HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-30, Page 3Push stprsssd tribe' r we have new bees 'permit me sista to tbsak yea, and SO make I ed with his rases and vote's. It is to he
es sive les, what world N the smelt I- 007 X -ht. hoped, and we ere sure will be earnestly
weer set Uaad) Jack sad all athero who Years truly, s fell freer boy. desired by many, that a somewhat het full
JOSEPH WILLIASON. soman d him, sad • selection fres GODERICH, Ju. 30.
Ube him. wish b maks hie with thew eaisb his eseerorees and compositions will ere Fall Wheat per be. 3e. l jd. $pn•g Wheat
I..g he g.vee to the church and the wo►I d 3r- 6d. Flour• F..mer•, Be 3d. per 100
to ober what be was sed ti 001041 roarer* Harky per he. ?• W. Osis lad. Perk lbs 3d.
to perpeteai. bis esefulae,. This is very to 170 ad. Har per ra, LI 179 bd.
requisite, because his retiring unobtrusive
habits, and de much engagement is solitary
stud)) kept hum rather in the shad" than in
the foregromid of society : and because be
was so greatly occupied in communicating
oral rnsaructtos that he had little time for
speaking through the pram We fondly
trust, however, that by it be, being dad,
.ball yet speak, so tie to make widely kmowe
what he was is the pulpit and an a judicious
When, six years ago. the Christian body
to which be belonged e,iabliehed, • Semina-
ry or timing young men in Canada to the
ministry instead of depending altogether on
Scotland for laborer., it wee bus acknow-
- ledged superiority that made bis be usasi-
mousiy appointed by his Brelhereo to the
charge of that Seminary, and appotutmeat
which required exhume home, and ea.
tailed great labor, inasmuch as erring to
the infancy or the missionary church cos
netted with it, be bad to act as eluded,
philosophical and theological t•acber cos•
bleed- How effectively he fulfilled the du-
ties at the same time carrying on without
aid bis large pastoral works, is wall koowo
especially to the young num •rho enjoyed
his improving and In doctrmating tuition. By
all of them he was revered sod loved, and
while they live they will hold him in affec-
Towards the and of October Inst be re-
turned borne from Toronto, whither the to-
ntine had been removed in the begtnsi.g
of August. 'Hu return was matter of great
delight to his family, sod his much attach-
ed Bock and numerous frsewds. He, himself
was greatly pleased on getting back to hie
wootoesd "cohere of going nut and coming
to. He looked well although rather thin•
our than baual. His spirits were good,
and great eras bar joy in renewing former
intercourse' official and personal. It
seemed that he might still be expected to
be spared to his friends and the church for
• good many year.. But how shout aro
our new, -Sow uncertain all our earthly
hopes ! In the beginateg of November he
was suddenly struck down by the mantles•
tattoo of an organic dumas. of the heart,
witch in all it. nature did operations was
such that from the very first his medical
atsodants who d d all that skill prompted
by warm friendship could try, entertasoed
but slight hopes of his recovery. During
ten weeks be lingered ; and his chorus
was the more throughout the greater part
of that time he was tenable to lay to bed,
and enjoyed sleep only in brief snatcbe..-
But through the whole of bis illneas
be showed no impatience, no murmunog.-
111. faith in t'hnat was firm and calm, and
like all the tenor of his fife, without any THE Subecribera require a Quantity of
oete'ntstious display. HI could say with FALL WHEAT, for which the high -
dying Jacob." 1 have warted for thy Salva- est market value w111 be green
tion, 0 God." All along bis mind was M. B. SEYMOUR k Co..
Goderich, Jan. 30, 1851. 3ve50tf
dark cis.
bels popery, sggress the pros of e.r Antrum" Sett Jaatcary, 1361.
111s-.4- LMi the geese, fislwg osteon re To ...,.a er vas some massa.
b ibI ays/mMr of the people lasg\ to Bir -Ia the &geed of the 33rd iseta.1,
o'ass mu boasted Goyenaseot and lows 1 you sey that the Councillors el the United
Sock I t►iak, dr, would be the natural re- Towasbipe of Ashirld, Wawasse►,
OLIN, ANId oat\ appMoitiois M generally voted themselves nix sbiilnsgs aad throe
pmtesshl, gad if so, the people should he pence per day for each moo. It right to
eery mew maim „Imams. the Executiy be seen ebillisge and six pence. We may
greenmail by etr«
pNag wishescoelnrl thank the property qualification for preve.t-
te the spirit of oar laws, and inimical to the
fog more necieotioue ora from coming
.esnr t) tial well-being of society.
Your eb.d't sent. forward u candidates last year, and also fur
CONSERVATOR. having ooly one man who could act as a
District Councillor for some years before.
Ws have had to pay three peace • pound
of Township tax, and 1 understand it will
not pay the Township officers, "for what,"
for levying and collectiog the same. Not
a aisgle I 1. It was pefectly
notorious to the Councillors themselve.,
the inefficient manner is which two of the
assessors did their duty, and in place of
puniehieg them as they ought to have done
they voted one of them five dollars in addi-
tion to his salary.
Your obedient servant,
b TWO {alfa or Ten N11011 111101a4
Sae l get paper is a blick.
And down gae'd stump.. 1'e the ark;
Said I before 1 sleep a wish
1 wow 1'I clear it,
And if I edema mak it sheik,
By joie 11 prove it.
Yes. Mr. Editor, 1'1 eloaa this unprofitable
diadem« with Mr. X, lee the resew, and per-
haps, for ewer, without deipl•s to solace the
sick -same., .r severe .1 year X. -celled comer
reunites. His niseseds of my real
.as. with varieties., I shall also par dreeticed
farther thus tbia, that it may be c..dniast for
Mr. X's purpose to lesgthee his X-traordinary
letter. is the ab..... o(•sy thing like argamest.
Hie lasisestiw abut refreekirtg any memory
moieties "emelt, gaols,' swing to the ler-
beare•ou of the thou ewritated Aetheritiee,
fall harml•s ea me. aa 1 believe there tie kw
n Canada whose good or bed *poke I valise a
strew, but kscw• that I got twelve days issues -
varies Is dense. vile, for simply toast up the
Drum on the 14th of July. "rhea the Boys came
fete Tows, fire delle of costa was appended te
sy eemwiud by war of a sager plumb, which
I paid ..curer. But. Sir, if Mr. X knew hal(
se mesh of the rest frisk cbar.cto, as he think•
ase does, he would net have made such as die-
sels te the Biose Meese for there is nothing
more pleas.g to • tree see of 8t. Patrick. than
rhe mertyrea in • mend casae. 1 shalt Dow
to give my hatable opieioa on " Club
mew, Foreig• letenfer..ee, Rsli•g with • rod
of Ire•," &c. Ake. Learis( your intelligent
readers to draw their ewe e.eelvslo.s as tilt
whether year r X -position is
passes ee set. It appears to me that h• has
kited i• his X pt.aauen of '• Cleb Law," for
although his int X is intruded is cut the "flys
dime with ..e fell sweep. His ree.ad is ed.
dourly les.Cl •t the Canada Company's Engi-
neer, who. it is well known, repelled every
Stratford Jan. 95, 1851.
A Deputation from t- he Missionary So-
ciety of the congregational Union of Coos -
da Wet, purpose to hold a meeting at the
Congregational Chapel Strafford en Tues-
day Feb 11th, 1851 to advocate its interests
and present its claims to the support of
Chri.0 so (Wends in Stratford and vicinity.
The Deputation consists of the Rev. Mes-
srs. Vincent of Paris, Har of Scotland,
Schneider of Norwich, k Clark of London.
Invitations will be given to minister" in the
neighborhood to take part in the proceed -
The Chair will be taken at 7 o'clock.
A collection will be made at the close of
the meeting.
Sermon. on behalf of the Missionary
Society, will be preached morning k even-
ing o! the preceding Sabbath, by the resi-
dent pastor, and collection made after each
On the following Evening Wednesday
19th 1851, a Soiree will take place to at-
apeeies of aggremiee, or • trospesa "poo 'bo tend which the above lteputatioo have kind-
C.mpa.y'6 pr^p.rty without respect e( prem.•. -
It is salts immaterial sew, whether Mr. I.eeg• 11 contorted to tstmsis and address the
werth ordered he wnrkene• soder his control to
threw pew in the Mrdtlasd, er roil over Greer
Smogs that get cracked i• the falling. pred.eug
at the same time each • volume of Booed, as 'tis
said reverberated through the " Geodes Court
Heed." Admitting for sake of argument that
all the above ills were done tegrtber with bern-
ieg the lumber off the place that is sow the Mar-
ket Bgeare (thea reclaimed by the Canada Com•
7say,) 1 sy that admitting all these thiegi to
bah ices due, will any man of vena n er cont-
use woes my that the mea .s the employment
of the Comrade Company, viehted say law h. -
mu as divi•., tr ebeyi.g the party placed to
••flimsy over them. Who de the parties
Ir•m the rem•te comes at '• tA• Township that
Retied es esepanagly with • Red el iro.,er their
contempt, at the whim of the Moment
moved them r The sturdy yeomanry, of
that classMr. X designates "the Boys."-
Yea, Mr. Editor, and they are worthy of
the name of pood Boy. too. The prosperi-
ty and increasing morality of their neigh-
borhood generally, shows them to be de,
oaring of the addition i have just put to
-their names. Strange to tell that four out
of lite of the present Township Council
are from among the Boy, yes, flu !risk
Boys. And It may, perhaps, seem still
more strange to your readers at • distance,
to be isfortned that the Government have
ereeelfy nude Magistrates of a RRnodly
number of the very parties that Mr. X
stigmatizes as a lawless mob, or in word. to
that effect. My very humble ''opinion of
ruling with • rod of iron, is simply this:
that when one party compels another by
intimidation, to commit what their con-
science disproves, or prevent by physical
force, a party from exercising any legal
privilege, such as voting at a General elec-
tion, Tows.bip or other public meeting. -
This I think will include all that is under-
stood b1 both Club Law and the iron Rod.
Happily for this, our adopted country, there
is no military or other species of despotism OBITUARY.
tolerated by our Various Constitution, but
each may ea' the blea•ir • of •and
In the coarse of the Evening a brief lec-
ture on music un is notation and application
to Sacred .red Moral purposes will degives
by the Rea T. Darren'.
The proceeds will be devoted towards
payment of the debt on the Chapel and it
u hoped that chnstiar friends of all denotni-
nations will take an Interest In the objects
of the Soiree by attending. Tickets Is 3d
Cy., may he obtained at the Post Office and
the several store. In the place.
Tea will be served at 8 w'ciock.
^ RJt o •' c d
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London, 34th Jas., 1851
Fall Wheat, per bushel, 3.. Ij. Spring
Wheat 2. 4d • 3s 6d. Oats, per bush. is.
Id a Is 3d. Fleur, per 100 Ibe., 7. 6d.
Potatoes, per bush., 1s 7d. a Is 104d.
Apples, per bu.h, I. 10jd a fts 6d. Beef,
per Ib, 1 jd a ''Id. Pork, 17s 6d a 904 per
100111. Mutton, do. 1 ad a 3d.
THE Annual General Meeting of this
Nods le will be held at the COL-
BORNE INN, in the Town of Godericb,
on Tuesday the eleventh day of February,
1851, for the election of OFFICE -BEAR-
ERS, ke., kc., for the present year.
Secretary, H. D. A. S.
Goderieh, 30th Jan., 1851. v3a30
TO Teamsters and Others.
11EAMBTERB or others wishing to en-
ter into a Contract to furnish the
Judge of thesd' Counties with good and
sufficient Teams and Drivers throughout
the year, to convey him through his various
Circuit., are requested to send burn Sealed
Tender.. o0 or before the 10th February
next, stating on what terms per day they
will be willing to contract. 1t a expected
that the team will be required for about 90
days in the year, though the horses will
not lee travelling for more than half that
number of days.
Godericb, Jan. 30, 1851. ,3050
Stratford Agricultural Society.
THE Annual Citadel Heeds' of the Stret-
ford Breach Agricultural Society will be
held at the Farmers* inn. Stratfort, on Saturday,
the 15th Febroary, 1851, at the hoar of 12
o'clock, noon. A swede( of the Committee
will the same day, •t the same plate, at tbei
hour of tea o'clock, P. M.
WM. SMITH, President.
Stretford, 15th Jas., 1851. .3050
AME into the enclosure of the Subscriber.
i •beat the Ent of September last, • year old
HEIFER, I. e..eesaio•, Lot No. 4, H.Ilitt.-
Thy owner i• requested t• pre,• property, pay
exposes., sad take her •w•y.
Hallett. Jas. 25, 1851. ,3n50
Cash for W heat !
collected sod capable of active exercise. -
The writer of this notice had the pn.alege
of befog repeatedly with him in his last
days and night", and of admiring his free-
dom from that bondage which oppresses
those who are under fear of death. To
him death was swallowed op to victory,
soon to be realised, sod bar end was perfect
peace. ,,On the last evening of his Isle his
was lit up with a happy •x -
pression : he evidently remained ..r•.nble to
the close, though for some hours, unable
to speak, and when his little remaining
@treegtb wore out, he calmly fell asleep in
Jesus, going into the Saviours' presence to
be received with that pleasing welcome,
" well done, good and faithful servant, en,
ter thou into the joy of thy Lord." 16
addition to those words of the Divine Mas-
ter those of the Christian Poet may be
justly applied to bus,-
" Servant of God, well'done !
Rest from thy loved employ ;
The battle fought the victory won,
Enter thy maoteri s joy.
The voice at midnight came,
IIe started up to bear ;
A mortal arrow pierced his frame,
He fill, -but felt no far.
Soldier of Christ, well dose !
Praise be thy new employ,
And whsle eternal ages run ;
Rest us thy Saviour's joy.
We shall only state further hen, that
his funeral on the 17th was attended by a
large company, (which would have been
eivilisariea underseath the shade of bas I aa' on the moroteg of the 18th at hie much !defer but for the necessary abort -
own "vise and igtree ' notwithstanding residence near Leaden, the Rev. WiiLtaw nes of notice,) of sincere moonier in car-
go thio Mr. X mara do the eootnr Peowroo-r, in the 63 year of his age, Pts- nage" and on foot. The Ministers of the
y f y y y'
tor of the Clotted Preebyteeian Church In venous d.nomisaiens in this tows were
I reiterate the expression tbat so much se 1 Canada. i1,. Prondfoot has been an able g Pr
quoted of his first letter u ustrue, to • present, and as the los and "Moron pro-
and 1 defy kis ta .Mw that it a minister of the New Tenement fora period melon moved through the streets to the
.therwiee. He would fain crap out or the of 38 yearn, donne 19 of which he labored last rattier place of the inanimate clay, the
n Scotland, his naive land, at Pitrodie, in shutters of all the places of business were
closed, -s token of respect whteb was alike
doe to the venerable deceased, and honor. A T a Meeting of the Provincial Land
able to the feelings of the inhabitants. --1-‘• Surveyors, residing in the U•itd
Loudon seemed to Nay is sadness, " • great Coastie• of Heron, Perth and Brace, held
and good man in fallen amongst as," and It at the St. Marys Hotel, 8t. Mary, on
was tree. -Fret Press. Torrid', the7th January, instant, the fol-
lowing resolutions were paved.
Re,lred, That the Provincial Laud Sur-
HOLSTEiN. teyors residing or practising in the United
Then were no chance of • pacific settle. Counties, do form themselves into • body,
meet of the Sehleewick Holstein queries; to be called the " Heron Board of Previa -
The sew eeoraeder•is-chief of the Hopei. cial Land Surveyors,' for the purpose of
army had resiged. promoting their interests as • profusion.
Revolved, That es the profeseton of .and
Surveying is one holding im o,ortaes (rsste,
DIVISION ci P► t , - and requires proper goalif(calos• and high
THC asp D(viaise Came ferBriteh.r, U"ri.lihe oreep
f thinssib..bilidt.. to idefsientsdotemhe beistr.etesteidutyheCooedee of Hens Perth and
held at the times and place. follewisg:- preludes by i°d'ctin f ler se iefraetios of
1d. Disisies.-Ceen heed •t Godericb,- the Statute, al', parties nader their series
let Febrsary. T. G. Mwges, Esq., Clerk. who shall pretties, Lend Surveying without
114. Di.iwow.-Jeh_Hieke', Mitehell,-3rd legsl gealrbsetianc sad at Ibis bard are
F Oi. RobeertCas'r. e, 8leric. d, Ith "were that each illegal pnetice is goi.g
F Roiby Willisra, Epi-. Cloak. os i• Some parte of the United Ceasties;
4th. . f 41irb✓ Tavern L.sd.. Road. that precept lied immediate eters he taken
141\ F a•y r Corer, ECl,►. to pat a step to the same aid to berg the
!W DIvistiei-Ws. tt,hery's Ino,Clistes, parties to )•otter.
Boli Feb. James Gird,, Epi., Clerk. Remises& That the tariff .1 foes propelled
sat. Dleisee•-Aadasee• T•were,$t. Mary'". by the Casadhu lest Outs be adapted by this
31► Feb. Jamar Creme. E.q. Clerk. board aid etrietly dberod le; and (het all
71031,11.geofthe Seim)Curie witless- Pre.ireel Last/ titerveyere, berrisafter
score jreeal..11y et Iftehol•eh, A. M. reedier( isle the Unity Comities
ARTRUR ACli.A1t D. J.D.C. ed tohoersorry out its
tll.d.riA, S.pt I ltfa. M >ti -s -sal to oohs with the h
djses, sod to nbtara from the 8rer.tary •
tariff of fes and • espy of the rules and re-.
welshes' of the heard.
iteasivesl, rat the bead de easel at leers
,ami-es.sally, Ie droners the a •ed
pulse Oita .we seestimgs, and to attend
tease\ riser matters se easy be sebetittd
JhesMd. That the ..at .f w
beard be Irides \t holler* Hr Stti4
ford. ies the .said Teepee, le jsee lest
J. t CLIONi 3I1q g, P. L f6.
k It.r 11s1iy N P.
F. 1. t
7w 18114 J..., 1001. AIN
sweeping Charges he has brought against Ibe beautiful and fertile Oars. of Gerrie,
she ►lie Boto the s in ,e
ft of loneriud vidualt wbohm •
and the other 19 wen spent in Canada is
M dem 001 same, bot try6 to c hs• the arduous work which was allotted to
Irish bra a -and then tells the le Aim. When in the fall of Church
the Synod
fl° people of the Mailed Seeeesios Church resolved to
generally, that thio Ie son of organise a mission for Canada, Mr. Proud -
the Sod. hai actually got sp a petition with• foot alai with the Rev, . ristie
oat eosaltieg Mr. X. or 0sy of his parts- wad Robertson, volnnt«rMead t,herisr s.rvices.Ch
sae'. Petitioning la certainly • barbaroee
rustic" sed orght ie tbu 661M16/4616dage They landed in the Province is the sum,
to be abolished Whet in sn to 0( 1832. Mr. R. In a 10 fat no farther
10 P•411.'" t1 than Monit, where in a her weeks after
to\r Longworth, Esq.,
Legislature, aad freeholder, mereba.is, hie him no cholera, thea prevayi. seised.
eta«banica, sod others to sign 41 as reckless
05 Aim nod carried him away • Mesare.
Ir es d it was •legal doeuntest. i ih..W Provdfoot and Christie proceede1 on to
like b ,.r this wonderful armorial to the Upper Canada, to enter on that wide Geld.
Government, es i hate set yet been favour. After *este time Mr. Christie took •p his
s4 with a sight of it or made aware of its
positiea al FI•imbero Wser, where \. et.11
eeabete, 14tit Ahrotigh se, ftie.d's X"."1/*labors soecesetelly ; and Mr. Preedfoot
sonicatsons. .stall aloe*, took up de hut h.treel a
eeadoq thea •
Mr. Editor, 1 most, eves new, break of kat settling. Then shoa-
l. has labored scolesta-
t. the riddle of what i iete.died In *crawl, knotty emit now, OWerieg mne\ hardeeem
ay short owings yea will passes X -ecce, 'ass geed soldier of Jesus Christ, sed sire -
as yen kers well that as Irishman ardor hg felly that he was *dirt to spend and
or over M s.718 eg except it is • Bet- be apish le the week of hie divine Lord, as
ti., which al mems times 31•hm
i.. the people at the cameos metres when his
him, 'tie aslNwk.i[el by all parties that aarvioee were wives, stat•dly or eeesmeaal
Pat 1.. a Agin to speak twice, 1 have got I es. well testify. This short soiree
tial privilege from you. for which 1 thank t net a5.01 ream for dwelling o• has
wee st.eesay, i may eoeeelime .r other Mfae.t Ulna clad mewl Ireelieselee, as
tsesbie yes with a cow.ueestfw of seer a miei•ter ad a roe. 3 5., ft a aaT
"ween .eo to a ponies of year refine is that they were of a high order fesked,-
tkis net "peeaceable" and prosperous Dr- Hie shad was dinsegniebed by steer iebl.
{rMl Aced sew, Mr. Rear, permit sue a leet.4ity sed romnrehesn,eeee•; he ee.Id
with Mr. J( at parting, for he is Is -e few end testable words. h,b.t • ..b-
leat is is proper light ; as is thehe here a etrikiew
Rleotri.ms ., . lm use to es ilius
abseil to herb be MI pvs8,ss.l ti the
eche. the Lento Jells
Dhb M 6hegrow. His 'herr wee mark
.d by "seeks Chrettas worth sod eons'..
lees , mail N Ms saleere, g .tlesgw sed
.M.bl..lgs oboe. berth 1+.541. Re
1atbt Ike bed hp
is isrketltso, were
Mr Mlr tb.e w *ir Wmiestilled 4t le theme orbs
*either more or less than se earl/ emir,
tend pet sempanie. of Mee ie days rise b
Redeem .saw weal shot the 807. were Dew
a esdt& felt; for they gees the only Isere.
tiro ease is the Teers hip t+ then app,.
egete, ala: that of posedbeepeq e mistrr
of leases .old esti 0elertet) bed
•sea •eafbrred se hien as "hes as
_ mei IM Palely I herr
brewAS NW 4 endt sal. ibumur eg re,
Cwyow DYaaTmanT,
Termite, 7M December, 1850.
NOTICE is hereby gives that His Et-
cnLLLsce Tse Govaersee Gawaa& is
Cowell, has Hess Oilseed ender the •tilho-
rtty rested in bine by the provisoes of the
let Suttee of the 13 and 14 Vie. Chap. 6,
le appoint that the f•Il.wteg Articles •ow
charged with a ditty of Twelve Purr/. Ten
Shillings per eenhw ad eulerem, shall be
placed in the List al Goode paying a duty of
Two Pounds Ten Mallows per crater a/
1 reloreut, from and after this date, sod shall
the subscriber on the first of August
last, • year old HEIFER, dark brown, with
some white on the back, belly and tail. -
Lot 99, 5th con. Tuckersm ith. The owner
is requested to prove praoperty, pay expect -
us sod take her away.
Mill Road. Tock•rsmitb, Jan. 21, 1851-49
NOTICE is hereby given that the Quarterly
Meeting of the Board of Public ie.trdetioe,
will be held at the British Hotel, iw Godericb,
on Friday. the 28th day of March next.
All persons desirous of becoming teachers cab
then be examined upon producing the proper
certificate of roorsl character, end unless appli-
cation is then made, the Candidates will not
have ■nother opportaoity for three menthe after-
By order q( the Board,
To the Board of Poblie inetreetioe.
Godericb. 91st Jan., 1851. .3.49
re rated for duty accordtagly. etas
Cotten Warp, Slue, Fire Brick, Mustard
Seed, Ultra Manse and Paste B:ue, Sal
Ammoniac, Prawns of Po:ash, Alum,
Phosphorus. Bleaching Powder, Cochineal
Coppers", Vanol, Shellac, Felts, Borax,
Strong Fluid Acid', including Nitric, Sul-
phuric, Muriatic sod Oxalic Acso.
By Comuiaod,
(Next door to M. B. Seymour k Co's)
West S(reef, Gods. icA.
January 1851. 3v n48
BY-LAW W No. 9,
To divide the Township of McGillivray into
Rural Wards. Passed Sept. Ib, 1830.
Wausau it is deemed expedient to di-
vide the Township of McGillivray into Ru-
ral Wards for the purpose of Election of
Township Councillors, Be it enacted by the
Municipality thereof, by virtue of the pow-
ers d un them by Act 12 Vic. cap. 81,
and is hereby enacted by the authority of
the Paine, that the Township of McGillivray
he and the same is hereby divided into Five
Rural Wards.
Ward No. 1, to consist of the 1.1, lad,
3rd and 4th . , from the Town•
ship line of Stephen, to the Side Line be-
tween Lets 90 and 21. together with that
Dart of the North Boundary bottler( the
said concession.
Ward No. 2, to consist of the 1st, tad,
3rd and 4th concession', from the saki Eine
between Lots 20 and 91, to the Township
of Williams, also Lots 34, 35, and 36 in the
5th concession.
Ward No. 3, to consist of the 5th, 8th,
7th and 8th , , except Lots 54,
35 and 36, an the bth concession.
Ward No. 4, to consist of the 9th, 10th,
111h and 12tb, together with that part of
the North Boundary butting the same.
Ward No. b, to consist of the rundnier
part of the Township.
And be it further enacted, that the Town-
ship Clerk be appointed to hold the first
Annual Meeting, and to be Returntog Offi
ser i0 the First Ward, and that the int
Meeting thereof shall be holden ■t Patrick
Flanagan'• Tavern, to said Ward.
That Mark West be appointed to hold the
first Annual Meeting, and to be Returning
Officer of Ward No. 2, to be holden at the
house of James Barber, Esq., on Lot 39, un
the 3rd concession.
That John Graham be appointed to bold
the 6ret Almost Meeting, and to be Return
ning Officer in Ward No. 3, to be holdeo.1
John Morton's, Lot 26, in the 6th eon.
That Litwood Craveo be appointed to
hold the first Meeting, and to be Returning
Officer for Ward No. 4, and that the first
Meeting thereof shall be holden at the
School Hones near Craven's corner.
That Edwin Wood be appointed to bold
the int Annual Meeting, and to be Recur.
nieg Officer of Ward No. 5, and the first
meeting thereof shall be holden at Richard
Evan" s, 1.0t 15, en the 16th eoeceesion.
WM: FISHER, Township Rave. Kippsa Jas
Jose F . , Clerk. 48 4 Kerns J 8
Love Robert
Lark worthy Gee
Lafferty Edward
trHE $eb,e,ibesy 1. IbaaYfu sik,owt-
1 edgtsg the very liberal Ye g••
towed upon bis Carding ill) tb(p nes,
beg. to intimate to kle friends sad Me Puh.
lie generally, that he is read vow for
Fulling, Dretising sod FiniShif)g
all rots of Cloth that will be lent to bee
care. Hu Fulling Mill, Carding Mill, an.i
rest of appointee, is all of the Seel tw(,rr-
wed tied newest kind of Machsery, .•d wor-
ked by sone but skilful end experienced
Made, nod his Terme will he 115.7. the
newt liberal and moderato koowo ip the
Stretford Steam Mills, Oct. 36, 1860.
Always on band a large and writ
trimmed Stock of LUMBER, which .ill L.
cold at fail prices and un terns ro stilt CORA
tomer.. 8187 3m
LT Nei. 3 i. the West Side of :Korth 8Ire•i
in the Tows of anderich. Terme Easy
Apply to, D. H. I.IZARB,
Schiller, 5ftreffeeJ.
Goderish, 8th Jsaa.rr. IeSI.
ROU the very tattering support root-
` . wed by the subscriber on hie first ap-
pearance ss Agent in th. Division Court.,
M would intimate to the inbabitanis of the
District generally, that he • ill attend the
respective Courts throughout the Utile(
Counties of Huron, Perth sod Bruce, at.each
■nii every of their Sitting. (health permit-
rlog,) and as his charges are moderate, and
travelling expensive, prospt payments will
be required.
N. B.-Commuo'eai•»ns must be pod -
Godericb, Jin. 7th, 1851. 47 3tf
CAME into the Esclecnre 0! the subscri-
ber, 4th Coo. Lot 1I, Tuckersmiih, nn.
er about the 1st of November last,a White
STEER. with Browo ear., one year end •
half old, The owner is regnseted to prove
property, pay expenses and take him away.
Tuekersmitb, Jaw 4, 1851. 46
Office up to January 70. 1851.
Arroll Thea Laedeealicker Joe
Ballantine Da•id Miller 3 J
Boles Richard Metopes• Semi
Rroomhe•d W J Methestl Wm 1
Boyd J•tnee Moore Wm
Campbell Peter Metre Wider,
Campbell Arekibeld Merryleee Alia -
Caauon George McQIII Wm
Connor Joe McCardell Joseph
Campbell Jame. McCafferty A
Campbell Robt McA'Jwer Aimee
Carragher Terme., Msl:rwao Joo
Cony Monroe McDermid Peter
Cotler Semi Nauer Lorenzo
Dossier Mrs Dorothy Neil Wm.
Drumm Jacob O'D.e6,1 Sim..
Drommood Patrick Ogilvy Robs
Doan Thomas O3.ld George
Edwards.ho Odberi Wm Seat
Ellison Chrutophsr Odbert Wm
Eamon Aadrew Odbett Thu
Fisher Alex rite Ise
Frtspariek Jae Potter Jae 111
Freak A C Pitdas Joe
G.rtrell Wm
Pomery Wm
Grovel Wm guidon Cornetts"
Guestens (leery Quipop Jonathan
Hays Joe Qvioherie Jas
Hamilton Hugh 9 Reid The.
Heron Edward )Lenny Wilson
Johne Semi 1 Robertson Jet
Keeedy Edward Seckrider Joe 3
Kippan Alex Str,ttdee Joe
Kreuter Fredriehk Scott Wah4
Kippts thecae Stepler Hear,
Spetron Je•
Henry Jae
Thom Ale.
Wetso, Wm
Watson Am
ALL peoos iadebted re WILLIAM KEN-
NEDY, Esq., late •f Semites, are request-
ed to make immediate settlement with the Sob -
scriber -and ponies hoeing et.ims •g•inst the
same will please remold them duly attested.
A. MACDONALD, Aueroey.
Guelph, Roth Jan., 1851. v3n49
CAME into the premises of the subscri-
ber, no the 17th of December last, a
Black COW, with dome wbite about her
bag, and a white stripe between her fore
lege. Lot 41, 1st concession, Goderich.-
The owner is requested to prove property,
pay expenses, and take her away.
January 14, 1851. 48tf 3
Important to the Public.
(Member of the Royal P l becieiy of
Great Bntai•,)
RESPECTFULLY informs the iebabituu
in and @roved STRATFORD. that be bay
parchaad the Boston, of Dr. Hyde. lately ear•
reed on by him in the MEDICAL HA LL. and
having dispensed Medieien for men Mae hal(
the Nobility of Ewnked, a•d for ..•oral Mem-
bers- of the Royal F•mily, d.nag fitter. yews
experieece with ,.me of the most emteeat Med-
ical Pr•ctitioaes is that country. He will be
happy to give
TO all persons wheats! think proper to eowait
A full ripply of the chnism DRUGS, C11EMI-
CALS. Sutioeery, Ode, V.ninhea, Dys Stuffs.
Palau, Ase., together with a wet •urwty of
ether dem•dtic articles, will be custody kept
en bead
Statietd, let Ja•.ary, 1851. 44-3m3
District Clition% Land" O.
17j1RAT the rvAM•In0 CSOwN LANDO
3. fm At18Ti LD .sJ WAWANOSH. are
w .sea FOR SALT AN osteomy ra rma-
wmeeties Ah.ea Scolio map be obe•aa4 y
1144 fr..bmlee, teM. i 4411
Untied Counties of Lily virtue of s
Huron Perth +nte. 1-11.ns
t of aIeh-
T tiff. went eeaued out
of Her ;;Iaje.tys Court of Queen's Bench
at ': oroete, to me directed. agalsst the Es-
tate, Real as well as Personal, of Jobn
Jones, as abeeondi•g or eeseeeled debtor,
at the sett of James Crnmbio sad Josue
R. Andrews for the mss .f Fire bemired sad
nis.teee pound. ere sbills.gs and fl..
pence. I ha.e seised all the Reil sad Per -
..sal Estete of the earl Jobe Joss•, and
sola the said John Joao' ".terse wtthis
the jondictios of the Cent from whence
the said writ issued, and pet is Bail to the
actio• Of tease 1\e shims of the earlier.
Crembe and James R. Askew" t• be dis-
charged within three eased/et malhe Sem
the Rot day *Me pebhc.uea .f Ibisfeetiee,
all the tater, Real or Penrose! .f the rid
John Joon eras meth thereof as easy be
s.eaw.ry wall lend Italie for the may.
nuns,. bereft eatasfesllee Other chews
.t the card plairkifi., as well as lot the
p•yseot, beesM N eatsafsethoe of the
claim u, Choreas of seek "Aber piglet 1 N
ptosed(., as shall or may take proceedi.gs
aglow.. the property old oilier .t the ear
Jobe Jeers. within •is Menthe from the
scrums .f tis .8.,. meetibsed writ of at.
tadme.t, is widen .1 whisk this seams e
Sheriff U.C.fl. P.ks.
@brill Oak. Ged•vbt,
311, iisaenher Nee y3.e
r M
el Oeel S Deste en ,whe et O of sows et Jan y
A. F. MiCKLE. Postsastee.
CIME late the Enclosure of the Sub -
ember on or about the 1st of Novem-
ber last, a three year old Steer, 01.0 about
the 1.1 of Sept. • yeetheg heifer, Lot No.
26, 4th Coe. Township of Melillop. The
owner. of the aheveammsls is revered 1•
prow. property pal .xp..ses, sod take
there away.
McKillep Dec. 30, 1860. .16-.3
Moved that the United Counties be din.
died tato three .ckool districts, for the 'im-
pose of appointing Superintendents of come
mon schools to be se follows tit :
1st. The County e( Perth to form nos
Districts „ the toweehipe of itlei-
ch•rd. Do .role sad GOT. of Downie, North
and mouth Ecctbope, illi,., Logan, Ful•
larto•, Hibbert, together wutM the os.
towoeMps to the north of the shrove.
and. The tew.ab'ps of Btddulph, MeG 1-
litray, Stephei. Hy, Stanley, Tucker.
smith, and Lt.border.
3rd. Roderick Inc thine sod few.. IIuO•
let, McKillop, (:wlherne, Wswanosh, Ash-
8.ad, and the C000ty of Bruer, alee the
townships to the mirth •f Mullet and Me-
Barrister ace/ Armee, at 1...w, Ood ' h.
**TILL isamen MMfirerMMusnted a9 Cd.eisr) et t(lilie
V V amen Celer the rts led
Colloid,* of 01101,41 Pr'tb end /rest.
Osdense. Io Janewy. NM
M. R -Parties .t • d:etteaeo erisbieg to eyed
ibesmelwe of Mr. SueAes U,,,ieeb, meth Mesh
•ddrew Me. Mr.ehea, pis.-paId, Greer* 4G
THE SUMICR i1tER Ergs leave to ie...
form '01 frur•dr sad lbs pub'le gem.
rally, that he hes new got the N.ttnest
Hotel es far e.apleted, me 10 warred hint
u. My Ma he w prepared t• fneaterh at -
dee for sues rad horse, earl at
least, is 'mythicist (bet earl f.e rood he-
tes!" Iredra sod Gei,rie h. Th. N.sie..
eel betel i. eisMW is 1'.0 hematite! 'OA
theme( .thee orf eromeee1.1, 18 mike
frees Gnd*seb sad It stakes from bookie.
.4d hem the eligibility of the e9a.etiee. mid
e4►te% strews to the sae•An orf hitaCestee
seed reareeseefbe hopes fors ohms of pub.
1'I pirssawe,
Otatt.A.I.L let tarp. teDt: 44' 40