HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-02-06, Page 1seise te1M•
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Its £ uron Zignal,
iT odic** ern rowdier. • !retry nifloie y
BY 'FiM.MAfo !tl beQVVFF'4,
Ywtfne asp ritormirnia.
weinat et NKRT•iwZee awe• °Mina ten.
••akiosk •mod Jeb-Prestmg, ted with
neatness Jud ditiestelt.
Tww,-w ties Hugo. &soaa-r-Th Y dIlII.-
LINQIt pet sauna if mud atrtatty et advance,
or TeraLrb eau tiro Pecs with tea exprrativa
oftha year.
No paver disnontineed until erre•rs are
paid Op, tote's the publisher think, it hi advau-
tare to do so.
Any Individual in the ',awry gemming re-
sponsible for six sebserlbers, Wail receive a
seven* ewer gratis.
Q? Ali Waists addressed to the, Ed t tor mut be
Peat osits they will ac' be settee out of the
poste tfies
e mer, Orr 1' a Dya RTltlap.
SiAlia*si ender, int insertion £0 2 G
Each subsequeutinsertion..,-.••.. U 11 71
Tea [Mei and valet, first insertion 0 II 4
Each snAsequenl insertion 0 0 10
Orertett lines, first inaertioo, per line, 0 0 4
Each suMegeeot insertion, 0 0 I
QA liberal eisenunt made to thorn wife
advertise be he rear.
II ,IMI ser NM mot loom•. I
V 0 t t r11.
From the C6rortiele and Atka.
sr xioaxaca.
There's a wail gone u from our frozen lake.,
To the honed' of our snathero shore:
Fee the any! of death ie shoed i* the lard,
Ae I he hereto a glittering blade io his hand,
Deep stained ie bemss mire
Frnm the hnme of the you of toil and caro,
To the belle of wearth and •.t..
The ery of lament for the " loved and the leer,"
For the dreamt of hsppioese suddenly croeeed,
Is bard from the lowly and great.
There's a .on in :he vigor of manhood's prime,
Bat hoeing from /we ab«k hath
Arid a aileer.baired ore. with Daltil brow,
Bulb 'rewd to oke grave'. halilirueou :tow,
For the quiet repose of the deal.
From the palaemI k• dwei'‘ag of temp sod pride,
Comes a sold and sterilise Ann : .
For the scourge hash been acting • busy put.
By opening the vela' of a bvrsti•r brut,
And bluchiog site btide't lair cb•sk.
*ia w•vleise skA.o
tde'd' vas's+rear
'I'ti,5 u a t,ed pulley, and p farmer or dairy
roan wise adopts it can expect to succeed.
The reverse should bo the role.
li a clip the following from the American
grtc't turibt :-
It is known to many farmers that, when
•'ming cows first mime lc, whe., the calves
aro taken away, they will hell up their
milk for a ,hurt tone, anal sown w•i l almost
dry themeelver before they o ill gore it
down. A'i'w years ego, I bought a doing
cow wb:cb proved to be very wild, k when
I took sway her first calf, she would not
give ''own her milk. 1 had heard it re-
marked that potting a weight on a cow's
back would make her gee her milk down.
1 sec.rdingly drove her tato the atable,,got
a bushel n( grain aad put it on her heck,
but net being heavy enough, I took it offend
put my elbows in the centre of her back, le
bore en until she hollowed in her back.
W bile she was kept in tbis portion. she I
had se power to hold up her rusk ; for at
came doves freely. After doing this a few
times, and afterwards putting my hand on
the back of the cow, it would gore wry,
aid she would immediately gtvedown her
oil.k. 11. B. R.
Huntington, L. I., May, 1850.
It is thought by tome, that agriculture t
the pursuit of knowledge are nut.congental;
res, that they are ant:T('omtits. Even John
Foster remarks, ' Field occupations, with
their attendant and cone(' tient habite,.no,
tnrionsly tend to sturdy the mental facui
ties." Would that this were the only er-
ror of that great m110.
Rut i. thisam error 1 the reader may ask.
W'e eincerely believe that it I. -mid -midwith
that conviction, wee !tare read with great
plestsoro the ,Arco of Jaynes Tuft., Esq.,
of Ward•boro. Vermont, tis which he tome -
tams the opp.i•atc cenclueioo, from the son -
duel veers' of farui.ng to health and looeev
itte from the bemire which it erode fol the
osteon of knowledge, from its salutary in-
fluence on the mind, from its intonate coo-
ncCtIoo with other arta and depar:wonts of
knowledge, copeetally the natural science.,
and from the stability and virtues vehieh it
fatter.. Te these riraark•, we say yea
•rel amen. Farmer.* should be the must -ins'
to:lresut men .0 tt.r community. if tier
are cot; it they allow others, except gentle -
She clings to hie form with a maniac's clasp- men of the learned protession to serrates
As the vine to the falling oak -
Aad the eight hath m4ted helms of ,tent,
As they lock on the area of that toddle, ea*,
As she bows to the heavy stroke.
They laid a babe in bis eartato'd crib,
For hie dying moan is hushed :
Bat the fair rime moth., wee pleedieretil!,
For etrene4A to bend to her Maker', will,
Though age knew that herhepea were cre•h'd
But that buts bath changed hia cold -white
For the "garments aodeGtr,1,"
Anda e.raph i. leading him hand 's hard.
Ott thenowery hanks of that a pmt land :"
For the teethes bash Wised her child.
them in knowledge, or in the extent or
ealutanneas of influence to the circles of
bombs society, on themselves the reepowt•
btltly must rest. They WWonld form the
character of ,or'rt;, and turn the w heels of
government. Would that there were more
utelbgent farmers le our Halls of Lei ela-
ttoe and is our .\auoeal Cuuncile ! Teter i
laconic stele, their etrong coram -ie sense
and their integrity of character, wool•( des
pitch public biomes. with naffed- and rapid-
ity.. Neither the Commonwealth nor the
Nation hare ever been bettergoearson then
they vlare, wben such men were at the
helm of our political ship. honor to their
memories and prairie to their illustrious
There a comfort iagtlp for rhe broken kear ; des I -
For ^ebe Healer" is near in Moil up it. wound,
With • patina' halm, that all have cooed
f)o sweet in their hear of peed.
0, ceme to thio Formula, pare aid free,
Where the eparkluig wsten flew,
For its stream a clear, and deep, and wide,
Ad so all As'will taste of its crystal tide, '
There i• hi -0th for the soul in woe
Fro the " noised ...Alt
coding reed."
• OUT'l'ER.
Mr. Editor,-'-3bs(d the hypothesis of
Yonett prove to be Meed as correct data.
the following direction. (,•r aseertai meg the
relative vale° of cows for tie production of
create will probably be pru.l ictove of auwie
gold, av every dairy man will be ab:e to de-
cide alnroal %neraster to to the velnelor
wottbleesnw et animals be external
owes- 1 wall, however, pseseat tee Ri-
ctpr, whthh a as follows
"Provide a number of half-pint white
glsas pwabh enrremendteg with the num,
herd cowers *honour', label sad number
Haws a oaatlleaStf0ly, i,Y, 3. 4°n sod the
COWS tocotrespond. Fill each phial with
the milk of the cow leering the same nein-
ber ; note down thoquanttty of f uik each
COW Mens,• After the.1111111has stored in
Liss lusts about twelve boats, the eye can
easily discriminate the amount of cream
that each produces, whish mark down by
etetaeeM of %show, Parsee the same plan
est►I1,Yt Bbkajh ibnnt the middle of time
or 1111111410 ' 76eq ielfty may thus be easily
By adopting. tbhe plan, ihn relative or
It.• W' setae fie 011? punpo-
Mainiusy'beresedrtnitield only weenie, and
The fol'.owing ie the 'node of preserving
butter perfectly ewtet, or. at least, perfect-
ly fit for owe, through the whole wastes. is
the Valleys of 8wttaerlaod, without any
admixture of salt. A narroa dee!, (pine,),
board not more than fur or five inches
wide, 1. fixed ha -meet -die to an ripen rleee'
in the eery ; w iodise rens from tab to l
fest ie length, are nand m se aprrglt' pun•
tion into tbi., their wroth) length project-
ing abed' Its einem. . A3 the baiter is
rea•te, :t i• placed dilly around these pine,
(one et a t1•ne,1 begton•og at tlw3 1 tutee
end, aad u a mase nut exceeding. at Ent,
the width of the board. Every day, as more
but'er is made, it i. added to the previous
pnrt'on around the pin, the diameter of the
Browing man., be:ng gradually enlarged
upwards, until the upper surface overhauge
the base to a cun,tdetehle extent, like an
inverted beehive. Whe° one pin is filled,
another is proceeded with in like manner,
and so on.
The exposed surface of these maesee gets
soon covered with a sort of bard flew,
which etl'.octually excludes the access of
the air, and this circ.Irnwtanee. woo two
nther8, namely, the enraplete etpres.ton of
milk from the butter, and the usohatroct.•d
rieculatton of coni mountain air ibr eigh
the dairy. will go far to cxpinin hew butter
so treated, can remain •o long without be-
coming stewed.
society, Robertntown, lirldsre, who will
forward it to Limerick l v canal or by reil-
war, with the prescribed dtrcetinos for its
use, at a ;rifling charge for earr;a,., the
reducing the tarn, meaty wish ■saaisiosaapro- toeuniter,at, inhere that no man should be
til ,u all mooted of the 1'lesirws. 'Inc•law- faxed anted for ta',;tble property. and se
Y"6. 11 'eh". aro 10 bring lbetr grievaneev x- c ,,11 cting 41014 the t taws of no i:.lied on
fore Parliament. They may du w, and tete the subjaet•11.1 IS was impe.sible to gi•t
the mestere passed to the women of 1R tfi,
Mr. Hinck, had introduced the bat lest
cession, and when he did eo he stated that
being determined to carry it through, he
was willing to emb •dy In the bill any mode
of assessment for personal property wherh
might be agireahlc to the 11eu.,. so that
the present aehednle attai•hed to the 11:11
had been added to it on the moti:'n of Mr.
Johnsen of Prescott, and cnrrie•1 with the
aid of the Teem. and a few Refortters,
wan not pretended that the nieeeire was
perfect, neither was it 53 perfect es the
mode proposed by Mr. Hocks, but there
was not the emall.et doubt of ite bene, at
all ciente, greatly imperier to the old aye -
tem. The next subject he w"tied touch tip_
on wee ec•mon,y. or retrunehme;t, or tether
the cry gut up by these who were out for
From the 1l ckvilte Reeordcr. the pnlpoa0 0f gett`ng thems&vos in- 'Phe
51 Pe. RICffARDy ANf) i1(5 CONS1'l'P- present ministry, when they carne into
L'.11\TS.-hI'I'LEi', power. volute., as it were, answerable for
the proper working out of responsible goy -
On Tunedar evening the lith inst., a eminent. they had also the university act
meeting was held in Kitley,.for the purpose to teenage, and these_ questions 'front the
of heeling from We A. Richards, EMI.. the agitation which they had caused, regaired a
member -(or Leed.t an exp'anation of the -1 degree of care and attention which rendered
(rattles meaenra'a which had passed the . it impose ble for the mtuietry to take up
Legislature during last session. The I other eutjecte till Ruch time as. they had
meeting was numerously attended, and R. saes:actonly sett;ud those wt.tett had been.
Helmer., I3 -q., was called to the chair. first before the country, and which, from
Mr. Richards then addressed ibe meet- their 'importance, re•enircd to be early vet et
ing. Ile commenced by stating that he rent. A retrerchment committee was,
aepeared,befbre them in consequence of a however, appointed, as fair a committee. on
promise made to the elector. at the time his opinion as could have been brought ro-
of his election, that lie wnuld during the gethor, consisting of Clear Grits, Reform -
recess appear before his constituents to ex- ern, and Tories. When this committee
plait to thorn hie narliareentary career.- mit, It we. GIPS to enleratand the end and
1"15-00Cott um the .pot befog Li 1... 1a. the law , whves ich le rur!itxa the obned oxiousey a oc repeal
the result, correepund wee tete expect- jtae• of the ludgee ape epees whatever irhev ee-
!attune formed, n( which no rcaaona. rales: for are they not in • majority in the lee:O-
hle doubt can be entertained, the example (stare? Bat :f they do all title, the reentry will
Is likely to he followed, when the discovery not tail to soother* the votes on tee quesrien,
becomes generally know a and appreciated awl keep them for guidance at the next general
in thin tlmtriet of the couutee. The wauu• etrcuun. Yea, Ui.) lawyer eo•aprratory may
factor^ of the article carne[ fail to be pro• hada temporary triumph. They may neglect
irestively introduced into localitioe where ebe iotetests ol'the:r clouts, be nwlcted res benvy
bog lands abound with the raw materna, damages, and by abseat.ug t6emaelve , CIUM
tL t f t is d 1 t
'e colt' e n ,,8 111eC O e Q,•,ee 1 t 11 11
preeentmg a field of operation pre. tically', aete on of Pa iameet they can carry any mea -
inexhaustible, abate at the aattte tuner sore that would serve their iotcrests. But their
me•tns ofennat•,nt employment will be all.- triumph will be short. .4e general efectien will
ordeal to a numerous clans of the laboring upset all their calculations, and destroy all their
population during all seasons of the year, privileged classes w ruin themselves by follies
the bur*crof the poor rate lightened, std ■ ei eaeem'''. The keuebee bar, and their eon -
the faltnioe interests oesentially benefitted. ✓ wars it Threefitter, aro so exeepiiun.-Es-
This b'vatem facilitates the true course to be a"u,ur.
pursued in reclaiming waste lands. and, as
the cuttings advance, snaking the epees
cleared ,variable to rause crops for the nue-
tenaace of toga or beat. Tee process of
preparation .a extrent'r e;uti,le, and the out-
lay required for erecting the proper appar-
atus tnsignifir.et in amount, compared to
aijLiciatg,jeljecta on the property of the
kingdom at Oarge, which the project appease
well calculated to real ze. Tho convert ton,
of a portion of bog eubstanre into marmite
is bot one branch of the Imminent. The
charring of turf to the most extensive and
proftable'. Tito description of fuel is pecu-
liarly a1aptod to tae culinary lune, and also
to the smelting amaze The demand mieu'd
he unlimited f•,•rn all parts of the world,
Frencn.a!•,ne will conseeno all that wo can
supply at pr sent -a new trade would thune
spring up with a wealthy neighbor, mutually
advantveroes to both nations, creates by a
reeiprec.l interchange of fe m e&east ?Tem,
ably with the wants of eecb. Vessels
we'd,' nu longer reeve the Shannon with
batla:, after ,'spoofing thus cargoes of
corn and prorie;on., without pec ivme in good. He thesireferTed to the Parlicnten• toga of the most bitter kind. When this
return an eg•tivaleet of stty kind, in • native. -tart' measures which has beep brought to wan done it was time to make a report; l R
products -aa tmpoverisbing dram, commer-
cially a surcesaful termiaataoaa, each as the muni- they had knee about as far as they desired C
injurious, and often aasubty felt im else: act and the joint Flock road company in their Retrenchment, became) they had I c
balancing toorclai exchange• aer, 'Pomo meaaore., hr. said, tratald ha:•e done what they could to hurt their political 1 t
"I have claim your indole+once for these ,rat-ctTect oo tho prozrre. of tie ptosis,. opponent*, as far as reducing their salaries I t
betel remarks, wt. e!i aro afforded with a con- a= tbey put iota their heeds the power of went. This was as much 1e hnuid bo ex- 1 e
seiotrsaeuofmy •mahtirty to rooder that"utanajtfp! their own aifarr.s. They would peeled from such men. lir. Richerdedid 1-
jusmce to tivtgoesmoe to which It is fairly' n„t now require to lark to Jupiter fur aid, ant think that touch would be gained by 8
entitled. Theo -Wier, Iwwevu, cannot be_ for the. pnu .r ail themfreisco was pus each Retrechment as the reducunn of the d
placed on mare appropriate or &Scent-hand•_umed' by the i_,, and tt stdyy Te4_utred Governwent General'8 saltrv. It war the 1 w
thin your lord -his 8, in order to feet its of there to adept t mseivee to tht-eirrtnm- I only eatery pard by the Province to an ofbe r
inerts red e: +ore amec•w, which .moat be stances Let which they were placed by the eel' appointed by Great Britain. Great,
pleaded as as eacpse for ibis 'streams.
paseinB of the measures to 'which h e had Britain it was *aid expends from £400,0001 c
).t J' L' alluded. 1'be Incrporayng of townships,
the to fi,ben,00o a year in the country, and I t
"'Co the Rt. Hob. Urs Earl of Clare.' vi:iagea, towns aond ctlra throu'•huut though England moeht aerie to reduce the :
Province, was now placed on one haste, and eatery of this liovernnr general, yet at the I h
THE LAWYER CONSPIRACY. - shall] any bete,ation be accessary, such same time ho believed chowouldceded her i
am melons, a town of a vil!ape ora city of a exretwlitere here t'e the amount probably of
A formidible c' wpirr.ey hes been sorted at town, tho people under the act wore cloth £e00,0110 1 vett; and of this were tote done
Quebec; and the conspiratory have •Iready ere. Ied with power to make thealterauue room- be would like to know who would he the
coeds,' .o tile comm esioo of overt acid, the tike t'eelves, by a sommary tppbceuon to the loser. With resppe.ct to the salary of the
of which if done hr an association of tailors or Executive., a ttlrrut the tnmblo or
expense. Mede of th.deplykrhenue ittimeentended to ,
ship carpenters, would subject the acmes to a I of going to Parliament in cvery isolated fit diem fir the leading members of the ad-
trisl fur uwsp.raey. A reeeat Act of the Pro- i case. He did eat intend to is that the n, et.tr*tinn at 0000, and the subordinates
aloha! Les-.anture imp•,. -d on the Julger of the •y
(tar; -nor Court of Lower Canada, the duty oft 5 OXp leas aB Tlwrll+relmet, that ittc p; , however win was judt^rtot to at 6«rt t q00, end the. Division a ynar; the it -aim, of peke.,toe
fragile( a new Tariff of Fees tor• the Coens.I, 1
maintained, of giving the people power of £A00. Ile (Mr. R.) did mit think £l000a
Advocates, aad.; AiterOte practicing therein. -I e
To melt tie -iffy -ix of 'ho judges mn i go. Cleft i manCftffg their own Affirm, ar14 ntthoumh l year too winch for the head of a Depart. c
•went herons its prnmstg*tion. In unmeant-. of , in muse email' of tete act ranerfetitteese mens, when the peewee he was forced into a
this law. the loliswing rix Judgen agreed upon a i might be di.eovereu,aet thepn , isle he had Pas i hi irlero 1. end -,leo that a minister j t
new tariff • f e vis., ('hie( Jur'. •e'Rewea. I mimic 1 to hal le CO bccor. u. avis. !tit 'tad se f cant,'^ hen depend upon holding office for t
!thy. Smith. .Ten,l.let, Duret, awl IlereJith.-. doubt it would yet be fear! este •,f tee rr-..t maw 'ben fort t"'era at one time. II on at- 1
revolts to the proms cram') of oke sew tariff) useful newel -re:: which ever esest-1 the 1,:- r. i tent 0n ,'snide that time had to be directed
the menthes' of the Rar surreptitiously obtained i•lature. This measure had b eq Cite w.'k a e Mner to poli: e•, hie bissine, o had t0
a copy of it. Re;nq u.tpkseed with ebb new of Mr. Ba:dwin, and yet Mr. Baldwin had" given d'p, and some of them might Irnnw•.1
Rill of Wagee, they rnnhed toec trate otepo to nee been accuerd of oto backwtrl., Th" teen their own err riche.'. whether nhri-
un'ss argmeam'ioe M the recd. 'Thee. there- going 1 - !'
hire, regneefee conemeni.ati.,a nt the- v lir t„ wa+ not 1410 col,: an -t ',e was-di,.ft... .t •' pane were a elem. to mien m• nee. in fact
thorn berate is promu't:n-nn. Thi.,,,, Julie.-) net who ha 1 want bei Mr. ft,, l v, Ser R. Pea, had an his eearnrnatren hef ere'
reford: rrnmi.io-•, hewe••e, thst if experience
shod,' pro., e the titre twill u M tee few, Wier
would amend t1 we -'t its detects had bees
proved. The enm'iin-d Rsr reh.:led, and to the
number o(..•vnt,dsar-eale thisk of ti, 0a**rq-
f 1µr lawyers to Quebec-walkel net of coon to
high dudgeon. This wa: a practical di-cisra:ion
that they wool() not snbmit to the redaction of
wages proposed be their masters the Judge..
who alone are legally etppnweie1 tofix' the tariff
01 noses There is nothing new about proceed -
loge of this kind. At one time the jeernevmen
tailors of Lefties, who were making eaves slnt-
liogg a -Jay, struck for wales. Their empiuyers
impnrtell a eteit nenfher of German workmen.
and these who, like the teemed of Queues, het
struck for wages, had to retina to wark at halt
the rave they Fad I rad:one;y receive I. In New
York, only • few months alto, there we• a is: -
Inra' strike, which ended by eandiag setae of the
actors to jail. Any combination acme•igat work-
ing mechanics to obtain an advents of wag -3,
d liable ed 1
11e Fad n"t, however, waited ;pun them nim of their Retrenchment, for the first
daring the recess of last year, bccsuso he salary they seized upon was that of the t
h d beset advised by several cf, his friends Govern n General, whom the Terms hated, I q
that to. hold meetings when the previnee and then followed the salaries of the mits-!
was eo much' exceed w told tend to nc try against whom the %ones alert had feel- e
al. Twm SNIP "e Tint vRaa.
they now pnaeeeeed before changes eho01r1
he too rapidly forted upon them. As far
IS the fnvernment war rorrerned, he be-
fieeed It would he n bene-fi', bedew for
every office vacant there were probably 20
applicant., and as only one could get the
'afire, the eon•egneneo was that 14 were
du+atisfied, and knight from this fact joke
rmbrapc et the Veer Merit. He objected
n an elective Legislative Council because
he had peen no argument eufricent to con-
vince hien there should be much a chant'^
'er the sake of hating a change. He
beech' such a system w rind fend res elog•
egulation. and when granting that the
prinetole was Cornet that a M iter or weal.
hierciaos of voters wool,' elect better men
01 the council then there night be in this
apemble, the present system allowed the
set men of the co Intra to gsru bents in the
egta,ehtre, and, in nis open nn, 11 ins40
title d,fterencr• whe-her the talent efRho
nuntry was in the Upper or Lowest louse.
Che last topic noticed by Mr. Richards
WAS the Clergy Reserver. He *fated ober
swine studied the h;Ptory 0f the subject,
P believed the action ot• the Haien the
set and meet simple tootle which enols
trice peen adopted. After giving a slights
ketch of the h:etort• of the Referee*. he'
ltd that England would not likely have
greed to any measere propounded by bol!,
either would England have agreed to
take off from the list of recipients the
entlemen who had in good faith, entered
mon their ertuetinne with the full under
tending thin the conditions of the present
aw WOu1J be carried int in their behalf.-
1s'nen were held bound in public bargains,
t would be right to allow the present in-
umbenta to receive their share, but net to
entinue the ea•etem after died of.,After
eceral other remark-, Mr. Richards !nvi-
ed any gentleman pee*eitt to put such'
nePtione to him Re they might Irish re-
flectlno subjects on which they fegaired •
AII present being oatiefied with Mr.
ethard's remarks, it wait, moved by Mr.
hamberlain, 'ascended by Mr. Moore. and
*tried by acclamation that the thanks of
he mcetine be given to Mr.,Richards for
he to:eresting information given by him ro-
pectine the parliamentary proceeding,.
Mr. M'Canhy thought Mr. Richards de-
nrved not only the thanks, but the confi-
endo of the meeting for the meter in
hie) he had performed hie duty at the
Representattva of Leeds, and he moved a
resolution to the. erect Which being se,
ended wee onetime.. ..1 lo-, wb _
he following committee was appointed•
R. Helmets, Anthony M'Manaelo, G Leese
'eh, John M'Cawl, A. !Hershel!, • W.
Chamberlain, Thomas beer, P. O'Connor.
Septimno Soper, Horatio Wrlliame. G.
Marshal, S. Read, Florence M'Certhy.
A vote of thanks was then passed to the
Chairman, when the meeting adjourned.
demos Y. SITTINGS IN STw: lar.
IOax;te v..Ta'LPc,.-(Special Jure.?
From tbeLoodno England Times.
The court was crowded to excess at an
arly hour to hear this extraordinary trial :
. since the C0UP0 wee first entertatne, on
he Itet. drawee tales of tho excitement
and illness of the plaintifTbad gena forth
o the world, each edition more wonderful
than that preeed'ng it ; and the public n, e
thronged' Westminster Hall to ase the
bans;fill Mss Noahee t0 person.
An entirely new a itematoo judge ws.
wonnl up on the bench upon the occaeior•,
and the first automaton counsel eat in front
of it. Their brief: were placed upon the
table before them, but, be a new Order or
court, the:r el, rks w ere • prehlbited from
winding them up too early, it having been
fiend that the pew Cic.roni*n eprtngs gives
such an amaz•ng volubility of words that. it
tr dangeruns 10 wlml rip counsel too soon,
lent they gn off in the wrong plait, ss,
The following letter from Archdeacon
Keating, of Lomenck, his teen received by
the Ertl of Clete, as Chairman of the Board
of Guardrass of the Limerick ueutn, with a
view of bringing their attention to the im-
portant subject:
ease. Where Ibsen ase a easeher of sews My Lord, -I trust you will pard►, me
kept on a kris, the milk of which in osed for bringing under lordship'• bootee a5
ttis'e - told Cheese saskrsg, it chairman of the Guardune for lists onion,
is - ish tet ebs'ewssre to decade. amens eshe uttltly of Pest Charcoal, u regards its
aMl,„sMlstihseslossfheeeeeve'sormeb, deederwng properties, sod iia value u a
fowittefYKttis/ptsmrra ties nastily /wee eperws of manors. The fact IS aaeortaan.d
legre etwageeetist sell% while the quality by repeated trials, and 16s matemeaa to con
rettsiw . Y . fistiosepsnw as that of the firmed by rompNael authority, that when
nest. - limosis to ieoWars that the alehouse the iagndWenu of carbon se mined web
sbtdlb Nssiftty. Whole the melt 8011 is des proportions, the sternosis
rg- 0(,* l 'was this, is ereklysbeesbiel, Intrust a compost free
Ww( 1 new" beta tads from any onpleasseteineli meta to geabty
otflstetiifrfrimiestases is riot sed y.lIew. to gaano, aid applicable to she ..rasdtera
oledjs I }silt partake-• prpssse. The report os ib.ssbjert la a
AejglsjgMabs•hiperetlMli ase more 'sloe- gmuA 1 eWofhettwy.ettheald the
bitsmis•/sNar•imay be wads of then itssrte w disposed to tootMalsMei(perutem
ets11h Y ebpss ei the Mmes. The trot ea a malt mole, with reformats tetMYnk
IblWaepoiat .0'tles the deny. the latttt eese•peel sad sewers of the satabhsbeleay
tasefro somal So foram Missed kites as the tttapesse oosomes wit( bet ring mood
lopiittide Wow* W Meet esepavar ee by yaw ereasigearent with the oo+stmr for
gluts IMO beef oo i u(/le•we1M ere thew 50 a smeary tedlosnes crammed es t6s
id** walk, earl bb.Mh'el<hesnnsrbsq by neslralisitsg kb•
1,==t5%....§ base Mows mimesis gonshe eiMo sea ressewtsd r Mese lusters.
to he missend fry /warn fey the market, alba ask het redone-' thau.Ns of ipso. A
c,onav would bo compelled to admit that it 1 a cmnmates of -bit House of C.,nimen*,
was nit. .rt steadot'rogtcss. Yr. tis tdwin - gereo 41 as his eleenkd opinion. the, th•
wad net a min who wdu!J bepaitaside from salaries or meesters PI'i.rtld not be Teetered
n canoe wereh he c tneiderel :t his duty to to leech a sem *e to conn* tse0tniery em-
folleet, r.ther be the fault-fin.ling of frend' barrle.esnt. Ile would also state, thet he
or the more fierce dcnene.atfnne of his no- wan *att.fied sneh 'nen, as .'tor. fill/win end I
premie. Let the., who eheree air. Bald. Lafontaine, who were men of weelth• deli
win with grin,, totek examine the municipal ' not save one (artieng of avoir palate, and mil
bill; they would find that Reeves were ex- curtail the amount would only 'snippet the I
oliie o jeeticee o1 the peace, so that this, iu people to engage men of wealth, while,
an indirect way. gives the people the powei men of talent, who were peter world he prat
to elect uu`ietratee. SYhii, there were aside. The inenritofthe Province amount -
people who ahut:glit ,lir. Baldwin going oil to about £l500,000, and would a mer -
back, throe were envoi who t`iought him chant eeporeeene such a b wine.* be con-
eeing too far forward. Some nreintafned tent with leen than a C1000. Ile did pot
that the people •eight to elect alt offieere, think he wank), and the chnreeter of the
even puttees; while others maintained that men in paver now, might be jut ed from
the jei;ems and other officers conoecttd the feet the when they ramp into office,
with the adminietratf n of j'intice .hou!J be there wait not a pentad I* the treasury, even
aepointcd by the government. Mr. Bald- a'thomeh Mr. Ceyley had taken a vetoer, to f
ren ere the ptrue", r. a to he tri for cony to win's views were in acc udauce with the England. and exerted all his tort -entity in
ry. The lawyers are a low in hies., and, of latter clan,'. Notwithataedi■e this, it was endeevour:n_ to rattle a loa•t. Mr. Flacks ,
tions, they nor abasee thee law n this. respect.- his ( lir. kb'a.) debate. to fire the unnicipel hod gene to F:neland aIle, he had intender- :
Rat this Queronbec
of rhe lawyers is not ronin- act a ia r troll, nod w::en a.stosied that it ed the dehenteree. a plan which his °pat. '
ih to Quebec: it Asa renewer C s da.estNo was uod',rotood, and that the people could mete •fated weld ultimately ruin thecoun•
throughout tits whole cf Lower Canada. No
sooner had these gentry at Quebec left their work it well, risen that some progressive try, and by his able meneeentenl the public
week, than they pot themselves is eommenica- 8[en .hood! be siloeted. 11., air. Rich.trd', work. .f the country hid been carried on,
1100. by telegraph,with the Secretary of t6. Law. had to confess' that he had misgivings re- the credit of the province protected. and
yen Corpora:inn at Three &vent. who somsre- epecting tho peop:e being aloes to work out every penny of the debenture* taken up:
nicotine 'he intelligence to the whole of the con- the municipal act successfully, but he was nay at the eery time one of his opponent•
federated hand, they at ease followed the high- new pleased to conte*..,, tit it hie misgivings a am dennuncmg the teh.nutre plan in the
epuited example of the ringleaders at Quebec, hod been altogether removed. it might be k*s.mbly e* bung calculated to ruin the
and refuse) to erns, chest, or deserve, uta: tae, that unproper persons sweetie he +elected to Province, land skeane that as long a it
rf e!eume ihn gn by roe name of saw., err the fill the teepeemye offices at fir.*, but thin Contineted it wnold h. impo*emMe to raise a
rates um•d to kiss new rant( ,e asw ebe law-
yers of two desuicia of Lower Canada are ra • WOW,' 50011 cure :twee and the people would shelteg In England, Mr. !Lemke roe. in the
mute of in.urrretion ag,u0Ft the Jsdg^e: the legal anon know who ecrv.,t 0,11 well, or who h,,ipe and drew a letter frnrn hia p .cker, re-
eeeetyeetore of the tariRnf Pests. TMs a nota were earelea* of their interest*, becaner crewed from Bevin, Rrnthere, in whirls they
sgw(srtsiog motets Iliagc after slit hot what Tories would feel the impoeitIen of hieh elated that even dnl'sr in thbt Cans,Lean
• Ti be lbs result before the tree is reached. is taxes to keep up sxlravaeance,just at keen- had been taken rip, thus givi , one of the
t le to Vette?. There are "0000 retuha ly as Reformers. The next aubject to pnhUrsl Ie.nrtns on ole fnch.h ort of the
rNtsso5a(b11ew.5c3"1lweree*,.1rti'. "mtr'k*."' which Mr. Richards *Holed was the joint nppnaition eometrmee reit with y the e.
At( e -Ce proo.drsp, in,the rsbslOou bsuiee ( ri
41.11 be stmt,,'; hit it tenwn' an be seen •tock rosA bill, the bee -lira .( w Mch to the Bent minutrr. Mr. Rtrhs►de t •n entered
whether sloe wiltbe an hit ar a blrrmg. iea. people was(d be i*M
tanlahle, and the effects Into • idiom et*(eernt reetwetiog the sewing
sown s tewe, N the Pwviae•. it Ir... of wheatwere already e0 an their own which het been efP.ete,! et the pewit! pent.5vtrtrm5 of lawyers, who, IA. the weave of tes
ouotry, who were WAS plant toad had Iselin mg by stn taper's printers oiling to
gyppst,, overspread the lead and est up rbc froits completed, the whole .'ock les( another be furm•h OA n y somite► of copse. of
oriel*. heteerrf Tilley •Ued ih,n••Ivei to- tween TI'r'reott and Brook Ce taken np, the Okhotsk Gazelle, and cllnwiegli a eertein
tetter as a•Alew the mimed ref- saki a third wee riOIIty In w stmtlar 'tete, epees for (i,vernm*n1 elverttsing at rush a
I 1.,100 int„ttbeit order, abeetdty reQetre i0 Cas- e* nne fro*CtIo.,*'e Ce^n.rr, and wbrch rate a would r*nee $ ttrg a rednctrna rn
,'•date. not a prew'riiw ,mobs) n( knowledge roads. besides beta of teat b,oe0t 40 fare- the txpnnat every y*ar. Ile alis *tat*,'
etefeNsiudes' two led she 1sa1Ngrlat .ed In()r•tnt+Win ere were expecte 1 to pay (rout 8 to 10 per that *rime of the nMne e e of the Retrench
t •halo u whom
to -e f..e, jatg she 4iksr aim•
pfeuto, whom nateWre ■tier iattedeJ lar the bar t- rent nn the capital n,t•rred for their con- meet eemmitt*e, who were *'* i nn It.e
a rhi•y mob tufo the L►g,ahtvt. it. vast. ,,,tion •iroetaew. it teeth( ors tetp„atrrrt. if ere- committee on eemmnge*clea awl vole, were
sew bast dswe sol nrhw hansoms tbel essnt fora. that tit 1 bury short maw there wallet extremely anxioee t0 "More the Goverwir
laws for rt.Su owe a q sand take can be good leading tl a Nary Greereee velars, ea well en Mot of oke min
, that *very law shall be ea framed as to h. - part of the country. 1'he as*easmrat law jetty, MA ter.rpte to torn 10 Rivo * well paid
,','basil of raa bIP* 0dnlht0 /*tweet it flab- odenpfr4 Me, R ehNd.' aftenrnn next. ire *Meer of the hese tbo or £ in0 in seaming
treat 1ham asses slSAV elf gtis • s he e*Mred et *n*se ke1th i hid i horny of fhb 1 to Me salary, a rather strange wee of work-
Isest to lb. Pea .aqe- s £.. t.. v 1....- a• imossork ad -ant that ween (fir. Meeks I Ing eat stmtese►moot. With regard to IMM
sllirttH r0 t•ryet't I tit* of traits ,e sp,ed 1,y the
MM Assembly, it dopa I e.d d tbllt sears wilt ► g11t Ao kid pet 1 ea
01 etfldrle aaetgtbd` t►feorii to 6=414
elp.plint he pbMtlwel Miff
errli fee ere win /or the swsi. b brow*
►w iltllMtra.' lawn NM IMP "VON ulM the *51
w Irhisersaeat smpausitels Ali. sho Ni
0!I • mere* as. boa
tra00pire.1 on " Lark'n. v. Btreha!1•" before
the automaton Barron %Vire in the court
of exchequer last term. In the improved
Cicernnian. holes ape eat at the eider, intik
which briefe being put, they are gradually
ground to piece., me the counsel adju,t
their sir, ani (nine firth in word", at the
fitting opportunity ; bot the language in
which the antornate pined depends entirely
neon the hole into which the briefs are put
there ho mg different receptacles for actions
of tot. debt, replevin, ke. kc.
The jury being properly screwed In their
The Automaton Jackson stated that this
was an Action for a breach of promise of
marriage, and the plaintiff had laid her deme-
ges it (0.000 !Utters.
The Aetomatoe Attorney -general next
sprung up with its usual rt*air.ty, and
addreo.ed the court in the following im-
puetoned Ftraln of forensic oratory : " My
lord, mei gentleman automatons of the
jun•,-Yenmhle of my :neufficteney to joie
tree to the the important interest confided
to my care, of ie with feelings of the most
unfe,gbed regret that I rise to address yon.
i feel that there ie in this taunt greater
competency Amongst my eloquent rosette
brethren ; and wilting would 1 reign my
teak to one of them. if i thought either
could negment the reparation due to an
injured lady by a ringlet Albert, or a ein`le
penny. Every one is this e,wrt is in full
po..'ooinn of the barbarities unparalleled
Cruelties which have Seen Imposed upon
her not the -lealt ehnnen,bte of which e
'the dire neer/melee! her appearing to opt
,burtibeim..the aping nye, of the ririou
thin dlay. [Here the learned autorn*Wn
IV/1P Pis overcome by the tiolenee of hie
feeling", l", to 'heck the regularity of this
compendium, hot the clerk stir,•Itly Petting
hie mar emery In mama again. eta prises,'
el.) Bet having berm properly deputed
to act, and finding my steam r.gilarly up
end my ermine/ to thereof!) working order,
1 will without ?other cirenmlecatmr, mate
'at eerie the perteloal soleae of the case,
'and preen that case M real Aeeh-sal-blaaf
*hoes..., and thea leave the denten", to -
the jndgmemt mid peoetre11e4 of the **-
Itghiveed end tntelligeet Wheedle/fere Mfere me .
t er(dem MN to the Int d VN*AatMI of
sty peefiweils to Wee Mere addead(ag
t(be(t(esi than will be dvrrinped fli M.
odI' wt.i re Fere,
a tisaAryhl+♦t M1/ wink,• flog tstWhacej ebe WI olio sin Mon* stn shotty sf all 1*41 oiww by else peep1d,
dere try a rite err
e w isieat She plan. Melba. he t
WW1'secestomad to emiesies }I.
rwnMd a VrBwfMr W i lime • kit dm i *
DrtaM mmoMa•wel ldna .L a kite Vo :tae J
^warned Nipeiss"mgs.mry wawa*" So the Ins/ rnliblifattos
wet. w• 1,11Wi41/!I/II IIID alter► Mea
mg :gt. ' 16. 1
spied dim atf