HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-02-05, Page 1*wan
I■ a h Ir• a c a,
r •T T(ra •ile 01 TINS aa•a.
Gawky, That after the words Townsligi Reeve the work ., and
tihe Pn'eedi'igs of the Municipal Council for the
United C.D4nttre of Huron Perth and Bruce, holden
at the Huron Hotel, (uteric% on the 29th day of
December 1851, pursuant to adjournrneat
from the 20.1 July, 1851.
(leered to a committee of the Whole. The Warden nominated
Mr. Ilid to the chair. On the Report being read over No. 65.
Was adopted, also a By -Law to require Sub -Treasurers of School
honeys, to render aeeounts of receipts and expenditures of such
The committee then rose and the Warden resumed the chair.
biota the Report and Ile -Law was again submitted in open Coun-
cil. and approved and adopted.
The following accounts were referred to the Finance Com-
78 Account from Rev. Mr. Logie, for stationary and post-
79 Account from Mr. Nairn for stationary.
80 Account from Mr. Parsons for stationary for late County
81 Moved by Mr. Flanagan, seconded by Mr. Lamb, That
the County Scree or be instructed to ins;wct that part of the
Big Sable on the Town Line between gttephen and 111lillivray
gad make out an estimate of what tie cost of a new Bridge
would be, as there is a Targe portion of the above two Township s
suffering very much West of that River for want of a Bridge.—
They pay their taxes, and it would lee only justicc that they receive
name of the benefit—carried.
82 Moved by 1)r. (.'ole. seconded by Mr. 11c11, That the
Surveyor be directed to examine where the most eliwble site for
the erection of a Bridge agrees the Maitland Giver in place of
the one just carried away may be, and to report thereon, et the
next sitting of Cnuneil. •
83 It was moved in amendment by Mr. Wallace, and secon-
ded by Mr. Girvin, That the Surveyor be imtrueted to prepare
Plans and Specifications for the erection of a new Bridge at the
site of the old Maitland Bridge, and to have the same ready by
twit meeting of Council. On the yeas and nays being taken on
the above, the amendment was carried .hy a majority of one.
The Commit then adjourned until tomorrow at noon.
1VILLI-1-\I CHALK., Warden
• Iluron Perth and Bruce.
Cou ecrt Roox, Goosatcn.
Thursday, 1st January, 1852.
Pasattrr:--The Warden in the Chair.
hinge. HAYS, Messrs.GIRVTN,
The minutes of yesterday were read oyer and app''ore'i tlF,
when the following accounts were received, and referred to
Finance committee.
84 Account of Mr. Benjamin Miller for work and !ember
supplied to New Maitland Bridge.
85 Account of Thomas Danry for work done at do.
86 • Account of David Munro. Iron :red Btac smitb work
done on New \entered Bridge. .
R7 Letter from .John Mefenald. 1:sq.. (-=iwrrir) tris 're-
ceived and read, and ordered to fie filet?. and the clerk instrttrted
to intimate to Mr. McDonald the resolntion of Council eneseet-
ed with the same.
88 The report of the Finance committee was ieceired grad
referred to a committee of the Whole. The Warden nomi-
nated Mr. Flanegnn to the Chair. On the report being read
over, Noe. 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 11 exeeptinz 0 ' • last part of
No. 14, wben in was moved by Mr. Hamilton. dreowded
by Mr. Lamb, That the Treasurer receive for his salary for the
year' 1851 the gum of £15+0 currency —carried.
89 Nos. 15, 16. 18. 19. 20, 21. 2_3.21, 25. 26. 27.28.29.
30, 31,32, 33, o0 34 being read over, Wires mired by Dr.C'halk-
seconded by Dr. Cole, That Mr. Otter's account be audited and
paid ---carried.
90 Nos. 39,41 and 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 44, 49, 50, 51,
52, 53, 54,56,57, 58, 59 64 66, were adopted, on No. 68 being
read over, it was moved by Mr. Annand, seconded by Mr. Hill,
That the original motion be coofrrmed--carrrcd.
91 Nos. 69 and 70 were adopted, on No. 71 being read
over, it was mored by Mr. l;irvin, seconded by \Ir. Guest,
That the road from the 71h roncemion of Colborne be include!
m the list of roads to which the By -Law relating to sudden
breaches will apply, as this is the only road from their 'townships
to mill, or the market Town of l;oderich. On the yeas and nays
beim taken on the above, it was lost by a majority of seven.
92 Nos. 73, 74, 75 and 7ti were adopted. on No. 77 being
read over, it was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Hamilton,
That notwithstanding the Bridge over the River Thames at St.
Mary's was not on a County road. in consideration of the ad-
vantage to he derived by the surrounding Townships, it would be
but justice to render assistanee to the Township of Illawshard i.
the construction of a new Bridge in place of on. swept away by
the late flood, and that this ('nineil 8r, agree to ia.ue Debentures
payable one year from the completion of the work for one hall of
the aetml cost of the erection of a new Bridge now under eon -1
tract---antheetic information respecting said contract and its
amount to be laid before this Council by the Reeve of Blanchard
at next meeting. On the jeaa and nays being taken on the above,
it was Mat by a majority of one.
Naos. 78,79, 80, 55, 84, 85, 86, were adopted, as were also
the c pei•+i•g portion. of the Report, relative to County
or calling upon two Iteeres to }� st in letting content-es,h_
ated cost of which shall ext. d £20, and that part of the
�rt referrinubto the 39th se.tioo of the Assessment Law.
03 The committee'Ane. Dad the R•arako reau nt 4.4 a
. the Report being anbmitted, and read over, it was moved by
Mr. Wallace. seconded by Mr. Rath, That pert of Mr. Otter's
account for disbursements to stage driven be drduete_
Tie rest of the Finance report was confirmed and adopted.
Mored by Mr. Dentin, secnoded by Mr. Hays, That all
liawerde in the 14 section of Ry.Law, chap. 17T. passed in
**ober }comm, 1847, after the words • and it ,e hereby etoseled
Mettle authority of lime same" be repealed. and that the foYwiag
�� be substituted in place thereof: " That the Tows Rome elf
iye8 Township in the United Constar. of !turns, Perth Dud
Magee shall lave authority to expend on say pnbhr road tlremgb,or
*smug the Tew1Dlip be represents, any sem of nosey net ex-
eew•1tsg ten pounds to any year, for the repaying of soy adders
breath, or other imp.disr.t os the leading roots s the lititud
!d Moved in amendment by fir. Wallace, wooded by Mr.
Lamb, Tht for Ay Taw aotberi,i g the Isyieg est of to
Sts swedes breathes be repealed. Oa the yes+ had a4tys
item the motion was carried by a tttlytoeity of Urge.
It was then moved by Mr. Smith, seconded h Mr.
Deputy Reeve, tae alerted. (ht the yeas and nays being taken octr .
on the last, it was bra majority of seven.
97 Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Hill, That the
documents connected with the contract of the building of the
Bridge wrong the Ricer Thames at St. Marys in Blanchard be
furnished to this Council at next sitting, hi order that this Council
may have them as data to guide them in any grant which may
then be made towards the erection of said Bridge—carried,
98 Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr..\orrand, That
the Clerk write to the Township Collectors, intimating to them
that their Rolls require to be audited by the Comity auditors, and
requesting the Rolls to be forwarded for that purpose by the
first day of May uett, in order that they may then be laid before
the Council if required—carried.
99 Moved by .lir. Smith, seconded by Mr. Gouriay, That
the Surveyor be instructed to prepare plans and specifications -for
the building of the Bridge over the Black Creek, and to have the
contracts for the same let as Soon as possible. on the above
motion being put, •
100 It was ,moved in amendment by Mr. Wallace, seconded
by Mr. Lamb, That the Surveyor be directed to rommraee with
the Plans and Specifications for the New Maitland Bridge, to
have there ready by next meeting of Council as already passed,
awl at the same time report on the best kind of Bridge. gni tlx:
motion and amemlment being put, the 'notion was cam' d by' one.
101 5101ed by \Ir. \' all ire, seconded by \Ir. (hell, Tina
the deities of the (',minty Clerk beige; much more 'baa was anti-
eipated, his present salary being inadequate to his services, That
the sem of fifteen pounds he added—carri, d, t
102 Mored by Mr. Mayes, seconded by Mr. Bell, That the
tits \Warden be aatborized to_sie'n a 1)ebenuire injavnr of James
e;reties for the sum of £9 currency for the, use.' of his rooms,
candles, fire, &c.. &c.; at the present sitttug of Caroni -vete, isle,,
10:1 Moved by Mr. Holmes, sernnde�l by \ir. Wallace,
That the wreek of the Maitland Bride .that his been removed
from the old site be sold to -morrow the 'Lan iust., at such Inc as
the County Surveyor shall appoint, at 12 months credit on ap-
proied security—carried.
'I'bc Warden addressed the meeting anddissolred theCouueil.
VILLIA1i CII .\LK. Warden,
Iluron, Perth and Bruce.
Of the Select Committee on Finance.
lltu etas ov COMMITTEE :—Messrs.
kin, \Wallare and Hayti. '
Joh• Ilolmes, Esq., in the Chair.
Your Committee having taken under consideration the several
documents submitted to them, beg leave to report.
8 The letter of the Clerk of the Peace with accompanying
9 1 our Committee beg leave to say that similar doeuments
were before your body in the month of June last, and that we
see ale reason why we should deviate from the 'deport uf the-
Finabce Committee of that Session marked No. 71 which
was tle confirmed by the Council.
10 tter of the' \:"arden on the sante suhjett to be filed.
12 Account of 11. C. Beecher we recommend to be paidgInit'
we caanot refrain from saying, that we chnoiler it to
es8orbitent charge for the services rendered ba• Loa.
13 Letter of the Provincial Secretary to the Warden m'.t.-
t five to the Prtsirteial Statutes. we recommit: 1 to be ;,..t a., !
would beg les•re to say that . it wo.ld be eery desirable if. t,,
.1 \k'anden could aseertaia where these Statutes are. delayed a..
i base them forwarded as. soon as possible.
1 11. I cttcr from the•('ounty Treasurer we recortin'nd to lin
6!�'!. On the contents of which we beg leave to say, that uader
the cireum'tanees mentioned, we consider the abstract furnished
to be quite sufficient at the present time, we also approve of
the Treasurers not disposing of our Debentures at too great a
sacrifice and do consider him entitled to the act -madame of the coon-
rd for the satisfactory manner in which he has condt'tred 11U
financial affairs of these Counties. 'We .also approve of the'
eour'e be has pursued relative to the Gravel lload scheme, and,
bnjae it will terminate satisfactory-. On the subject of arrearsof
taxes, we beg leave to say that we regret that so many mistake.
have been made, but are fully aware that the time for making up!
the schedules was tdshort to have the sante done correctly.
M regards ibe statement of the Treasurer that the amount)
required to defray the expenses connected with the new Jun- I.aw
for 1850 'tad 1851 will be about £750 in addition to the amount
paid for 1850 by the Act 13 and 14 Vic Chap 55.
Ilolmes, Shish,. Dou-
Your Committee beg leave to say that ive never anticipated'
that such an exhorbitaat expense would he entailed on these
Couotie., consequently no provision or appropriation was matte
for that purpose, that therefore, the Treasurer is unable to pay
:he amount at present without depriving those par:ins for whom
appropriations have already been made by this Council. and
which we consider, has a priority of claim against the Conned.1
and we recommend that the Warden do petition the Legislature
in the name of the Council, chewing that the expenses eonnt'rted
with the Jury amended Act cannot be borne by the people of
these 1'nited Coomties, and that the be
if 0. R. w•LLIS.
0, ,e..1 take the papers—
The trifling co.t 1s never missed,
Though 1',e e'nod for forty years
Up„n the print re lint !
Talk not of warrior.—Faust released
Earth from tae terror of her kings—
Ile twirled his sri,R•, and Jerkin's. eeased
And amusing 'dreamed atone the East
On freedoms bur imbed wings.:
0, ve., 1 read t'•e pap' rpt
And son; and daughters tell and small :
For they hole be, n ih'o' thick and thio,
TSa maimed' us all.
'Taga nn',:y slid, that should a star
iso sirr'., h f'mn the drone of sight,
A printing lutes. if .',toned there,
1Crnl.i.1111 the vacuum to a hair,
A::d abed • broader light.
The mels who takes no nop'tre.
Or,1sk n., pars not when they're reed,
W0.04 .4.11 his corn to buy a ' Aorta,'
And live on torrowed bread.
Th. printers opens his wide domains
Of cceseee—•eatrers E.J,res'is.
A': o'er the land. t•i• April rains ;
And vet his ls.!rir and his pains.
Aro half big. compensativa !
1 'air! ria' a inc ain sweet Jean
For'. me .'Ives 1 vet hen seen :
11'„ nn her look,, is no her air.
That node: mg rem to me en fair;
It's Do her term n' modest grace.
Nor i.'t her wins-,r.o bonne face;
Bus 'iia her heart. Ate pore and free,
That mak's beg i the ward to me.
Let ;then' fret : 'tie mire to sang
The jn,• that riches cannot bring :
- Let me the Ways o' rapture share,
Wilma minces disccl the eluu's o' tare :
',wine rose-, happy ham.,
Thar, a' Its• gelr nn earth 1 claim :
My wifl^ and m♦ bairn. three,
Are mar thea a' the warld to me.
It was in one of thie_extrasice hostelries
which are to be " tied up to" in most of
the large toms in the interior of New York
that the following seenc actually occurred,
as can be proved by a growl of witnesses
who have leered the landlord tell the 'story.
'I:le hotel re:err, d di was, len the otte-
•.fwh;ch ne a:1• s,.oakine. rather full,
r.%!1'.': M ! ' t :^ '• ,",,r I lar sick in
was to rt, ,cr afire during the night
from the hr:. ds u: a person 'sire .111d been
• procured tai•watrb"rwtth him.'1 he land-
lord had instrn.;ted the afhrc gaii: watcher
to administer a potion of 'inc. ittle physic
to the patient at twelve o'clock; the dose to
be repeated at certain hours of the night.
e is rather techit;' mid the landlord,
" and yon La 1 better keep nil of his room
until you go up to glee him the medicine.'
"Ob, fort at tatter," n•plic•d the watch-
er, who was a novice in the vnrat,on, " i
prefer to sit beret" and he eyed a sofa
which was in the apartment, m a auspici-
ous manna'".
Well,"said the landlord, "you won't
forget the ncmbcr of bis room 1"
« No, sir."
"Gond night.-'
"(food night."
Boniface retired. and the watcher de -
' posited luuiself en the sofa, from which he
was roused hr his swoon; at a grrarter be-
IfTre one. in dismay awl confusion be
neem a
degdate to the expenses incurred M carrying the sane
into effect, and praying that the Legislature be pleased to re-
duce the feel at least to what they were under the Act 13 and
14 Vie. chap. 55, and that in said petition he will endeavor to coo -
treat the fees soder the .fury Iaw, and amended Jury t.aw.
As regards the last clause in said letter, your Committee world
recommend that £20 he added to the Treasurers Salary for
extraae roes performed by him, not anticipated at the time of
fixing thrsame, and in consideration of travelling expenses.
15 The correspondence respecting the loan for gravelling
roads. we recommend tobe bled.
16 Treasurers Abstract, same deliverance IS abort.
18 Account of John Strachan, Esquire, for defen-
ding suit in Division ('ours, - £^_ 111 Il
Travelling expenses on do 0 13 0
Wet is Common Pleas 13 days absence fro.
lose, at £2 10.,
(Mier expenses on this cava, 5'21109
2 10 0
Travelling expenses on do
15 0 0
30 19 0
Cash received, 25 7 4
0 0
T1s lust i 56 7 4
rein in this account, namely, £2 10s for tlefhaft
mat m D'vn'nn Court, and .15s travelling es we rotaider
i seraat. the origin! claim amounting only to £2, and as we
hen k.a credibly informed, that the customary charge of egrets
'heDivision Court Inc snips of that amount is err, we rerommen4
fiat t semi be paid Mr. Striehen, in addition to the rents *1.
by the Coen fees Plaintiff, the remainder of the seroTttrt
Mahe, Is the suit is Camera Plena, we recommend to he taxed
by Ow proper hmlsritiee, and to be paid in accordance with de -
M ►e.
seized the potion, and then hurried up
The sick man was lodged in No. 52;bat
the nurse in his hate mistook N o.3 for it
and entering the latter, be saw a person ly-
ing in the bed, face upward. with his month
wide open, respite% with that peculiar gitr-
ele in the thrnat which indicate% strong
lungs and a plethoric habit.
".\b!" mentally cscie;med the astute
watelier, " he make. a foot, abut taling lis
medicine, d nes het 1',n blowed, Meng b. if `
hr don't tale one thee gnietty -before be
w:kc sup. in ext'"•
The idea of giving a portico of bitter
physic to a somnolent patient was sutwicntly
ndicadons; bat why* we consider Inst the
watcher had entered the w.ong i.tt in, and
was about to administer it to the wronz
ratan, the affair becomes still more - Water-
(hie frwwd. the watcher, acted promptly,
aril having filled the bowel of a large spoon
with the nauseating mixlum, Ire loured it
down the throat of the sleeping tra,clkr,
who happ sed to be a healthy ltibrrniaa
that had saver tasted physic before in his
life. The Irutbman struggled and bit the
spoon severely, but the watcher plunged i
Mill deeper in bis throat, saying, as he dx
so, "Oh, but you must take it—the land
lord says you roust !"
The nasty dose went down, but *lea
Patrick received his breath, and began to
pour forth his objurgat.ons in his own pe-
culiar rhetoric, the watchec discovered that
he had committed an egregious blunder,
and, seizing his light, fled from the room.
The astonished and enraged ter -eller
sprang front his bed, and was soon heard
rushing about in search of the landlord.
swearing vengance against him and all con-
nected with his house. on he came, tear-
ing through the passages, banging the doors
and roaring like a grizzly bull.
"Oo-oo-oh ! It's kilt I aro, bedad, any
how. Au -ugh! I'm ehawked with poison!
Divil a bit iv afarrunt in the wistiern
counthry will I buy now—for I am a dead
man! The poison is acing me up just.
Och! it's enough to make a dog threw his
father in the fire ! lfooly Sant Patrick !
Landlord! landlord! land -lo -o -r -r -rd !"
Pat had, by this time, dcsciiulitl to 11.
floor on which the landlord's apartmen twas
situated, and the worthy host, bearing the
hillabulloo, opened his door and asked what
was the matter " Ab ! is it there ye are !'
Come out for a bating—or let me conte
till ye! A poorty house ycre kapen, to
send your man into a honest traveller's room
to poison the innocent devil in his slape!
Ugh, the bitter, nasty pilon !—come out
here, an' I'll hillier ye like fun?"
" \l -hat's the matter, rpy good friend !"
inquired Boniface.
" Ow ! the matter is it !—when I was
waked from my swate slape, and a higdtrth
of blaggard stood fornint me, ratninin' a
big la-adle down me trote full iv pisnn—an
sex he, ye must take it—the landlord se
so, And now, what'll the matter, sea you!
An' that's one of yer Iltricks on travellers!
Come out here an' I'll ba -ate ye. Be the
blood of the hooly 'northers, i'hl bra -aka
ivery bone in yer body ? I'd tache ye to
pison a decent thraveller, that's goiu' to
buy land in the wistbern counthry !"
The Irishman here became vii angled in
the meshes of a wooden settee which stood
in his way, and, at the same time, the land-
lord's wife seized her wrathy lord -although
a " Lost" in himself, she not willing to risk
t him in a rough and tumble fight in the dark
--and having plucked him back into Ler
Sleeping apartment, site looked t8J door and
bolted it securely.
The prospective purchaser of " n istliern
lands" having extracted his legs and arms
from those of the settee, still . thristed for
the landlord's blood.
"Bring me to the murtlerin ould villyan;
let me come at him !"
At this juncture, however, Mick, (10
Nestler, made his appearance with a lantern
which he held up to the physic-smared face
of the enraged traveller, with a polite re-
quest that he would " hould" his, tongue.
But Mick was at last compelled to give
his fellow countryman a good heating,
which had the effect to restore him to good
humor, and when he found that he was not
poisoned, after all he retired once mnre to
his bed to dream of the farrom which he
was going to buy in the •' wisthern coun-
I rateTeas. —The Pfister' F«tient in
t Niew Ynrk on the .1ani,.reary of Pranks
bay B.rth,la. Mr, h gr!..w, the ttd.tor of
150 1're..sir t -m.., in resl.nnd,.g In a•en-
timrnr, meut:..sr,d the tae,, which rpm,
rind• r his i'mnwli,te o'r.ery.I,na while au•
perntendeet of the C"pelar Sin_ Sing Stat.
Pnae.i, highly ered'table te the members of
rt.. Tvpegfsphr.! ptnrr•r••n Ile Waled
that while alt the ,r,.!.• and p'e'e .:oes, in-
e'adire Doetn',. Proke•r, , 31 r. seers, and
I•twtete. (Meese!! seat a memser of the
1.11., pro'e.rion) had rrwesetat:,ea there.
5,1 for the last tweet, five ?earn, me Para_
•Tra And leesreusaed wit4ia its glemay
trills! Thee. is ant, we are informs•), a
•reg!e Paine. Ile soy MNoe in r'lnada,
whsle represrntatieee 01511 other prol..aihna
Sed 'rad.. are ineareersted within enr Prn-
nwe.al Sr oar Jrta! !. Gala do you hear
that t "11 .nor to whom honor 1• due,"
—.\oeft .fee rice it.
lfrair•LITT la IHR STsTrs.—Ttie rename
of la:0 ,hew• the following proportion of
dead.' to the shots population In the (91.
1 or mgBali-e.—\', rm. at 1 In 100; Iowa 1
in 91; Georgie I to !it: Mle6iraa 1 in W7:
Troc;sse.l a a(.; North Carotins and Alas
barn 1 Ia r3; orb Carcina I .n 13: Marne
1 in 77; New Jsr•ey 1 w 7.1; Vtrg•r.!a 1 .n
74; Memo gad Ih`kware 1 in :3: Ark
1 in 70; sexes 1 in 69; abode Island 1 In
66 ; Leottact r and Crossett cat 1 in 64 ;
Maryland 1 tn60: 5fsesachcsetts 1 mail.
HARD TIMR.I.—" it ;a hard time.," *Rya
the yonng man, s. he puffs a three cent en -
gar, or pays tw'ente. flys rents for • theatre
or tire' . ticket—•' Itis hard tinter, and 1
can't take a paper."
" it is hard times," s.vo the middle-age.l
man, as he pays for a pnnnd of tea, a lot of
coffee, and a gallon of ram; all wore. then
oedema—o It da hard tamer, and 1 can't afford
to pay for a paper."
"The times ars hard," says the man with
a largo family; 1 have six children to pro-
vide for; i can't afford to have a paper."
Poor man! what a pity he does not knit .
that thew• months 'schooling in • year with
a weekly paper, is hotter fir his chatter n,
than rix month& sehnnhnr without a paler.
"The time, are hard," says the coring
woman, as mho t.i..s twelve flea eent.,
j :st for a ribbon to wear ro•Ind her nerk—
the limes are PO hard. i cannot .nhrcribe
for your paper. though i hka it, and shoal l
tot glad to hate tr." Pn4ar girl.
Now, my fri,hd!y advice for tb..er and all
name, is to enn.tder a gond pap, s. one
the *rattans, of h/e, ague so we ffnl to
ilia eared as remittent to thetady, sae slw,eo
to M received before nuns.,.,nt, ornament,
or tare grat'Beatrr•i of arty artful appetite,
or fasht,neble whim. If yo, den', Irks th,
Herold, tab mme othor paper. 8, pars to
have gas.. and t..eh !marmot( to regard a
go od pap, w isdr.p.n.sN..
How To Ct-sr 4 C LD.—Of .1r ether
means of canoe a cold, let a man eat eels
ing whateorvar for two slay., provided bo Is
eonficed In bed,- became, by ',king no car-
bon into the eystna by Inod, by consuming
the .nrplus which canted teas devices• b•
breath, he soon c'rri.s off his diocese by re-
mot•nv the elnr.. This will be found more
effectu.l iftteadi. enpio'ts water drinks to
protrac'ed fasting. By the tints a per..,
ham fated one day and n gist he will expert
else, a freedom- trent pis and a rlea•mesa nr
Mind, in a del'lhtfwi cos treat w 1th ment•I
•tnpnr and phys:eat pain eaeeed by eelde.
And how inft•ately-better Is this wethod cf
breaking up colds than haedieisee.
A dowered (mase.—Aeesri!ing to the
Sunbury (Pa.).inericaa, a horse near that
place recently leaped from one abutment of
an untatahed bridge to another a distance
of thirty -awn feet; and on a pub...Tient day,
after smashing a bogry into pieces. sad
sprit*} the dr,ser and two ladies loin the
road, fie jnmir.l 'w.nt,•three feet on ratings
ground with the fore wheels of the buggy
TURE. - "
Ma. JyrAIDRA,T: The stormy current
Of my !,.re hiss (..tf+.red ...arra! momenta when
the import)anee .f the oces•inn, connected
with assseuuo,'r of honor cal intere.t, im.
prresed a deep emntmn npin my m:ad. Ibis
perhaps, never yet 1s ter I:fe ban the memos
ry of the pa -t made ouch a gtoousy Impre.-
PInn upon me at here.
boy with reverent:idea. before history
in bowing b. f .re yea, Senators of Maryland
in this gh.r,oni last—the .anctuary ni am -
Feral deed., h ei:uwcd by the memories of im-
mortal pure*.
Before 1 than: the brine, !et me look to
tho.n.d.sd whose immortal ep'rtto dwe't
within there us!l.. (looking at the portraits
that adorn the wall.,) Itciag in an unlmper-
irhabie t fr in the glory. freedom soli hap -
pine„ of your great muted Republic, des-
tines, as I ennfldent'♦ hole, to ne aha
corner stone of the (Ware'1 H otrte.
Ilea,. there thew a-r—Iter g!or nus areht-
toots of the Indeprnd. nee 01 this Rerun he,
^rown rip to such a grant in arch a short
Tier, is TSoms. Mone; thee., ynnr Des
mn.then••, Samnot C8,. roar's. Chyle, .
('emelt. n' Carrollton, whndeagned!y addnl
that ephithet to the etgs,fieanre o(hn name,
that nnbnIy .M'111 rte mistaken short lett.
was the Carrott who dared the noble deed,
and was rewarded hr h'. being the last of
tem illu.trrin, companions whom (and called
to the h,esvenly pared's., alter P. had long
enjoyed the eara.h.e of freedom on earth;
and her. \1'dlmm Para -511 of Them signer•
of the I)re!arai ,n of American ',adao.ed-
•nre, that nob:eat, that bappleat page in
mannno.i s history.
hoer hap -v that man mint hare been
(point ri z In the p'rtrat of Guvrrnt7 Pse. )
ha,,, to govern this .overage 815', on
that happy die. when within thee. very
w ails was ratified the act which, by the re-
rotnit:on of woo' Ven enemy, ra.wd your
count!• to the seat of an independent nation
on sari h.
Y, spirit. of ;he depar'ed ! east a ray of
consolation hr the thundering voice of your
nation, over that dnwnstrtdden lead who.,
electcniel, a wandering elide, for having
dared to imitate t lM inrpirttlnw of your man.
it heart•, Isv.Ih.,trembhnghones/sof aop-
preesed continent before the g.nernns heart
of your people—now erg only and t• depend•
.nt nation, but oleo a mighty, glorious pow-
,, nearth•
An'a. !what a differeree in the mores.
of 'w•'• b8' deeds! (lave 1 not don* what
ye slot 1 Yes, 1 haws• 1\'a• the roue, for
*Mrly 1 did it not al 8..acred and j.eet s•
ars 1 It wit.. Or Saw* we not fought
eattain it with roost resol,Une as von•
h thorn d d' 17,1,1 one't of Ira to sln
• k'ry eh a. Amerthea ha, 1 sm bold taio
earn it, and aav, wee. w. dol. Aid yet "roost
a d$erehre In Ili. ,.,rill ! And where tare
.tell' rein? IIoly out of that smell.
. 'snr.• that while Iron in your metres cwt
with saerriatee, we in ogre met sot PVM
lair OAT.' begins* when we rough., then.,
was nnhwlr on earth to maistaia Ilre laws
of nature . 0 *!.
Arw•rira was silent, std Fleglaad did not
•lir: gird • tads yon were termed by a
rrenrl• int". w• were f.rsakes by the
F•e.eh Ifip.Nie—tiself new trwdd.a dews
breast en rt has forsakes no !
Welt, we are not broke* yet, There is
hope for nee 4..1.411.1. there is a gel to Hee -
we* and an America no .arch ! [ Appleton')
May ttta that nor aseeles. waas were ssus.-