HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-02-06, Page 5i
S4ere•M a..i-etaat•eh ■$iT'11
A\b.UME; W.
enrmt Sinal mueh as is contained to 500 lb* of guano.
Signal, (The urine of a cow is valued, In Flen-
aRl• *Pb pen.liat•0 enemy
Y THO,MAId• AIA('aUp:E\,r
. ao` r - rt.ssat .a,
i[ei -.Pt/ A.A G(* 0Ieff •
eteeriblieLgall Jab Parse ,
sotto—ens and dispatch.
Tomas meresHwse 4rouL._TEV SHIL-
LINGS per nutter' if pail neatly in ad
orTwtyv;'•po BIZ Ptact with the esptrauoa
of -rho year. • 1
No paper d scpalieued until arrear ars
paM up, unties th•publisher tbisksit his advan-
tage to do so.
Any individual in the reentry becoming re-
sponsible for six •absenbere, ,loll receive •
•eventh copy gratia.
LT All let tors addrasaed to the flirter meat he
post paid, or they will rut be take• out of the
post office
7 saw et AbI[.yltl.a.
His boos sod soder, first insertion in R f
Each sebsequeot misertwe 0 U 7y
Ten linea aad under, first Marmon, ,0 3 4
Each subsequent ioe.rtioe , 0 (4 10
Overt tan lues, first townies, per lee, rt n 4
Each aubsequast inserters, 0 0 1
TT A liberal dioeeent male to there w ,e
advertise by the sear.
Our early years -hew bright Mee seem,
A. memory bean es beet
To ,u. epos ale. creme tkst skeet
O'er childhood's eiabew track
Oer merits b.rde.ed by the gio.m
Of hive caterer ear,..
World fail recall the light and bloom.
That blessed oar early years.
It may be, w• bad trials then,
Sbadiag file's sonny part,
But *arrow bath so iron pea
To grave ea cbildMood's ►cert '
Hardly bad shadow touched the brow,
Ere suadlea dried oar tears.
Weald that ser gnats 'meld vanish new,,
Asia our early years
The Ie.oeesee and moth were sem-
Bogie, blamed easel pur-
No thorn am,d the clustered Aow•rs
That bloomed so (nett and fur '
Bet new sat earth -se I'd opium arae
Beneath oar gathering kers,
Life bath no W,»soms ruond eta busk.
As in ear early 'years.
Now disappointment from the heart
Its clouds wi:l net remove,
We bead be.eath neglect's told dart,
Or aarequitter lose,
.Ve pine, when sadly rowereJ tweet!)
The knell bops .ver hear.,
Oeea •oro to wear.a,•crw'e wrest.,,
As is oar early yeses .
Th. years heart's fresh neutered Mame,
Which opened like a IHrose,
Now weer the .alit se leaps,
W bade int eeriest Seim:
Oar very hopes are dar►eted be
The soil eh men pas. 03 wear.. -
Nn marvel. that we suet eat
Fer his'i pent early years:
Oar early ...in --their memory etre?.
Acmes !IN•'.leum trent.
Aad ties the sadder/4 .putt feels
1t may sot call them bark
Their Ilgbt 1s ehoug►l gar *afterimage's',
Their smiles for t,,;•rr tear•.
Aad Lie again may neer ha. w
The blies of eery year.
dors, at 10 dollar. •.year. It contains
B0) the of sultd patter, and lbw, eatlmated
at the price ul guano, is worth 44 sterling.
A drain from the ,table, or tow -house,
to a barrel ask is the earth, affords a coo-
• newest ,rode of cullecusg the urine, from
which tt Indy be carted, either to the Ityuid
'form to serve as a top-dreanng, or thrown
epee the duogheap. Amish/rim is a veru
.dattle asbtaeor i that is, it rapidly sopa,
Mee itself frost the Grote, and becomes
diffused through the atmosphere. Gypsum
charcoal, or partially burned c ay thrown
into the barrel or upon the Moor of the
stable, w01 collect soil fix this very volatile
ad useful body. A layer u( clay, oecasiee-
ally strewn over the dung -heap, la
efectna!, not only in retarding deco
tine, but also to fixing ito gases
doers. 1/ a dung -beep be exposed t
Ripon -
us pro.
o the
weather, too great care cannot be tik
en in
le to
high average., and preserving the fertility Assembly. it was messeemided that ib• o
undiminighed. The very Indifferent aed Gevorsaseet shoed erased fier
careless manner in who ch statistical return, r-rding fuer years, onesentsly Teen. an
LH crop. and pruduce are rendered by laras• Quebec. Instead ot ttils being cart, I oat it I
heavy shames ad a mimed arm ,eid ermine tw•
what would otherwise be higbl instructiv
and important information. e can di -
dues so approximate view only, of the erin•
&Lion of huebandry in the Provioc• of Up-
per Canada, by examinina the returns of
1848. Our comprehension •of its most im-
portant features, will be greatly facilitated
by instituting a comparison between the
agricultural dialogue,' of the wield° re -
sr Yemsen or Tali ILO.
the o poem aad Mrcemestosce of the de
'Me anous Divisions, inc:u.line
• ao4 freed in. three w •• Sectien
int* • bee of proe moon in front ef the
a teem way ender the dimities° of two Mat
Gement and ;tr. ttoe...1 by the Lendon
harmonic Bind, vcri•, were seated In an open
ge eel drawn lir six trammel! Ere), ta
The Flee of Solve and the, splendid btn -
earbleorat.c device', hiving been unfurled.
the Sons erest on their way rejoictap. The
eons, mows grocer:fled up Deities Street,
Maraca up York Sired to Richmond St
fts'hurst Strr et t•, Riddle Street, a
Ridout Street to Hitchcock Street ;
mood Street U. East North Street ;
uterine to Wellington Street along
'metes Stieet to Dundee Street ;
theace to the place of reodesvoue by Dun.
da• Street. The ,aene altogether was
most unposieg and produced au impresaive
effect on the hundrees of epectaroro who
rarhe to witness tbe strength acid influence
rem was marked. Men paced. along
reamer. ranks with neediness, and . ignoy, 1
piers, oarolving, la NH allatlateik orw 4110440.4441
lam ado* to Upper Coasts.
We ow Lorre that taw ream al isieethe el -a
of Government rests w th your Caw. e see anti
aot with the other brooch,' of the 1...eislotare.
sod wis eel, war to dive reeelorwse et tan noes.
vi Assembly, as apposes. to be aims ewe/totem t
Jewett& twat Melina. of Mg Prot ince -.-
We would therefore temente'', bet carecorfv.
mum' aod some one county, of Yeak. minor t to ..mr Eatlineieacy to eillialdIN Lie Ile•-
.1 = House of .1seenably to :heir tidiest Immo% ad is
< • 4 =,-;: a .... a a .... .e, Lill which is mast resew Wally mtanginei.
er ‘-e. 6.2-igs4 His ExCelleacy %was pleased to mete Me Iol-
. the succeeding eveniog, in the Baptist Chapel
newt) Mr: 1Verterbothatu attended *rad
thooe delorered An eloquent address up the prioci-
te Pioneer Diverision of the Sons of
, ana well-timed address. lti the nein* of
the Thvision. the Rev. Mr. Boyd, ackuow -
!edged the reception of the gift by reading
Pheee oeveral documents W111 appear in uur
From advertisement it will be obeerved
that another suitable ontoriainnient will he
given by the Sons of Temperance in the
Mechanics' Hall, to -morrow evening. fa
addition to the speediev that were tu have
been previously delivered and the song,'
that were to have been sung, the London
Instrumental Rind will be again la smote
in her pretensions' capacity.-Londuit Des -
ei 0 - a IS a ' pars in Toronto hes bens on *eery respect mist
being .1 1,,' a !.7!-I "ii azreeabla to us ponoontahiy. 1 beivs.s, however,
that ihe hest interests e( :be Proteges ham bee.
0 .'01^0mtOtim, e, 0-- w • this place. sod by nue kindly Mahouts to Ivied'
d the h 1 the arrangeraest has gems use. 1 seed hardly
' of the Citizens of Teton to haw* oestribeted large-
! observe ; that the °Hee,' ani cosmoses denonwer
ooe,' et,: "hit moment the credo of the Proviece stand'
- he -, .-. ‘.., ea es oo 0 • a a-- ch nigher than it has doue at ally timepiece the that-
kl:i11:4 E: 71- .
0_42 c.30. .7„, :2 .i. ..ss ti; .,. ,..... .tAstra. guided,. prtorehe altedlaseanivinormierdtaianettamise,ay,uara.AGt.
peci- ''.4 oc:•;.. if; 6.7- iqii rk Mat 1 term with vatedectise that poet
sing . O....-. z. .• C.7 el an ha refer with respect tis tee Prerogative of ths
hieh . Let ua imagine two farms, of 100 acres Crowe I may remind yea. howeme that !m-
obil_ each. to be divided in the same ratio with aler vat griteln ef Coestitstsemal Governmeat
teh-" respect to crops, and we obtain the follow- oothilithPX:rhaolo": 'sear:, . est
meat. and indoeseed is teaderiag it by broad
1 bays Marcie/a to ewe is reply to the ingot- n
fie. which yes have addressed to me oo this o
seat, tbat whets the Government determined to
tics se the address of taw Legidauve Assembly u
ally earful on most soils, as a top -dreg
for clover and grantee. Thiltiode in er
it exerceies Ito beneficial influence, pr
idressing, or distributed with the seed.
effects depencla very much upon the tirn
is eown, when used as a top-dressi
and on the sesame, when planted witb
!seed -u enth 'Indian corn or potatoes.
is must advantageoualy sowo upon g ..
l and clover when the leaves are well de
• emad Rad before a shower of rani It c
t be expected to fkoduce much e
0, because of its great insolubility
t re
Live -lame haa toren the Juiced'
eat in accelerahog the restoration
to fertility of namberlesa worn-out farm
ble in water. It enema and increeses
porosity of antra/ills, depriving them of t
tenacity and adberriveness watch is freque
more merlons impediment the imp:oaten
the root. of young plonts. l,ime halftime
end userenswe thh effect' er manure -re and
improve. the saniple of all kinds of cultiva,
ted crops, especially those grown for the
sake of then seed. Many pernicious weeds
are destroyed. and nutritious grimed, im-
proved, by the action of lime. It exerts a
decided influence neon the &ration of their
growth, oceamonally hastening tite Matteis
ty by, several days. Its effects upon soils
coda:lung a large quantity of vegetable
mstter is reinarkahle. Many acids are
formed in the Soil, during the decompuei-
- *flee highly inhumes to -cultivated crops.
- Moat fOrms nutritious compounds out of
e it 48.ac. Flint Plants 47,mc..,Flint plants.
the t.d do Plt• Lime Plante 12 do Pot lime do. '
It 27 do Pasture 36a do Pasture.
r▪ el- ft30
21 acres Flint Planta.
in 12 do Potash -Lime Plant..
ad do Meadow and Pasture.
s in
de- The ration which the grain-erewine
flint crops beai to the .wholo hundred acres
the ate In,
he County of York 48 to 100 equal to on
half nearly.
Upper Canoda 47 to 100 equal to one -ha
England 21 to 100 equal to ene-fifth
nearly. .
The high average of 19 1,5 bushels o
of wheat to the acre, in the County of York
for the year 1849, affords proof of the ems
tepee of much goer land. and some good
farming : the ratio which the grain -growing
crops bear to tho noil under cultixation
equally indicative of a very large exteat
bad farming.
Tbe produce of the ;matures in the eats*
9R6 'beep, amounting to 321, 441 lbs. The
weight of the average fleece is a trifle over
31be ; that of the whole province • beme 2/
lbs. Of cheese and butter, we find tor the
home markets or exportation 504,957 ;
s. containing, with the woo: many thou -
he sand pounds of phosphorous,. lime, maene•
.sia and soda, which never find their way
re back to th
DT Halal TOVLIS mon. The
Uhtna.-The fame of van* as a fertili• ate
em is spread throng:bent the world. Kest ar!sr,
farmers would coos.der the possessi:in of
a haw tele, as a verity for the auer-Nrit of Lg.')
excrements of birds, composted of various lu
saline sod mineral ingredients teeether 'rho,
arbich• latter subsumes risen misname Z•E
*Om 7-17 pee cest . Its imeeficial same !I "
o re dee tie the presence of &ransoms sod
dies farmers would not think of psychos',/,' a'"
goalie, arm if it were at had. The price
aide to 60 dollars a toe, presests an in- e°,11
imperials objection to tie use es a manure "%II
for ogrieeltural purposes, especially when '4 ","
a substitute ample" valiant* to be footed In Mini
Om urine of the esoblee. The arise of • '41% h
fen groom ewe, tar horse, sentare& • gismo.
the r
Mite, (meetly steel to tbe qesatity of the
Mem sublessee, mostaitsd m the hod cott.
hefted. In the itolid fumed ,..111"wil
these ingtedteste what*, as they pasted
ths settee of tb• Code with which they tholtt
ur. holesome or poisonous ingredient
gnaw", of lime to be applied to t
dependent upon the nature of th
Horn twenty Lu ferty bushels a
uently required by retentive rlay soda.
effect open tbe amount of produce is
ecorded of • stogie application having
the average Iron) eighteen to tweets, -
t 'embalm, of wheat per acre. Virgioia
is the restoration ef her -earn-out Pod
trect of a good dose of lime is Metro -
able for many yeltre.
rned, many or its mineral and anhne
clients become ,nooluhlo wafer, -
is especially the carse with the lime
compounds ocietaining sulpher an
. . The soluble portion of &she
sta almost altogether of potash an
which aro dissolved out wher, wate
ered through them, in the procesia n
ng black salts or ley for the soap -boil
lo treating 100 lbs. of good ashes
water, froui 20 to 40 Ibio of soluble to
eats are conveyed away by tbe water
emaining portion weighing (ram 60 t
P. forme an excellent manure, whic
the duog-heap.
Rich -
From the Barri• Magnet.
At the time of the war of 1,12, betemeepholl
Intone and the (Joked States, tbe Briu bereald
which runs Imo the Georgian Bay, es Lak•
home The season the British Governmeat
iel wlected deo spot was, on account of its be -
w anon podety had long since beoked
arnooet its worthless and lost members.
The procession having been former on
circle in the park. with the •forementioned h
carriage to the centre as a rostrum for the e
(kator or the day, T. C. Wircrit•BOTH•}1
Esq., wbo was introduced by the Rev. 0
Rosier Hero.
Mr. Winterbotham proceeded to an rale- r
metal aad manly crate to cougratulate
brethren around him en their present aus
mug appearance- He spoke of the o
teatime, of their priociples and the mar
frect,which they were beginning to prod
pi] society at large. Ile extolled t
niaitntion of the SOD. of Temperance
ne of the moat powerful mural means
artily to a higher and nobler cmilizatio
t was an Institution vitech was Catholic
s operations. It kpowa no religious
oleical party. It was unsectarian
s operations and philanthropic in its a
gas. It constituted a bond of brotho3
ood amongst the nations, nod wed alrea
o-exteoeive with the broad area °rheum
. There Was none PO degraded and bean
d whom it did not attempt, and succeed_
ising to moral dienity and honor.
umbeted amongst ea mita the talented
ear , . Already the Attorney Gene
as dorsal te dhe.aggijon of motel
entitle! to one of ite -Divisions. It h
so the press on its aide, and there was n
gh compliments to the ladle. present.
e was glad to Bee so may o
ern present on that occasion. I i•-• calle
n the Sons to chew their gallantry b
ening their lines for the admitteon or th
fled to amplify on tee 'special interee
ich they had in the great cause, an
ped the clay was nat for diatent whin
y unite with the Sons as "Daughters'
ng the point of .1..ate /furore to
etterio, and coosequently had the Americana
ktario.• this point would most probably hare
...aired to attack the settlemeots north ofr"Lapk:
we cbown tor the disembarkation of the t
ut the British Goveroment, after a long trial,
adiog the imrhor to be ill putted for a naval ne-
on, determined on abandoning it, tied the Bay
ie requisites of a good harbovc,stmhemeisifiattihonnitwia:
nd sailors la lwe 10, with the remotion of for-
Pl' taller tocrewing the facilities of ship building,
c , bat as We soddenly, all was
sham:Weed, leaving only a lieutenant, a alert,
won. and four or five Mee iri char
ved, as the least objectionable mode of earrying
eel desored obret, that the Seat of Govern- a
meat should be :Med fee two years only et the rn
place to which it merle first be moved. Efforts I
were reede to ladies the Government hi proceed it
on this is the first initaace to p
Qoehec. .1VbeseTo:eater was praiser."' Mt le- it
testion of the (7.tverarnent on t'tis was 144•.
led In • commareearion to the Motor of Quebec,
',striae was publideed•t the tone The arrange- "
the necesstrv accommodation for Government 'Y
Terodo, were frowned ea the Name seideratand- le
arid proe,edtage wok Mere le Parliameet ra
isessioe with the •iew of giving effect to it. it
meat could sot depart hem its declared o
(tar ttereaVerirre1=17 wit ishaera-e
which. ailho•teh he open to miser plaenbleob-
poctioom, wariedepted by Parliament from motives au
or eilineilt•en, vet set et special regard for the th
claims el tbs. me. aneiest carpool. of Teem to and hi
; Tying out ea deoads shooed isch.o the mast eatire
1, reel fa et
ef soon leanota you as en:offered by the re- hoPh
i/colon that the c tnetant and steady ad.
, trance ,a wealth and toenulatihn which To- Pr
rants hoe trial. (Melee mane twat years cet.
and the seventeens which it *ahoy. above
ether 10001011 Uftver,Casada in Citing the th„,
place where the Courts of Lew are he'd, -
arm. These continued till tbe year 1831-32,
au when the stores were all sold, and the party left.
for The store was again taken possession of in the
el, year of the rebellioa. acid two war stesnwrs were
0. stationed here; these hare how left, god tbe prea
to mists are empty. When Drummond was given
or °P to tea Americans, in 1828, the troops th•t
.e• were erec•ed for their
lu guishene, .and large and subetaitial barracks
garrisoned ibe island were removed to..Penseita.ca.-
l' then aothing has been done, except in the wey
dy of repairs. Tpere are so fortification or work of
ni. any krad, and ooly two small brass gang, which
t.. ate not kept on duty. The place is cepable of
lo being made very strong by fortifying io the rear,
1, this tieing the highest ground in the neighbor-
ral °When the troops left Drummond Island, the
, Relation, amouniing to •Liout 150 or 200 wale,
°u ; cPants away with them, although they were very
o Mae live in the States. or lose the proteetion of
ft the Benoit Crown. Many of these emigrants
o suffered 'severely by reMoTiag-7Just at the corn-
-- Tencemsot of a Canadiat] winter -end it was
,.. fortunate for some that the next summer. wet a
, fine one. producing abundance of raspberries and
other wild fruit, on which lur • motel" or two
Y i they euirrely subsisted These people were
0 I composed of French Canadians, half breeds -
g 1 • minute between the white and the Indian, aod
- la few others of Scotch and Canadian extraction,
t i who were in buainess as storekeepers or fur -
d 1 t faders, the only trade or boilers that Wes ear -
0 ! !tied on with any degree of success. A few of
.1 the Canadians. on their arrival, commenced to
clear the woodo, and farm, but from their former
moaner of lite have not succeeded well. Oa lee
first settlement ot the place furs w
4 Vaderice. and for some years after, four to five
thousand pounds worth were taken annually.- '
• This trade employed many men, who were seni
, la to 11,e Ind.an hunting -grounds about the
, tae following goring, beer, away about •in..
i months. Thsir labour re morching and going
li'llhey wined feel pretty mach ii. • sailor after
:r,t the Indians frequently is excessiae, •nd
food as hard as their labor. On their re•
a loog cruise, asd their holidays would be open
• ih &natio', denting aed feasting. This, car -
tied on tor three months of the rear. produced
dieTldheafe anitioeffteltrn te the chew. and whom
. ofitirteer,wer• of greet value, connoted of heaver.
martin, inink, muskrat. fishers, bears and
roue', with a tete others of lest note and valve
The skin of the black fox is the most beautiful
sad valuable. aa also for its rarity--• skin fne
annionole. The plea. of furs taken hers am
highrr then la other pause( the Upper Province.
as tbey ire generally el • better quality; the
quality improves isi they are entitle further
ran, tnaple sugar, fare, cattle mid grain. The
6. iwni..dr trorn the old country settle among
name ir bears; the bey is shoot three miles long
ith,1 three premiere breed. It forms erne Of th• flouts(
harboue, 'a the world. being entirely land.lordted.
and sole (min every wind that hlowi--the water
bank+, whi when doomed and laid dower to
US**, hen a tin. livrielike appearance. Thm
the ease, its rema•tie wen. . fi II, sed ta-
wnier will maw," wealthy !Wt.** re
we !rade and other ranee
ad yoe g people, whose health haa Wen
":91"firlrinittel•ni 'el in.13°:::nytea.rdhnetils:.in'wl'''114. in":1;e5l'io:.:del.11:1"lesiewd "%Will!
re are in the village fosr memo. trher.
in.adhel foleitlithineahede"*.rhermil...siaehseadrese, bolters, laiines,44.
a post dike. eolleetiar of esiemia. se
elm -
sed a C11117.! :ale '. AD a tri-vreilliossoe
This pert of the regal!, teek—asetiaskl"fat 1111111;ersill
est woe sireediell
In tire long -run, the exports of a country
greatly effect the diameter of that system
of husbandry whieh ie productive of the t
greatest advantage. This is particularly
the case 10 Canada, where the severity of
the climate compels the farmer to home&
hill ha" la ohlring many months pf the winter t
• eini.n. Tie send and fluid excrement. t
are acenmu'ated in one spot, ant: require
care for their preservation and .decomposi• t
that ; a precautipn with reference to the
fertility & pasfure lands, which is not
!heeled where cattl
and many important Provincial !noted'
located; afford every ream:inside eaciir
that the teeinorart withdrewal of the
overt in the great cause of Temperance
The public Soiree in the evening We
ng of the Lod wbieh took place in Lon-
. The Interior of the Mechanics' Hall
tobandeemely decorated for the occasion
front of the platform was an areh com
sed -of evergreens and interwoven vane
ions graceful decorations mipported hy
ars tastefully embussed. and the whole
inscribed the principles of the Sons of
On the vole of the room were huag
banners of therespective Divisions tied
anis the farther end of the room the
Ish Jack miss 'impended in tree loyal
ortance. Tne company soon began to
table. In a short time the nail was
✓ poweringly strong, so meet so in -
1 that tlie ell( over and Arlin -went
h from the Cliair,' for the gentlemen to
te their seats for the dear nionoienli-
creatures, and who could have resisted
e appeals. The ladled stood before
full of strides and dressed like denies.
ir whole appearaoce bespoke their de -
'nation to enjoy thern.t.ivea, and oh !
great wan the disappointment when
condequen 'co of the over -crowded
of tho boofc, an adjournment of the
nog woold require to take place. --
n this intimation was mode we could
ate weot lor their sakes. Tied pennene
r emcees was the result of it etre 'maunder.
standing amoreant the ticket-tcllera-nr
ratner, tbe grand mistake was that the
heading, large as it wast, wa. but too arnall
for the Soon of Temperance and their
roue admirers. Indeed, we ree.omil
se time t ere could not have been leo.
mime thousand peroena rememh,ed
the herniate that evening Row
an adjournment did n. t tak• place,
the " good things" of this life were who i
sed of and a splendid off -hand speech valid,*
e Hon. Malcolm Cameros was listen- imesild
-a speech in which he endeavored to The
pate all jealousy •nd neat?! tietween
engaged on the nem glorious object of refer- -r
d mod the young hands" of th Tem- .7:
e c.auss-showing that they sere all 4.12.1:ef
miag mastoid from Mai wanting and de- ;
live ioduence of alcohol. Beside*
he me I Rand were in bitten
in full strength, ard played within elves,
ort time some rimmed alre. Rot e;;Ilowillirli°4
e gran or things to store. The ahlla•elh
vocal, heed bad spiesdal pods ere- IT°18
pared fee. the eecaston, aed Mews. Boyd •
perceive that ' cloa
he Removal of the Seat et Government is
from 'reroute to Qamobec to Ow main point „0
of the Address. and that the *terms:" .tion ;ar
el the Ailin.nos.raeon to fulfil tee penile ho;
her gave at the time the removal wae made het
were riti.te pressed foe thts kpowieg that Te,
be friends of Quebec m Me Goveromo "I TT.
were willing to have taken the first term, the
with the heowledge that tt won'd only er-
red to two years, and pctied to the arlv,0 :wee
Heiser's, we canoot hot marmot deeply tl•-• imp
ate. ofToriisto ea the nederstindien
ors Toronto is to suetam, end that mecum- oho
lances compelled the Aduurnairatima to ovp
erre to an arrangement a arrently unequ
en from ourselves that the element arrange: o'filereete'
I fro 'Terror Censda. But we cannot con
n the selection .r• permanent seat. vales
reword usderstareimg woold Petrel, ',milt
oronto that can 41:11 -that foot years
ill &non rue over, and bring the Govern
ent imek-aed that atm change from the
Oat is the very hest for the interest __04 hilh,i,oeiri
ight take it entirely away from Toronto. it w
Vs are, therefore, whoa] r ther to rejoice
irht and rhy for eleven months in the year. c
d' 44 in Holland, Belgium, and soles parts of I
▪ Endlend and 'rebind.
d Under ordinary circumstance', the farm- •
f ente from his farm in the form of grnin, hate A
wool, butter, cheese, beef and perk, fainter c
than atmospheric Influence can create a m
fresh supply by the decomposition oi the T
soil ; and if be do not return a part so ab- w
erected, io the form of manure, and give ta
Wily of the remaining part remitted, the
fertility of his rani will dec r ,•nd demo- rn
h tithing scales of produce will Pot fail to
' point out his error.
[7'o be continued.]
ease le ea . Thee seemellet 'inviter 1 the h
se▪ kso we c madder that • NM grows home 'Rine
kbletegteet e purled or sissy yam. Cm. a • het
id lidos* base, fet sad Weed, supply -
OM talilleshige enedrisle wad ere tom 411 Pei
*ear Illii blase le Os ode. la " a
Edo 1 obwit ca lbe et soloists
Of tgli;e:If tbe bone, W.
Oft 000611144o oollol tires. old* liPoll do'
tiff1111011164 0 o sew. Were aro Awed
41401111114040 MI* rod ioloorul isorreb•
11111111111111110 di Mee Seas.
A hares gelds, es es eversoe. albs of
Etriardllibiled 4•11 Ile. isendelsoy 14
Vey. Pies Pleene lineeb
ilirrats:Zele NO or oehttlo *Ado to
OF 000 111orottutoo.
4- 00 Ort oho Oilldb dad
Wee Adam b.
lidellse, 64 1161
elm% mod ISO Ito of Weide solids, as
!ghat remunerative point, and its con-
dor' there. A tine attention to all the
tha of fuming labor vs far from beteg
mat ; costumed summate can Dever at -
he most ioditatrious farmer, if he ne-
ther° precautions which experience
t, mbich Noe epos the tooet abort -
sot and conclusive evidence, that no onh-
ary (arra can continue for • succession of
to yield* fair return, !lineation be
entatereg asd at West surfers. dims.
A very fair view of the continent of
ty or promoco, can be acquired by an in,
'pieties of t•ter ',ember of acres tinder &f -
the sale whieb grate crops boar to green
crops, sod them again to pastors sod fal-
No Farm can continue to produce grato•
pewter et*. ow s pestle 'sneer* lbw)
No -adder tie cultivated oelbot. for wry
"01141010“ 7••rilr wide* duinamelnew
Illy Sere. in thir clear, add under cultivation
esseot sustain • large mount Orbit
trompecrops des imsteen acres ; Or 111
1184er eeltmetion, not more, show Mitt?.
feet scree, producing at the same time
over what we enjoy, than o be erieved et,he
over what we are about to loge. Toronto hiee
,ci e advancing waters soon roll ore
Wir observe that erie of our eotemper
tee attempts to take eapttal not of sqm
that occurs:, in receiving the ad I
e Grand Jury. Not hieg could be more aims
I rpreintton, end had the app-arsece than
eel actor os it, and it was mere' su
making tifersees to las Eseelosey's per • with,
Jury, that an address en a political point, "toe
should property emu. tArrreet the Proem- hs
rialliesteesey.. We are weueeted to say. •ei to
ilbst there etse set the eliglitoot demur to disc
receiving the oddest., and tlmt the ooly the oi
hoiat eras as to the most corhect rood. tic root
recur/Aso ft.
From the Globe, Extra, Fell 1. an
in arsaise in this City, barter adopted as Al- in,
dress to His Eseelleac Me Go '
the members wasted on His Escelleacy 'ht. r"
mown's, et the Executive Council Office, and of
pralleltlitil it la dee forte. Th• Address wit w a°
I 70 His Females" Ids ff
qf Breed Nerd America. de. de. de
Mit IT Torte Excrudtecs,--
We, ob. Porensaa asd Greed Ammo of Me
Comity of York. sew is Elesswe ausembled.
would calm leave :a approach your Esselliniee,
to meow the respired swarenes of out roveli
Most Gracious Sewerage. W. 1.0111.1 W1111 a-
pron tbe chimera respect we feel fee your Excel -
Wary awl fer the Citrate.. PlIrl• wed Isteity.
and the sentionies we bee* rinneed frets peer
residenes ia this pan of the Pristine*.
Wei MVO hadle .4111 deep re a dist it it is•
rslo seemed deed. of new
etold" to Qnsboo, in the anauseed dynes..
We trete relpadalty nertioret t. year Er -
central that by the Reselutiees a the Hoes. id
rine. a
the seu
Illieve es Tourves.or" 44".
Friday last War tbe Get anivemerr of • the .6
I= Me adenoma wee selebrated by
oombOro =it from lito of
moot reputes, t
esnetry, either to tato pen No or WelOSIMP
toter that War" advertised
cppoirers for the oirottfor.