HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-02-13, Page 1%tiled the "roved, honed their dead. sod owgu- NEW LICENSE LAW. e sad deep _ fettered'two wilier vessel. Ls wbwh hese T. /ollowing rIsu.. of the new T wool pus aro tregseatly leued, _ twee deposited the boats t the the ed. ofet 500License law we ueert se wortbw of Dutlrt, them eo°tstrtag as sway _ particularly ail 7' Kseper•:- e. 11...,, teretur s. I brass .1d pepper ..And be it enacted, That whenever any 1.4..., woo cholla sed other permits shall have drunk spirituous Itgenre is l..e* e.rluelibw. It te dpp.sd that those any Ian or Tavern with th• permis*tea or osiers three were collected 0 at regi periods, and plica. .offraocu of the keeper thereof, and •ball ,o these pts with some religiose eeetltony, w pm th.Opiteveld sot hem held as nosey Wive1a while tooth to sof'•toxicaties or drunken then .e hoses 40 npreeeet there. Charlevoix, neva truing int of the 411101 •414741 •piruu- in his web a Claude. m..uwe rh„ Cmsiw° ous liquor', come to his death by commrtt- Twt Twat Voi.or■ of the Hares Signal and calls it the feast of the deed. In breaking tog suicide, or by drowning or perishing .0d. with the prsNol number. And, is re- PIP"'awe• man sal f l I v other accident such »per o any *n gtelty of a misdemeanor; and beteg convict- Subscribers, we feel tumid to acknowledge from cold, HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13. ISM up the Dail °°°1155"°(°1°5 places 8 or •a ' turns our best thanks to our oomerots chisels, are ,ub.*i mad es so•ny t (. 1 eh Inn ng Tavern aha11 ►. turning (all .1 brukae preen el Ihnr brows ware 0.t nevi• rd thereof, guar 1011041 been indicated and that 00f .ecce.• has bees fa beyondo0. On the Christian lelsed•. eoetigeoes to Pete- , I tsaeeietwers, are the remain, of • steam ►.IWrag, „ot in house been erected by the Imams. seder 'h• au of Jesuit reiaioasti e. 1t . seed, proboLly• for a fort. as ib, talions Md fled thlth•r from another ler' seem Peoetenguo 'hese. It is sold that shortly before their dight. they .Oi0bered 70.000 hat had been reduced to poou by 1111 .s1 ionone. This latter numbs took refuge oath. i.lsa,'; with a miwio0ary. sed meet probably th••11 up this o.w dilapidated work for p.nlec,i„ti. There 1re r.in, out 1.1 Iran t'i1 1idage, supposed ,o be the.. of 1 church retied tried (or each offence in due coarse n. ow.own expectations, and certainly beyond the shell 410 liable to ba 0.ipnsuned in the Com-; expectations of moo? of our readers. Of tM oo the w,l on which be was born. Aod all mon G.nl of the Dteuia Ili Lower i'enada, pet nor laws aiDee 140.1 petted -all work -bon• or C^uoty to Upper Canada, m which such manner in which the Signal has been con- `a- ilk i e° chats-6ospa ll aid ay• offence shall have been coinmttted, for a ducted, we bare nothing to say. Our co- uf time out lase than two and not temporaries of the Pesa bare kindly need lums, certainly intend to recugelse this ore thio six months. and to pay a peoalV to that trouble, and es them ki offer ved, • There Is birthing hetrodox or alarming u flu. (act; and, if we admit that every mos has • vigil to lour, the admtsuoa twewut- ly includes a right to the earth and ria pru- ductioe1. And instead a( attempting to divide the earth aid give to every child or man, so equal titter., eoolaty, te sous of the moot enlightened °oestrin of the world, has thought It mote practicable sad more beee6cial to recognise One commis right of mankind, by establishing certain lairs aid Ineutut1001 called paid*. For instance, the poor Taws of the reign of Queen Elisabeth, was a national admission of the right of every man to be supported common ng o c Pounds nor o oitioo and has comparatively and for: herr the uuwwnarve are w loads 30,000 converts, sod her. they experienced 10040 or , incredible .et&ring-some w -re flared .1111, I ,Uvivina relative,. o.i the deer -teed, a, the subjects o0 which we have wntten. ducuo0, of the earth, and that these pro- have been malt is behalf of popular educe- - A friend of Joseph Williamson were learnt, with other Indian barbarity, ,, J Co„rt no,o ,,,,,,..der to be most on need whether three views and opinions have been generally right or generally wrong, we ductious must either be procured by his own tion, is the Btll of the Honorable Commie• n O wad tome pow'r the litre gin 01, have, at least, the satisfaction Of wronkoog, . exertion., or by the exertions of others, *our of Crowo Lands, pulsed last session. „ To N' Orrsela as etkn. see us, that they have hese honestly expressed.- wisdom seems to say that it is both the du, This Act esu apart a targe poruos of the i. It wad frac mons a blunder free os ani tr and the interest o! society to provide politic lands for the purpose of noels( . foolish notion." And, what is more, we have the best frit, Burn's Address to a lsu.e. deuce that the honesty of our manner bee •eery moo with the most likely means of fund for .locational porpoise, i0 all ems I1ow, Mr. Eurn's Addrast m ax-TasoaDt been duly appreciated. Our circulation, in supporting himself. It is true, that in the Doming. This Is a tatgible ackoowledg- Haar ,M .. Bi Joe," u 1t, facetiously resent state of society, the idle and dl.si- moot of the rightprinciple, as t41e tetra [ y taus United presCouent. than, 11 was scut one-half oP [ [ larger at present, than it at the end of Paved habits of • large number of maekmd ttori that will be born a thoDNnd years styled bluetit- 0. the "Loyalist" tett other forbid the hope of any complete remedy for hence will derive as much benefit from the day, and which abreviation be sums to like our First Volume, and the bees g oe during better the what he calls 4141 "reel same"; the tut three months has bees greater this human wretchedness ed destitution. Yet, pubic domain, a the generation vow Irving, to soy equal period during the three years, it is possible that the transmission of these And, by adding to the proposed am.uI1 of 1 may, lest he should, on reading the &hove habits to another generation might M. pre- this fund, the endowment of the University quotatiosm from gifted authors, 1411.1 it De- Aod at this moment, we can say, there aremiser to call on me tie rows that I ever Ont twenty respectable or influential mus vented by a proper course of instruction.- and the proceeds of 141• Clergy lands, a sous &louse oo boo, -which would not M tc the United Comities, who do not take And, though thousands may be unable to fund would be raised sufficient to give a more •Douse, than, after Wanting all 1 the Huron Signal. We make no exeep- uoder•tand the relation subsisting between common school education to the whole said 4o be t1rt1, to call fur mon pgDef-1 viii• of creed or party. All parties and all common Education and the success of com• people of Canada in all tune coming.- 1 creeds are equally our patrol), ; and to all moo industry. yet. on looking at the char- There would be no pauperism or prior -•thiol may tee a louse tell 0 01 huh woo to aonce that I pply we tender our hearty thanks. We acknow actor of see -tenths of thou who bmrthen reproach associated with such a system.- y the public by inhabiting poor houses, work- The son of the rich mai and !be-soa of the 141. moral contemed ie the quotation, to ledge their creditable liberality, isootot only in or•man would receive the mouth i01tr00 him ; (1 beg him 10 newt sae fn the appL- reading our paper, but also ID paying for it, houses, jail, and penitentiaries, ,oe, .1 can P° cation and, as h. says th.1 M addressed For, uotwithsteding the proverbial dtffi. mareely avoid this cooclusioe, that their tion from a source to , which both had the ) misery and degtadattoo has, to a great ex- same indisputable right. It would, in abort, himself specially to me to t►.' tail of his eulty er lly cng Newspaper he kip - be natiolal.education exhlbiti mg itself is a last letter -though for the Ids of •..1 can - we cheerfully acknowledge that the lope- tent, resulted from their ignorance. The connection between ignorance and national form and producing national bees- not see in what way -i mean sow tow:We r, leas caeca o0 our ively phots List c pre.. a few litres specially to bin, I trust foe his _ ___ ......i. raw. And. rnegid. crime, has for many generations; been a slags• ;and thee, take a glance .t lW "e- t of erid nar eonysrssuos with the The principle o! tax og private property good m ht t 1b. soil But itis adiet of sot leve then Twenty -hre P el little more Chao One Hundred Pounds; the a- sincere acknowledgments. Our desire hastenden recognition, to Improve the condition of soeie- imeint of wish penalty *hall by the Court been to do good to the full extent of our before which such conviction shall eke ability, and to express, freely and imparti• ty- place, be ordered to be paid to such one or all our views and opinions on the ♦anon. Se.iog that the physical necessities of expense, 10 Tis mi1TOa OS Tse seat• r.eat- i betre, legal represent fiver or y. A d ever) Was moa M Dappled from the pro% UN of the most vitreal attain flat "SAVE ME FROM MY PRI`PID' ties Deter see be generally sente1. The very eaters el toe thing precludes the pea satiny of soak a merit. 1t M Its that any mai'• tea weeld jest he Misfiled to a share of the b.sdu est the seem twos es a .a ether mai s res. But, eesps sti sly 1111 5g •( low of the people of this cow:try see aMe to ai tha C -1-,i. ia. M ,Pee.. Ohm* iso qbs bestow a college education ea their obit- joinea , fur thea-Nll.s of •floe .aswre. dre.-and, bssad0., commis 0000. tell. w Ilio., t►. fsllewt.g geatbamw uses. t11p0iet- th.t the whole youth of the possum. er "pima* previa year, rtt t table ►use .f them, ds- t,- 1 atbb... w. Brea • rwsp.c P''M Vice PreOideslr,-0. Clarks M.- catsd for 1410 Bar sed ti• pslplt, wNld M Qtte•0. aa 0.1.1./5411. b.rt►ee on the industry of the BNre/uy,--M►. L G. c.si ,bass, con.try. The Cased= Dahlia. properly _ .(biatI l.ewe.. ' !d. ,peaking, sod a (tete every 1141., pubhe, - H.•ry Fortipplis G.1., Ce►. hetet, kj. . suet efts iy actual Grier. Aed Ieseh, Blake, William Ywsg, Alex. Aa0.d, 3.41 whatever porno. of tM p bIto 404140 w Stori.hou.., 30\vi 84wa 1, William Pit}}aar, toe public r•v is 10 be devoted to *du- Joh. Hester, iso.. ftattissbsry, 3.41. E111- ntt, CharIN Gtrea. Jac.b lfllllw, eau.., should M *speeded o0 that bed of Jo.epb Whitely. 00i .ducatioo wh:cb the whole public raisins, avid allow thou few who are demons of been ming Learned men and Lawyers, to procure the extra education at their owe 1Q" T•a. Netsem.-The A wa.est Ulla. Ism, soy be stied f.r M the smtwwl Peet Oisss • the Hews sod f .04 Roads, es Saturday, the 1/141 tart. 0mminication r Gonaares 6th Feb. 1801. come ,anally dreadful. A Indttio0 a .1444 1x11411 0i triers hawing bee. Freecb troops gernponed where these ruins now exist, sad that Iney were obliged to leave in such haste as not be .bee to k. .oything away with there. but maimed ore 0.ervmg of thn 111111110."-Jo.rno' &r. £r p, rase THE DEATH OF AUDUBON. to bury or secrete their sums sod 1romunuton, John James AuJunon, the nrnnhoingt•t, together with • great deal ,f treasure. Pardee of Caa.dimos, in the hops of finding these 0.w• died ,t hie residence on the hanks of the .are,, have lsboored for ww41s in removag some Hudson, January 17, 1851, aged seventy - old monad', but have as vet found nothing, all vr.re. ten likely they over will, se Charle•ot& melte' es T(1 el•brstrd man w0. the iron ^f •• no meows. of troops at soy of thewNations- viey were purely for miwiosery purposes. Lit- Admiral in the French, nary, who took him lie property of any kinJ would they be likely to to !Preece, where he received a varied and possess whose r de buaio's* was to convert the accomplished edncetien. He returned to Aesthete Thew stone' gob.. greet demi by agent Louisiana, his birth place, at the age or ,a •boo, 250 years since these beadiest were is• about seventeen years, anJ mitered upon habited-the size of the growing oo the his paternml estates. spot te ample testimony to their age -vitro raise Ile toile manifested his fuoJuess fur apparent dtff•eoce a their .i0. and these of the natural history, which he pursued through serr000dior forest. 1,(e with r,oabated enthusiasm. and with a "[here are still a few Indians residing along the shore of Lake Huron, and a small tone of success that made him a world-wide repos civilised InJbsw ander cue care of a Wesleyan tattoo. rn,w,00ary. on an island sot far from "'enema- The t'fe fidelity and beauty of delineation gaisheoe-lhe00 at. in houec., cultivate the ground mad are comfortable -have oo want el food or clothing. sad e.)oy most of the bleemep of civilized lift: still bootleg and fishing is pre him to been have bethe closest observer. (erred by them to agriculture; but were they He was a staunch as a man as he was settled on better lend (which they express • renowned an a naturalist. The childlike with to ebtau) the would o ld for hewing would than lie leavened, whi b they heir landdnowwdifferent crop, l Welshes them. of temper wecity ofre worthy of all imitation, and Some of their ebildn° attend 1n iodestrid wheel made him beloved by all who knew him. eriag the circumstances of our agricultural re yprofitable determines as he tells It. supported by the different tribes of Indians from At the age of .ixty years, when he was enb bteoal onion of society. And, of tete for the support of fres schools, is patbapc their annuities paid them by Government. first personally koown to the writer -of this popoI ion is genera ed the actual scar. [ P )The Bard, Sir, to the aboveriamtd address The British Goreromeet is •try anxious tc vigorsketco he hadg all the sprightliness be and cit of move i0 this rt of the eomntry, years. some hue even ventured to trace a objectionable on' the strict principles of jus- %mpro•e their cnodnion, sod encourages them a tiger of )sung mei. In person s was 7 1 es certat0 relation between ignorance ed pow- tic.,,s it causes the miser and the bachelor to sums to have thought that the low would mach w poesible to managing their aooat);ea, cal remarkably well d His aspect our case is not so desperate as might.be ( the education 0` the poor moo's chit• not have been out of its plate, or worth end educating thein; without thus aoperinten- dense the indigos would soon be extinct -who- sweet of the Birds of amsriea, placed bi,u in the first ranks .s an artist, while his tuidute ac- curacy in dereriWng their habits, proves key and the (scarcity of game most reduce thin, ren eredtable to the boasted intewgenee of to poverty end death. Cinliz+tine i. then the arched amj unclotril t the hairs of the brow expectations. And, to shew that we aro only resource left to prevent the utter desuuctioo prominent, particalarlt at the root of theendixed countries, that although the ex- of this once powerful and interesting race. nose, which was long and acquitine, chin not insensible to the encouragement we nee of supporting overly, and -of rorte- From the high price of lumber in the United prominent, and much charseterx•d by en- have received, nor ungrateful for it, we to. Pe ppo, g P p Fwee the attention of lumbermen has been di- trey and determination. The eyes were tend, so soon as the necessary preparations eating crime, u, in tnost countries, greater than would su"ic(lor tie education of the whole people, yet, the national efforts to remove fgnoraocebave been fedi in number, and miserably limited io extent. The Pa. rochial Schools of Scotland are • partial ac- keowledgment of the principle for which we contend, namely, that every mai has. some right or ciattti to tho-soti of the coun- try in which he is born -but we say, the acknowledgment is but partial; fur although the Teacher of a Parochial School in Scot• land is bound to teach a certain number of children gratis, yet, mobil who are able to pay must pay, Fres Education is thus des - graded, and the recipients of it are looked upon as paupers rather than as chtldreo re- ceiving something to wbieh they 0.e legit- imately entitled. We are not eertal0 how far the Pru+elan system of Education is de- serving . serving of the name of Free. The value of the principle is neutralized, or overbalanced by the pernicious details through which it 1 and remarks y we made. arty, sOd consequently between poverty p+y or r end animated. leis whole bead was supposed. In abort, we have already laid, - d e But the Law of the land compels the taking notice of, in a " Beggars bast tarkaely striking. The forehead high our success Dae been fur beyond our owe and crime. Yet it i* a lett by oo means support of the poor man's children, when had attracted his attention, and seeing through ignorance and crime they become 'mates of the Provincial Penitentiary. - And, altbuugh it cannot with certa;aty, be affirmed that education would completely prevent crime and .eupercede the necessity for a peoRtentiary-yet, facts and experi- ence show, that 1(0041000 is the fruitful source of crime, and even with the hope of dimiashing it, that soul must be wholly destitute of ben.volece and magnanimity that would refuse to assist in the attempt. V"OgleR•;Gowan has come off second beet in the election of Warden to the coun- ty of Leedi%' This intelligence must be gratifying to every lover of peace, order and good Government, in:Upper Canada. - The Spectator feels elevated in believing, Huth the defeat of Mr. Gowan is evidence of their reproved health of conservatism %0 Leeds -and we have no desire to rotation of his imaginative consolation. Mr Sherwood, the new Warden for Leeds, may perhaps be more conservative than Mr. Gowan. Of this we do not judge, and we have no fault to Mr. Gowan on account of his conservatim-- Bat, the mai, be be radical or Tory, who would resort to such means a Mr Gowan has employed to secure power'and notorie- ty, must expect that tbe best portion .f society will feel proud of hit downfall. - We may. however, remark, for the further gratification of our Hamilton cot.mporary, that the reception which Mr. Richard. has !Moly met with from his Constituents, res, dere It almost certain that Mr- Gowan will not be the sitting Member .fcr Leeds In the next Parliam.at ! rcted to the ',Iron, and sus mills are beginning I dnt places on the lake shore.ark glee, set deeply in the head, and as cao be effected, to make improvements i0. 'PheI'ouiber ng up talrean dye'hipped has not been 'minis- I the glance u( to eagle. ietati•e. The pine 041 the shore i. generally 1 Ile used to say, he hal no faith in genius the size and appearance of our Wee' 1y knotty, and the lumber manufactured of inferinr that a man could make himself what he Sheet that will render it more wort -sy of quuity, bot further inland the puts may prove of pleases by Libor, and by uswg every mo. the circulation it has already obtained.-- • bean Dart. went of time, the mind might be kept im The late changes to the conveying of the The soil around the village is light and mode, proving to the end of life. Look at facto Mails to and from Goderich, will be muco int when well cultieared prodnees excellent and trnet for yonreel(, he would say; medit- vmps, .ereeielly of h■y. There te. h0w1v11. Do i ate and roamon; it is thus a mai should edu- in favor of the .Signal, especially during want ofetey land in the vicinity, which is only of cat► himself the Sitting of Parliament, as we wtll,`ence• forth, receive some of our Toronto exchan- ges at the moment of going to press, and be enabled to send the latest news over the whole District in a few hours after we re- ceive them. The Signal is published o0 Thursday afternoon, and, with the excep. tion of St. Mary's and Bayfield, will be in every Post Office in the Counties of Huron and Perth, by noon of the following day. - This, we are certain, will be materially i0 favor of our circulation, more eepecIally in the London Road Townships. In conclu- sion, we take this opportnmty of assuring our readers, and the people of these United Counties generally, that the Signal will, as formerly, continue to expose and condemn all shnnttoork in high places and in low pla- ces, whether io the House of Assembly, or in the Hall of the County Council. Aod will ever endeavor to secure the good -will of all, and the support of 111, by adhering strictly to the principle involved in its mot- 10--" Telt G&BATKST roaltaLa GOOD TO 711* GaaaTgsT po1•Iara ftvwsaa." 1,4e being lound out: those who have settled oa it ars dnmg well and raise good crops of wheat, he. All kinds of fruit sad garden vegetables grow luxuriantly. Melon' ripen In the open air without any p►rticsler ■itentioo: peaches hats ,e0 tried, hat the winter's p11111ty is *gamin them; wild bolo' 1e &bandunk cranberries are eolleeted is great quantities, and are an article of waffle. The winters are long. cold, and generally Newtons; snow Iles on the groond for five months seldom is the earth seen daring this period. and the thermometer frequently (ells as low u 25 deg. below zero. tVhen the winter breaks up, the spring opens with a rapidity hard• ly known in other places, and the moment the Clow I is the woods, wild flowers supply it, place, w that snow and flowers may often M seen together. The Bruce ?dines and mines on Lake Superior hewer already been of some advan- tege-far cattle, boner, eggs. and mane other farm products find • ready cash sole. If three works prow• prohuable, other* will D. induced to explore for minerals which may yet be found in this oeighbourhoed. The townships of Tiny end Toy, in which the ',Rage of Peoeteoga,ohene hes, contain .',out 200.000 . , this most of which is fit (or cul- tivation, but u yet covered with the original toren. Wbeo, however, the lend. becomes *leered, sod cove -ed with gond farms, rhe aspect el PPIetaegeisbsae will be greatly eh.oged, as from i1• Doing • shipping port, the produce of the lead cram be forwarded, without breaking bolt, to any pert of the world. in,tlso finest of his works, he said, he had always described from his own observation and that 4" coloring his drawings, the plu• mage sppeareJ so brilliant and beautiful to his eves, he could never get his colors to equal them. in correcttngthe errors of other writers, he scud he always did so with tenderness, and from a sense of duty. In recording his death, we feel be has co equal. The different societies of naturalists will no doubt, take measures to pay suitable testimonials of respect to hie memory. - Y. Ere. Tori. ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA. The 'Canada' arrived at New -York en Tuesday last, with dates to the 9th ult.: New York. Feb. 5,1851. The Canada's dates from Liverpool are to the 9th. Cotton declined b to g. Bread stuffs dull; prices favour the buyer. Ameri- can flour could not be Bold in quantity with- out submitting to a decline of 6d a le., and (radian Coro was folly 6d lower, with dull market. Accounts from the mano(soturing districts represent steady but rather limited business Provisions without change: operations most- ly confined to best qualities. Pork -full price, good Es,tern wanted. Bacon held firmly, but the high vales checked operations shoulder. dull. Cheviot firm and , n gnod request-i0fenor saleable. Tallow extre- mely dull: Lard holders have established an advance of 1.. Sales 60 tons at 40. ed per cwt. Wool is le good demand at full 94141•. London money market has been steady during the week, but appreheonon is still felt 'het the Bank may be compelled to ad- vance Its rates; and Brokers demand an ad- vance over last week. -The last report of the Bank gimes its bullion st a fraction les. than £14,000,000 which thews a decline of nearly a quarter of a million. Political intelligence a rather important. The cruse 40 France was not over, and it wee quite uncertain how it could end. The President appeared firm, but it is feared the new Cabinet would have to gn by the board. ',martins had jot the President, and wa+ speaker( in Ms 4e vine to the 'emit dame. ^^1i The trnubles in Germenjl were on the eve e(,rt final settlement. The Schleswig Holstemn war was over. The King of Denman, having both the aid of Austria and Prussia, has gamed his point. The English general news is of Hilltop tett/rest. It is cosfldently seed that the Chaoc.11or would haul" surplea of not les. than £400,000 for the year. Public espectatlon ie strongly in favor of a large reduction in taxation. The Baltic ship Fe.saeenim wan wrecked off Holyhead nn the I Ith alt. The Captain and eleven hands were lost, together with her caro and toheeen. Aelm ht.eramlonhas been created by the retest appointment, withont any pee- rless settee, of a sew Roman Cetbolme Bishop for Ireland. The Loamd.tm Standard Nates that Lord Jobe 1te_.el1 Aramv *Moues to the prise(- phte laid Isms no TAVERN LICENSES. That whereas by a certain act of the Pro-. ',eclat Parliament of the 15th and 14th year of Her itsjesty's reign, entitled an Act `To •mood the laws relative to Tavern Licences Le. and In the 9th datum it is enacted. That nothing therein enotatoed shall pr 1 4 the overeor General in collect' from au- thorising soy one of the Council in any Municipality, or any other person recom- mended by them to ,se Tavern licenses to and for said Municipality.' Your Memorialists find that from the let day of January 1851 to the 31st day of March, being three month*, 110 tum, of £613 17. 9den , was cold by the Revue In• specters for the United Counties, to the Receiver General and that the mum of £542 19. 6J only was returned, thee loot/tog the tum of £101 5. 3d for the said period and the Revenue Inspectors retain oleo 0441 per cent of the T licence, food. which %mounts to Dearly .C100 more, 10 that the lose so.tained to the different Municipalities is floret, £200. Yonr Memomlio therefore earnestly pray flat von? P veeilency will he piee.ed to appoint the head n( each MunicipahlC to ,.sue Tavern licensee waive his own Mun- icipality. AodI7oef Mem riati.te as in duty bind will ever p .y.- J.ureel 4' Frprees. 11 is pith pl. w. slit. lit. the enlargement sed etherwtw Im(Nwnf Ute T0d Dppava oNeed Ais ria s. p.blmebed et Tamara It is sow a eery reepeeuh bte .her. end e..deeted withThis ,a greet deal of tiara mad woe* we wssld poet from ser perwea) It&ow. hideof the Edi whom we hale bad the plea - eoe of keeeme is fee soyears. There ,. • freehee es sod ae originality attest the editorials of the Nerd Amwi0.m ses wbieh..epae Moiety ow by ety aid 04..t, men softie far ro that paper • Dads etesd.s. The platform ss•eswy too tM Followelwaft atsle bread rough se es- Pesdate al mel. sed 4hsemu.gh Dmap eel arm dime ft dolt defy ss sMoir eir stud 0. tut yet a thee will emuwhim. we helloes a mr my. hie plotter* r* .411 be . kw One M•gyaleei mM to 1..e ill he dss.- / l E' ISi*1I * 001- re miser and the bachelor to contribute to the but, the evident si,!7 vanity of " Jenny" is carried into practice. In the United States, numerous attempts have been made to establish the right of every child to an ordinary education, at the expense of the State ; and, in some States, 40 approxims, tion to this principle has been ..tableted. Universities, or National iotitutions, of Learning and Science, frequently pretend to represent the common right of mankind to some benefit from the soil. But it a noth• Mg more than a pretstuiol-for although erected and endowed from the National do- main, the public donee no benefit from them. And, owi0g to the kind of education taught t0 these lostrtutIoe,-rowing to the preparations neeesary for entering them - owing to the appearance required to be kept up while attenduog them, and owing to the fees sed perquisites will which they areappropri- atelytrammeled, they might he mere appropri- ately called " Public Semi.snes for the ex- clusive beni6t of the wealthy1e Upper Canada, for testa:ace, a University, eo call- ed, hos for many years been kept op at tb• public expense, for the purport, of manufac- turing a bord of sectaries priests, and a host of greedy, hungry Lawyers, who aro at the moment paralysing the energies, both physical asd moral, of the entire com- munity. The people have bees paying for the making of Priests and Lawyers, ed the Priests and Lawyers in return, have like 'sceptres, bees suckle( the life -blood of the people'. te The Ueereay us ham s lost meth of ,te sectaries character, oldthat b• Pal the t that has teles place -414 that s a (rent 1, b.cau.s s 141e eerie of the world, and the man who can lop .E sue ere of its claws, or weaken •••efits;tree( " Nature's Legacies!" Ws always limn bolds, le tutted to the gratitude of all :ow•ards peacticability--anme d, m the premed s0.kied. On tbie wettest the H.e.rabls inemse•, we merely desire to recegolee = t Rol*" BSWen. ie 11"1"1 og .1 the "Wm.simple, fact, which all the and *hash. of sot .sly Upper Casale, bit arguments and sophistry of the "shute; of the whole world. Hie U.iv.esity A00 .epees let.-•/egitt0t,eedoo Js sr . bten a claw M..twit. frees the .it. Thin isle cos Dever ;eyelidate or set aside-- b..s,er, to all that the public have le M Densely. Every hums Ming that is Mie tba.kful ler, is the hi. tlnieeretty Bill. it Int* the w.rW is Mrs with etertars Tule hes destroyed **lam"' the **ni041ar.st0T and Art, tart., to the Bishops. Mist regeire to he stapptl.d, te seder te.re- o.md•sey of the iest/When ani fret, we Leede• s 0.M to is mildly filling 0h I even his misname. sed whisk ems eely be I say Y • great .e1wmwt. aha to se for se will every bud of /nr on /OH bis 101rneuN is eenmmtmed. the Weise- Pneting •peer. espphed ►y the predachea ;/ the earth - Ie EDUCATION FOR TILE MiLLiON. Mao, of the most eclighted Philosophers and Political Economute, have contended that then are certain th1ngs called " Natu- ral Rights," or, in other word.. they con- tend that every mai who is born into the world has some right to the world. Aod it certainly must be admitted, that nature doss give every ma Ike right of being bora, but whether she intends to give bin any farther right to the world, continues to be more a moisture of theory than of (met. One thong, however, is certain, namely, there are a great number of human beluga living oa the earth 41 pretreat, which seem. to say that there is a sort of innate feeling to fa- vor of the natural right to live. But, in order that th.right may be a reality, and not a mere a traction, it is neeoee•ry that every man shall have something to lire on -that 1., he .hall knee a natural inheri- tance in the earth irkick kis Creator ka. .end kis t. in4ahit. We bare no mustiest of iatroducing tM alarming doctrine of the Socialists ! We do not %steed to advec.te the theory of the ''Leveller.," nor to insist upon an equal division of the sal into little patches of five sem each, to be dee%(10.tad " blastie" in such a place, he wart led to moralise as we have seen. 8o, Sir, the blunders Joe (I must stick to the abbrevi- ation, it will both save type, and please him) has committed is this, to him at least, " unprofitable discussion," would not have been ob bee, or at all noticed, 1. as ordinary person ; but, ms is in many 11075 an KITRAORDIOA.r individual ; a neve( member of the Bar, or legal professioo,-if we are to believe the inference to be drawu from hue advertwmsnu, now in your calumet. One, Sir, who does sot know when be le beaten ! ! ; a punster also ' i ' ; albeit of the thickest water ; and here, sir I woold call the particular attests°. of some of my friends to the specimen of Tele AaT, peeps- • Crated by my freed Joe in lut weeks Sigma sal, in the hops, that they will consider the matter ; and, uehew the vile habit for ever. 1, Sir, do not admin an " admit nothing, deny everything" sort of a Lawyer ; hut, 1 would most certainly prefer employing one of that lurid to a fool, who, forsooth, must seeds, Dos Quixote like, run a tilt 01 every tried mill, which he imagism, that 41e sees .o his way ; and then, ruts his cue, injure hie client, and stultify himself, by the most uncalled-for admiesioos, Itz .so'ce us- ry ceut.aentaria es 11'4,.objsc . under discus -- UM. to order to make myself more fell; voider - steed, I shall now4 as 1 have said, take a glance at the "dieeusstos" from lt. Coe• w0eesienl. It harts( appeared to os, Bir, from the f 1 is the 3tig.a4-of cumin scribblers," as JN weeid call them : that, instead of nsdsrtee ear position, I■ srosiapas matters mon User to the public, their 1 Q/ in reference to anther Letter from ear C X, in to -day's issue, we bog leave to suggest, that In mums to our readers, the discussion hu ►..s already sofbere.U7 tong. indeed, 4t appears to no that then is really no point at fomoe be - threes the paries. X makes Cerullo state - meets which Mr. Williamson to be facts, but alledges that they are eta - ted with an nswortby totention-and, of this, X, ales. is qualified to judge. We hope both parties are now prepared to corn. Filmset each ether en the improved state of ..catty is Goderkb, and es huts( obi torsed a eery improved Election Law, wish will g. for i0 pr.vunting :he reeurres.e of the club -low elections, which it most be admitted. were .eise tee t.mimes. 501 only Gdweb, het ales s every be Casaba 07- Is seethe, cologne will be feud as eructs free the Bnatf.rd Herald, se the w►j•e• .1 the propend Railroad from SAW* to Brsetfoed. We nett end a pommel of it to o., readers ie Harem sod Perth - - ietr•ednet0M M mime murk' " had boded rather to mystify it tM more. I therefore' attempted. by • plus statwesst of fasts, le afford the electors se •f j•41f01 who was to blame. At the same trM having beard of a certain p.ttttes hawked abut for stg•aters, fur the of the set of ioo.rpontios el the Tees ; and, of ►M naso•. set Ifni N W peution, for sash ropes attempt ea most suicidal ttee the preere N of the Tows. sad attempted De Mwt . tI; fallacy and felly se fit lieldisg seal epic in11 ; W a/r•11'0' unity. u 0gave Mai sly rause' it end everms- s• f„g ••41-e ot e( Big 1". .deeed his 10 emu forward 0ed give sae " the leo" shale lenge a dioeuo.tos, amid, is hie owe overdo, to be "martyred ie a ped emus." 1t did not appear to me, Bir, ta he d mq u the p0Ns wb•1h•r ay acme wag X 0r Y se long 0g L rooted thus and evaded everythtq eal•slatd to gM pereseal deet• to 00y Dao ; sod, 1 webs*, that is by first letter, 1 did iofb. My friend Jos. however. d.dard " the sloe was Det eves • attune( e1 troth ie all that this anssym000 ..0Nler bee stated a" aid 4.4 ha little stout to mob it appear that I had mads as emelt so the toes shin e. ter, sad trishaws is general ;thee wiim r 'obesely declare, thewas ;Whine M w es the 0e4set w►fe41 tie Wend to Igloo free my theagbt• at this two 1 wren Ir`; 1 respeetlelly wb.ut, that the leaguer femora vet sort teem. seed will tet bear est the Awes. tattolt_.$1 emelt eo.tn1d sad perverted Cr Po.O.e@ wishing te trammel Ms- of "Big Jee." Dees with the Cestty Clerk, esti reviewed lee, however, bavie.g em eseriffissat to bear Is mind, that the ds of hie stile- •t.mbW apse " 1410 ml.lag slim"4!#/. i" and se he mud " fee 1 woe Uwe tttaps•(t: dace le Geier(eb, ere the first aid Misr'00,bie masa .t( the -sk. lr owe O_• 1Fdiriys of est sheik. 02'• The Comity of arose will Ise attme-1 (bbkood of kb 0infitil r Irn Wee met eserlsteet w N Yet1, 1 taut 11• bberlgs eesrsohat l eg44tM lye 101110 dMtoksregarm pubis ... Iwo