HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-02-06, Page 3s Vii','. ri:; t ti li `omraunit stle . TO Tam IDITVR NWS MOM 1b. )Mag .ai ttM 1 tIMM., OP IN Comity Coined ep,.,pid, whos moo put into a peblie trait by 13..r neighbors, coo so far towel any seers of docesey and shame, as TY.Ibw le dM.euve le met Sseepttsg th.r Loadoo, C. W. 30th Jas. maesfeaterere sod dealers el aatostcati.g Wsit r,-tb.'applies from the farmer's trials from occupytwg the edges of T teams eosins* extremely moderate an 1 lespector, but 1t may be presumed that the what does arrne a readily taken up by the thy, -I hare tarts the iabert7 eiretresst- to tax thew.uIBib.rs in a rum a,souotiag (rawer uf the Ball nater anticipated the millers and Beer dealers who are almost leg you to toy. publicity through tee ool• . about neo, and take. more than on. -,hire: effrontery of a true seller offering lames! nut of stock. A Ane sample of Fall Wheat .m.. o< Mow trelsable paper, to the 8,„,a..-.4 it es pay for gong day after Jay to a a• a candidate, or the possibility of the chat brought IM 10d Yore, per bushel Fall of ism s , wise Ns the savor la sad doing, ;•f a Avon, and squaobhng with one uotbetmgeots in producing crime a.d wretched a fur quality reseals 5s&I to 8e W- .' i i 1 PIke a parcel of tools, on pretence of doing sees being elected by the people -by the Spell 4e 3d 1. 4s 8d Yore, per bushel u( famous Muslcipal Cornell, whkb sou kt,dy whim k i.einees. I would here sat' meek friends of teropereoce especially- se their 60 lbs. Beauty, 3. 3d to 2. fid cy. per! is motion set 10. miles from Gederinb. Dore, but 1 am afraid 1 have Urea you al t, jbus. ; little deist- Oars, per bush. le 1d1 Go the 31.1 day of ',envy, 1850, Gro +tidy, and oeeurdth mply I subscribe myself In is city some of tbe very scum olio 1s 3d. Rather scarce. Tt■orry Mss, redivides!, mut to their Coulee Room to . A Cons -ream Rsaosa OV YOU& Parse, society sought the ..images of the people;7e 6d. Rather scarce. CLov.a Sea', certain locality within the above mentioned N • 11.--1 would like to hear your opus As Tavern Inepecturs, but the parties oleet-»Sas to 25s. Rather scarce. Hay per too, dowses, tad being requested by the Re- n of the conduct of this famous Muicupalied are we believe upon the whole respects50o a 65s. turas( (Seer, who wit at the same time Couocit• Ie men. Woodstock we trust will vend)- Toronto, Jas. 31. Township CMrk, to produce their Quaint- ate its reputation as a friend to sobriety) Faoua, (Farmers,) per bbl 196 HMI lbs et comas sad oaths of office, four of t3em sobriety) THE LA1'.r. MUNICIPAL ELEI'TIONI F.zrad good order at neat electron. - Vies reoca, f M.liers') per bbl 198 Ire les produced their qualtfieauoas tad oaths of , oiauaer. Th 9d a Ills 31. W rear, r bush. 60 IN Si office, aoffice lied nee produced bI• oath of oce -TA Y..RN INSPECTIONS.p a 3 ltd. 11 , per bush. 41 lbs 31 .d a - only, but no qualification, they then proves- } FREE EDUCATION. 3s !d. Rr r boob!, 56 Ibe 2s 3d a 2s dad to business. 11. was proposed byIt bas bun jostle remarked that muter a - a' pe P P°seles ntism wise! 1, a lar 6d, Oars, ear boob. 34 Ibs 1 wand 3d a le . m3d. ooe of lbs number d secoiaJod by the un- suure of bloc hbe:'y arc: nod ma (er "Free are glad to observe that the plan or Oarrut, per bbl 19b lbs 186 e • 170 6J.- qualified individual, that another one of their • b bl (load! ad ib Free Common Schools has been adopted, at Pears, par hush 80 lbs I 6'1 a 3 .umber be Reeve. It was then proposed '"1°Med t an ..oder a rev.. ae y m stered-that the iawlessoess and tyranny a fourth ase that the „among Cunocil• Ior should be Reeve. but it was decided a• '( a democracy to as baleful and peratctoua gaiost tura, sod tb first proposed Council -•s the law1 detyraooy of d despot. lor took bis seat es Reeve, and acted as I The (act will be admitted by every true each during the whole year, though from friend to the democratic principle, Ralf' the manner he was elected, be had rso more here is a cardinal point of duffereacw bet - right to .it as Reeve than you had, the otb- worn them -a vital element in the one er two then refused to eat to Council .with watch is not io the other: the people m1T is open, of right, to every child in the cutin - mho ungiialib.d individual, and he reserved. ' :orract at the busting., the error mercy try. They thee applied for and obtained •wan =minim under self • government, but 1.117 At the Annual Meeting of School Sec- HURON HOTEL , rant to elect another Coescillor, which was have no power but by a revolution to car- hon No. 2, Townebtp of York, the follow • LIVERY STABLES, die. die. accordingly dopa, and char number heist rect the linkthey may be calls' upon tog . resolution.. were adopted:- mace mon complete, they again met on the sedum under a despot- 1 Moved by Mr. R. Lynn, seconded by THE Sebeeriber ba•i.g melte*" the Large, be recent annual meetings, in very many New York, Jan. 31. achool axtioe. through Upper Canada. A.Ya'-Market quiet for both kinds ; The best gift the people of Canada cut con -emote $5,73 ; Pearls $5,62&. Flour -Bet - ler on their children a education -Boned, -.r feeling in Market for State, and on the practical education, available to all. Public w glades batter piing., on a paying de. money employed in educating the 'temente not active, but the cold *either in- s most profitable investment, and we hope Bugaboos the Market favourably. the day will soon be when a gond 7th of retarder! for transacting business,Jn the earlier stages of popular govern- aod being mat in their Coined Room, the meal errors and excesses may arise, which. Townreeve told the old Clerk to take a while they crush the hopes of the intelligent Char. It was then proposed by ooe Coun• (needs of freedom. at the arms time, afford calor aad seconded by another, that the old !round for exultation and triumph to the Clerk he again re-elected. The Tow. enemies of the people. if such errors rod Reeve agreed to the proposition- It sou sx°eases lead to a wiser and better exercise Detest. !!ugly Rose:-- etest, and Comssuremaa Eatablishmear Resolved, 1st -'That this meeting, recog- propt7 .1 ?dr. Goa les.) ...boa to iEL, or Gedenclo .titmaieMton nig, le is the meati' cultur., and intellect..- br friends and centimers, and to the travelling al ulfa'tcemeot of the people, the healthy public geoerwlly, that from the extent aod favor - and peen 'spent basis oe their moral and social able situation of this Estabhahmeat, aad the cond,iloe; and believing, that in the wide great lmprevements which it has lately seder - diffusion of 'atell:geee and knowledge exists gene, be n able coerdeutly to promise a..com- then moved by one of the remaining two, of elec:oral privileges at the first future the surest ea `equard of their civil and relfgt modatioa equal to that .fferded by my •mbar and seconded by the other, that another gen- election, the experience may net appear toseue liberty ; --._'came it to be the consistent Hotel Wen of Hamilton. Homan be appointed Clark. They insisted have been too dearly bought. All bumaniend imperative _'uty of every enlightened The Stabling sed sheds are of the fins mud,_ tbeir motio. was carried, and moved that government is marked by the wase• of pro- sod ate otic C emmnoity, to promote ty, and rte°gee and expenene.d Grooms will the Township Books be delivered up to h:m, (the other two was opposed to the motion, and told me to keep the Boi,k.,) the above within the parenthesis are the exact worda of the minute drawn out by the Clerk. - They then proceeded to business end ap- pointed a few of their Town/dim otfieere - Both Clerks took the oath of office, and con- tinued therein till the 4th of March, wbeo the old Clerk was confirmed in his office, and the other was dismissed. They met spm on the 8th cf February, and appointed a few more of their Township officers. - They then adjourned uotulthe4th March, when they again met and performed the mighty bums, of confirming their old sod disorgaatzed the Reformer, in Wood. treat sod alarming evil lies not less iia tl. aions tune'white ape HEIFER two Mean w old yes(, with Clerk in his office and dismissing the new .tock, but we may fatly judge of the morafr• tut of a general Free School •vete m, race, hind Ing' and belly; one pale red one. They then appointed other four of of tats their first essay to give effect to the 'hebih the culpable sod prevalent indiffet. -jF1 EIFER ooe year old past, with no horns. thea Township officers, and adjourned till workings of the democratic principle b, 'nce, eo commonly manifested in regard urn ,n,• information respecting the above cat - next day. 1f ani of them should see the, examining its fruits in one department- his highly important subject. ii,, w ill be thankfully received at the Signal surely they will blush for shame, if they •e to the character"( the men chosen to be Moved by Mr. N. Msu;han,'seconded by Offu 'ej or with the subeeriher. have ever happened to hear'8f such a feel tavern inepectors. Ne learn from the let- kir. John Davis. JOHN .ALLEN. ing, when I tell them that according to ter referred to that the very men whit unto, '`3. That the Common School. of this Guda'rich, Feb. 6, 1851. .3t 61 their own 'hewing, thus piece of work which the wise and righteo us provinnns of the gcction No. 2, in the Township of York, bc' any Municipal Connei! le the country could late Statute, are intended to break up those Free, and that the necessary and incidental -- - nave done in half an Fleur, cost their corn lens of inireety-the grog shops -and it, nzpenses'of the said School he provided forr OST, lei 12ODERICiI, UN MONDAY *taunts the sum of $72. 'Ther met orb- (.cure ancuety In some measure, from the Sy Assessment upon property-•' 3J Nugbt, Feu. 3. a Red , Vest Pao t rn, eequontly oo the 5t1, 6:h, 7th. 11te, amt scnnrgeof-the demon of intemperance, two Moved by Mr. Maughan, seconded by cut o.l, rut not made. Two Dollars Re- 18tb of March, and appointed tee rest of ,f teem at least, are mon actually enga_ed 11r. Ross. ward will be paid to the finder, by leaving' their officers, and after that on the .3rd or in the groyYrry beefless! Where we ask. "4. That the Trustees of the end School It at Andrew Donoghs.or the Signal office.' April, the 61h of May, the 16th of Sept.. • the m..rality of a town whnse'inhabitante ire hereby authonved and requested so to KENNEDY McCAIG. j the 11th of Novem'er, and on the 16.1 of will elect the:keepers of grnggerree 10 put monde the same, in conformity with the February 4th, 1851. December they held their last in •eun1. Al lown untemperence- Where is the mor 7111 Section of the 13th Clause of the afore ooe of these meetings, tern whale ba+:ne., very -'be common decency, of the men said Act." -The Globe. gresaion and retrogression yet the tide of throughout the Pr. vtnce, a liberal system be in Cern.. tf Hones arid Carriages, of the various kieds, n freedom we believe continues to'nse tad thee universal education•"ill be kept deed of intelligence reels on towards s Moved by Mr. Robe 't Davis, seconded by by weowu°t afuoreotiHireoes to theon moderate requirements and terms Aod, higher and better destiny for the world. 11r. Elias Snider. comforts of his Gaeta ..d Cutomers, he hopes Our late municipal elections have unhanpi- tt. That this meeting, ,!sept• deploring for ashore of public sopportend • ly in many arsell been marked by wrong. the statistical fact, that in the Province of GEORGE HOBSON. and externs which cannot but be deplored Upper Canada, nut of (51,06 0 children bet N. B. -Heber. do Dari..' Line of MadSu- in Woodstock, 11 we may Judge from a vaso thea e. of 5 and 16, bat: 144,000 area Inn the Hurt Hotel, DAl1,Y, for Galt atter in the British American, written bat •ceeiwin env education; that, 1,1 the Home and Hamilton. Mr, Laycock a most Intelligent freeman. D..tnctsthere are but 45,000 out of 88,000, CJodtneh, Feb. I, 1851. 3voSltf the scenes at the late elections in that place ,(tending ecbouls of all kinds: and that, in nut be deplored by every virtuous emu. he wealthy and metropolitan town stip of DESCRIPTION OF LOST CATTLE. 2e"' York. of 4.300-826. or ■lite!. asstooe• NE pale red CON, with little hair o0 merits of the questions which so divide,• school: believes, that the soiree Of I btu COW, with ben h We do not pretend to enter into the 'mirth only, are receiving iostructio,i fn any 0 her tail, sod a bell on; one bright red eraasactel' wee tee' carrying ono solitary who sign the pledge of tee-totalism, end LOS")'• ed a law that the dim of 7a 64, ev. per day ode belie to ad in carn,ng out their' ro- boot tai month of November liet,a Prsmts- ite granted for Leo alloarancejnf oar time, used princtpleey Any man, who, to carry Despatches from England were received tory NOTE, again Jao. Lveoagby, See., and when attesdtog to publtcibusuness. You tut any party purpose, will thes•:elate eh. Sy the Governor General, oo Saturday last, Job. Doesshy, Jr„ for £3 I5.., dnwa will ea•Jy perceive {hat this :was the day nest sacred obligations to society is un- communicating the assent of Her Majesty' .T9th,11851m Thi.y.oto ecauti.o.a.person star of all their hopes in their sobsegnent worthy of the liberty of a freeman. Were '.et Council to the Poet Office Att passed nam p°rehuaing iAu same, or the ai•ove peruse meetings. They held 14 meetings, and here only a very small modicum of com last SePOioo of the Provincial Legslature-;payiag lbs Notes to any person but tee iobsen- some of them have got considerably up. ,in morality and public spirit to any mule We may, therefore, expect that the new'ber. WILLIAM ROWAN. wards of six pounds for their threuble, eo cipal,ty it would by its votes set aside arrangements, with the reduced rates of Stratford. January 31, 1851. ' • 3,151 that their pay instead of be:n_ 7. 6d per every grog Reiter, every man engaged in the postage, will speedily be earned into effect. - day, amounts to nearer 10x., but you are inial destroying traffic from holding any -- ORCHARDS ' ORCHARDS! ' not to suppose, Mr. Finny, that they bare •nnnic:pal office whatever;—and not until received all this money for doing nothing •ocIety ha• Fest fie reason, or become •fear - motion. On the 3th of February ,they pass ,fterwards vote fur the keepers of those THE POST OFFICE. DELONGING TO TH. SUBSCRIBER, a-, pro - Markets. l Q r k c is . A LARGE ASSORTMENT of VARIOUS' ti kind• oflegntted Froit Trees. of Choice & at these 14 meeting', they have carried no folly de revel, could the &Otters vote for ' GODERICH, Feb. 6. Select sons, will be forwarded hen from mks lease than 163 motions, and enacted no less the pro racers of creme and poverty and Fall Wheat per be. 3s. lids Spripg Wheat'CIeve!ud Nurseries in the early part of May thee 31 By -)Awe, which mighty pueee of wretchedness as their representatives antes, 6d. Finer• Foment, 8'. 9d. per 100 Ibe.- next, and for Sale a1 the Heron Hotel, Goderich. business has cost their constituents up- Instruments to avert those social calami-iBanley per bu. 2s. 6d. Oar 11ed. Pork 15a WI LEONARD PECK. wards of thirty pounds. Talk no more, ties. I to 17s 6d- H.y per too, LI 17. bd. i Goderich, Feb. 4th, 1851. 3ve51 •- CANE INTO TILE ENCLOSURE 0 the.ubeenbe► on the Bret of Auges+ last, a year old HEIFER. dark Mown, WO some white me the back. belly sed tail._ Let 99,51h con. Tuckiesm eh. The *WO* is requesteJ to prove preoperty, pay expee see and take her utak,. JOHN WALKER• Mill Road, Tuckeremitb, Jan. 31, 1351-4 Uistrtct Croton Lands Office. NOTICE is HEREBY (:IVt3N HAT the remember CROWN LAN_. 1 ie A8HFIELD aid WAWANOSH. ar t 611 BY-LAW No. 9, s divide the Tow.ehfp of McGillivray tete Rural Wards. Passed Sept. 16, 181... !Vagi./11/ et is desmed expedteat to di. tido 'AO TWO sob" of McGillivray lute Mr a1 Wards for Ike p.tpoee of 6leotUsn r,f f owssen Comeciag.e•, Re it emend by the Me.tetpalety thereof. by virtue 01 the pow. 'es rested in them by Act /2 Vac. esp. 81, 'rad is hereby enacted by the autbonty of •herrn►, that the Township nl eictidlir►ay is and It, same la hereby dttided Into Flee Rural Wards. Ward No. 1, to rOa*fiat of Ibe ler, tai, now epee FOR SALE. All tuees.ary uis,wa and and 4th , mon the Town• be - doe re -hip Ire of Stephen, to the Side Line be - 11.. r s ag o ■g Mese Loads may '• obtained b, toes, Late 20 and 31. together wins that sppJOHN CLARK, earl of the North Bouadery butting the District Crown Lute! Agent. aid conceives. 'Yl rd November, 1810. 3•o41tf (Yard No. 2,to consist of the tit, !/A, 3rd tad tib , from the *aid Line CAME into the eschew, of the fS.bseriber,oetween Lets 20 and 21, In the Township shout the tat of S-ptember Inn, a year of i1 1Vllhams, abed Lots 34, 35, and 36 the HEIFER, 1s co.eswion, Let No. 4. Hullett. 51h onrsreesto3, : Th. owner is 'emanated to prove property, pejo Ward No. 3, to consist of the 3334' exegeses, and aake her away. ter end 8th enneerrions, recept ilaetert, •AUGUST VAN EOMOND. 35 and 36, in the 5th cutteession..• - Hallett, Jan. 35, 1851. •3s5() Ward No. 4, to Consist uf the 9th, 0114 —11th and 12th, together with that part of Cash for Wheat ! the North Bnrii'dary hotting the same. _ %Yard No. 5, to consist of the remar.ing TILE Subscribers require a Quantity of paAnd bert of theet Town+ furthehip. FALL WHEAT, cur whish the high -'r appointedenacted, that the Town - FALL .hep Cbrk be appointed to hold the first est market value will be givn' Annual Memoir, and to be Returners Ot8- M. B. SEYMOUR k Co. ter in the First Ward, and that tha Ari Godencb, Jan. 30, 1851. 3•rs50t/ Meeting thereof shall be holden .t Patrick Flanagan's Tavern, in said Ward. saw. HURON DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL -lest Mark West be appointed to hold the SOCIETY. t Annual hlrotieg, and to be Returning THE Annual General Meatier(lou this Ofcer of Ward No. 2, to be holden at the Society will be held at the COL se of James 1lartrer, Esq,, oh Lot 29, in BORNE INN, to the Town of Godeneb, the 3rd concession. on Tuesday the eleventh day of February, That John Graham De appointed to hold 1851, for the election of OFFICE -BEAR- the first Annual Meeting, and to be Recur. ERS, kc., kc., for the present year. rainy Officer in Ward No. 3, to be holden at R. G. CUNINGHAME, John Morton's, Lot 26, in the 8th eon, .• Secretary, H. P. A. 8. That Lir. wood Craven be appointed to Godencb, 30th Jan., 1851. v3o50 hold the neat Meeting, and to be Returning Officer lor Ward No. 4• and that the Ant Meeting thereof shall be holden at the Stratford Agricultural Society Bdrool House near Craven's corner. THE Annual General Meetingof the Stat. That Edson Wood be appointed to Auld the first Annual Mesons, No. 3, to be Retur. ford Branch Agricultural Society will be'•DOfficer of Ward No, 3, end the first held at the Farmer.' tan, Satfort, on Satarday,Ilmeeti" thereof shall be holden at Rieheid the 15th Fsbrnq, 1851, at the hour of 12 i o'clock, Doom. A o+eetieg of the Committee Enrsi e, Lot 15, on the 15th conceseioo. will the rune day, at the same plass, at the WM. FISHER, Township Reere- bo*r of ten o'clock, P. M. 'Jon• F , is, Clerk. 48 4 WM. SMITH, President. Stratford, 15th Jan., 1851. .3.50 ,_ To Teamster and Others. CONTRACT. ATTACHMENT. United Counties of1 Y virtue of a Heron Perth ¢ Brace, > Twrit of attach- EAMSTERS or others wishing to en- Ta Wit. meat issued out ter into a Contract to furnish the of Her Majesty* Court of Queen's Bench Judge of these Counties with good and at Toronto, to me directed, against the E.- .ufftcue.t Teams and Drivers throughouttate, Ileal as well as Personal, of Job" the year, to convey bite through his vanoui Janes, an absconding or concealed debtor, Circuits, are requested to send bum Sealed'et the suit of James Crombie and James Tenders, o" or before the 10th a'ebruaryR• Andrews for the (tum of Five hundred sad next, stating on what terms per day they oineteen pounds nine shillings and Are will be willing to contract. It is expected pence. i have seised all the Rol and Per - that the team will be required for about 90 usual Estate of the satd John Jones, and days in ttio year, though the horses will unless the said Jolla Jones returns within not be travelling for more than half thahe jurisdiction of the Court from whence number of days. fere said writ issued, and put in Rail to the Goderich, Jan. 30, 1851. v3n50 :action or cause the claims of the *aidJames Crombie and James R. Andrewii to be dis- DIVISION COURTS.Charged within three calendar months from the hest day of the publication of this notices reINHE nest Division Courts for the United all the Estate, Real or Personal of the said Cos°ties of Heron Perth and Bruce, will be Jobo Jones or .s much thereof as may be held at the times and places following:- !necessar will be beld liable fur oho p y- lst. Dieisioa.-Court house ■t Goderich,- y 1st February. T. G. Morgan, Eire., Clerk. mens, benefit and sallsfaction of the claims 2,1. DiOitir+n.-John. !licks', Mitchell,- 3rd of the said plaintiffs, as well as for the February. Robert Caoa, Esq., Clerk. payment, benefit or satisfaction of the 3d. Disision-Wood'.T Stratford, 6tbelafm oer plaeel February. ' R.eby Williams, Esq., Clerk. plaiaifiora, aselaimsshall on fsuch mayothtake procinedirsgors 4th. Dinasion-Quicks' Tavern London Road. against the property and effects of the said 14th Feb raary. George Carter, Esq , Clerk. John Jones, within sit months from the 5th Dieisiee--Wm. Ratteobury's Ino,Chstoo, issuing of the above mentioned writ of at. 13th Feb. James Gordon, Esq., Clerk. tachment, aro tenure of which this notice to 6th. Division -Andersen. Tavere,St. Mary's. published. 5th Feb. Jamas Coleman, Esq., Clerk P The Sinners of the Several Courts will com•I JOHN McDONALD means punctually at 12:o'clock. A. M. Sheriff U. C. H. P. k B. ARTHUR ACLAND, .1. D. C. Sblriff. Office Goderich, Goderieb, Sept lith, '50 3v-o-xxi 26, December 1850 i v3-.46 Schedule of Convictions 'by Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the United Counties of From the November Sessions, 1850, to the January Sessions, 1851. Naas of dA. Prosecutor. Noma .ff ha Defsadait. George Gibb tad John Barton, Peter R. Jarvis, George Purday, Jame' Dickson, William Derain, William Durnun, Mrs. George Debbie, Jame. Gentles, The Queen, The Queen, Eliza Coe, Richard Deacon, John. Deacon, Patrick Dryden, Eliza Hodgins, Richard Dagg Douglas Anderson, Alex Laing , Eathon Fuller, David Evans, Thomas Patrick,Wm. F. McCulloch, George Gibb, Alex McDonald, Neiman,David Neiman, Wm Cameron, John Glazier, Wm Walker, James Alias Reddy, lobe Hall, Michl. Monahan. Wm. Quance, Michl. Monaghan, James Steeley, Benj. Stanley, Janne Stanley, Robe Ned. Thos W. Stanley, Riehd Dagg, ("noon, oon, Martis H IL Pettish ay, Valentine Wars, 'mama 'echoes, •• flu Allen, emit►, Ce larlek, %%eels Weston sad James Weston, Mary Smith, Tomas and Douglas A e derma, Jobsgtos Art.etrd.g, Stt.pN. Parker, Nets,'s of the C4srgs. Assault, Distilling without a License, Assault and Batters, Passing a bad $5 Note, Assault, Assault, Injury to property, Taking away property, Rape, Accessories to Rape, Assault, Assault and Battery, Assault, Assault, Assault, Assault, Realists, valuable seesnty a Taloa protases, Assault, Barratry, Jissaelt, Nos parson of Wags., Certified to be a Tiue Copy of the fleturns of rats d Cweeictisa. 11950. July 1, July 4, November 11. December 9, December 20, December 20, December 11, December 14, teetember 16, December 16, December 17, December 28, December 58, December 17, /smeary 1, 1851, November I9, ■oder:November 32, November 26, November 11, December 6 December 14, Anmbe 111, Names .J' r_ •witting Justice.. J. C. W. Daly, Esq. ? A. Seeg Miller, Fate i J. C. W. Daly, Esq. A. Beet Miller, Esq. J. C. W. Daly, Esq. do. John Holmes, Eel. John Holmes, Esq. Benj. Parsons, Esq. do. Benj. Parsons, Esq. Robe. Gibbons, Esq. Benj. Parsons, Esq. Robe. Gibbous, Esq. Benj. Parsons, Earl. Rola. Gibbons, Esq. James Hodgins, Eeq. James Hod use, Eve. Jams }feigns, Esau James Hedging, Esq. The.. Christie, Eq. Thos. Christie, Foo. T)...- Christie, Esq. do. do. de. de. Huron, Perth and Bruce, Awuuwt of Penalty, flan t71.ee setae paid or to es To whom paid POOP 69 R E A R A S. .c Demers. peed 1. said ,feeticae. axil Jrstuu. 10e. C10, 3 days, Forthwith, Treasurer, 10s. Forthwith, Treasurer, Defeodaot to refund 25. 5 days, To Prosecutor, and pay costs, E2 -Coate 10s, Forthw iter, £I --Coate 3s 9d, Fortbwitb, Li, Forthwith, le 3d, Forthwitb, LI 10., CI 10s, 14 std. :nes diamond, 4th January, 4th January, let January, let January, Forthwith, Forthwith, II dayo Convictions nude b'y Justices within the !United Counties, and Filed of record in thin Office, Sessions, 1851. DAN. LIZARS, OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE PEACE, (h iarci, January 15, 1851. Treasurer, Treasurer, Prosecutor, Treasurer, Treavmrer-paid, Treasurer, 'Township Treasurer, asses Bertk Fine remitted by the Goesreme.t and ales by the comotaiout. Fine reduced to Li -Pad coats. Unpaid. Not paid --appealed to Quarter Sessions. Committed to the first Court of Assize. Committed to the filet Court of Aeon Committed to Gaol for one month. Not paid. Aequited, James Stanley, Robt Neil, Thos W. Sanley, Bernard Stanley, Riahd Dagg, James Gibson, Martin Hall. Paid. Paid. Floe remitted at request of Prosecutor. Bailed to stand bus trial at the .est Gene- ral Quarter Sessions of the Peewee Bound over to keep the peace. Rood to the good b.bavour of two years. Dnrieaj) the trial of Om ease; Staples Pat• km 'wore by his Maker that the fins chase, be got, he would kick the guts oat of Sam!, Celd►ick, wbeo 1 called on his tomtit foto R to keep the pesos, wbkh he refund. i thou committed bin Datil he weld ester into eoeh R.eegstoase,. from the November Sessions, 1850, to the January CLISYK OF THE PEACE, United Counties of Hann. Perth and Sam