HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-02-05, Page 4Pro. LRAP TZAR Site Of THE LA. ..e Yen ,fuMening paean, wits Nag pis pose Q.. itw ow.e►, Ow ~' 011or w11i1 vis wkh winter mows,Om wgs, luteal%ear wisekter saute, Whisk see" emote ere heeresar; OintblMrwafbdlk — leanly bre.et. YON* aly.le t leeks w rest; Sbpe we tide year names red may T. y. time "marked atteeumm" pry. Or moo Mat yen, favi wee, Asa "pop the geaslies" to yea toe, We 1.s We opportunity, Tete* y.. mese eespeeil'elly, Odreolwe soden oat winning charms, Are waived oat for your arms. The retry lips ym spoke of sow, rill breathe with you the marriage vow; m ehe* thrilling glance you praise win abed se you their f,.Jeet ray.; Om► level, *eche, and brut. of snow, A bwahhlette load embrace would know, Whilsebs.rfslly oot iamos excel Wast cutup ewe bis sweet control. Oil i asbelore ! though cold and chill, Per yea we hese some pity still, Per MO we tomer your wretched life, Without • load sad loving wife; Make some amends for error. past, By wedding ere the year be passed, And thea secure some Ness, before Year earthly journey shall be o'er. Ye Wltowees!-but we need not call, We see you're et outing one and all, Amid ties proclaim you Ilk'd the state 1a whish you lived so very late, We know iodend you want a spouse, To salmi the children and the horse; letst nob on. therefore choose .some staid, Bedat., sweet -tempered, smart old mud. %se, rstlemee, of you be wise, Cowan at new and laky • press. Or so.. perbape you'll win in vas, As we'll pat on our airs again; Aad still if cold old becbelon Prefer their blankets and their furs, Wby let them coldly live and die, Unwept for sad o•bo.ored lie., THE HURON SIGNAL, GODHQICH, FEB. 5, 1:852. DIViI1011 COURTS. THC mesa Derbies Cowrie der ti. Bohol Commies d Nene. Per* sed Mase, .41 M WM w abs dales sod plasm kilns tag 'ley s.s..e Corr' 1loetr, GoiesMb. led February, sed to April. U. r LW**, Clerk. 101,00111 en are. Jobs 11.cka'e Tame. Meat. 1, 4011 rebete ry. sed t1 te Mer Imes& Greer., Clerk rule 111110•00. Jammu Were'. Tesoro. latrathisd, 13th Febreary sed 31.1 51►• Roby Wilhars.. Cder► *errant wee `Ins Qaiek's T...re, Leads. Rood, 4th Febnay nod 21.t M. George Carter. COM rl ?TM 01V11110. School Hoerr. Ch.lie., 3rd F'ebrn.ry aid nod Msy. James 6•..Jos Esq. C'erk. err?. Drum's. B,he..r►'. Teen. Sd.t Mary's, 12tb Firmer sad 'thk NI., Jame* Caiemsa, Esq Clark. Dr,IMn,. Hs•ehe'. T.•.r.. Viper. of Barfield, 6rk Feb. •oil 94Th Mar I)•.Id flood Ritchie. F... The Plttiop"( the several Courts will com- .Ie..e psaet.slle st 11 ,'clerk. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J C. C. Qr4rn.h, 1831. ,4.46 WANTED. AAi1Bj.WHE11', PORK. BUTTER, SEtDS AND CORN. The subacn- b' r n rieurnr.g 1's r.ncioe Dunks to the puNlc for the Mural rapport rererved by AM. owe his eowme.eeenent ea B.vfleld, Bees is tnfurm how that hu stock is now rrMe'e weh even article metal?, kept IS • e.umer $ ore, having made considerable pureba.m. is 1'te British and Amen an mar- k•ts wh.e% he ioteeid+ Sell no a cast, Pre- vious to remnvtnieg :oto the New Store, which he breeds to ars rosily in the "meth of November. An. of the •boyo aruele• taken As ca•Man•1 the best prce Allowed Ger them. There( we, entre to the !'heap Store and dint/ ,nor interest by- buvinq 'here there is one (rice and one price only. At mceo,. or O'ConesLL.-In a trial at Cork for murder, the principal witness ewers agalest the prisoner. Ile particular- lyswore that $ hat, found near the place of. tmurder. belooged to the prisoner whose name was Janes. By virtue of your oath, are you sure that ibis in the same bat T' r Yes." "Did you examine it carefully before you swore ie your Information that it was the prisoner's T "I did." "Now, let me sae," said O'Connell, u be took up the bat and began to examine et to the inside. He then spelled aloud, the nun* of Jame., slowly thus: J' -m -e -s. - "Now do you meas those words were in it whenyou found it!' do." " And this :s the same hat*" "it is." "Now My lord," said O'Connell, holding up the hat to the bench, "there Is an end of the cue, there is no name whatever fes scribed in the hat." The ;result was an instant acquittal. - MAxiMs roe PA•RNT* AND THACHRRb.- Never give reproof, if it can be avoided, white the feelings of either party •re ex. cited. if the parent or teacher be not calor his influeeee is diminished, and a had ex- ample is set. 1f the child is excited or pro- voked, he will not feel the force of argu- ment or rebuke. On the other hand. do not defer too long. Seize the first (vener- able opportunity while :6e circumstance. are fresh in the memory. Reprove each fault u it occurs, and do not let them me- cuenmulate, lest the offender be, dacourageJ by the account. Groes or FIaa,A,Ms.-A servant near Limerick, .t the time every body we, re- quired to deliver up their fire -arms, gent all his muton pokers and tongs to the bar racks. it you put two percale to e1e•D in the same bed room, one of whom has the tooth - e che and the other in hive, you well find that the person who has the toothache wi l go to sleep first. A soldier was sentenced to hare him ear+ col ofi. After undergoing the brutal order. he was escorted but of the court -yard t, the tune of the rogue's march. Ile tarred, mei in mock dignity, thus addressed the mesh e iaos-" Gentlemen, thank you ; but 1 have no further peed of your kind eerier, for 1 bate no ear for music." BLACK Novas. -A resolution has been in- troduced into the Rentocks i.sei.lature, which provides that the keeper of the Pent- tentiary shall procure • suitable chemical dye, such as will slain the cuticleur outer skis of each prisoner's none perfectly black, that cannot be washed 044, or in any way removed, until tune shall wear it away. The editor of the Kentucky Flag fa re favor ot the resolution, with an ammendmest that the Sheriff .4 each county be regoered to catch every dellsgosnt newspaper subcerib er le his balieriek, and back his nose, and kap it Naked until be pays up his r-. FAST 8A11.10•. -The screw 'learner Phoebe, Captain P. P. Brenan, has just made a passage of les days std ten hours from heats to Melts, under d salvantaga 01 contrary wilds, thus .colo,.n her repots• tion as owe of the fastest trete nut of I.t,er pool. Why le 11 easier to be a clergyman thug a physician r -Because it is saner to preach than to ;reacher. What moral doe* a wv'hsr rock n, ■ church steeple point ! -Nit it iv • rear tleng to evp.re. Why is a pig to a patio tr !,k. a •.. , Are 4 Breath's the sootier it is pot ani the better. There is a yrortemen in M ch.e,n r. les. that ha pet out enc of bra.v'. the to treble the troble of wink ng wool be to aim. " W.II enters mehe:Ate Ithaca t .r near• up to burns 4' Wby, brotber Ben Aso or le ■ 'terse he the save. sad antler Suite t. a Twin the sea woes fer ht..,." As honest ntd Indo le the.. -.tette when told of her husband's death, •t•-ienned, .Weal 1 de dolma err *feeble' term emir Mere! It slit e week since 1 Inc( my beet has, •ed sow Mr. Hooper boo ease, u,e, peer tees !" W. C TIPPET. &yield, 21st August, 1'15.4. van33 AXE FACTORY, 4-c. Rc.. 1.11E 8ub•enber hens to intimate to the farmers and other inhabitants of the United Coast le., that be basj'lat ce'p'eted bis arrangements, and 'ee now prepared to furnish Axe.. warranted, err mentor qua. hty,asd en terms stetted to the elrculnstan• eve n( the country, end the quality of the arnele. Ile alto invite" all farmers to.eall and ex • armee his imornved sneeimen of the CANADIAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, wbieh he flatters himself wilt b3 foetid superior in many respects to any other Plough now ,a :1e to tau section of the Provirce. HARVEY IIaACF Goderich, Aug. 21, 1834. v4027 CHIPPA WA POUNDRY• And Steam Engine Manufactory. rTIHE Undersigned Ie new prepared to d. 1 all hied" of work in the beet easeaw,, and at short nonce. The Patterns of Steer! D.gisss for Grist sed Saw Mills, are all new and of the most ■pprrred kind. Also, complete sets of goer - ler. Shafting. Wt. for Grist sad iBow Mtge, —try which the atteatles of the public te p■rtieelarle directed. Having devoted eensidereHe time and expense to getting up the bet description of Engine, with all the other.eteeeary fix. totes fur Meley Saw Melts, is SOW ready Io offer them with gnat confld.mee to tic"• in wool of each m►obleery. Theee&ginee, ke, Contain all the recent improvetrrentat and are very complete. Sevea of them are now finished, and the detained is see% that parties desirous of percha•ing can be fitted Hp is • few weeks, with everything neees- rarr. A Boiler Yard is also attaebed to the Es. table:meet, where boilers of the best qual- ity will at all ei'•e. be made to order, on reasonable term., and of the beet materials and workmanship. improved stationary Fire Engines con- stantly on hand, ready for delivery. Irne Planing, Turning, Serew Cutting, &TM Casting and Fteishiog, ke. dons in ever' variety. in connection with the "bore, there ie now in coarse of erection the largest Stove Foundry in the Province the Moulding Flan; of which will COTe( opwards of 10,. 000 equate feet. There will be conatanely on hand • Stock of the most approved Pstterne of English and American C.toking Ranges. Stove, ke. fitted with Tee end Copper Ware com- plete, aro, the hendsomeet and newest styles el Hall and Parlour Plover, • variety of Plain sad Ornamental Patterns of Cast Iron Fence and Geer, all of which will b. +old at lower prices than have ever before been offered to the public, and which, firm the position of Chippewa, as retards water eommneiestio., ran be forwarded to any part df the Province. et a veru light ex - peer. OLIVER 1'. MAKLEM. Chippewa, June 24, 1851. Spent. -22 NO TICS. TBEG to febris', to the iambi—met' of the Townships of God.neh. Stanley aid Col- borne. that ander a power of Artarary fiord the BARON DE TUYLE, dated rh.2.irbApril, 1$49. I'm authorized todispooe of bra LANDS is these Townships, sad to gnat Tule Deed for the nm.-anda!so to collect ail Monied doe him. and to grail Doteluge. for the gems. --sed i hereby regoest a!l perms' indebted to the mid Baron de Tayte, forthwith to settle ep theirres- pective debts. THOS. MERCER JONES. Gederieb, 8th May, 1850. 3s -s 15i f Pili?! !11 WIS. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AMD PHOENIX BITTERS 71Ie Web W embed •e1MMy siege she* pre -•carr a1Nrtee bre eepisei ere their erea.rals Oka* Is .1. Os 4iw.w .11.4 .1., Nils* 1. oris, W tarter Go era lute* er pears ret ineueurr. 1.a ..W- ail TO trews Titey .n 4...w* as abode in W : their good tri WO* traOosa .I ewe ahoy SU*•aa yah. Is44. al Mt Vag aLL 4112:1410x S WM nam Lands for Sale In the Township of Wawanosh. TFiE following Lots of Land. the proper- -a of Wm. Garrett, Esq., Kingston, are now for Sale, namely, - Coo. 6, West -half of 27, 100 scree. Con. 6, Lots 28, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 1200 ,e lSTIf01. /CUTE old customs, El 61111114 rrriCT 41.4 d n.h%1Tiae via pal SWLL be. BILIOUSrerun re t ..l 00 LADI11- all .ha ab and wed. are anomie Use dbe r..On ea tlava keesoh a. Phalest ttrwlw. re adore who r ..a thew. M.iolrs. eel arm .awwaeaa r .rbae 1•,+ RILR)C8 C0OLIC, eatsaawwe. ocs L.. NILi COSTIVWIet CULU. L CO*'oua tt, via,L't'. COrt MetemrOM. lard . mere es adoor. CUSCO N. oRuretta. DTI? resew sett lbs au** a. ere *rot dots res the asdiai.e ser bottgy ICaOerters of Os /are, no 1111P0L4a, PLATY La .C/. .tM AG CR. Iralbb&mete eftie row er.M*i lar .e401rw0 .05 be toad • ••••. *we*, one eves.. leweir. Oita asolUe. boot 1W egos w,bjrat to r ...reef So ewer-. owe* abs medienie a psnssmw - rey TM►M. M •*Ttetettp. ANa de MRCS. ICI b 4:usertezeo . • •>Osg)t:tAL DDIiZLITtge fns DV T. 411001N• A. ORI COL. 140184' Dee. .fewai *int, ONWARD Klee. Iter6414wiTURr 01400(4 rr'r. ,arca• 01.000. JAV.DO.5. Lugger APIs rrrt. LIVER COMPLAII'1Tae race ,r turf-C'aee. M K SACS M 1 A 1. 1) r a F: A* rt a. - 1.o.. air 4..W.,. ,,e,.er a dr d w .f alssawr ix& .rel, r....,m .1.,x n.- e...l ...e00 1••,.r.n,. 4 .Mwoordla Affair RM CATS. A1[lUUr nLMl1.1 fY NCRrf.4rr COVPLALVT* c1 sn er.40. ui0,1%IC Ji4'0CTIUAR 1•Al.f l a TO TN 4r 114 P1411. PAIVTOr B GEOM. PILDf. The...,,lMrtour ..r,towmed;eir.• we died .4 Mur .f w ream 0.erw I the or trot tae. P4 ,..- ` . "94.., r:re A,_b. h,•.. ren .ea,w It II I1 t' al A T I . 31. 'rb,w .w,e. •.i era nr. •mad. ,..-now will Ar .-.w of robot 1, the )1n4. oe. 1r volt .0 wt.000(1 lenge II RAI). s,:Varr. fat rv:usu V. OW c 1. is. . .•1: PC VI A. .w 8Ir1<d'S 1DPIL, is it roof. Soo*. t'I.t:exa.,i• ery...417.;1 ne0sena. .feat14.4.Iwo ..,•crib'swage M h.—• al•,. -.. «. e.,ew,.t,.t.. ern l..4 er Own oboe .. ,,•. ,.rev...h.r, • ! R.r wen A. .ae Tri!:Tri!:til!' 111,.IS .iN0 rl:f \!l BITTERS fl1r,IFY THE A:,I 17,es r.more all .li.ease from the system. i. fast in sua.. l 1 F E P11.18 ..d P,r tEI4 I X B I T r. E R S b,yood ll.t ...esti etes.R.- rewe I. the .Mb.ati0. of ..en r ame. The te..i.e of then m.dieibee ane.. pot op h. N.ito wentI,',e! 1. 4 I.. b.rahoe will • puiekl 1. canal *4 .al'. ti....t saeerita■," etalri0o( 100 40-,- it . e1. wAiel. ,, • desalt., of ltroadwa, fr.o• Wall snot t0 oar 110re. ►) which rraxter unitive oh. ray es• my riinfq 6d ae. 11. wrappers and Namarns, •re ••►^t thare1ee 11-•M .h. procure Ilei. wool. .4.4, wsarpr eau V ......4 retv obey aro grwi.e. H. cant 1, W de set by oho." with f000r wrapper: but 17 .w de. be wtiitd that w.y erne direst f ere or dost wool. tor. Qy- repand .M .aid by DR. WILLIAM D. IMOPPAT, 030 !roadwar..or.sr of Awbear street. Ne. Torn. For Sate lo BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. teres. Con. 7, " East -half of 29, Lets 30 and 31, 500 acres. Coo. 10, Lot 30, 200 acres. The above Iota are situated on, or rear the River Maitland. The land is of the very best gnabty and well watered, one- fourth of the price is required down, and the remainder ;n tea annual Inetaltnents with interest. For further particular. apply to the Subscriber at the Crown Lands Office, Huron Road. JOHN CLARK. Goderich, 27th Feb., 1851. y1o2 F. It C. II. B.ITHL, MANUFACTURERSofHate, Caps and Fancy Fero, 1Vhnlesale and Retail Dalen is Fur,', Buff to Robes, Deer Skies, Glove", Mitten., bis. ke. Gni Paid for Fars. .The highest prier paid, at all ti nes 1• Casa, for all description" of Sloppier Fun 1 by F. k C. H. BJUL. Detroit, Writs, Aug. 1351. ,Sols STRAYED from the 'Ascribe', Lot 25, Hay, ink, Rned. Two Steers fir. yrs. old -one Dark Red, the ether between Yellow and Ked, Ball He)•led. Any ose Whig them and ; enlg infor,•ttion where they they may b. obtain.i, !lithe suitably rewarded for their trnable. • EWAN CAMERON. Dec. 2, 1851. vernal PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 1111E Subscriber begs leave to astern the Inhabitants of the District of heron, and the neighboring District., that heists Established himself in Stratford, and is prepard to give Place. are 8permea- tions of Public er Private Baetdtngs. Bride - es, 31!1 Dame, bac, ke. ke . and will take the snper;o(esdence of Inca Ereetioes, o. the most reasonable terms. ihs thorough knowledge of his professes and bis practice as Badder, gnal,6es him for any undertaking in the lt... Addrema peel paid. I't:TER FERGUSON. Builder. ke. Ice. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 6th, 1849. 1v -n71 STRAYED nom the snbeenber on or a- bout the 5th day of May last. • Large Yoke of Steer. -use • nark Red. with long wide hots., grid a small Ismp on the right fore leg ; the other White, with hen red spots through the body. eseb fear year n1.1. Alan, three lle.!ete, ose dark red with white stupes through the bode. three years old -vee Whir with red goof• oe her body, nee year 514-th. other Brindled, with a white feu", see year old. Any per. son gineg•.eb isformat,w as will lead to their recovery, will rwesrr. • Rewarder* l3. DUNCAN McKENZfE. Township ref IM•e►oy, 411 sea. let 24, 10th Nov. 1431. . Llama. ma. i V ABT i iLd.t TAILOR,'9 GRATEFUL for the liberal patronage which be formerly received from the respectable inhabitants of Goderich and the sorrousding country, begs to inform his old customers and the public generally,tb•t HE HAS NOW RETURNED, and opened hie TAILORING ESTAR. LISH.VENT -in the house next door 6 . 8. Seymour & Co.. Store, Wast street, OODERICii, where, bypu.ctualat- tesc!ance on Bestow, and strict attention to 'the Newest 4' most approved Fas/lions, be hopes to merit a fair share of public patronage. Godericb, May 27th, 1851. v4.15 NOTICE TP.%RT(F.4 IN ARREARS OR T.1XE1. „ 'Iisr s 4 i, %NDS neJer the _ (r4..sda Coeepsny ea the Vatted 01191111.• 91.0 n( Ilene. Peteb;a,A acme. Tb. (:el - letters of the ran.'..• ToweMpe of the wane ser h•r•byWormed. that the Caned" Cn••va,e7 et. I •4o'Srge all a►nn,e "draw. whieb I,e.a/J Lamle to et the date of cacti w resseeuvely. (vedettes, N...i. 234,1831 v4W e y bee. be.. Imitate NOTICE. r. i , •is.vs herr/fere owned se i. Jtsaa• L Iv..,de, es *cies f1... W Deep et tM N.w Reg6.1d T.....y bee the dap bow 4.01,10.4 M metnel.e.wee. D 11. Rirek+e, !JACOB MINT. Wuwevi ) EDWan° BRlpofai Free sed she, toy dew, the above NAew win be e•rr•.4 as seder Ills tido d float ser Loan. 8'.d►y.1tb Dec., 1911. M eN IM WATSON k. WILLIAMS. rel XII: WATSON ofGoderch, Barrister •t Law. kc.&c. and George Williams., of Strat(oyetl, late of the firm of Hector, Weller & Williams, Barrister, &c. Toron- to. having this Jay entered Into co -partnere ship, in the practice and profession of Law, Chancery, and Conveyancing, will in future keep their Offices at Goderich k Stratford, respectively. under the name, style and firm of Watson & Williams. DIx1R WAT.oe, Goderich. Gammen 1VILLIAM", Stratford. 24th December. 1849. 4.47 Goderich, Jan. 98, 1448. CIDILDBORN ROBERT ROD, BOOK•RELLER & STAT,JONER. taperer Balkwill'• Hort)* Corer of Death's sod Tslbot-stnets, Leedom, C. W. - School Books, Correa sad Clerical Be.k- Bidle, end Re1Rg of every deseriptios Err - ted e. the Penner. Cr Orden fur Acro.. t Books. from the Trade .r Cottony Merchants, pasendly "needed tee aid• hbeml throe* allowed Loudon. Match 1851. 4r4 T FOR SALR LOT Ne. 7 is the Wee! !tide of No, Lb Street Tows of Goderich. Term. ):soy. Apply to, D. I1. 1.11AR.. ..firiter, 8uofferd. Godericb. 1.... r. 8th 1851. 1' 1IE sobvertber begs to inform rets ou- i meroue friends end euetnmerr, and tho pnhlie generally, that his LARGE -BRICK BUILDING is 'tow completed, and that from the great increase thus added to bis former prem,.os, ho 11 ortw enabled to offer aceommodation to the travelling public at least equal to that afforded by any other House in Town. And without being anx- ious to monopolise the entire tavern busi- ness of Goderieh, he at least hopes for a continuance of the patr,n,ge which he has hitherto enjoyed, and will always endeavor to secure the eatr,facuo• of his guests and customer., by attending to their comforta- ble accommodation. ROBERT ELLiS. N. B. -The Stabling at the Colborne Inn is exten.fve and of the first quality. Godericb, Juno 11, 1851. v4017 FRUIT TREES ! THE subsenber in returning thanks to the inhabitants of the County of-Hero- generally fHero- generally for the very liberal caconrsgen went be has met with in the Sale of Fruit Tree.. begs to lonounce to the Farmers of these United Counties that he is prepared to introduce this Fall, • large and well se- lected stock, comprising every variety of Nerwry True, upon his trust liberal terms. It would be seperflaous to enlarge upon the •uperwr merits of this Nursery, and the qualities of Fruit brought from it -but the large quantity of Trees that have been d&attributed over nearly all of Upeer Canada, for the lest 18 years has gained for this Nsresry • superiority over most others. The esrbeenb.r would beg to introduce to the notice of all those who wish to get good Winter Fruit, the celebrated Northern 8p7 Apple, its qualities are superior to ell others p! its hied, keeping moat Joly, and preeerv- r iir- ell asfrsebness sad flavor, which is a rest destderetueI esti! that period. The .ebsenber would ale intimate Haat his Dwarf Pear le In greet dimmed se ■ Garden Fruit, bearing ee two yes►s after pleating. Retry variety of Fruit Trees, Ornamental amid Evergreen Tree sed Shrubs, Hardy ilorbsese.e Flowering Plante, Dahlias, 8albses Flowering:Roots, ke. Catalogue" ere be had of en7 reel et travelling agent, erviag • fell derriere,. Terms. whey 80 Tree see takes. 025 per headrests or 1 s 3IJ pr w.ey each. under 60 Trees. Is Cd ey. two peers credit. notes payable with inter. ..1 Osiers rind be received, and any in- imitable gives by Mr. Iterate Horton, glatlrt iggeor., Goderieh, and Mr. Peter Wale, Haien 1101.1. Stratford, local spew for *hie Pioneer!. SAMUEL MOULRON, ON Reebeeter Nursery, N. Y. Odersae 1841 Jay, 1811. 11 gr!M1/Ti80 of eeevydawsOpt SIG. seedy ellywaspiliyozerretelletibisja/a Illieenhet 11116 VALUABLE FARM LOTS IN THE TOWN- SHIP OF GODERICH FOR SALE, VIZ : LOT 27, 1st concession, fronting the Lake, containing 82 Acres, about 40 of which are cleared and Fenced, and LOT 28, 2nd concession, containing 80 acres of wild land. These Lots am stinted aSout tnidwav bcteren the Tow!) of Goderich and Village of Bayfield. For particulars apply to JOHN CLARK. Crown Land .!gent, Goderich. 4th June, 1E51. --- - HORACE IIORTON,- [Markel rennet, Goderich.] AGENT for the itrovincial Mutual and General Inenranrs' Office, Toronto, - Also Agent for the 8t. Lawrence Coast( Mutual, Ogdensherg, New Ynrk. level Agent for Samuel Moolsoo's Old Rochester Nursery. July 1850. 22 STOVES. HR HURON SIGNAL Is Printed 4' Published every Thursday ' BY GEO. & JOHN COX. Office, Mudd Square, Godevscsk. ' Book and Job Printing cxeceted with seatacss and dispatch. Terrors_ of the Mutt" Squat. -TEN SHILLINGS GS per annum if paid strictly iD advance, or Twelve and Six I'ence with be expusldos of the year. No paper durontineed until arrears are paid up, unless the publisher thinks it bis advantage to db so. individual in the country becoming THE iodise'riber begs to inform tnha- tants of Goderich and its vicinity, that he heo received a Large Supply ot lbs La- test Improved Patterns of Wanted to Borrow- £300, FOR which security for twice the 'menet in Real Estate, will be gieee. Th. property es situated within Ire than twenty miles of Goderich town, nn the leading road of the District. and to on.. of the beat Agri - colter{ settlements of Huron. N.B.-For particulars apply to the Editor of the Huron Sigma(. Golericb, 10th Sept. 1851: 10 COOKING, B 0 X AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers for Sale at very reduced Prices for Cash. The .ubsenber also keeps on hand a usual, at his Old Stand, • large and very woerior aseortmeot of TIN- WARE of every description. The sub- scriber takes th; opportenfty of returnieg his sincere thanks to the Public for the very liberal patronage he hoe received eine, he has Kees in business to Godencle & hopes by strict attention 10 business', and moder- ate price., to continue to receive • Weare of public patronage. N. B.-Grainln., Painting. Glariee, Pa- per and Bell Ireeler. earned on as hereto - Are. WILLIAM STORY. Goderieh, 614. Sept. 1849. v2r.31 NATIONAL HOTEL BRUCEFiELD. THE SUBSCRIBER hegs leave to ire form his friendr and the pobhe gene- rally, that he leas now Fut the National Hotel so far completed, as to warns' him in saying that he is prepared to furnish ac- commodation for mon and horse, equal at least. to anything that ran be retied be.- Hemel Nteeen London and Goderich. The -Valise. el Hotel re situated in the Feauttful and thriving ,tree of Brurcfteld, f8 miles from (:odertch and 42 miles from London, and from the eligibility of the Situation, and street attention to the comfort of hes guests and customers, he hopes fora share of pub• he patronage. - JOHN McKENZiE. Bnuefield, l.t Jan. 1851. v3 -n46 TRAVF LLER'S HOME. S RASBURG, Wavien4Ou, 21th February, 1849. rrTIE Snbeenber hereby initiating. ser friends and the Travelling Pdbti-grid rally, that be has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of Strasborgh, and will now be found in that well•known house for- merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where be will -be ready and able to eoedaee to the comfort of those who may honor him witb, their puronege. And while he returns thanks for past favors. ho hopes, by strict attention to the wants' and weehee of his cnstomer,,still to merit a centfcuance,el their patronage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES sad attentive Croon.. STRATFORD IRON Forsoay. Tb subscriber ht,,.1 purchased the inter- est of Mr. C. J. Wilson in the above Ew- tabli.hment, is about to continue the bri- nes on hie own reoponabdity. to returnreg thanks to the public for the very liberal en- couragement received by Oita & 1Vrtso., he beg• tolnt,mate that he lull constantly keep on band an assortment of Superior CASTINGS, COneieting of CO O K INC, Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most improved Moolde,__.1Lq/.T ROLLERS, Teraiae Lathe', Roush'. Rates, 4-e. THRASHING MACHINES of a superior description to any hitherto introdmeed,and better adapted tethis eesa• try from their lightness of draegbt, and strength of construction. A tall from is - reeling purchasers Is regees/ed before par• chasing elsewhere. The above will be sold at i.ew Rates for Cosi or Trade, nr at cor- reepetsdisgrates oe approved credit. A. B. ORR. Stratford, 28th muse, 1830. 2.-oele Any responsible for six subsrribers, shall re- ceive a seventh copy gratis. elr All letters addressed to abs Editor must be post-paid, or they will not be taken out of the post office. Terror of Adrrrtising.-Slit linea and under, first insertion, LO 2 6 Each subsequent inertias, 0 0 73 Ten lines and under, first Meer., 0 3 4 Each subaequeut invertioe. 0 0 10 Over ten liars, first in. per lite, 0 0 4 Fach subsequent insertion, 0 I) 1 Q} A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the yt ar. tartbs. DR. P. A. McDOUGALL CAN be consulted at all been, a Mrs. Wm.. F. C.s1i.t a. Fred -Rt. Gnderieh, Sept. 13th. /848. 12 - IRA LEWIS. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR; ke. Root- .►eet. Goderieh. Jnee 1a40, !ve95 DANIEL 11011E 1.IZARS, A TTOR N El' AT LAW, aid Carryon - 4w ter, Solicitor in Chancery, ke. has bis alter as formerly -in Stratford. Stratford, 2nd Jan. 18:.0. 20c49 DANIEL GORDON, C ABIN ET M A K ER. Three einem; Fist of the Curds Company's cftee, West - skeet, Goderich. August 27(1, 1149. , 2vs80 TIME OLD BAKERY. HNEWMAN, BREAD. CAKE. Cauca's b and PASTay Bas**, Brit door Eget of the CanadaCompnoy'. Office, West -street, Cede rich. Goderich. 8eptem!•er 24, 1850.- 342 JOHN J. E. LINTON, NOTARY PUBL1C,Cemmi.siossr Q.B., yed Conveyancer. Stretford. A DISTILLERY TO SELL OR LET. THE Anbeeriber begs to (glare .ho p,1►, he that tato will *ell or let hi. D..tflle- re, visited 011 Cera. Iet,•Lot 43, of the Tewne+ip of Noels E.Sthop., about on, mile:from the Anmriehteg Town of Sere. ford. For pert'eutars apply at tie P0M O0e, or the Imam rye the premien,. ALEXANDER BCRiMAGER, North Freihope, Nov. lea, 1811. v4i41 r CANADA bre ASSURANCE COMPANY. THS Subsriber having been appoi.NM Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for Agee - ranee, and will be bappv to afford to •uy Person the necessary information, as to the principles of the ineetntion. JAMES WATSON• Goderich, 3th Jere, 1849. •2n 91; STAGE OFFICE. 118 Subscriber having perebared the premises *at the head of Lighthouse Street, known as the Farmers' ton, and tritely occupied by Mr.11.drew Donough, ie desirous of intimating to bis friends and the public generally that herbs commen- ced business as Inc Keeper in the said pre- mises and by strict attention to his heiiness and especially to the proper aecoulmeda• then of those who may favor aim with their custom be hopes to oblate • fair shun of patronage. The Mail Statge to and from Hamfitos, leaves and arrives '!arid, and a gond euppi7 of horses and crrrmedlous vehicles will always be hept for bite nn reasonable terms. N.R.-Good Stabling end experienced Mid attentive hostler sierra In readiness. ' GEORGE HOB80N. Goderich, 9th April, 1861. v4.8 District Croton Lands Office. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT the remeiel.g CROWN LANDS is ABHFiELD sad WAWANOBH; are sow opts (oft BALE. All •eemliery i.ferma- lion termites their Lands may he °htai•elf by applying to JOHN CLARK. D..11., Crown Lend Age51. 23rd November, 1856. 3r4111 NOTICE. THE Subscriber havi.g RF.NTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belo•g- ieg to the Merry. Davenport, of thi.;plaeel has established himself u a ,caw saran AND COMM(./ON .N'CIANT- Any orders or commisseon from the Err - 'haat' of Gederech, well receive promPt dtteauoa. JOHN MceWAN• ' Rlelder, North, 1849. Age -Int BOOTS AND SHOES. THE subscriber hereby intonate to the lehib:tante of Goderich and the rOe- rounding cannery,that he bis commenced ,a %a.ees to thabove lits. in the Store formerly nrcuplea by Mr. White, in the lower part of West -street, and .114 ►an eoastastly as band a fell e.pply of BOOTS ed SHOES of every ewe mad tww"ruos, and of a amperes quality, whish be well sell *1 moderato pewee for Nabs N. R -.4;4des and Wheat telkso is ex cheap at the highest irertretl. OaF.EN. dedarieb, fhb Sept. 1811. i ILLIAM REED. USE-A.*DSIGN I•AINTER,4co. i sitgfetbowe ,treeta Galena.. Octot•er'25, Hail: Zsai4.. STOKES, CiIF.MiST AND DRUGGIST, .trees, Godericb. July 1850. 10-3 West - HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, Gode►irh.w- • Attentive Heftier, always o. band. Goderich, Sept. 12, 1150. v3 -n30 STRACl1AN AND BROTHER. Barrister nod .4lfornies of Law, .fe,. Gonealcn C. W. JOHN STRACHAN Barrister and Attor- ney at Law, Notary Public and Cuovey- *neer. ALEXANDER WOOD STRACIIAN, Altereey at Law, Solicitor in Cbse. eery, Convey . Cadences, 17th November, 1351 . GODERiCH AUCTION ROOMS. THE esbeeriber b•ri• y rented the Rooms airs Mr Her)w'e 5.dMry. Mare' Square, begs to rheum" that they are ready for the reception.( Hesseho:d Farnitore, Gonda, Produce, and pro- perty of every deeeriptiam. 'which parties may wish to offer by Auction er Private Sale DAVID 11. LiZARB. Gnderieh. Ju 1852. vitc11roi EO WEST STREET, GODERICH, (Sear the Market Square,) - BT MESSRS. JOHN & ROBT. DONOGH. GOOD Aceommndonoes kr Theaters,d tail so ataestive Hostler •t all timer, to take Marge of Tesco. (3.derieb, Dee. 6, 1850. 43---tf WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., CAPITA!. $1,000,000. . EZRA HOPKINS. Homilies, Agent fer the Counties of Waterloo and Henn. August 27, 1850. 3r1111 MR. JOHN MACA1A. BARRi8TER, Solicitor is Cbelttttrry, Attorney -at -Law, Completer. Ste. ke. Office : Ontario Beadier", Rhe -at. nppoei to the Gore Beek. and the Beak e+f British North Amerce, HAMILTtn. 4 10 Ma. T. N. MOLESWOKTH, Oad IViL ENGINEER sod Ptomains' le Surveyor, Goderich. April 30, 1851. '4.11 DR. HYNDMAN, (MUICK'S TAVERN. Leaden Reel. gr May 1861. Nilf JAMES WOODS, 8 UCTiONF.F.R, ie prepared to amnia Public Sales in any pert of tie United Counties. oft moderate terms. Stratford, May 1850. v4-.14 PETER BUCiIANAN, TAILOR. it,TEXT door to H. B. O'Censee'e 11W% II West Street, Goderieh. Clothes..4. and repaired, and cottieg done ei the ober.. lel entree, and mut liberel terse. December 3rd, 1851. 4841 V i I lagrt IAA in Poit Albert,— Ash field—for Ss*, r1h1ll SE well retailed Lot. Nee, 119, 40 ee IL 41, en the F.aet etde of ColberNautpe sed Noe. 39, 40, 41 and 49, ea the Wart ode of cad strut, ie the narrow*Vid e•, ,o of Port Albert, in the Township of Ash - Sold, North of Gaderiele. For farther le- feeraties, apply to J. Clerk. Req. Crews Lead Ofaee, Gedeneb, a the ROBERT MOORS. ' Wellesley, Norah of lair. Comity. Wesleliey, Stb July, 1111. ,Btf