HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-30, Page 1Tap aIIILLINGB ter apv&OCB. VOLUME UI. alli & 4 - fijnr01I Signal, or rourt eis /MD e,ULtasap TS•1Uusl By TIMMAS MACQUEEN, alb0ew ars t rseessneu. •PltCl alaaawT-SQua•s, eo0atteu. •,' Bank sad Joh Priam', tad with o wner deal diupatch. T Roams SenrLL.-TEN 8111E - LAGS par assent if paid strictly is asinine* or Thestrs acs BIZ Puce with this expiration of the year. No paper dioewtiseed .will arrears are Paid sp.'.lass the publisher Snake t kis edam tags to do .o. Amy iadividusl in the eeeotry becoming re • p.asi►le for eta wbecri►cn, shall receive seventh copy gratis. ci All Ictter•addres..d to the Editor must bes pt paid, or theirwillmot be taken out of th pt ethos ■ e esth T ass or anrlsaTtn•o. Mestt lxlinodunder, first insertion J:0 2 f Ewsl, a.Megrent insertion 0 0 7 Tea lines and ander, first sensateo, 0 3 4 Each sibasq.eat Insertion 0 0 i( Over ass liths, fir.' Insertion. per line, 0 0 4 Each eh.wq•et taNrIien, 0 0 1 ET A liberal demount meads to those wad advertise by the year. NO'IICF To the Clerks sand Bailiff's of the Division Courts. rrEIE inerea.d demand for 8cwwornst and other BLANK WRITS, io cnn- • ee'ion with the bnsinesa of the several Di- visf•On Courts in the District, has warranted u s to printing them in mach tarter gnanti- ttos than heretofore, and . - Iv om•- him ase to sell then' much cheaper -there- fore we intim ,te to the several Officers re- gni►inr these Blank Forms, that from this date, flommnw•ee end all other Write he- lonviag to the Deletion Court, will he atnitd at the -Signal Ofos at the reduced u►ics of Two SHILLING! SAD SIIesNCH vas IIOeD1ID. �p Blank Deeds and Memorials, A ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT RiaAN1C4, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for tale at the Signal OM se. • Retry diDenville', n( ROf)K and JOB Printing executed with meteors and dispatch. oetrp1. A CHURCHYARD SCENE. 'T was ea • Sabbath serving, as the shadows weed Ions, Th• soa was just b•ut to set, the birds t• cease their song, I steered into the churchyerd, where tb•uw.de sleeping by, The deep that knows so waking until the jolt/meat-day. 1 thesght open th• follies, the pride, and pomp of Inas, Ad alas os the care, and rola :oohs alleited span. Hew soon they ell roost teem to Se, and quickly d.sappear, Ter the Wieser and the lords of the with lie. met together here. I sat .pea • usbeloae, Woe mems til alo,. And maws at the epitaph engavrd epos the Giese. Whoa, liokisg cep, I sheeted Ice the a mother with her child Case walking hand is hand, with demeasoe Glow sad wild. A little gimes beside es, they made their resting place ♦ad wall'1 *meld discern, there was mi.( on the mother's west, TAG tear drops trinkted on t11ui grave -the Meld looted tap and sad, Oh. Mth.r what'. Ihe matter ; ie'l here my brother's laid? Gime let as wake bis cep, mother ; l's sunt he will he glad : He must be cold sod heagry, too; , and, oh, it make* me sad To Ibiok of sle.piss here, mother, 4elow that gni, God Toe told eee, 1 an sew, meths:. that he bed g em to Gad. • "THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO TILE GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER (IODF.RICH, ... ...t OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1851. AGRICULTURE. LECTURES ON AGRICULTTEAL CHEMISTRY. d r and the eeil ; oleo, that the , d M ettremely simple, and may he takes into the plant to two diter•nt ways : either by • discriminate absorption of carbonic acid from air, through the leaf, during the day - of Europe. In modern times Spain has founded ecclesiastical cote/tee on this coos tioeot : several of which were established in California, and euoatitutsd the first civil- ized population of that country. Peace! time ; or by the iodfecrimtnete rtes of water colonies, •o far as we ars aware, were fin, N 011&T TOOLS asrD. sootaimag gases sod solids in solation, instituted by Great Belisle, whom Govern through the eztr•wities of rho roots, to merit, for the last half testury, bas bee, every portion of the plant. We caaoot carrying co as active colonization to Ates increase the amount of available food In sir ; trans by Deans ofeonvicts. we can, however, place abundance of all But modern colonization has been coo kinds within reach of the roots, in the Poem , ducted, for the most part, not by govern- uf meourea, stents, tot by indivdnsls, or by a.eoetatei The costiDunuz rise of throw in pistols, enterprise : and has bad its origin, some is due to the influence of two forces, -that times in religions views, and sometimes :n already described as capillary attraction ; commercial. Of such colonisation nor own the other -the pressure of the atmosphere. country presents the meat remarkable, as A common candle -wick, or any bundle of it is the most .sample. Young as cotton thread, ifhelu over water so that, the our covet', is in the fancily of nations, extremity of the wick or buud!e of thr ode there is no ons which, during the present jest touches its surface, will furnish us with century, has engaged more extensively in the precise mode in which water rhea the work of colonization. We speak par through the extremities of the roe:* to itcularly of the New -England States, whose every part of the plant. If no other (urce people have been to America what the were called into operation but the attract- Ilearachde were to Greece That vast regi - tion for water exerted by the sides of vee on lying between the Alleghany and the eels in the roots, stem and branches', the Rucl'y (Mountains, eomprl.irg nineteen imp would be drawn up to the highest part toeatlethe of the territory embraced by the of the plant, Sud then renin muuoolese, Dotted Staten, has been and will•bo peopled because there could bo nothing above to chiefly by New -England's sons. And now draw it furthur up ; let during the warm already the Rocky Mountains have ceased and dry weather of spring, •u'nmerand to bound theetrung flood of New-Rnglend autumn, the pap continually ascended and life. Already, basing reached the extreme Dutteetimes with great force and velocity.-- verge of the continent, it finds Its natural Its uninterrupted and rapid current I. main- teaue in the Pacific. Already, to thu.e Iydue to the pressure of the atmosphere, who have followed Om flood, what wee which is called into action by the vacuum west is east, and what was east ie west.- terested in the subject. resulting from thegresl evaporation which They look in the direction of the Rocky The concluding letter of the Bishop ofCthat the charter may be seen at the bivyoffice of the ►fountain• when/keylook for the rising Toronto, in sat far as it relatee to myself, I who edetic: ti Toronto, y any til theme [ who sigyd tit:petition. If by rhes is insert sun, and they look toward China when they will nut condescend to notice. I desired those who signed the petition first referred to, the it set. Ube puhl,catton .,f the Charter tor the bend- its perusal is limned to thirty-two individuate, Wo have spoken of a providential order 6t'and Information of others, and Dot to for only 'bat number signed the docemeat in in the history of colnmzition. What we acquaint myself with its eoaleut., of which question, -but sods say circumstance.' 11 would mean re this -that the fuued.ng of (tech being already fully aware, I was enabled to seem quite proper that every asnuer of our new colocy by which the earth has been encceas:vely taken up, and brought under miles -soon, iT nravi'entially limed in reds - lion to the then existing state of the world ser of the cutooising nation ; providentially timed and prov,denualle motive.' by some cIrcumatance whice torus up at the right moment, or some seotuneot which is called iotas play. Then never has been a limo in the ages o°history, when ermgrub on was not. Bot we seem to dirungosb three p•inep.l epochs in wh•ch it has proceeded with pe- culiar vigor. The first eemmences with the sixteenth or seventeenth century before Christ, and continues Lail the ninth. - The next commences with the second cen - tury after Christ, and contemns until the tenth. The lbard began with the sizteeoth century of the Christian era, aryl a soli In progress. It would not be. difficult, we fancy, to discover the final cause of each of :hese great movements, in the peculiar Salts of the limes wbieh produced them. - Thal fiat tide of emigration which coloni- zed Greece and Italy, Asia Minor and the Archipelago, was an eecal•e frorn the ex- ce• t- ey respire to build up their structure ceesive spiritualism of thn old Asian and or to change the nature of the eat, that its Egypt(an politics. The Greek and Roman fertility for ctottrated plants may be in- 01111flizetion established the .ocular element creased. Toe moat coovcreent mode of to government, put the State befnre the exhibiting the action of drflrrent manures, Church, and developel the indiviJunl, the ie t.. dascnbe each separately, and stele the intellectual and ptystcal man. Then the effete they nee capable of producing. exee•etee eenenaliem of Greece and Rome Farr-Yaao Ma!vas se nngaesuunably neoeesrtated the (hristtan reaction ; sad the beet kind ter geoeral pappoose : it t• i Cbrtatienity tequ:red new regions and new ,•a -ply ■cen.st'•l•, and contain' altthe sub- races in w ,ich to develop ice idea4. Hence +Ionise req•, red by cultivated ves(etables. the second great !leak: :e:it w h.c i c .'omzed Tee e.er. moot- of animals enoelel of a Europe with the Gothic Vibes. Bet now aurid sod Budd porton : the fluid portion is the Church ages° exceeds ; or else the riumeasar*ble richer in saline and immoral Church awl State, coinbuied in one interest rngredieote. and In amonis, than the solid become ton powerful for the ind:vtlaul.- portion. In 100 !be of the solid excrements The rights of. map are denied : Individual 01 the hone, there is generally to be found about 1/fee of vegetable ,miler, Yar.r.owrlve.-A Fallow implies the Te- pees of the soil or in other words Tres, to permit art. w*Tat, and TtetrrataTDsa, tit convert a certatu amount of insoluble in- gredients to the soil, into soluble and avafta Isle food for Oasis. A naked fallow 1. deprecated by mos practical agricultu- rists and agricultural' writers -they consid- er it also rnuch laud thrown awry for a time, and prop'ise in its stead a judicious ✓ otal.on of crops. It ie eery gesettonablc, bowever. whether a naked fallow is not cea,siitnatly absolutely neee..ery to lbw ec-unlry. where the growth of weeds is •z- tremen,eiy rand, and where the high _price of labor te always an obstacle to many bands being en,ployed upon a farm. A n aked summer fallow means to offer to the Canadian homer the moot a•a,leblu and cheapest method of cleaning hu field., e specially where numerous Niches of un- cultivated land, every road side, and every neglected farm is a surer, fur Camila this. ties, wild mustard, will chamuuule, cheer, muilen, foetal, burrs, aril ower noxious wee,is. Green Fallow, is a term used with reference to the cultivation of wheat, rye, barley, and oats. The principles it involver will be Ii,tn.duced under the head of. RoranoN or ('tors. -The origin and eonetitu,lun of *time la,urcd soil., is such as to regi ire.t:ie actino operotiun of air for lake.' place from the 1 . The Stoma ■ very limited period, to enable thein to pliers, pre*sing upon the surface of the offer •n abundant supply of soluble •01141 earth forceo the caster contained in the soil food for the purpose* of vegetab:es, with. through the roots to fill the empty spaces out say extended renown of crops.- oceaanoned by evaporation. When the Wi,eat, a flint plant, and tobacco a lime supply of water is sufficient, as in seasons plea, have been grown alternately un large of dnnuh, or ■t the close of evert hot day tract. el Iced in flungary, within 1110 int- the leaves drop and fregnenuly wither. in teary rd uiau, without any application of wet weather, nn the contrary, evaporation �nauure. In many parte of IG pi er and Lew(rum the leaf mates ; the sepia consequent er Gana's. in the valley of fhb Thawed and lye escapable of nstog-it stagnates, loses rebelheu. -*110.,1 has been take, trout the its vitality and rieesys, and terms • fertile soil for 4u and even 50euecesitve yeah', the null for the growth of fungi. (For the roil eveslually becoinusg incapepbfe of re cause alai dreent of nap from the !ewe tilting a prufltable crop. The repose of a to the roots, the Note 9) The general fallow for • few years, restores iia f.rialriv, course of Om sap in vegetables, a truce the During the period of fallow, air, water, ruOit thruugh rho newer wood (the W- and temperature, exert their decomposing ",rood), to an upper layer of veto. in the tofloesc••, upon the cull, and convert an leaf; it here loses much of tte water by abendance of insoluble mineral Iagredtents svaf °roti°°' It then payees from (be ep- into soluble food for vegetables. The al per layer u( veins to thee leaf to an °Apr tereato growth of wheat sail to►seer•, upon lays Immediately beneath thous, through the ferule eel of Ilen[ary, present• us with small cap.11ary tubes. From the lower • n easy and familiar nlostrsuon of the layer cf Tetas in the leaf, it decends through benefits reneging from • rotators of crops. the inner bark towards the root again.- Wheat require. • targe •mount of flint ; During Its Senear, a ley• no new wood, tobacc:', sn equal quantity, of I,Ine. Whim and strengthens tbo vessels of the old wood the wheat isgrnwing. the lime le a soluble by Vice them rip with solid matter.] . tato, a ace.inculatiog in the swot .red ties Mascau.-Whatever is added to the soil growth of the tobecco acts as (allow for for th,r p"rpose o1 tneressinr it. Tenthly. le the preparation of the coil Jruwheat be termed • loaner*. The object of the farm - Muse Iobsece doe. not rrgnrrc those par- •r, in the use of manures. it either to place ocular irgredienti, which are ueeealial to within the reach o1,egctables, the rubntan- the growth of wheal. It will be seen that the principle of a rota, en of cops depends upon the cniliva- tirtp of a Flint plant on• year. a Potash 'dant the next, and a (.one plant the third and w on. The character of Om .oil du- ,errn nes whether one, two three or four •wars ah&uld interviste the introduction of diff rent kinds of vegetables. The trito t ng table given be Liebe', may afford an tlloeiratnm o. thin impur•ant p :nupla. Ie 100 Iba of the teh of the rolloyting vegetable., the pontos of Potash and Buda, Lime and Magnesia, and are given under their r..pseuve bead.. al least to foreign ioe••10o ; now that the 'allay of the Mississippi tapeopleJ, or stud del with centres of population which. in due course of nature, must extend their radlauoes over the whole of that east ro- tten ; ■ow in short that the fortune, of the •ountry have attained a growth which ren- ters them proof arsine' theorJinary camel lee incident to cations, nuw, hest the God of nations uncover. the h1JJvn riches o' that Distant coast aid displays its golden attractions to the ever ready enterprise of tblepeople, that so the whole breaJie of the eontinret from °coo to ocean may to secured to the Ane!n-American rare. The. timeliness is In any view remarkable, and carries the Impression of a providential de• Ego to all who are accustomed and dnpos ed to trace to the course of History, the co•tnsels and loadings of a higher Power. - Christian Inquirer. From the Globe. JOHN TORONTO'S SECTARIAN COL LEG E. in another column will be found a very c moue and edifying correspondence be• tween the lion. P. Il DeBlaquiere and the Church of England Bishop. It has been +rut to us Ior publication by Mr. De Blagmere: with the otluweng letter:- Sia,-11ay I request you to make public the enclosed correspondence as soon as convenient, for the information of those in- $ TWELVE AND 81X PENCE AT TISK sen W Tat• Ulna. NUMBER L. the University of Torontm If this' desirable result .ou1J be accom- plished. I ann confident that Poe euurre would beat further the true interest of the Church of kiogland, arid would be hailed with pleasure by a large majority of bee member. in this Province. But if on the other hand the Mahan Al Toronto •t.11 perii.ts Ip Ms present 1011n- -woe, i shall feel it my duly to mete an ad- dreu to Ulu Excellericy the Governor Gens• rel to the Legieleave Council, so woo as the I.egiel+lure esesmblee, prating 1..r 1hn .,roductioo of 1'•e charter In quest:on; aril an address to Her Majesty rho Queen rot to grant the pante for tllu reasons arced, gni°. 1 have ke., P. B. DEBLAQVIERK. Yorkville, Jan. l3tb, 1831. THE CHURCH UNIVERSITY. No. I. -Cort L.rree-Hos. P. D. Diaaa- a is a 10 Tata Blume or Toat„Tu. Yottentte. Jan. 7th, 18.51. Mr Loao.-1 have been informed, that you have laid teethes • Committee ,o 'l'nroeto, acting o o behalf of your intended University, • copy of the charter which wee prepared by yourself. whilst in Eoglaod, and submitted for approval to the Colonial Secretary. It dues not appear that its provison• were made koowo to the ser- e ne. who applied by petition to Her 5I.jcaty ah• Queen I0 • charter; or in the members et the I. hutch of England in this Dioses on whose he. halt it was w.ught. -, 1 am informed your Lordship has •neouoeed, P• t. and Lime and Flint Plant•. S,.da, Mag. Flint. Oats .1 ran S. seed, Sllbs. 41lbs. 64b-. Wheat Etre 1-1 •' 7 " 6I " Barley •,rest to seed, 19 " 15 " 65 Rye straw. 18 " 16 " 64 " Lime L• Magnesia Plent. Tobacco, 24" 87 " Pea atraw, 26" 64" Puttto Stalks, 4 " 59" Closer, 39" 56" Pot. & bods Plante. India,. C. ro, 71't 6'1 Turnips, 82" 18" Beets, 88" 1-" 0" Pot•toee (tubers) 85 " 14 0 " 8 ,8o 86 ,. 6 18" 0" 3 do salute and mineral ingredients, 78 do water. sod amass speak wasp old world no place or privilege, takes refuge Fond the reach of civil' which you were sop, est the violent beat;deleted w introduce 1e. 100 ,:,a, in the new which Providence had just open In concluding *hie, to tyre, painful d'ec°s- 1 bare, Si,. the hiker to Ire, The vegetable matter is s'owfy diatom- l ed to its need. cion, and iuto which 1 have keen forced. 1 your obedisit hm, i.te arnact, posed to 11,. presence of sir, and becomes There comes a time in the hinters, of wuu:d fain observe, that my eypn:hensioos JOtIN TORONTO•' converted into carbonic acid, water mad ae the working of the 1 _...,rsity Act, and thought end action are sunpressed. Hone Proteetsuti.trs-religmur, .octal, persona Prots.tsatiem-brut step toward self -g.. vernncent. Protestantism, finding in U. 'tato its obnoxious character. This state- ment remains uncontradicted, as well a• the allegation m Letter .No. 3, that the liehop of Toronto used his utmost endeavours, *heti ib k nglanjl, to convert into a' Royal menu, in Upper Canada'. Charier whet he is now pleased to term a I committer :his right extends testi of every de. •• rough Diann." -although wholly one nomination inier,oied in U..iversiiy e.l50. 0., knows to Canada to those fur whose bene but upon that n ta out 00* reeessery to soar. 6[ it was and to be sought. 1 am, therefore, :educes' to request your 1eorJ- 1 was sot the originator of the "'fender- ship will permit me to have • copy takes of this •+ document, in order that it may be brought under Orr accusation" -they originated In a pamphlet promulgated by the Bishop of thenett ho ar.,Ynorer urch or less, interested dot 'berets` Toronto, wht!e in England, artd were direct - g It your Lordship oh cos to my having • •opt ed not only spinet the ehar•etec of the tel en: or my becom:::g the medium of i to aom- University of Toronto, but involved that of momeatioo: will you be planned to Baum it to be three meoister, of religion, (two of them of printed, ane dutnbured to each Church Society the Cbureh of England, and nteeoors o( uI the Diocese, general or parochial, ier the put - the University,) and of every one else coo lic iwfuru,al,00. Elected with the Institution, including toy- 1 have the hnoor be, my Lord. eel(, se Chancellor, who, it ,s to be protein- Your obedient home,. errant. P. 8. DaULAQ1:1ERE: el, was pointed at as presiding over a - - Godless and anti-Chri'tinn L,rtitvtion." ' .1o. 2 -Cory LaTTas-Tea Busy To Ea. I cannot aduut the right of any mats, even, llcBu teas of the B. shop of '1Oruuw, tiles u...tigma- • fuwtatiV ,eke. Ica, In.11. size me, or to debar me from giving •tate- 1 Bra, -1 ham tb• h..ur to aekoowledge yet merits so erroneous, an unqualified and I letter of this day is wloch you prat% assent direct dental. The document in question I ibe liberty to interfere with wrist you call ay was circulated by him everywhere out of i io:aided University, end to req.est a copy of Canada; butt had been seen by very few i the rough droit a the darter. wretch i submitted within the Province; it only came into my while in Lordun to Ilei M.jesiy'a Priuc.pal poseee.ton accidentally, very late to the year. It to to this document and its author, and not to thistle who merely re echoed its sentiments, that I feel tailed ea to reply. - I never intended to reit the capabietfee of tb. University Bel of 1849. for religious adsptatroo to all claim*, excluelvely on the preamble of the Act of ISO yea-, as sleeted Church which you state coo•ias ul '21;0.OW; each head of ■ family amongst us, whether sp. `proving or not of your mteottonr, hes as un- doubted right to Dee, if se diepoeed, the pruvi. None of a charter ails -ming the whsle of ..sr coot - Secretary til ;tate tor the Cutout's. Mateo been eaue acquuuted mace my raters from Eugland with your baler and uechnata■ ho. rimy to us* Cuu,eh Uuiversty, I sus /scarce- ly prepared lar etch a request-becaaas in tha auuplic,;y of my heart 1 naturally thought, that :hose, woo did vet cut erbuie to its support, and were ualricodly, would at the very least lent It tucumbeul oo them, as geodemeo, even if poe- try me in the doeument lard bc•.•re the seasoug but a very stall there of delicacy aid Senate -but brought it forward es Mantra, sonnei iLI nt ase alone. hl,raa moos this luteal eonclusioe, sod have oreof the character of the institution log really uotbiog to conceal, 1 shall with great geuerally,ln regard to ,religion. Had that Oolong comply w.tiiyour request, °npreeedeat- preamble never mooted It can be ',hewn that ed as it must be al fewest to be, so aeon as yon favour me with a correct copy el the slender -Gs d,,cuinent til leo or twelve pages which you Dr.. seated some time ago to the Senate of the Cot. resell of Tomato, end litewise an embroil. e the first Act was inky eq.ul to effect the i sant. objet,; and in point of fact It fe under - the prurierons of that the religious charac• e ter of the University has been placed be - ammonia -the atmospheric fund of points. In a ton of fresh Gorse manure we find about 40 lbs of Flint, 7 do " Po'a•h, lido "Soda, ltd "Iron, 3 do " Lime, 2 do " Magnesia, Toe sed a win • kappr plae,, •oe'h•t he ware After dramas', so op•ratloa in the man- 4 do " Phosphorous, a crows, agement of a farm requires so much ! do " Sulphur. A geldee hasp you rid he bed. likewise a kingly b,rethooghl as the in reduction of a pupa The older immure it the lees vegetable dame' ° rotation of oro A number t.f rotations Teeeid he a.. hie maker thew, au piweir ps' matter it coonsequ owing to its dreumpu• ere given below as illestratiota of this int• mitten, and copse aceta escape, in the form Gee to fang 9 Pe. Bat yes surely have mistakes, this wane: be portant department of huebasdry. of carbonic acid, water and ammonia ; at the Orme. It n to Ire we'll observed, that no general the same time, the mineral ingredients will way o their rr+etal and mnrsl rowtA.- rule can be given. The rotauoD depend' remain u°dimmir erd in quantity. It [ It is, however, satisfaetary to nAmrrvc.. tete eek. uI 'hoes who are deeply interested u 111, little dear, Elie maker said, yes know the In ■ rest measure upon the character and Sterner conditions opal • Ion[ education that the Bishop does not nose intuit that the . the result of what you are seeking to establish.- Asti • we hese, [ p° is •v •dent, .that a ton of ofd manure ton were r utred, beto-e the could occas p 1 believed, ruJ rill this,k no till ouun naiad -death they leave ibe body, which is laid c"ispwitiee of the sed ; oleo apoa lite latae tail+, far more mineral substance. than an ,hal region to advantage. ,The hard soil 01 u,rsity u'• d dle.s !or the ground irnding i n• the parr of your Lordship to eleni the tattled kel.. A profitable practical rutauoa, ahem a al wsi ht of fresh mauute ; hr.ce clic Inchie un of that term on the that it 1.. nod this Charter1eteto be nude koowo in Cans- iste ,be gun*, differs widely from a rd theoretical ons. q [ New F.nrthe r end two centuries of tom was used retreat,* to the spin of the y Tl. wl Airs io iia Make►, sad, if washid ie y y reason why farmers prefer old manure for mi."in the task of .elf Reveromee4 were P peeping ds, until it had recenr1 the Royal sanction; sed aaim, bleed Mao, obnow nasew wast Immediately coils rich Ip vege'able matter. oecessar to fit them for their future work supplementary bill of 1950, he negsuvelm 1 heteve a, breams 1 n aware your L,rdch,p. and dwUoahon, And when, •a length •emits that his complaint on that reeve, If 1 toed ever, effort when in Eoglitd, to coo•er., the fullness of time had ere eyed, rhe door ever sourd,-hes been removed. Indeed he ! what you are now pleased le call a rune droit could not with any propriety now rennet' ism a Royal Charier. m 1 • * t Yate character u - - . • . of that broad t.ntta with thrown open, in such an ate etien for De. ' Bettina aide li.r the prism whet 1 s.sert, sad limits - awful day. - •� - ry R.+*yen. tatty x W and war end remise were sent ter sir them R / wall hereafter rove, that re Uni*ers„y lurtib• dke. Professor of Divinity in K,wc a c.o.'s I D tt►1a.10 this war sad the sea .ed neon, with ROTATION Coc•aa, No. 1. A PROVIDENTIAL. ORDER IN THE westward to take possession of thea putt:• ' ties a n.edeJ ser the Chnreh of England sinal Gm *ell sell awe" 1 fat year, W Mat (Elisa Plat IIISTORY OF COLONIZATION. m007• continues to holt offlee in the (integral!' obsesses* iia 1(pper Canada. 1 obewns that tba at sties tbt "was shall saboss, sed sods anal as Professor of Novel PMlmvrpfty, tt.*. gfl i obsesses* feature* of roe r istetded Charter are eedlwlila 2nd do Oats with Clover (Mitt Potash The occupation of Now California by the he is w' known ro hn1A atrnnR clew• m tAese:-n le not 'Orli a chow of Ytetorl. or Aid, like sate the ere appearing, the jeer shaft Plewa). Caviare is the fruit of colosisatien.-. Anglo-American race, now in progress end regmrd to the connecting of rsltgrouo lewd 'Queen'* College, or of King's College, as it I. es, sbsin.. 3.d do Clover for Hay (Lorca Plast). Every civilized °tiro .arae once • colony. happily deferred until now, is another stn- secular teaching. ) *sal to he; lin a Chatter intended to rest in A• 4'h ob Grassi. and almeet .*Gly same which attains a king tllottn6nn of tM rams povldential IT rs tp be presumed Oita Dr. Beaver, an I Bishop et Toronto anal his eoecrwere 1, this TM owe ked mak behind dm wave, teed timely bib do tanned and broken rip for sheet. high degree of eivllnsuole, aasds out new gaelkod, It seeds bot little aequaratsnce a Miwimrer of 1MSnRlrsh.ehurr h, r* mous[ d,ocev. wi,Lout cnntruuy, :he whole p..wrr and the Omni R COOSAIL, 1 calamine f t which to new lands with the fee's or history and the lases of tM ed that h etrikstl n e n be rh. le "II" teihonty o' a Unavwrs:ty Ins:unnon, dres:lly vel"Ma ealbeinel mead the perm& aekird, whop •Dew race a wanted on for anxieties se to the result. &tufo lose from I No. 3. -Cory Leona -Ma DeSteeetsaa ro 1 THE B1au0T. YoRxv11.Lx, Jan. 9tb, 1851. .hlr LORD, -I have to acrnowiedga the r.- eeipt of your letter of the 7th 5051 • a reply se mise a the save date. 1 cannot perceive soy• thing is my commuuacatioo welch should cat stage. '1 hen, cal oo ao' a&t. G• d fate lee clic belief 1. at they could not bo •vccet.- tbat race from its enrage okecunty and fully brought into operation of this point, gives it the place it to dtrtined to oscopy chap from the doubts I entertained bow tar n his design. There comes a time when a numerous body composed as is the Senate a nation already ctealzed requires • now of the University, of persons 0f venues res reams is which to unfold as powers and I d brought t char fur • rgwus uplmul •, aw oge cense as pert. Theo, and no sooner, wy the first tine, -how far they could he forth who you have 'damned to me. 1 irtend• some pc,videnlial occurrence, the new ed to write in all courary with • Christie. sp!ri4 region is brought forward fir pn.a'•,rsion.- brought to agree as to the made in which aced is the language to which uuly one pest{s- When the col wee which eetlled Plymouth rel:griuc inettnchnn wan to he arranged: ,tan ren nIdirss souther. I have n ,e U s deter. And M huseti. Bay first landed on these end these doubts and d:fficn!hes were ,n ;mined, tl er- asme ayint hu been shown s ms shores, God did bet lead them at once to creased by c:rcum•t.ncea into which it is by your lordship. -fhi•, however, will out the ferule valley of the Muneipfi. ice very mar necesri••y naw to enter; hut whim. divan ms from my lung -filed and settled por- ferti!itJ would have been an obstacle in the mail providentially, have been removed, puss. as I hope ac 1 Detre•, for ev.r. illy request was not on my own behalf. but for 41 aakesn o pima he Heaven, aap.g the holy, present them.el.es to the practical tanner j..s, sad [�• for this de.itnetr.n : ouch as climate, local (To le coatintaed•) or gamest diseases, accidental peculiarity IMP tt.dr +•sen ' :lse. till the seal and he ph alf themils flus *5, - - OT*T10H •, No. D pep w IC tarry - Aaman mind, to eon ora what would Riven aov there i� no d,,ett whatet er aeon 1pd'reQ'iy' whether palmist, administrative vee have hese the lire of to_ klasssebewtu the subject, as the event w of ,.risen. raacotine L ,1t• he not so, I ask yner Lerd- molar, orad it lea d on of this whole sh.p •pin, to p.m':t ins de. ement to he set .00stry, 104 it leaded on a gold epee' in. The mother's already token by the fw,a, and 1 moat ste.sd cnn.,elyd ver filiwAn«I. oi..d of opo which pr....nied so lucre temp- Senate with a view to religious ins' ale Agates ouch eerampe,on vet •rbrl$ry peter, 1 ulios to the more tortoise hunter to thoi of 1101, are an e&tge.t of whist b to follow; protest in 'Le name of B.iii.h freedom. mitt wsi, the are clear, de6a110 and satisfactory.- 005115/0 151011. my *nice rgs,nal n, and relit Neer Eugenol. Iles moor t• see that of the Am n h 1 that I) h* rear frorn tAe erraw,.on el eet.ua,mng W- elepw .( the owe Nowa,. with, all ihet • R ser ,sad ■weAnsrsea h Be b • R fwd th d' lei n of the study pew nese. ,rad w teem : pod do YY►10at /Post PIGpt i'hs mother mad ire r(ttts child dors might the Sed do Pmt ((rami' Potash blast ). eb•rebr.ed gem, Amll mid bawd jam th.w I Neer 1I 4th de (Ase with Clover (Fleet Potash fidget. W O Plant). 5th do Clover (Liao Plant). R'•Taiiois Comma, Vo- 3- 1st year, Seca or Temp (Potash Pl•ot)• led d• Wheat Whet Pipe). tied do Red Clover (Linfei'tanl). 4th do Wksa' (Filet pbn RaTassaa Cates&, 4. �pi".;leet� 4tNt, Towles or $,aaaa. r+��urtvl(Ppt. A i 40 ,W, with *$ �lOtt (11.1. m. rim t1�*+ r • IM4p Tbw• Is sea led►posat attire 1. Verities, arM•rs.• Ansa sal •m►• this Game as Qat, tors. This is wk• rsdarideel w1. ra • pets - He pl... r.e e, .Jr ' As be Me..irmg enk•Radhy es�mybo M ' ]bar t10 w 114. jda• shiest oma t its L *eases tilling ewe •earn Memel' gt tM it woe ger tamer thlhef lbw satimeWa • 1 Mon A(I * f 0 m, t .e e. Rd artabt.fr�� • •IMM i1• r.do,edatot population, ns manners and ibe arts. Wtthregard to the meet ancient' ••tree•, Iedle, Perot, Egypt, thus a • mat or el wwlefwose. Woe sward to others, it teat Netter of testtaaosy. Palatine, we know was colonised y Hebrews from Egypt. Attlee was Wattled by It pyrites sod Phrpelmadhlswwrialsw• ; the PelopeD rmsme by she 'I4seemis li used the Dotage ; Soul l se4 f3•w.thera Judy by the Greeks. Coloowasuoo by star sapient. was rneduc- twl, le flirt, b" privet* wuleprire, bat ekfel- ly b' tiro Nth Pee. TIM wAMww emit d A«• Mar ani arse el tM1M•Ms d tb. Greet- �klMiat" !Mw b litresk camel' et. Asa �. Area? of tM camel' f ea t .tli( z'N eyty SV. Atwell womb Nbtill , bold hunt We gm* *pie ' a_4 &! irl !gam a Uteri* t p at these may mention t a ,'• yspG b the Chiral iht• geld..p..•d, hod Wed the Atlantic instead oven e • ec • iT o N, ) of the Pantile, the valley of the Mimis.dopa of Moral Pbf!o.nphy into Dittos and Met. Y,wrardship h pleased to siea taeh ruse e- woold hes• www a opens item 10 thve dfv. platy• + and ha. instituted • separate med•I dill... in 'be paoeoe of .,.y rrgee•sl. 1 cove- t to nes Ant swell • soft wrwN end nota for the " reit.... see Hit has or, with the first. sod .ae4• • copy .w *1151 yes. eruv thesitsmt,'• 1 4he swop Ant a d eros the 8.1da of the statute into the 9soat10 requiring that lee• preen ed R000loo e. " • `old of that Idea i• TOMO 'Mae set he ell.w•d at wieder* with was refuted rt. eees4Mnnes, end repot rn • Me via of religiose t .I,ueuos. Csesmwtior. ad u. still twee. their. I thew. and ; het AisttetheielefteenAetRe *new [w t tR ..thief ntnetrid (leen It. r.eept tA. etctrta.r, sae bots Ittapriss, hM t flown U•d•' these eheseNtasem, 1 hop. the ih4 Vlawis Csltega ser.teerd..d tta►odbsu. Lariat goo, from L. sselsctue newsstand BN►op of Taranto) may be iwdoe*d to �f'e sell '1Ysis b 5 t.e. as 1 wa..,tiaes assrwmw t ew tbgirAPO snjgel la the. cold et so hie pre•n*,sit.Sdege lea to an exclusive .4. 1 M.e row,* a kik.* taw that ttwkisage hew s}� ener * Mn bete �� a ss - or* so 1eoe0 If tit AMerksa fade, UnI&�tl�e is it•aiwlir•f with ty kept spat er the "Olio r e• is. • • 4b.ytrt ti •�fw t le ley also announced his intewtles to i•iced"te • are pleased in call the ,fowl name ben sattsoed the tors who r10.i4led to she geese' d the tfe:ee+wly. t, .