Huron Signal, 1851-01-30, Page 4T'w •$ Of ItturaMt.e Irspt►tWPV11PT 11 1111. wa to vele I M O F i A T'S jam > ' s _ (Liq•IVE$ETABLE LiFE PILLS fr SEAT it ETIs ENCH.;IENT IA' •sD r ms = c >; (elm . PHCENDC BETTERS Tea iwM sae awned ..y wawa a,... Frreo•sel atedrw .• ben ..q•r.....eMM.--ww144.1..• rawer• .aeaey ,. all )net opemsg a' the Greet W..(era Dep., las .w•... wawa ,Rey ,..ds.* se enw, hos e•y'•a ale e IJrg• and web -assorted N t4TUCb. wM.tter" yye~u.ea„ j (r.w', . ,.d tar CLOTHING & DRY GOODS ! .tt Nn. 11, North Sid. of Danlos Street, opposite the Rotuma Abad, London. LAWSON & BUR -(ESS A K►; n..w epenu,!• 8ptem.f Awnrtnr.nt r' of FAL1. and winter CLOTHING nia.l. from t• -et S.w•:et 19t,I.. u: Sla,erta,. alt Fr.nri•. Eng rd.. An.eriran, ani ('ata fon C Mtn., .1..,tn•ftcnned by lief, ••- worku•.•n, unJer their ..w n e„p••rinten' • •'•• }Ye cal' 1•-e at' en, on "t Il.. P.., I •• to the following 1.1"T OF PRICES of G.••.es to the Clothing Bed Dry G••".ie Department• ; COATS. Led Led leng4,,h end French Broad - clot hC•wts, all culotte@ •nJst.tr., 1 Zng.u'.,Frnm h and Ameri- can B- ser Coati, .1 'Englull, French, American end Canadian D••osk.o, Treed and Satinet Sport- ing Coats andT.ehoniea,1 VESTS Cloth, Caaefinere, Tweed and Donkin, 0 Trench and English, Plain end Fancy Plo.h, Satin and Velvet Vests, 0 A large Stock of Plaid, (every variety.) 0 PANTS gneluh,Freneh, A mert.sn, Plain and Farcy Doc.k0 Paste, 0 19 0 to 0 0 0 Canadian, American and English Tweed, Satinet and Fall Cloth,-•• 0 10 •Io0 176 A largeStnck, (evers varet),) contently on bend or maria to order. HATS, CAI'S, SHIRTS. Esc., kit. American, French and English Hale, N.w,a1 St le.) ' English, American, California, Monterey. H•ngarfao and Wide-awake Felt Hale, aU eeleor.. Fur Cloth and Gles!td Cipe 160to2100 13 0 10 2 10 0 13 •toll 10 0 76to0II6 I9to0150 30t00100 White and Coloured Shirts, Newest Style. and Patterer. on prates. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Trenth and English Brood - cloths mod Seam's, 7. eJ to tis . Trench, English, and Arnett can Doeskins, • •• • • •50 p l a =nglisb, Asuman, French, and Canadian' Tweeds. Sennett., ke. 3.9J to es 3J Striped Bhirtin]s, .711 to t0., Factory C••ttens, 95d to 71.1 Printed Calicoes (all aid hs,] 6J to 1Id liluslin de Laino, Ptuds, Morisse•, Co- burgs, Orleans and Attracts. of every style, lotto It Tickler M:16Elwh and Atnerieen]10 to le T` Blankets, 11s 34 to !San Red and White Reuel, 1. 3J to 3• ' Bilk and Velvet your., es 30 to 111 *3 "Cloak. and Violets, lbs toe35 Woolen Shawls, all price,. A Splendid Stock of Furs,coomsting of Stu.* Monte. Illink, Squirrel and Sable Mull atad Boa*. Also V,ctoyioes. all prices. 02. The Reason Why we can and will SELL CIIEAP w aslollows: W ar..de- termined to sell for Ready Jimmy. there- fore have co BM Debts to rooks up, by putting 011 Largo Profits. Our guodsf,are New -we have 1101 to put on extra Profits to pay for Remnaols and Oid Stock. And last but not (east, we have determined to sell at Ons Pries, -our Go"ds ars All Marked in Ploia Fig.ree. and N.. AiNa• sten* old be' made. We here put on so slight a profit, that we cannot,if we would, take off a Farthing, oven fur out warmest friends. And now, Ladles and tiestlemen. we respectfully solicit von to Calf and E.- astin. our Stock beton purchasing else- where, as we are determined to sell at ibe vert lowest Price.. 1iarmrnts *node to order in the *rut Fashioaalle Styles, and on the Shortest LAWSON k BURGESS. No. 11, North side Dundee Street, op. posies Robinson 11ai1. London, October 30, 1850. ,S -n46 ewe. ,away r., taws., .d they tams moa by w O d w er.i•1..•• = ref SIR L711-. aL..roa. fa7ON of At.raea. It OTS sad O**ONIL ISA A►rat:TIO4.* see .LASOua ..tad SIDNEY• a1LIOua Meerut a LIVE. ooa/rl.•IttTa V •r w sed wow ober W.• erre s,..sd. Mee wet r a.r Demowdsto ►rdsw. are..► sod .M. tehe ear M ,avis M.Aewrr, well row tommiu Y in vetoes mei 111101•. t HULK. use ASSOC'S L...ww, RALss, CULLA. • COt•QY0. CIToVe. Owl cab tuna arm. a i m assn cuaaulke NV*Ofe, D&UPa1C8. DT/il1iKR*. M Mews with the ale swhe • ars, sasses Mae roam /her woody rw-.--wre jOPrgrwr a/ ase Jiew. aaVIWLA*. PLATO c r. YRV1a*eat AOt'E. ►,r blur..+n.•ftbaw as mrtw Mrs ..disc le &NW a sah..tw-'r. see sear ".ear- Ilan mobs.. Ina tar ewers whom toe Mims Al the altar-. roe. 4r three rear ere u pen.Mr.L - TRY felaMM• .1 M*TIdelLO. A.D BE CURED. r..V&Nlsa 1f cu$PLaxIiiN. 41111236ID=AL DLHILITT. DoUT. DIOVINENS. DILATE,. lIRADI''Htrr, Armen Sad. INWARD ►STS& ItFLIW,AfuRY RHEUM/ rIyal. 111PVas NMD. JAUND1CG LOSS of /PPS TITS. LIV>oE 0011IPLAINTB, LIPSul►. LOU$ '&RS WPM ave Or M.aw..rllwir all , V Untie of Meteor, r.1. obs., .1. waw w•,e«pd owes rsioo.4 dorso. lla NbIIT n WSITR. NRR YOUR DLMILITY. NCRrUVL COMPLAINT0 a/ MI 141.. uk(11NIC IIPEDTIONR. PALPITATION ar du HEART. PAINTER'S C'HUI.IU. P I L 10 S. Tr . auwl w .rise u( torr thetas' ww nM of fir er a ream ".odes b, the or W thew taf. Affairs Stow. PAINS is lbs bed, slit. barb. 4nbs. yowls ad wase. It H F. U 11 A T I a M. '1'b...10.4.4 wok tris iswLl• dowse. ..ii be ..wee wear by the t+.a tae l40.r. atyoH of DLOOD t. they II SAD, •OUR YY. •ALT&HCV1I, sire znerie nCROrIILA. M ,WING'S NIVEL, 1..00 wet Rear. ULCERS. of.rare&wre s. W 0 A IR f e d wt herr..,. ,I1.r.eaur welled br Sees Med„1w. r•.. t..dl .4, .e:l io ml -more, err. •• MN, PM thew ouster.. r .weee..4. M.I.(...l be woe,. NOTICE. PERSONS de.irons of settling en the A Durham Road in the Townships of Glenele, Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Kun- io.. and Kree.rdine, most apply personally at the Office of the undersigned, and no lo- cations will be confirmed except such as are made in accordance with this requirement. All aa.gnmenu of interest in locations without the knowledge and approval of the Agent, will he considered vie a forfeiture of all right in the borates or •.tgnee. GEORGE: JACKSON, Ariel. CROWS LANs ORMB.ntinek, County of Waterloo. March 14th, 1850. .3.7 TIIE LIPS PILLS AND BITTERS PURIFY THE 8L00D, Asa thus remove all di from the system. Ad t.iri.l.ill t...Alba LIFE P11.IS and P H R'7(I 1( 84 T T E R S brad w v«...f cowers - Olio. to IM e.1tM1N. of •eery puler. Th. ges•i'..(thaw .dieloe• are sitar rot y to white wrappers sod 1.1.1e, Copt! er .gib • y•.yl.lei. eettse •t1(.ee,'. U, -o4 S...rit.a," terrors. 4. dw.ei.ww. Ale, eta which u • div• int ..l Rre•H•• tree. N'•,1 nasi a e.OM us, t, her,. sif nter• . ,.11.y tee es? ,.. very Aril, cud .r Tia weep,'(,. end Puy... era terr'uatr aher•Lre la..e elw p..eln ti.•o web wl..te wn,etrr Sr M weaved r4.. lb.y are gory..- Ale .1.1..i sod de sot My those with year warps..: ►001 If ret d.. M wailed Mot May ...e duvet how r. w 4..t tab Mme" err r..y.r.d •d asu by D8. WILLIANIX'U. 2$OPTLT4 aeJ arwdt•y..wrr of Laborer wort. Yew Twig. Yer lisle by N()'rICE. WANTED a T..eher fie Nn. 1 School Bee (;elbows•, who holds a first .•r Sled CIRRI ...mecum of geahfleaiion, applresoo,a will he received by d.. Troves -a. ep 1111 the 9.1i a Jus• biro 1831. at Robert Elias' Hotel, Godericb, 11 t►e beer of 19 o'clock- R.toed. ROIIF:RT YOUNG, Ch'm , JAMES PAYNE. )) TrMatss. GEORGE NIIEPrERD. 3.-sa! De'. 14th. 185e. To BE SOL D. -An l':zcdlcnt Farm of Land. Bus° Lou No. 13 std 16 e• M. 1411Isas- D .Leis., TnwMhip a( i.oeans, eentatei./ 1106 ewes. 70 a which are chimed. Th. Land 1. of • Ispintrie peallty, sod well watered 1' le w'r.rNN tee miles fiats :he Tewa of Lewdest. • se eNr'-k".ised Rued. Ther. to • `rem. ..d ...f.... m* Baru se she Ieal's T - kis N the smite of a D^Mt* 3 • he ;s wen sionee fer a Pte,. lm.d Thu Fera ie sleet aiitkd re theatt.n. 'b. •f pewee feM•as of ger Delft a lit* TUT. N alas • OW !elk IWO es eee soar n peese - se W. ISM. . 11.1)4 w MIAsO *OA, iON& BENJ. PARSONS, Sols Agent. •oderlch. Jan. 18. 1846. %I'A'1'SON & WILLIAMS, DIXIE WATSON of Goderich, lT 4RRISTER Af L.IIV, are. &c. and 1) GF-URGI: WILLIAMS. .1 Stratford, late of ibis bra o, Heller, Weiler tad W:;narns. Towel*. hens/ 111,* du/ enured a:oco-partoer•r.ip, to the Ptaetiee• and Protee- n:on ..I Law. Ca d Co lea. W 11 i• future keep .heir Offices at Goderie`and Stratford. respectively, seder the name, style and firm of WArw.t sod WILLIAMS. Dir te W.TIoe, Godericb. Gsea.i WILLIAM, Stratford, atrh December. 1849. 9•-•47 if tura s . Du. 1'. A. McDOUG.ALL, elA N be consulted at •II hour., at Airs. H'n., F- Gooding s, Front -St. Gtdeneh, Rept. 13th. 1848. 33 - I . 14 Ij W I S , BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &C., lee.. 1A48. GODg1IICH. ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent & Cou eyanc•r- CI)LLECT(IK OF ACCOUNTS, 4e. CODERICII. 0.4. 1, 1P49 JOHN STR,ACHA N, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT I.A W, &bolter• in Cho*brit- C P'f)T/R)" PUBLIC,' Ha his office in We.t Street, Godarielt Aoderirh, !tad January. 1P50. 2c -n49 DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTOel\FY -AT LAW. and Coneemeatsr, :4uliiitor is Chaster* ter ., 1.s hie nfilce a formal Y. ie NUst(nrd. 8tratfoul. Ind Jerr•rv. We. ev-a49 J. b, (;t)u1)ING, AI'CTiONEER, L.*'.od SALES ,s any pert of the W 'LCounty 'os rea.nnehle Terme. Ap- ple.t hoe Remdence. Licht -blouse Stress. G,A.rtrh. April 4,14 l4.49. v -9c DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Three dews rut star COMM co's. (eke, W ►. h)T-$TRE ► T. GUDERICH. Anrnet *744.. 1149. 10-b/0 R. YOUNG, BOOT tad SHOE Maker, one deor West of Mr. George Videan•., Blacksmith, Front street, Goderich. Apo: B6th, 1350. • ,3n 3 JOHN J- E. LI'NTON, res 1. r e. Commissioner Queen's Bench, AND CO!(VEYANCER, STRATFORi1. Dlt- JuHN HYDE, TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. / l F within 2 utiles. and the other with• " in about 3 mile• of Guderleb T••ws Plot. The first is 1.'.T 101n 151 Conees- ewo, Townahlp of Goderich, CONTAININ(. 164 ACRES, Is boun ed at the one end by Lake Huron, and el the other by a Public Road,-asu the second is LOT 8 in 8th Coact.ion, Colborne, %V.Diiwon, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and. situated at the Junction of two Pub - ;c Roads. Fur Particular. spray to JNO. M. -DONALD, req. Goderich, 12th June, 18.19. -u9-1f [ Lao. fes. lwsa..1 ;NI3ID:IC /Iill Hall STRATEORD. 3.lp 31.-149. - - °Nab • WM. REELS, IIOt141 AND SIGN PAINTER. 4-e., LIGHT-H0U8t 8T. GODERICH. 1t.l 25, 1849. • 29wiP DAVID H. LIZARS. AUCTIONEER. IS prerared-to rotted Bales in any part of the United Counties on themes' reason- able terms. Apply at the Registry OtSA, Lighthouse street. 1 Godericb, April 11, 1850. et -n • NOTICE': NOTICE. THE VILLAGE OF CLINTON. AN •xeetlennt opening for • gond IVa - =en maker will et preseot be found in the rising village of Clinton, situated .t the jnnettun of the rondo leading from Hamilton and London to Goderich, sod being to rive miles distant from -the latter. This village is surrounded by the most prosperous set tleinent is the Huron Tract, and already promises to become a'plaee of some impor- tance. Ten arc now several tradesmen in it, and a good workman in the. above lino will aeuredly meets, with liberal en- couragement. For further particulate, •pplicalion may be made to Barclay Lavin, Blacksmith Clot ton who will cheerfully give aseista1ce to the person waging to commence wagon making in the above nntnled village. Clinton, 23rd Oct., 1850; o3 -n36 6TOVRS. T11E Subseriberbegsto inform thei.habitants of Goderich and its vicinity, that he ha, re- ceived a Large Supply of the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, BOX , AND PARLOUR STOVES, .k VALUABLE PROP1:R'I'Y FOR SALE ! THE eubarriber oO'era for SALE hta l Gl(IST and SAW HILL, situated In the Town.h,p of McG.11lvrav, on the 13,g •table, retina three mules of Flanagan'• Corner. The !trills are now in onerauun,and newly baht. The l'rcvilege is the beet on the Ryer, an I situated In the beat Tows - 414A in the Count! of Huron -will settled, ...I Ronda opened in all direettnns to favour 'Phe Machinery sed materials are of the very belt quality, and put up by the ve- ry bast Machinists. For Particulars in- qntre oriames Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap-'S lily to the euheerl'•ar. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. ileG,lhvrey, 151h January, 1800. 2,5011 37" The Galt Reporter will inert the shote until forbid. FIMIE Snb•eriber hav'irg RENTED the 11 WAREHOUSE and R'FIARF belong- ing to the Mcepre. Davenport, tilting plass has e.tablt.h•d himself tilt a FORWARDS* AND COMMI*FM1 1r.mC.a4T. Any'orders or commotion front the Mer- chants of Godericb, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWA'N. %\'indeory'Mareb, 1849. .!v-7attf sOK ES, Ciellli9t a n ? Druggist, WEST -STREET, GODERICII.. July 1850. 20-3 THF, 01.D BAKERY. NEW MAN, BREAD. CAKE, Centre 1-]'1 • and Panne Banta, first door East of the Canada Company'. Office, Wes: -street, Gude. rich. Godericb, September 94. 1850. 3.32 WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance -Co., CAPITAL $1,000,000. EZRA HOPKINS,Hamilton, Aent for the Counties of aterloo and Iluron. August 97, 1850. 3,16 DAVID H. LIZARS, LAND AGENT. CONVEYANCER AND AUCTIONEER, BTRATFORD. WILL attend ..les to any pert of the Vatted Counties oo the meet liberal terms. Ap- ply to John Gal,. Esq., Goderich, et to the suh,eriber. Stratford. All letters must he pre paid. Onder,cb, Dec. 41h. 1850. •3.42 which he offers for SA LE at very ABDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Subscriber also keeps on hand, as usual, at hie OLD STAND, • LARGE and very Su- perior a.rrtmrnt of TINWARE of every description. The subseriber takes this npportueity of roar - sing his sincere theake to the Public for the very liberal pstreeuge he has ree,ned sine, he hu been io beehive' i• Oederieh, and hopes by etriet silent Inn to bawne.., end moderate prices, to coshes. to receive a .hare of the p..hhc patronage N. B. -GRAINING, PAINTING, GLA- ZING. PAPER and BEL1. GANGING (-.rued a as heretofore" WILLIAM STORY. Godericb, 6th Sept. 1849. 9v-•3111 CANADA LiFE ASSURANCE COM PANV. THE Snheriber having been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIEF. ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to me.tvn prop•.•Is for A.su- ranee, and will be happy to a thrd to My person the itemiser! lefhrmalioe, as to the prisetpla of the [waiter ton. JAMES WATSON• Ond.rieh, lth Joss. 1840. .tn 91 KiNCARDINEE ARMS. (Naas H. MAR1.'I'Orf N d,) T41.M.. Hotel has good ae,on,odetlo. for travellers. Ambling. kr , ke. The Pueket Mary Ann .111 leave God*- . ►wfw4 k weather p*rmitti,. lTier V &woos a w..b Mt eke Rlarerd,s*t'e meet. Por heigght no pptajssseers at* °. Sara WW1:11110. yis MP* TO BH SOL». -An Excel- lent FARM, being LOT fen. *2, MAIT- I.AND C(INCENSION,T.wna4ip of G•deneb, containing 100 acres -SO of which is cleared. The .and is of a superior gaah- te, and well watered. It is situated exact- ly eine miles from the town of Goderich on the Huron Road, and at the juoetinn of six drgrreat roads, and as it is in the centre of • populous and prosperous locality, it in ex- cslleetly adapter! for a Tavern stand or e Store. Tbis farm is well entitled to the attentio.of persons desirous of an eligible situation for hugeness, and will be sold on very reasoaah!e terms. For particulars apply to 0. 11. LIZARS, Land Agent. Goderich, June i0. 1830. 1v-nt0 NOTICE. 1 DEG to intimate to the ieh•bitants of th. Toweehips of Goderich, Stanley and Col- borne. that ..der ■ power of Attorney from the BARON DE TUYLr. dated the 25th April, 1!•49. 1 -am authorized Iodine., of his LANDS u ihewfrewosbipe. god to /rant Title Deed for the me-andel.„ioeoaretall Morticed*, him. sed ., .rent D•'eh.rgea Ger the same. -and I heteby regaest all prisons indebted to the said Baron di: Teyl., forthwith to settle gip their r,s- pec t i •. debt*. THOS. MERCER JONES. •nderich, 3th May. 1850. 3.-n I Sif NTOTICE. THE Subscriber baviai bee. appoieted-Atent for the PROVINCIAL. :MUTUAL. AND GENF.RAI. INSURANCE COMPANY. bele, by Minister, that be r prepared to receive Sub- scriptions for Stock in the Proprietary Branch, tad applications for f•evrances in the Maisel $nese, sed to give sorb Information on the sublease may be required. JOHN CLARE. Goderich, 26th Sept. 1849. 2,-.34t. W Ili ITE11 & 1til Y 11'aJ1e 9 WEST S7'Ri:ET, GODER1C11, (Near the Market Square,) ^ BY NESP RS. JOHN & ROBT. DONOGIJ. `1000 Aeeammnda,tone for Travellers, rind l7 as attentive Hostler at all times, to take cheese of Teams. (Merrell, Dee. 6, 1850. 43-1f W. STOTTS, Saddle and Ilarmss Maker, WEST STREET. GODERICH, Nearly opposite George V,due's Blacksmith Shap Oederieh• Nov 97 1850 •3.41-1y COUNTY COURT 'PERMS M•reh Term -From the 3rd to the 814.. Jose Term -Froin the end to the 7th. October Term-Fr..m the 110011 to the Stith December Torm-From the 8t► to the 13th. GOVF:RNMP.NT OFFICERS. Arthur Acland, Erg., Judge. John McDnnald, E.q., Sher'Il. Dunk! Ltur., F..q., Clerk of the Peace. John Oslo, Esq., Registrar and Collector of Custnas" Mower Hami'ton, Esq., Depoty Clerk of the Crown. Charles Widder, Feq., inspector of Li centro. John Clark, Eeq., Crown Lead. Agent. Thos. McQn.Ien, Esq., Clerk of lb. Coen- ty Coot% and R.gietrer of MCrregau Caret. HURON HOTEL. 0ODCalCB. AT JAMBS OIINTLJCS. MAIM OWL ill, IS". ). to -400 1 t t r tl aed table H 1.'atarbet. Ire• 1.. , bogie sall.Aod with vie hot w may seating .............. to wake all etas inset, sed Idear a't Om as. TO A LARK. .u41 Instalments. Ulm has foolishly gra4 os seasons ors also 1.110 ,s rasasaar. ed at mon tits Oris. be htb b411164 wI py-Jay wage,• gds taro .fro ei Mop Hesse, is dlah•arWsed, std Hos.-o.,*,domed sato. Aatadivdualdee deeply torlobl 14111* WWI tba• a deed weight upon his imme- diate foredo sed neighbors; • settlement 1. debt to a dreg -weight epee a abet. people They are kind a They gradually Altai law apat► , loose eU mini latent and industry, ant cep oft better men. Alt this is e%Sap111N h ear wretched eyeful of pedalo/ Inds, arae it Y full time that we awoke to a knowledge" ell it. Ry walling our lauds for cash. settlers would have no after -thought about their oaoorahtp, and know that every improve- ment nude was so much effected for Hem. melees. OCt. The credit ay.tem allows lumber. men to rob the public domain -not In %Va- lerloo, perhaps, byt to many other portions of the Province-ot its most valuable fea- tures, al a tory trifling cost. The payment of a first instalment permits a *antler to cut the umb• r from his lot. Lumberme. ata,l th.mselvw et thin privilege, and strip large bb•cka of !sod of their ebuiceat um- her-reed•ring the Ino comparatively worthiest.. 0u the iwee. Lands is the Niagara D:etnct, thy" p4lisring ban ►.ee cur- ried to an enormoos extent, and tbws pre- viously worth 8t or «S per acre have been reduced in ►slue to $1 or e7. So common has this fraud ibere become, 'het many have taken off the timber without any payment at all, and I remember suing sumo thou. Wide of feet of pone mimed by this rowdiest agent, after beteg booted to the reed, l- causq the lumbermen had bees too greedy to tender the utast instalment. In this instance justice overtook a rogue, but i could mention others in which the plunder has been carried on to the lake. scut Ire.. The evil dies not end here. The lot ie tee- tered on the hocks of the agent as sold to the lumbermen, 'rlgh." to ,t . recognised, k a di15•uliy occurs we to its noire settle - meet . He boort t only for timber stands me' on 1t, end abandoned .t when that was cleared off. Time not only is the land ma- terially injured by having its timber d.s- troyed, but reudsred unmarketable by a doubtful title. Waterloo has suffered but !utas from title rause, because distant trete the lumber markt, Out land. in the eiaouy of sew -merle are subject to a similar depre- ciation of value. 6th. The cent of collection, by the slow and dribbling preens, .s considerable. An • !pensive machinery is perpetuated fur ,elle, which, with cash sales, mightbs epee fitly dispensed beth. The tatereat of a large sum received at moo. and invested is public work., is beyond cakuiation, aid, es Bees os, sweet lark ; thy plewiag striae loliehts my bureau/ ear, Thee first stall of the raastul nobs, To tall Mai Sens/ is asst. Break wow the sil.aes they don rola Amoss the warbho. thle.1, Till eery little throat agate Pear eta full tide .f song. 1 lore to are thee ea the wing, But: marvel, rhoo rearm show B..h 1!.doe•. ere the tardy spring Huwrpl the earth of anew. 1 wonder net, when placid akin Laugh o'er the fields in May, To see- t,.. telly 11.aven•ward rise. To greet the sib uf day - Or One and fin the eanw-white aloud O'er verdant field •t Doom, But. now, there is no flower nor trod, What mates thee ala/ ao 5008 t bio daisy yet adorns my path. Or leaf of feeder green : The ..d egrets of winter's wrath On terry side are mese. Yet rhos. with sweet con [moment bleu, Doe, ming ,hy cheerful lune, A. gaily a• if earth were Brest In all the pomp of June. May 1 them for reel mercy gime, Be eery sre•rlul too ; Aentring'till to reach to He.•eo, Yet pleased wit earth, like yes. Borne. 1850. CIIEAP LANDS. To the Edijor of tee Advertiser. -Deer Sir, -In my late leiter upon the subject which 1 have selected as a corvine for thus. 1 welly glanced at rho owls of dear land,. and the advantagee of cheap one., bet near gate •n outllne.keteh, leaving the 611ng no fur future enmmun,ea'iona. 1 .hall now resume the consideration of the important gneations involved, and endeavor, in some ,ort• to supply former deficiencies. We had two •t stems at work for the dis- posal of Public Lands -long credits and free grarte The ered;t system le the fin, claiming notice. Its incen,enienees are great and numerous, and most of them will he readily acknowledged by von* readers as extent to this County to an extent to he depl,rrd. I will rntim-rate thein adding such brief commentaries as may suggest hewer:yes. 1.t. 1t tempt. people to take Alp mere land then they want -much more than the, can properly c,littaln. 1 settle nn a Crown lot In the bush, and find the adj ,ening one • mere moony altatr, the increase in the "mighty convenient to urine." It is uR'red number of taxpayers, would • greet nn tempting tenon; and i natter myself that i can pay for both it and me Ara lovae tiny, by pinching bete and .saving thole. At the end of ten roars f am like the - boy PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants of the •D'.trict of !biros, ■od the neighbnr'ng Districts. that he has Established himself in Stratford, and n pr.pard to Rive Plane end Speeiftee- floes of Public cr Private Budding., Bridg- es, 3riJQ-es, Mill Dams. fee. ke. Eco., .rd will lake the'superinteodence of such Erectiuos,•un the most reasonable terms. Ilia thoroughyknowtedge able profrsatrn aniline peacoat a Builder, qualifies him for any -undertaking in the 10... Addr•es post paid, PETER FERGUBON, Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stretford. March 6th. 11t1A. '!- ^,r • t FORD IRON FOUNDS)". -Th ub.eriher having pnrch.aed the Inter - es! of Mr. C. J. Wilson In the above F.a- tabli,brnent, is about to continue the Bugl- es. on his own responsibility. 1n returning tbauks to the public for the very liberal en• eottragement received by ORR le Wistar, he begs to in• imate that he will cnnetnntly keep on hand an assortment of Snperior earrings, consisting of CO 0 K 1 NG. Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the Meet improved Moulds,-MA/.T R0f.I.RRS, Turt(tg Lathes. `(mitt's Rollers. 4e. THRASHING MACHINES of a superior deseription M env hitherto introduced, and better adapted to thin coun- try from their f8htnesv of drench,, and .strength of cnn•erocunn. A call from in- trwd'nr porrhn.rn ,+ rcgnaand before per chanting ol.•ewhere. The -boy. will be sold at Low Rates for Cask tar Trade, or at cor- responding owresponding rates on approved credit. A. B.ORS. Stratford, 20th June, 1850. 2.-n20 STRAYED from the enclosure of lbesirb- Fcriber on the Barfield Road, neer the Town of Greleneh, a Large Red and White Spotted STEER. Any one giving infor- mation will be suttahly rewarded. EDWARD YEA MART. Magnet 14th, 3830. .1.31 TRAVELLER'S STRASBURG, WATRILOI,HOME. t 28th February, 1849. S ► 9ob.eribcr hereby intimates to his friends and the Travelling Pu►h• gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber• deem to the Village of Stre.bsvgb, and will now M found in that well-known hoone for- s.tly oeeepled by Mr. Jesus, -where he will ber reedy and able to evildoer to the ✓ omfnrt or those who may hnnor him with their patronage. And while he returns thanks for pail revers, he hopes, by etnet attention to the wants and wishes el his customers, still to merit a coetiebaso• of tl JAHN ABF.(.. N. 3. -Good STABLES bed att.etive Groom•. v11-.44tI FAltat$R'A HOTF.I.,-MITCHELL. 1' RAMCi1 ThARLlhbl bees re ia(onn hi. weed* mad the peMas peefslly, Arae hefts, set•IRehmetMe.a41 ie the •beer. V,Ilsee,nod Ariel* br 8.1,. the er"mf 001 and tt•m- a•4ewes. ei T,swllws, ed si'erb shoe sf Mei; pn•e.ase (3.•. SrabH•g abd se eette.rp Ayes. i.ttwedeme. 8111181#1*,* k.11t18. 4..Si4 a . addition to the Provunc.l Romeo.. le - stead of borrnwing from the imperial Gov- ernment, or Br:lish capitalists, we could at once create a large ready -money fund, pay rib., grasped the iargehanef,l of Albert nut. our National Debt, and pmploy the proceeds in the nett iwnerked jir. flirt, in the mean. ..f t•Cat.00 lit papoose of ir-,proveluect and time. 1 have wanted my erwtrrte., .uer.a4 of i.tday. concentrating a em; mad reeled my la'•nrs: 7th. Tbe credit system drain. the labour run over a large extent of rooted w,theiti market, and does tab rho woods huts thurouhgly hrmurg 11 : kwnrk'•d f••rethere, who could 'bud woetd 0e more profitably who »will emjev the (rare of ivy ill•appl:ed ' emploied in towns and eines. " Fair we- m.htetrv. i have added another to the al. 7 gas fora fair dee'. work," et as excellent reaay crowded list of peur farmers. I beer rnottn,hu' when antes '.boron earning $I kept out a good neighbor, pr .babie, br ,ivy per dayln town, and therein the wood. •sot greedises. wh:eh ends too many imitators, real:eine *be half of that *um, we may N hav4 helped to retard -the progress of the etre that there-is.aomelhtng wrna``. may eaten!. The eomm,nily has bene6-t.4 newly-trnsed emigrant, full of fur -lett nos little from my exertion: 1 have genal still Hoes respirator farming, aid animus to !e.,, and am in a far were" position then ewe property at once, 1 11te *oper.nt- 1 should have been, had I been regeired at Iv 'easy tern. upon wbi•b be eas purchase my fins starting to pay eat't for the lot. 'Crown Land•, falls lett to common error, To secure my original perches•. 1 um fu'cnd and adds •otbieg to tb• sopply of labor I., sell the le,proveteents 00 the second..skiers the deemed le gfial•at• I( he so - and find myself just where I ought to have journed for 1.7ear or two, le the mase er been several years ego. villager, or with farmers living in old ports, Ind. Long eredit for Public Lasde tempts he would acquire much kaowledgs, some men to take up throe or four lots, ehop ■ cash. and be better fitted for the now life little ma each, and then demand exorbitant to open upon trim le the buab. Wa macetce for Ibeir rights and iwpro.ement.. would be reduced to a fife rale, labor emge- s Thu may be illegal, hot It es practiced with played because obtained os reunaahle impunity, aad.eh.re are numbers in this terms. and the whole Province perceptibly County rhe hold e,seh claims tepee a,‘ eon• hoot fitted. By ,,001 endit (or lands, we eidersbin portion of the crown do.0.40. waste at teat fb Of esatiof our labor, and Gored settler., or those who wonid bee m• lose propoitionately• tip, but object to succumb to what they 8th. Tire credit system attreets to the regard as an irnpo.,tioo, are driven from Queen's Bush, men who *.ver intend . tin market, or seek* country where they purchase, but ".gnat" as a specuiatioo.- ere insured a better state of thing.. Slow They know that no Geternm.ot will fore* and partial settlement. fe a direct con• them 1* pay, and tale advantage uftbis no. sequence, and the c•+lony lose. con.idorahty onions good Bator* by making "improve - by every tench instance, wbi,et the ind.n,iu- meats for sale. When one really wishing al gain OI the squsttet is doubtful, at the to settle comes across their path, they eon - best, often a mere trifle. trite to "sell ou'." at an extravagant price 3rd. The faculucs aff.rded by long credit -generally plucking a green old-eous,ry- for extravkgant settlement -that le, the mss -and start to play the same game 10 occupation of an extensive territory by few ."me other place. • persona -disperse settlers over a wide tract. I find the( my objection. to 11. WAN Those at all acgmatn*eJ with the conditions system already occupy u much of your of life in the wilderness will perceive the spare a i'can reasonably hope to use is disedragqogee of this. Half -made -road., one number, and I must therefore defer fur undrained end almost impaseible, are a first iher-remarksupon the abject of Cheap re.nit; and lack of •n'erpri.e, poor market., Lands 'Intll another opportunity. and little cash follow as a matter of cntime. i retrain yours respectfully, The majority of the hardship. alt the back. C. tvLARICE. woods are Dreamed by partial or scattered Elora, Jan. 3, 1851. settlement., and nearly the wbole of its petty ounnyance toy from this source. It would be useless . dilate upon then*, 111 the columns of a paper circulating in • part of the Province where they are so well known, but 1 feel confident that s.ery ore of your readers, who bus1n7 practical know ledge of the metier, will bear nee out in the a*.ertion that the principal objwl tion to • residence in the woods. the wan' ofsoci••Yy, and the thin population. 1f late were made smaller, and sold for sash only a rapid numerous. and' healthy immigration would as surely follow, so that good eeee ee cause an abundant hsrv.et. 4'h. Long coedit produces a popeletion of debtor.. At first iodoe,ng Ines to take up more land them they gins reeosably bate to pay for in the stipulate 1 time-- eithough mem will hope moan reason, mean to often -It at tbs 6mleb punishes them for their credulity and . . Doriag the tame allotted to them for the payout of the new, they ars cneti•u.11y struggling with po . Their nsttaral enterprise suggests i prM- d.ere dictates the saving a.11 rub fir. the discharge of the anneal 11.1 city forces the erection of segue bwld.Lg however ro,•gh. The ens who fees got own a lot, without he is possessed Maple mesas, which is seldom the case, and .n sulliktinl to the rule, will do both'ag sob Dau, burins. -Qui tiata.EA areo with etaotlany.-Hie bogs* h tempo/try, bee a (aeibee.r, sotpMa.4 for;dadllsu JJr bars ie temporary, OBd even hie hues are far wbi•b abe as&W maker all Ogee me terhtierary. Heim eel sore of emeership. shirt a • • we 4. 145 i.B d -teal.. km. gig. M end create seta Roney mere than is as hie wroth. (moulted t• day lb* exigencies of the LNicm•-A (Nimbi* •riaglYlM a tdb'Itbet. tae Recover. that h• ham soured a wear*.., very smell .1.111.6:1 ell 16 a earner for *Wet be wap sot peapod. bye Ai..os. a £LB•r•rF r •11 1 1'M. aft pi proles• M low. Ms • slope Wif whgfa wort fi0ilt t•m • DuATn or MR. Roasa: Git.yTLLAly - This gentleman, known to the public as the slither of several beautiful songs he the Scottish dialect, and snot pewee of poetry of considerable merit, we regret to Stat•* died suddenly on Wednesday fersomm. Be appeared to be in his camel health in •be morning, and ware In attendance al his olio' se Collector fee the Comm iesioners of Po - 11• -e in Leitb, when he fell down in a fit of arepleey. Med tab aid wes immediately r r .cured, but he never rallied, and was oes- veyed to bit hone. is Hermitate Place, where he d ori. He was p-.s.eeeed of many ,suable /giallo... was goad natured .won to 4 fault, and will he mush ►ggntta l by a large circle of friends. Dawoaaov.-Abinyseeut hie Anger, sent for . vsfed.n, who, after ex•AMWWS, the wooed, requited his anent to roe as fast as pesible, and to get bis a setters platter. e I my!" cried the patient, 'is to ewer Al g "Tee," wet the ,.pts, Mf the fel/ow don't ren hot, Pei email to eat will he well wean he Bete beek." teal 14 eat er whet TPA ew II K rs ,t.M B Y' ere ••• Na steatites' Tsew• LI N(g$ or Terse ofths yr No f paid ep, tare le Aoy 'poembl. seventh 9.7" Ali pool p.0 post uffi Eat 8isli Ten Zine Eu Over ter F.ae Q A advents There's To th For the Asci he Deep From th To th The cry For the Is bee There•. Jiat b Ai.Ja• Both •!t For tl From th Coate For the B Aad 1 She elle As th Aad the As they As.4 They lei For hi Ret the For are Thee Bw the For it Anda P. On they For tl There u For tl For •'ti. With a Bo n 0, eons Fewhim t And to Ther. MEM COWI Rfil Mr. YOeat l thin fn relati• create gohd, chit, t mMra tips,re pi ) ber thous COWS the mt ber ; SOW n the pi ea447 that Otte, es the o1 SS escort Ry mope Ore el ease. kept PR i0i1 a.s11, EI 4dB. RCA nest* blend -1 USN .t.d2 l Asim kasha ma, shoal ewe 1T WWI sift r i arkk tow