Huron Signal, 1851-02-13, Page 2s e • le • Tr ru tw. le of *1d o y es et, gut, Ing illi be as, the • 4- S 5 oto• the IMO sold eta thie f ease fares e, to me• sh res ; seed the ▪ the sreb ; n ee- rem - se▪ al' swath NI fief rmy Iver borne 11f there %het 'sed the araa- f 5' Wit 1.20 MOP MI Of M easta ea Joaw4lrMttNeect 4eleehed of met vets preemies re i ewrNbrerr slew ere Coag, 1 •( rhe dotag..t"the mimeos referred to:' unnk is new •'tootle" will be a ecru of in - II gave Yee, bit, another . sad, if yea doubt dlepeesib ., I would therefore advise J.re 1,, time& I aesrreparad b to the yes a dozes read the teat seiner (t. 1. to Stumpu) mad be will Mrd one word which, 1 s,ib•o't will mere. B.trrgtn a measure, compelled by Jue's *newer hen must admirably, as being burp lolly sad falesboods, to be •ome•vhat par- pithy and to the point, and, that wer.i is titular, I gen three or four specimens of •• Floretsrorcw." Yours X. what 1 caveat by ' Club Law.' Joe quietly s p1 of them the go-by, evades all ems tel least tie vfewmat fn ewe si tab Met ; bat, oo.deaendrngly sdmus them all to b. tree " for the sake of argument !" ; I sus*, however. toll bee that 1 can accept se each eowdesea•ioo et his heads, after east has takes plate ; be must accept therm se I ban stated, for tkair sterling frafk, and to N ether way ; until he can same parties to refute them, whose word are of *ore valve In the eyes of the public, his own aiyerttoa being now, in the words or his faeorile'utter, tour woRTII a Pattie le order to save space and time, I shell accept hie own Mullion of 'Club Law,' and, tae., toy y o Tory bumble opinionerii of rulile ng ng with a rod of Iron, is simply this ; that where one party compels another by eit,mt- dation to commit what Chef.enwscience dim peeves (disapproves) or preemie by phy'ieal forge, a party from exercising any legal prldleee, such as voting at a general elee. than township or other public meetng.- Tbie 1 think w Il include ail that la under- stood by both C'.ub Law and the iron rod.'.' The attics, aro untie. Now, Sir, to the nattee.of the Poeta referred to, l am aware that ohs workmen (and, I think, I can seen TO TICK 1DITO1 Or Taa 101101 aro$a4 Sia,-llevtng beard that I have been ac- cused of !Nemours" and unproper 'uteri*, retire with regard to a circumstance which occurred I&'ely. 1 send you the part feelers -hri; irg that by making it?oilier the coin - meaty .• large may judge fur the o.efvse ,f sec's comae of power, On Monday, the 27th January, John P,' - ho and Margret Taylor carne from Wawa nosh to be married, accompanied by Jamie Taylor aod Margaret (9my:ie, as groom's oro n and bride'. maid. Robert Bailie, or,tt!:cr of Briar: wet, and Taylur came to my house to arrange when the marriage would take place-uu.tng the coo vAPRSlion 'Parlor serol, will •;uu marry use tc.. t thtok- ing it a )oke, I raid yea, but it is time onough to speak of that wheo you %live got the License, upon this they left. Rohr -rt Bache returned Immediately, and informed me that there wait something wroog regard ing Taylor and Smylie getting married, as„ her parents especially, were gvito averse to the match, sod bad only allowed their daughter to coins to town under lbs special charge of Robert Bailie,. and he was strictly charged by the parents to allow no com- munication between them. Upon learmog this reed ren, by Arid ealeeletr», witch will b. frond to be very ,e.rtr correct, if co, altogether se. will be oboes £450.000, .crit the utwe.t 4"5110,000, or, 'skit., Mr $,esrt's repot, es cm, P.C.tshoat dupe 11,111 M. of dollars k.e Man the estimated cost el to Greet Wren r. Railway, in couuecr aloe the Shrews aod D•trw: r.0T10. Thu., elitist the road by Branuord to coneeci dry Niagara and Devon oven, will rest het lir• tie 'nor- thou a third of the Great Western's estimated price. the (sneer road will be iah.;w• ly summer to the loner, fur the fellow'sg ,e.• n os, sit. -It will be shorter by *ear . %fairly miles, more three', aod what b of printery mr pnrence In rad••ad WOWS, nava. rad damsels (which render railway. all out meta.) will be avoided. 'J'he cooevuedoo of the inclined p!aoe . 'rich the Great Western people must 'scummier oa the East and West aide of Hamilton. will •lose, in our estimation. coot more than will the u hole road from Buffalo to W iedsor through this piece. and on account v( the mountain almost unfit for is. when made. We may be aoanewilat ianntant of the laws of gravitation and molten, but hew heavily loaded ears ora to work their way rapidly up nr down tachaed plana oar a frosty or,wet morning is 10 then we ell rain. prebend. The elope from Remittee i. Cope - keen would alone pot it oat n( the power of the Americana to benefit by she Crest We.'•re. if constructed. and soother slope to the East of Hemline. almost equal is exteo4 bas to be overcome, which would reader rho Great West- ern a weak rival loused to the Americao rued in resume of formation south of !ak. Erie. 1n eider to be profitable. a road 'clues this peuioeule. conneetieg the railways of the ESTI,—ID and Western States, must be sufficiently level to permit heavy loads to be speedily carried over it. and to allow the journey from Chicago and other Western places of importance, to be made ill at this day ley my hand on two e1 Iberm- the, I thought u mydory, as all artist l ▪ and hours leu time than would be consumed not Irishmen on befit netters/1 to remove g e by any other route. This speed o necessary, R belonged to my congregation, to endeavour eau be fully secured by the at:option of the lisle them, had commenced duraz 00 towards the to pot a atop to the marriage until :be coo. room Buffalo through this town, and this our fence of the then wood yard, when they re- sent and approbation of the parent• on both American neighboure are beginning to see and cei.ed the order quoted In my that, and sides were obtained. I went immediately duly appreciate. With reepect to the profits to acted me it, who then will e y that the con be derived from the road wheo made at an outlay ec esce• of those uteri JIJ not duay proi'e of the uc1 ' b it, Sir. their daily pay fess dl slake ; and, in all other caeca of thew sort, in these days, they moot either obey or quo- Bu'. cried Joe " wilt any man of reason or common sense say that the men in The empluymlint of tee Canada CompanT violated any law human or donne. in obey- ing the party placed in authority over thew." Oh Joe ! Joe !, this is unworthy of even post ; Met thou never hear of the 00LDt' RCL, 1 Mid to have been of deem.. ertgrn,'•di, unto thy neighbor as thou would= est have thy nelghbur do unto thee ;" and, dost thou not think, that if thou harlot bees caught '• burning the lumber' III the mag; oar referred to, thee woulde.t have been seat to a certain place, where thou might - est have learned a (wfnl ant honorable mode of earning thy bread, "by the sweat of thy brow!" and, did Joe never see a stove upset to Use evident danger of the promisee, at township tpeeting•. or coats rent from top to bottom by "pftysical force,' if he has not, 1 have, and am thankful that the.e things are dune away with. u the hose') of 11r. Rich, where I fucnd Jr•bn Bailie, the Brdeeroom, Taylor and William Walker -the last a stage driver or teamster, and trealli• unacquainted wnJ the parltes, having acted as teamster on the occasion. I explained to Mr. Rich the reason of my reit-and in the mtldeat tense pnlnble told h m that 1 w^shed to object to lits teauing the License to Taylor; and gave u grounds of my objections, *het the par- tied • ere under age; however, Taylor stated that he was 21 in December las:, but allowed that the girl wart. only 18; also that the parents were decidedly against the mar- ' rage; that the parices themsolves had made no preparation; that time of the parties offer- ing himself as bondsman, was not acquaint- ed with the cir:umatances of the fatrelies, nor po i of the necessary gna!ificatinn. Thee objections Mr. Rich thought sulti• stent at the time, asd refused to acus the see generally evinced to embark largely in the undertaking, and to ioduee the prupie of this License. country to sebscribe for as mock of the stock as After the marriage I spoke to Taylor and they ate able to secure. The America's„thoegb Smells, and told them that I had acted wilting to at extensively in the making of 'the solely from p settee of duty -but hoped that 'roc I, will, we think, be sufficiently rimuoerated toe present nb.ectione would soon be rerno- for their trouble by the additional value which it will give to the %lichigao road is the west and to *hose in the Fast which it will intersect. Oa the capital which they expend they will eert.i•- of four or five hundred thousand pouods. it i.on- ly neer-teary to state that there are roads in York state, Which pay mere than thirty percent, upon • large original expenditure in construction. - Thisroad would cost comparatively little, in- tersect the direst country in British America, Iwo a large mount of way travel. and form the elicit,- et, mutat expeditious, and level route be- tween 1,:e Atlantic sate. and the country on the Upper SLa.+tesippi. Without taking into oar calculation the business to be brought to this road by brine... to Sarnia. Goderch, Owen Sound, &c., and the strong probability of its be- ing intersected at no chrism doe, by a mend trunk railway from Halifax to Toronto, it is not saying too much to assert that the earning. of the road would reach $600.000 per annum, atter deducting all reasonable expense,. Considering the probable cost of the road to be $:,000,000, the would give • r of thirty per cent-, enough to account for the readiness which we I los 9that i will observe the rot ved, and then i would willingly perform 8tr, yen p lo ceremonr-brs,de-, 1 wrotea Lettar'to found reasoning contained in the followtsg I Smrhr'd Defier and mother, requesting-extract'from Jor's letter, viz. ” It appears to me that he has (ailed in his X -planation of Clnh 1,,w, for (net nbserye the area - meet) although his first X is intended to cat the boys down with one fell sweep. His most immediate) l0 11 r. Rich-accom a recon i a evidently levelediat the Canada need w•rh \Vrlham Wacker -who was pre,- Company'sE tgioeer' After such • ent when 1 made the objections, and anuth- lueid exposition of my (inure to prove my er•r.on of e name of McGrath, ileo a case, a it not mon marvellous that Big Joe i" the should think it oeces.ary to go from Bar- p`'rtect stranger to the parties. in the face room to Ser -room with the gigsal in fire of my objections, which were thought quite and expiate that this encase thkt, "efficient at,the time, and no alteration in pocket1 the circumstances for the better, Mr. Rich and that that meant something else. issued the License on the reeponsib;lity of 0 wad some pJw'r the Otte gee him, 3,10. irreepnnsible persons, and the parties were But. Sir, me first was not meant to "cut married by the Rer. Mr. Elwuod, in the the boys down," nor was my"second level- conrse of the forenoon. ed at the Company's engineer, (who by i hate consulted counsel, and find that the bye has much cause to pray " save thetas' is no ecclesiastical law to bear upon me from my (need") it sou leveled directly h and h h h at the falsehoods advanced by big Joe, who put himself forward in a matter of which he has shows himself to be utterly ignorant, and had not common cen.eeoough to string his falsehoods together in a plausible man - them to get natters arranged, and save their daughter's character. They left teem- ing!! .atiefied to abide by my advtce.- Howeyer, tt appears that -'Taylor went al - mer. Again, he epeal.e of " the burning of the hosengs," in these remarkable words, "ad countenance or defend that kind of absohde rattling for sake of argument that all the I unad:ctinn, which aye: large urn of above Ills were done, together with the J y g 1 y buroisg of the lumber of the place now Tim parents seem inclined to exercise oyer their Wiener Squatty (then fenced in by the 1 marnegable daughters, in the all-impor• Canada Cotnpaoy•") Really, Sir, i can tent engagement of matrimony. But, in stet to give offence to your reader•, •itch is the case of a„girl of eighteen years of age, Jos D Clement, Esq., and Resolved. TELT EXCELLENT FARM breaght 5. 504 York. per boebel. Fell of Imjlortaat 1.110 Ilse PubUc. - - Al 1'.1C1151EYT. a 'air qu.hry real see Se ti 1 to 5s td.- _ 'lprrag M 3.5 l.. ♦. 84 York, per ou•b. I ''f .t L I'� 11 E D U R M H A M Uensd Coettree 01 ) u Y tirtue el . — *i', Ib.. Haa1.KT, ie 3d to ra. 9d ea,. per Hvru, I rr/h Bt ` iJ nes.. hilly 'S "r.a. (LTi, per bus.). 1. 1J CIIF:)1IST AND DRUGGIST, �' t n its ertaeh_ to '1 iii a,y,Me. mein eaued 7. 164. Rather Rather r scarce. C ' V ear besot (1laober til the Royal Pn iare uncal b«iety of of �.► MsJ.sty. Con►t,of Que•s'• Beaeb Great B,Ilai a. RESPECTFULLY inform. tF.rehabtusra at stento, lo m tfrreeted,s otter the 10. to 25.. Rather .cute. liar per full, R ill and around STRATFORD, th.l be ►u leo' Reel a well ■s Per.•sal, of Jona S0. a bye. pureheeed the Biiomess ..t Dr. Hyde. lately ear- JONrb es Aire sneer or eoneeelwl debto•, Loodoe. C. W.,7th Feby., Ib51 toed oa by him in the MEDICAL HALL. ..d at the mot of Jame. Crornbre and Jam's. WMaar,-We Aare bad 'eller supplies harlot dispeased Medtciaee for mare ibis half R• Andrew. for the sum ofrire hundred and from the farmers this week pest and once• the Nobility of England., and bar several Mem- eineret0 pounds arae ahilhs a and Dee berm of the Royal Fetidly, during fete* rears pone•. 1 1-- - hays receded a lime- Fall, 3. Id, Spring lm ed per bushel of *IJ lbs. Toron'n. Feb, 6, £Lora, (Farmers,) per bbl 1116 Ibe 13• a toe. newt, (Millers') per bbl 196 :his 18s 9d a Ile 3J. Weasel. per bosh. 60 the 3. 3 Ind. Beater, per bush. 4” lbs •2. 64 a 3a 2d. ars, per betehst, 56 Ibe 2. 3d a 2. rid. OaTa, per Isiah. 34 ibe 1. 3d a is 3d. (iaTtre•t., per bbl 196 the (6e a 17. 64. - Pease, per bush. 60 les le 64 a 2s. New York, Jan. 31. Asst -Market quiet for both kinds : land Per --- w , John experience with some piths mo., ewinoat Mrd- conal karate u( the jobs Joc:• 'cal eractioaers to that country- tl• will be uol.s•the easjJo5e 1 nes r 'ores wlthrw spy sere that jurudienoa of rhe Court trt•m $ .cfu e dDl /CE CH.9T1.Y, theater! writ 1esu.d, and put in Bait en the To all pores.. wbe soy tbf.k proper to coa.atI ettloe or caose tee tl.:rnc of the .aldjam• s him f.'rorebue rid I•orea R, Awlrswa to bo r', A fell eepply pith. chat/est DRUGS. CHEM'. charged *atm three ralandar moeths friar, CA LB, 8taun«ry, Oda, Vanwhee. Dye S affc, the Arst day MIA* Paiats, etre., t.griher with a peel v111.1f u( publiratiot of %Ala u., a nowt.. other de ..sic art&!«, will be ewuaatly kept all the o.'sl.• Jteat au h thereof of Mo se1J ea bead Julia Jones 11 41 ssurA ml e►tof ore racy be IN THE ►11:DICAL HALL a.ees•trr wiU be Ambi bible fur tbo par Stratbvd, lar Jemmy/. 1651. 4(L3a3 Tent' benefit gent eausfeetrna ofthltdsime Pots 676 : Pearls 55,621. Flour -Bet- 0l the salol nlamrlXe. a well a. f• r r!;g r JOHN ADAMS, parnlent, benefit or satiefactirtit if the ter feehn in Market for State, and un the claim or claims"( ouch other plaintiff '• Iv* (rode better price'', on a paying de- mand, s- FASHIONABLE 'PAIWR, elaintitfe. se shalt or maytale oceedie . man ,d Dot active. but the cold weather in- si.5,. 1 flan properly anp . K' fluences the Market favourably.[=Heart door to 31. B. Seymour lot Cu'.' 1 p y d rt:Frts air t t ser } 1 Juhn Jon.+ seater: et 0,0111t I• This der, at the residence of the Rev. Charles Fletcher, God•nch, by the Rev. Alex. McKenzie McKillop, the Rev. John Januarf lihl. 3Y 048 tacnum•nt, in vtrture of which thio notice .• -- - - ---- - publ shed. BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. JOHN McDONr1C11 NOTICE is hereby given that the Quarterly will k held at the British Hotel, to Godench, 26, December 1850 5 t v,^. -aur; ff art Street, Gederich- a . _ ,• Irvin , i+roost of the above rnentinue,r wr,t t•f err Meeting of the Board of Public In.tructioo. Sb.nffs Office Godcrich, Logi*. United Presbrter'an Munster, Slane se Rada.. the 2eltb day of March next. ley, to Catharine, daughter of the late Peter All persons dreuous ot beenmiat teacher. can Murray, Esq., A.bfield. then Sr examined upon proJuciug the proper in Guderich on 3rd teat.. by the Rev. certificate art moral character, sod unless appu- T11E oast DivLion Csoru(or rbt l'en•d M. Ellwood, Bernard Heiden, jrj to cation is thio male, the CaodiJates will not Coteries of Huron Pertk and Bree., wfll b,. Sarah Cribb fourth daughter of illbm brae ssothar opportunity fur tdree months char- bold at the times arid leen fol Bennett Rich. Esq., By order of the Board, 1st. Dsruwa.-Cmurt house at Goderleh,- On the 7th Instant by the Rat. Mr. Fear. ALFRED W. OTTER, Sec' 7th April and 23 June. T. O. Morgan, Ch.M. > 2d. Diririow -Jobe Ilicka', hlitcbell,-241 Mr. Thos: Hares of Kincardine, to Cbnsue To the Board of Public Instruction. ]j•, aod 14th J t R b C D I VISION ''' C O U/? Th' wards P lowing• McDonald of Ashfield. Goderieb. 31.t Jas., 1851. v3o49 aid Lheyd„ U :'ood'aTavero 8 ►paid 14th In the City of Toronto, on the 4th lost.. — - Match, 30th SLy. asd 16th July, $clary by the Rev, Mr Baldwin, at the residence r r Williams, Esq., Clerk. of the Bode'. Father, the {toe. John Riess, w . • 4th. Iheision-Quick'' T Used- on Road. JI. U. C., to Eliza, second daughter of the k>L Jam` 17th Mayand8th July. George Carter, Esq., Hon. Robert Baldwin. Attnrey General ave ! Ghra. for Canada West. His celiency the iN SPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE. f.th Dtcraoa.-IV ,n, Re;tenbery'c Ien.Chnto•, 16th May and 7th July. Janes Gordon, Lay Governor General and the Countess of CUeTOsti DEPtarlsoT, Klerk• Elgin, ar.d numerous ineudr, were present Toronto, 7th December, 1850. at the ceremony. AME INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF the eubecriber on the Bret of August last, a year old HEIFER. dark'browa;' with some white on the back, belly sod tail. - Lot 29, 5th coo. Tuckerstnith. The owner is requesthdio prove praoperty, pay eipen- ses sad take her away. JOHN WALKER. Milt Rosd.'Tuckenmub, 'Jan. 21, 1851-49 DESCRIPTION OF LOST' CATTLE.. Iy be entitled to a fair share of the profit, but .ONE pale red COW,•with little hair oe ore would advise that the people on this side el her tail aad•a bell on; one bright red the lioes-make .o effort to secure. at kart, one COW, with her borne tootled in; one half of the nock: and if the people of each lucid- HEIFER two years old- peat, with white fate, hind legs and belly: one Aye red HEIFER one year old past, with no horn.. Any information respecting the above cat- tle will be thankfully received. at the Sigma! Office, or with the subscriber. JOHN ALLEN. n ight a meeting called bythe Mayor was held at Guderich, Feb. 6, 1851. - 'v3r51' L 1 r the Town liall,wheo ample evidence war afford- ed of the .putt by which our town's people are ('LAME into the Enclosure of the Sub- actmated. The following are the resolutions un- lJ scriber on or about the 1st of Novem- aoimoualy petard thereof,- her Iadt, a three year old steer, also about Sloped by P.G. VenBrocklis, Esq.; seconded the 1st of Sept. a yearling heifer, Lot No. by A,. Gdkisoo. Eq.. rad Resolved, 26. 4th Con. Township of McKillop. The That the advantage' of loco' posirine, a 10 owners of the above animals is requested to the case, alt ung there is a ILII at the several lines of railway that most sooner or rove' ro rt payexpenses, and take CIV,I l&W, 'as there is no ropert • at issue, lster los built to traverse the W peoinenla P p Pe y M , property of Canada, possessed by the tewo of Brantford, -them away• If ouch be allnwed, what ftmity a safe ? I Sound sod the city of Buffdn; in a lioe nearly Mi*Killop Dec. 30, 1850. n46-1,3 1y -through which the 'road will pass. only rbew the same degree of forwardness to have a 'herein the enterprise, that is phew] here, then will soon be very lithe Deed of foreign aid, to com- ineoce and finish speech!' this great American and Canadian work. Enough to complete the surrey of the line hoses to Buffalo war s.beerib- ed in a few missies oe Moeda" last, aid fait that would be useless. which hes in the most direct hos betweeo Owen THOMAS GOVENLOCK NOTICE a hereby given that Hie Ex• CILL*%CT set Guvtaioon Gilts/MAL in Connell, has been pleased under the autho- rity vested to him, by the provtsloos of the tat Section of the 13 and 14 Vic. Chap. 5, to appoint that the following Article,' now charged with a duty of Twelve Pounds Ten Skillings per centum ad valorem, shall be placed in the Lat. of Goods paying a duty of 6th. Dino.on-Andersons Ta•ern.at. Nary'.. 28th May end 3rd September. JarDI* Col.mao, E.q., Clerk. The Situag.of the Several Courts will com- mence pusctuaily at 12,o'clock. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J, D C. Goderieb, Feb. 13th, '51 vg.SS IIURO* HOTEL, Two Pounds Ten Shrlitsgs per curvet ad' . LIVERY 'TABLES, &e. pito. valorem, from and alter tree due, and shall •�� be rated fur duty accordingly. vis: ,HE Sabsenber having purchased the Latta, T' Elegant, aod.Commo'fion. Eaubliahrneet the HURON HOTEL, ot Goderieh, (lately the property of Mr. Gentles,) wishes to intimate to his friends sod customers, and to the travelling public geuerulle. that from the extent •aid favoi- Coppers•, Vitriol, Shellac, Felts, Borax, able situation 01 this F-stabliehmeot, and the Strong Fluid Acid,. including Nitric, Sul. great Improvements which it has lately under- pburir,.Muriatfe and Oxalic Acle. gone. he is able confidently to promise accmn- By Command, rnodaeon equal to that afforded by any other J. W. DCNSC((11B. Hotel West of Hamilton. The Stablest and Mete are of the first gasJ:- STRATF'ORD ty, and attentive aod experienced Grooms will FULLING .e CARDING MILL .1Ho , ..ae1a :ayes, of the various kinds, will be kept for Hire on moderate term.. .1ne1, Cotton Warp, Slate, Fire Brick. Mustard Seed, Ultra Marine and Paste B:ue. Sal Ammoniac, Prumatate of Potash, Alutn, Phosphorus. Bleaching Powder, Cochineal THE Subscriber in thankfoily arknowl• by constant ettentioca to the requirements acrd comforts of his Guests and Customer., he hope• edging the eery liberal patronage loci fur `share of public support aod encouragement. towed upon his Carding Mill this beton, begs to intimate to his friends and the pub- gas leaver the iijuroo Hotel, DAILY, for Gait GEORGE HOBSON. Ire generally, that be to ready now for N. B.-Hob«a & Davie.' Line of Medi Fa• Fulling, Dressing and Finishing and Hamilton. ail sorts of Cloth that will be left to hi. Guderich, Feb. 1, 1861. 3'o51tf care. His Fulling MII1, Carding Mill, and rest of apparatus, is all of the most Impro- ved and new est kind of Machinery, and wor- ked by none but skilful and experienced bands, mid his Terms *ill be always the must liberal and moderate known to the LOST, IN GODERICH, ON MONDAY Ntgba, Feb. 3, • Red Vest Pattern, cut out, but not made. Two Dollars Re- ward will be paid to the finder, b leaving it at Andrew Doonghs, or the Signal office. Your ob't. eery', • direet through Galt to Guderich: at a durance ' y 11.E:\. 1IACKID of 58 milia from Toronto on the route to Detroi[,counts). and forming at once the cheapest and most direct' Blank Dee. ods and Memorials, I. PRUSSING, KENNEDY McCAIG. [ NoT!.-\Vo have newer been able to route for the provincial trunk line of railroad from ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT Fur WM. RISCHMULLER. February 4th, 185 5. Quebec to Sandwich, as also from the city of BLANKS. -and BLANK PROMIS- Stratford Steam Mills, Oct. 26, 1850. --- -________ New York to Detroit, and by way of Goderich ticyltY NOTES, for sale at the Signal (�i' Always oe hand t Iargs and well or Owen Sound to the Sault Ste. Marie, demand g assorted Stock of LUMBER- which will bei LOST, of the inhabitants of this two their most once- l►%See. Every duenptioo of BOOK and i RrBELONGING TO THE SUBSCRIBER, a• sold at fair rices and on terms to vett CU*, retic and. per«•eriee efforts to secure against all JOB Prntong executed with neatness and tomer,. V 3v37 3m beet the n,o*tb pi November lest, e Promi• rivalry the full benefit of these combined &dean- dispatch.tory VOTE, agates{ )oro. Donaghy, Seo., and to s.-Cerrird 'ver`- -_ - -.John Dooaehy, Jr., for £3 151., drawn scarce pard my expre.•rons sufficiently Moved by Robert Sproule, E.g.. eecoaded by FOR SALE. ; FOR SALE payable to Win. Row.a or bearer, due on Jaw• my contempt for the person, who could sit wtlfuiiv and ignorantly attempt to deceive the public, even in a small matter ; in his extreme zeal to defend " Club Law." - What ! Sir, dues be mean to imply that the market square only became such, after the election in 1833 1 if such Is his ignorance. let him ark Mr. Joseph Wilson if the deed of his property, dated in 1829, does not describe rtes bounded on 'the South East by the "market square ;" Yc also Mr. Theo. dors Reid, if his deed dated in 1832, does not describe hie proper% -now rented by Mr. Horton -1J bound ed on ;the South 1 stances detailed in the foregoing comment Wert by the "Msrket Square. The &seer ration add oe other proof to the thousands Iles that it was fenced at flan time of the mud election, lea positive falenhood. 1 already on record, of the utter inutility- the people el the different towns slang the line, " 'efficient Team. and %Driver. throughout might, also bid him ask Mr.. Jteper K. the mere sham work of issuing marriage I a company to be atvled the Braodord aod year, ear, to convey him through his venous Buffalo Joist Stack Railroad Company," in ac- cordate!, with the Act of Parliament in that be- Circuits, are requested to send him Sealed half. and to get the stock subscribed with a view Tenders. on or before the 10th February next, stating on what terms per day they will be willing to contract. 1t itt expected that the teltn will be required for about 90 days in the year, though the bore's will not be traveling for mere than half that number ofdaye. Goderich, Jan. 30, 1851. ary 9111, Mil. This is to caution any person T OT !tor 2 is the West Side of North Street we certainly think, that common sense and That the inhabitants, in public meeting se- L h T Gad T Easy 1fOal Patellas"t !be same or the above parties vee themselves to nk es ON the Bayfield Road Nine miles from GODERICH, d Three from Bayfield, common decency would suggest the pro- priety of ascertaining that her parents were at (east aware of her intention of beteg married. And if laws have been made for the express purpose of securing to parents the right of advising and centreline their children io this important matter, surely It is the duty of persons hay:og authority in the premie.., to see that the requiremente of the law are duly observed. The circum- ssmhled, do hereby plodApply u a t two of ouch- arms paying the Nubs to any person but the subsert- a Corporation, £45,000 in the Burratoend Brant- (,OI • , any Stratford, January 31, 1851. DS TZARS, loci WILLIAMr Stratford. flt7NAY ford Railway, sod that the Town Council are consisting of 190 Acres of Land, 45 of �- Goderieb, iib Jamie. 1851. hereby requested to drew up mid pass a B. -law which are cleared, and through which runs NOTICE. ORCHARDS ! ORCHARDS f empowering them to do so as a Corporation= that excellent Mill Stream, the 33 Creek. ` Carried. For particulate apply to Mr. NAFTEL, at Strived by A. Cieghoro, Esq., seconded by I. (ioderich.- Ceekohutt, Eq., resolved, September 97, 1850. e3-o33tf FROM the eery flattering support recel- That Moores A. Huntington and A. Gilkisoo _ -------- pomace _-__-v, •e4 by the subscriber on hie first ap- beapp int.d del•pte• to wait upon the people rh `rte 8 and � yS pearaace as Agent in the Division Courts, of Bufferin, Berrie, Stonehndge, Dunnville, is- he would ietimat. to the folia%luso of the diens, loth, Seneca. and Caledonia favorable to CONTRACT. ` • (� ig he would t enerell that be will attend the the ant-opeissi aod to slat le a fa el possible s V O 1\ T R ti `/ 1/ • respective Courts throughout the United their to -operation: and that the said delegates be wJg furnished whh a stock hook and proper ereden-►rEAlit9TER9 or other, wishing to en- Counties of Huron, perth and Bruce, at each rials. end have full power to form on behalf of the w ter into a Contract to furn'ih the , .ns every of iben ittlage (:tsalth permit- iehabitaute of Brantford, in conjunction with d ( t 'o w h Doul and ting,) and as big charges are moderate, and travel::og expensive, prompt payments will be required. N. B. -Communications most be post - pard. JOSEPH WILLIAMSON. Godcrich, Jan. 7th, 11151. 47 3tf Gooding, who was chain bearer at the ger Licenses.] .ey of the Market Square, i 'kink in 1827. In my last letter, Sir, i Aid that the " empty Gaol" was sometimes attributable to the forbearance of"the powers that be" as well as to the postal good conduct of the community at large ; Joe's " dander" As a railroad from Buffalo to Brantford, tkeoce gots uptrend to prove that what i staled to Windsor, either by the Ilse adopted by the was estrus he tell•n. that "all the world friends of the Nagata and Detroit rivers project, asd bis wife" knows that be was a "Gaol or by a more direct hoe from Brantford, through AMC for twelve days, for acting "contrary 8t. Therese, &c , u the topic which absorbs all to the mature in such cue made and pro- others here, we trust that our readers will ex - From the Brentford Herald. THE RAILROAD. tided". i most really admit, however, that. cope a, d, in coanexton with who wee sated ee My undereandis is a, nbbtse that i can- lake week, we unw allude briefly to the of the 1 g likely to be incurred is the eo&nruerioo of the no eve how that bear. against the truth of road, the profits likely to be mired from the my statement, it however prove. that the outlay, &c- This, wet own, is scarcely seers - magistrate did ►le duty in that case at all eery, wheo it Is borne i• stied, that aeuly every eveats. The "meeting referred to was an one is eeq.siated with the meadm: advantages argument its my favor, brought forward by which tie proposed tern bio o'er an otbeea, bet my " enresd friend; ' se afro the " Pound- .s the abject is a iiporuat ale, It eau& keeper" instanced in the end of his last let. well be dlsersisd lou fr.ely. The detases be - ter, for all which assistance i hnmhi thank trees• Befib tad Wtad«r, by way of Beadord, y Norwich,A.e., to alx,ot'if10 *Iles, the "learned Council" and, If h. all wuh- cod the thaw ere of the 1eveleet is Aroertea_ se for it, i .hall at asolber time, explain The right of way would, in meet eases. be giver *Mal ,aee.t by the forbearance referred to gratuitously by parties oweieg laird along the bat should 1 thee be somewhat more point- lore. The eleven cost of the road world not. ed is my reeMrke, i treat he will excuse it, eteeed $2.000 per mile, and wheel the ebespeess u 1 alwaye like tomato myself tboroogbly limns in thea eeanry, rad the cues with which uedersteod, if 1 am at all able to do so. it eoald be laid dews at every put on the time And now Mr. Editor, i thank you for are ooundered, we thud' that we weed ret riot )rule pomace with me, hut d I have you mreh is pimeteg this average est per mile a a " bythe bottom" herr with we a ter little railroad from Segalo thread► Braterrd, Ase , 1. 1 the Detroit river •t £9,000 Tito cseehsies leaps, remember I was the betty att.eked. e.ne.rnr.g the crest. we arrive at by careful rai- ns yea net thick thea whet a scribbler for eslatinse sad by modems the estimated emit per tsaMsee, Joe or 1, quotes a p*.age Item mise of the Oe«saes Valley nilreed whieb is as ole .ether, it fe h epee mea.en rep • fret dew* er nem thssred dollars, oetwitbc*•d• to Wiest. whet M to fellow/ wow el tog the Inch pries d teen is the U.,ted States, te'0 sees 1g?C1lplU e Tie rp M tilt kw,. `ad d" feet tot the grade is 8 feet to the mile, aid of tree of loP• oljltetlee already : w►ie►; eheresi the average erode Worse* Beffelo aod ens"! floe`` i tesld see is wsai followed, Imre 1s eel ran tbu a fest a the mile, to wbleh impliedmove nor Inas than t►b at e m'tiou t be iseta the freedom Gem raves« aod emitter ether ebrtroea firmly es maeb ria los told 1.4.6:4W 4144,40_,..._...„11114 1•4d 1••••••••d a el the esselMd tie woee rests West rept - irersadereg N ; ses I see be saltyN e 4ttnet route be Altewed The ow a4 to ill immediate registration. Moved by A. Bunnell. Eq., seeeeded by John Kerby, Eq.. and Resolved, That the delegates be instructed to emitting some competes* person to complete the y of the line dread from the town of Brantford to Fort Eris, wi:h eatimates of the probable cost of the paid road and report the same as soon as prac- ticable. Mewed by John Tarter, Esq., seconded by A. Bradley. Fig., and R••nlved. That 0.e. P. Wilke., KM.. be appmeted Secretary, s.d'Ureeia M'Kay, Eq., Tremont. Moved by J. Kerby, Eq., seconded by P. C. VasBrockl,o, Eq.. and Resolved. That the+ Stock books for the Brantford asd Buffalo Railroad be forthwith npesed for th. tortoni" drat/mai the await. of snnek of the Tees e• well as the stook of the individuals whi rimy think favorably of the dere. Moved by Mr- Hughes, •eaooded by Mr. Terser, surf Resolved, That Meson. Coekehatr, Hantinitna, Cle- ment, Rsheeek, V1nfireeklm, and Bend}tt b. i Committee to procure alrserlptioss for stock la said reed. JOHN 11. MOORE, CIaurmae. J L themes. Bee's,. Markets. OODERICH, Feh. 13. rill Wheat per be. 3e. ltd. Sprint Wheat 2s. 61. Float Farmers, 8.. 9d. per 100 Ibe.- Barley per be 2. 6d. Oats 10d. Pork lie Od. to 17* 6d Hay per tea, El 171 bd. London, C. W. 415 Feb. Wwst.T,-t►e wpplise from the farmer's teams ceu*fmre estr.mely moderate sad what does arrive is readily take, up by the mitten and fleet desists wee are slmeet out *fleece A flee ample of Pall Wiled v3n50 Moved that the United Counties be diets dad into three school distrtete, for the pus pose of appointing Superintendents of coos - mon schools to be as follows vis Ise. The County of Pertb to form one D'etrc'a comprising the townships of Blas - chard, Downie and Gore of Downie, Nortb and South Easthope, Ellice, Logan, Ful- lerton, Hibbert. together with the new townships to the north of the above. and. The townships of Blddnlpb, McGil- livray, Stephen, Hay, Stanley, Tucker• JOHN STRACHAN, Barrister and .ir°raey at Ire¢, Godcrich. Ug TILL is future atteed se Gemmel et the dif Y'IV *reel Mathias Ce.ru at the United Cognitive( Hems, Perth and Brace G.d•neh. let January. 1851 . N. B. -Parties at e d:m auee wi.h.ag te ova.; Meant/es of Mr Straehen'sreeier*. will pleas. eddt•a Mr. Straabee, pseops(d, Oederieh. Ori NATIONA11 HOTEL, IIRUCEFiELD. THE SUBSCRIBER beg. leave to in- form hie friends and the Debhc row rally, that be has now got the Nobe& Hotel so far completed, as to warrant him in saving that he is prepared to furrteh 80 - smith, and Uiburoe. commodities for alien mad horse, egoel at 3rd. Godench too nom and town. 1{ul• lout, to anything that can b. friend fee- ler, McKillop, Colborne, Wawanoeh, Ash. tweed London and (iodine The:Vats*. field, and the Cot*, of Bruce, alio the al Hotel la euoated in t beautiful and towsebip• to the north of Hullet tad Me- thriving vtl.ago of Br fi.ld, 18 mile. Klllop. from Godcrich and 42 m from London. and from the eligibility of t ettuation,. and strict attention to the comfort of Me remits A LARGE ASSORTMENT of VARIOUS • kinds oflograited Fruit Trees. of Choice & Select sons, wail be forwarded here from the (le•,'sad Nurseries in 'hrr early port of May n ext, and tor Sole at the 11aro•, Hotel, Goderfeh. LEONARD PECK. Goderieh, Feb. 4th, 1851. 3,051 District Crown Lands Office. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT tie rvm*teleg CROWN LANDS u ABHFIELU and WAWANOSH. aro n ow open FOR SALE. All necessary ioforml• lion re•peeting these Leeds may be obtained by applying to JOHN CLARK. 9;eirict Crown Land Agent. 43rd November, 1650. 3vn4111 D. H. RiTCHIP JOHN HOLMES. Carrigi.eseimoeely : and customer•, los hopes for • share of pub- __. lac patronage. NOTICK. JOHN McKEN7,IF,. BrunefielJ, let Jan- 1811, 1,11-,,46 IDEO to intimate to all that it may emcees, that i bevy seders newer ofAttor veer gran;- `l TAME foto the RedeemrRedeemer,nt the subset'. ed to WILLIAM STORY. autbenud him to soy 4th Con. ot 1!, Toeher.mh, non «Iket .11 weir. dee me either by Nets of or about Lott t►e let of November last, • N'bN* heed or otberwr«, vied emelt dssebargee for the same. Pied i hereby nreeeetall 1 8T6eR. with Brnw, sate, oNys&r am a to me forthwith to settle the ogee rad save heN ole. Th. newer to regneetd to Provo ease. pr.per*y, poly exrxneev and art. him awe) . JOHN LANCASTF.S. WILLIAM McML'RRAY- Gejeneh, !bila d.r Mete 850 •3x17 Teek.rsteuth, Jan' 4. 1151 46 C/ b AME into the enclosure of the ;Seeriber. about the first of September last, • year old HEIFER, let ,ncer.ittn, Lot No- 4, Hullut.- Tn. nwo.r i. retl'toted to prove property, pay expenses, asd.taae her sway. AUGUST VAN EOMOND. Hallett. Jan. 25, Ie31- v3a60 Cash tor ‘1 heat ! TILESobee•ii r. req,rreaQuantity of FALL, IVIiEAT, for wheat tne *ugli- est h - R est marker value nil he given. M. B. SE:YMOUR & C..• (Ioderich, Jon. 30, 1851. 3vn.".0' f NOTI C I' i preen indebted to WIL.l.tAll 1irN- Nh;DI', Fee , late ethengeen.tire rru"eat. ild to make immedete .en' -.vent ‘rt h the Yu',- ember --rad parties having claim. sg•reer ohs seine will please forwent them duly arree'rd A- MA('DONALi). Aiterney. Garfish. :Oil, Jan., Ih51. •,1.49 1-1AMK into the peemsseo of ma. subsrn- ' bee. on 'he Ilii rd December tare a Bleck COW, with some white sheet lett hag. and a mites step. between bet tore lege. I,et 45.54 eenceeaen, Gndench - Tbe owns 11 req'test.d to prove roprrty, Ply capon«c, a1J tale lin 0115° i tti ILi.IAM I11.1..y Janna'' 11 1131, 404- 1 't