HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-01-22, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1986. AUBURN NEWS Mrs. Mildred Lawlor 526-7589 Auburn People Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson of Meaford and Mrs. Bonnie Armour of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin and Mrs. E. Straughan. Mr. J. K. Young of Mitchell visited recently with Ellen John­ ston and Laura Phillips. Mr. a.id Mrs. Don Cartwright spent the weekend in toronto with their daughter Lorri who is attend- WMS holds ing Humber College. Mr. Ross Robinson returned home from Alexandera Marine and General Hospital, Goderich on the weekend. Knox United plans communion Sunday Worship in Knox United Church was under the leadership of the Minister Gary T. Shuttle­ worth. Organ Prelude was by Miss Lori Millian. The junior choir sang “You Know Lord’’ under the direction of Mrs. Allan Webster and pianist was Lori Millian. Junior congregation was led by Margo Middelkamp, Donna Lynn and Lori Armstrong. The mini­ ster’s sermon was entitled “Stum­ bling Blocks to Spiritual Power”. Offering was received by Mur- ray Rollison and Peter Verbeek. January 26 will be Holy Com­ munion Service and right after the Unit Iltobring sandwiches. Plan to service will be the Annual meeting with luncheon served by U.C.W. Unit I to bring “finger” desserts. attend. Auburn euchre winners named The weekly euchre party was held Wednesday, January 15atthe community hall. The winners were: high lady, Kay Lapp; low lady, Marg Brooks; high man, Len Shobbrook; low man, Ray Hannah; novelty, Jane Giousher Euchre parties are held every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. SNELL’S GROCER Y 523-9332 BLYTH OPEN:TUES.-SAT.9 6 CLOVER LEAF PINK meeting The January meeting of the Auburn Presbyterian W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Warner Andrews. The president Mrs. Martha Daer presided and gave the call to worship. She welcomed all to the meeting. The Devotional was led by Mrs. Lillian Leatherland who read the Scripture portion. The Meditation was on “The New Year”, followed by Prayer. The study portion was in charge of Mrs. Martha Daer who re ada Missionary story from the Mission Update. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lilliam Leatherland on February 11 at 1:30 p.m. SALMON 99 7.5 OZ. MAXWELL HOUSE OR NABOB GROUND COFFEE «... <.1.29 KELLOGGS 675 G. CORN FLAKES I 1 79 REDPATH GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR [REG. 2.09] 2 KG. 1 .69 MONARCH ADDED TOUCH CAKE MIXES 34 attend Silver Top dinner The Silver tops had their Pot Luck dinner on Wednesday, Jan­ uary 15 at Community Hall with 34 members present. The afternoon as spent playing cards and shuffle­ board. Send us a letter The snow is still falling. See us about these SNOWBLOWERS 6’ McKee SA....................700 2-6V2’ Geo. White SA750ea. 7’ McKee SA.....................900 7’Seaforth SA...................695 7’ Geo. White SA.......... 750 7’ Husky DA..................1,000 No Namefront mount......500 2-86’’ DA McKee’s. 1,200 ea. 1-86” DA John Deere.... 1,295 N.I. 702 Unit System w/9’ snowblower........$6,995 Don’t forget about TheCanada Farm Show Jan.28,29,30,31 McGavin’shave a bus going to The Farm Show on Jan. 28,29. For moredetailscall Mary Lou at McGavin’s. McGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. 887-6365 527-0245 WALTON RED LABEL SHORTENING 89 9 COUNTRY CROCK SOFT MARGARINE il, £.OU STOKLEYS PEAS, CREAM CORN WAXORGREENBEANS WHITE LABEL BEANSWITHPORK 14 OZ..59 .5919 OZ. DEL MONTE UNSWEETENED PINEAPPLECHUNKS 19 OZ..89 KRAFT PURE STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM 500 ML.2.39 KRAFT SMOOTH PEANUTBUTTER 1 KG.3.29 KLEENEX EAPI Al TICCIIEC 200’s .95r A U1A L 11 bo U Lo Hl DRI PAPERTOWELS 2 ROLLS .99 HEAD & SHOULDERS CONDITIONER SHAMPOO 350 ML.3.49 BOUNCE FABRICSOFTENER 40 SHEETS 3.49 FLEECY LIQUID FABRICSOFTENER 3.6 L.2.89 ARCTIC POWER POWDERED DETERGENT 6 L.4.49 VIVID LIQUID BLEACHFORCOLOURS 2 L.2.89 VANISH CRYSTALS TOILETBOWLCLEANER 1.4 KG.1.59 CHIQUITTA NO. 1 BANANAS MEAT MARY MILES BONELESS BY THE PIECE DINNERHAM per lb. 2.49 OR DELI SLICED PER LB. 2.99 SCHNEIDERS 24 THIN CHEESESLICES 500 G.2.99 FLEISHMANS 1/< SQUARES MARGARINE **#**«**##*##*****##*####**#*** 3 LB.2.79 1.69 RED LABEL SLICED SIDEBACON 500 G. CANADIAN QUEEN COOKEDHAM 175 G.1.19 DAVERN FARMS WIENERS 450 G..99 DAVERN BEEF AND PORK BREAKFASTSAUSAGE PER LB.1.39 DAVERN SWEET PICKLED 1/2’s COTTAGE ROLL PER LB.1.29 U.S. CELERYSTALKS PER LB.39 SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 163’s PER DOZ. 1.29 U.S. NO. 1 LETTUCE HEAD EACH 69 .99 C.P. BULK WIENERS PER LB..79 16 OZ. TANGERINES 176’s PER DOZ.1.19 U.S. NO. 1 CAULIFLOWER 1.49 ONT. NO. 1 CARROTS 2 LB..59 U.S. RADISHES .59 FROZEN FOOD McCAIN UNSWEETENED ORANGE JUICE w/2 oz.1.19 CHAPMANS ICECREAM 2 L.1.59 PEPPERIDGE FARM LAYERCAKES 1.39 SUNSHINE FANCY VEGETABLES 3.49 3.29 4.49 GREENPEAS GREENCUTBEANS BRUSSELSSPROUTS 5 LB. 5 LB. 5 LB. HIGHLINER FISH STICKS OR FISH IN BATTER 700 G.2.99 B-GRADE CRINKLE CUT OMSTEAD FANCY FRENCHFRIES 5 LB.1.99 BROCCOLISPEARS 2.59