HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-30, Page 21 c d 1 mead with a add, that siscs the peeoestatie• et the tie el his iiseepte, be a Neer in of obs d.commit 1 Mei received • e.wwe•ea- est' el the dibrest GiMBw which shall M w mos freer t1. Raise Catholic Btahp of Tee- far dHioW with said Uslrwsity rte be *stmt. i.. Mu•wlwgsesr to Comte de Ch•rbesel, sd te sppeisl a menebee N the Bm ate thereof. maims thea lee hod eareally (racked ever the seal: M received as • st•Mst se .dein. to • Are seder whish the Uaieerem y et T.►ese M Degree la the said U04 fully, "mho= perer.•- .aabfkhed: that 1. his memo try ere faily lag such religieer meeker, as me be preesetibe e•keload to meet the roo•s•abl, wishes sad ea- by dm tea«IMled aatbwliti.s s( the Oreg. to peewee d tae whole eremooily of Upese wird he berme, sad vier. saw.duie to hie Ceara. atoll $s...seteg his iNea•I.. • r k.hsl wading a meth afliatd College, he .batm by of bits p.ple, te b eoete deed tomb the UM. lbs rake thereof be vee sired to possee ,"- eerily. e►arp.g homes. with their religiose i•• (Vide 13 and 14 Vie. cep. 413 ) mr.etlex, Th. Beset* rr.pectfe.y appeals te ler Ea - fives, te fsrnt.h yea with as frenetic,. •.der whose imempffiate series the •• s areesttd a rpg of the whoa sad aim*Bost we* of the Uoi•.r.uy d Tomato have b.s. arab rmhib /1 ta.. pleased le ingrates' if" ;tested, whether their e..e0usl priaeiple, u rh. decem.u] '• to the Bessie." 1 .asset saoenosed by Hot Majority, is sot to •.deavosr .segty web tins, hawse se mea peed tors to invite all classes to take advantaged a Ns - made, moor do 1 believe 1 am capable, of snaking tuon1l rodowtsest folly rgsel to carry eat the melt. 1 distinctly rusted to the Senate, that it highest Academical eJ.ealt.a 1. this Province. eras for the porpoise .t.veoiiag making • verbal (ami which. if divided, wo.W be swims to any) declaration. 1 had thosght it beet to pea all 1 combined with Religiose inrtreetioe in mach a wished to ray in writing. m as any matt all d of Chris - The doesme.t an question wits drawn ep tor tiring. without offesce to the purpose of repedret standar; ad it sow re- sad that this pruciplo has received the raaioo mous to be deterui•ed here. and is Great Uri- and delib.rste approbation of lhs people of Up - tom, ee whom this accssanun wail ret. 1 sp- per Canada tbre.gh their Aepr.wntauves], for peal from yu•r Lordship te the public, sed i re- *hose bent t the tame is intende& rest ls to Menu my regia, burins complied as fir s. The Senate further rempeetfa11 T rep • lin is my power with your eondi'ioss, that ye. your Excellency that it is highly i.jsrior to will furnish me wish so setboriy to hs.. • copy the great interests is this queries, and which taken drier weeded Charter. embrace the prawn( as well as r e..erobnas 1 bacs the honor la be. ofCaaad., to permit the revival of es Nome - My Lout. cion. wholly exclaims io its nature. sed them - Tour obedient and hamLle ger••,, fore •..cited to obi .alt -beteg of this Pro.ioee, P. B. DabLAQUIERE. end which is intended to withdraw from the University of Torneto, a large ed istwstial Re, 4.-C.,T Lama -T- ea Borne to Ma portion of the community, Tracey of whom are D.Bugr Ieee_ setually rrspiog great b...ts from 11.. losisiu- Tonoao, 11,11 Jen . 18.51. Coon, and others prepsriog to enter it whes selli- •n.-flavine read the copy of the palm, ems- etcntly advesced, wittiest the prevent mesas of menet (tom yourself, which you have Iasd before future prn.peet of beteg able to provide fee the me. I mast decline any farther section of the Iuhahitssu that high Academie with you after t11• buenese which this latter re- eduestide rhos recklessly intended to be thrown lams to ie closed, as it would tow atopen, to be- said.; not can the evil rest here, for the nude,& It may accord with 'nor genes of the reep.ct bey d mei, sn Iesu1.11os ie ly to which a ge.tIimaa owes to himgelf. rind to revise More religious asperities from which the ethers. le spply inch leneuste, al 105 have ap- Provioce has already es deeply ragered, ad plated in that paper to statements made by the which nary friend of peace and good order do- ltish./ 05 roar Dioses.. rear senipr to 5(e. Bet preemies as (night with calamity testi. you preferred. foe f.mne not dtffiu!t te be m1- Your Exoulle.ey, as Visitor of this U.iver.ity, der,tood, to eLsteio from applying the spade and in that capacity, the delegated perdu•n of fueslung and o.rasi.• language to the tame its rights sad privileges, cannot but be aware of statements publicly made by ethers, who pro- its fitness and adaptation to tea wastes and homed to speak, as nos well know, the molt- welshes, as well as obs best interests of the Pro- tocols of whale religious communion, who .i.,•., Your Eodell•eey knows that much has (eeked .poo tbe yr -dime character of the Toro,.w been already dose to correct what the people of Usner.ii' in so other light than I did, and 4e- Canada lied a right to object to is the former scribed it ie so other ,epos. management of King's College; that order, It may accord with Te* Ogee, of candid, as ec000my and good government are rapidly being well as gentlemanly dealing,- to describe. to a developed in the conducting of e•srytbiog cos• toperwrntn in Notu November, the Charter of the netted with this Iestitfoe, if permitted to T."oito Univw.ity a a.d.wniag d the cheese• coma into operation: and, the Senate trusts your ter which 1 had ascribed to it in ,tis month of Excellency will not permit a rival t{ni•iity, June pree.diag, sod to (mead ,p.. the compare- sought for under false and slander•ss proteoses, son a charged (slgeho.d agaiat the. Bishop of to undermine sod destroy a great National hone - pier Chetah. when you hew well, that it ler- fit. But that your Excellency will be pleased gored tin went aid of an Act of the Legitla- to pray Her M.ymy the Queen sot to grant the tore, te the mouth of A.pst. to which yea at Charter sought by the Bishop of Toronto: and least consorted. to rollers it from the character, is Ise. thereof to pant a Royal Chatter for the which. io commits, with thoaYads. 1 had given e.lsbllshmeot of a Tb0logIcal affiliated- Col- o( it. and *111.h yon could edit 1,5 Cg.oraot was lege, to be placed in the City of Toronto, lur tree before that alteration was made. which it the cameos les of the members of the Church of wee hoped wooled 1s some tie..re ream,* the England in *11. Pro•iocs desirous of *storing reproach. the same. and of recei•iag secular Mit metiers in The enfairoos, however, was tee glaring, tet this Usiversitrd Toronto: sad with power fur to be al once eapred..d I most allow myself the said Colitis to greet Degrees in Divinity. to say, teat the honer or year attack .pos me is is eosclunoe, the Steele is desireus respect- ed' li:tle whir fussed. rail commie of i, is to fully to state to year Excellency that the char - be admired. Toe have disavowed haying etre- tern of Victoria and geese's Colleges were eb- d.eed rhe paper which is heel( was most tomtit- rained ander eire.mgtaeees altogether digerest lag towards me, by ebservauoae which were from :bowl io which the province it now placed. ••••11, offensive.At the time they were pastel King's College 1(1 stn to credit *hie msieme•t 1 most dimer.- University was eoowdered by thew d.semua- dit the aeeos.aa of others, whose character for lions repremested by, them, •d also by a large veracity yes would not gn so lar as to impeach: portion of the public, a excletisely adapted for .'o. eon hardly be at a lose ls here some d members of the Church of England: but this those to whom, from long personal aegoai.t.ne., University of Toronto as sow established by late 1 meet teen malted*. Were obey, indeed, who essctmenta, becoming available to the wool• hosed rove remoras 10 eoshrm your disavowal. 1 community, sod providing for religious instrue- .sbould at once direct • copy of the paper you de- sire to be east to y'., -but this I take to be im- oopiblf. le tAg me.onmc, as 1 have requested Mr. Champion to allow any cootribeter to the Ch.reh Usiv.rriy to peruse the paper -at his Lison, though yes may not be ye•rsel( of the somber, sad may here no other toseere with the .beet, the **stir op Reil. .ed t• find fault with these who are exerting themselves to pro- s ate it, -Toe can sorely is find it difoslt to chemic • knowledge of Its cements. !have the honor to be. Si,, Tour reset humble wr,ant, (L'tg..d] JOHN TORONTO. No S -COPT Or Aiosar. . ltle lxedleney the Earl .f Etote and Km- •AaDtsa, K. T., Ooosrur Oxnard of Cana- da. 4e., dc., mud Visitor of As University of Tomato. The Humble Address of the Senate of the said Uaieer..iy. is delsberesin, assembled. Mat it PLeaei Yana EXcLLLxOeT,- A nppr.serta".e has been made to tea Bette, Mat a Hoye! Charter is sought to be °blamed from Hoe Maier,the Qeeen. for enahlishsog a Udverot'', in pper Crusade, ezclosiv.ly for membere of the Church of England. A doe.meot pot forth by th. Bishop of Toron- to, whilst is Eastland, beariag date Jene 12th, 1e the pre.est pier, and accompanied by .n Address from certain coblerne• .d gentlemen la Loses. dated Solite 19th, in support and cor- r.beratios of then same, bath addressed to the members of the Church of Engl.nd in behalf of an Upper Canada Chute'. U.iversiey, have also been brn.ght ender the noires of the Senate, seed are herewith transmitted to Tear Excelk.ey. They have bees exteanel7 eiresated through. mit Engined, and appear to comma the memos e pos which is rested • claim for obtaining the Charter i. goratine. And the Senate is inform - .d, It is aloe claimed because Royal Charters hies bees granted to Victoria and Q5.e.'. Col. leges is ibis Protide.. The prioeip•I remain aseigaed, ere, Ih.1 the Uolveroily of Toronto, as now established by P.rlumeaisry en$Otm.•t. "expressly eieledes from the Ueiver.iy religious insirsctios accord - 1•g to.n form e( decline* winnower; prohibit• log any form of prayer, or any set of poblse worship:, sod dsp.alifyiag any eremite d the University, who may hay. takes Holy Order, from admission Into, nosy volae in she 8.ate " And the iimitsti.e is desipated as "seta-C4w- Nen" and " impious." Tb. assets desire the truth of these swim - titres: cad es behalf of the whole Christies even- madt' of Upper Credit fm whose ben.fit the Uatv.rsity of Tomato hes been e.tahli.hd by Legislative .anit0.. sed Royal ...Meetly. repels Ilona es skad.rweiLlnaemoch all roll gime inmr.e. time .till c s*is.es to form part of the U.tewwy • adios, evee with irritating wirer: b n will set be permitted to.geed,er laterfur. wilb ISM pew - her leer of .ay of Christiane; whilst beldtast set *my faedify to Nish for the 600 sed serer esterase. of religiose &atria*. The Senate nearly deems thee ..y edited - de crime " es te arty form d prayer, w te say mil of melee worship:" .11ewl.g to all whet freed.se theme. sod the einem fa1liry for eee- d.etieg the sane. The Seam pally desks sa .memory to troth, awl siaede.ss. ' that the Usiverwry Am has theles i6.d any graduate who may been ub. Holy Orders from dtwaesies is*., or Dann, any 'oleo ie the Il.eate," as Iwo of Its members aro ati.Iewe se th. Charoh of Eyisa I. sod ear a mitrsws of flee Kirk .1 f,O.11a.d: •d no retrie- d w we .airs .it4ee se to the ..s.b•is of the Reeser .stpa.fed N the Crewe. se es to these .rhe nogg. waArr be obese by any aUlhed Oslle= dram being ..blews of wlfgies. Aad the fitsaese .spited alh repels the s.so.silew, .het rhe Uaiereiy of Tee..m is tori-dyi.- *.w es w (grysi.1g,e beam the, Weep= aper uriish It le free mode to have nll,toas ie. eare.asesCello d mph kr tees= d. lea deism of U.I'u.siily .dm.at1.0* 11 4 Alimar Mehl Odefeto f essMee lam er (lr 009 dells dem eslver•lie 4M a** .ho s1keB tion in separate colleges, so reesonabte ehjeeueo can bo raised why all err sot, If D dispooed• one single public attempt to get rid of it.- receiee the hernia of tea i it would seam te multitude w that the education to the ttenal University, and take pay sa theme p.anion*, bars become callous to the HURON SIGNAL. TiIURSDAY JANUARY 4111, THE DEAD WEIGHT. Or the ten thousand schemes and frauds that have been practiced oa the great, cis, pie and unsuspecting public, by their Ru- lers, that pension system stride roe for total deritutlon of principle, bare-fned injustice aid unmitigated absurdity. It is the king sham of the great sham •yet.m, which enables idler's to stick the spur ta- to the galled rade' of honest, sweating 1.- dustry-aid in the great jumble of istrigu., k y, blockhediem, tiakeri•g, tattering, and taking down, that forms the crane farce of Legislation, the Poore system appears as a bold carricature of obalut. ri- dicolousieea. A mu of ordinary intellect, who bad ne- ver heard of the Perim system (if then is tncumbeste to retire en a pares of eaves ouch a me) might be made to understand hundred and fifty, it is possible that a whole why an osterprising agriculturist or ms- shoal of portioned Mr. Lm 'sone may be chaste who had made two blades agree brought forth, sod thus lay the foundation grow where only one grew before, or who of • parper is Canada, similar bad discovered or in 11 sums mode., l to that which it the curse sad shame of lessening human labor and increasing ho - man enjoyment, might be entitled to a Pension, as • public acknowledgement of the good he had doer. But no mai could he made to understand why a person who had for many years received wags equal to the value of twenty workmen's labor, for do- ing certain little, trifling things which nev- er benefitted the public ons rtxp.oce, should receive a peace or ■i annual salary from the pu bite funds, merely for ceasing to do the little trifling things which he bad been formerly doing ! .Such, however, he the principle of the Pension system peculiar to Britian aid her Colomos. The maa who discover', Invent., works and benefits hie race, till by toiling and studying, he brings on premature old age and decripitude, may drawl out the evening of a laborious end naeful life, in pain and poverty --ice is a working wan. But the idle man -the man who has filled an office, or wore a title,wbo has done aom.thing or said something which the public saw or beard, and who for the doing tit saying of that aniless something has feasted and freed so the fruits of the working man's toll, most be al- lowed tomtit. from his .fee on a pension equal to the income of dozes of working awn! He is a gentleman ! We do net re- member of ever bavtog seen as attempt to justify this nefarious imposition, and we regret to say that we cannot recollect of dividsele who loot teed estates fa Chasm- ' ry, these tedtvtdnale should have paid fof the sorrow. But to cease the public to pay twelve heeded sad fifty pomade • year to the chef &goat in • system of litigates, in which not or to eve itemised have the - slighter interest, and which eaiformly Bade in the total ruts of the few who are toter - tooted, is an at of fisgrait injustice, oily surpeeed by the set that ghee • pe.ato. of Serra ks*dred and fifty pentads a year to the same iodivtdual, simply as • premi- um for the ma buadrd tad fifty ! It IS probable that Mr. Jameson may lire to receive the passion (or at least as many years as ho received the safely, and. is that case, hos Vice-Chs.cel- lor.bip will have cost the country exactly two thousand poseds is year ! Now, sup- posing the office to be one which to useful, it would be tech better to fix the salary at two tltousaad pounds, aid have no pee. mon attached' to It. The people would thee usderstasd that two thorned rued, a year was the most that the office would cost then. But by fixing the salary at twelve husked and fifty, sad allowing the degrees therein in thea Fsealties of Law, Nada- ciao, and Arts, still preserving the t•.,el.btltty of religious instruenoa to each denomination. In *heron period which has elapsed sista the saublishteot of Victoria College it has eatinly failed for want of n*eoa.ry foods, ad the load• tuition has been closed, its buildings at Colmar, have bees Sold; and s. Aet of the Legislature to the last session ha authorised the nmeval of the site of this college to Toronto, with. it is to be hoped, the sound sad jsdicio*s view of becom- ing an Affiliated college with the Uaiv.rdty of Tomato, and thus •1 once pieties its besefils within the reach of that highly respectable por- tion of the community. Th. Presbyteries Col:ergs at Kiagstoa ander the nam. of Queen's College, however respecta- bleas an academical iestitonon d a sepenor order. does set possess, and it is believed eau net expect to have (or • very long period the mesas indispee.ble to the establishment of • Univer- sity, sad at is mattes of profound regret. flat the nodes te of this college are not as est se- .hled to participate is the superior sdvrategea to be derived from the Unisersiy of Tomato, to the Faculties of Law. Medicine. and Arts. The actual editions of Qee.a's College in this re• pest pretreat ole •hjeetiou to ex- tending University Charters a Canada is the present geaereueo; if the honors sed dinine- tions to be obtained therein ars to he considered desirable, or the Pro,toee to be benefitted by U.Ivenitr dueatios. All which u respseifally Senate. U•Ivaaserr °r TesToeto, Nov. 'th, 1850. submitted by the Tea MTDTRRIovs Kioc*u o,. -Our re, potation fur acuteness has suffered Dome of late. -Thr.. Dimple women, Iwo of them young girls, came to this city from Roches• ter, and for month• humbugged many thou- sands of people. They were denounced on all sides as arrant impostors and .bests but to ibis day no one has found the .hght..t clue to the imposture -no one has given errs • plausible hypothesis. We bare sharp police officers, and learned phuloso- phrre, and shrewd editors, and smart me - chaste.; but so one has found out bow the• knochisge were produced, n hat moved the rabies, or by what process gestures were answered in many cases correctly, whoa the chances of s wrote, answer were m,lliose te one of the nght. This thing ban bees gest on for two or thrum years -.t to prac- tote or nbered in teeny pules -yet the mystery has never been expelled Are we to brat s igsora•eei 1s rimester like this to triumph (orevert 'low stook! it do to offer • reward large *Dough to tempt some one of the essy impostors to owe op, and to tell o* bee the this( wdoa.1-,Veto York p.rper. 8U.o Dare. -A clever and lsgentnui .0ehan1e, lamed dameol Arrest, ewe food dead tate tweet, neer the hotter of Mr. Colcl.. s d*etille►y in Ayre. Fee set.s tams b* had glee himself ap to habits of the greasiest iste.peneee, erassaieg himself wroth logger whemeeer be mewl/ proton to, and, myna, dews to seep It r4, awoke only 1* resew the *Meech. 1• ase of Mese ate he w.. se.sowsd to steamy! What • Issees.-O.14 Jfy*rter. Ma -Th. sew es Kies (west, ."r ie Gess flet, .ssgrd by A. Rehm. Jr., was hint ekes lest eight. area tee o'el..k. The Milt wee Ter, 14.011010004 -ell Wel •ed MOW - lee -bet tea model essr.l..e of .be eta. seaeedel. •ed 'M 6.. was mel.ed . wte ISIS egiOmmad. Ws hese am beer Me di MOMS& --Jews. ♦A lb - pros . prim Great Britain. But the office is cot useful, and, in se far a thea public is concerned, it will be awful. If people will run 1'. to the ruin of the Court of Chancery, let them be at the whole expense of their owe folly, bot let not the iaaoeeo1 public he thus wantonly taxed for the of a few. The in/tartest* of Toronto have boon a Hemmed fold more benefitted by the services of the man who lights the street lamps, the they have ever been by the Chancery service of Mr Jameson. But the lamp -lighter does mot **cites twelve bu.dr•d and fifty pounds a year for his or. be scarcely receives a scan. ty . , and yet, if in the perform. secs of his dell, ho should happen to get disabled, and until for service, it is probable that be might be allowed to became a =ta- per, but it is not probable that be would b. - come a pewsisaed paaper. He is • work- isg saw. , It Is likely teat the Govereneet was bound to gine Mr. Jameson u peamoe.- Some other pantos had received a pension for similar servleee--a pension is the legal or the prerogative of the office, the Tories, if to office, could set have refused him a portion. We have such an unqualified contempt foc this precedent leg- islation that we consider it unworthy of a disesmtos. It is, certainly, .o much of as apology for our Canadian Government, to ray that such is the teill .f the Imperial Government. But. if it is a fact, that the Imperial Government makes it imperitire on our Canaille Rulers to pension such officials as Mr. Jameson, the sooner that the people of Canada are made aware of this fact, the better. They will then be fu:ly able to estimate the real value of Colonial Legislation, and to appreciate the liberty of managing their own &fairs ! In short, it is a duty which every elector is Canada owes to posterity, to refrain from voting, .t next (001011 •lection, for any man who hesitates in pledging himself to uoe his whole inioenee in removing this plague -spot of pensions from Canadian Legislation, and in an especial manner the seven hundred and fifty pounds pension of Mr. Jameson. This is the beginning of a dead weight, and if allowed to skull, past without &deeideed expression of public i s- dignation, it will accumulate an a curie and crash opo. the •sergies and prosperity of the country, till Canada ultimately become the prey of • pauper aristocracy. W Twaaky wake the Comity Oesssll, es • mum of ewes, &sided list Mt. Pat- rick Flannagan wan the Reeved Il.04fliT- ray. His Geese, ill Welk CLswmtq/ ffi.ss.diy also teak hie seat as rgesMe- tat►ro el the new County e( fleece. flet the Warden god Coupe!! having • art of Caaftal Pmslskatwmite. EA." etwoytstMs h! dim co.vtcuoo on their minds, tb.t thorn !m▪ at the meet powerful argsm..t seed ► was really ■e wok Muelelp.hty to itis• r i (B IS Bfl 2 21.” t tp I , CRIMR AND ITN NNI/6iiilicP. .r. I. in waft •IIA MIR WA, Dar 64-k the toy • ample tea{ haw bees made le ehlals the ellitifftse groilestoigoity of the pnoeiple, or have, long since,incloded it 11.00( the aristocratic prerogatives of those who govern, 11041 from which there is little hope of deliverance. Perhaps the chief cause of public apathy o0 this subject io the fact, that it is seldom brought forward is that form in which it might to he examine. For iestaoe°, Vice - Chancellor Jameson bee lately been thrown wide with a pension, for life, of seven ken - /red and fifty pounds a year ! This is a eerione outrage on the industrious popula- tion of Canada ; 'sed, in so far as wo have observed, it has not been exposed in the manner beet calculated to excite pub'.;c in- dignation, or to ensure the destructs m of the iniquitous principle. Like most other ques- tions in Canada, it has been viewed through the misty .d*um of party feeling, and dis- cussed and condemned on the score of petty tactics. Mr. Jameson, it is said, is a tory of the old school--• member of Abe old Family Compact, and shonld not, on that account, receive a peewee. lieu is a mere nutter of opinion, and, no doubt, many be. ler. that the fact of Mr. Jameeoe's tory- tam m the very beet spelogy for ponsiosieg him. 1t is further said that a Radical Goys eminent in pessio.isg a tory, is insulting the whole Reform party, and is therefore, n o longer entitled to the confidence of Rs. dormers. We have already said that the pensioning of Mr. Jameson is an outrage committed on the industrious people of Ca- nada. But the iniquity would not he di. minished by supposing ■ change in Mr. Jaoreeon's political creed -neither is the outrage aggravated nor palliated by the fact that it has bees perpetrated by a Reform Government. The iniquity is is the prin- ciple. apart from all party feelings and con- sideration. And, in order to bring it fairly before the ?Milk, we shonld endeavor to forget that Mr. J.un..on had ever bee a .ember of any political party, and should make no allusion to the political creed of those tab 11.n given him the ewe. It appears that Mr. Jameas has for ma• nr years past, bean emoivis( twelve bus. deed, or twelve h.adred amid fits Perils a year d the peble money, as the *airy at- tached t• the Viee-Chaeeellor of the Coert o f ChssaMy. 1t is alleged that be was a very ti.eieions VieS.Chancellor-that ia, Mat many ef his doeide.. ..d that .ves sepeei.( that so-Vi...Ches. seller were astitW to mineines, Mr. Jam - ere bed forfeited his elsems bg hes imill- eissay. it is mot eseee.sry to este" rate the queensa of elt6e»oey es I.efeieney, os It may 0t ones he ews ..d that Mr. Jess - ..'s messes b the ekes. devise the whole period of W Is ombesay, was tet intik twelve Msdred p.s.ds me resets. btltdted moss w theChesdien pablM. If be reseered srr40 4 to the ssferts.ate h tease, decided that the Duke of Darker its sdvoeatea ween that lets( "ab* elk had jolt taken his Beat see year tee soca ! treme severity of the pateb.gt. Jews, 0a the same day (Tuesday) • moat out. felt a stress Wetterteoesvla, sad um 1 hetes ..serial fres James owing 10 the growt.g tvpeflstaae 4 obi Redraw, and other Week sad waits Death Psslebast, many or(siasla wap( g coa'ietioa, altbwg► %hair g.B% ins pile black and white inhabitutnts of Biddulph, was prataoted agaioet the serums' character of Mr. eppareat, and that solll of sr eos,Nttea, Shoff, as an &fledged moos why h. should •itch w*. the horror.atsrlaiaei"Lim pmi. o ut be received as Councillor or Rave of whines of death, that JuJ;ts.. Series, sad BidJulph. The document was altogether the hums' petro. of theeesa.wnity Bodo wonky of "Bed( Jim," but not worthy at, ouch strenuous ssortione ea behalf of the the County Council, .ed on the mottos cm ' erimi.0i, lkat the Ez.e.ti,o ere" 101141,01.. Mr. Beath of Downie, thea redia/ of it d seaters, commute the seates, except:eg la wee quashed. The Couscil thea proceeded a few of the sort "VW"( gala .l orfs to bnat.e.e by bristling Committees .. and it bit hese eery properly segued that "rend import,. •ubjecta, and this ad- lbw state of tbt.g•, earn l may rm.- jourasd till MOO .'clock os Wedoeeday cos of mar, instead of reproeaiag wise, worming. As we intend to remark o. the .mbelhed 0.rimliala to beer II" hazard* (emend tostures of tic• praceiIings, is our but that if ..c.adary puaisbmoa. were . ext week's moue, we shall conclude for- "betituted with an aktel.l. crr.iaty °I" for preset. TAKE NOTICE. Qtr' The Reeve of the several tows - ships bar eg, we believe, 1y agreed on Tuesday lest, that the Amass - mot and Collectors Rolla ice., should, as formerly, he furnished by the publisher of Ohio Hems Sierra! -it t. out duty to teti- mate to the Township Clerks and Acs... e on of the United Colette, that the As- .1...eit Rollo will be forwarded to the several towa.bfp by.the middle of Febru- ary. D.- We have j met been informed that Messrs. Hobson and Davies have obtaied a new costraet of the Mail be:w..s Hamil- ton and Goderich, to he roe daily. Aad for the more successful ; of the stages, we learn that Mr. Robson will im- mediately take ap his residers in Goderieb. THE COUNTY COUNCIL MST on Monday in the Court Holm, and re-elected Dr. Chalk Warden for the cur- rent year, after which they adjourned to the Huron Hotel. There was a full muster, every Municipality in the United Counties being duly represented. The following are the Reaves from the respective Townships, fis Tockersmith-Dr. Chalk. Goderich Town -Mr. Wallace. Goderich Township -Mr. Holmes. Colborne -Mr. Amsted. Wawanoeb, A.b6.ld, Kisc.rdi.e, lee.- Mr. Gsrvaa. Stanley -Mr. Ritchie. Hey -Mr. Bell. Ueborne and Stephen --Mr. Lamb. McGdhvra,-Mr. Flannigan. Biddelph-Mr. Shoff. McKillop and H.Ilett-Mr. Hays. Hibbert -Mr. Donkin. Logan -Mr. Rath. Fellesten-Mr. Hill. Bta.eherd-Mr. Geese. Downie -Mr. firth and Mr. Meredith. Ellie. -Mr. Gourley. Netth wtbepe--Mr. H..iltee. Moth Esebh.pe-Mr. Pry Mgt.. We asset de lees the. my tbst it i. • respectable awl as i.t.11igeat Council, and if its sets be qatt .al to its •ppeare•, we will have • t rn0.y geed dings to re - Med le its hen' before the sad of the year. it appears that • see tree of the people of Me liMHt y bed bees dts.ti.6ad with the .s.dsat of their Township Ceased devt.g toe pow yea, and. e. the 6M Monday of the premiss month, had held • s••tfag s felsir motes hest, io opp••ities le the masher NEWS BY THE ASiA. The steamship Awa arrived at New York on the 17th instant, bringing Liver- pool dates to the tib. E -Intelligence is to the 4th inst. NOtbing of . .A supply of medicos", with able surgeons, had bees sent to Jam•ica,sltloogh the cholera had subsided there. ' The Englwh btedit•rraomo Beet after • long armee, bad returned to Malts. Llysarool. Cour UMLAUT, January &.- Market remains without chang. i. prices. The imports of cured proviotor are small Good Lard rather higher. Hams urban - geed . Pork slightly advanced. Public securities improving. Silver is still advancing. Moony active. American rocks in good demand. FRANCS.- The Co.wstitta1ie,al charges M. Dope with baring published is the Deia/a, aa article which accuses Bo.apw- tisu with havirg plotted the murder of himself ad General Cban ar.ter. Dupio is President of the Assembly. The Patric states that the Ministers have sot the least toteotioe of rseig.te(. Gsarmir.-By &Jhices from Frankfort and Creel to the 27th ultimo, we learn that the Elector retuned to Crest on that day. His household troops attended hi.. The other troops cheered him. He has promised sot to most os the by his f of the• deeres of the 28th September, as a f the difficulties between the Pruseia0 and the Austria. C . The Ali C at Cassel bit published a proclamation threatesisg to enforce martid law ■gatnst any perste who shall create • disturbance in the streets. All hotels, in erre* offices, 'twirl/the houses meat be closed .t 9 T. r. Refractory ail rine are subject to coporeal peoniebe ant. A persa- e ent court-martial i. established. Count Leiser', the Federal - et at Hems Cassel, bile 'moulded the per. m•wet Committee of the Heiman DOM. By advices from Dresden to the 471h ultimo, tt'app•ars that the teenier; of roe Congress are towards durab C sr• lakfigility. plana' bo. twee the Prussian and Austna. negotia- tors. Accounts from Berlin to the 27th aline, state that Barron Maiteuffel and Priest 8 , were expected to arrive there on the next day. Ihtee from Visor' are to the 23rd e1t.- A hes been appointed to Holstein. The border bettslliose are en their march home from Bohemia. DuvrasS ane Tw. Dse.a1.-The Free Press 01 the Norde.table, under date of test(* ultimo, says that on • peewees day • skirmish took plan near Woeseide. 11 is sere that the dames, though their force we very superior compelled to retorts whkb with conelderable loos. ITA LT. -Letter/ fres Naples to the 471► ell. state, that the Neepoliliss Go- yer..e.t at the press.% moment is in • *tare of alarm, knowing that a c..eaderable e mber of founts emieteriea have teetered the kingdom. They are supposed to ewes. •te from Mos,... flete arrests have taken place on this seems* : and the acti- vity el the pollee M if passible greater thus ever. Thereto trials have occupied melt meatim. The meet pre*tsated as excite- ment heretofore enk.nwn. Tua.oy.-C isopl* dates ere l to the 16th .1t. The sews frons Aleppo M satisfactory. The rebels have bees bastes sy the E'er, who to eedea.oun.g to Jetts. dproucevtrefn41.rm... es o'eo•ssay for the pe•al the* Sween'--Dere• ars le the 17111 elt.- The project deftest in the /he reptemets. time eyelet, whisk hes fee • Meg 4u.m hese • wbyset .f nterest threnheet the 0..s - try, had that day hem e.etd, and the pMt.es slay he ellaside ed as dd.it.ly is every cam the ooat..ce would be fully carried Tato effect, this very eortaiaty weal( go far to dimi.leh, if not to extirpateerif.w, and it must be admitted, that the stats el public feeling, sad these stoniest. hove done much towards Iseeesiog the ream% terror* of our erimiaal law, and ebtaiest ostensive modillsatio.s elite esectree.ts, n either will tt be dinned that the efeacy et them modifications must in • greet =ass- ure depend upon the Executive Wag seal. o.sly supported by publie`epleise i. the ri- gid 1 of thea sedifid penalties which Imo law now ewerda to en•». 1 have bees led to them roflectiono by being informed that a Petite. is sow baa; hawked Ibreogh the Town of Gederie►, .rad has obtained many slgoators', pups( fw the i.mdiste rel..ve from du&oce of • pmol coerced only • few months age .t Larceny, and entree to three years ia. I 1• the Preview' Penitentiary. The criminal is a man who lined is Gode- rich mum year. age, ostler LM ikn*5y assn Dome. of Dandy Jack, but d.rlsg Mg Merl stay, 1e woo Irerwknown to do or my say - this( that could some him to the good epiei.n of the people o1 Goderich, and poor Jack was allowed to coaxs and go stasis mach mou.. being takes et kiss, but after the lapin of six or Mees year., we learn that Dandy Jack has bees eo.vi.td i. Loudon of en aggravated ease of Lumpy, which bad be 10.ssittd to the days George 1I1., of proem memory, would test certain. ly have mat him to the Gallows, het is those milder times, be 1. oety.•ent to the Peettestiary. But Jett re • repeatable relation in Goderich ; so he hid whee he was allowed to come a.d go .aooticed, but bete mow somebody, and ►M moieties feeling hurt at poor Jack'* u.plemat petite, gets hold of a sass who bas the hemp of wiled y tbo Township aethe hien, amid bei • settled. Amerika, to the twee ef the sleeted* Ceased of their own, frees which Mr. Weiss Carter tau neat as Roe" te the Cettaty Ceased. Bet beteg skew ib* eltltlp 1ag*i.ete mtbrky wblob .odd me- eosetitet,.s, my prepent fes a sheep of tds.o.W law, regains Use eswtM. e/ •..h of the fear seism. w►k1 enespo- mise the in. whine. the de►gy..wd lb* and passaetry. Tits omelet .t Nina bin the represwtstive Oahe Tows. ft seg les a edbnegbwees end y .1 per.. f N emceed s ire .w *4 tea herss d shim ii.nly. a tortais IOflt ilesensat few tea CatsllNAlas• Irgdy developed, or rather who bas s terIl.Nat of ..reiectisg good nature N ib sstnssfties, and is withal • clever basil at drawing up very pathetic sad moving potfttoe. The thing is deal at once; • few geed easy noels who write J. P. or Esquire after their names are prec.red first, ethane my i .d..;1 Rahe ablest'', bet my (Mead is• and ae, hes oigi.d it, i'll give yes my same, whale some foolish ►mage think that their same. can neither make it better ser worse, se doers they go, and by the time they get thee reviler oynyattkizarr who are always ready to say "01, poor Inas, get him out, wh.t's the em of beep - leg be. then, this will he • Items to blu;' the do.ume•t appears with seek an array of some, that its t►fnkw111.1 it forms such a "preseure fr.s wiitkt," that the Go,eram..t of the people dare .et w1lb.tsod u. Not Wising sees the politio., I canoes possibly ii•gine what plow are thereto cr- e ed i. behalf of the criminal, but i kno. that it cannot he &fledged that he is a thoughtless, javosilo d.Is.q.sst, midis can it be said that he u a• ignorant ons, Of Mat be was goaded by w.at or destiwlio., be therefore tomes fairly under the &eerip- ttom gives is his i.diet..st, namely,- " amely;" That net barter the fear of God before kis eyes, be committed the trine against the ere of Dur Sovereign L•dy the Qoees." 11. has had • fair trial ; • ed has bee am- vueted by • Jury of his e..atryme. 14414.- 1.0.5117 cheese, and the Jedge wisely thought that 1►ree yeas subjection 1. ane di.splu.S of the P..tto.tu.ry wag moee..a- ry fee the rohr.•tio. of the eriesutl, sea the pntectaoa 'eeasy, to say setting of - the pealOhsases whisk sigh i.ptavity sen tied. But Mose who have 0gsd this Poli- ties think otherwi..• and salty they .ma phew msotbiig epeeist i. Jack..•Amer, they 1s edict say, that such . '.tight set to be visited by nee► • ps.i.b.(t, fir of 11 be w'eeg 1e ileums ►i... long i. the Pea. otesuary. It Is equally wr..g t. (iv.7 .I.. s .t.(1 * p..asba..t for a amid sf ..4.ty at large be brought M mime *tete * f..hn se the t.hjset, (l trt11 osier a large ..ansa d imerbid e.n.Mi ty, es rater • mewbmk eympty ter mini - say whisk it is dtfetl1 to dismal/ ism fiat, sympathy with the ovine It..lf. flew, we are is the bent ef he•sMIM MM w. Mw • Oevwam et that &SOW Mg P• ir- e. fret the paste -4W kis f.N•"w 1 1b* fir ate ..teend that n sated M/'dypeep . e.rw . 4. ( ser, r flee njlvuatled skim otf tie maple. 1 Meld tbnefi.amek y.., Illi. R4.,.., Y else Otimea.. ehiesM