Huron Signal, 1852-01-29, Page 1O
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G/ the Pruce•thags . the Mrsnieipnl Council for the
United Counties of haemo Perth and Brox, holden
at the Hamas liege[, Goderials ow the 29th day 9f
December 1851, pursuant to adjoternmeaat
J,uas the 2asd Jely, 1851.
eadlaalrr:—William Clalk, Esq., Warden.
- Manua. BM VA' • Messrs. 1iULM1E8,
Warden addressed the meeting.
I. Letter from Mr. astrachan late Solicitor to the County
Canned was read.
2. Letter from Mr. Strachan Tate Solicitor, when it was
3. Moved by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Flanagan, That
a commute of three be appointed to tale into consideration Mr.
Steachaa's letter, and to report thereon.
4. It was moved in amenJiueut by Mr. hays, seconded by
Mr. Bea, That the letter of John Strachan, I•i.q., be received
sad bled. On the yeas and nays being taken on the dmendraeot,
there voted for the amendment 7, for the motion 7, the Warden
pve W eating vote in favor of the motion, which was carried.
5. It was further moved in amendm'.nt in the motion, by Mr.
Smith, aecooded by JIr. I iohne+, "i lot the Clerk write to Mr.
Strachan m reply to his roam,.nicatroa regarding the report of
the select committee urn Law -!'lea to quash .By -Law., stating
that the Cowed are not aware of anrrharge or insinuation in the
clause referred to but what may hz plaimdy anderstnod from the
facts therein stated. Carried.
6. Letter from tltc i'ubfjc 11 'oils Department, Toronto, or-
dered to be filed.
7. Letter from John Wilson, F,q., Landon, ordered to be
'Phe following dneurned', were submitted to the Councii,and
referral to e Finance t'ommittee.
8. Letter from the Clerk of the Peace to the Warden.
9. Orden of tlie.Quarter Sessidns of the Pear...
10 Copy of a letter fro. tit Warden to the Clerk of the
11 Copy of a letter from the Warden, was referred to Road
sad Bridge roninmittee.
The following documents were referred to the Finance Com-
12 Letter from Mr. Beecher, Los/om.
13 Letter from Proriacial secretary's Office, to Warden.
14 Letter from (bunt,' Treasurer.
15 Copy of correspondence between the County Treasurer
and the Canada company relative to borrowing £30,000 for and that he place the amount of gush cert,Jcrtes rercir:d from Having convinced himself that hu money
Rmvel1 * tee leading road, withia.too, cooatieta. ....mob -Terra 4i!s •t, -the reedit; of- mirk Tonvehit—referred to }was eight, he pbeed beth•esskr his pitkw.
16 f
icir 585 via or MI IRMO. '
The Minutes of yesterday were read and approved of. Whoa AN ADVENTURE IN HUNGARY
the following documents were referred to Finance committee :—
41 Petition of Archibald McCky and 35 others.
42 Mored by Dr. Cole, seeouded by Mr. Nell, That tie
sem of £35 be greeted by this Council for the purpose of cross -
laying 60 rods of the road over the " Little Cranberry Marsh,"
on the Town -line between liay and Stanley ; and also for cross -
laying a small Cedar Swamp ou oaid lure.
43 Petition of Messrs. James Gordon, and William Batten-
4h Petition of William Story.
45 Aewunt (sudden breach) Bridge on Stratforr and St.
Mary'. Road.
46 Do do Bridge on Huron Road at lot 4, North
47 Do for work done on the Mitchell Road.
48 Do (sodden breach) Carron Brook ]fridge.
49 Do do Whirel Creek Bridge.
50 Do lluron Signa) 1'rintinr Office.
51 Do (sudden breach) Addict.] Road,Colborne.
52 Do do do
53 Do do McKillop.
54 Do do Silver Creek Bridge.
55 Do work done at New .Maitland Bridge.
56 1)o of work and labour dome at Carron Brook.
57 Do \1 iliiam titory, Store Piro for Gaol.
58 1)o Men's wanes asssting County Surveyor.
59 Do Stationary and Posta a County Sri;veyor's Ogee. At tyles, words the landlord looked very
60 County Surveyor's Report — refened to Road and si o rii!icantly at the young man who sat op
Bridge committee.
From the Germans.
On the third day after his departure from
Vienna, a horse -dealer alighted at an in
situated at the entrance of a little town
which, to all appearance, was respectabl
and quiet. Ile recommended his horse t
the care of the landlord, dried his clothe
at the fire, and as soon as supper was ready
oat down to the table with the host and his
family, who appeared to be decent people
During supper the traveller asked where
be came from, and on his answering from
Vienna, they were all anxious to bear some
news from the capital. The horse -dealer
told them all be knew. The landlord then
asked him what business had taken him to
Vienna, to which he replied that he had
been there to sell some of the very finest
borse=r,tbat had ever appeared in the market
.1 by a convulsive .aotiosi and a stifled cry of
pain, confirmed the foreboding that the un-
happy man is the bed had his throat cut.
After a abort pause of awful adeoce, the
landlord said:
" It is over now : look for the money."
' " I hare (mind it (leder tLe said
e the son; ° it is in a leather belt and pocket
Tbe murderers disappeared.
Every thing being now quiet, the travel-
ler crept limn under the bed, jumped out ol
the window, and hastened to the adjoirdaig
61 Surveyor's estunate of gravelling and improving the Lee. polite to him, and Who appeared to be his
don and H,r
Huron Roads, refeed t•, Road and Bridge committee. son. Ili. expressive glance did not escape
62 Surveyor's estimate of New \laitland Bridge, referred to the observation of the traveller, who; how -
Road and Bridge conaoittee' ever, tool no notice of it;yet he verysoon
63 Do do for improving 1.1miles e. road through
referred to Road and Brid;r committee.
afterwards hadregret his want of
Colborne to Ashfield,
64 \loved by )Ir. Garvin, seconded by \Ir. Hays, That the i enation. Being
to ng in want of repose, be beg -
Assessor and Collector of the County of Bruce be paid not of the , ged the landlord, as soon as the supper was
United Counties' foods, as the parses had much trouble in ea- ( finished, to show Lim to his room. The
dcasonring to perform the duties imposed upon them by the : landlord took a lamp, and conducted the
Council, without being able to collect the rates, as the ielubitants i
refused to pay the same. The above motion was referred to the traveller nevus+ the yard Tato a detached
Finance committee. buildieg,which contained two tolerah',y neat
65 Moved by Mr. Holmes; seconded by Mr. Ahmad, Thet rooms. A bed was prepared at the farther
the School committee do take into consideration the notice -of end of the second.
the Local Seperinteadent of No. 3 Division, to teachers on the As soon as the landlord bad retired the
princi,,le of laking `school averages and report thereon—referred
traveller addressed hum<elf, wbuekled a
to School committer.'
66 Moved by Mr. Rath, seconded by Mr. Hill, That the
Counts Treasurer be instructed to receive certificates from the
past collectors of the different Townships in these I'aited Coun-
tios, as , .,vaen t of taxes that lanst been charred the second tirae,
money belt containiog a considerable sum
in gold, and took out his pocket -book, which
was full of Austrian bank -notes,
Id 1reaswe'
r i . +tract or quarter eniino 33th Sept. l'insnce committee. extinguished the b ht, awl some fell asleep,'
17 Notice of motion b--, 1)r. Cole, that to -morrow I will niure G7 Moved 'by Mr. Ifay, seconded by JIr. red',, That a thanking (sod acd all the saints for the suc- t
that a grant ba made to consL-uct a cra,s:rar over the 'e Little Committee of Five upon Roads and fledges be an..... d. (hi of his journey.- lie bad' slept but an
Cranberry Marsh" between the Town line of
town to inform the authorities of what had
The mayor immediately assembled the
military, and in less than three quarters of
an hour, the inn was surrounded by soldiers
who bad been summoned to arrest the mur-
derers. The whole bouie seemed buried
in profound silence; but on approaching the
stables they hcared some noise. The door
was broken in, and the landlord and his son
were seen busily digging a pit. As soon
as the murderers saw the horse dealer, they
uttered a cry of horror, covered their faces
with their hands, and fell to the ground.
This was neither from repentance nor
the fear of punishment, but they thought
they saw before them the ghost of the mur-
dered roan notwithstanding they heard )him
speak. There was some trouble in con-
vincing them to the contrary. They were
then bound, and led to the out -house, where
the horrible deed had been connmitted,
anxious to sec how the enigma would be
The prisoners appeared tolerably collet -
ted, et least calm and sullen; but when on
entering the room, they perceived the body
which lay on the bed, the son fell senseless
to the earth, and the father threw himself
upon it, with load lamestatioes, clasped the
bloody cocpie,asd:e=eleimed dttr r aiy,
uis Ir
" tlly son ! oh, my sI, thy faththerr am
by murderer."
Tbc murdered man was, in fact, the
uungest son of the host. Drunkenesss was
be only fault this young man had; and this
ight,instead of being, as his father and
rolher supposed, in bis'own bed, he had
one out secretly, and been caroul'ing with
some of his eompauioas, at the alehou c.
Soon becoming sufficiently inebriated,
nd fearing hie father's allot if lie appeared
before him in that state, he intended to pass
he night in the detached outhouse, as he
had often 'done before. JIM companions
had accompanied lain hither, and helper
him to climb up to the window. The rest
requires no further explantticn.
Nor do we need to add that the mur-
derers expiated their crime with their life
and that the horse -dealer, althonh saved,
and again in possession of VI plundered pro-
perty still shudders at the. recollection of
Stanley and ley, a ballot bear; takes, the committer was declared to consist obout or two when be wan suddenly awaken- f t
pursuant to petition of inhabitants of same line. esrs. lie, Donis, Lamb, Cole and Rath,
The followuag document, were submitted to the Council, and 6e Moved by 3lr. Armand, seconded by Mr. Holmes, Tat ed by the opening of the siindow, and im-
referred to Finance committee. ,, a sum aot to emceed two pounds ten ebillingo be expended on the mediately felt the night air blow upon hum. n
IS Account of John Strtehan, Esl. road between the Maitland Bridge and the 'Town of Godench to g b
19 Bridge n , - carted at this unforeseen circumstance,
New Maitlandle ccounts marked A BC Brid ts Ben. ,Inhere D E e"Oneatrd with the teep it lel a iilite eosfiition daring winter, referred to Finance the traveller rai.ed himself up in bed, and g
20 Stationary accosts' for Trea,rer's Office. . committee. 69 a Seek of works completed tbit season by Perceived the head and shoulders of a man,
21 Stationary account Cul t;oaatr Clerk's Office. the Canada onprroy's Improvement fund, referred to Finance who was struggling to get into the -Croom; at
22 Account and Letter from 11. ltowseU, Toronto,. committee. the same time he heard the rcices afseter- a
23 Do Jaffray and ion, l ;alt. 70 Mored by Mr. VG allace, seconded by Mr Cirsin, That alnoes who were standing under the win-' -
24 Do (sudden brach,) }!rade between titasiey and. the Fiance committee be instructed to take into com1'leratson pe • ' t
Goderich. the amount of Mr. Signal'. defalcation, • and what steps to be dove.'
25 Account do Road ti Port Albert. taken for the recovery of the same, referred to Finance cosh- A dreadful terror seized our traveller,
26 Do Work dole nn Line of [toad between Ashfield mi:tee. nho gave himself up for lost; and scarcely
and Warvanoab.A71 Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by- Dr: Cole, That the knowing Khat he did, crept under the bed
27 Do (sudden breach)) Black Creek Bridge. road from Coderleici
b road in Colborne to the Dsioe lila in I as gnieily as po,v!,le. - A mogne it al/ce-
de Do do building Bridge over Trout Creek." Colborne ne the 8th conces'ioa and from then^.e to \Wawanosh 1
29 Do - do repairing road opposite ,Lot 3, sou. be included is the list of roads to which the By-Iaw relative to "Wards a elan -,yang heavily into the room,
1, Ellice and Downie. saddest breaches will a;,ply, referred to Finance committee. •and sta,2gcrr•d up to the bed, supporting
30 Do do repairi.a; Bridge and cromway op- 72 Moved by Mr. Ratla, seconded by Mr. Hill, 'That the himself against the wall.
polite Lot 2, coo. ti, on the Stratford and `t. Man's Road. County Clerk when writing to Mr. Jones, concerning back taxes. Confomeled as the hone -dealer was, he
31 Do do builbiiig Bridge over creek opo-; a
site Lot 1, on the 1 Ith con., Domiie, Stratford and St. Mary's'
R d
oa .
32 Petition of Mrs. Nairn.
33 Letter from chairman of Board of Public Iestreetioe.
34 Aeeouot and letter from A. W. Otter, Esq.
35 Cirestar from Chief Superintendent of Education to
County Clark, and blank form, referred to School committee.
36 Moved by Mr. Smith aeeonded by Mr. Rath, 'that the
clerk write to T. M. Jones, Esq., Commissioner of the Canada
Company, informiag him that an advertisement published in the
Huron Sigma/ and Hrrox Loyalist Newspapers, and addressed
to collators of Townships to the United Counties, regarding ar-
rear of Taxa due by the Canada Company• upon lands held by
Iwea has cawed considerable difficulty to the collectors, as it
is imperative upon them to levy these arrears upon the residents
os the leads unless otherwise paid, and that it is necessary that
some arrangement be made for that purpose as soon as possible—
37 Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Donkin, That
the clerk of this Cowell do write to the Local Superintendents
of Education in these United Counties intimating to each of
them that it is the desire of this Coeneil that all documents con-
nected with the apportionment of public mosey within the present
year be submitted at the nett session of Council --carried.
38 Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by JIr. themes, That s
committee of five on Finance be appointed. On a ballot being
takes, the committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Iiolma,
South,, Wallace sad Hays.
39 Moved by Mr. Rath, wooded by Mr. Gourley, That
the Clerk write to the Canada Coepaay) s Commis'iooer, solicit-
ing isforesatioe as to whether the Cascada Company intend paying
the back taxa due on the Lands u Logan and Ellice, if not
whether they will repudiate the whole of the land in these Town-
e/Me, if only part of these hurls, what pert of the same. The
above motion vets referred to the Fimaee committee.
W Moved by Mr. Hays, reonded by Mr. Wallace, That a
eammitlee of five on Schonlo be new appointed. On a Nina', being
bakes the esmeottee was deelared to meet of Messrs. 'Bath,
Battle Hays, Holmes ad Bell.
Tib Council them a;oerssd MV to -marrow at 9 o'clock.
Hama, Perth and Bru;e.
Cca Ncrt Raw,Gonnicw,
Tbenday, 30th I)aorssb r, 1851.
awe.—T1s Warden in the ('hair.
Mane CALL,
Wean. RATH,
l TON,
* 1KLAY,
Lo aso who der the Company in:cud-paying for years wren the
nevertheless perceived that .the intruder
lands havobeen leased between the times for asses -Ing and cod- t
irebriab d, this eircunstance, however
Tedi,. Also whath be lands was
eu..,*. they intent[ to puma r n au , ,
have been taken up but no heats issued—carried. gale him little hone, for be had probably'
'1'hc Council then adjourned until .to -morrow at 9 o'clock, A. :1. got intoxicated in order to summon up eour-
WILLIA\I CHALK, \Varden, age for the contemplated erimc, besides.
Hera, Perth and Binet' this die traveller hod beard the voices of
ponces outsi*k, to that the murderergm
case of resistance, could count noon the as-
sistance of hi. comrade'.
But how great was his astonishment
when he saw the unkcown person throw
his coat upon the floor. and stretched him-
self upon the bed which lie had just quitted !
A few moments afterwards he bared the
intruder snore, and his terror began gradual;
ly to give way to reflection, although the
whole affair was quite incomprehensible to
Ile was jest preparing to quit bis biding
place, m orde• to awake the inmate' of the
house, and ask mother lied in place of that
from which h: had been so nneeremouiou--
If circled, alien a new incident occurred.
lie beard the outer door carefully open-
ed and, on Iistenino, the sound of cautious
footsteps reached his ear. Is a few mo-
ment., the door of the room opened, and
twn fingures, those of the landlord awl Ins
sos.stooJ on thethresbold.
" Keep the lam, bark'" mnttrred the
father in a .uppremed noire.
" What hare we to fear 1- said Ow young
man; "we arc two against one: he., It s be
has only a 'mall knife with him, and his
sleeping soundly : hear how he more+.
" Dh *bat 1 tell you," said the farmer,
angrily : " do you wish to as a1- Lien !would
Llure his cries alsnn tt:e nsiohbor-
bdod t"
The horse -dealer was horrified with the
apectaek. He remained ,00tioeless under
the bed scarcely daring to brratl,c. TI.<
(ogress Rooms, }i-ednesday, 3 o'clock, l'. M. son shut the door after him, aod the two
wb Warden resumed the chair, mad the min persons present wretches approached the bed on tiptoe.
wa`e theta r tM b+ressow r._-....1. the bed nes sionh
Wednesday, 31st December, 1851.
PncsatNr.—The Warden in the ChriT.,,
Mesas. HAYS, Mesas. GIRVIN,
LA Me,
The Minutes of yesterday were read over aad approved of.
73 Letter from Mr. Jones to County Clerk, was referred to
Finance committee.
74 Letter from Mr. McDonald (Sheriff), referred to Fi-
nance c nni mince.
73 l'etition of County Surveyor, do
76 Mr. Wallace addressed the Coenril, stating en error ad
been made in the am -lent of tax to be levied in the 'fown of
Goderich for County purposes—on rerbal motion, the nutter
was referred to the Finance committee to report thereon.
The Report of the Road and Bridge Committee, mai, received
aed referred to • counmittee of the Whole. The Warden noon -
sated Mr. Bell to the chair.
On the Report being read over, that pert of the report relative
to the Sable Hill was confined as well IS that part relative to
Black Creek Bridge which creek Bridge, and Warrens Creek
Bride, alio, the recommendation about the New Maitland Bridge.
Nos. 61, 62, and 63 were confirmed.
'The committee then rose, and the Warden resumed the Chair.
On the Report of the Road and Bridge Committee being agsul
submitted, it wao reeeived confirmed, and adopted.
77 Moved by Mr. Guest, seconded by Mr. Flanigan, That
the Council de imourrie the new Bridge over the River Thames
at St. Mary's referred to Fiance, Committee.
'the Caned adjourned till 5 o'clock, P. M.
Heron, Perth ansl Bruce.
voliamb t• hp hp e napes
hat dreadful night.
it is suited that a short *nue .since a portion
deep•ton•d thunder, leaving a..buge
gap is tbo timber that fringes the sidne of
the mho extending about two milts in a
paretic! direction with the top.—The gap
to the donee timber appears to he 'Colt
sixty or a hundred feet in width and the
sure in the earth reached to an unknown
depth in which trees of the largest size
were tor& up, and enortnou• rocks witieh
had propehly lain eoncealed for ape were
sent from their primitive beadier, and laid
hare. This foundation as whin\ the rase -
tam rests is euppeeed to given way.
cited toes ot the battalioa 'tattooed at
Toronto having applied for permiasios
attend upon the miniatry of the g... Dr.
Burns, Major L'Estrangs, the officer teem.
mending, with Um concurreoee of Gemmel
Gore, at once granted their resioest. To
worship God aceordng to the d etatee of
his coneeinnec, Is the inalienable nght of •
eoldier as well se of the erten, bot i• a
right which, even in the Br tiah hae
not aloays bees handsome!! coiseeeded.
ed 'hematite's to provide thit ueremer! let
tarrimoilation for the crore, anal nide
standing the unfavourable aisle of the
wea, h.., it was p easier to aim so ferny et
the men, nn la•t Sabbath isterrins. iteetspy•
mg the seats &Holed to thern.—.11imismery
Nits Yong( Jan. 4. --Th• steamship F.1
coo arrived this morning, by way of Chaves
and 11 . At Jamaica the choler% wai.
still prevalent. Total another of metirrie
vete ii• st sppemene• estimated At in.
000. Thee elan for the mitalrlishiment of
coast has been visited by a severe gale.
Trade exceeding dull.
WARRINGTON. J•11 2.—hir. Welker rs•••
grime, larking for the Oman th. Mimst.r
sr) Venice, and a mrapeorion of all diplomatic
and commercial intercourse, emenempenes
of Levis Napoleoa's meent act of emirs, -
tote. After a coneidereble debate th• roe
viattriala wee laol on the Uhl.. The Pryor.
east see Kean. h had an totalities. peter.
The time draws Near, dear Joho, th t
I must go to the way from which none re -
Mon. I eannot take Ile e with me. 1 mint
leave thee in a world where good counsel is
not superabundant. No nr.e is born wise.
'lime and cepereoce tench us to separate
(Ise grain from the chaff 1 have seen
more of the world than thou. It is not sif
gold my son that glitters. 1 have seen
many a star from heaven fall, and many a
staff on which men have leaned break.—
rherefore give this evil -ice, the result of
my experience. Attach not thy heart to
any transitory thing. The truth ecunen
not to ns, dear son ; we moot seek for it.—
That which you see scrutinize carefully ;
and with regard to things unseen and eter-
nal, rely on the word of God. Search no
one so closely as thyself. Withiu Us
dwells the judge who never deceiveo, anti
whose voice Is more to us than the ap-
plautie of the world, and more than all the
wisdom of the Egyptians and Greeko.—
Resolve, my son, to do nothing to which
this coice io opposed. When you think
and project, strike 00 your forehead and
ask for his counsel.' Ile speaks at first
low, and lisps as an innocent child ; but if
you b000r hit innocence he gradually loos-
ens hie tongue and speaks more distinctly.
Despise. not any religion ; it is easy to
deopise, but it i3 much better to under-
stond. Uphold truth when thou canst,
and be willing for her sake to be hated;
but know that thy individual cause is not
the Cause of truth, and beware that they
are not confounded. Do good. for thy own
satisfaction, and care not what follows.—
Cause no gray hairs to any one ; oeverthe-
less, der the right even grey hairs are to
be disregarded. Help and give willingly
when ;thou bast, anti thiek so more of
tiosilf for and if thou bast nothing let
thy hands be ready with a drink of cold
water, and esteem thyoelf for that no less -
Say not always that thou knowest bet
know always what thou gayest. Not the
man respect, and go in bis ways. A man
a lee has the fear of God in his heart is like •
the nun that shiocs and warms, though it
does not speak. Do that which is worthy
of recompense. and ask none. Itelleet
daily upon death, and seek the life which is
beyond with a cheerful courage ; and Ne-
ther, go not out of the world waliout hav-
ing testified by some good deed thy love
and resoett for the Author of Christianity.
The execution of Henry Groom took
place on Saturday, at noon, at Norwich,
before an immente concourse of people.—
Groom Wits convicted et the recent assizes
for the valful murder of John Ayton, whe
was shet while proceeding to pay some la-
borers in tbe employ of the Earl of Leice,-
ter. l'he culprit since his condemnation
has been very penitent, awl paid great at-
tention to the' spiritual instruction of the
chaplain of the gaol, who bad repeatedly
cioited him. I dio awful situation had evi-
dently affected him deeply, both physically
and mentaliy, and hie outward appearance
underwent a great change for the worse
during the brief period which elapsed since
bit conviction. For some days lie had gi-
Ten up all Lope of mercy, and it is report-
ed that he made a confession to the chap-
lain. Thc necessary preliminaries having
been completed by Cathcart; the executioo
rter, the culprit was launched into eteroity.
His strugglee were long and severe. His
body is to be buried in ooe of tbe passages
in the castle, alengside the remauts of the
antornes Rah, the perpetrator of the Sea-
field -hall mnrders. As epos the occasion
was the Mt named criminal suffered, the
solemnity of the scene was added to by a
large Meek flag warieg over the cantle
How 10 LAT UT MensillY row • Illint
DAT. —A nesibm. of years ago, Charles amid
Clara 8—were resoled in the eity of Near
York. Charles was wealthy end in good
for • yoo•g man which leaded, of et unre to
Feeling thot ha. py rid independent sf the
worlds frown.. is• proposed to hie yeetbfol
....elm. of his buena" • h:ch shoal be ••••
graft..1 on the finely ttee-san ars *mat
aa wily be •isprsed to which. in wilielt the
ierrely llaira made niit the slights.' epee-eli-
peiferveing his agreenscat and making se le-
vities ow la tie dispentiim of her mime!
Ss hie bet er hilt% Whim they had bees,
marocil wets. tee years, Fortune. which had
smiled *Me instancy. naddeely turned him
ate, sad left Atm appametly htgh lad 4.*
smog .be twireskrrs ril W•11 street . %V heal
ihe envoi laid SATNINI, be went kerne wi It a
hasty 11,40. to ••110.,Dee the sad oew• to
ais wife, that lis was al trretriemahly ?me-
wl IROn—lAil Alo roraly hod rot gone so
-iit itfy hie venture, sad witting wee lob.
Not exartM so bad se tbit any dyer," mid
Clam .. Wait • aninoity, sail mei what 1
lye illowbot sis tit
lens ANIS.