HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-12-25, Page 1about as much ebaace of success agmyself. I eagle, a low deaeose wall to the left encir-
OatO I tried to speak to him, but he turned ,les a piece of rising ground, on winch a
aside, mad avoided in with a scantier that comfortable but plain ma°sioo•bonse stands.
tbero could be oo mialakiag. 'Phis surprir The lands are evidently farmed by an ea -
0d me, for I Iiad so roaaou to •oppose that he perienred a,ri• ulturi,t
W ever seen face before. and without being
A paragraph fin one of the papers at last nus sseparpecies ested py any ewrns or nti fic labour Ile rare
threw some light on the matter. 'The Bou- carried on in the scientific
operty short
gstetiere had never been so friendless or un- drive bangs the wayfarer to the village of
protected as people had imagined: In all Templetuohy, the appanage of " Loog lir-
ber fie was accompanied or ra- chard,' and the dullness of the place is re-
ther followed by her father ; whenever she tieird by nothing either by the way of bu-
#topped, then' he stopped also, and neverodnens or
gossiping. The pies that creep
was he distant more than a dozen yards. L .at rare inlet vats through the omg street are
wonder that be was not recognized by bun- more sedate and stolid than their kindred in
deeds, but I eonelnde he made some change livelier localities ; the policeman at the Bar-
in bis attire or appearance, from time to rack seems as if nothing but a decent mur-i
time. Ooe morning this strange pair were der could excite his professional feelings
proceeding ou their ramble, as usual, when, into activity ; and the yawn on the face of
passing through a rather secluded etteet, the sleepy butter, whose imagination must
the Bouijurturn made a sudden hound from Gave lave been originally very great to
' the pavement, sprL,g into a post rbaise,tbe think he could drive a trade here, takes
door Uf which stood u,,,•g, sod was immedi- sure, aA immense time in settling down,that
' fatly whirled away, as fast as four borsrs one legius to feat for the safety of the vie -
could tear—lessing the old man alone with bei to ennui. Mete isa parish church, a
lin despair, and the basket ofMlowerslibel up..n the art of Parladio, a mystery of
Three months have pawed army sines the ugliness, and without the charity of an ivy
disappearance of the Ba//u-ti,re; but on- branch to corer its nakedness; and midway,
ly a few days syice I found n, If one eve- in the line of dwellitas, there is an open or
ring very doll at one of Il.ose'•hrillianl res lane on the left, which requires tbe, open
eeptiona" for %:itch karts is ro famous. 1 sesame of a local guide to bring a knowt-
was making for tate door, with a view to an edge of the Part that this cul dr sac ii the
early departure, when my how,* detainedsite of a ckipel. The budding is maall,the
me, for the purpose of presentiu.; me to a ground darkened by some trees and enelos-
lady who was monopolizing all the admire -j ed walls, and, when I entered, the hrat,and
01,jk yiih;
• f,g rev s e
•.'ty is liar m ver able\
too curios,.
?SE PRE U r esY ctors of Itis diaatres, rbcs
'LO Wyr ( oat appropriate d tt(Itaad-
Troll i• jj aeeoanf; and f where tI.t at
ergs•, •I bar the tbet.tres, 1lermance might
I sinus . n'W bar ow terms• Tlut uo-
nor 't turfs fab; a sueeeeded in
I use ,
pr ,andbewasfel • o.Shot 411 eonlemnt. There
isT In of the drains.
der _ttI*wholipelb: t
1 ,a• pdI agd to let ee could never dei -
Parr Mligd 17*. c would rather be Ro-
W tJ /i She refused the part
• ▪ t liir of t'.orfto
J.tea min• 1:bede iown seenuto. to be an alma on ber
git oyes, a M, limey be ,
le Jia
im _aria f rte &f
items was e
+unit d that where there was
pretty !h%i, A mss' onmety, imagination world not he
but, at thin
H Tn hive believed iii the ronAieting
,,1 t ; •i lryra almet lleetnanee, would be to romp
addressed • the tone]Mi ththat 'she was the stolen
with Ilii a Jai tic old of noble parent/t reit up by an
a girl. Sba a 4r aA s refer; but t.,il' Ibr•r father was
of dowers, * ilafiy+ 2t11tailor of Jfasnlute MLitt, who lived a con-
dor less than ate of Ile Jam- t.ted life of enntinuel drunken,•, nn the
it of his Jaugh'cr's industry; that !.r
with the d,fcreate tont t1r pernhrr was a deceased durbess---but, o,n
fount, done r. to a more Pr- i other band, was aline, and carried on
flourishing business of a hlanehtms ruse.
or the private life of the young lady
If, it was reflected in such a magic mir-
of s;:ch contradictory imposs'liilitiee,• m
delirate &scuuinn hall open the subject
1 nne IuJ no choice but to disbelieve
fly along the Ifculi1W iE
die 'sample of some oder
why I feral were slur;
riser onp
io tl ;
/LINT JACkso .
Farnham hops are world famous, or at
least famous in that liege portion of the
world where Englisli ale is drunk and where-
on, I have a thousand time, heard and read,
aT TM, any 01 TMa 1aaa.
suddenly genrrnns Flint Jackson, though
hnw to set about it was a matter of gone
siderable difficulty. There was no 10O
pretence for a s,•arch-warrant, and I doubt.•
ed the prudence of proceeding upon my
own responsibility with 0 astute an old fns
as Jackson was represented to be ; for sup -
of the pleasant Sorry village, in and about tilers, he had by this time is all probability
which the events I rias about to relate oc- bur -
',sent the stolen property away—to London
curred, is, I may fairly pressume known lien all likelihood ;and should I End nothing,
to many of the readers. I was ordered to'tlac consequence of ran,ac:fog lin house
Farnham, to investigate a caof burglary,' merely because be had provided a former
committed in the house of a gentlemen of-saervent with legal assistance would be aeri-
the name of ltursley, during, the tem -I us. Coder throe circumstances I carob
porary aboeoce of the family,
which t" beadyuarters for iuslrsctious, and by re-
turn of post rcceiseu orders to prosecute the
Aad completely nonplussed the unpracticed _ injury thuraigl Iv, but cautiously, and to con-
1)ogberrys of the place, albeit it was not a sider time as nothing so long as there app -
riddle at all difficult to read. The prem; -. penned a chance of fsaiag Jackson with the
sea, it was quickly plain to me, had been Built of receiving Ile on
broken not into, but out of ; and a watch suspicious cirrumstaaoe that I have omitted
to notice in its place was that tbe Guilford
being set upon the motions of the very ape- solicitor tendered hail for the prisoners to
pious and clever person left in charge of any amount, and named Enoch Jackson as
the house and property, it was speedily one of the securities. Bail was, however
discovered that the robbery had been elfec- refused.
led by herself and a confederate of the There was no need for over-hurryintthe
....;cess, as the prisoners were committed
name of Dawkins, her brother-in-law.— to the Surrey Spring Assizes, and it was
Some of the stolen goods were found se- now the season of the bop-hnrrest—a de-
lightful at his lodging; but the moat ralu- hghtful and b,lvrions period about k'arttham
able portion, consisting of plate, and a small wbpn the weather i, titin and the yield abun-
quantity of swelter dant 1, Irowerer, lost no lino w snaking
1 y, had
; it diligent amt minute ioquin as to Uiq clarac-
had yuestiouless been. converted into money ter and babies of Jacksoe, and the remit
a, considerable sums, in sovereigns, were was a lull conviction that nothing but the
n open t Dawkins and the woman, fear of heti denounced as an accomplice
! tarok Pertly. \ow, as it had been +heirmiserly, *run
- hearted rogue 10 pet himwlfcould have induced such ato charges in
ly ascertained that ;;tither of the r^soaers detente of the imprisoned burglars.
lion of tine -venin---she was the newly indeed the only principal object that struck
the view was a spar;
• ` One day a new impulse were given to married bride ofa coons German Barnn of
,!Igo;a.i,ar .
,latisg and remain
, • a gauss sa PI
c easary aglowt -1
e aimmtserie;
gnwip by the appearance of the Bou- great wealth, and noted fora certain wild
kind of genius, and utter scorn of conven-
tionalities. The nest instant I found my-
self introduced to a pair of eyes that could
never he mistaken. 1 dropped into a va-
cant chair by their side, and entered into I
conversation. The Barone observed that
she had met Inc before, but could not re-
member where, and in the same breath ask- 1
e. men was a lover of &were
ase in a steriina batof some expensive
and of a mike bordering on the mi-
lk It could tint be, doubted that!
fits of her light labmm were sufci-
crit to tcaLle her to multiply sorb finery to
din wily extent had she chosen; but in
aria tbe adnptioa of a bonnet nr a hat, in
✓ t d g' ctlon In the tittlehe
♦ s ' rittdte, i• considered an assumption of a
suix•rier genie, and c . , p?bi
coo ra :• rra rap or t
• , w .,,,.Qua ^ of Ilse wearer, is resented
ruy1,' • as impertinence. In l'aris, indeed, the
Yeety belie/41,w I are only two classes of woman—those wi
%cr. i s„t her a1 I bOSa .y,, and those without; and these stars
r{. _a `the •::r relation to clic another as t
h, ,:ogres, ,r :r ri,.:•s into which the world m
and to flet t be lis le 1 the pnwrn that be, and t
a ,.,,,,atter t0 tbei powen that want to be. Under these ei
eco u, h aa- I , it may bre sepl,osed that th
w•,i f rail\ s cumdtncrs
T 1pou t lstttsa. I.i• fug a+ surmises were many and marvelous. Th
ss one summer's .lay - u lits!' Nofputirrr•was becoming proud
y a means of rxi.tcnep . lady; but how 7 why 7 and, ahoy
d so frac fwd ioii•itrnal + :131m,1i;c w•
;;yr s never mor
lid impres,ir•n of unrrriii/y• pant ands! over+ molt inventir
likened to a a sa h, or a naiad,' .
7 pur r..y part, i s:;w unthin `in aiiy o
the eertaiiu ,omettiog that her., t:
” er int•itiLatin • tVi'e p n"-itl.y, in thrmsekrs, o
hack to the theatre, y a tes'eeoad lkyabl.t; ntain6 could have des -
at once, with the stransr, iudescri
senses .1,6,11;n
hosed 2U.te strop„ intrrcst which I Intl to
ja,cint fun. of tint ctiaadr lte1 s—close I krh in tat gut; and it would have require
and perfumed air -out-heists, a. • fiddler.' souieAiing msec pcteut t!,an t straw hat
Lvesimg often evening 1 saw the sone however reo ,wettish in cro,vn, and audriou•
sir{, rally at the same., place --and, it in brim—to base gluten ma belief in be
say w readily uuagined, became este of the I
,ac•se coo,tant of her. ',. atelle. I learned, , truth and g0odaess, Apr presence, for the
too, u many facts rearing to her as 4,euW I aecuslamed kw 11411°",'in the afteinoo
or evening; became to me—I will not say
be learned
wire most was mstery. tier
gear and +suasive ..de' of necessity, but certainly a habit; and a habt
sine ng 11 swtiieicntydesrntk when
,( be Aow4 (a mode which has sins, Irr-
I f
I (mud both ll
y I liad left Farabam uace the burglary, it wino\ t toe afternoon, whilst pondering the ma
an iron fence, and with a tnagaified bead-
• stone. There were two Ines down in a wide
pit, and I . feared to ask them What they
were about, or for whom their offices were
meant, . . the courtesy of Ian
guage of Sbakspearebs clown, " Cudgel th
brains no more about it, for your dull as
will not mend his pace with beating." I
was rather an anomaly that the greatest
theiP - d be in connection with
I muttered something about lot
we cap
M Oat
too A
dis la of hfe es
as ty in any shape, and admired a boquet interest in the village should be the grave.
re which she held in her hand, I And this is truly so, for in this quiet and st-
th 'I he Baronne selected a flower, and asked . eluded spot the remains of the dramatiet,the
d me if it wan nota peculiarly fines cimen. I orator, and the statesman, are destined to out wording,and abrupty I o tobacco f which as sufrscat\i a nerefull
p y Pe ,
be f L assented ; ani the flower, not fain redo- rc c I+eerfornie lone
$ pose, and r►irhiti a week from hence will coming from a servant to tier former mos ' I trived to edge ourselves in ; and my com-
fy minded, 1 did not return it. The confer- have been trasaferred to Templetuohy all ter, suggested nothing. I had carefully panion stealthily pointed out the group, who
be; sation changed to other subjects, and short- that is mortal of Richard Lalor Shirt. The reck,lned the number of sheeta of paper
r-1 ly after the Baronne took her leave with grave -digger had his triumph when he, sent into the cell, now on recounting them
e her husband. They left Paris nett day for rudely ;moralising, said that his work made found that three were a missing. '1'l1e
e t the Baron's family estate, and I have never all classes equal, and yet there was a rever- turnkey returned immediately, and asked ed to his name. l le was a w
— I seen them since. emtial t• M ia, the Ira , gnarkd-
y bealluded to the for the two other letters she had written.— heavy -\rowed, iron Jawed fellow of afoul
e 1 learned, subsequently, that some strange trig house' and to ' the master' that was g lrsixty, with greedy
set eyestaaglowis with older
The woman denied having written any ler and greedy instincts. His wife older
e stories had obtained cirehlation respecting gone.—S•rs nders, other, and forproof pointed to the torn app y
e. the • previous life of the Bayonne. What- ' p elan he, nod so deafa arehtl as the door
fever they were, it is very certain that this fragments of the misting sheets lying on of a dungeon, wore a simpering, imbecile
A IIoAVEh's `OL[LOQCT.—Oh dear! the floor. These were gathered u and "took of wonderment, it seemed to me, at the
f ' or some other reason has made the proles1 , presence of such unusual and abundant cheer
1 %ion of Bovqucture most inconveniently , der! Wisat a world this is!—This brought to nue, but 1 could make nothing J'he young people. who lodged with Jack-
- popular in Paris. ]•oung ladies of all ages
ored+ as Chaleapeare very beautifully re- con -
out of them, every word hav,og been carr- nothing'
were really a very fiADI, honest, good -
d) that can, with any degree of courtesy, be +hat's is all a cattle slow, for man's dila- lastly run through with the pen, and con -I looking couple, though not then appearing
tion sen -and -and woman's too." That's a vented into an unintelligible blot. 'fie to advantage—the countenance of Henry
— . included in that category, and of all deg mss B' Itrrgers being limbed and inflamed with
- ofbeauty.short of the hunch -back, may be -act' :haksprarcps right! This here is a request contained in the actually written
r' seen in all directions intruding their flowers cry—a very checkered life. Inter was one simple enough in itself, mere -
with fatal pertinency upon inoffensive lour-! Tins world is given to fault-finding, Ire_ ly. ` that Mr. Jackson would not on any
D. gens, end making war upon button iciest enjus,—\ow here's my wife --kicked up account fail to provide her, in considera-
a I that never did theta any harm. The you°- great row, just because I mea( to }Jed with tion of peat services, with legal assistance
evereoet boots and hal on the morrow.' The first nine words
t gest of the young girls, 1 find, are beings y ° ' when 'he were strongly u
trained to the calling, who are all destined,' ew T wanted to get up Tery airly m the gy ndcrlined; and I made out
I to marry distinguished fore; ccs roornin,' and start ofiimmejitl on 'portant
after agood deal of trouble that the word
manifest there was a receiver near at hand' ter, and at the same time enjoying the pret-
whn had purelased tt,e missing ,riches. -1 tint fwd ehcerfulcst of rural sight, that of
Dawkins and reedy were however, dumb hop-1'rkiog'tlw apothecary at whose Louse
1 was loetgiap we will call him her. Mor -
as stones upon the subject ; and nothing j gun; he tens a 'Wel-high—tapped me sod -
occurred to point suspicion till early in the I denlj on the shoulder, and looking sharply
evening previous to the second examination
of the prisoners before the magistrates,
when Sarah reedy asked for pen, ink, and
paper for the purpose of writing to one Mr.
Jackson in whose servi'e she, had formerly
hied. I happened to be at tle'prison, and
of course took the liberty of carefully unseal -I
og her note and reading it. It revealed
nothing ; and save by its extremely cauti-
round. ] perceived be had something be
deemed of importance to communicate.
What is it !' 1 said quickly.
' The oddest thing in the world. Then'%
Flint Jackson, his deaf old woman, and the
young people lodging with him, all drinking
and bozzing away al yon ale house.'
' Show them to me, it you please.''
A few minutes brought us to the place
of boisterous entertainment, the lower room
were seated together near the farther win-
dow, and then Int me to ,myself.
The appearance of Jackson entirely an:
awered to time popular prefix of Flint altach-
corse wnno,tha° vulgarised by bad Unita -
madefair fare and a trader noise bare suppose, y e
made me -1 will ant say "cad and bfisd," from some distant and facetious covptrry. business, She's very particular to inquire
what business it is that calls Inc out so &Hy'
tis) was sing -inlay her own graceful i„_
stiaet-•or whim, if you will. it was some -
Ling aro pad natural, asnuti•d many, wail,
it daplea fd none. T1t stcrnct of stotlt-
broken, even, could Dot chose but be de-
corated.; Accordingly, this new Nydia of
Tbessalj went out with her basket one day,
awoke salt mortuug, and found herself fa -
as tbe remainder Eddie line would ;annuals, 1 should have mentioned before, Bat a
but most deliciously io ens senses, and most friend. calling neon me the morning after
luxurinnsly wide awelc! my meeting with the Marmite saw the
Bat to corse to the eatasttephe— flower which she had planed in my hand
” One morn we missed her in the accustomed standing in a glass of water on the table.—
\rat only, indeed An iluck me"Dky.
, from 'arrteitomed' and thing ofea the languag: e of o flowersyou 1n'ow Ianasi:-;
!,rnhahle spots, but from uoarcoatnme 1. el.
unprobable, and even impossible sent‘—all
mamas, there sou much discussion, of which were dilly searched—was she :Moe -
wow ysti&aLes, as to who Ibis Queen ed. In short, she was not to he found at
if Mr. edam be. -where she
by d— a11m All was amazement on the Boulevards
eat was known of ber Hardened old f1,... s turned 1 d
e. More than their rouge, and smite of the
teras eie°t--You may guess 1
thee.* wig bounds --true_
ea der steps far* 11;11 oigbl
Ns is, m via. Iia disposed of,
s`s was grams;! 111' old man,
rested** el". took with
a ecoisieace,llat • ' him as
•' perest Or 111".. ..4 alwaysaw_`
emptied sor hems
M tattiarae, M 61ielr
jaw Al Ard \tier
YtlaNyd 10
Iles•1Wt this is da ltdtste
. 1, Aaw
+te ou
"" Yitin
sselasgeP"'twestT t
1LIF + . s
.sir tis, .
w„ a..,
Ike IDA VWIllus
41.4".' 'tar d!M
1011WOr tkaah
.• . 41,
pa a nn er
younger ones
went about with dropping moustaches, whir
for want of the are, bad fallen into the
' yellow leaf.'
A few days sufficed, however, for tbe
cure of thew senlimenlalisfa A clever
little monkey at the Hippodrome, and a
condemns who stood OS Ma head while be
ate his dinner, became the immedidie oh:
jean of istarest, and Hermance seemed to
be forgssttea. i was ogre of the few wbn
retained any hope yf finding her, and m
wanders s for that purpose, without as
, dee, isfortstajlion, or Atdiratios, see
*Ow something absurd. In the course
walks, I met an aid mos, who wes
Mai her father, whom I
The copresident of
quite ar &—ieat to amens ase
till Its lit odea._ •ad with
Something,' was the reply.
Whet, then, is t11^_ meaning of this 1'
h Within six miles of Templemnre, but
nearer to the county of Kilkenny, is a small
village. called Tcmpletuohy, which the car-
nal visitor °erect Miters, and which offers
nothing to excite the interest of a stranger
either as regards its meal situation or the
attractions of 11e neighborhood. It is ap-
proached from the Kilkenny side,tbrnngh
wild and extensive bog, where in winter a
dull mist °bcenres the mew, and makes it
impossible to keep warm, even if wrapped
up in a Huston, drew::;aught ; and when at
length snore avenues of darkfir are ,pprba
pi -
ed• it i• found that they 11 lead to deso-
late vintage! hog, and they dsly renter the
landscape eves more desolate. however
dbe road bogies to assume more of a beaten
Rpnbsee—the fog gels lighter —the i•o-
Mkls fa tint so extreme. -20d, earning an
but I won't tell 'er. She's no right to in-
terfere into my business.—I don't in'efcre
in hers. 1 don't never ask her where elm
buys groceries and provisions, and geta trust
ed for 'em. 1 don't care where she buy
'em—if she only gets 'em without throwing
away the money for 'em. And then 5
finds fault wi' Inc for spendin' so much mo-
ney for ticker. But what am I pin' to
dew 1—Licker's cash. It can't be bort
without the dimes: --She says It hurts me,
and makes my hands peel --says that it would
take a great deal of new milk • to make a
man's band peel had. What o' that 1 Hain't
be men that sells ticker got to live 7 How
eau they pay rent if nobody patronizes 'pmt
That's a gnestion that goes to my heart
drink,and that of his wife's clouded with
frowns, at the situation in which she found
herself, and the riotous conduct of her hus-
band. Their brief history was this :—they
had both been servants in a family lising
not far distant from Farnham- fir Thom,.
Lethbridge's, 1 understood—when about
three or four months previous to the preeeut
time Flint Jackson, who bad once been in
' pretence' had been partially effaced, and an attorney's office, discovered that I lenry
' account' substituted for it. Rogers, in consequence of the death of ,a
distant relative in London, was entitled to
She need not have wasted three sheets property worth sornetbinr, like JC1,500._
of paper upon such a cors osical request 'there were, however, rogue law-ditLealties
as that," observed •the turnkey. 'Old in the way, which Jackson, offered, if time
Jackson wouldn't shell nut sixpence to save business was placed in his bands, to
her or anybody eke from the gallows.'
overc me fora cnnoideratinn, and in. the
s6r' meantime to supply board and loOgin sail
' I am of a different opinion ; but tell aasch necess,•ery sums of money as Leary
me, what sort of a person is this former
Rogers ,night require."illi this brilliant
master of Ier's ?' prospect in view service became at once
All I know about him ie that he's cross utterly distasteful. The fortunate legatee
ail forgrained, old curmudgeon, living about a I one of thennifl ladies'nmaids, adpretty, MarLibriskt'
mite out of Farnham, who scrapes money I eyed bivuette ; and they were both urged
in the boons of holy matrimony on the very
day the' warnings' they hall given expired,
Since then they had lined at Jarlaon'a
bows to daily ezpeetaIion of their •fortune;
with which they prnp;uan.d to start in the
public line.
} ;cling myself 1, I called
boldly fora pot astd a pipe, and after some
• R contrived to seat myeelfwieh.
in ear -shot of Jackass sad bis party.—
They promoted a amp study. llenr,
Rogers was borzteromiy excited. and cot
only drinking freely himself, but treating
a dosed of fellows round him, the coo of
which be front time to tune called upon
e Oki }fiat,' as he courtenusty styled La
ansient friend, to discharge.
' Come, fork oat, 01.1 FIlat!' be cried
again and amain. ' It 'II be all right you
knew, in a day or two, and • few balfpar0
ever. Shell out, old fellow 1 What lipli-
ke, so you're \app, 1,
Jackaos complied with an affectation of
aequiesreet reify ludic root to behold It
was evident that each a%ecessiee pull at
his puns was like wrenching a tooth o
his head. and yet while t
lite a arrer. When T think of the high
' rents that tavern keepers have to pay, 1
Oars go and take seething just to help 'em
along.—I've thought a good deal about this
lately,—they've vis on What's -his -name's
rent heron they way, and 1'N Just go over
and give him a small lift. OI. dear. this is
ea cberker'ed life.
agwrriktoa `Art
\'ALtTAIILP.—A Yankee has . invest-
ed a method to eats.
" Locale your a room m infested
by these animals, and on Mine. oat the
light. Tbea strew over your ow some
strong smelling cheese, three or four red
herrings, some barky meal or new malt,
and a sprinkling of dried codfish. Keep a-
wake till you find the rats at work, r)nrn
nsake o grab."
.f....•— "1”.""
•.:••• : •y,,a •
together, by lending small suns upon notes -
of -hand at start dates, and at a tbansikew
interest. Flint ,Tackson folk about here)
call him.
' A t all events, forward the letter at
once, and to -morrow we shall see—what
we shall see. good -evenings'
It turned out as I antfCipated. A few
minutes after the prisoners were brought
into the justice-roo , a Guilflore solicitor
of murk local celelh ity arrived, and an-
nounced that he ap)iiared for both the in-
eulpated parties. Ile wag allowed a pri-
vate conference with them4 at the close of
whri it he stated that his clients would re-
q. their defenre. They were at one,
committed for trial, and 1 overheard the
solicitor assure the woman that the ablest
roonsel on the kirgtit would be retained
in their behalf,
1 had no longer a doubt that it was my
duty to know anmethiwg further of this
'"dare as.44,.,.
.••J.yw. 11,.•