Huron Signal, 1851-02-06, Page 2progress of the trial. 1 shall state harrow clerk being so overcome by the harped jury would pause before they caste to any right to a stogie privilege eujoyed by any t of the Town, nut because it belonged to rag (vet., and prose tejut s. that must gestientas's dngmu a ,nlo entirely forget *emus coseluelon upon such frivolous stmt. a .111•11/ of Her Majesty's subjects to the Catholics, but simply £ccoos. it sees is parr» eke mostcauls of my tors, as a screw ie Ihn ritint thaw. Ths defect eau dente a ibis Now the truth was, the this colony. We differ widely and coa coact. Bell. Our motive and our gumboots.the test:' of the muodene herr es end eirthuted to neturat •akausuon, and the d°refs .s words had referees*, sad r. would have been exactly the tame, I/the roods asunder the clods of inanimate earth tris proceeded. sate only, to OHM gossamer Blore, whale sauously wit' onspmeo-they think they over which It a dragged Do you sot Jane Ue1t!,sws.-le a c.rypker at the he we. actually ende°sorts, to 6t to his bus hen.dted the Cause of Protestantism Bell had beep the property of Mithenestese tremble upon rmtr,,vnt., Gentlemen 1 Do Tbe,tre Kov. Mark Ione. Wig un the fingers, when Mr. Salesman er Brown -a -we think they here dune it Much ivory. or Mormons. Teat Loyalist k..we ibis, not the maio.pnog• upon wb,cb yua are Plage oe the night ret the Itch tit May last, highly respectable mea and •mote disinter flay represeet their institution as a Demes- bet it would sot avower his pawpaws to ee- h worked warp, et the breathless expectation Al•nys.,tppoeed Mr. Styles was paying of what is coining 1 Indulge your hare ! hie addresses to Mies Nooks.. Remember - Bid fancy take ter widest flight, sed let your ed seem¢ him wnh hia trma round her waist cogs conjure up all lh• horrors of cbsos ! and dbuactly herd bun promise to unto Paint the guard an of iron -'ho smoky her up. tie.J of Ineoniotiee honors hovering neer -a By the Judge-Wntiog up means puf- fnil sod falling •laduct ! Imagine .h:iek hoc. The defendent eau editor of the Ing stoked imploring platst°n a sato fur " Morning Crow," and used to get behind the mangled limbs of foolerdly railway the sconce in consoqueoee of bis supposed travellers ! Paint all the quadrupled hor- influence with the pryer,. Heard biro say tors of smoke, bre, famine, carnage, death he intended the pin olid for his " dear little and drsolatton ! Paint miserable..lareing directors, who have been forced to direorg. Salsmaod••r Brown i• lesee of the Thes- their ill-gottoa gains upon cumpelstun, end Ire Rua al Mark Lane. %%'e. on intimate in the azr"neem of derpair gnawing their terror milli the defendant. Dreaded that own iron ! Pant 114111.41. paint witches., lin ihnuld marry the pleiotitl; and su with - pont demons, paint hell ! but whatu•cr you drew her trorn the stage. Asked hon, en may fancy, taint, or picture, nntl,tog can t::e nth of Jeuc, if he had soy such Wen - equal the horrors you will feel when you tension. IJef.n.tar.t endeavored to turn tears the conduct of the defendant to this the cunyerrauno, bait wormer pressed him action towards my neeumfil and accomplish- ed ciicut. Know, then, -qty machinery falters as 1 steak, and ray quivering wired .tent .e though toa:c'hed with elt;etncity Know that to, has dared ion i:ously tua- Iiciously, and with ioniicn aforethought, in this age of honor and virtue-10hia pare. gon era, the twentieth century, -he, the defendant, in thie action, bar dared to break hs word to a wwwn. 1 see your indigna• tion at such baser.&•.. ; I feel yogi virtuous horror of the recital of his iniquity ; tied I mingle niy shame with your.. 1t is true that the plaintit3'In this action has no claims u proud and aristocratte descent ; Ia not a member of the House of Indies : no, if it were res the defendant would not have dared to have trifled with her rulings ; but it Is equally true that althmi¢h she is poor, •be comes of honourable patens. Mis. Noakes, automat° of the j•iry, maintains herself by following her profession as an &ctrees ; and although the time has long faded away since it was customary to pay to Wier of the stage salaries emiat to the for en answer. Defendant edinttted that he was "trying it on," hot declared it was In an honor/01e way. Wane". hoped that he wnnld defer his marriage for some wow hi, but derens!ant said tie was deter- mined that i1 .hnuld alto place on or be-, fore the 1.1 of July. In the very height of uhc season Mies Noakes ceased to attend to her pro;e,.stonsl dome+. .>'h r was sway Noon tho theatre, snd witness supored it arose Iron the fact of her marriage. It anhaequrnlly tr•uapured, however, that •b. WAS coofincJ to a bed of s:ckneis in coo..- gnence of she perfidy of the delesdent, who had married his enuk. t ro,.e examined. -Knew nothing of the defendant's private circumaancee. Always heard that he was a titan of good property. Ecidenre was then put in to prove that the defendant had one half-share in the " Morning Crow," and competent wltnees- es valued his 'hero at upwards el £15,000 sterling. Mr. Automaton Sergent Caloric rose to address the jury for the defendant. It was highest stipends of the great :unctionanes with feelings of conniderahle diffidence and of the land, she has been in actual receipt i hesitation that he wooed himself up to ad - of nearly fifty pounds per annum by the dress the court, after the flood of eloquence hone.t exerntse of her abilities. 1 hays). that bad poured from the spr,ngs of his heard -nay, by searching into pr,•cedenty, learned brother. He was not gifted with have found that ladies with far less talents such an enviable facility of speech, nor was hews received from managers„ -in the reign his imagination endowed with that creative ofGeorge IV., William IV., Victoria I., Hower be bad so forcibly displayed. Ile Albert 1., Alfred 1.. the almost incredible had not the least intention of drawing either remuneration of £100 per night. Now It Neptune or Pluto from the quiet nap they 15 not rmpo.sihle, if the good old days of had been enjoying for en many centimes, to drams returned, that my client may arrive assist at the present trial neither should •t such a reward for the exhibition of her hs disturb the ocean from its rocky bed, nor talents. Thus is a human probability ; but maks nature sand aghast. No, bis loan - the certainty sures us all in the face : that tions were perfectly pacific, end their barge - having left the stage at the suggestion of sed umaginattooe, he could assure them, the defendant, bliss Noikee is, for the pre- might repos. tranquilly upon his speed) sent, If not fur ever, deprived of the chance after the tumultuous one of his learned of arriving at a consummation so devoutly brother, as a wayworntraveller rests peace, t•. be wished. that of a remuneration of fully upon a down bed, after being tossed L100 per night. The public, we know, are about 111 an air balloon. When he listened .caprleions ; and whoa a lady once quits Ahe, to the powerful exordium of hu learned stage, she is soon forgotten. Mr. Styles brother-and•he cid Innen to him wnh the Aad been guilty of a great wrong in idyls- most profound attention -he confessed M■ Ing Mis. Noakes to abandun her prnfes.Ion imagma' on was too highly excited to he if not gully in depriving the •tags of one of satisfied with so lame and important a con- ic greatest oroamenta, he was d•.ubtedly elusion : %Vhat ! had the laws of nature guilty in doing so under a false end hypo- been r d 1 and were witches called critical promise of marriage. It appears from their dark snd dusky cavern's, merely (bat the defendant is a newspaper editor, because • haliet girl, ata common theatre, snd has had the impudence to assort that it ( had failed to entrap a gentleman, for whom your verdict goes against hum, he intends she had long been laying snares 1 Was to advocate a return to the ancieot custom rhe so extraordinary so occurrence that it of flesh -and -blood Jurors. Now a not thin should create such an excess of wonder 1 - threat a direct taeslt to the chart and jury were our hearts so dead to the ways of I bave the honour to address? What do the world, that such a catastrophe should we wast with mere mortal jurymen? Has occasion surprise? In saving this, be not the cottony been happy, prosperous, would not have it supposed that he was fuonshtng-respected at home, and bun- deaf to the demi. or beauty. God forbid ! mired abroad. under the dominion of me- chanism 1 Yes, gentlemen, yo„r presence bare to -day is a proof of it ; and under the wig, regulations which strew you in yonr place*, and properly get your powers up, this dirty newspaper editor shall be severe, ly punished: Long, long may *team con, linos to shed its benignant ensiles upon u.! Long, long, may we have, the gratification of pleading before a judge who us unap- proachable by flattery, deaf to adulation, insensible to bribery or corruption, and pun as unadu tented gold in hie application and administration of the laws, [It was here 'ntendel that Mr. Actor• ev-general should bow to the bench, but owino to the great pressure in court, the learned automaton would only give a kind of jerk. and proceed- ed.] ! sin but reiterating the opinion of lha whole bar, and shall resume my seat perfectly convinced that under your lord• whip& s directions this audacious defendant will be made to feel that he must not tram- ple upon the feelings of the loveliest part of creation with impunity. 1 shall put wit• nesse. into the box, who will have come to prove facts too monstrous for even ere- delity itself. When the promise -the fatal promise was given, earth trembl -d beneath the defendants `ret ; the winds hushed their murmurs, snd all nature stood aghast. The whole world doubted him : all but a fond confiding girl knew that he gave the word of promise to the ear, bet to break it to (be hope. The affrighted ocean receded from its rocky bed. Pluto rushed rhivering from his go°.tionabte throne, •oil Neptune waved in vain hu tranttlfflhting trident. The elements were convulsed lightening etre.amel from the eyes of Indignant end bamboozled maiden,. and thunder rolled fruit the tong,.. of dunap- po oted mothers. Bet I hays done my lord, and gentlemen of the jury. I say no mere. 1 scorn to wether the misruled defendant beneath the Ibtteht of my con- tempt 1 " I 1 tint take advantage of my ele•e4'd pis pun as Attorney -General of Killen,' to bleat him not of court ; but this I meat sav, that if ever es.. cor,Id &roues , 'e energies .,1 an ad►o te, this me the one. 1/.tee any woman dread o on torn from the intoxicating p1mdits of an admiring suds. mace. to be pointed at as the Ailed sweet - hart of s newspaper shim.? filet her con- demnlie, defendant. Iloes am man dread Immo rtLi,'►edemned t pay heavy damegu to this odd, and being constgsed to ever- lasting perdition In the world to tome ?- let hem condemn the defendant. If any nhfld would be taught to glee expression to what he piefere.l to himself of Old Bo- gey, I.t him condemn the de(endtet. But tit vane a exploded. and charity. (nye, hon - nor. Christianity. Jul,, and affection be- dead-- within.--tea-hum&n-bout--let your=verdict-bei-ilk-..h..-fa-- worn- nnneeneteal words to a genets( venlig we. and --may ---eche wretch --dm man. Hs then Made a statement to the ted feel bm manager totally irre,ast to the atter [Here 'lir. Attore°o_Oeoerel 'Upped before the tent. The wavier' Selemee- ' hreptly, the mechanism of his interium der Brews swore that, with referee** to Muter quite goes down. The learned Was Noakes. ►w chest, the de/esdas(. W ge.tloms•a bad tottered ha last weeders/le- said he wee " Iryteg it oe." Trying wbat e lty slow and slower and at lengthened so 1 The ,.i.rte.ate molests, might r,tbr*link .rafaneeed by the ,elicitor's kava beet trying sii a boot, era bet TI. 1Vbulet hue heart still throbbed in his bosom it would ever beat responsive to the at- tractions of womankind ; he should ever be sensible to the charms of the loveliest objects of creation ; but In admitting this feeling, he felt for the peculiar situation of his unfortunate client. He appealed to the poets, and philosophers, who bad paint- ed love so the oasis of the desert, the pure green spot ;o memory's waste, here affec- tion sell liogere, oven when hope decays. - Had they no compassion for the unhappy Mondani, whose only fault was, " that be loved too wisely, not too well." He had preferred a cook to a ballet girl-ose before elegance -maturity to frivolity 1 and was this an offence for which a man d ed to be burnt afire 1 Forbid it, humanity ! for- bid it, mercy ! No, ors ! Such Inhuman cruelty existed not to the breasts of English juries, especially if they bad the bliss to be automaton. Ile knew -he felt that they would acquit the defendant on this head. But this was not the only charge brought against him. Ile had it from the lips of the learned Attorney -General himself that he was accused of being • newspaper editor and that he had threatened to use his pen In defence of :lash and blood. To describe the enormity of this crime the Attorney - General had brought forth such an over- whelming torrent of eloquence, that unhap- pily his meaning was swept away in the current of his words : at least be supposed so, as with all hu (Sergeat Caloric's) in- dustry he had been totally unable to End it. A., however, he could not Imagine that any machine could work itself Iolo such a tor- rent without some meaning, he supposed It had slipped into some of the spring. and binges by which it was surrounded. and helped to deprive the court and jury of the thundering climax they bad all automated. But what were the simple facts of the case bIr. Styles ban a slight etrtetioo with Miss Noakes and the lady alter a little coquet. ting but with an unblemished reputation, and not the slightest stain upon her virgin chastity, modestly -ho was (oleo to say Impudently -asks to be awarded £10.000 for her pastime -about ball an Albert for every word wfach his unfortunate client has beau imprudent enough to addrrw to her nn the course of his acquaintanceship. - This we. the plan statement of the fact. when etripps'J of the load of ornament with which his leered friend had encumber- ed It. His client, a literary gentleman of high reputation -the author of " May Dry in the Bulrushes," and a manuseript tinge - $y, alhd the " Iron Candlestick, or the Fatal wick," chanced In be occasionally behind the eeenee et • playhouse which the vanity of the times hod I iesniewl in a build Ing knows i. the Core Exchange. where be foolishly, and Isdisereetty sddreis'sd some sated wilaewe-put a question to eery appendage, or an integral part of Pro- knowledge it. But he may span himself Could anytb;ng he more sines' 1 And yet for this, all treated nature wee thrown Into testut*.0-the Romeo Catholic looks epos the trouble, for fortusatefy we are fa, far confusion, sod Neptune aDd Pluto called it a the same light, and his aversion to pro- beyoed the reach of any of his Moe toluene- s'tvering from t►ear bade. He was cos te.taausm a iocreaeed ten fold by viewing tions and cab we are knows, his •1- winced that the braes of the Attoreey-Ge- senl had been teeming wIib a 'monstrousit through the medium o,' orangeiem. We .tempt to repressst us se a promoter ofsoc- concspetos, and Tonged to be delivered.- deny emphatically that the institution forms Not satisfied with piercieg them throng' any part of proteetasusm, or that genuine with the fang. ofa mental arrow, plunging them Into plagee, pestilence, and (amine, he bad so completely overbalanced bimselt as to endanger his own momentum. - Everybody io that court however, bpd an opportunity of s.eisg the singular inutility of a meandering rpeech ; • crowd of un- meaning words, like a pack of hungry dogs, had beset his beets, sod be was himself lost In his own havoc. Ooe 'Meg more, and he should have 6sirhed, for be would not like his learned friend, after Jiselaimisg all intentions of appealing to their feelings, endeavour, by the most artful of perorations to come home to their inmost soul,. 1t was than : that his client, the defendant, was exceedingly unhappy in his present marriage ; sod this be would opine was of itself sufficient punishment for any injury done to Miss Noakes, if to an unguarded moment. which he still denied, he had inad- vertently promised to marry ber. After admitting this dirtresstog (act, he would sit duwe, coafdeotly •enured that their verdict would be in the defendant's favour, and that by it, they would again vindicate that ancient right they hail so f000 and so gloriously maintained, that every English - IMO had an undoubted right to do what be liked with his own band. Mr. Justice C•ligraph. who had been en- gaged taking copious notes during the pro- gress of the trial, summed up. Slowly and heavily did the learned judge go on ; the mechanism of the judgment seat wanner oil, creaked ominously as it moved, ere be had half laid down the law the foreman of the jury intimated to the court that it had midi' up its mind, and would not trouble the judge to recapitulate his notes. Clerk of the Papers. -How say you. gentlemen ?-do you find for the platetiff or the defendant 1 Foreman. -For the plaintiff. Damages 6000 Alberts. - proleatanuam has been remarkably promo- ted or exhibited in those countries where the Insulation has been most extensively estmhlaherl. And, in proof of these allega- tion', we take the liberty of stating, that we teetered our existence, our feelings, our education -our everything to a coun- try the party of whose pnlestaaUsm L wood to that of no country is the world- s country which hu become proverbial for the intelligence and piety of her people, and in which the Bible and the Bible alone u recognised as the standard of Christian faith and morality. And although there are thousand. of Scotch Roman Catholics, yet, Scotland is not indebted to orange associa• tions for the protection and purity of her prote.tantism. Ths general intelligence of her people has been found sufficient for this purpose, and hence, the disgusting anomaly Ma Srotck Ora omen was first presented to our notice in the Towo of Goderich.- We, therefore, point to Scotland, and feel no hesitation in asserting that her protes- tantiem, without the aid of Orange associa- tions, is at least as pnre and as powerful as the proteetantism of soy other country in the world. • And, io making this assertion, we are merely stating what we coneieve to be a historical fact, and have no intention whatever of hurtiog either the feelings or the prejudices of oraegemen. We are not willing that orangeism should be re- garded either as e put or as a necessary appendage of any seehon of protestantum. But, at the same time, we would just as willtogly and as cheerfully do good to an orangeman as to any other of our fellow HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6. (851. LOYALTY ON BELL -RINGING! creatures. We have long since learned to respect the prejudices of every man,and more especially if these prejudices are, in his mind, associated with religious dutiocttoos. Cao the unknow., nameless writer of the Ha- nsa Loyalist say this much for himulf'- Can he produce one number of that paper, during the viz or seven months it has been In existence, which does not contain some direct Insult to the religious feelings or We had arrived at the very unimportant, opinions of the catholic portion of his fel- coneleston that our extra -remarkable co- Lou "lapin"! He ran not. Ile wishes to temporary, the Huron Loyalist. had sliped be regarded as the organ or mouth of the quietly avium into the land of shadows, and "Loyal Orangemen," hit this assumption was no longer included in the realities of is as false a bus accusstio0 against the human genius. Our conclusion Is arroes- Signal;' or his notorious slander of our nus, se we have actually been 'been a copy townsmen, in reference to their reception of the oconder, bearing date the 30th Janu- of the Governor General. The onngemen try, 1851 ! We feel confident, however, of Huron, or at least the intelligent and that though °till struggling for brat its iofiuential portion of them, despise him u dissolution is near at band. Our readers heartily as we do, and within the last will remember that the Huron Loyalist rtoeth one of the most educated and respec- table onngemen in the District declared, in our presence, that the Loyalist's articles by the Statute, and vanes according to the 00 the " Papal aggression" were "beastly number of School. io their respective Divi, articles!" ' We never saw these articles, *ions. Aad it is probable that the Survey - and we have no desire to see them, for we or wi..I he paid for the eer01051 required. It candidly declare, that we would not, for the may, however, be assumed, that the aggre- Huron Tract, be capable of writing such an gab reduction of salaries this present year, article as ever the one from which we bin compared with the salaries of last year, will quoted, and we suppose it is a comparative. amount to at least ane hundred pounds ; ly mild production. The writer of the and as Brother Jonathan would say, this is Loyalist must be aware that if the Orange• a pretty considerable saving io • smell bre men of Huron bad been actuated by the sines*. Bot the question is, Will the but same spirit tbat characterises his Editors. mess be as efficiently done ? And, ben, ale, and had the Roman Catholic met them for the hundredth time, we take the oppor- in the sate spirit, the consegoeeces would, Unity of protesting against that fallacious ere now, have been deplorable. But h•ppi• argument that bangs on the tip of the ly the time has gone past, when such wri- tongue of every official, from the highest to tinge could produce any other fuing than the lowest in Canada, namely, that high pity or contempt ID the minds of asy class salaries are abolutely necessary to °tsar° or society of mea In this conotry. Ami one the services of properly qualified officials. - of the moot satisfactory proofs of the -pre- This is an arrant deception. We, at mice gnu of int.lhgesee and good Mese is Cs- admit that a faithful and well qualified pub. made, is the fact, that the various attempts he servant should be fairly remunerated for to establish rub organs as the Heron Loy- his services. Aad, we further admit, that alisf hive proved abortive -sot because some men are cheaper at a hundred pound. Orangemen were not numerous Brough to a year, than others would be at • hundred support them, but beeaas. they are not pence, but we deny distinctly that the a- scii/ink to do ,o. We repeat &gals, that for of the husdrad ponods will seceaanly not only the Coseervetives, bat also the result is • nod, faithful, toil well-qualified best portion of the Onsgemee, are •*hem• cot °hausthat hionly aotund ed torgaacknowledge the Huron L slut as to be nviocedbghto sallookuiesrare Dous °Yguarantee for the efficiency or integrity of than organ. the persons who receive them. For in. The loyalist's extreme brainlessness, in stance, we have known a 0350 to receive £180 as Superintendent o, Schools, and we have known another man perform the duties of the same office far more honestly k more efficiently, for little more thea one-half that sum. Agri, we dare ray, most of oar ruder. can easily plant to leas si.ilar in- stances. I. refereere to our new County *deists, we may remark, that David Hood Ritchie, Esq., has been uneeimoosly elected Clerk, after the salary bed bees filed at thirty Pre petrels. Mr. Ritchl., we thunk, is is every respect, folly qualified to discharge the dit- toes of the office with credit to himself. ■.d with advantage to the public. The salary is perhaps not an eqn:val°et for the *emcee required -but Mr. Ruthis has accepted the odes at tbat salary, laso man w:ll sttempt to ay that either his teleses er his hones- ty would have bees improved by doubt's( bis salary. This appnfnt.get is eve of the acts for ',TWO we are disposed to give the Ceas- ed credit. For, altbeegh p&ttieelly append to Mr. Ritchie, we have a high optaren of his istetrity sod abilities, and we feel eeu- flldest that his eaters' activity will enable btm N get t►retagh his besieges h less tame thee some ether .sea weld tab to this: sheet i4 -while bis . wit\ ..A e1 the Freetoel•1 Smote, as imadiatety sewers the welding .l the Ceased, quell. Ike hem ler ►sodenig .es.stial servias is abs iererades* of ami OsuseM, and Is fast. for waramsexe the nesse ley M e R.Ysis- ert. irsolmfedsts, Mak (bat the eppsD.S- made its debut on the stage of Canadian Literature, by publishing a tame of false• heed., about the visit of the Governer General, so very outrageous that the chil- dren of the town innocently called them lies, and the respectable inhabitants felt called on to contradict them la the columns of the Signnl ! And, expecting that the career of the Prodigy will termtoate as it began, the following paragraph, is last week's issue, convinces us that is second childhood hie arrived, •od that its earthly pilgrimage is drawing to a close: - No ,tomer does the Loyalist, To perfect keep- ing with its motto, •Fear God, honor the Queen,' come oat with a series of editorials os the great question that to berm for meat's en- rols( the auvetoe of Gnat Britau, namely, the Papal Animas., thea ear eote.porary im- mediately flatters the Rema. Catholics mad espouses their cause by hotdteg them gip is stir- ring sad enterprising people, and wilds up by recommending that the TeweCeneil shoeld impose aux epos the already over•berdeeed in - habitats to ring their bell at lost three tones a -day. Now we look epee the prnpesitioe u a regular eateh•pensy, ad ogle of the messy mew of f°rnlsbisg the ' crumbs of comfort' for the Radical a iqn. Finding that the Loyalist warmly espoused the canoe of IM Loyal Orange - mei of Canada, whet more Dat°ral than that our cosiemporery. the Signal, she.ld exert all bis energies to embitter the Roman Catboliesegainst them." It is with much reluctance that we con- descend to notice any personal attact from a source so truly despicable, and on any other point than that involved in this para- graph, it is probable that the @erusauosalluding to hes "Motto," is exactly on a per would have been treated with that silence with bis other writings. 1f he, or they, or which is always the best 'sewer to the it, has the preeumpuoa to stick up the met. allegations of the worthless and abandoned. to, "Fear Old, boner Ike King," upon a But we ebould be sorry that even one ho- .•best of paper, sed, like the nameless cow- man being, however simple or ugsoraut, are, take "bolter behind that motto, till be should be indueeid to believe us guilty of the has filled that sheet of paper with encharit- enoduct with which we are be -e charged. ble wasting" and aecusatioos of those wbo We have sntnerous faults sod failings, but, ars at bast as loyal and se pion as himself; we are not aware that we bate ever writ- ten and published one sectarian eesument. We have, in fact, through life. avoided the spirit of sselana.ism with the ease le.ttoc• tare dread that we would etbesvour to - 1050, M jdet.e., sad ens wi& will pea all pardon Geste itwn Jl. Ilse.s bas bees Tes .ver with a shay M £MO-- latterly with (110, end an present year wait eely (100, se/ alabsgb ewbg to the fact that the duties w &stented rather teas dMelabad by the lets Assess se the Musicepal and Aiuu...t Law., aha ow lee to tie heavy ►espassiblYUse a/hie e - 5.., and abs large amain of aaeaity whit& he is rerfelnd to funis', we tblak hie &a- ary ►.ms hew reduced tee low. Yet, we foci ceelld.ot that his efcussey, as Treas- urer, will sot he dimisl.b.d by the lodes - boa of his salary. tartan prejudice, will just be regarded as a Tb following are the dimness sea few cowardly slander, worthy only of the Herts d lb° most tmportasi M.teaa brssg♦t kw - Loyalist ! The Catholic coogregattoo of Godericb are just as unobtrusive and as peaceable as any other worshipping evsem- bly in Tows : and our suggestion about ringing their Bell, was made under the con. victlon that our Towo dud ret contain any Sectarian feeling narrow enough to ob- ject to it. But, now, being made aware that even is the year 1851, there are still bigots, who believe that Popery might be promulgated by the ringing of a Catholic 8511, we wil'ingly oke back our suggestion: and out of respect for the prt'ludice of even the Loyalist sed his three fronds, we de- clare that they should Dot be taxed for ring- ing the Bell. Let the ringing of theCatb- olic Bell be paidafor by voluntary contribu- tion, snd although the Town Council could not hu° taxed the Editor of the Huron 3igwal, he is willing to contribute tura dol- lars to the Bell-nogiag fund. At the same time, assuring the Loyalist, that bad his party been the first to hang a good Bell o0 their Church, the Signal, although he loathes the smell of the Clergy -Reserve and Rectories, would have been equally liberal in his contnbution. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL. Too first Sitting of the New Conseil is at bast entitled to the character cf " a good begasiog." The members appeared to base met for the purpose of doing sone. thing in the way of Retrenchment, and if is soma instances they have applied the knife rather closely, yet their character of the several officials. which have been chosen, shews that a due regard has been manifest• ed for efficiency as well as fur eheapee.s.- The Officers and their Salaries are as fol- lows :-William Chalk, Esq., %Verde., £t0; David Hood Ritchie, Esq. Clerk, £85; George Brown, Jr., Esq.; Treasurer, £100; John Straehas, Esq., Solicitor, £90; Joe.pb G. Kirk, Esq., Surveyor -no salary fixed- Coeittl. Mesut. Nichol and Lyster, Auditor, £s For Pt Amsedmsnt-Donkin, Hansa les, Guest. Flass.gas, Shoff, Rath, Hill, Ceir- each; Mr. Robert Ellie, Constable, 69° ran, Chalk -9. sbilliegs per day ; Mr. John Nairn, Super'. For the Report -Smith, Holmes, Lamb, intendeot of Schools for the Northers Du• Ritchie, Wallace, Armand, Gourley, Res- trict: Rev. John Logie, Superinteedeat for t.tth, )cell -9. Mr. Hys, Chairman, gave the matug the Southern Dinsion,on the London Road, vote in favor of the Amendment. and Mr. Redford for tbe'Couny of Perth.- Warden's Salary -Report twenty pounds. It will be observed that there have bees Amendment by Robert Doskio, E.q., some serious reductions of last year's Sala. Bonded by Wm. Smnb, Esq., £93. For the amssdasest-Doskis, Smit►, ries, viz.: the \Virden'. ten pomade -the Ritchie, Anoand, Wallace, Ratb, Bsll-7. Clerk forty poreds-The Treasurer twenty For the Report -Guest, Holmes, Flan- porads-tbs Solicitor fee parade -the Au- organ. Lamb, Shoff, Goorlay, Mestettk, ditors four pounds each, and the Countable Hill, Girvan, Hamittoo-l0. five shillingper da of r.ductioo. The rs• It was .leo moved ie amesd..et, by D. y H. Ritchie, Esq..°eooi.d ►y Dermal Bb.L muneratiob of the Superint.bd°sts is fixed be" q., That the wages of the Councillors should be .eves shillings and Biz pence per day, and two shilling and Peptises for ev- ery ten miles travelled to and from Council - when then voted for the amendment, Messrs. Fryfogle, Smith, Holmes, Plaou- ean, Wallace, Aaoasd, Gurley, Ritchie, Girvan, 8boC Bell, HBailtos, Deakin, Rath -15. For the original Report -Mmes. Hill, Goat, Hay., Limb, Monteith -5. It must lis observed that this aossda set wan a decided f . . t as the sated- was that had been previously earned. - And although the daily exposes of the - Council will Dot be lees this year than it was last, vet, the principle is mooch better - in the first place, et is doing pieties to• those Cooncillors that have long distances to travel, and, in the second place, it is les- sening the pecuniary Isdocemeets is peo- lomg the sittings. ward in Council :- Tho Report of the Committee ea the salaries mad duties of the Comity cams recommeod.d the follow'sg via r Treasurer's salary at £100-tsshmad. Clerk's salary at £36, with two 5ttearlge- cies at Lis office via. 1st k ked Wdwdey in tach month. Amendment at tt,rli, proposed by Wm. Smith Esq., seemeded by Wm. Rath Esq. For Amendment.-Ratb, Smith, Amused. Gourley, Wallace, Hill, Chalk, 7. Against Aaeedmesi.-Holmes, Flame gen, Shoff Mo.l.ifb, Guest, Lank, Ginnie,. liaintltoo, Dell, Deakin, 19. Salary at £35 cosirataed. Solicitors office and salary. Report rw- commeods that oe salary be allowedr but be be paid by Foes, ad eucb 76w8441°Par fur it. own legal sdvit.. Amendment by W. Smith, seresded by A. Hamilton. That no bolieitor be chose. for (ho pres- ent year, and that the present Solicitor re- ceive intimation to that effect forthwith. For Amendment.--Flamilt.., with, Gourley Girvan, Wallace, 5. Agaiest Atse.dmot.-Rath, Helene', Armand? Flanagan, Ritchie. Me.teisD, i'L.nab, Guest, S►ofL, Hili, Bell, Calkk, Donkls, 13. Further in Am iedme.t ley D. H. Ritchie, seconded by P. Flanagan, That a Solicitor be appealed on the same cosdtttoo as Iset year, and that his salary as each 1,41(20 per annum. For Further Ameodmeet.-H.miltee, 'Smith, Rath, Armand, Thomas, Ritchie. Gourley, Shoo WIlaae, Hill, Chalk, 11. Against Further Amendment. -Holmes, Girvan, Monteith, Lamb, Guest, Boll, Doe - kin. . Court' Reeves Allowances. For Amendment of 7. 64. -Donkin, llamiltoo Rath, Awned, 4. For Report of Ss a day and ea Ad for every 10 miiea they travel to and from Coattail. - Holmes, Smith, Flamers, Shoe Goody', Monteith, Guest, Hill Girvan, Lamb, Boli, Ritchie -12. Mored further in ameedmeet, by Jamie Hill, Esq. recorded by Patrick Fla..agen, Esq., that do mileage be allowed, but that members living at a dietetics receive nus shillieg extra, for every tee miles they travel to Council, for each day they ret le would any r.e.00able man say, that this "motto" should be allowed to screen him from the righteous emote which is doe to the common eastard 1 Certainly not. It is true that se reesers' can reach the writer shoo the cholera or the plague. And, in of the Huron Loyalist -soberly know, who cesductung the Signal, our sailorna um writes it-..,iody its responsible for it --and has been t ad in braking down these bit- if n.isdy will jet look at he tobsertpuee ter prejudices of creed and country, and to Let, avid et in ,crew, it will perhaps feel mayhem' all parties that their chief islereet ?Mused that wether God, ma the Qnoca, lies in look's( upon Caada av Lbw sora- set will sasetien or support nen home. It a tree, we have occasional- the eoedoet of the Horse loyalist. ly mads sem* remarks an Orsspisra; hut We eenph.ested the Cathelte Casgrs- the°° remarks have over been .de with gutless es their Bell, set hetesse they were ths immature re of pietist nne,to ereagem.s, Catholilsa, het banes they wore the Sr,( what appeared to es the folly of be.prag .f the wsrsDipp.g a.sasabliee h T.wa,wb. altos mash party realise. and asi..sities hesg op a Dela. We hinted that the Tows se (Assam. and serenely Ott for the psrpese Cesssil amid endeavor le hors •bs 11.11 d hinter tbsir prejsdre.s, sr despot thew nog 1.••1' 1&°••11•••• • defy, far the boo- - 07- WE direct particular attunes to se article from the Ersssin.r, whisk will be found :• soother colones, os the embjeet .f the new Lieges' law. Ales, toeertai. Re- volutions is reentries to the great question of Free Education, whieh we Mme sepid from the Gl.is. Oer ewe remarks on the Free School question will appear next week. We have received the lint sod sew coed number. of the Weekly Dispel& a new Reform Journal published la Leedom C. W. it is a headstone sheet el geed else and neatly printed, and jadgdsg (mea abs- specim°s bolero as, w° west toy it is res- pectably *endue* ed. 7 Parliament has boos Ibrtbee prstegs- ed to the 9th March, het sot toes to meat for the despatch of '.sues.. The Hon. F. Hocks pond here os Uneasy, ow his retortsrsmF W tattoo. Ws believe he has rMdssd M hopes as to the immadtsts adoption of Re- ciprocity. A copy els I.tW, treat re hos. gentleman te Bs.. R. M. Mae" Claims, of the Maass CelsmiU.s M Cosm°res, fe bedews ob. he meet WNW able features ere, as t4limsMss dot limo rewires. accord Reciprocf , a wee*** tom of differential duties w aMspy the ow- ly ette5t105 of mgr legbetsrst awl Int W object Ie rattier WvowtstllteM- urs the protobe w $&lite M - the G.,sonment most he prepssel M Imo. Parliamwt, .1 Ns spprss.hfog s1 dated peMsy _.al edsness wit aha with a willItd y the obese whieb K b bAM i ssied d e' es b free-wads S -Itroat - Awvw.-Te hiss s s =; peer mast rd +M spew* tree es M' aPactd