The Citizen, 1986-02-05, Page 8PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1986.
Getting right down to it, students from East Wawanosh Public School in Belgrave held their winter games
as part of their winter carnival last Thursday.
Mrs. Helen Stonehouse
Calvin-Brick holds
annual meeting
Fifteen members of Calvin-
Brick United Church gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Dow on Sunday evening, January
26 for theii annual meeting. Rev.
JohnG. Roberts was chairman and
Ivan Dow was secretary.
Mrs. Roy Dawson, treasurer,
presented the financial reports
which showed the General Fund
just meeting its obligation while
contributions to the Mission and
Service Fund was up $650 over last
year. A vote of thanks was
extended to the members for their
support locally and abroad.
Elected to Session were Mrs.
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Bryan Coultes, and David Bee
croft; to the Board of Stewards,
George Inglis, Roy Dawson; Trus
tee, Gordon McBurney, all for a
three year term, to retire in 1988.
U.C.W. representative is Mrs.
Donald Dow.
Sunday School Superintendent
is Donald Dow; ushers, and
offering stewards, Donald McBur
ney, Jim McGee, Wayne Lamb,
Stephen Dow, Grady Lamb, Darcy
Lamb, Cathy Dow, Angela Coul
tes, Heather Shiell, Jason Coultes,
Bradley Shiell, Joanne Olson and
Marylou Dow. The music commi
ttee includes Mrs. Donald Dow,
Word was received on Saturday
morning, February 1 that Mrs.
Murray McDowell of Cookstown
had passed away in the Barrie
Hospital. Weextend our sympathy
to Murray and Heather McDowell
of Cookstown and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifton Walsh and other relatives
of this area.
Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mrs.
George McGee and Mrs. Wayne
Lamb. Auditors are Mrs. George
McGee and Mrs. Donald Dow.
Gordon McBurney stated that 39
families were receiving the United
Church Observer. It was agreed to
continue with the Every Family
A vote of thanks was extended to
Rev. and Mrs. John Roberts for
their leadership during the year.
Rev. Roberts closed the meeting
with prayer. A social half hour
followed. A vote of thanks was
extended to Gloria and Donald
Muriel Coultes
Mrs. Muriel Coultes, Mrs.
Wilma Higgins, Mrs. Mary Hun
ter, Mrs. Barbara Anderson and
Mrs. Edith Vincent attended the
annual meeting of the Huron-Perth
Presbyterial of the United Church
Women held in Exeter United
Church on Monday, January 27.
Muriel was presented with a
U.C.W. Life Membership Certifi
cate and Pin in appreciation of her
leadership as president of the
Huron-Perth Prebyterial for the
past two years.
Mrs. Alma Langford of Exeter
newly elected president, made the
presentation and thanked Muriel
for the great amount of time, hard
work and enthusiasm she had put
into the work of the United Church
8 tables
at euchre
Eight tables were in play at the
weekly euchre which was held in
the W.I. Hall Wednesday, January
Winners were: high lady, Mrs.
Agnes Bieman; most lone hands,
lady, Mrs. Robert Grasby; low
lady, Mrs. VerenaBone; highman,
George Johnston; most lone
hands, man, Jim Coultes; lowman,
Leslie Vincent.
There will be euchre again this
Wednesday evening starting at 8
p.m. Everyone is welcome.
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