Barh7 per barbel
lessor, Coss -Per bushel ....
Hos-Hose dried, per lb.
Hasse, salted do... .. .
Burma -Better, fresh, per Ib
Salted Batter do
Leah -Per Ib
Os the 1.t last. the wi(. of Thor -
burs, dams.
On the NO Met. Jobs Austad Jr. Esq..
eon efCaren Ansaid. tbo deceased was
Rata of the Tswnhip of Collars".
The Fcmrsl will take place os Friday
the 13th inert ,.1 12 o'clock aeon.
THE accounts of George Miller 3c Co. in
Mr. Lewis' hands, and all debts doe to
transferred to Wm. J. Kaye, Ep., who
will collect, grant receipts sad pay all
debts due by mid Foendr
February 0th, 1531. v5s3
wiLL be hereafter txdoeted by Wm.
J. Kaye, oo hie ewe saceu.t, who
will *apply every descriptio. of moors at
lower prices than they can be imported.
Tho sew " BURR STOVE" he unsur-
passed in Canada, and will be aid for Cash,
1♦4 lower than heretofore, c marreeposbag
rod.etim es all ether whets*.
Dederick, 9th Fob., 1083. ,1s3
DAViD H. LiZARS begs to afore
rho bh•►Naate of Dederick. and
ssthe the .ewesdisg eos.try, that N. Anes
8 nes Res ean now epee, .d that het,
bat all time ready to stand either is
cd Tows or sen to of soy dr-
y mrlptien d D .de et Farm Steck es One
O the meet ole terms.
All k W et eoestry pedes. reale-
ed asd sold ea C...ieden, either by fI
privateer Mattes Sole, to the beet 3
m d vantage, at the O*deeleh Aoetise 0
used C.mmhssiee Rams (mot Mor to
hi Mr. Herten's Sadlery,Mars.t
so Cad idealised en geode I: esd,d
Gp rev immediate isle. R
C All M vernideitme et dirge. pe
No SN. se
(led.iah, P. 1 1000. vhf
DOD111LIO! AMMON goons.
orated, and is a yew ewes Oar M d
imarriege ash nde 1 her by a *sepses.'
+1, is the Mit R
Fa. ser 186!
Alia. Rev. D.
Armoires; Geo.
Arroll Thee.
Ade Matthew
Ash Vel•.use
Aber. Path.
B um wee Charlie
Bock Tb...
Soya Rohe.
S easha. Philip
S eam Pats
BDues« Tbease
Outreach MU
Coshes Ricb.
Compbdl Stewart f
Crowley Mr.
Cheese Wm.
Cantos Widow
Daggas Ptak.
Dempsey Imo.
Easeo. Wm.
Gumblet J so.
Helmsley Theo.
Hoyt Walter
Healy Edward
Hay Asdrew
Hof.y.r Jae.
Kerr Cor..Ii.r.
Kb.. Georg. Termer J...
Kipp.. Macao Tachy. Ju.
Kees Jame, Wick' Awtat.
the Stretherd P. 0. is
Keil!« Mre.
Kai Hasp
Kiley Maria
lianas. Gm.
Leede•layee leo.
Maltase, The..
Melts. W..
MerrryIlleld H,.
Mayhew Wm.
McCavtby Jae. A.
Melt eine Nod
McNs.ghtem Dowse
McWhr•may Joe.
McPb«sae Derail
McCall Jas.
Pike J..
Pied*: W..
Peeress Jae.
Redford Joe.
Riley Jed.
Riley Jo..p\
Ryes Jed.
Raski. Cts..
Sibeed W.. 1
80the.Is4d Aagas
Rparrow T►os.
Musson Joe.
aLL those Indebted to the Herat Me -
eel Office, either by Noe .f head .e
by Book serous , al this date, will .MSR.
Or Subscriber h, acke.wledrt.R Hord
hahihues sed (Armenia, a.ettl.m.ot of the
NUM with Mr. Hasse Herten efOod«1eb.
at their earliest eouve.iesee.
Modena', Jan, 1a, 1551. Sao 1
L 081' the begiss,sg of Jsly, a Freed
Posy about '1 t years 014, grey fed sad
• holders, the rest of the ted, mere white
thee grey. oa the ngbt shadow a long est
all on the 1.', ham mother eat, a was lett
to pasture at the Salle aver, any talo..•-
uos relative to 11s beteg *tolen or strayed
from thews will be tbsekfully received by
P. 8. -If any one sbogld tied std bnag
the mid soloist either to Bayfield ortbe8a-
bie 1 ,.,, Sall reee+,e three dollar, or MOOS
if requutte for his trouble.
Freoeb Settlement sear Bayfield,
Feb. ate, 1831 vs .1
I WILLIAM HALL of flus Township of
Goderid% hereby forbid any pavans pr-
elim; or receiving • promissory Dote for
£17 10.. bearing date the 281i Nor. 1831,
as/ made by me to Benjamin Rosast or
bearer due 47 days 'fuer date as said note
has be.@ pard, and 1 hereby further forbid
any perms trusting the said Baajamto
Reuel on my .••oast as 1 will pay so debts
contracted by bum.
Bayfield, Feb. 3th 1834. .ir5
WOR No 8 School Sectors, Troopship of
a Ellice, holding a second oe %bird rate
Cerufieste from the Pub:,• Board, of I.•
Trustees, PATRitK BANNAN,
Ellice, Jas. Mb, 1883. v! 02
THE sbere Mill sad Lot are ilivate oa
the North side of Ktsearduee Street, aa
the fast =precut Village e1 Pommies".
For particular, apply to
Peneaogore, 24th Nov. 1161. 411f
THAT excellent Let ,(Lead, Lei Ns. 7.410
Corriere, es, Errs Divines, Townbap of
Ashfield, will he sold cheep for Cub. This let
is waited is we el the most pasperses ..til.
meets is the Harm Tact. ad bas tie beet wa-
ter privilege is the Lenity. A Bow MiU eider
beet description is is fall ope,sties s the 1st,
sad the water power is eelewst r propel say
serest .l wesehi.ery throughout the whsle year.
The Lot costars ever 100 ewe of Use bei
rigidity of hied, about five or ax arm of whisks
are cleared, and has . geed swwa.tial dwoUi.g-
Far farther particulars apply se the Eimer
.f de Har.. Sigets„ ale r the peep.rser, Jam
McCarron. m the promiem
Asiderit, Dna M. 1851. elle*
CAME into the eselceure ef the mabeeri.e,
about Ore 11th December, a Pale Red Stows
one er two years old -Large horse. The
owes is roq.eeted to prove property, 7/17
chargee, and take ht. away.
Jaren Moa.T,
Let No. 6, let eon. flay, Lodes Rod.
Ti. art Co.►lar*w.
Next doer r As Victoria rind. West awwe%
0.dsrie►, hu "saws.11y as bead a awe ease
Ate., traria he win sell et ears ideas v added
prier for Cash or ISerehemembts pada..
Medea* D•.. 13, 11151. va.M
TWO Heeded Barrel. ef Lake Her..
Herrings, for sale. Also,
18 Chert. 8.peier Y H Tea.
S opesm' Camille Team -mod
Seger by the ease.
Decembet 4, 1881. va.81
No. 1, BY-LAW
Te mosner or the UMW
ava tied el the hwM
Perth sod Drum, is
morsel • less of Thiry T8ewa•ad
Peewee, fee the p•rp•m .f emetrestres
pro..& Rode witty the (Jailed
Comtism •.4 at bereft( • Sod( eared
the Rom Mautla.d. at Dedarish.
HEREAB It te M Maw
the seat d Thirty Masse] Peed.
fee Arms gtsMei sed
otherwise t.p.s.g the teed !maws as
the Hem Reed, from the Mesh.ur u
p i geed a w. Tae lidos Road. treat
tis. Road hJsevn ea the
the Vase*ef Chaim to the Township et
1I...4.., and bd4let es see...ary Endres
sed Tell Gam th...e. sod aloe kw hsilds
sag a Bridge acro.e the lever Maithtd at
Ood.riek with the •vagi.*., approaches
tb.etn. Aad whams the ,..sot of .-
(.rest of the Mew awstiessd tet. et Tb'r-
het Tb used pp.e•.s dM• at oia per mot, will
.iSbIs.0 beaded Meads per •... ,
.ad 11. nes .deist to 1«m s salvos
read fed the peepm d mows( deo sed
4184 withi• tw..y year. hem 11. .o.-
1.1.115501 th naso, will b. Pham id Pemba. ammonites n all, aessai , s.
Tree Tb.eseed Three h.adnd P
Ad whored th..m.e.t of rateaNe pr.-
p.rty so
is the United Cetiw of tiers.,
sad lace, appease by the last
,ears assessment rebore. to 8. Om Minim
One Heeded and Oma Tlimesed. O..
Headed .s4 One Pond% Nrset.11 Shil-
ling* .d Eight Pewee, inclusive of the
Incorp«eMi 1....:Ood.ricb, the meal
.ales el property therms b.i.g X6,840
10. 41. Aad w►«e.. the special rate .t
these berths of • May per pseud, 1..i..
aloes impeesd epos ell the rateable, real
and=property poperty IriIrianis the said L.
1.d C -»i iso, .t11 be sulkiest to satisfy
and di.AMp the los. hem...therised
to he moil, with the thereof •
with. the time limited Malay, .ad by the
Lowe of Yes Preemies.
let. Se et therefore ssae'.d by the Mal-
ebo' Coesail dthe Untied Comite. et He-
s• s, Perth .d Sena, that the Treasurer et
the said United Cosmos, b., and he is
hereby sneered .. Matt d b8. said
M.siap.l Cowed, to esotract s less of
thirty :th...ssd peed. is mom set lass
thee tww.ty-la pounds leaving asteroid at rate ..t exceeding six per soot. per
mom se may be agreed epee between hrs
sad the parties orAri.g to make mach loan,
which interest .hall he payski. MU yearly
in' at Loden, is E.glaad
And les tYoa..d peapod whish prissiest
pal maim Wall be payable is tae years from the
data of the lenso et the .std Debs fere.,
the further seat dies nomad pend" in if -
tees years from the data of the Issas of the
said■tore., ad the beams or the Ise
tboellsad pose& is twenty years froin the
date of the toed of the .ad Denoting,
all payable at
2o4. Ad he It further teamed. That for
affording 'widows of the mid Leas, sad fee
d eans, the payment thereof with isw..1,
Debentures ten behalf of the said Meaieipal
Cooped shalt be issued for the pee is
. ums of cot km than beauty See posede,
which Debenture" 'ball be .sled with the
seal of the said Municipal Council. stewed
by the Wanks, and countersigned y the
comity Clerk and Treasurer shalt respeetiv.-
17, ad bear data ea the day the mosey is ad-
visedto the Treasurer, ad be aide pay-
able with interest according be the ted.s
and cosdttio.s of the said Loss se Main
before mentioned.
3rd. And be it enacted. That a special
rate of Three Farthings in this Pound per
annum over and sbo,e,a.d in addition to
all other rata wbataeevee.ha11 be raised
sad levied in each year for the payment of
the said debt to be sweated by tie maid Lem
until the saw shallpaid, open all
the ratable real with-
laseCpogansosal property with-
the d Vatted lige, and ow .811 -
ling and one half penny is the posed per
easels (being the tette of the ,maid to
the rear vales) spots the named vatma of
all the rateable rest sed }enemas pop•rty
within every ITema or Snags
which now in or wine ash be witWa the
said Untied Cessna daring *be mem-
me of -the said roe.
No ,c .-The .Mee i. • vee sop, of
• proposed BysL.w 1• be taken me mme-
.iieratien by the Medea& Ceased of the
Uaited Comities of Hun., Perth sad Sree.,
on Teasley the forte day d May , ten,
at the the Heron Heal, (Monist, (tb.-
11.') M ten of the clogk Is the Neenees,
at whit* Um and plsen themesh« of the
said Mmteipah, an matey roomed M sr
Lead ter tot perm.. ahrliskdD. .
ComRITCfy Clsrb.
Comity Clerk's Oles,
Gederieb, Slat J.. UMW Mae 3.
STRAYED from tM 8ra.eribe', es or
Met the Firma d Dmombw Ind, Lot
et Nosh lise [tmaarlleo, s Red Cww wit!
a white face, .d .segr the fon Molder s
white qat with a boll es, •1e. a Rod Sties
with s white tae. and M4aw hick ; also s
Meek Steer, with We beet, and white spM
ow !o had quarter ; ales a 110e3 ad white
Steer with A. S. es W hese, Wag ds
years old.
K1.srdies, Jas. I1tb 1061. .4.43
THE E S.Meribee being disposed be .ort
hie p.yteesu epee den, /tool hewing
emeriescal ghe eallesung
, hns by
wemeity 1 le Mr the atm min.
If 11 fiend Mesh* Ibe saes *ahem se
Sul, 4410 deosle thus twists, shames Mee
sad es Mow whit ay Mose Os Mese
semem.mre, oh are mer are yeses is er
mere et pgmeSt. le sows• •.usv rias,
as dammed aappets sol 1• the AVM
lost west. • week. be .ppeMts.y mita
geese W friends sed w.eswre st s M
hese•► te seppw he hes decamped, r set
infarmad M the maim
lig thasbrm takes tele opportunity le
ospreys his gvatite& bel bsde who
hams w embed up,' their and bemim
b isles. them Ohm be ' oi1S el Mr *Id
Masi where be bee emessely se bad •
Mee ed geed asseremeet d lie. ,taw
hes ai Mamma, whist be .dS melt es
pst whittled* prima Re babe
pa selvsusdd So mem sN Mew he sap be
imbed with is the now bemabe. s •'
mai rya of wortm•e•btp, an IM mbes»a
sed arm .wasbb I.sM •dr
ps. m who hems the main ed
le pay.
TWO geed BOOT tad SHOE Makm
w►e will bed .oset•st employmed
sed geed wages, by spply's, at tbe Shop
g1 the sebe'Ib., Woo -street. DsdsrlM.
Sit Sib, 10111.INNITARD S11E1N.
lye Parties dem the *or
sr7 br.mgis1
dim se
melee M M
e. open se
their Mom by pima, d
they mem is too. -tea,
sewer mea blvd. w" ted' p« t"gth
beet prima paid l0 1 nM
N.R- ► g ver, .h..p.kims,
H'.11 them k ,.g•. All
'aniocia takes to es
giodeoth046.►61i 00pis ewe
Aida Motoor? IMetekt 3 -
t • y.
EARLY le February will be poldi.1d, el
the (It? .4 Hwdta•. the Amt somber •f
•' Tis Ca14.1a11," a b1 wsokly Nwsp•p•r, le
be deemed r the Aswes •( Ptbt,cu, LIMO -
we. sed Osman, old the seea lr•b1s. levies
led ettfrry • ..w to the Pante, it is -
eemasmry br 8. Proposer oe utak. some d..
emeesht• .I1►. ereeo,pks es whist they repose
it she be essererd.
The P.bI, of •• The Comedies. beg se
hmtm.ns thee lateetre to pollees • thoroughly
i.depw/ust N.w.pepr, t. be Muted to tare
smug 1. terser .I C•mdei sada the priec ale
of retie.& Retests bp tM gredssl adrpiiae o/
the I.rit•rsee .( t1. C.esw, se this prsgree-
sive isepte,errat of ler popobties.
Wiriest errepu.g r themeshea eaeleef..
[roteaei..* to resp, is position enpener to e11
Putt isomers w rda•se , 'ay moms edema
fteen .aprrmisg t►e4,eevletlee, that meek of
the awitrl.en. old tieiev, of i. Newepepr
Pima r I.p..ed by the burrows id wt,.ps-
ree, w by ale meth... to Gears -
eves ale Oppositions, trprp.u.e of thew red
merit' ee4 of thew tsetse! claims to remota
▪ t.
nibs •• The Cuadra" .,11 tepee fsew
ly is the therweiw et leaw greet armies* is Go-
vosmet, Polley, .ad Iwpestwest.
whit► meet oseese.tly .,...s the Palls diad.
1r e.IutMe will, se fog .. nay be 15 eksitet
with flew e.awy and 4.,..., etrdl.uty
wised the osbthttrw of et petit risco,
sad ta'eehve, sad will at all tam.* sell,.•.. •
c•adid sod temperate .asmnastles tied .Imelda-
,see et p,iestpl.s and of 'beer prseueal epees -
The belief Ikea • Jureel ee.d.a.d withers,*
view., 5.4 re week • spirit, a shed y the
taettased,mieIligeic• sad p.pslsei.a alibis le-
e•hty, ad of the cocoa, generally, bun pimpled
the PtiMwhers la b.sard tee sederwAt.s fed too
•papa.s of whet' they Dim •ppwil to Ill* Peble
1. eelteirias Mat, they said refmate se t1.
htrsry ability. which, et c..aderebl page-
r/hp fiat, het with mach •.ansae• a ty ant,
ib.y have sward r sol w avowing *owe of the
leading prieeaplvs ea which •• The Ca.ed1a•'
will be e•.dsotod. i•y peeks i.nrstl... t1.
is will fwlemly sad a..e.prtalwtsgly ed.o-
sr fell sod.bsolsr eaabry .mess '1.
..,ers1 whales" Seer s.d Me•misaaia. Ie
Moe Promisee ; awl a a e•se3ery te this priest-
riest-p1.." Th. Cassis." win le.uuie
the heinediate applamiiee of t►o cote pre-
*eds of 11. amp lemma r the farther -
au of E4ssasasa, sad to ether while
purpsm.s, with the warmly .Mtitle..d satis•-
trs oldie R*elesw•.
T8. Cassis." will adage* R.eiyr•city
et TM sad Comers. with the Limited States,
.d artery unsete fa,« of tbe
M«ee.ule sad Agssimal tatevmle •t Cos s -
Gesenny, •• The Cssdi.a" will be swum
sed o.• friend to Bary arcs.,e bowie( a
airless, a• tM teenier of labour, and
to amelierow the ossifies •( maim! : sed se
p.dim bees say, geed kalifs.. .ad felle.aip
smsse the shim ofesei.ty.
•• J8. Cimino' will be plied ostler the
immediate editorial nrusgem•at of Taosas -
WacQwns' Est., .f abs Hem BIesaL : amd
will be pawed.. • largo Imperial .h«l, with
air ad b..bsm- typo, es Weibeedsy •ed
Satatiy et sash week, at the Palmas Office
Resume i Haas" the Publiebers.
Taub. -13.. ped ..m..s, if paid .trrctly i•
same. ; I7. it. if paid vitae ti. meths
tress Maine of.b.e,ibieg ; ee We. at the tad
o f apo year. Papers blamed by the Car
ifiss Sow, Hands, Jaeeery 34. 1851
WOUND oe the Hens Reed at my place,
▪ A basket Cestaiaing Clobi.g, the own •
w sae ba.e it by povi•g the pommy s.4
M7isg Charges, Let 95 Harms Road Coe
Jamey, 17th, 1881. 36 -et
r1IHERE b as excellent opening f: r •
TINSMITH is the Tows et Stratford,
Comity of Perth, me who sederstaa . the
Masse ward find as geed ss spa1le5s is
Stratford fed ••valley Mlsbia es say oboe
is Cased. Wort.
Stratford. UM Ju. 11181 .ie 1
WOR N•. 1 Scheel, Colborne, belies •
Certificate from the Piths lll.erd
Iwtrseti.e, apply t. Tarnow eland Meet
es w before the 10th February.
Ceiba's'. glad Jas. 1151.
GODERICH, 3isd homy. 15/0.
PARTIES whim Anoint. of 1830, re..i.
. . .•aa/d ave betray Med, that pled them
ladaw+e beimmediately settled, ilia ender -
signed will. 1113.11 say dietiute plant
tis the hens .i tee
sir Solicitors fee
(wits d all sleety el • marketable Imlay
will be takes is p•ymeet.
55-41 M. R. SEYMOUR le ('o.
GODERICH, 23nd Jan. 1085.
THE Beheceib..' Stow Wartime, else -
abed es the Holiest Qey. laving 8..411
..spMed, the Pebble see respectfully in -
teemed, that the moo a new .pee for the
Steei.g of hedsey M.,eheadiss, be. be.
ea the unset assemble tar...
11111-4i M. R. SEYMOUR i. C*.
THESehsonl« bunt I, the Tows .(W..4.
.4.18 se seigbber►•sd, is December
a mall peeMt b..' .tetainee tome m
sod • N.te chard 1, Nemesis' 121
Mr. freesia Fit/Weigh ted Li 3 N. w n'
Suteeriber.-Wmem bee fsssIY PolioPo
will please emoseeteate aliM
Rei. Ikestler4.-Paha...• d tM Note
has lees etlspp.l • JOAN McDON ALD.
Dktalllsd IM Jen. ital.
Ammonia f. Preposed t• stood Seas la
say pml.f 51e Mated Gelatio•, es the
.est M«.1 tern... Apply .1 the Fan
Dade. Ciut+ellen a.1 W 8..•e, Rest
&rem Sed••tee -
Is, S apoM end Mese property w111 ha
mod to dell either by mate es porno
/asevy 5, IROS. .4.47.
Sashes N.. 1, Wsweseih, M abase
prides" a Sseeed Cow C.Useaee.
tltraw•naeh. 11. 152 I. v4141
MR lees 111IClOOt.5edorbeb Tommie* •
T..8., WN1y • 11..t Claw CwuMse. r
whim • loam' Warp will be aim.
Aegitp se she q,...ea
iue ea. ties. At 4
'C..r re i • -r .