Huron Signal, 1851-02-13, Page 3l)t Immense ImportaUce to the 11 11 FT 111 1 1 L 1. AP. J• L IR 11r.:M O F. F A T'• VEGETABLE LIFE PIAS tabor. filtEATRETRE.YCHMENT IN �C Mai bet opedag at the Greet Western Depot. a Large Lod we1:-assorted NEW STOCK of CLOTIIING &DRY GEOODS!! At No. 11, Norte Side of Dundee Street, -_ opptielte the Robinson Hill, London. �WSUY 1t BURGESS AAE uvw epitome a f3pleael A.sorkrntt d FALL and MM►U'r CLOTHING made from u,e NowuN k4tyle. or Material, of French, English, Assrlean, and C!aas- tia Clotlt.,, manufactured by firet•clasr workmen, tinder theirgws auperinlendance. We cal' the 4tlrrtlt'n or the Public to the ! folk/wing LiST OF PRICES of Goo.. in j the Clut.etpg sod Dry Geode Duparturents COATIS. J; s d J: • d English and French Broad- cloth Coats, all colour., and'.tvies, 1 15 0to2 10 0 EDglish,French and Amen - can Beaver Coate, .1 15 0 to 2 1 U 0 English, Frencn, American and Canadian Doeskin, Tweed and Satinet Sport- ing Coate and Taglioni.'s,1 15 0 to 3 10 0 V ESTM. Clot►, Casimere, '!'weed .ad Doeskin, 0 7 6 t0 0 le 6 _. French and English, Plain and Fancy ('lush, Satin and Velvet Vests, 0 8 9 too 15 0 A large Stock of Plaid, (every variety,) 0 5 0 to 0 10 0 PANTS English,F rench, A n,erican, Platu and Fancy Doeskin Phots,•. 0 12 6tot 0 0 Canadian, American and English Tweed, Satinet and Full Cloth, 0 10 oto 0 17 0 A IargeSiock, (every variety,) cuobtautly oo hand or made to order.• HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS. ban., kc. American, F..trcb and English 11.t,, (Newest Styles.) English, American, California, Monterey. Hungarian and Wide-awake Felt Hats, all colour.. Fur Cloth and Glazed Caps. - White and Coloured Shirts, Newest Style and Patterns, all priers. DRY GOODS DEP.9RTME.V7' WILL CONSIST OF French and English Broad - clothe and Beaver., 7. 6d to 25s French, English, and Ameri- can Doeskins, 5. to 10s English, American, French,_ had Canadian Tweeds, Satieetts, kc., 3.94 to 6s 3d Striped Shirtiage, '74d to 104 Factory Cottons, lid to 71d Printed Cilicoe. [all widths,)' 5d to _ltd Murtha de Laine., Platde, Menem -A. Cu - burg., Orleans aid Alpsccas of every' style, le to 3s Ticking,fEnglish and-Alnencan]10 to 1. 3d Blankets, lis 3d to '.5. Red and White Flannel, 1s 3d to 3s Silk and Velvet Bonnets, 6s 3d to 12e 6d Cloak. sod Wales, 15. to 25s Woolen Shaws, all .pries. A Splendid ; Sack of Feryeonatstingof Stripe Masts, Mink, Squirrel and Sabre Muffs and Boas. Also Voctonner, all prices. 7 The Reason 11-hy we can and will SELL CIIEAP is as follows: We aro do -1 *ermined to .ell for Ready Money, there- fore have ro Bad Debts to make up, by patting on Large Profits. Our goats are• New -we have not to put on extra 1'rofita to pay for Remnants and Old Stock. And lot lint not least, we have deform:nod t., sell at One Price. -our Goedri aro .111 Marked in Plain Figures, and .Vo 4Ifwtr- ment wit be made. V. e have put or no•• slight a profit, that we cannot,{( we would, take off a Farthing, even tui our warmest (riende. And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, we respectfully solicit you to Gall and kr- mein,: our Stock before percbating else where, ae,we are determined to sell at the very lowest Prices. Garments made to order in the roe Fashionable Styles, and un the Neorlest Notice. LAWSON be RURGESS. No. 11, North side Duada. Street, op- posite Robinson lull. London, October 30, 13.50. v3 -n46 ♦/D PHCENIX BITTERS TM Mil, rad steeled at.le0y waw tas•a pi.-sil•..s Media W. ►..e wean* be user b.w sed• Sawry k •11 too dawar. shwa 'hey pray ss mw, W ,w0wd ear weal w• .0 psirg aw set u+e•s•ner, Mai sower way e we. 'fey are Looms try *tear (wase ; l ear wed w orts u.u/y Lr Ss., sad Asp *are vee* y tam IuD el ale e,.dsww. IA ME `i =� t7��liar lac ADTHWA. ACUTE out Crlto.+IC aatumerIs* A?retrrlr,Ne ,-I As BLADDI E ear [IONS YS BILIOUS FEVER$ a LIVER OOaI7LAIrTti- 10 t0 wool, sad MIK. whew Mrs A.M.. yrn..4. ?nee •Al b• f .a roomed t P1mtMm. arm.. and ,. r... s•• *as ewer, aynowea A • to wnb.e tt►w. IMAMS CUULIt•. sad dIkur :. Lower..... DILLE. easl,Wescimm.Ser a,Pe d• cult t. It m, L 1wL'C e INeateem s Uead'vba ewer swoon r rim Amer. 00051?? ■*1000. D0OPerae. P . 1.. nom war tow ei,t,e•eba dl. ser. AswY Obit was e� =UP /10:41 of tow .-.,w. La r41.'LLM. PLATO L LMC Y. /RVSt ewe ARCS. Foe AI o,a*ofAs woo .IrnY.aatrr rare rrdsbn .Jt hs oma • oafs. esti. sod eastar newsdr. Our ssOwa. Isom 'Y •••trw Worse r• wasp arias .Lars-• coso or tamp ...liner • •eres.pl - TRY Tr001. a samenan, ave es CL•RLD ?UULYER0 of c'OMPL £XI.N. GENERAL DEBILITY. (.WT. u10DIV,S. ?Zit HLADAt'IIt.S. Wert ew. 1NW400 IL.Ea. MI'L/w.wA7 ,IY •N 0W4 r AM. IMPOME BLUUD. IAUAD1I.L. LUSA J APPS IC. LIVER OO11[PLAINTf, L0PEw Y. L0u,L\1,a. M1:atc 1 ILIAL DIaEAaEi.- irstw Lie h endwise* swivel, all dr AIWA .1 Loam/ ..a. Weir swore 14.1 tea mud pa.erf4l ta,sarer.ead alatw•a.dt. w101T SWEATS, NEaruUS DEBILITY. NERrars COMP*/r\T'S of .a (od.. u0UANIC APPLCTIO.`+r, PALPITATUIN of WO HL&IT. PAINTE&•a UHULIU. PILE / . v r .e enwi can. your I Oros asedee.w w eared of raw .4 *year. etao.ltue Lr Cm or ani time t.,f. Mahan akeu. PAINS in the head, pie, bark. Inaba mirth and .cram. RHEUMATIMM. •t'i.�..alae,«I *natio monk th o., w,ll b rye ttf nisi hr a..' LOG 'MI•iara RUIII .w YLOOD toiS. Hk; V, ac vary, BALTRHEUH, iIVELLINUS. SCROFULA. um ]ZING'/ EVIL, wise .toot e.t.a ULCS Ra. t✓srely tee.C'Hno.. W Onus, ofta k,nd.. ere elLetotlIr.0elled he thew trtaaeis.. raresta ad1,W well edam tient hem. no. seer thee. oustenee u ,uaew:h,l. Rrbef sal W e.nrn ..TIIE LIPS PILLS AID P111E3I1 BITTERS PURIFY THE 81000. And thus remove an diseue from the system. A single trial will idea* lie LIFE PILLS and PHIFNIX BITTERSb.yndtherv.n.nl,ompe- tnlon in the utinution of every patient. • Th. genuine of thew medicine, are now put up to while Wrappers sad labels, together wills a pampid.t. called al f.t , Good Samaruau," containing the direction. in, est wInch i, a dna tog of Broads, (r. o R'alI street to our Mace, by .hien grangers viva* the tit! est .ery Asuly had a. Fu wrapper. sad bamanune are n.pyrghtd, therefore lbw who procure the., with whin wrapper, ca be neared that they are gco.io. Be careful, and do mot boy thaws WW1 p.4.on.nppen; bat if yw .40. b. warded that the, coma direct fnea l•, or Boat tou.h Neo. P..I.ndarsldy Dfl. WILLIAM B. Igor?AT,{ 331 Broadway, comer of Audrey leleds'Fee Fora. Tor SJ. by BENJ. PARSONS, Sete Agent. Goderich, Jan. 28. 1848. WATSON & WILLIAMS, DiXIE WeITSON of Coderick, TWO GOOD FARMSd. Q Y a $ FOR SALE. ?mettle of Godericb Teem ie LCT !0 a 1st Cuomo - sten, O'YE within i t asd the otherwith • is about Plot. The first CONTAINING 164 ACRES, ; 1s bouur.ed at the one sed by {she Huron,' and at ibe tither by a Public 111,04.-esd Die second is LOT 3 is 8th Cescessioo, Colborne, IV .Division, C•)NT 1:NIN(: 100 ACRES, and ie eeiriatt,) at 'Ile Junction of two Pub- , le Ku d For Particular+ apply to JNO. MCDONALD, Esq. Godericb, 18th June, 1849. u9-11 : • VA LUABLE PROI'ERTY FOR SALE ! ! 'THE subscriber offers for BALi•: his GKIST and SAW M1LL,e lusted In the Township of McGillisray,the jtig Sable, within three miles of Flanagan '• Corner. The Mi!Ie are now in.operation,and newly built. The Privilege is the beat on the River, and situated In the heat 'ruing - ship in the„County of Huron -well settled, OW Reeds spewed to all drtrettilllt to Nebo r it. The Machinery and materials are of the very hest quality, and put up by the ve- ry best Machisiste. For Particulare lo- gniro ufJames Crumbie, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the subscriber. PATRICK. FLANAGAN. Proprietor. McGlheray, 15th January, 1860. 2,501f ,Y'•The Galt Reporter will insert the abuse until forbid. TO BF SOLD. -An Excel- lent FARM, being LOT No.. 12, MALT• LAN U CONCESSION, Township of Goderich, containing 100 acres -30 ofwhioh is cleared. The and is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. It is situated exact - Iv nine miles from the'town of Goderich on the Huron Road, and at the junction of six different roads; and as It is in the centre of a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex- cellently sdepteel for a Tavern stand or a Store. '1'bis farm is well entitled to the attention of persons desirous of an eligible situation for business, and will be @old on very reaeuoable terms. For par'iculars apply to D. H. LIZARS, Land Agent. Goderich, Jane 20, 1850. to -n20 NOTICE. /fHE Subecriber having been appointed Agent 1 for the PROVINCIAL. MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, here- . by intimates,. that he is prepared to receive Sub- scriptions for Stock in the Proprietary Branch, and appllcaious for Ioeursnces io the Mutual Branch, sod to give such' information on the subject's may be required. JOHN CLARK. Goderich, 26th Sept. 1849. 2v -n341. NOTICE. BAR/US TER LAW. &c. &c. and - GEORGE WILLI4dfS, of Stratford, lets of the firm a/lector, Weller and Williams, i TO • Barristers, Ate. Toronto, harlot; this day entered into co -partnership, io the Practice. and Proles- Country Merchants, Bion rf LAW. Cnaec1R► mod CONVEYANCING, will in future keep their Offices at Goderich and .rIND OTHERS. Btratiord, respectively, under the name, style. - and firm of WATSON and WILLIaas. IIF. Snhscribe: ham received for SALE.. Daxu; W. rson, Galerieh, 1 A. COMMISSION, Twea y -flee Chest. - (huitca N1tuay., Stratford, f T 24th December, 1849. 1.•n471f iO1Tt olio, irl/r CANADA LiFE ASSURANCE C t.)iI P.,7,YJ'. Ti1E Suberiber leaving been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to any pereon the necessary information, as to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATSON• Goderich, 3th June, 1849. v2n 91 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Tb subscriber hawing purchased the teter- est of Mr. C. J. Wilson in the above Es- tablishment, is about to continue the Busi- nee nn hit own responsibility. in returniog thank. to the public fur the very liheral en- couragement received by Oita k WILSON, he begs to intimate that he will conetnotly keep on and an assortment of :Mtreenr C as•rl lee, oaststItg d COOKING, Parlour, nit Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Sco h & Canadian Ploughs of the m.,.t Improved Moul le,--.N.I1.T ROLI.EIIS, Turning Lakes. Smith', Rollers, ¢e. THRASHING A1:1CflINES of a impeder description t•, a:tv hitherto introduced, and better adapters to the. coun- try from their lightness 04 draught, end ateingth of coo.tructiun. A call from in- tending purchasers Is requested before pnr chasing elsewhere. The *boys will be sold et law Rates for Cad. or 'Trade, or ■t cor- re.poadiag fates on .pprovetl credit. A. 13. ORR. Stratford, 20th Jun.. 1850. 2.-nle FARMER'S HOTEL., -MITCHELL. ELMS FISHLEIGH begs to infanta his fuk.d.. sad tM rimier generally. that be es iehd bim.elf }• to sire.. Village, nod hums by mast atMNa•w w to eewlfsrt esd e.n- vea4sa0.f Trevefwn, e• merit a .has d their paia..4 swag .ed .. attendee Orem rr smn ,.'a nwmderee. Mitebe41, tray lit b. 1650 3e -.t6 MIK THE Subscriber begs to iaformtheinbehitaot. of O'iderieh and its vicinity, that he ha. re- ceived a Large Simply. of the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING I` Of tarnou. grades. Also HO.V11:Y DEN' TOBA Which will belbidat. York Pr Peesh, Cherry Lumbar • t I)a. P. A. McDOUGAI-I., CA N be consohed at all hours, at :Mss. Wm, F• (Jo.&.,',. Front -St. Godericb, Sept. 19th. 1848. 33 - JOhN STRACHAN. BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT Law, Solicitor in Ch.scary, Notary Public, bas his office in West -street, Gode rich. n4f}.9 .A1.FItED IV. O'T'TER. GENERAI.AGENT k CONVEYAN- ('F:It, Collector of Accounts, ke. k•'. Goderich, Oct. 1, 18.19. _vnt'5 TRA 1.F1V1Q. ARRISTER. SOLICITOR, b r„ West- atreer, Goderich. June 1848. 9.025 PANWR1, HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. and Cnnvevse- eev. Anlieiter a Chaneer., Ike. hes hie (Ad- ee formerly in Stretford. Stretford, 2nd Jan. 1880. 'end() DANIEL GORDON, CARINFT MAKER, Three Retire asst of the Canada Company's office, West - street, Goderich. Ancuet 271h, 1849. 9ve80 R. YOUNG, 11�� BOOT and SHOE Maker, nee door 'West of Mr, George Videan',, Blacksmith, Front street. Gneferich. April 26th. 1850. •3n 3 THF 01.1) RAKFRY.' NEWMAN. BREAD: CAKE. Ctacxaa • and PASTRY PARRR. firer door Fait of the CanadaCemps.y's Office, We.t-street, Gode- rich. Gnderirh. 9epremher 24, 1850. 3v.32 JOHN J. E. LiNTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commieeioner'Q.B., and Conveyanrer, Stratford.' P TT.LT A SI REED. HOUSE AND SiGN PAINTER, b:c., Lighthouse -street, Goderich. _October 25., 1849. 2vn38 DAVID H. LiZAS , AUCTIONEER, Is prepared to attend Sales in any part of the United Coun- ties. on the moat reasonable terms. Apply at the Registry office, Lighthouse -street. Goderich, April 11, 1850, v3 -n 0 STOKES, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, West - street, Coderich. July 1860. ' 20-3 W. STOTTS. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, Nearly opposite George Vldiln'. Black- smith Shop, West -.treat, Goderich. Gadefieb. Nov. 27 18502 v 3.41-1 y -HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, (:odericn.- Atreitjve Hostler" always on hand. Goderich, !Sept. 1., 1850. ,3-e30 DAVID 1R. LIZARS, as errel:.nt antel• C-IAZ1Y)I. N CCO! email Wegner ee !few sed W Brat *ilea e LAPID AGENT. CONVEYANCER AND AUCTIONEER, STRATFORD. AIT11.L *steed mins to any part of the Visited V V Cosmic. ea 'Ae meet liberal term.. Ap- ps so John Galt E.q., Godericb, or to the e v eseriber. !tmdord. 1.: 'et ran mut be pre paid. ' Onne'er-.hh Dee, 4th. 1030. j[7j g�v3.42 11LJ :1 �J.111t.L !l al® �11Cdi17 wive/' c7RPF.T. coo Pu ICK, (Neer the Metal Sgaare,) B O 4w IT 7kOBT- JlC1SAGli- ! r A L H01t11ACE NORTON. AND PARLOUR STOATS, 'N.B. SADDLES N.•IR%ESN. which be offers for HALE at eery REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. dbecnber alp keeps es Mad, N mewl, at his OLD STAND, a LARGE' and very Su- perioras.ortmest of TINWARE of evert- description. The aubecriher takes this °epodes'ty of retar- nine hie sincere thesis.* to the P.blie for the very hheral patronage he hu reeettred •ieee he has been in twines* in Goderich, sad hopes by stnet 'attention to boeises, sod moderate prices, to cunt, nue to reeeive a phare of the pb*epatreeaee N. B.-GRAININ' . PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER and BELL HANGING earned on as heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. (;r.*.rirh, rich See*. 1'149. tic -e3 t NF LINE OF' STAGES ewTer SRN The W GALT AND GODERICH: TiiROUGH IN 18 IIOCRS ' In connection with t.'u Stages fres Hasaltoe. COMMENCING on TUESDAY' let of October, a Stave will leave the Union Hotel, Galt, at T. o'clock, a. m., and the British Hotel, Goderich, at 5 o'clock, b. m., every day (Snndsye excepted,) arriving at each of the above Towne at early bed- time. and will Commie to rano for the Ac- cotan odation of Travellers, starting pttnc- toslly at 5 o'clock in the morning. The subecnber bops by paying strict attention to tho comforts of the Travel hog Public to receive a share of their support. Buffalo Robe., lee., tt.retnhed. Any complaints mato of Drivers will re- ceive Immediate attention, and will be at once redressed as far as redress Is practi- cable. Pamela pent by this Line will he eCnvey- ed with care and punctuality, and delivered at moderate charges. Persons traveling by chi• Line will not be deprived of reel at oil the Route from God. - doh to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be- tween 10 sod 11 o'clock at night, and leave in the morning for Hamilton at, o'clock - and on the Ronne from Hamilton to Gode. neh the Passenger* arrive in Galt as they cheroots, at 9 •clink in the Afternoon or 12 o'clock at night, d leave for Goderich at 5 in the morning. T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stretford, Sept. 28, 1800. 3w-n331f NOTICE. OTI CE. I SRO %timer* to the ishebitewra of the Ts►sehlp ef Osieetch. stealey end ('ol- hetee, So, eerier s pewee .f Attorney from the BARON DE TUYLF:, d.'ed the 23,11April, ESM. 1 .wl .ith.fie.d 1. d(sre.w of his LANDS is Mese Towship., acid to gnat This Deed for e to eltleet all Msinde.bis, said to great lh•ehergee fa the e.t•s.•••ied I bereby request all persons tsdirbe d to the mid 11a►ee de Tyle forth wpb to settle op thou row peados hats. THOR MERCER JONES. Gdwiek, 8th May, AMC 1v•a1Sd ad everything to rhe Live, woal•O e'$, ee ss0a, 1 cheap iw rash w Yslaas•s tt (PwMe.0 M N. Godwin, Nee. 23, 1'4.. . , 3.s.41.3m CAST[ for WHEAT AT the Cadens* 1e.!r by 11TILLIAM PI}1IZ. G.deeteh rib lib 11R..mlbs. 8M. 46.4 IUU 1-4 AURA LOTS. LIOR SALE is IM Tows et Ihrei and r pig a D HOWE LI=ARS. ll istrwass. Stratford, lfeh fes 1`+v 3sMi l odrrid. '2014 Nor. 1860. v OOD isimoraisiswo for Travellers, sad ll ee moresiesilasalse at ail Lana, to take Nam el Tease • dlinleMa Bas. 1. me. 43. -if OtttQ. EPITAPH TO ELEREZER ELLIOTT. wal,TIS IT &MM.W Sap, Mortal ! }lore thy Seeder lies, The Poet of the Peer, His becks were ri woods a.d skid, The noshes aad the sour. the teaoben wen the tors ►salt's wed, The great .d the slave. The street the Unary, the oil, The palace -and the grave ! SID met thy brother everywhere ! And is thy Mother blamed 1 From passion, danger, doubt, and can, Ile au eaetnpueu ctaim'd. From Heatieg Additives* in death Africa. ENCOUNTER WITH A LIONLESS. Suddenly 1 observed - a number of vultures seated oo the plain about a quarter of a mile ahead of us, and close beside them stood • huge lioness, consuming a blesblok which she had killed. She was assisted in her. repast by about a dozen jackals, which toasted along with her in the most friendly and confidential manner. Dtrectieg my fol - tossers' attention to the spot, 1 remarked, ' I see the lion; to which they replied, 'Whirr r whar i Yah ! Almagtig ! dat i. he;' and instantly reining in their steeds and wbeeliog about, they reseed their heels to their hone.' aides, and were pre• pairing to betake themselves to flight. I asked them what they were going to do. - To which they answered, ' We have not yet placed caps on our rifles.' This was true; but while this abort conversation was passing the lioness had observed us. Rais- ing her full, round face, she overhauled us for a few secoods,aod then set off at a'mart canter toward a range of mountains some miles to the northward; the whole troop of jackals also started off in another direction; there was therefore, no time to think of caps. The first move Yeas to bring her to bay, and not a second was to be lost. - Spurring my good and lively steed, and shouting to my men to follow, I flew across the plain, and being fortunately mounted on Coleeberg, the flower of my stud, 1 gain- ed upon her at every stride. This was to me a joyful moment, and I at once sods up my mind that she or 1 must die. The lioneas having had a load start d me, we went over a considerable extent of ground before 1 came op with her. She was a large full grown beast, and the bare and level nature of the plain added to her imposing appearance. Finding that i gain- ed upon her, she reduced her pace from a erodes to a trot. carry's: her tail stuck out behind her, and .lowed a little to one aide. I shoti(ed to her to .halt, as I wished to speak with ber, upon which she suddenly pulled up, and eat upon her haunches like s dog, with her back toward use, not even detgsing to look round. She then appeared to say to herself, 'Doo thea fellow flow who tie is after T Ilaviag thus alt for half a minute, as if involved in thought, abe sprang to bar feet, and facing about. stood looking at me fore few recende, mov;eg her tail ,iow;•.- from side to side, show;ng her teeth, and growling fiercely. She sex* mads • short run forward. making a loud, rumbling nurse like thunder. This she did to intimidate me: but finding that i d.d not flinch an inch, nor seemed to beed her hoe, rile demoostatiogsLsbic stretched out her massive arms, and lajJtwsoa the grass. -- My Hottentots now coming u,, we 'all three dismounted, and, drawing our rifles from their holsters, we mide an examine. tion to sec if the powder was up m the nip- . Wee, and put on our cape. While *hie man ' doing the lioness sat up, and showed seine symptoms of useaane's. She looked at first at us, and :hen behtod her, as If to ase tf the coast were clear; after whte, eh* made a short run toward us uttering ber deep -drawn murderous growls. Haug secured the three hones to one another by NOTICE. Their rheins, we led them on as if toteaded wd4y cake oil." 0.9 160 011.01 10 pus her, in the hope of obtatn;og a The mesee.t chute. curb's leebleet worm, de feared to scute or hate . But honored in a peasant's form The equal of the great. He ble.e'd the steward, whose wealth makes The poor mar's tittle noon ; Yet loathed the haughty wretch that takes From plunder'd labor', store. A hand to do, a head to plan, A heart to feel and dare - Tell mho's worst foes, here hea the man Who drew them as they are. WAKIIIINGTON Fa {Barns' Mutual Insurance Co., C,APVT AL $ t ,000,(700. ETA iIO!►ICTN°, Ilam;ltoa, Agent for I ehACewrgees of Waterton sod Heron. aosttet 0, 1530. • 3.15 Thom mitaged Nat** WOWS the Ow oawhlaliit'd040110J�shoed after these, leaves= ae els 4 W uosrmed withal a low pesos of the latials,, tehtch they. from there gilt ter amt ,( itti estdeatir Vita mash. of daisg further Such user the tlt*ee to4 toes eorthwe, sod with nearly aU the u•tilea M iloe.. Africa. No roliaes' mut be placed ea Woo. They will to a certainty forsake thou au. ter in the most dawterdly Russ is hour of peril, and leave him te the torah. A stranger however beart•g then lam recouutiog their gen (allaat adnetures when smug in the along with comradn r,'uud s Nude(oe utast influeoce of their aierret s Ceps smoke D ative brandy. might faaoy them to he bravest of the bran. Raving .kII.e4 -_- lioness and cut off bar head, we placed her trophies upon Beauty sad bold for camp. Before we bad proceeded a bunds yards from the carcass, upwards of earl vultures, whom the hone had after fed were feasting on her remains. DREAMING ON WADDING CARE. A bachelor editor net sea, orb led rune from the fair 141.4 of a bride a piety d .bgu wedding cake to dream s, .1.. gives the rest of his experience. We pat it ..der ins heed .f ear pillow, gm oor eye. Speedy 11 a ssfut, ad bl.ss.d wit .o easy contort -eat. 1010 .01114 prodigiously.- from The god of dreams grotty wean .., sad 1. ! „ lasey we were minded ! Never was s 1140. editor so happy.. It was •my 10.1,' ' dews,' 'eweslest„ ringing is oat Nn Seery mcmeoL. Oh ! that the dream 1454 bees broken off here Bat 00, 01010 etll 1111.. pat it lace *14e head co oar ducky to bats peddle( for 41...,, last • please her lord. Well, t6/ podding moment at rived. and a hug.thcealmwteboe.red from ngw, th. plau before se. My dear,' mid we felly, • did you mat, obi. T' 'Ye., love; alt's It mice?' Glonoin, the beet bread p.ddlox I Iver Lion l in my life.' Plum paddi*g, ducky,' regp.td my wife.. Oh no, dearest, bread pudding, I alweyo was food o4 'ere.' Call that bread podding?' ezelaimed sly wile. while her pretty lips smiled slightly with contempt. Certainly, my dear; reckon 1'e. bad e.osgh 51 the Sherwood �1.e.. a kaow. Bread ped. ding, my love, by all mesas" ' Husband, Ws is really tee bed. Pimm pod- ding is twice u bard to make u bread podding and is expensive, and is • gnat deal better. 4 ssy this is pawn paddies air,' sad my pretty wife's brow dashed with exeitemea,. ' My love, my tweet, my dear 16.e,' •ulais - sd we, .eotbiegly, • de sot pt angry; PO see:: it's very pod. if it is bend 'Wittig,' 'But, sir, I .0y it als't bred p ddtag.' ' You meas, low wretch,' fo.dly replied m;i ' wife, in a high toes, ' yon know it is plum pad- ding.' • Then, ma'am, it is as measly psi together B ed so badly Mimed, that the devil hires 4 would'ot knew iL i telt you medals, meat die h.etiy sad emphatically, sad 1 will set be eon- tndieted, that it is bred peddisg, sad the meso est kind o(tbat. ' It u piss psddlq,' Bhrwked my wife, sash hurled a glass of claret i• my face, the glass it..l ' tadpiog the claret' ie my ars. • Bread podding' gasped we, pleek to Ike Iwo, and magpie, a rosined eh i.kes by the left leg. 'Plum pwddi.s !' raw obese time d1., u i hack a disci oe t reeelt.esisn d two ;kw* soma .cm.. my head. 0.554 peddias :' wet gsastnd u rap, s ale. ehpckea left er ,Md. •0d Ilyng wan14 mwut wing across to 10601, 010dd is smd.m'e :Ib. .1"..! , Piens ptddl.g " nwmdd t►* wee-ery fres the *seen. 0s the men dab ash s were it had bees dysau.s ole leo pew of 1.r Mems, lode piste dimes ta0ed ogee a wattle .es' Bred paddy. fee ewer ' eh.0amd we .• sh 6aace, dedg(.g the amp teras., .0d Wog M, . eaih i,. esus.*. ' 11.s peddler yelled the .mw►01 Bess s @choles oar esWvss i dweswd e. ' hero we cess. by wimp spas sr W tb denim aria as (cash le s( TMs Is moi lame fs1mad Is w cries ' Pleas priisig " whnshed eke siva Ops 4w►- ' Iar..ri r is noweMw4 ems, OW t 4+► {stns tits sib is Solo TUB le was ' we pea/hoe le avoid wwsew�as. she 4sw IT game i is f eMw. IS 3w .0 t olio *sou*cans, i1 Ind memo m e eAiew t� fwd e weeded She Aww - . Ywwwd ter w worm ekes esus& s 4N wile imaged toes Der Oboe* M.1...ee kn, tad a neeeeeld Own tris dews-eths Mai ismse. w aws01., thea awed ear lir. ire Ale/ wee Wawa T'E'"lasheetiber hay's, RENTED the broadside. But this the carefully avoided N Al)fi110t'SF. and WHARF beloo to expose, presenting only her full front. - isr( 6e *bet Meese. IJeecnport, tit this place I 1 had given Stolfu. my moor• nee. with 1 orders to shoot bar if she should spring n0 lhsps astlYiee htaawslt s a sss,..wsra ev..myrica, et[amoiT. ante, r n no account to fire before me. K;em- �spasm w oa.0m crone from the Mer - 1 boy was to eland ro.' a to band me my abbot. of Goderreb, wrll receive prompt jlue.uea TO J MIGRA NTS Wts»' lrareh, 1849 Ilelewtoo-�?atf AND OTHERS, waxily,:- Pt.au/ AND SPECIFICATIONS. I fills I T1i1Ysoltber bore leave to tafoea Moe ' 1 1iii1•ate of the District of Hems, s and t4. ne*Rhbmmrg Diwtrretr• that be bat THE SCBSt'R1BER3 OFFER Established himself u1 Stratford. ea/ rs pregard to glee Plea. and Specifica- tions of Public et Private Beifdia(e, Bridg- e., Will Dame Ste. ke. ke., Lai will take the superioteadelrce of ouch Er.ettoes, on the most reasonable terms. His thorough knowledge of kis profession and his practice as Builder, qualifies Ina tot ay uodertakiag in the hoe. Address post paid. PETER FERGUSON. Builder, ke. lee. Stratford, C. W W. Stratford, March nth, 1819. 2.-n311 t�1'KA1 ED from the ..closure of the sub- ' scriber on the Aaybtld Road, rear the Town of Go4erreh, a Large Red sod White Spotted STEER. Any one gf.lag infor- mation will be o'rttably rewarded. EDWARD YEAMANT. August 14th, 1850. v3e3 TRAVELLER'S FOR w'ALE, THE following LOTS OF LAID i0 the Tews.hip of STANLEY - Lot 21, 2nd Con. Comdetiag of100 Acres, 60 Cleared. Lot 21, 8r,'! l'nncr.lfion, ronRio(intir et 100 Acres, 40 cleared, being one and a half miles from the ' VILLAGE of BRUCEFIELD. O11 the latter I,ot, there e • GOOD LOG HOUSE. BARN, dies deo., with a meek dow- ing through the Farm. There is also some tea 'errs of e FALL WIIEA T SO ii'N, onion can b. 14.d at a moderate value. The Lyle will be .old together or separately, as may he desired. O. the Lot in the 2nd concession there are Potash Works ie excellent nrder. 3'e41,( M. B. SEYMOUR A Co. I7 NOTICE To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. TUE jet -reseed demand for Sorrotss and other BLANK WRITS, le eo•- seotros with the hoofs... of the several Di. vision Courts in the MMOL, lose warnatetl Ue to printing tbem to much larger goes*. See than heretofore, and eon.equeetiy oohs Moe u. to Dell lbw wee cheaper-tbeso. for. we intonate to the several O(Be.re re- gtain.g these Bleak Heron, that from this date, Summnssu esd all other Write hs- l.au f a to the Divides Covert, w111 be Bell at the tgi(Ral Wks at the redoed pries M TrTwo N1ftI.LIwae AND 81nenfv ?M :nano. 1j1 ' !'Sits{?-1...at , Slam ILS -W. wrte wed, a day w two *go 1M wInt e1 • newly reureas4 engem wiseb, we Awes say, 1a dost tied L ?has Wee s ' eng D0. ons m tri. Tis taeonsw Pardee rdle, in case the two-groved 1)ixlne i u lir. 3.140 efweet T1snMews tt/b• .hoold not prove s?heient. My ,.en ad 1 ha Mnf.Ni sea riser *6. tllll.dy d *tar yet had been steady. but they were to a precious stew, then faces having assumed a ghastly paleness, and 1 had a painful feel- ing that 1 could plate no reliance on them. Now, then, for it, neck or sothng ! She u within sixty yards of us, and she keep advs.ting. 1Ve turned the horse{ tails to her. 1 kent on one rode• and taking a stea- dy aim at her breast, let fly. The ball cracked loudly on ber tawny bide. and cnp. pled ber in the shoulder, upon which she charged with an appalling roar, and in the twinkling of an eye she was in the midst of u. At this moresst Stolfui s Mkt ex od- ed w hes hand, and Ktomboy, whom bad ordered to stand ready by me, danced about bks • duck to a gale of' weed. The lioness "prang apnn Coleberg, *eh fearfully laeera- ted his ohs and hunches with ber hemd teeth and claw.; the worst wound was o0 big haunch exh.brting a sickening, yawning cub, more than twelve inches long, almost laying hare the very bone. 1 was very cool sad cte.dy, and did sot feel a the least de- r.. DINVOUS, bausig fortuoately great con- fidence is my own sooting: but i still tent costs*, when newborn allot was over, 1 felt that it won* very ewIol..eltwtion. end H O M t11'°4'4 wttb extreme peril, as T bad no STRASB98thFIIeRGb, WATRRLen, (need with me on whom 1 could rely. OMoesry e► Lees -Osseo SMrveo4.lbi• When the lioness *prang on Coleabetg, h01en.lee1.4 Wsls M *hie C..etr W ruary, 1819. 1 stood out from the horses, ready with my key ssgwity. Me. tlleees., f(sdied lar on trHF. Subscriber herby inum•te. to M. 1 wed barrel for the first chance she would abases h..I..., word peat sondem to past•' THE and the avelling Pobiic gear- ye me of a clear abet. This she quickly the Andes of Mr. Sherwood, bet wM�I w' r.11y, +hut he has re yed from New Aho►- for, seemmgly utnfied milli the n• rwsa TI. sleowu is Iweds bye dere dexo the Village o StrasboTgh, and will 'eege sM lid now taken, elle gwiwd m•d'�°� sad *e e.s .r.salvM w ow ho found in that wt. Jot es, hoes for- Colesber sed •iewis her tail to sae 43641, Fainnty. ^• eswsta, th.wwr y., that wily 113 eeotrrad1ydand able to ceeducekeo the trotted sulkily teat within a Ike paces o,' d*brMgewlwrw kr t toes (s0*r ani sslNlprt of those who may honor him with tee' tstleg ora strip to the left. i pitched le, Aaehss tire W'eeeesr.s4.1d .d.IM 1Mit patronage. And while M returns my 'stood to io ss wast, and in another ajsorws«�lb* COMM is s.eond the Bones was stretched o0 the d .cage Mr, *sake for pest favors, be hopes, by strict �, , a thele*a corp*.. in the s�ir'1��le 0i' .,,„• ew M 0,00,..„„„..-6.,".-0,, tittantlon to the wants and wishes of bis death she ball vetoed os her eek, sad sips pssemsd the au." d sutotier., etul to merit • costisuase of Aiwtehed ber work end fes arms 'aerial! .6.61114 bort Mae. their patronage. Mealy, where she fell hack to her sari's► tag. sed JOHN ARF.L hss1H1 pppeee**eitfM)• her mighty arm. hest powerless N. B. -Geed STABLES sled attest 5shn.le., bet tower jaw fell, blood stream- Niru[ t dynes.. '9-•w4tf (rote her m'wt►, and she expired At rl JTOS PRINTING./ * ors, Ludy } memos( 1 Syed r=il•coed Moot, Stolfhr f be etoe11elq OAP old 1 1 et obi. . I hotly Obey wkNkv be Wee *RIM ex Jew {64:1 Ile MAt M tt • December 2)1 deed, allowed the three bones to escape.- to dmtrAslsA slhi� W psi chanes. Were we ea lisp IeMty, should iordly haw been be MgwM et, s ea to move! • sense Yes of jts sitrp-is»? and . It Sem, bys•s. entirely from tM ammo mew solea both in pebalpie sad 11. model we ow ie sstrmstsd at ars bra power, yet 1t seemed to se is asumplW with pevfeet trees whet the eeNss roma of Boat's i treble the power oe ellen or gaged in ; sues, /ow foot••a y no Inv* • circular saw. Attached to die deft Imo one of these *fres• noshes in theomes, sad a piece of bard -weed plonk was cawed into strip. with the meat /wines we. After- ward. a much Sieber pine of plash was placed on the platfe.s, sad we ..M per ceive so diff{ owe h the relMfly el the caw. The eotire coins may 1s pot tato' common easdls box, sad is perfect wilts {talk, requirfll( no other 'Wog than bila[ attached to a commas steam boiler. • and d that the investor {steads toles his engine patented both bars and is tis United States and le England ; to whkh latter plate he w111 pressed with a at_o4•1 for exhibition et the World'. Fair in May n ext.-Dwadfae Weirder.