Huron Signal, 1852-02-12, Page 1ea. ollemme-
TJX 1111111LINQ$
W the P'roceedsngs of the Municipal Cesaicil fn. the
United Count:es of Huron Perth and Bruce, holden
d the Heron Hotel, Goitre/ion the 29th day of
De ender ]1551, plus -mord to euJournw$ent
from the 2nd July, 1851.
tisioa, If it shall appear that although we have gained the suit, we
are still liable few Law costs.
19 Being as ateeant for work at New \laitlaod Bridge, cer-
tified by Comity Surveyor as follows:
A. 'Tomas Campbell fouidays, 31. 9d. per day £0 IS 0
13. Adam McVicar 531 days at Ss 9d. £23 8 It
• By ash received 0 5 0
18 8 1;
C. George Campbell 34 days at 7s 6d, 12 15 0
D. James Sturgeon, 19 days at 3s 9d, £3 11 3
Do 23 days at 5o 5 15 0
6 3
E. Jobs Campbell 3S t dais at 31. 9d. 1+1 16 11 of the County of Bruce be pail out of County Fundi. your thernEelres vita merely Landing bis .hands:
By cub reeeired 2 30 0 G.amuuttee counter that Assessors moil Collerton are '1'ossn'aip a.1 '! rile-,rLs f•.d harscs, and made
14 6 11 olixer-, that therefore the County Council has notLing to do with their supper upoa dates, they all slept sound-
Your Committee would recommend that the Auditors be di- the affair.
Iy.As non as tL• French prisoner wa+res-
tl6 Motion of Mr. Rath relative to certificates of most eel- winced of t... f;m Le to as to ono"' the
lectors en arrears of taxes. 0 6'0
• inter Committee would recommend that the Connell do not cords 'that bun:'; Lun, mad soon "Pined
interfere in the meter. the liberty of Lis hand. Ile seized a car -
tie .Notion of Mr. Armond for the sum of two pounds r]3 bine, mid to -'s '.:.:; precamioa to provide
Bri Ilio, Goderich.
himself with some dry dates and a Iittidbag
This motho we recommend not to be motained as the Briar is
now laden awe!.of cam, ar m:l with a s-im¢tar, be started
69 County Surveyor's Schedule of works completed, in off, in the direction of the French army.
In Lis eagerness to arrive at a place of
safety, be urged that.lready weary horse
untill the generous animal fell down dead,
and left his Oder alone in the midst of tbe
desert For a long time the Frenchman
walked on, with the perseverase of a rim -
awes slave, but was at last obliged to stop.
The day was finished; uutwithntandieg the
beauty and freshnc-s of oriental nights, he
did ant feel strength enough to persue has
jMnity. Hating reached a little cluster of
•g -
Deliveesnee sane as above, (sodden bteoehu.)
52 Account of John Buchanan for budding Bridge on roa•1
from Godericb to AshlleId antemuting to £a', (sudden breach),
certified by Mr. Annand. Deliverai:»e as above.
53 Account of John Bugler 12•; 6d, (solder] breach), certi-
fied by Mr. (lays. Deliverance as above.
54 Account of Stephen Downie for work or] Silver Creek
Bridge £2 10, (sudden breach), certified by Mr. flays. The
same deliverance as above.
56 Account of Joseph Pitsbenry for work at Brides on Car-
ron Brook £4 10, certified by County Surveyor. To be paid.
57 Account of Wm. Story for pipes furnished the County
Gaol £ l 16 4, cert ified by County Surveyor. To be paid when
5V Acenunt of McDonald and others a. sistin, County Sur-
veyor in •nevose and Liking levels on Huron and London Roads
amounting to £I1 17 6, certified by County Sitrecyer. ,
We recommend to be paid schcu aodit_d,
59 Account of Stott inery and posta;e County Surveyor's
Office, .C2 3 9, certified by County Surveyor, The sante as palm tri• s. Net svppo•.icg their prisoner
c y
No. 58.\I"'fa' a!Am'' to escap ' the contented
61 otins of Mr. Girrin,'1'lat the Assr-sane and Col!eetnr
1 a las aa• fir »a saga.
dra:ed Ws eyes to the utmost to perceive her etre sad throat; and perceiving that
i t c r a t u Y e . the object ale terror. If* esaot,t the she was pleased with it, lee hope to tickle
LIFE IN 'Pili: DE BT. glimrae of two faint yellow lights at a dm- the bare of her Mad with the point of his
table from bun' he thought it might be •n dag sr, hopitg to find s hrorahle opportu-
optical defusion, produced by his owa ear- arty to stab he•, tut the hardness of the
nest gaze: but, a1 the •moon entered the boxes ma•ir him tremble lest he should mot
During the crderprising expedition into
Upper Egypt, by t,eneral Pe'sais, a pro-
siu'ial soluier f+8 into the power of a tribe
cf Arabs,called,and was azure
carried into the de-ert, beyond the cataract
of the Nile. In order to place a safe dis-
emee betnce¢ themselves and the Freseu
army, the Mawerabins made a forced marele
and did not stoi, hi! might doiedia. They.
eocarured around a fountain surra ivied by
rioted to emamrne carefully Coto these accounts. and it famed cor-
rect to be paid.
20 Account of Hugh S: obit for Stationers for 'Premiere'',
Once, £6 2 4i*. 'robe paid when certified by County 'Trea-
surer and Audited.
2l Account of J. Graham, Stationery for Cienty Clerk's
Mice, £4 tl 1, certified by Counts Clerk. The same as No. 20.
22 Amount of llalenee of account H. Rowell, £3 15 7. -
Your Committee hare no means by which to ascertain whether or
t ot this aecount is correct. but woold recommend that the :ludo- } which it appears that works have been completed under the Can-
tors be directed to examine the same carefully-, and the unmet da Compeers Improcement Fund to the amount of £672 I ls. 8d.
jwtly due to be paid. i We recommend that the necessary steps be taken to hale these
23 Account of Jaffray and Son for Adcertisine X1 11 6. sums finally settled with Use parties concerned.
This account appears to be tis. 6d. more than the charge of the I 70 Motion of Mr. \\'apace relative to Mr. Bae al's &fake-
JihswaSigma is. pesiesmeg the same work. We would recon -1 tion. Your Committee would recommend that the Clerk of the
mend that the Treasurer do get tee same rectified at the time of Coaneil do write to the sureties of Mr. Nomad, late Superjntead-
pavtneot. Fent of Education, intimating that payment cf the amount for
24 Account (+n/Met' breach) of James Barge £5,17 6, for which the) are liable, will be required forthwith,
work dors ee fierfielg 13rid4e, cern6ed by i M. t',de, we receive- 'Motion of Mr. Girvin, that the Sth concession of Colborne be
mead M be paid when audited. included in the By -Law on (sudden breaches.) Your committee
25 Accowt (se•laka breach) of William Graham £4 15, for cannot recommend that tbe motion be entertained:
work done on Port Albert road, rert.iscd by Mr. linin, -tie 7-1 Letter of County Sheriff 10 Warden, on amount due,
t ame deliverance as No. '21. ASo account of George Barrows relative to the new Jury Law. alms which had gladdened Lis heart at a
(iudden brrach) for f 1 15. tier work done en said road, certified Deliverance applicable to this is given in number '.4. p g man to himself. 'She will not awaken to
p distance he laid, his Lead upon a stone and
by Mr. Ginia,'aat,aaaa above. - 75 Petition of J. G. Kirk, County Saicevor, as to salary.-` hntger.'
26 Accounts certifiedair. (limn. for work dome on line Your Comnitree taking into consideration the ouerous dnties r- slept, without takin; any p reeantion for bis o
by She was in truth a beautiful monster.
cif road between Ash and \Vawanos9 XIS 15, -same de- famed by the County Surveyor, and great expense that be bas defence. - The fur w her throat and kgs was of a
literance as No. 24. - •• • been at in taking levels, &e., of tbe'Two leading road's &.e., would He was awakened br the pitless rays of
27 Account (•uddea breach) of V.,. Toore £I 10, for recommend that rhe do receive £120 as bis remuneration for the the sun, which foil upon Li rail intakrable dazzling wtaitncss; a circle of litde dark
f MO done 0. Meek Creek Bridge, certified by Mr. Gourley, current 24. . 76 Mr.rWallace on taxation in the Town of Goderich.- tenor; for in ars weariness he had reposed spots,like velvet, formed pretty brancelets
29 Acomoat of Samuel Rabb £ 10, for budding a Bridge Your Committee cannot at present enter into the merits of this on the opposite side to the morning aha- 1 round her paws -her Tare muscular trial
over 'Trout Creek, ;ora load (sudden breach), certified by Mr. qucstioo but would recommend that the matter be taken into con- dows of the majestic palms. The prospects was beautifully white, terminated by black
Monteith,-sarne as No. 21. sideration at the next meeting of the Council. and that in the arouV J hip, Gi1ed ha, ;-•![despair, Ia ever] rings; and the soft smooth for oe leer body
29 Account (sadden ho art.) of Wm. Moore £2 10, for meantime, the authorities of the Town ought to hare' such calcu- direction nothing met Lis eye but a' wide of a glowing 'yellow, like unwrowebt
repairieg roadeen Ellice toad Dnwn c, certified by \l r.' lat73 Letter f T made, as will fM aciJltate its settlement. ones, Esgnire, to Counts- Clerk on amocccan of sand, srarkling and daaciig like Fold,
richly lorm o dedd with dark brown 'pots
kith, same se `o.bet24.
30 .Account (sudden breach) of Robert McDowell £2 10, rears of f
lases • Mr. Jones his been before the Coma Atte at it a da^'cr in the suusl:iae. 'Fhe pure bril-
for tepiring Bridge on Stratford and St..hlary•s road, -certified stated, that be would on next" -Monday commenee.paeino, the ^-r- Haney pf the sky left the ima,ina000 notl.- Thuspowerfutbut tranquil hosts» reposed
by Mr. Smith, same as No. 21. rears due on lands held by' leazees in the , several 1'ownshirs ac- into to desire. Not a clout obsesred its io as graceful •a attitude as a puce sleeping
91 Acoarat den breach)of John ICeill tl for baitdin eordin;as the aehedute can be made out. Your Committee we!uld on a footstool iTer bend stretched on her
a Bridge on road from Stratford le St. Marys, certified by Mr. recommend that the 'Treasnrer be instructed to send an abstract spleador,lsot a zephyr mored tie surface.
Smith, awe d Na X_ - - of all such tales so paid by"the Canada Cormpany to tele re: c-1 of the desert. - The earth and the heavens
32 Petition of Jane Nairn as Teacher is Kincardine. Your five Township Puke as soon as prat•ticablc after the same is paid t ser sed oa tire. Thule ass a r i ld ar]i7aw-
committee beg leave to say that tots Pctitroo leas given rise to ie order that tbe same may be dedneted from the iadiriduals fol mojc ty in the u¢iversai stillness! God
various coasiderations which makes it doubtful whether or not the charged therewith. in alt Lis infinity, seemed present to the
Commit tan exercise aby Jurisdiction in this matt•r. In the first 77 Motion of Mr. Comet as to the Councils aesumio; a ,
gleet it is aid tfmt the seemed taxes i• Kincardine cannot be Bridge at St. Mary's, Blanshard. 1001'
odleetod u the inhabitant.; of that Tnweship repudate the 317- Your &'osmittee cannot rccomn,ead this motion be complied TLe desolate wanderer thought of the
Law of the Late Huron District Council by which that Town- with. rountai s mad m<^s ofhis own retire pro-
ship -esu united to Ashfield and \Yawaoosh. sped ii they` are cow- 78 Account of Local Superinte&dent of 1:duration of Na, 2,1 fines, y.,a wept aloud:. IIe t taped the.
chinks of the cave, be di.tinctty saw as en-
ormous animal lying about two fret from
him; Tbere was not suticisnt !held to dis-
tinguished what srecies of animal it was', it
might bee bon, a tiger, or a crocodile; but
the strong oder that filled tLe cave, left an
doubt of the presence of some large and
ytut'►1e itreatare.
When tee moon rase so u to shine dtr-
ect1 upon the opening of the grotto, its
beams lighted the beautiful spotted tide of
abuge panther! The tion of 1:,;ypt slept
with ber bead upon her paws, wit', the com-
fortable d'ienity of a great house dog. Her
eyes, which were open from time to time.
were now closed. Ilex face was tnrrtd
towards the Frenchmen. A thousand con-
fused thoughts raised through the soldiers her with nets and dates, but she lookedep-
bosom. His first i!ea ins to shoot Lis ene- on them with eootem; t. linwerer, ea it
my through the bead; but be saw there was sensible of his kind intenticos, she licked
not room enough for that; the bail would his shoes and purred.
inevitably bare passed her, IIe dared not The idea made him tremble. II. took-
-make the slightest movement, lest be should at the size of the pother. She Was three
awake bee, nothing broke the deep silence feet high, and four feet long, without includ-
but the breath of'tbe panther and the beat- in; ber tail, which was three feet more is
ings of his heart Twice be put his hand
upon his scimetar,but the difficultuy of pene-
trating her bard rough skirt made him re -
'impish the project. To attempt her des-
ttectioo, and fad in the attempt, would be
instant death. At all events, he resolved
to wait for daylight. Day came at last,
and showed the jaws of the sleepmg panth-
er covered with blood.
' She las eaten lately,' laid the French -
The beantifn) Sultana of the desert seem-
ed to tempt the courage of her prisoner, by
raising her bead, stretching out her neck,
and rubbing against him. The s.ddeir wd-
dioly thouobt that, to kill her with one
How, he most strike her in the throat. 11e
raised his blade fee Mat purpose; but at
that moment she crouched down at his feet
looking np in his fare with a strange mix-
ture of affection and meet fierceness. The
poor Frenchman leaned against the tree,
eating some dates, and casting his rye aims -
ouslyaround the desert, to see if no one
was coming to free him from his terrible
companion, whose strange friendship, was so
littk to be tested. IIe offered to feed
length, and. as round as a great cudgel.
I ler bead was as big as a lion's, and, bar
face was distinguished bra peculiar expres-
sion of -cunning. The cold cruelty of the
panther resigned there; but there was like-
wise something strangly like the counten-
ance of an artful woman, in the gaiety and
fondness of the present moment. She bad
her fill of blood, and she walled to fro-
During the whole day, ifbe attempted t•
walk away, the panther watched him as a
dog docs his muter, and never suffered his
to be far out of sight. He discovered the
remains of bis horse. which had been dragg-
ed near the mouth of the cavern, and h•
easily understood why she bad respected
his slmnbers.
Taking courage from the past, be begaa
to hope be sould get along very comfort -
with his Lew companion. Ile laid
himself beside her, in Order to conciliate
her gold opinion. Ile patted her, neck;
and she begs to wag ber tail and purr.
lie took hotel of bee paws, felt her ears,
retonsour' outstretched paws, from which rolled ber over the gra. She suffered
ber long, white smeller: spread out like ad- him to do all this; and when be played with
her threads. lied ahc been in a cage, the her paws, she carefully drew in her clave,
Frenchman would certainly Lave admired lest she should hurt him. The Fremcbmaa
the perfect symmetry of her lark form, and again put his band upon his weapon with a
the rich contrast of colors, that gave such . view of rh inoin; it into her throat, but bee
an imperial brlliaacy to her robe, hot &loomwas still held by tee fear that the asimel
gg and in her power, it was a tLJerent thing.' would kill tiro to agony. Besides be real -
tett ia on he
wlth wdcblnMenicipahfyto. then ati ! we wt ould havecan eno no right! to ointectioft for postages and erfere I Yonr Committee would reeey15o, to eo aamcad that allpstati nc ry reen quired by i pa! n, "' it rt Lad hccc ` iF' f" s cif':t r co ge nstoh withrineren+sin P_ had Coit his 117 bob to Lure to unwillingness to kill
i•tie matey of tie Pietitin•. County ot6eers should M furnished b the Count Clerk' int `noted to re..ese eke ..r c;fahuc
y 7 ° it was cinkia • now. 'l ►e eo:d sweat
Seemed, if theme u an Township 1lur]icipality eckeowledgtd, future. , , ,hale. The add wittyc-rness sent Lack a
there is sok l laid out School -tion, and can bare no claim I 79 Account of Local Su'enntendent of Too/noon No. 3,:.;11, spun.'. from the Jbtaace, but no echo po'st'ed from hs forebead, as be aw tbs
for school moneys whether arising from the (:osernmeat Cram or' for postages and Stationary £0 15s: Ile sone ns'.p: 73• 1 waa• t'''' a'''.
• The echo Wu in Lis sleeting panther. Ccasidering himself a
from Assessments. 80 Account of Benjamin Parsons `tati-rrerc 3i Old, certified, dead man, he an•aited Lis fate as courag^_-
lhotil hcad.
mese County
Tr•ssnrer kare settler!. rutrwcted not 1, paydthrrecommend
order referred ry5 ► o Appcaas to bean aFeuer, late mreon t of work der. em air.sewabove.
`•Iaitl t d \'ti'i'h iaclaacho1. steps be rodded around ous'my ax be could. When the sun rose, the
y J
to by Petitioseer, Bridge. Your Committee wo•dd recommend to be file;!. too 0000.❑.e'en w,:i li tae palm trees grew. ear' her soddenly opened her eyes, stretched youth, and who was abominably edeas el
33 Letter of Arthur Acland, Esquire, C'beiclean of tee hoard SI Account of Beaiamia "iii:, r for r-,•ik (kr,- at mew Mait-j To Lit temat joy he oi'cosesed on Inc op- out her paws and gasped, bos+in; a f,i,bt- him. By the end o,` the day, he had be -
of Psblic instruction, s king for an advance of £20. Your land Bridge £:,S 1s 3d, certified by County Suneyer to be; porite side a sort of Datura( ,erntto, formed' Cul row of teeth, and a great toegue as hard rue o familiar, with bis disprove mite.
Committee are of opininn that it would be very improper, and by paid when anlited. 1,,--r of -zoite. leo; s was awe me i and as rottgi. as a G!e. Che tkts shook Lon, Cut he was almost n love with kit ea -
a preeedeat, might lead to atones of a serious ettare 85. Account of Thomas Daney, £2 10s,,=for work done at I , 1 we
I la his breast. The palm u-o:>ds 4u: sts!tcl I hetsclf, mad began to wash bet Woody yarn nt:ng pen:r• lie lead ever t
if accounts b rendered aners ler mosey d were
certified. ygiven by the ouur Csed ofamitut haviag ea there- Benjamin
aabove ,lliller's Bridge certified by County Sarre; or. game' him with dates i,n fm 1, -::1 tome.. bean^ r' , are:: g them fhow ..toe to time over parr rant5er be: non.. tbe looked tip ea 4n
fore recomwead that the request to not complied with. 86 Account of Parr] 'Moro, £`3 15 101 for Blacksmith mi• ht ecn:c that wmy before they were ee-; etrs,Um akittea. • Very welt -done,' tbon;;ht fare 'thee he called • Mtgeoaom.'
34 Account of A. W. Otter. for deliecrc of Asscasment wok done at Nom Maitland Bridge, certified by county. Sar t hau'tcd, Perhaps aamoer port; o1 Mao;- the soltlitr, who reit kis gaiety and eourase Whea the sun went down, *be attor•d •
Rolls is 1850. Your Committee are of Neuron that an ample ecynr. Same as abate, i' ssk.,ac wanderi,g L, -'on to hast eeturnin; sbe does her touethandsorssl deer -.rid mc'anebc!y wry.
etaourt lees been already paid for this purpose. Your Committee beg lease to MI 'mot the propriety of the ! I Ike scud o 'u„g. vv which be bad takes • S u n well educated,' sxclairaed tbe
139 Motion of \Ir. Bath as to arrears of taxes on lands w County 4u wane eaCi:tor on two at least of the".down I:zeses l0(some charms tot his iwah'nale°n-or lt!c
Lo and Ellice, Mr. domes beim; before the ('ummLLtce states assist him int :e Ieltin, of an contract the estimated :creased mi^ht Liar the Cease of ar;,roach,nr cameo from one of the Asha• --Come let as wish roller. he leu leant to m, ber emu -
or 1.' 11 shall be o-cr £-'0 y i f \a•wt -n Rc'.ar'rtovas :::.a pa<..- each other ;00.2 nwr•:ng; thoao!st"c. At m;, prayer.
Ler. In the toac'y desert, she seemed tee
him like a friend. Ha admiration of bee
gracefc!nes, beauty', and activity, became
mixed with leas and les of terror. H.
actually named ber Migoonne, in remembr-
ance of a lady whom be had loved im him
that he can gine no positive answer, until the lands are et-
41 and 42 Petition of A rehihald \t'(•Ioy praying for a grant
of stoney on Town-liae between clay and Stanley.
Motion of Dr. Cole, for the sum of X30 to be granted for
the above purpose. Your Committee cannot recomme•d any &o-
at on this Zine at this late period of the year.
43' Yetltion of James Gordon. and \YtTiam ilattrnbnry pray- As voar Committer are not aware that our (booty '1 reswror t Kotto ,t oinst the wild b:a>t, woo.. we
!ME to'bet permitted to draw a balance of £237 44. 10d. cement Ii been fnrnislred with any sarh list during the year 1``51, su`! l come w the ci a twit to d: u.a at tide vu -
ealertaiaed as the Council bare no authority if the mattes. *sit m a matter of at importance to these Counties that each
4ti P•titioa of Wm. Story prayas% roc extension of time to list be be furaished, the Trea-sefrer be instructed ,t0 take the I let flowicgat the foot ci t}te p: n+•
°t-kials redby fear
Tey Committee recommend that the time for completing the t or leased up to the 31st of December last, that has not been of beias devour• ed in La sleep' he could
toot be extended to the lsl day of AprJ meat, mad that the sum already tarnished, and when received tbat he furnish the res- u,t fr,i.h his fortifiratio0 burin; tic day,
114A140 be advanced is part payment. pectins Township Clerk u said section directs. All which is .. the,. atr LIT be was cat-
- cr - 1 ( be t' stretch
Your Committee would beg lease to direct the attenti^n of the l . over E' - t iLe firemen uaa expen elms moment the pantset Iartsed her bead Conned to 3.9th section of the as<essment law,wl.ich coact,'• t:r.t i n. p
it shall be the date of the Commissioner of Croon Lands wish: n t, a sadden ttaast;r.n Com the dee; c -t tonal s tine he soddenly, tad esratst gnu .
30 darn after the 1st of ,laniary of each nom ecce} vicar, to; dcsoir to the w.tdest icy. Ile ocer]pied upon tier.
the U meting dorm Tim Geedu•ts of tierbrig5t metallic eyes
transmit to each and eco Cosnt l'reasurcr, a list of all the bivasclt during a Lay milli
La•sds granted nr leased uring the preceeding year" ler. , ,amu palm trees to d. `red tho month of he an.I :.:most insappatrabla bedbug.'
45, of Jamas phew fes work dome am Bridge ea respectfully submitted by 1-s 5rds essnic
8awtferd and St. Mary's rad 15s, your Committee see wad JOHN 110E\lE Chairman. tin frN to the ground witk • crash that
to 1>M paid net of feed for sodden breaches. Committee Room, Jan. 1st 1852, rcsnunl-d throng the desert, .+ if snbtudc
46 Aecoar. of Andrew Helser, breech)Kfor or] bad uttered a deep groan.
Iit'iri oppoate No. 4, Harm Road North East , £4,- Bat pile de Mw, n wg!i reaves le
nppied y 1Hr. Hamilroe (sadden ihfoe to ve paid. RET'OST
47 Aetoast of F'nmue F for covering x08 rads of mpuro nice a nr!, rano;, lee immed:atcly
peon ay on tie Mitchell road £67 6, certified by Comity Sur- WSelect Cblwes rtes on Roods and Bndgrs. began to strip nal the bread and memento
greyer. To be paid whelk audited. lures In (nr+a his rear's f w t►e aitiht.
Aeeoaat d Ws. T.eegweAh few work co Carom Brook lftxttaa o► Coxtetrrrt :-Messrs. Donkin, Lemli, Crile, advert.
AO 10, (media bweaeb}- seteledby Mr. Doeskin. To Hal and -Rath. Fax foil by
les whim andiW• Year Coasttaittee b.niwg naesietd the documents submitted 1w addle of
Auoaat of Job. Rahh for week at 'Mitt Creek Bridge thaas,►e= {ease to vagal a fnllosn :-
6 IP, (sedan breath), cart/lied by Mr. Hag. The maw de- 60 Jain tee Surveyors Repent
%rem** u No. 48. ap beteg takes to that portion f r
60 'keenest of Thames Mef?aaw for lristisg lke•, adeaamt-
4. r*18 ! 9. T be paid whoa wiled tV of air-
. t- Aesee d el Wary Hertel for baidiag YtdguOs Owl
Rests Cherish to Port Obert £6, .arb4ad by 11 gr. Amami. -
Fatigued los eternal and taw: e
warmth of tbe climate, be woo fell unto a
rrofnund slumber. is t disturbed by w
night his sleep was suddenly . lymph sad
esleanrd:nary anise. He raise
dlistened, grid amid the deep selene he beef-
ed the loud breathing 50*0 powerful cse Madman -
mal. The hair tented 4
Esxt boa be n n the Tet ort whtrh
refers to the rout rer0amsesded to be followed witb Gravel Roads
at !Able Hill. Your Counaittse peegssemd that the Ser-
i t Medlar the ,batt, i & ia &ea bass1 l to Us owl di►
mr101re•• _ ' stn oft sun 1 burps wr00gfw11y iwterpreled the ac Trebel
, ell ;e aural. mad to •few yaw aR•v w ewe sl gee fkK, met•► lutt+ .
winch useantly brn+a let a gl ( Mr
IMO a beaver. ' that leak 'drew bow- Me} ttf •marl• 1e ►ev b . ssepaelatsle iK, r tM k wk Pleptsx-
lie rejoiced to see t pas r
he-u!f out in a drowsy altitude.
• That as n;bt, my pretty Moeda. word
be. • You had better go to sleep first.'
It* treated to his activity t• escape !g
ms her plumber. Ile waited f teat ed
when elm awned WWI ti weber, haw tee4
nor roe.iy monarda the ode. M the ,„,„,0
sotgene • fruit, of a laws, Mooing af-
ter whelk b. hears the "aa a hog
to Mm, atte-ug at
try. ,aid M. • her frteodehip m
t f • en ► Arae Moe.'
}; ,l most he leer
vary Ila: tears op, all Freedom's fell
ief of those deogoro••s nope .f loose
hews who b it ie wsp.snbte to estneate
oae'•eelf (M'peatW cried bow by 71s
collar. and with,erredsble strength leresigbt
Ws In Ow otter •.1• of tko lite le ata single
\ty dear 16 r eacai ed the
peddler careen her oil redwoods'', 'ossa
1 .ea.lep et lee kfe or hath.' Nov. tlrt be
1le retraced las steps.
Irl a u coma; a time In, ed era . ti cafes' b"
r if the desert were
re.dd talk, it seemed
made the soldier tremble, e•peeiapy ahem i
the mis:bly boast mored towenlilim. With
oceat boldness and !weenies of salad, he
looked ber directly in the eye, havie; often
beard that great power may be obtained
over animals in that aeanner.) When vbe
came up to Lim, be gently *invited her
brut mal smoothed her far. Her eros
ggr•sdualiy sof),caed, she hego§ to wag her
tail, mad at last *be purred like a ratted
cat; hat se deep mad were her wise
of hay. that they remounted through 1ts
cave like the rolling d a afore► own
Tb. Freachosa redoubled his e- ''
mad when ha thee& bee fermis "M'" -
eieally tamed he attaspt.4 r lifts the
grotto. The piatbet don so opprde " s
to bi going net; bit •sdim Mas g after
him, Aloe ep bow beeb, mrd webbing s-
ganat how, like en affisetsnate hitter'. ' She
Ireioirta a greet dial of attention, said the
tbe Frew -hymn, mullet* 110 tried to feel
Odor* tdlssbed ism fey ►•tk ' - _ e: + rs,1. ase•