HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-02-05, Page 3f y
A Velum DI•T*.-A shocking *singe
was perpetrated to the v)uouy of Chesters
Pa., about two weeks since. A poor tailor
who bad lived • •bort distance fruit Ches-
ter, *aa foosd dud by the road -aide, early
one morning, bearing upon his person the
evidence of most atrocious bueeretsN. The
deceased, according to the report, had form-
erly been Intemperate in hu habits; but
baying bees reformed, was widow nen
about tbe t In Unite,. On the even -
lag la question, he came Into town to mea.
sure • customer fur a suit eteloihee, and be -
sag met by some of bis former been c. m-
p01110na, they, fur a joke. enticed btu into •
t , where Lis reeolutrnoe were sumo fer•
``olden: and beteg liberally supplied with
bettor, b• was reduced to s mauden atate
of Intoxication. His persecutors n.t yet
s.tss6ed, shared the poor fellow's Lead, ap
plead Spanish flies and cowdage, ai 1 than
taking bet hat, is which they hal cut orifices
sufficient to see endbreathe Ileough, they
pulled it completely over his fare, and let
her go, to find hta itey home y, best be
ought. As before staled. ho pereee•1 durs
ung tbo night from the effects of the Revet-
ment M had received. tonibtneJ with ex-
posers te the cold. Fire ',mine hien. said
to be of the highest re.pectabehty, are im-
plicate,' 1t this transaction, which can
scarcely be exceedeJ fur brmtaley. They
have beim arrested and held to bail to an-
swer tor the offence.-Pkiladc/phis
ger. '
Tell BLave Ta•ps o. Tin Coas-r ey Ar•
nuc•. -A letter received from an officer on
board ber Majesty's brig Nov, dated Sierra
Leone, November 6, 1151, aays-'•The
• lays trade Is very far from being extinct;
they sow appear to be seeding over (rum
Rio the frames of slave vessel* to be pet
together in the rivers, by which plan their
escape is greatly facilitated. Whilst off this
place, on the third of this men: h. we rereir-
ed 1stelligaoce that two large ranee, whish
were then to sight, contained slave.. It
hemog ealm, our whale Med, not. five m.b
and two .)Titers (M • . I1sr-tow and
Mitchell) were darted to pursue, and nem
• most animitlne and exciting, chs,^, we
captured thins both coots:woe fifty -.ix
slayer. and manned mit h nineteen Mending()
men. 1 and two men, well rimed, took
possesvon of the first, and Bund sheet
forty slaves in bar and ten men; tie other
officer and three men pursued and captured
the o'her, anti found 'lateen slaves and eine
mon a her. Had the fellows in my boat
poasoeeod the sl ghre.t pluck, they could
certa:sly liar• thrown its everheared, and
got away clear, bet I made thew pull their
own beat up to the Spy,- and anon after-
wards the other hoot came 10 es with her
prize, in ell fifty .ix slater.
The L• 1nk104 Timis announces cleat the
next session of Parliament will be opeped
on the 3rd of February aby the l;ueen in
person ; and the present Cabinet, without
any further modification, in resolved to face
the difficulties of the session of 1S:12.-
.Tbe Timis, however. gives no hope that
Lord John Ru•se!I's Government will 'ur-
viye the session, but plainly hints that it
will speedily fall, before the accumulating
difficulties and oppositions whir • it must
experience. .111 the overtures of the Rus-
sel Administration to the Peel party, for
the fnnnatien of a coalition, have been de-
clined by the' latter. The Times recom-
mends a modification of the iIini•try in a
broad and liberal sense, as the only hope
of Lord John Russell, but there appears to
be no chance of this advice being acteal
A subscription was entered into through-
oet the United Kingdom for the.beneftt of
the widows and orphans left by the destruc-
tion of the Amazon. The Queen con-
tributed .E150, and it was expected £30,-
000 would be raised.
It is understood that J. K. Crosley, Esq.
the United Slates Consul at Southampton,
bas addressed a letter to the Mayor of
New York, suegestini; the propriety of
commencing a subscription there.
The London Tsnars of the 12th states
in reference to the l'ronutluusaffair that
tbe British Government will express to the
Government at Washington to frank and
manly terms, their regret at what had oc-
curred, and testify in a marked manner their
disapprobation of the acgression•. There
is not no doubt therefore that the matter
will be amicably settled.
The Crystal Palace is at last cleared out
and the vast area is semi to be thrown open
to the public.
The President of the French Republic
has issued the decree, dissolving the Na-
tional Guards throughout France, but they
are to be re -organised when the Govern-
ment may deem it necessary for the main-
tenance of public order: in smelt rase, the
President will appoint the Commander,
Cdnael and Lieutenant-Colonel.
It was daily expected that T.ouis Napo-
leon would declare himself Emperor, but it
was felt that such a step would not add to
the despotic power he at present exercises.
Large Dumber' of persons were being
shipped ate the pestilent ewe p' of Cayen-
ne. Degrees Tuve also been ;send banish-
ing Victor Iiugo, Chasms, and a great num-
ber of the &fountain party.
A eraeepiraey has been discovered for
letting loose the convicts of the Hulks at
EdgeGwd. Arreite continue in all puts,
and there was virtually • reign of terror.
Thi Fr•.aeh fonds have !&Yea eoasider-
T deaPNaa. anticipation
of tree. seebe l Ym Ma , resebed Loading with
data from Bombay to !7th Dec. Dont
Mohamed was still living. The north wes-
tern frontiers were in a threataiog state.
C. Campbell's force not having returned.
The British troops arrived at Raugooe on
tht 9th of Oct., and a delay of 35 days has
occurred is complying with the British de-
mands. The Edon Expedition was aban-
doped. Bombay was perfectly traoquil.
'Motley in abundance for the season.
111•ru,Tow 110.3'.
Yesterday the labourers working oD the
Great Western Railway, en the Burlington
'fetch's. fiend part of the head and neck of
all Elephant, beneath strata of stone and
travel. The teak meaauass in length, six
Met nine inchce, and thirteen inches is cin
Now Vose Jan. 30.
Tho steamer Proserkrw. fries San Juan,
141h, and Henna 25th. arrived •lout 11
o'clock this amnio,. She bungs 365 pas -
veneers and $'13,000 in freight, and about
tjlj•300,000 In the hands of passengers. She
arrived sl :tan Jeanne the lath natant, and
Ioun.l there the U et. stealer SssAio
and the sloop of war .11baay, ales tba*4
heti steamer Aroraa wh ch had been dee-
Welted by the British .1 Irniraleefthe Weil
India 'fatten, with the assurance of Com.
P.rker that the British Government enttre-
ly dtsavnws the acts of the Brutish Consul
i and the Captain of the Express, in the eater -
ids. of soy authority whatever, u eooneet-
ion with ilio Muequrto Government, or in
trntriferrne. in any way, ereh soy foreign
; somm.rre w•th San lean.
Ti.e twos frnftibeCahf,rnia continues
of the same ieneral cearecter a heretofore.
The yield in the diggings to very plentiful
note ibn sato sed in.
Puluieal affair. in Ca:dornta neem to be
in s very un-etteel etatn.
• The -See Frasei.c.' Herold says it would
cot be eurperl if they were to have two
Lordlier' ant leo now potties.
The New York Trib.Re, tints that the
people of Ireland, friendly tie tbo proposed
ateamabip line between this city and Ire•
land. are about ,o vend out the Ra'. Peter
Dewly, of Galway, the eloquent and ennr•
,.t•c (nen(' of that measure, to co-cperate
with es friend. here.
Kossuth has been making a speech to 1000
!alien at Pitieburgb, who presented him
with a book conusming their autographs.
Rooms/ have been taken tor him at Cleve-
land,. where he -will spend Suuday.
A dividend of 4 per cent. has base declar-
ed bv the stockholders of lrltiely's West-
ern Tulegrepa. •
Luse OF THR BRIO ALiman 'Ile:sir. --.WO
deepiy.regret to Earn (by telegraph) from
Boetoo, ale ruelar•cbnly intelligence of the
lose cf the brig Alfred Hoary. of this port,
on the "Graves," near Boston harbour, and
and that the muter end all on beard perieh-
ed. The .9ljred Henry was commanded
by Henry Kidd of this city, who eaves a
wfo tied carld to mourn their berearement.
Ile wise* young man whose integrity of
conduct had gaeied for him• the sincere re-
spect of all his acquaintances. We deeply
sympathies with those who moire his un•
'imely .departure.-l/nlifee Ckroaicle.
Tho echnooer Iligkluader, front St. John,
bound for the, port, met, en the 15th
ult., irf 50 ° 30. an -1 lat. 46, with the wteek
of tho barrier Liaurd, et Liver pool, G. B.,
water-logged and abandoned -Cape Breton
Psar.o Memo'*• -Sir. McAdams, of
Boston, has int-ented a machine for paging
bound books. The value of this apparatus
eel be best appreciated by eccountants
it will also be of service In making an index
to music book., newspaper volumes,
volumes of pamphlets, pec. A great many
expen•rve,ane c'•mplicetelcontrvance have
been heretefere trod; cnn coating as high
as *6,000, but the Y-,nkec has done ,t.
His machine was exhibited at the 1Vor!il'e
Fair. and he .old one of than to the Bank
of E:. Ian!. and ore to each of the four
Dr1TRliert 50 CaL.ta1Tr AT Sss .- Capt.
Alen oftlic brig Cypress, arrived on the 4th
at New York, reports that twelve days out,
1t blowing a gate from 1V. S. W.. lost (ore -
mast, split sails, and receered other damages.
The vessel Iaboure,1 heavily, which caused
her to teak •0 that the pompe had to be kept
constantly going for thirty hours. During
the paeeage, seventeen of the passengers
and two of of the crew deed of ship fever.
After the death alba two seamen there
were only fire and one ordinary seaman
left to do the duty of the vessel, who were
I worn down with fatigue and want of food.
Captain Allen had a signal of de/tress 6y-
; ing three days, when they were relieved by
the bark primroes. from i.ondenderr, to
Ib,ston. The Cypress had a Pilot on four
WtEtR OF T11R B•R,(CR GROR011•.--The
British B.rgme Georgina was wrecked on
Charlotte Island, and the crew and twenty-
four American passengers were captered
by the ind•ans.
Colonel Moors, the Collector, has dee,
patched an armed force of their relief.-..
tt5 abed me fee Mab •'
THE Dl: Ei..-e-J. I'. Maddock, Esq.,
and Dr. 1Vatt,s-reth of this town, were
arrested early on Friday, morning the
Pith tilt.. by Constables Snary and Bar-
nard, under a Warrant awed by 'F. S.
Shensuane, Esq., .1. P., upon the informa-
tion of Dr. Turgnaml, that the said par-
ties were intending to fight a duel. Mr.
Maddock hail reached the ground appoint-
ed for the mortal .-ombat ; and 1)r. \Vett
was on hie way thither.
The 71 bellm.,Teren t gentleman were
brought up before Dir. Shrn.tunc, together
with their seconds, D. J. Milkr, Esq., and
iiichard }Ayres, and by him very properly
bound over to make their appearance to
take their trial at the sett Aitlliatea.-
1VcaLitock IVrstern Progress. I
MMIHRO non Rvistte AND nositrinna •T
Noon.-" My dear, *bete le my Mernng
and evening Devotion 1" said Mr. Past
Partington, meaning • book with that tame.
' Here it ti Raid Mrs. Partington, reek.
ring a dark bottle from the closet.
An Irishmen being faked on a late trial
for a certificate of hie marriage, bared hi,
bead. and exhibited a huge sear, whigj
looked as though it might have been road•
with a fire abet id. The evidence was eat_
Yalu tore
In Quebec, oe the Sty inst.. a singular
pbeoomenom presented itself is the sky,
at slid -day. The sea was nrrssnded
with a large halo, on the east and west
borders of h which, arra directly opposite
each other, were to be seem two smaller
suns, with each a long train of light extend-
ing outwards ttroa7T the sky. At the
aa••e time a brig:fly colored rainbow tie
teryected that teartion of the circle around
the sum, which extended through its zenith.
Au ire -bridge; whicC had formed at
Carouge, a few miles un this side oftjue-
bee, was earned off by the high tide on the
20th instant.
The C'uyugu Gu_euc of the 21st inst.,
says that on the previous Friday, a mean
named 4;eorge Stodley of that place came
to his death by falling from a hay loft
while he was in a state of intoxication.
We karu that aa inquest was held at
the New (Sermon, on Sunday last, by Dr.
King, on view of the body of John Cuy-
ler, a soldier to the 71st Poellneat The
deceased was confined on Saturday night,
in, the guard room, for drunS:rfneve. Ile
was found dead on Suudav moruiu,;. The
jury returned a verdict that Le died from
apoplexy, brought on by e$Cessire dnuk-
"O Paddy my bre," exe:rme.1 an lriah.
Loan st Deer inland, ae Lc threw 1us vim
around an ofd acquaintance, • tt'. glad I'
am to 'ee you." Thu embrace eat Mete
returned, the friend ex darted by Caere.
that both his arms bad been blown uti t, h.;
Woofing rock.. " (l'a web,' sa'l P,t, ••r,
matter for tho hug, gist. us your hue.) aiy
Common Jae. 29, 17.,3,
Fi.ovR-Superfine per :00 It,. .... LO 15 0
Foe per Carrel, .... 0 CO 0
WegaT-Fall per bus 0 2 3
Spring ...do 0 0 0
Bsatiy-I'er Buandl ..f 45 Ilia • • • • 0 2 0
Pus -Peas per beefed of GO lea1) 1
Osis-i'er Miele.' 34 i!....... 0 9 0
downs Coat -Per Rush S6 150 2 6
Rye-P.r Bush of 56 Ms 0 11 3
Pons -Per ewt 0 0
Harm --Per Ib dried 0 li
Haase salted.... .. 0 0
SwovLDIns-Ur.ed per Ib..:....... O 0
Greet' per Ib - - 0 0
Fer-►u--Butter per lb .. 0 11
Leas --Lard per Ib.. 0 "0
Potavoa.-- Pommes -new.... 0 2 G
Wiese --Wool per Ib 0 1 1
4 •
Hawttem. Nov 2.2. lee'.
FLorn-Estra Suer. per 260 tbs. LO ie
Wstsy-White Fall per CO lbs.... 0 3 1
O -Oatmeal per bbl t96 lbs 0 0 0
Iaotas Cos, -Per SG IDs... ...... 0 2 9
Peas -Per baab,. of GO lbs 0 3 6
Beatty -Pet bash, o149 lbs 0 2 0
OATS -Per bath., of 31 lbs... 0 i 3
Rvt-P., barbel, of 56 Ibe0 0 0
Asies-Pot., per ewe 0 25 0
Baas -Mess, per bbl., 200 lbs. 0 17 6
Portz -Mem, do.... ......... e. 0 e2 6
Haws-Sagar cored, per ID..,0 0 Se
Dry Salted, per Ib0 11 5
Seoctsaws-Sagsr cured per. !b0 6 5
Dry Stilted, ter Ib • 0 G 4l
!AMP -Per Ib : 0 0 5
BcTTu •••
-Per Ib............ 0 0 9
Bnccrr-Per 112 lbs.... 0 tet 6
Woos -Per Ib. 0 1 6
Toro.ro, Sof. 24. 1{31. -
Ftoea-Per bbl 196 Ibe LO 16 3
Wus1T-Fall Per bosh GO lbs0 3 2
Spring Wheat.. .do 0 p 0
0 -Per DIA 196 lbs 0 16 0
Peas -Per bushel 0 2 6
Beau\-Buky per bushel0 a. 5
Isaias Cons -Per beahel 0 0 6
Ilan-Hsrgs dried, per Ib 0 O 5
Hams, .elted do... 0 0 5.
Benne-Bever, Irish, per Ib • 0 0 9
Salted Mutter do 0 0 6
At Goderieh, ea the 50:h ult., by the
Rev. A. Mackid, Mr. James Duncan, Sar-
n:a to Mies Marian Buchanan of Goderie''.
Nu. 1, BY-LAW
To outhouse the Treasurer of the United
Counties of Here, Perth and Brew. to
c•iatract a Mao of Ttasrty Tberwd
Pounds, for the purpose of coertrueting
Gravel Ronde utilise the said United
1' aunties, act for budding a Bride across
Om River Maitland, at Goderich.
", DUMAS it a expedient to borrow
the nim of Thirty 1'hourasd Perugia
for the purpose of grml.ar, graa.Uisr tad
otherwise inpruveig the Read knees• 55
the Heron Road, from the 1lubour at
Godench, to tile Tow den of Wilmot : end
the Itom" known es the London Road, flew
the Village of Chalon to the Trumann of
Lor•d.n, end bn6hng the notoriety Bridges
and Tull Geese thereon, anti •leo for he"'
tog a Bride scrum the River Masalaed at
Gederch, with the necessary approaches
thereto. And whereas 110 amount of ts-
lered of lbs abate mentumed num of Thir-
ty Thousand pnue•!s at six per cent, will
bo eighteen hundred puede per annum,
■nil the sum auf&ieot to form • nuking
fund for the purp..ee of repaving the .and
debt within treaty years from the con-
trasting of Ilia •anis, will be Fifteen Ibuo-
dieJ Pieties. seetunttng in all, annually, to
Three Thousand 'I hree hundred Puundr.-
.1nJ *literati the a .et of 'smitten pro-
perty to the Cntea Cone •.e, of Iluron,
Perth and }truce, smears by the last
years sseema,ent returns to 1.e One Million
Otto Ilur,Jrrd and Ifo•. Ituueand, One
Mildred and One P tted.. N n••tee,1 Shil-
Iirgs and Fight Pence, exclusive of -the
fey,.porat,•d Teen off: ,der,clh the ann,isl
value of -property therein hying £.5,640
104 41. And wberea, the. special rate of
:time (mete. Of a ;emir per pound, herein.
atter Or.prac;i epee ell the .alwlde, teal
met personal property w:tl.in the ea,J Coi-
led Counties, will be snlftcient to sattily
and Jaeliar,;e the loan herein sutheezed
to Le made, with the mtereet thereof;
within the time limited hcreey, and by the
Laws of tete Provence.
Ise. Ile it therefuto enac', J by the \I.rni-
tipa' Council of the (Jutted Counties of Hu -
ron, Perth and Bruce, that elm Treseieer of
-the sate Cnited Chuot:es, be, an•! Le is
hereby adtberizeJ on beh.lt r.( the said
Meatcip ai Council, to melee: -a leen of
thirty thousand pounds in dens not.lele
:San twenty-five gourds leaving interest at
such rate net exceeding tex .r cent. per
annum ae may be agreed up..n between him
and the pertim ogerteg to make tech loan,
which Interest shall he partible half yearly
in sterlin4 mune' at Eerie.,-, to Enel"od
And ten teeimen4 pounded wt.lehprncipal
pa. sem shall be payable in ten years ;rum the
naso of the ;none of the said Debentures,
the further sum ofecr. Lenitive' pound. is fie
-te0t Tears from the date of the isles of tbe
lard Debcntr.re•. and the balance of the tea
theme/m.',send" in 'twenty year, friss the
dale .f the issue of the .aid Debenture',.
all pantile at London %forests t.
2nd. And be. it fuitber emitted. That for
afforeicg acdeuce of the nal Leao, and for
securing the payment ihere:f with interest,
Debenture. on behalf of the. said Municipal
Council shall be ;see -J for the vane s
At Egmnndville, Tuckerernith. on the
21st instant, Jame*, son of Ur. John
Sproat,. Blacksmith, aged 2 years and 9
rK0 Pt:CTUa.
EARLY L Febeemy will M r ddlebad, a1
the City of Hamlateee. the drie "ember o1
Tae Case.sa■,"
5. duotyd a the dlsasoasss sf P,N.mw-ra, tem. sod assn.', es/ Me sera: Public ;imams
f the .day, -'
la .fling a sow Jserael to the Peale, it is
. i. say for the ?nemeses w slake mit• de-
claration of 15. oft/Peeks w whisk they mores
It shall he ...dented.
The Peblie ere of " The C.a.dias" beg to
intimate thew ..soaks• r maims a thereeably
edeperadsnl Newcpspr. le be devoted t Me
geode' !stemma of Geode. s.J to the priaeiples
of .anneal Rsrasn by the graded sdspuoa .1
the loath sties* .1,5. C.oaur MI the progres-
sive impemeineat of is pep•latiee.
Witheet auega/ag w th«nwl.es eldest..
�',mimetic," to Keep, • postilion .aprnoe 1• .11
int .f udaescfs, i5y fallout retra.o
Irum eepreselsg 15.: c..oicI en. that mach .f
the satirises@ mad eflwtwscy of the Meweesper
Press an tisp.trest by the hemmer 01 {arty spi-
tit. end by its reekl.ss att.ehasvei to Cresere•
,o.ua Of Oppos4.oms. ,rr.ep0en*e .f their real
inertia a.4 of their settee! claire to patriotic
ass rt
1 'bile" Thr Canadian" will .spar lente.s-
ly is the Jiwaselse.libe greet es.nw.s is Go•
tsnnnes4 Palley. •o4 general I:epr..e.neol,
*51.5 soot eenstsedy ee+... J.. Prblie mind.
ill/ •.loss will, es far .. nay be eomeietear
with free eege.ry sad discu.or.o. srudi.ss'y
avoid *5...krottioa;uf permed eat party rxeor
sod is.eeti.en and w.11 at all unser culnvae. a
Candid sad temperate •seeit.atio. and @lueid.-
11ue of prrocipka .ad of their emcees' opera-
The belief that a Journal conductrd with such
views, and to each a spirit, is required by the
increased intelligence sad popelaion of aha to-'
Wile. and of the country aeserally, he. prompted
the Psblisbers to hazer; the undertaking Mr the
e eppoft of which they now appeal to the Public
fa soliciting 15.1, they avoid reference to the
literary abiluy, which. at enneidenb!e peeeai-
■ ry :ink, bet with mesh confidence is ii. mer.t
they have secured ; tied is awwisg ...mm of the
leading principles ea which " The Coesdlsa"
will M condoeted, they pledge tbem•elees 11,at
it will /earliest,' aid aecompromuiogly *deo-
e+te fat and absolute •nil equality *mese the
weird religious Sects aid denominations is
Mho Pommes ; aid we • corollary to this princi-
ple," The Caomeipa" will curiuously nutmeats
the immediate septicaemia of 'the entire pro-
ceed* of the Clergy Reserves to the farther -
see of F4.c.tion, sod to other public
perverse, with the speedy abolition seal extinc-
tion o(the Recterie..
•• The Canadian" will advocate Reciprocity
of Trade and Commerce with the United Siam.,
sad every measure fur the advancement of the
Mereaatils and Agricultural interests of Can ••
Generally, e The Canadian" will be a warm
and zealous friend to every teeming having a
tendency to promote the interests of labour, and
to ameliorate the condition of mankind : sod to
produce barmoay, good feeling, and fellowship
among the different classes of society.
" Tb. Canadian" will be placed under the
immedicts editorial maoag`emest of THOMAS
MstQcses. Eeq., of tke Hoaos Sto,aL : Rad
wilt ite printed on a large Imperial Med, weak,
sew and handsome type, oh Wednesday sad
Saturday of each week, at the Printing Office
of RoacaTIOR & Heaves, the Publishers.
Tax's. -15+. per aassm, if paid strictly i.
admaoco : 17s. 6d., if paid within six months
from the time of subscribing or 20s. at the end
of the year. Papers delivered by the Carriers,
teen. of tot, less than twei:ty five preterite King Street, Handles. Jewelry 23, 18.5
which Debentures •hall he .ea!ed sea the
reale( the sa:d Municipal Council, 'tested�a OU ND 00 the Iluron Road at my place,
b. the Warden, and ceuotereigeeJ by the A basket Containing Clothing, the own
county Clerk am! Tretsurer!Mel: respective- 'eat can hate it by proving the propene and
ly, and beat date on the day the none, is ad- paying Charges, Lot 28 Iluron Road Con-
tented 1n the Treasurer, ao4_be male pay- see.eton Tuci.eramith.
able with interest according to the terms ALEXANDER HYSLOP.
• ,,,1 r,n.t.ieee. rat the said t.•..n rat herein I lann•rc. 27th. 1859..s vb-n1
I before mentioned.
3r1. And be 11 enacted, That a epscial
Irate of Three Farthing' in the'l'nnad per
annum oter and abete.aol in addition to
lel! other rates whatsoever shall be r-ised
and levied in each year for the payment cf
the raid debt to bo create 1 by tee said Loan
ant!: the samo shall be fully pied, upon all
t' the ratable real and personal property with-
in the said C'tuced Counties, and cne sells
ling and one half peony m tho pound per
annum lacingthe stn of the anima/ to
' the rcnl value) upon the anneal value of
all the rateable real and rrrsnrial property
within every lacorporatcd'Towa or Village
rI1IIERE is an e=cellent opening fee a
m- TINSMITH in the Town of S:ratforJ.
County of Perth, one who urideretande the
business would End as good an opening in
Stratford for country business as any where
in Canada West.
Stratford, 22nd Jan. 1959. vSut
&NOR No. 1 School, Colborne, hold's: •
• Certificate from the Public Beard of
In<tructioo, apply to Trustees of said school
which now ie. or which shall he weth:n the on or before the 1015 February.
raid United (oe:time during tie e0nttnu- Colborne, 22nd Jan. ISA.
lance of the nail rate. - -
-NOTICN.-Tho above is s true copy of!' GODERICII, 22nd January, 18:...
a proposed Bv.Law to bo tie;^n in:‘)ci-n- ,.NOTICE.
r•dcration DythoMunicipal Council of the -
U;nrd Comities of Ihiren, Perth and Bruce, PARTIES whose Accounts cf 1850, remain
on Tuesday t_e fourth day of M.y 1358, j unpaid are hereby notified, that unless those
at the the Iluron Hotel, Geduld', (Gen• f Balances be immediately settled, the under -
ties') at ten of the clock in the forenoon, sicced will, without any distinction pla,ce
at which titmeend pace tbe member of the them, in the bands o: their Solicitors (er
said Mon'clpshty are h•rety revered to at. CollecUun.
tend Ar the impure at -resell.
Grain n( all aorta, of a marketable quality
will be taken is payment.
County Clerk. 50-41 M. B SEYMOUR Ls Co.
County Clerk's O(6ce, GODERICH, 22nd Jan. b, 31st Jan. 185:. v5ne. 3m
_ _ TIiF. Subsenbera' Stone Warehouse, situ -
--e--------m-_"_-__ rated on the Harbour Quay, baying been
TV AND ;COPPERSMITH-STRAT- c'ntpleted, the Public are respectfully in.
Storing of Produce, Merchandize, etc. tormcJ, that the same is now open for the
T111; Subscriber bc:cq diep sc1 to meet on the aloet reasonable terms
hie psvmente when due, and hiving 5C -6i M. B. SEYMOUR k Co.
experienced great difficulty in collecting
his amount', he ha. been cempellr.l t•y NOTE LOST.
ce•eity to to ad ,pt the gm!: maxim, THE Subscriber lost in the Town of 1Vood-
WILLiAM HALL of the Township of
Goderech hereby forbid any person pur-
chasing or receiving' a promissory nate for
£17 10e. bearing date the 28th Nor. 1851,
and made by mo to Benjamin Reitz"' or
bearer due 47 dies after date se melbete
has been paid, and 1 heroby further forbid
aov person trusting tho said Bcn;am:n
Rerzel on my acr0oot as i will pay no debts
contracted by hen.
WiLLi.1M !TALI..
Bayfield, Feb. 5th 1854. D2v5
Ci OR No 8 School Section, T.awnshin of
Elltee, holding • second or third rate
Certificate from the Public Board, of in
Trustees, ({ PATRICK BANNAN,
Ellice, Jan. 201b, 1852. v5.12
A Li. those indebted to the Heron Sig
oaf Office, either by Note of haat to
by Book account, et this date, will oblige
the Subscriber by , knowledgiog Ihm
liabilities, and obtain' a settlement n(
same with Mr. florae fortes ofGoJerte►
Aber, ea '
rlu t
ea cony
Godericb, Jan, 28., 18$0. k vin l
1f thy feud deceive thee once, shun on a'small pocket hbuokeontatning noon mnner,
limn' and a Noto dated 11 November 1851 by
But, if he deMt've the twice, nhamo on thee,
Slat. Francis Fishletgh for £5 3 7e, to the
and so refuse credit .ny longer 10 those ,Subscriber. -Mr bas found the some,
customers. she are over two years In ass- will plants cnmmetmee:e with Mr. Toter
rears of pavm4N. In con.Mnence thereof. Reid. Stratford. -Payment of the Note
.a aJtertiscmen: appeared - ;he Signal rf has been stopped.
last week, which•, he apprebetde, in *1 1
' cares La friends and customers at a dis-
tance,to suppose he has decamped, if out
i informed to tbe•con'rary•
' lie therefore takes this opportunity to
express his gretttnde 14 those friends who
• have " cashed up" their accounts, and bees
r' to inform them that he is. still at hit old
: steed, where rte has coa.Iantly on hand a
largo and- goal aa.ortrnenl of hree tee Colborne Inn, on Tone s the 10th dos
LO'nthe beginning of July, a French
about 11 years old. grey fate and
shoulders, the rest of I es body snore who
than grey, on the eight shoulder • long de
and on the .(t hank soother cut, it we• 1e1
tb pasture .t the Sable neer, any informs -
Doff relates to its beteg 'etc.!** or strayed
from there will be tbaskfully received by
P• S. --i1 any ooe should 8•,1 and twteg
ahs said esistaI ember to Ilhyleld orlbeAt-
ble River, will meet vie tereatl&Mani or mere
if regainse for ►e trouble.
lrretie5 Settlement near :yield.
• at or
0f the above Societe, Will be held at
'1v11E shore I:,il and Lot are sheat, on
the North .14e •'1 Kucardree Street, 10
the fest improv:og Village of PeutMgues.
Fur particulars apply to
Preetugnr., 24th New. 1151. 411,
TIIAT reediest Ln of 1...t, Lot til•,. 7, INN
Cuacea,os. E..trra D,.ir,uo, Tow..6,p of
Ashfield, . ill he sell cheep for Carte This bot
N o,tvaled m ore or ,be meet proeperoet beWe-
tneata is 15. Iluron TU.,. ..d has the e.ert wee
tar primes. in the. lo:dim A Saw !1111 of the'
beet deecripeea is is 1.4 eremitism se 1N N.
sod the water power i. runic tot to peoprl *•r
a,noset W engineer, thrummed. the whole ,.aa.
Th. 10, enemies 00.r I0u scree of ih.;wet
q.ahy et land. ahuu' fir. Or ria •.-1e. 01 which
sre e!.•arr•d, and has a mewl models 'id dwelhy-
hoeae me t',
leer farther particulars apply to the Ed:iprw
..f the Iluron Sigaat, er t.. the proprietor, Jobs
Mc('arrao, no the
A.hfield, Dec. '21, 1"51. n4048
CAME into the reel, Imre of the eob.enber,
about the 11th Deeemb.,. a Pale Red Strut
one or two eters old -large limns, 1'be
ower is requested to prose property, pay
charges, and take Lim away.
halite 8luaaa;�,
Lot No. 3, 1st eon. Ray. Londa, Road.
Tats aa,, Cortkasrir,i.
Neat d..., to the Victory rbotel, %Ye.t Street.
G.u4neh, tai. cnnitt�taady on band a choice seek
&e., which he will rill at considerably 'educed
pries for Cash or Merchsotable Feuded..
GoJerich, Ike. 23, 1951. r4o4G
TILE Subscriber will pay CASII (or
good clean merchantable WHEAT
delivered at Mr. Crabb'• 9torehnuee. He
would also intim Its that he has on hand
and for sale, at the Iluron Hotel, a com-
plete assortment of Ready made Clothing.
conareung of Coats, Vests, Pante, ke..
togethef with a lot of cheap• Dry Goode,
Boots and Shote, all of which will be cold
remarkably cheap. As his stay i1 Godench
Weil be very limited, great bargains will be
given. JNO' GORDON.
Godericb Jan. east, 1852. ven50
TNI: sobscriher wishes to dispose of his
Thorough Bred. Durham Ball. sod reel do
so on reasonable terms. The animal is as ex,
mike' specimen of bis. ►ind-eirong and '.ell
termed. Ile is two rare old, and ha. takes the
first premium each year, at the Eahlbrtiou Witte
District Agmalusral Society. Ile w I•mitlse.,
and the owner deems to port with bits arrsty
with the view of ebakgiag 1Le Meed.- Aged
Devonshire or Ayraboe Ball wilt M takes is ea•
Bayfield Read. Galeria.
Dee. 24, 1851. .4.46.
rroo end j.padlrare•, wMct he w11111";:11 a. of February 'tett, at 19 u'cl..c noon, for
I ureal, retail at wholesale prices. 1(e Malin the election of Office Bek
prrpa-e.l to ex utn all orders he may be ' ate. k•, fur
jfavorer! with m the above branches is the the en.uing year
usual style of workmanship. on the shortest By Order,
R. G. CUNIYGH.1ltE Sec Y.
' mere. end most reasonable terms, for ilio•• Gnderich, 90th len. 18.52.
ptrtrs who Rare the moans, and diel Ji. N.B.-The Din eters ere r ended to
pose) to pay. meet it 11 o'clock u( the (oven;. ,iy on the
Q% I Arise from {he c•. entry bringing day and place abovevnentioned.
ass lr to he sopa; 1, can cot teem on k. G.
• C.. Secy,
t lh it retire by leasing them as soon a-
tlty aeon ii town. A goal supply of RO LAND WILLIAMS,
stovepipes on hand, and at 10l. per 1.0gtb. AOctrnirR . is prepared to attired Sole. in
NB. -The highest price paid in trate t
+n1 Mit of the Umtnd Cossts.y N 1M
for 012 cup: wt. brae•• pewter. sheepskins, mon
Coerttolbace, of el sheen•. t lbw ret
ealt St beet bmJm, {oath•" k n,.. Alt Smells (joderteb.i
Made of 1lalajpt$bIe produce taken in +x •
N. B,-G,.ode and other properly will be
chsaj. at web rrieev.
resolved to cell either by private w /a►Ite
.r f J, Cebruarl
Line ay tt, 105^-.
Fee 515 1851 v5 n2
TWO Hundred Barren of Lake llurco
Ilerring., Lir sale. Alto,
25 Chests Superior Y H Tea. Been
Superior Cave.dlab Tobacco -and Loaf
Sugar by the case.'
December 4, 1851. ,4n59
Section No. 1, Wawanneh, be must
produce a Second Class Certificate.
Trustees, Wi1.L1AM NIA1.1.OUG(lt
Wawaaoeb, ,13:11..L1
ec. 2. le51. ,4n42
wow •
STRAI'ED from the Subscriber. on 07
•bunt the First of december last, Lot
62, North hoe Kincardine, a Rad Cow with
a white face, and over the fere shoulder a
white spot with • beil on. Min a Red Steer
with a whet) face and hollow back ; also a
Black Steer, with Itne back, and white spit
on hie hind quarter; "leo a Black and wbite
Steer write A. S. on his horns, rising ass
years old.
> Kincarlino, Jaa. 1215 1659. v4o49
F.MAINING in the Stratford P. O. le
Jan. 6th 185e.
Arroll Thos. ' Merely Danl.
Bellingham Jas. t Marta) Donald
Brown Miles Melony Mich!.
Bell*ntyno Jann - Murray Jon.
Hannon Patk 9 M Me1)nnald Widow
Ballantyne Robt. Scn]IcKay David 2
Broaden !Matthew McTavish Al.Y,
Burk Michl. Mct ullandJoch'
Bernard Robt. McNaughton Wm.
McKellan Duncan
Patiick Mr.
Phelan M1.
Putberoy Time.
Quick Timothy
Qeipp Johnathan
Robertson Jas.
Curc'.in brio.4
Campbell Stewart
Conner Jno.
Clothier Alba
Charnock Inn.
(.n..lton R'chd.
Chown Wm.
Connelly Peter Rankin Char.
Cottrill Wm. Rene Jnn.
Campbell Archibald Robertson Wm
tare► lames Radford James
Freak Theodore Ryan leo.
!lyre Thne.
Granel Wm.
Hamilton Ilugh
Iletghson Jar.
Roughrtdge loo
Smith Peter
elebb;na loo.
Sargent Thee
Hamann, Lor'. Tanner Eliznr M.
Kean Jas. 1. V. Moor
Keays Robt, S.R.1i.W,eker August
Moore Mn. F. Wilkinson or Foster
Maitberall Ilenry Ann
C1ME ie ,M •••ls of .he Reb.erib'
abet the first e1 Neeemher, •lire. Sb. -.p.
The Owner ill hereby req•eat.d to prove property,
pay clearers., sed t.►. ,h.mewee.
Tsekeremith, M.S1 Reed. Dee. 23(4'51.
r l%%'ll good BOOT and SHOE Malar•,
1 who w..1 fled coe.tent emsluyreent
and good wages, bv applying at the She's
of the subscriber, WMI_.trot, G,ntericb.
Rept. Otto. 1531 .
7'OR N. 3 SC11OOL, Gednie► Townie. •
Timelier heldisg • Fine Clem Certiieate, te
whom • liberal Salary will be gives.
Apply to the Trsaees.
D.c gib, te.51. 41 1
r, a ,• •.*iii;*•.