HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-01-29, Page 3V P b tan Church at Stratfold, oe
aliatetheletay Both Pebruaey at ( past 6 to
the evgQlg•e-The *beset et it, is to help
t defray the cost of tee fiuiehiog of the
brilWwq.-There will be the refreshments,
. u1,e emend addresses os religions nth -
sew -Thera will be vocal and'retrameet-
alieusle, retie sus plecee•-Froze the lee-
' mortices tjljado by thee. ogremise,
liopaa that thio Soiree will be CDCOUr.
▪ The Rev. Thomas alcPbereon,lo
tip Chair.
..,....-+w1/ e.r-• 11001ra.-.••as,-•• 41141..
- •r tm•• •.•"' '-.• .- -ser um.
'THE11'URON SIGPiA d, G(1DEhICt1, JAN. 29, 18iJ r K Lost
"On •does lb.&• a abbi'1RK
fettle V . •&etafrom t'
Van plahii 4 $ ahi1tT 14 e
bnog ng t q pesos re, deems los a
line American, named Bill Idembell. Qo
"101h, a court wee eaavCUId, sada
appslbted (vein the Fitagereld TeluateNe,
to try the mien/in, Marsbalt wee seem
ed Ot hav:nr inbIigased the Indians to mur
der four Americans.., end the Indians of being
pates to thn murder. M the tame of the
etuantet'• departure the tuel was flat $deb'
eJ, but the cement opinion was ,hat the
neo wnul l be condemned to death. '1'116
public testing was very et►ueg against the
I/molter. and they would propabty have
been hung by the people had Dot the coati
OF HON. Da. IIOLPH'R been ortrrz.d, A gallws, row erecdEECII AT THE QUEBEC AND e"17 to the morning. en the Plus, Inc the
CHI MOND RAILWAY CI LEHR.t. pur;useofexecutrng them•"
0 tttt 4a ril, AAleeerh • 1 1p , t
1/31 as`` I1441 t radar• t arfg
etMet his successor wfll b* • retiree of
Rehm SAW&
Foss :he Quebec C.,:, tie.
arelieve grew' pleasure io lose. hefu►e
feeders the epeeth of the lion. John
h, at the late Rodway celebration.-
Win were unfortunately proven ed from bl•
welting, and consequently had to it ill our-
self/es of the Chronicle's report, which did
see contain the Ilouerable Gentleman's re.
Marks :-
Gentlemen, I very mute reerct tt is not.
IS, my 'rower to whewe Saes in the (semi
leegusgeinthe wort1, the French !enwr-
ap ; but 1 am not sufGewntly master of rt.
The Aeolic arrived at quarantine thee
mermen-. She WIN** 34 pateogere.
$solid Grdsville writ continue the mission
Olds predaeeseor, and at tee swine unto
w111 teed ali note, caleuletel to w uuod the
Ie jostafy the attempt, as, mors harpy should G. of other Guv*ruments. 1..'rd
G. and ail the :Sinietry will pewit in that
1 he to mpke it ..n shad interesting ueeasrom. liberal and , rugres.ive course which r•`eons
Tien day to Cold and stormy ; .ft -t tete hvieg ern to F.r - ted the sympatliy of all eiciltz•
.6600 before n,c rxhibtte a Jrondlr her, peaaree- 4 r ationr, end cunctitutes the coil bests of
of fellow a he "ere-
to enliven rho prcarnt that um -al authority, end by the collateral
atsyo are
the future- 107 tri' b star to Pio inC.- whteh she exercise.) un the Col -
"lou are to, thinly clothed:' hilt trillrcanItin:..,•
1 way, that 1 •ns, warns, enou!;h• The pees• {' T \v: etre reached Liverpool oo the
, fee warms rad • rt.ehie wares oce, I Ntrh enure 1 41'.
The Americo, from Liverpool January
10th, arrived half an hour since, having ex-
perienced a succession of severe gales. -
:AC bring eighteen passengers for Boston.
It is said that the Premier will be com-
pelled to give way. The accounts from
the Cape of Good Hope, are of a very
unsatisfactory nature. An engagement
had taken place between the natives and
the English troops, in which the latter
were defeated, with a loss of several officers
and several hundred men. Extensive pre-
parations were making on the part :of the
troop•+ to retrieve their disc ter, but they
had not resulted in any satisfactory manner,
but oo the contrary, w some slight skir-
mishes, in which the natives were aaaw vic-
Y report had arisen ;that a misunder-
standing bad occurred between the Enalisb
Ambassador, Lord Normandy, and L. Na-
poleon, which had resulted iu the former
declaring his i,tti iitiou to take a formal
Ieare of the French l;overnrdent.' Tin..
report caured a decline at the Bourse, but
afterwards soon rallied, and at the close the
market was firm.
In 1Iuaga ry things wear a quiet aspect
" , l'orib-ni t.:o d'-putem ooaug
etr.lnemlr .:rr..'e! .1 l.. t • tr 1'5 r•Iee .wad ; 1'uab! zee, t. o Bntish COOru!, ut•1 On r_ and several political arrests hate been
,nrtanr.. s plrara. m v .. .. wore. c new•
1100. M. tiotek.' an wt:r•m fav t."111: -.a at
prei:n teett 1 u:y n5t teats d P.•+ss' Dt Cmmaul i. ihe„. himeolt . A Cabinet Council was held on the Ath,
i 1 a tr', re •! acne
all f•,r h • oral aw11 aer+erit in L: .:.•,. 4117117171:
Nt 813 cd,tba rad vi a it h u ti
improvetii-etr, -try the 11.•n. Mr. !' - b;ss hu eatJ:u.tcad of pat tag• bite 1Ls taw• after which Lord John •1'wssel'proceeded
Vet the 11 a tf a 'niche, ,1„.,t, „ ! •i si,:;. 10 -Windsor to confer with the Queen.-
! L' •ro
Wog from the ardent fuctotes of finite k , r •.t of nit, I.•'odon horning
shout me. 1 *hero the gloving l:,,seta• r' der -ds'c, voting, Dec
Ilona which so,ueete aha whn'n rrowl$ be , .11 4•s : , :.t ,j tDst teen were cited
Owe me, r u a work record 'n err e' in re r
°sultry in ie•p••rtince, though at is 14 ex rad 1184.1.!y-,w`:.:awn. Pain:cntun's rours-
nehlbeeaa•o LAown. !enters Gum Bel -
lens, Geist tempo,ren hire had well a^d• between Mr •
sol .F tb t nd ►t keg kr i resentatttew . f otuer pad Tb mad
cant eveate is Rance, amid MOM t►e
f{a of the accuseed, who it was thought
•ttld be abet to the `alleys ter life.
WassrsaTon, Jan. 8.
A deputation of Irishmen, 250 strong
from Bshtlmore• arrived to -day to elements
I ne President Fillmore, to appy int the re
lead, of Smith O'Brien •red bad exiled use
elates. Ili. Charley presented a mcmon.l
from Baltimore w;tb I. ,800 s•gnatures.
Dr. C. also delivered a speech pleading the
same cause, in which he rclerre,t ie 1be vee
lease of Kossuth sea ease in print. 'Fre
Prestdeot and the Goveremeot could not
iotertere. Tho case of Kossuth wan not
nmdar to this application. Ito wad subject
of Antos, and our government applied to
'Purley, where he was held • prisoner.
The President, however, preuitecd to do all
he could personally to nowt the prayers of
the petitioners. The President briefly tie
plied that while he could n: t debate stem
our national policy, he eoutl raj that Ira
feelings were se warm for O'Brien and his
asanciates is captivity as those of the gen-
tlemen themselves.
PITTsncaon, Jan. 22-
Ko.sutb and senile arrived to-night,Kos-
•utb was quite iii lot evening ■nd tI•is
morning. Arrangements had been ma:.te
ler • great reception, but urcerteinty 11 to
the time of his arrival pr.eeetci any dos.
play. He will stay here a werk. There
is mush enthusiasm here, and the Kossuth
festival on Tueedaj will probably bring
much of the material aid promised.
NNW VIAL. Jan. 24.
• It's r, ' Cara the tiucere:^na c v P0.
od esti In..t. o••te 1 I:. • ' • e w I ' i ay at th^ RU
tat Luau It was admitted oil ail treacle thee the
round. arae.• 1-J be I rr ,. ` b b t ' are t{' Government could not hold to
O.tagain. 11:01.1.',1
admit of 'sclr .
irsght Dope• an" teterm.0 -1 1:
the work. 1 f• T.V seri h••in.
away, 11 ' •d. tar, .1 • n -
1ue•at arpoe'• to the p
Urns of tLo fetu;r. that Li .cv 1 as a- ,.
ate) .oe.fa-t w to he a.r.e t'.00 etre so-. .
nor wester.' from 1‘. noel s,'1' 1 ••': t'. , 1, .
,tn! here 11:ns:.r,!. And t
en an 111 On n, a m •art *er •
t the an‘ it pares !i's' t'u.
eountry $ .l the city. s• 1 i •
featly, a:.J prettier' Pity of I i.,... r ; 3, h-. •been tcLoa down by ot-
res Pru u , wit', tsilk. '•` t t6'' ' ht_
'fee, 8'tpir sj-rfjt !se'i-r•-'t. i -i r I"...:,. 1 1stn.. a -:;i:
-etfeintn ret e•.•• 1 leeve..h- c i:.::.ere'll •rh^ 'roairrur ".t.sad.uonordering sante tune a deputation of Spanish Bond
vantages. art,.....•y are. ,ni •i.-11 u
:.. !
'leu• hav) 11014... zee t a trey ui,r, . a -
4c re.r the trri lie u` lalpt4cf the LLICh retlef emelt longer, acd tawny b,.'icre that
I- eamisto ,Ipoleese flow l:t:cceic.ia to the it will fail before the Period for °pentug
TSta w'oua be (aotam..unttParliement arrives. 'flats Duke of Ntty-
{ p•.., ,i t q Precedent • castle and Fir J:: Graham, rte grant free
• mei D
tai x
t. .,e T (, 4
1 ° lees et wee cornier Get or the trader, love arrived in town, and the for-
for -
c was atwt u 10/.0 •";•4's Lsiuog :-ycr has pad a ri_it to Iier Miajesly.
Goo:: 'ivCon-oh-ivyrfareeiu:ent of
Tee man was atoni:e, (t.c1 and The Customs reform Committee from
•roftho;;les'se Liverpool had an audience with Lord. J.
.tatun of liberty, which had
. .:.:rt of the Chamber et Dee
'OpERIElleS Malseesegy, 11.2.
• NOTICE:' '
PARTIES *bow Aemerets o1 1650„ mom
nerd we!tereby warded, that mime these
D ince• be immediately settled,
the eSdate
sigeed will, without • `y d heir eats o plies
thews, in the heads
Grain of all sorts, of a uta, listable qi ahoy
will i, takes a mamma. . Co.
bo -4 '
W. u SF Y 3.101 r. s
OODERICiI, Mad J•a. testi.
THE Sebeeratame atone Warsbowe, rite
stet ea the Harbour Qwey, Melee M•e e.
e.mpleted, ti. Petrie)mei
new respectfully
lormed,'bat the urs. Mem. {to.
Storing of Produce, Mei(Madam,
nn the most rt lou d. SEY OY UR lo Co.
le term,
6O -Ai _
1`417 E VOMT•
THE E S r neglat IN` IMI the
December leer,
stock T are of Wood
ns, n ighbi 110.4 10.10.1,
• small porker book 'cortege Of
soda Nee. date(! 12 NosHnber 1851 by
$r,, Franco* Frblesre for Le 9 7d, to 1116
Subscriber.-N'►essrer bar fund the mane,
will please eui•uunreate with Mr. Peter
Reid.' StrarfwJ.-Payue•°t of the Note'
has Leen .i.pp.J •
21J Jim. 1852.
It in announced teat the Austrian G ,vera• - NO7NCE.
meet have granted an amnesty. which in.'
•Moes many Hcogarlaos who have aware 'j I1G ANNUAL GENERAL MEE!ING
been to el scurf with Kowa' h. Among
these are fount Batlhvany, Who hoe resid-
ed some nolo In Paris, where he was treat-
ed with touch coneiJeratton.
Russell, who promised that the subject of Igeneacctioo with tea fire,the death cf A.
their complaint would receive immediate' I M. C. Smith, one of our most ,espectsb;e Arcrrn.Kwt, a prepared to attend Sales to
d ceder! t II was almB 'tiniest any part of the United Counties, on the
attention of the Govcruwent. At the
BerraLo, IStb January.
Between le and 1 o'ciuck, }'ewterd.y, a
fire war discovered in the recess of David
Dicke, in the beeement of a brick block,
corner of SI•in and Eagle "enema. The
n ght was bitter cold, and before the fire
department cnu'd get at wink. the theme
of the above Fnsetert. will be e •
the Colbort4Ion, on 7'ueeda the 10th Jar
of February next, a1 19 o'clock twee, for
the election of Office Bearers' kc. 4.c• for
the ensuing year•
By Order,
Goderich, 201h ha. 1852.
N.B.-Tbe Directors are regsoeted to
meet a1 11 o'clock of the furenoor, oo the
day and place abotemenuooed•
R. G. C., Secy.
IIE &Isom Ma end Lot are situate on
+ the Nertk. side i -I KIOtarchoe Street, In
the (ass yapl"trng Vdfage of Pcnetaogurc.
For pattioulare aprl to
WM. RASTAi.1..
Peoclnngore, 2411„ i,. v. 101.
Burl rater mod Atk,raiea of Lew, ¢e„
G. us.aiec C. \1'-
JO11N SrI(At (IAN $.rreteraadAttor-
oey at loth, Notary Pnb':c and Convey.
t' Attoioey at Law, 6uttcaur in Ciao.
eery, Conveyancer.
•Goderich, lith Nnrentber, 1551.
d gained so much headwny, as fora time IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND
to defy their best coorte• s THEJ,tS.
Ti., block, together with the wooden
but!dir•g 111 •inieg, was oot.rcly cooeu:ued. THE Subecriber will pay CASH for
Toe bnc!. Molding co the Burner more be. i good clean mcreha°tahfb WHEAT
iooged to the estate of Jetta Patterson; the delivered at Mr. Grabble Storehouse. Fie
corner stere ens occupied by G. I'. \'at:glt would also intimate that he has esu hand
L G c rugs •1. ; the text store wee ucco- and for male. at the 1luronilotel, a com-
pied by Mrs 1onr,,''as a millinery el:np. 'plats assortment of Reedy made Clothing,
We record with pal° the Death of Mr. cooeisting of Coats, Vests. Pante, 8ee.,
Bente *La wee afire:, end in easirg the together with a lot of cheap Dry Goods,
lee of hisebad. was euffi,eated in the smoke. Boots and Shoes, all of which will be *old
iu Gude
Winn Woe out Le had erased to breathe.. remarkably cheap. Aa his istay
Mr. 1. Lad ' et. lest a C`.:".', 'host corj•»e sill be very limited, great bargains will be
esu lathe Irene et the hale of tl.c tare. give's. JNO' GOBD0N.
The fire communicated to the wooden Goderich Jan. 21st, 1853. v4a50
stores adjoining occupied by E. A Palmer, -
as a grocery. adjoining
ate pained to aauuunce ROWLAND WILLIAMS,
`'PRAYED Owe On siihecrher on or a -
►a bout the 5th d.y el May tart, a taiga
Y..ka of Steer. -ohs • Dark Red. wnh
long wide hunts, rrd 5 on all ',,nip 1.n 11.-
tight foie leg ; the 'leer Weee, w,th light
red 'pets through the h.•dr, each f.vrr ?eve
dd. Alto, throe Hc.ttrr, tun eel: red
wash white striper thrcugh the body, tierce
vrare u'.t•-ote White w.rh red Prole on
nor b..dy. one year ubl-the other Bill
•tilt a elate face, one year "Id. Any ',cr-
•on'ohng such information as will lead to
their tecetery, will receive • Reward of `3.
Tewnelop of h ten'sy, 4111 eon. 101 24,
18tb NI/11. 1861.
':.:. . '. t[ckd, Hirer lir coppor, s!,ai: l loldcrs opposed to coercion had an inter-
. .r l:: .
t'loas .n 1
51 nO' r,- talar•i Ac w ,c i tear Ln c flea aha Effigy Of - i
I'1 be ! ffi,'• 1 ter :oJ wt! • Gem t ri. t •ia ° vi, w with the 1' oreien tccretary.
4.!' 0
"Y.5 r , at '''.1. Hax• few 1; ' • tr ,-. ,''•.more :,ad been (pada mmhngst Baron Kerner, one of the Hungarian
k,,. -n C , :i'. ' '. vie here '
r T hat let •: rho w.. ' A'J'u,r-1, to conaraad of Wo 'ere" Committee died in London of a broken
heart, caused lay remark from a corres-
pondent in the Tintcs. • -
prom a. y.,e, 1 .t to -
ebi enur.try phr!t n
It it
et to tar', "linvwi•
,h w flier r. ^t ,: -
s e Let
1 we 5111 shoe: 1 'v• t
need, thee will the•:'.'., -v (rave; i, .
,•at'or.: a•f iy,r Fr:.r.eh Nary.
pp Bell a. Jrtre. ID hector ut the President,
e l r; -1 r.,:'.' r, taL•• place. •
Ba'tr. e dutL • -
1 '. ue.i that •a early r.ou .r c.1 the
. A,niteur 51. runtale the taw Cerrt:tutioo
and the first article will be, "Toe Prea:deal
Chill take the tette of Emperor,"
^ t says the at
The Times,
t, t
to strengthen saclliniSlrc, by an -alliance
_ with the Peclites, has sie ally failed, and
hominess Brod fur pleasure. Th •r .+ 10.1 The French peewee eoetradact the (rates that the Prime minister would meet Parlia-
M see a_nd hear and adr:t•a., (us tun+. i hicaT T-4I-tTi)_.tree:•tent had reeeteedenf
ins stoat and almost rs'rmged rut a zee o nicut wiTJ60t uckin, any wither addiction
:tograph letter tram the Cita o. Ruesta, J he was not corn -
t..• brought near rue`s rit'ie:. rh•• ., .. 1 to his strength, provide
err',:.• r• aero 011 s..cceas ill Lrr °
.Uoited l'rormcee" will ea .. lae'o aw'a: r,_ul. d`rfa .
leder • congenial intercourse tot be rt..•.- Sone teeter . x-represontatives Lad beet
in the welcome nam0 of Casau.. r. i, ih
not sad tare 1 valor lose t?un the t at ; . rte, bet there roll rami:n is pil-
men who have aJ:•^see 1 00, t'. ^ ' o.1 +41` t"; .^ %a...4 warn pro o li av 'e the As.
y sen;b'v •• +:: personal IA iaceo:este eno-
ucial advantages be•••. us -.by no tarone : ei
mat will be my eatielaeuoo to gee Veen I.fnr.•A ----- --,`e n.
G •nerai „avian baa ele.ed ali the fra-
pcnotl torctiee in the meantime.
Another sercre reverse has been rustaio-
ed by the English troops at the Langoe,
on the Ccast of Africa, in an attempt to
cL s'i-e the native King for Nave stealing.
Mla.ixed, and Clod Quebec rewardod.f4. her The force ccnsi,tiug of 260 officers and
ten a, {a. Cat..,. l I -
n n taking lir proper taco amen 1 .i ! - • w' tach los-&,
' n t .rearm. " .
tarp ate, t e c p p p g , A Arend ball wet given oo Saturday night !mho were repul cd with m
be cola. of the contrite it and of the, corn- l ho t!10 Prefect of tb. Seine. sod the new
A dissolution of the English Cabinet
t::atatry and Coosa in cc:Oration to tee
re elect'en of Napoleon.
Toe pr°mu:gat' m of the C roatitution on -
itareal world. Geat,enten, we have turned
the Brat sed; we must 156110 w
turn the last on the day of cotteur:o ation.
This Gruel be regarded, indeed, a oil Mr• ., Monday. the 5th will
g y :a, ht nnesed for i sd y, .
first rte which must bo fliowed - with n p ' y e Prcndcot ate agrand ban net as,
Fop. ort rat<e p,n^e Uel Tl.undsy, the 8s, b. Lme;. Th g 9
undaunted energy, by stn;, after iter, tall •Ca levo kat invited's large party to dine the Tullertas on the 5th, to 400 delegates
we ride triumphantly along the Mine. Ae• 04 the 1'u:l!ertea on SInr.lay and Tuesday of thio Department.
rept my hearty wishes fur your pr :opet,ty The delegates (yen departments, whin ter, -1
trf r _ , The stock of the Parts and Lions Rails
appears inevitable.
and emcees -and I .ball tot pro indrv.J i-
• Ily or collectively, With my friend,. to aid
your achievement.
A Beata CA,Ttrasa ON V.wLnnnr,wM.
t MIMI, published at Slournoneau, •SMin. ►epresentatloo eitraordinary at the Oprtn,
glees an account of the capture of s hu ' °u Toeerday, to wbreb the president had ra-
R' v t• J the delegates of the departments, in
bear, by ehhie heirs which ,is s been
ba, reply to the rspreseetlVIOD of M. do Per -
terror heirship of the d'et►ict, eutirei-v eefnog al! Tile gieg of she Belgians has cxproapcJ
mg hen•
• s at rapture. Freon this bona Aar hie aillin o'es to exp•1 (coin f3clgiurn such
ing heaters derail0g not approach Dern soffi• of the Fr. eel' refuoe•l as have been eon -
meetly near to give slim • death wowed,
deemed by a legal tribunal, but no others.
a.d ate Uta bray was left to hie glory, milt -
The prisoners of Ilam bad been offered their
ing predatory excursion- tontm•ul!y am.'ng liberty on condition that they exile them•
the sheep and cattle of the smrrouod:og
pelves from Fraoee, fur a year, and •hal not
farm,. At length a Dr. Pcgot hit upon a csido for that tone im Ilelgmm. A Russian
plan Inc securing the monster liar aha we r({ raper of tb 30th alt. states that the E n-
chloroform. La'
ono mor o 1 he pro i rr .r of Rumen will probnhly *pend part of
carded to the cave where the be tr ale,1,,'cki , t^e \.inter in Vienna. The French Patrol
accompanied by a Dirt"( pea
reed at fare• on tee orceeluo Of t••- -
Der:,a and ti.e raceptims • f the let Janoary l way was much sought e'er piece the dos
hate received &citations Cor the oee•sw,on• $ prretticn of it to a public company by the
The president had dined at the Hotel de 13Lini.ter of Public \Yorks.
Vista with 900 guest.. Tbete was to W • By a decree of rho Minister of the int••
riot, the Republican mottoes bad been eras.
cd from the public edifices and the ancient
historical ones restored.
Later advices lay, that a further delay
of neo days will take place, before the pro-
mulgation of the new Canstuiioo. Thte
delay eta venously aceounted for; ono
opinion being, that the President contended
foe liberalising, and another for re -construe -
ting the guarantees of the Con.titution,-
Coasiderable progreso had been made In the
constitution of the Senate- The Presi-
dent had determined to resist family inflo-
once and political Intrigue, by filling up the
blanks that remain, with nam11 command•
tog public cosfiJence and respect.
Report hate it that the absence of the
English Minister from France would be
only temporary, std would ooly extend to
a few days.
Several Government prisoners have been
liberated from St. Palsgie, and it is stated
900 of the prisoners recently arrested on
political grounds, were removed oe Satin -
thy morning from the forts of Boeetre and
Suory to be conveyed to Havre, theoce
they were to proceed to Brest with a new
to their traoeportatroa to Cayeene.
Franca centi°oea quiet.
That new Coustitutioe has been deferred
for ten days.
The Presides% stili centilitres to mast
with decided approbattoe from nearly .11
The Neapolilian state trial' were pro-
ceeding. Oe the the eeveatb day, that pub -
lie wee kept *tat of earshot of the footmen!,
sad no bete• sometimes/ to be taken . 1b-
sant., • I and p..nt.fieal Gets d'.4rrrrs. sot, b tonere
tag made •zero by the snow J ,•t Ceelen', ed the Coe of Rome, at night, had been
1 wtrbio, teaa praeente ii ably reinforced, and several domlCdi•
rat, up se.arellem had been made, but without 'napery
bare, which prevented the bear from cohree.
(hat on anima waw
and fastened the ...nuance with Iron
tent results. We have received Pars joule
Sag out. Over the bars they &t{ria;& of 5th Jan. Grveal Baragutyd Defers
blaskat, to prevent the ingress of the he airfl is about to proceed on a Ppecul misnoe 10
and now all being ready, the op•rtnnn n I pMera►orgb, sod Ge
putting Monsieur Ls Bear under rho IOU- sunder mission of toe
once of chloroform commenced, similar
of the 'erre,'"
The Doctor took a largo etringc, and' will not taroe'er esi'h1t 11th rtrtaat. 11
having filled st with the somnolent Itq I:J, w It n t td tbst the LrgislaUre Corp., will
discharged it, through an aperture in the not be co•.voked until Sley, and in the in.
.into the interior
rep of the tate. This
three. the nrgte:zed laws wilt be proposed.
being several times repeated, the. bear soon 1 The Per•:dent bong 'merited with Dearly
fell 1010 a dead sleep, when lbs Dx or 1 000,000 voter, wanders himself almost%
marched in and secured his parse in triumph. &vest sjitir the Lr+isiaUre pnweq he
in the stoning. the village was illuminated 1,nveee' r erre" ri L'el' t the f:amiog of
in rejoicing, while the praises of mems the 01 arc la re" to hied to develop. foada.
zed Dr. t instance
fell from every a This meatal buss.ftl..cnaa:tuuoo.
a the fiat inatenee of the capture of a wild
animal by chloroform. AUSTRIA._ - The Constitution of tho Gth March is
MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. abolished end the pr'rilcgee than annnun-
Mach "'lit."'" was oeeastoned at San ced are ahregaiee. The foandattoo of the
F'rseeieen preview to the departure of the furors nrgaautt;oa of t5o Steto is defined.
Rail Propeller "Dan:el Webster,' to con- The Constituttoe isdtoa d.liued 11) a Con.
ebquesee of the receipt of informetien from selektive mess,
San Diego of a eounesece of Indian dia- for all prepoodereing interests. A civil
terbium*. Voluate.rs were hastily enroll- and penal teas will be guul'ilIly introduced
ad, and soma portion of them even esnbsrk- isle the Cresco lents. The
w e dppoict tfa m -
ed. The rete& t, subsequently, of better bowies and g
Intel tone•, u allows, altered the position aeration, selected from the landed pfo-
of'Salta'- recite and the commercial eleseee.
al DeHanf,.t, on a
and Liaben. Th.
aures it is believed
eo I c o citizen. r, ° moat liberal terms. Apply at the First
ly k.tteJ6y a fahicg en-, illi a •n °r Division Court office, or at his house, East
several yearn eget.% fur the Her teed hour- Street. Goderich.
once Colgan., and hon been Leua::y amongN. B• -Goods apd other property will be
the fi=ef at fire,, to look n!tcr property kc.
He leaves a large family to o•ouro bee eecetved to sell either by private or public
untimely rod. Less ostsmatod at betmcou sale -
$19,000 and $14,000. Jaeuery 6, 1852. v4o47.
A Cn.FEarATIVu as 131 COyAEsVATIsa.
-Mr. Thooipeon, a member rf the Legis-
lature of Tencea.ee, declared htuisclf oppos-
ed as in -
' rerun).
d to all
a g
einoum to tie country and to the m^rale of
tower, and was in favor of a las directing
the Attorney General to pr_eecute the
traveling orators who go about the country
to adtncste t6cm.
Gon►Rrcn Jan- i?. 1852,
FLOCa-Superfine per z1:0 lbw .,., LO 15 0
Floe per barrel, ........ 0 CO 00 ,
Wuear-Fall per bus
Spring ...do
BARLEY -Per Bu.b-1 of 4j Ibe 2 0
Prate -Peas per bushel of 60Ib.....
Oars -Per bushel 34 lbs
Ianiu, CORS -Per Bush 56 lbw...•
Res,. -Per Bush of 56 lbs..,
Pone -Per cwt
than -Per lb dried .......
Henn need....
Snovr.utas-Dried per Ib
Green per Ib
Rrr-rta--Barter per Ib
LAND-Iwrd per Ib
PoTATors- Potatoes -sew
\Voot-1Vool per Ib 1 1
At Girder's -h. on the 9Pth toluent, by the
Rev. A. Mack,', Mr. Henry Teekry to
Miss t'nrelneTeskoy, both of the Tewo-
'hie at Kincardine. IntF.\fAiNING in the Stratford P. O. to
TAKE N0TiCs- " Jan. 6th 1831.
- Arroll Thos. Murray Danl.
ALi. those indebted to the Ihtron Sig- Bello€ham Jae. 2 Martin Donald
,,at Office, either by Note of hand orI WOW!)Miles M•lony Stiehl.
by Book account, •t Doe date, will oblige Ballantyne Jane Monne iso.
the Snbrenber by acknowledging their Bannon Palk 2 M• McDonald Widow
Ballantyne Robt• Se.MeKay David 2
Broaden Matthew McTavish Ales.
Burk Mich!.McLelland Josh.
Romani Robt. McNaughton Wet.
Curchtn Jno. t McKellae Duncan
Campbell Stewart Patrick Mr.
Conner Jon. Phelan M1.
Clothier Alba Penmen, Thee.
er can here aby preying the propene Red Charooek Jon. Qefek Timothy
paying Charger, Lot 23 Huron Rua) Con- Co.,lton Riebd. Quipp Juhaathan
O 0
1 6 SHEEP.
CASlF. innthe enclourrs of the Subscriber
ghoul the first of November, three Sheep.
The owner is hereby requested to prove property,
pay charge*, sod take them away.
T.ekenmitb, Mill Road. Dm. 23rd '51.
LE$GEF.S OF LANDS under the
Canada Company in the Unite.( Coen -
nee of 'Huron, Porth:and limes. The Col-
lectors of the various Toe Woes of the
same Inc hereby informed. that the Canada
Company will discharge all arrears of Once.
which the said Lands may have been lisb'e
to at the date of each Lease reepecuvely.
Gudeneb, November 28th,1851 v4n41
TWVO llnodred Barrels of Lel., Huron
llerrisge, fur sale. Also,
25 Chests Superior Y 11 Tea. Bosse
Superior Cavendish 'tobacco -and Loaf
Sugar by the case.
December 4, 1851. v4e52
A TEACiIER for the Male Sebool„Section No
1. Towo of G" derich. None nerd apply but
iIore holding in •F,f.l Class Cftn-ficstO
£90. Application to be made to Jame. Camp-
bell, Chairman, or George Binet, Secretary of
the Board of Trustees. All implic•tios• moat
be post-paid.
Godencb, Dec. 31, 1851.
FOR No. 3 SCHOOL. °Welch Township, a
Teacher holding a First Class Certificate, to
whom a liberal Salary will be given.
Apply to the Trainees.
Dec. Gib, 1451. 43 4
Section No. 1. %Vawaooei, he' must
produce a Second Claes Cee;,ficate.
1V•waoo•h, lice
S(} .- n
, 1851.
9 01,
2 6
2 3
0 It
O 5
0 4
0 4ii
O 4
0 9
0 5
rinllE Sab•enber begs to inform the Pub -
n• Iic that be will sell or let his Distille-
ry, situated on Con. 1st, Lot 43, of the
Townrhrp of North Easthope,- about un')
Mile from the flouriehing Towo of Stott
ford. For particulars apply at tlo Post
Office or the o'caer on the premises.
North Easthopc, Nov. 18th, 1861. ,4n41
IOST in the be„ior.ing of July, a Frcn.h
4 Pony about 11 years old, grey face amt
shoulders, the rest of the body more white
than grey, on the right shoulder a lung cut
cut, i
t esu
left ham
left to pasture at the Sable river, any • tat -
formation relative to its being atoten or
strayed from there will be Ihenkful:r n-
1'. S. -if any ooe should find •od bring
the raid animal either to Bayfield or the
Sable River, will receive threo deelere cr
more if rcgntete for lila trouble.
French Settlement near Bayfield,
November `_lth, 1851. i v4 n41
TWO good BOOT and SHOE Makers,
who end find cooa►nt employment
and good wager, by applying at the Shop
of the subecriber, Weet-.tree,, Goderich.
Sept. 9tb. 1851.
:Iabihtice, 111 obt•intog R eetIlement pf tae
same with Dir. Horace Horton ofGuderieh,
at their earliest convenience.
Godertch,Jan, 28, 1852. v5n1
FOUND oo the Heron Road at my place.
A basket Containing Clothing. the own -
*cession Tuckoramith.
January, 271 , 1839.
11'11FRE le an excellent opening for •
a TINSMITH to the Town of Raeford.
County of Perth, one who understand.. the
business would find as gond an opening 'a
Stratford for cowry bocce** so aey where
is Canada West,
Stretford, 22nd Jan. 1833. 581
THFseatM ling of the 8barebelden.'1'hij
Sxi.t, will 1..11.11 at the
Sst.rday means, AM 31st insteet, far ins re-
ceipt of.ebwiripti.ns wed .n'. er'hero or leer.
Shares WM. W:NNI:1'T RICH,
T. 4. A', N. A. N'y-
Oederieb. Jae. 31.1 1859. 80-.1
Chowan Wm. Robertson Jas.
Rankin Chas.
Resit Joe.
Rol•erlsnn Wen
Redford James
Ryan Jon.
Itoeghndge Jnn,
Smith Pet. e
Rw►btn. lone
Sargent Them
Tensor VIrser M.
V.rasr Mone
1,1t'•ek.r Angst
W,Ikrneno of Fester
F)R No. 1 School, Colborne, holding a
('arttneate from the Pa►hc 8.srd of
instrncttnn, apply to Trustees of mid scbovl
on ns, before the 10th retentive.
Colborne, $2.d Jan. 5851.
Connolly Peter
Cottrell Wm.
Campbell Archibald
Carey James
Frerk Theodore
iiynp Thee.
Granel Wm.
Hamilton Heigh
Hrigh.oe Im.,
Harrtonn, Eder•
Kean Jt•. I..
Keay. R .b'. f4.1‘.1
Mee-, Ms,.. F.
Natberall Hoary
E eubeeriber wishes to dispose of bis
Bred, Durham Bull. zed will do
so on reasonable term.. •I'he animal is en es-
cellent specimen of hie kind -mons and waif
formed. He itiso years old, and has takes the
first premism each year, at the Exhibition dile,
District Agricu'tur.l Society. He is kettlew,
and the owner dee,rea to tart with Lim merely
with the view of rhaog,o, the breed. A good
U.vooabire tat Ayrshire Bull will he taken is u-
ebaoge. JOAN SAI.CF:l.D,
Beyls:J Road, Cwrnoh.
Dee. 24, 1851. ,4n46.
THAT excellent Lot of Land, Lot Nn. 7, 411.
C.ocev'o., Eastern Division, Town.h,p •,4
Ashfield, will be wild cheap for Cads. Title let
issituated in ore of the most prosperous settle -
into Is in the Huron Trait, and he. the teal wa-
ter privilege in the locator. A Saw Mill of rhe
beat deecriptioe is in full operation on the lot,
toil the water power is sufficient to propel see
unosat of arach,nery tbroogheet the wh••,. year.
The Lot contains over 1011 aeon of the bee
quality of lend. About five or six acres of whish
are cleared, and Lu • good substantial dwelling -
house on it.
For further particulars apply to aha Editor
of the Huron Signal, or to chs proprietor, Jolla
McCarron. on the premises v4e45
Ash6eld, Dee. 24, 1851•. _-
QTRAYED from the Nabseriber, ea se
Pbmtt rho nest of December last, Let
6J, North bre K'nesrdlss, a Red Cow with
• whits face,.nd over the fore Outside, a
whes spot with a bell are, also a Red Steer
with • white face a.d hollow ,beck - eon a
Back Steer, with hes back. and white sent
en hes hied quarter ; sten • Black sed white
Steer wnh A. S. on his horns, rising era
years old.
RineUIine, Jan. 12th 1862. ven4V
TIIE Rosiness heretofore carried on io Sian -
le, eider the t the of Ilunt and Briggs of
the New Bayfield Cannery hoe thi day b...
diesel..4 by mutual cnne•nr.
D. H, R,rehle, 1 JA('5)8 111'NT.
Witarae, ) EDWARD RRIGG9.
From and .her chi• derv, the ahoy. busier••
will be ran'.) on under tSe title of Iles' eel
(Penley. so, D.c., 1831. .4 1143 35
THE eabsenber having rented the Rooms nen
Mr Horioa'. Padlery, Market Sgoarr, begs in
tattooers that they ere ready for the reeepr ea of
Household Ffraiture, (Goode, Pr duce,fnd p,••-
yrrie of •..r, dreenprien, which ponies ma.
wish is of r by Atetien lir Private Safe.
DAVID 1I. i.IZ(85
14.dsr:e 8. Jan
1'A E M•• the emelt Parc Ofthe s,MCnlw,.
alto the l lib December, a'Ale Red Ltee a
see se Iwo 'tiro rid -.are horn,. The
new b rr q n.•1 '! to prnlc property, pay
charge., and take him •war•
Jams Ursasr,
Let Nn. 3. 1st eon. Flay, l.oadoa Read.
Tie stat• Coersoawltw,
Next deer to the Victerie tlnvl, t1'.•t Z•r.«,,
Gederir•h, ha. eno•r.si'e on hood s ehe,ee r.•. h
of TINWARE. COOKING 8 110[BToe'Etl
Moe., whet h. will .ell at eon-..Mnhle ,edeore
'plin.a ibe Ch esu MrrrAon.able Feeder*
e defrilt,s,Dee, !3, lar il• v4•46