HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-01-29, Page 211O1tACE MANN OR-LAif, L• Ws give below as Wendt rPr.s of Yr Mena is the hewn of to uvea, os the Nth June, 110, Is which the eyeshot pay • opleedid Whets to tossed•• THE UURON �i(�L 113E ,JAN. 29, 1852. vb.0 cents, Ise- bat-. tile.see M to y of the trios Allitsuc tt�11 evoke lit. Johns rat*k for IMO elaam- "11,..W1011 ...011 41y ►dead, gerProeideace that the wiuh •I Alm,"arMeld +e per formed by lauoeolar streaut� God bas filled the earth sod imbued the elements t"t'{ elailleffellflf 4rliterone er than that of all Tho inhabitants of• thousordIsoeu bite l "een nes nester r, . • 0 'lakiwAsiifrir tsi gansae elleihti�q{ie"sod iypt irces that Taste the thfrieatse between a h,.nws. bon, waudering tribe se1ryti•ne in the Far Weer, and a New Fathom! Village, 'Thee do nut count wholly or principally (ver the original unaesi.ted errrserb u he booms arm, but from the employment: sthrorgh tntulligeoee si d skill, of :b 'se /rest astute! lorvea, with wttieb taw b.•uat fel Ciedtar heti filled every pan of the potverne. C•!orir. gravitation, espaneibilny, eomprvhes.ib-- lily,.loetrleit., chemical eM 11sp's0J ro claimers, opobtanenus velocities -thew are the mighty •geneses wbicb then i.:teltect et mac harnesses to the est •finepfrr.u.ent. Th. applicetiea of water, sad wind, and steam, to the pr nputetaa of machinery, sod to the transportation of mea aei merchan- dise from place to place, Las added • thous and (old to the actual products of hem•o re- dustry. How •wsll the wheel that the ',buten laborer can turn, sod buw soon will he be orrery. Compare this with • wheel driving • thoutland Needles and Zooms, which a stream of water cso turn sod never tiro, A locomotive still take five hundred me., and bear them on theirjrurney hue deeds of miles a day. Look at the same five hundred mon, starting from the Sime point and attempting Osumi distance with all the pedestrian's or the equeotrisn•s toil and tardiness. The cotton mills of Massa - cblown. wall turn out more cloth io.bee doy then could have been t.,encfactured bi all tho ishebitantt of the Eastern eooUneot during titre tenth century. On an element Which in ancient time was supposed to be exclu.ovely within the control of the gods, and where it wait deemed impious forxlumao power to intrude, eseu there 1Itglganl�e torsos ()feature, .'beth bursa solace and skill have enlisted to their service, eeafroet sad overcome the raging of tete slebonts -breasting tempests and Utes, e-esping reef sod lee-ebors, and careering triumphant around Ibis globe The velocity of winds, the wsillit croft" -w1Ybrsc i[bfit Tf% ra t Fn. e UL••tORFD I'gasoos LL/TBOY[D BY A WArsaseouT.---On Saturday in- telligence ,was received •t Lloyds order date Malta, Afooday the Sth instal, of a most awfnl occurrence at the Mand of Sici- ly, whi -h had been swept •by two emlwow water shoutsa,,iaccomi,ied by • terrific hematite. 'l hose who witnessed the 1'be- nomens describe the waterspouts as two use mrnse aoiaerieal bodies of water. reaching trcm the elonds,there codes Beatty merle :ng ate- (firth. and, an far as could he judg- rd smile apart, travelling with -immense ',brit,. '1'ir.•v passed over the island of Ala:esla. to 11„ it progress houses were unrouV•-d frets uprooted mea ad women, horses, r sine, au 1 sheep were raved up, &aria tutu der suites., aoJ home os. to Juttuctitin; during their passage rain de- seeB#ed in cataract*, accompanied with haJstoem a of raw moms size, vel masses of it e. (;ting over Catel!amarre, near Sta- dia, it d,strcyed half the town, and washed 2UU of abs inhabitants into the sea, who all perished. i'pwarda of 500 persoos have Lora destroyed by this terrible visitation, snit an iwweuse amount of property, the couutry bring laid waste for lodes. The shipping in the LarLuur suffered severely, many "easels be;u, destroyed r td their crews drowsed. AI -ter the "ccurrcaee numbers of dead I0IW3a hostas were picked up, all frightfully mutilated ad swollen. Alit ..,... , ....a. H URON-SION-A►L THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1862• TO OUR RIDER$, 11 asaumiag the mtatgemise •f the -gfw- ron 1;,lwu/, we feel Mastless tat w leer words by way of preface, may be iadnpeo- sab'y necessary both to our own interests au,l 1,, the satisfaction of our readers. - The Siena/ has hitherto been cooducted upon prioripks, and in a member tilt have rode it a favorite, aot only with the people of these United Counties, but, also, with a Targe circle of the thinking men of the Province. And as it is possible that we may not come up to the popular, pointed style of its late Editor, we feel bound, iu justice to ourselves, to say, that thou/h much of the original thought may he wanting, we titian, at least, endeavor to adhere strictly to the same principles, and shall, as far as ie our power, pursue the same straight -forward course, and maintain the same fearless earnestness and sincerity, which has characterised the Signal since its first iseue. Ia short, we shall study to tithe the Signal useful, and by adhering to a thoroughly liberal policy, we hope for a continuance of that liberal support so generally bestowed upon it during the past four years. Tbe present population and intelligence of these United Counties arequite sufficient to warrant us io expect- ing support for a Newspaper, and as the spirit and tendencies of the age are pro- grevsive, we may reasonably oppose that public opinion wilrbe in favor of a journal endeavoring to keep pace with tbe pro- gress of society. It is useless to conceal or overlook the fact that party political feeing is at present one of the most pro - missal %attires of Canadian society, and in Huron that feeling prevails with unusual btleiaem.' And while we would sincerely regret that any effort of ours should tend to laerease or keep alive, that unholy ran- eour, we, at the same lime, have no wish to deny cur attachment to party. - The s ECCE%TRIC SttciDt.-The fol- lowing paragraph appears in the Freseb pa; ars :-4)n a well-dressed body, discover- ed this mincing hanging from a treeon the road from Versailles to Sceaux, the following letter .was found :-••Those who shall discover my body sweyiae itself at the impulse of winds, as did those.firrmer- ly suspended to the gibbet of Moatfaucoe, will, no doubt, feel either terror -struck or [pored with pity. • Behold,' they will ex- claim, • auetber victim of wretcbedaess or grief.' They warbe mrstakem. I bate- aiway s beet perfectly happy: I feel that with old age will coax infirmities, and it is t0-lycid .line_ !hahlt:at.punt the mostley annoyance, that 1io,.r etermrncdtoo-fit the ,nes of *' Wotan, re i6ned, was is political 14111 *"111 placed is the hands of the CIF* ia order that the interest•..! *themegaight nut be rated b the Cotmty Council, now Wig. "The SUM** held on Tuesday afternoon, 274 instant1� re -appointed Mr. Kydd as Clerk, and Mr. Wallace tri Yteeve for the pretreat year. And as there was uo other yrgeut nature, the mect- fttatil Tuesdfly evening the 8aiTFwManeprot 7 o'eteek, is the hope that then will thea be a more full attend- ance of Councillors, when the other ecce bearers will be appointed, and arramee meats made for carrying on the business of the tows throughout the year. - We must also alkide to the unanimity of the County Council, many of them veterans in Municipal matters, in their reception of Mr. Wallace to his seat at their board, there not being one dissentient voice, not- withstanding the denunciations of the Proclamation. We trust to be able to thew, when we come to report the doings of the County Council, that the Tow* Councillors who so promiitly appointed Mr. Wallace as Reeve, deserve the best thanks of the community, and especially Mr. Wallace, for the energy with which he attends to the interests of the Town, in his capacity of Reeve. by the unitad->roigl of the enmity. Q'y' The Canada Directory for 1851-2, Edited by IKoieAT W. S. MacKIT, said published by Joun Lovett, of !Montreal; is by far the best and omit comprehensite work of the kind that we have ever area in Canada. It contains 700 pages of use - fel lafbrmation-such as the names of Pro- fessional and littsiness men -Canada East and West. A complete Pat (wee di- rectory of the Province ; and also, a Direc- tory to public Offices, Officers sad loatitn- tione--a variety of statistical and commer- cial tables, exhibiting the population, trade, revenue, expenditure, imports and exports, public works, &c., &c., of Canada, and a variety of other information iu- diopensably necessary to the business or professional men of the Province- For oak by F. B. Bed louse, Dundas Street, I.ondon, C. W. anti OOL, No. t, --FREE • L-BTRATFORD.n dui y the 14th cast. thewhe election of s Treat'', watch took plats to the Schoolhouse in FStratloryd Mr. Thomas ll. Daly wasunnimouely sleeted to the place of file. James Weak, the m- urraitg Trustee. The Trt tees for 1831 are as follows : Messrs. Peter Wgods, No. 1, John Sheraton, No. Y, Thos. M. Daly, No. 3. On tbi 20drita*;twy 11361, tll{re was 5 public me tog_sp .1 L1 ll ie6•�itstlsle the *Sehnert wan, to con- sider the question whether the School should be free, ,bat is., -that the liabilities of the Trustees for Teachers salary, kc., should be assessed on* all the aswsasble property to the aectiue,-and • resolution *creates to that. was shut passed. The assessment for 1851 will be One half poesy on the pound, -aa thorn having children, or not having in fact, on all assessed in the section -and 11,. privilege to all children to avetl thawed cc" of the school, whether their parents tie assessed or tot. It was 'greed on the 14th instant, to call a gene- ral meeting as done in 1861, to rneonsrder the resolutiue of that year, wham the same took place in the long room of the Union Hotel (P. Wod.) o• the teaming of the ltatieetant. Jobn C. W. Daly, Eaq., was appointed Chairman, and Mr. Jobe J. E. Linton, Secretary. The Chairman ez• plainel and read e.er the proceeding` of this and last year, and the Rev. Thomas McPherson, of the Presbytena■ Church, addressed the meeting •t some leaglb in favor of the cuu.,nuan:e of the School be• tog free. Hs u•ged that the inhabitatt of the section had but • short experiment of the system, -not as in any ether matter it was tame to deternuoe wettest it, when by ezperteoce it was found net to work., well. When the aterage ettcn.leoc* c( schu:arr in the first 9 mor th■ of'1851 Wei compared with 1850, tho '.crease of 1831 was au £0 1 6 apparent, ae to r. n. se a': doubts of the teadeocy of such free institution footer 0 the gertl .duca•n•o el Cie young. ala 3 was more I:ket' 11 of tiedifunori of know - 6 ledge, aoJ s decreoso ,of igooraoee, mimeo mankind, would abate Ibe evils which are w,tnceited in Cres tore:nal Ceutte, is oar Ga -1, ac.1 io the pemtvntiarie• -ez1 nar- rating an atecdoto of a wealthy geetleates o{ Bo_tor, .11:11 it was Netter to serp.•rt mho " orate of boys and ge!i" is a s.koolreom, than in a hoeso of correction, a animates of au house of ,nstrucuon than of •priauo- and though he dol not a.+it bresnelf of the iehoof, you be wifrdi a s?�r•tfalty if Is tae -and conclnde,l by mons( the first resolution', ' • That the r:so!eolues of 1861 be ratified sod c,•rt.r.neJ for 1861," which was seconded by Dr. Hyde, who after ao urgent appeal to thew !►swat, amid "that the time would yet come, when' Vic. chap. 137, (30 Aug. 1951) as regards it would be acknowledge.' as an ax.om, thet •County and Township, or Branch Socia• tree, caused • general meeting of tho mem- bers of the Soc,ety otic:, has existed for so many years in Stratford, which took place I:a the Union Ilutel (P. Wou:.) on Satur- day tis lith ir,toi' Trier: preeeet, after crneidertn,; 1S) i.ew Act, --sod pointrog out its too genera' nature, and loose com- position, w.t pout as much as an improve- ment on tho !ate Act, -proceeded according to Section 10, to form themselves into en Agricultural Society, with the name of •' Stratford Branch Agricultural Society," embracing the tuwoship. of North and South Eastbope,•Dow oie ad Ellice. The following gentlemen titre elected Office Bearers for 185e :-William Smith -Prost. deet, Jame. Rankin -Vice President, Stewart Campbell -Secretary, -Jolla Sher- man-Trwurer. D1axtro&s—(Ellice) Peter Kutner, Alex. Gourley, (Dower) Jot:o Bsl:satire, William Duero (North Eathope) John Sally, George Seott, (South Eatbops) Ales. Mitchel!, (eira'tor') A. S. Orr, Peter Woods. It is to be regretted, that the ilous of Assembly do rot, at the commencement of epoch Parliament (not Staten) appoint a a ron,m•ttce to revise sad look over the Arts inir ducal, sod report minutely to the Hour es the same, enhancieg in their report eaggest:ons as to the phrase- ology, construction, and consideration, - at any rate, a perwaeeat Committee, of the most able members of both eiders, to consider the tete which are to he received • s fairs for ether Province, might lav' moms effect to ensb:log an avoidsoes of mshadow, when somathiog l:ks •ugetlbst.ec.gns r. tahe rated, -such report subject, however, to the same micro! of the House, as at prsseol,-but having this Preference, that the Acts bus peeved throlgh • critical codes/- L. the p sew Agriculterat Act, M looked to, as an example of the east of etch en ordlal.- Qnery,-have the new Societies, forrnsd ender this Aol, (sad all Branch Societies mum form is January, and at to other time,) to report to the Coasty Societies, (to be ties formed of now is F.Msrry,) *hes footled, to February 1 Mangers el Broth Societies look to ,hie. if County Societies are freed from reporting their proceedieg. for I831,-Br.neit Societies are n ot ;-mid if int freed, how can each report to a Comity Society &kirk fennel be foto' eel 6:1 Yekrony, be given to sock County Soetetl deme tb. Aaenal meeting n ftr- metias of els Casty Society, (see the Aet) �m� agave whet y we Cooaty Safety be fnwts1N.-hew an the llranehne to gel the C'onrwmeal Mne7 , Tbess M cutis Ilettdrr heat. •tntlwd, 111101 he. I $31. senora, are powers, , ach oto of wL: h is heo, in end to !my IIId This erase appear ab- whale history of civilization is merely an fiette17 .trurger than all the strength 01 surd. but 1. an of opin:ca dot when one exhibition of the fact that there bave at- oll the stations and races of rnaokro d, were has lived comfurtably for more than GO ways been two conflicting parties -a pro - gathered into a single •rive. Aud.al Riese ane ou:silt to Lave iia1 enoukbf hie. 1 eressive party and a party in opposition. rnergiee are given us on one co•ditioo- the condition o` inte:l genes -this to, of education. " Ileal Gdi iotrnded that On work of the world should he duns by pumas ,burses and sinews, ho w cold have given us as arm a• solid sed strung as the shaft ofa steam engiue: and enabled us to atesd'day sad Dight, and turn the crank of• -Steamship while sailing to Liverpool or Calcutta. Ila, God desigoeal the human muscles to do the work of the world, then, indeed of the ingredients of gun-p..wder or gun-eott/D, mud the cxpaus,ve force of heat. ho wcu:J have given IS hoods which could baro pikes a granite gnarry and break its soled scree into suited.: and sytaettical blocks, as easily as we now uoea •n orange. lfad he ;o tsn•Itd us fur bearing burdens we wouldbas Allatsan shuu!Jer■, by which we could carry the vest freight of railroad cars and etaamships, as • porter carries h s pack. Il. wuu d have given w longs by w',,eh we could blow !eats before us; and wings to •weep over the ocean wastes. But, in-. steadof iron arm', sod Atlateas shoulders, e nd the lungs of Borrow, be bee gives is • mind, a •out, • capacity of acquiring knowledge and thus of •ppropritt eg all then energies of *111(110 to off own use. 1estoal of te'eeeo ping sad miereeeopnc • yes Le Imo given us power to'nveat the teles copo tool oacroacope. instead of 10,000 angora, tae hie gives ue genius invective of the power loom aJ piloting press. With• out s cultivated ;idoliser, at seamen( the weakest of all the Jyamical forces of as-, • turn. oriel • culliveteJ t•lellect, he cola. ma.J. it eu, a:i." Nae i- cart.isu -There to is Island eo•e. 1,400 tints0 east of u., at present but little kuown or ahuuglat of, wbtch is Jestio•d ere Moog to hold au ,mport.et postuue enslave to th• continent sod EAT , pie . IA • refer to .VswfeeedlurJ- Rieb to iia fisher a alone it ba roraa.aed obsearei *•J nojlieteJ tache taloa year, when the spirit ..1 of erpr .o was aruwe.J by Mr, F. N. tlnburee, lets Govern. .sat SupertalanJe.t of lits:Iowa Seeps Telegraph Leet. This gest:imam, soh., has just townies' flu a a wcirtaaf.I e.plo• fauna of the interior of 1101 ra:aud. is see is our Cia y todsr,.rrasg t• rake i1t sem pathos 61 our eapital,.i. eel Goren saw n enproject of eoa•utieg t:at for oil telasd with Novi itc .ata and M`s U .feed *totes, 1e oz . 4 wlteg the Its.step d-ayb,bNwe*e ti'. Johne ro 1C ire Pray. ieri *sed. 18 seise „„,we the (i .If of $t. Larpywee, by the .aNta piodoso rac•otlt 44 .0.4 to •'nested the 1 seta bol ryes b:ngl,ad amJ F. alma. Frwa onLial Jocua,at*, w to whr.:h Mr. U,.t..rne bar been furutehed, .t appears tb•t the N.w(e olleo 16 •c.roaeeal4e shoureed to eatNr lugs ptc..ntary aid aid every net ower/ f.erbly f.ar the se-•amyh.b nest of this great amterpn.s, wbteh w .0 J atm to bee vital important; to lbat ,Prove lucre sad which, should the sato pati .10 i'. Iprogetrwrs be real sod. wit'. ad,l a m. * i t. pwtaat Gat to the ch itd (1 c .rim--e:s' np- ,nein • batsmen, the 1)1.1 sol View Worlds. Mr. (whores oleo represents tile interest• .f the NewfeeMlaed Hiram N lion g;omtafit.e, who hold a ver a pest t war not as inhabitant of Paris; I therefor .r „ think it will hr impossible to know who 1 am, Every change -every step ,in tbe march whistle. Besides, 1 lave tahea ei-ery preeaation for of civilization, however important or bene- I This style of treating a great question is highly exceptiooable. It may be that the machinery of the new jury law is more ex- pensive than that of the old: and in tins respect itis quite likely tie law is capable of improvement. But apart from this, the ground taken in the above communication is all realised, acid the book•.notes which been made by the houcst intrepidity of a ! is altogether untenable. We are told that few individuals, and in defiance of the I tho jurors selected under the crew' law are Or The publishers of the Huron Sig- nal have the pleasure of announcing to their readers, that they have made arrage- meats that will enable them to issue their Journal in a larger and more improved ap- pearance in the first week of March, or perhaps sooner, and as the change must necessarily be attended with very con- siderable expense, they hope their enter- prise wilt be acknowledged by an increased circulation. 010111111nnicatione. GODERICII,'29th Jan. 1S:•J. To Tea roma or Tea &users 510001-. Mr. Editor, -As you have been ever ready to expose abuses, and Lave some knowledge of statutes, 1 would wish (being an entire stranger to municipal mattes) to ask your opiuiou whether the followiug ac- count comes under the bead of Contin- gent Expenses," and whether the Gentle- men composing the Board of Education in December, 13:0, and March, lo51, in contracting such an account had the cause of Education at heart. " The Board of Education, 1)r. 1S30. 'fo Dec. `i, 't'o 3 glasses hot Brandy, • To 4 dinners, includug Beer, &c. it G 'fo •! bottles braids, 0 6 Dec, 10, To 4 luncheo at 73d 0 2 To •! bottles porter at • Is lid. tach, March 2S, To 2 glasac. bran- dy, 71,1„ 1 hot do. tid. U 1 1 'I'o ,J Noche., 0 1 3 Cr In cop) int a letter on the enormous expense of working the new Jury Late, which appeared in the Signal of the lint_ inst., the Toronto Examiner has the fol- lowing remarks. And although we admit with our Cotemporary that the Jury Bill embodies the true pnaciplc, and is, in that respect a vast improvement on all its pret decessors Yet we do believe that even " gold may be bought too dear" and that the present Jury Law Is a very forcible illustration of " paying too much far the iasuriog this; and, if the lkst wish of a tis:ial,,has been denounced and opposed dying maa Commack. any :respect, I en- with zeal and blind prejudice ; and the treat that no io.;luruer may he mode on the chances -the improvements the disceve= subject. I left soy him after wiling. o F everything, and givinco out that 1 was start- ries that have been 5 hiefly instrumental in ing for a fureigu coarftrv. My property emancipating and ennobling humanity have it has produced will hare yesterday reach - not superior, but the contrary, to those'se- lected uodcr the old. That is not the question. The new law has taken from the Crowe-iu other words, the Cabinet of the day -a most dangerous power, which in time of political %feeble might have plac- ed the lives of hundreds at the disposal of gorerumeot which perhaps knew neither justice nor mercy. The power of packing juries is, of all others, perhaps; the most The species- of stare trade ed some dangerous to the liberties ofa people. No German speculators. have carried on for one will be bold enough to dens that, under some time, by:buying or hirmq childrenthe old law, that power a si.ta i!. The se- u n4er ypriou+ Noe representations (corn . lection of the entire panel was is the hands their parents, to be not on the streets of. has 'banished much of the superstitious ;n;- of the Sheriff, who held his appointment Lon on to beg. thernfits of Ifeir itettdi- wallies of our ancestry from the world, and from the Crown, and was. therefore,neces- caar to be takes bytheir masters lis in the la of our country have prohibited The -nucnn seedy, more or less, under its influence. one instinct Leen cLeckcJ by the police, Did a corrupt and tyrannical government , Ze,lo n 'stares that a man the cruelties by which these iniquities desire to get rid of ohnosinr:. persons,wbat traased Stumpf, had, through amt., got were protected. But the spirit of opposi- 'so easy as to procure a conviction for some possession t.1 ,.•,teal children, from 1 t to 1 such imaginary offence a: ennstructive trea- 16 sear of age, br'onI.ac to flat district son, when one of its ot!icers had the eecoo- ee Marienbrrg. The larnds of the child- trolled selection cf the jury by whom they reu rece;tel 98. (ths.) far each, and a were to be tried1 This 1. now reedcred prumre of 908. a the cud of two years. impossible. The liberty of tl:e subject no It was rrpreseuted to 11u: take et ,Lem- 1 h longer hangs nn the carrier of the govern - des, • that they repro w he taken to Lee- anent however powerful it ea surrounded by dM, to play sad samg 11 the streets. With - safeguards which no government can break a small canvas of these , uafortusate, down or overstep. It k th:s that eon:ti- (eight girls and three boys) the white dare lutes the great beauty of the new jury law, driver was on his way to attracted ad, when 9 The law is founded on the princople of jus - the twnber of the baud attruiej Use at. Lice, nod secures to every- moo n fair trial. tee inn of the prdire at Cologne ; 10 lid R°gr P y h Are oro then to be told that because some reer;crd another parer of eiatht from the P of the jurors selected under it are not %S- tint wholeDuchof Hesse, at importing (*olden!, to ,perior-though we are not told what con - that tlw a me. number he was imprwfin; to stitutes supenonty--to those chosen under con - add to etre ldren caul d of London. was 19. the old law. that the Great and beneficent .Is. list children mold show no •• Iagitima- prir.riple which it embodies is to he carting made they were t. neral and the inquiries y ed from the Statute book? As to the al- luvium pruvee what, uok•rd, had Inng beet kged iniquity of tlw jiiry law, we confess bsnwt --t h. r eleven rl existence of this we are surprised to see it thus ebararteriz- *Wt.. 'I'kr eleven litter re from Nassau ed by any one pretendmg to the slightest tern girrw ap to as nf6cer wet M 1'lalogw- degree of intelligence. Costly and cum - to Ink. charge se them by nt beat au- h luous it may be; but iniquitous it is oet- ILosti4;ea, and Stewtpf, the contractor, ora the very contrary. \1". have no fears that committed to tale ewindy of the (lessen the people will be led to petition for its re- plier. peal- We understood too well the value of that secanty of persot which veils from the certainty of an 'ratable trial m political cases. Has not Upper Camels demanded the application of the principle embodied in this law for nearly a gnarter of a century 1 And did not 110 (louse cf Aasemhly of Upper Canada again and a- gain pan bills embodying this principle I it oris the oligarchy of past times that pre- vented the ptewnt jury kw front taking ef- fect'nine twenty years ago. The coir,' of Upper Canada will lar-" reform the law if it be defective; bet do not unjustly pr0000nce 11 inignitnrts, and then .ark its. repeal;' This Is the lageage of reason, sod may make itself heard; bet any attempt to repeal use of the best laws on the Ste - UN Mak--s law which deprives the Crews et lbs ewer to set w b.trsniy tad tetra ed the hangs of an honest lather of a fami- ly, whom it will'render happy. 1 hare so reckless opposition of ignorance and irra- managed twat he should be ignorant of tional prejudice. their sources Ilariug no further business The same hostility to improvemeot,- in this world, 1 - am goir,, 'Good bye ! the same principle of selfish bigotted op - e ,•. • position to change that prevailed a thousand years ago prevails to -day. It is true, that I:EIKMAAI SLAVES IN ENGLAND. the same monstrosities and absurdities are [Signed] 10 t ki•ri^•ul " not defended, nor the same weapons of op- position employed now that were used even in the days of our great -grand fathers. A more enlightened philosophy tion -the latent arinciplg is still the same. The feelingthat beheaded and butchered in defence of the " Dinioe right of Kings," or the civil supremacy of an Evangelical Chusok, is exactly the same feeluler, that in our own day seeks to mur- der reputation, and destroy the worldly in- terests of the man or the party who con- tends for equal civil privileges to all re- ligious denominations. e belong to the essire party --the party who en- deavor to establish olilichl justice- In short -we have faith in the principles of reform and in so far a our bumble influ- ence and abilities will extend, we shall fearletrd and booestly advocate the com- plete reform of every abase both in the kgiel•tioa or goverarnett of tbe Province, and in the wngerent of the local affairs of Huron. And to the hbersl men -the Refasten -dee lours of truth and jus- tice is these United Counties, we look for couteasace and support. u_3 0 �C I 1 Goderich, Per. 17, 1531." .. ... EMIKIRt-R: era rue s1 no• er001L. STlt.1TFORD AGRICCLTURAI. SO- CIETY. The change effected by the Dew Agrl. cultural-Ackof last Session, 19, and 15, Gee 'rue New York Nether strum that 04110.11, 15. well 1s. ewe weer 1,^gar of the 1•e1,etr Oq., H ones, tot ee ta'urdee eve stag K ranee sop o,s Net a eagle hulas ee•seet d w•ti, the ,loo.. Moo., •ltgMtd ►w /eeerel. 'POs .rail. was Iswersd tato the grove by threw teasr.ee•t whey rafted • nebm•riptbe le a•')r 15. lueent *epee nes. • • if re trot mos its's.' al to the pep •imit! of ea neo •. Ira Lewis.) .q.,hat been elected May) - or of (:oderich, Yoko Straelien, Zeq. who was his oppnneot, hew protested Mr. L.'s were. in a procl med's ed to the iahtbilsnts, is Ala lit dine Wiself pfavnr of (:odermb. it is a very nay preasetiet.•.dllltle. TILE CORPORATION. We noticed shortly, ie s late number, the of this body at their first seetinii and lhes somewhat extraordinary ieings which followed ; the election of one Meyer, and the claim set forth by another to the civic Clair. Aad we now eotire with pleasure the br•msem of ira Lewis, Eiq-, this Meyer, notwithstading the por- tentous Predasaadimi, formerty divided to ; is eaTiag a Mewing of the Town Cassel tae itseseat Nat the rstars of a saw Comas tT dr 8t. Patrick', Wats, i L. " property would hare to «locate the coun- try." The resolution was adopted. ° The meeting thea eonet,eir.1 the quee• lions as to the erection of a rcw School- house to be built of brick, on a plan to ac- commodate both the Mete ata Female scholar' to irritate division,. There wero several who adopted nal wide remarks to the meeting -and Mr. Peter Patterer,, of Downie, on behalf of hound soil the other t•xpaysrr, then this reao:etioo was pro- posed, urged the nccesetty r f coat Oration -and•kfr: Thomas M. Daly stated roseate foe the metiers. After a desultory out- break of remarks, question., and grid pro quo reasons, the Rev. Mr. McPherson see- ing that there was no definite debate or movement, moved the fol:owmg resolution: "That the respectab lity of tho town, the health of the echolaia and teacher (and a• means of enhancing the value of the place) require the arretion of a new Brick School- house, and that the Trustees be region to consider and forward Om acne for the 1a - tweets of the reboot netco consistently with ee000my.•' This was •ecooaied by Dr. Hyde, sod carried by a large majority, The Dr..tvidly drew tbeattent -n of the meeting to the present echoolbo use -r - marked on its uuhealthine.s and d:acomfort -attending no sufficient accommodation either for teacher or scholars -that the knows abilities of the former had not the opportunity from a confined space, of being fairly sbowo to the scholar, -and ba con- sumptive look. ad that the sebolars though imbibing the rudiments of knowledge which would be sanctified to these, et the same tame were liable to imbibe the miaamatpo .Aluvia of close sod crowded school - /00M. The overage attendac• each gnarter el 1850, for the [rat nine moschus was 71, 69, sod 71-70,- and the same attendees* for the first 9 months of 1851, was 73, 90, too 106,-90e. The tax on bachelor and those having no children in the section, for 1851, will bo shoat £19, -sed cot theme married, having children, £53. There bees berm, ma's and (.111le *cholera, of the roll tor 1851, over 140, -lest a renow % baring hue meds to have a renals wheel, donee the last enamor of 1861, sad the wase be- teg eemmeoeed, the average stleedanee on the roll was meek new. Th. Teacher, Mr, Alexander McGregor, her • first clew certificate, and esjoye sad ds. nerve* the eoetidenee of the whole of the wiles. He has beau the Timelier ler mail years. His gaiety mord fey tit whole school, £9s. L. Stratford, 96th Jen 1151. Rotaas Pansayaarew Cwmtrw, Sraan roes. -There Is tai be n Metres is the new • t MIA Ili d Wadi utile 564. al feu ltit eod ,a A 1 1 oir Raf tool iseiri not tr I Gh laag age, to j 1 be Thi, seer of tr mid, 'yo 1 e•i Mon this •urn lien fere ecu ten' e,. iss;die Mm grei sot M etc i ' a~du by flee as V' ,lin Jib i a' we arc }'' .M' is ' a bee UP Di+ be st mi ed de Ile tam 4r tee ibe -sae o - tut Tr 5r: tit we cel SO •11 y A gi be Br to at In 01 at 111 tt p' c' e