HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-01-29, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29,1986. PAGE 11.
Mrs. Mildred Lawlor
Anglicans bid
farewell to Lyons
The annual vestry meeting of St.
Mark’s Anglican church was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lawrence on Friday, January 17 at
7 p.m. with a good attendance.
Rev. Robin Lyons opened the
meeting with prayer. In his
address to the congregation he
thanked all the people who had
helped to make a successful year
for the church. The minutes of the
last Vestry meeting were read by
the Vestry Clerk Marion Haggitt.
Bess Slater gave the financial
report and budget, and fire
insurance was discussed and the
other financial matters.
The Officers were re-elected
from last year as follows: Rector’s
Warden, Fred Lawrence; Deputy
Rector’s Warden, Bob Slater;
Peoples’ Warden, Rudy Leibold;
Deputy People’s Warden, Lucille
Arthur; Treasurer, Bess Slater;
Lay delegate to Synod, Joan
Leibold; Assistant Lay delegate to
Synod, Bess Slater and Vestry
Clerk, Marion Haggitt.
After the meeting a lovely
smorgasbord dinner was served.
As our Rector and his wife Jennifer
and baby Johnathon are leaving
our parish to take up a new position
in The Anglican Church in Tillson-
burg, a gift was presented to them
by our Lay reader Victor Stack
house. Both Rev. and Mrs. Lyons
replied to the presentation. This
was their first parish and they are
going to be greatly missed. Rev.
Lyons thanked the Lawrence
family for their hospitality.
Euchre was played to finish off
the evening.
Wl studies
The monthly meeting of the
Women’s Institute was held Tues
day, January 21 at 2 p.m. at the
Community Hall. The meeting
opened with the Ode, Mary
Stewart Collect and O Canada. The
meeting was in the charge of Mrs.
Bud Chamney and Marjorie Me
Mrs. Chamney spoke on our twin
province, Prince Edward Island
and Gary Shuttleworth showed a
film on it and it was very
The president Mrs. Len Ar
chambault opened the meeting
with a poem “Wait” and welcom
ed everyone present. The minutes
of the last meeting and treasurer’s
report was given by secretary Mrs.
Robert Peck and was approved as
Roll call was answered by 13
members present. Correspon
dence was read and dealt with and
discussions took place.
Card Report was given by Lillian
Leatherland and collection was
Viola Raithby read two poems,
“DoThings InThis Week’’ and
“Don’t Let Things Go Wrong’’.
Lilliam Leatherland read a hum-
orousreading “NeverOverlook
today, Looking over Tomorrow’’.
The Queen and Grace were
sung. A delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Bud Chamney, Mrs. Viola
Raithby and Lillian Leatherland.
Prizes were won by Marian
Haggitt, Donna Powell and Mar
jorie McDougall and a social time
was enjoyed by all.
Huron Chapel welcomes new pastor
The new year was ushered in by
an adult fellowship gathering held
at the chapel. Games, a film, lunch
and prayer made up the program.
Many hours have been spent in
renovating and decorating the
parsonage in preparation for the
arrivalofthenewpastor and his
wife, Rev. James and Lorraine
Carne. The house was finished
sufficiently on January 10 to have a
surprise house-warming and kit
chen shower for them.
Sunday, January 12 was the
occasion for the installation service
for Pastor Carne. Jim Campbell,
chairman of the official board, was
incharge. Rev. Gary Shuttleworth,
past of the Auburn United Church,
read the scripture. Mrs. Joy
Collins, youngest of Pastor
Carne’s four daughters, provided
the special music. The Rev. Ed
Prosser, District Superintendent,
preached the sermon and admini-
tered the charge to the new pastor
and the congregation. Pastor
Carne thanked the congregation
for their gracious welcome and
their generosity which placed more
than three hundred dollars worth
of groceries in the parsonage
pantry. David Baan responded to
the charge for the congregation,
expressing appreciation for the
ministry of the new pastor and his
wife that had been received since
they first supplied the pulpit last
July. Ninety people were present
for the service.
On January 14 the Missionary
Women International met at the
home of Marilyn Campbell to hear
Barbara Sparks, a member of the
local congregation who has been
serving as a missionary in Nigeria.
She ministered also in the services
on January 26.
Knox Church holds
annual meeting
Communion was celebrated by
Rev. Gordon Pickell of Goderich
and minister Gary Shuttleworth
conducted the worship service at
Knox United Church, Auburn on
After church the congregation
was served lunch and the congre
gational annual meeting followed.
The meeting opened with prayer
and Gary Shuttleworth was elected
chairman, the secretary was Maur
ice Bean.
Auburn euchre
winners announced
Five tables of euchre were in
play January 22 at Auburn Com
munity Hall and winners were high
man, Tom Hallam; low man,
Murray Rollinon; high lady, Fran
ces Clark; low lady, Anne Giousher
and novelty, Edgar Daer.
Euchrepartiesare held every
Wednesday night at the Com
munity Hall at 8 p.m. Everyone is
Knox church holds
The minister Gary T. Shuttle
worth was in charge of the service.
Organ and piano prelude was given
by Mrs. Barry Millian and daugh
ter Lorri.
The choir sang, “This is My
Body’’. The Junior congregation
was in charge of Joyce Bean, Lori
Armstrong and Donna Lynn Arm
The minister’s sermon was
“The Supper of The Lamb’’. Rev.
Pickell of Goderich served Com
munion. Offering was received by
Murray Rollinon and Greg Parks.
Auburn news briefs
Marjorie McDougall visited on
the weekend with her cousins Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Cape and Carol of
In Memoriam was held for
Robert Armstrong, Mrs. Ernest
(Maxine) Durnin and Mrs. Norman
(Viola) McDowell.
The nominating committee,
Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Peter
Verbeekand Mrs. Marinus Bakker
broughtinthefollowing report:
Session, Elliott Lapp and Maurice
Bean; Board of Stewards, Larry
Plaetzer, W. L. Craig, Jack
Armstrong; Manse Committee,
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bean; Church I
Auditors, Mrs. Ethel Ball and Mrs. I
Teade Bakker; Missions and Ser
vice Treasurer’s, Miss Betty
Marsh and Mrs. Gordon Chamney,
assistant; Flower Fund, Mrs. Ross
Robinson; Nominating Commit
tee, Mrs. Peter Verbeek, Mrs. |
Marinus Bakker and Mrs. Law- |
rence Plaetzer.
Session members from this year
on will be elected for a three-year
terms with a maximum six years in
Oliver Anderson was appointed
The Mission and Service Report
showed the congregation had
exceeded its objective of $3,800. A
motion was made by Orville
McPhee and Marjorie McDougall
that $3800 be the objective for
Tributes were paid by several
members to Mrs. Barry Millian
following the reading of her letter
of resignation as choir director to
take effect June 30.
Appreciation was expressed at
the meeting to Jim Giousher for
blowing snow with his tractor at the
church and manse. The treasurer’s
report showed a good year and
Marjorie McDougall agreed to
carry on as church treasurer.
Other Officers appointed for
another year were: assistant trea
surer, Mrs. Gordon Gross; captain
of ushers, Peter Verbeek, assistant
Murray Rollinson; Sunday School
superintendent, Mrs. Allen Web
ster; Sunday School treasurer,
Miss Julie Glenn.
Appreciation was expressed by
the Clerk of Session Barry Millian
to Rev. Pickell for his services and
advice as Supervising Minister.
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