HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1985-11-06, Page 11Ontario farmers plan St. Thomas rally Saturday
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Trading brisk at Brussels Stockyard Friday
The market at Brussels Stock-
yards traded steady to higher on a
brisk demand on all classes of
cattle. Feeder pigs sold higher.
There were 1332 cattle and 587 pigs
on offer.
Choice Steers were $79.00 to
$83.00 with a sale to 88.00. Good
Steers were $75. to $79.
Twenty-eight steers consigned
by Maple Emblem Farms of
Dungannon averaging 1283 lbs.
sold for an overall price of $81.44
with sales to $88.00. Eighteen
steers consigned by Don Kreadger
of R.R. 1, Elmwood averaging 1258
lbs. sold for $83. with their offering
Ontario's farm organizations
have united to plan a major
farmers' rally in the middle of
federal Agriculture Minister John
Wise's riding.
The rally is scheduled for
Saturday, Nov. 9, beginning at
10:30 a.m., at the steps of City Hall
in St. Thomas, Ontario.
Mr. Wise has agreed to attend
the rally and hear representatives
from farmers and their organiza-
tions regarding their demand for a
re-instatement of the Farmers'
Creditors Arrangements Act.
Organizers of the rally say they
want to impress upon Mr. Wise the
high degree of concensus among
farm organizations on this issue.
The federal government has taken
insufficient action to date to deal
with the unparalleled farm finan-
cial crisis, they say.
According to John Langlois,
chairman of the Liaison Committee
of Farm Organization, farmers
want a re-instatement of the
Farmers' Creditors Arrangement
Act, legislation which was intro-
duced to deal with the farm
of 43 steers averaging 1236 lbs.
selling for an overall price of $82.74
with sales to $83.70.
Twenty steers consigned by Joe
Morken of R.R. 3, Lucan averaging
1164 lbs. sold for an overall price of
$81.66 with sales to $83. Six steers
consigned by Grant Collins of R.R.
1, Kincardine averaging 1103 lbs.
sold for $84.85 with his lot of 14
steers averaging 1115 lbs. selling
for $83.15.
Fifteen steers from Tuckwood
Feedlot of Granton averaging 1204
lbs. sold for an overall price of
$83.17 with sales to $84.70.
Forty-one steers consigned by
Morgan Bros. of R.R. 1, Hensall
financial crisis in the 1930s.
"Until such legislation is in
place, we insist the federal govern-
ment extend the current morator-
ium on FCC farm foreclosures to
include all farm foreclosures, " Mr.
Langlois said.
"Politicians have always told us
if farmers could agree on a
solution, we'd have a better
change of getting government
action. "We have-accepted that
challenge, and now expect the
federal government to act on our
demand for legislation," Mr.
Langlois said.
Organizers of the rally include
the Ontario Federation of Agricul-
ture (OFA), National Farmers
Union (NFU), Canadian Farm
Survival Association (CFSA), Wo-
men for the Survival of Agriculture
(WSA), Concerned Farm Women
(CFW), and the Catholic Rural Life
Conference (CRLC).
Liaison Committee members
include Mr. Langlois, (519)
475-4049; Tom Shoebottom, (519)
666-0289; Beth Slumskie, (519)
363-5855, and Joe Miller, (519)
averaging 1244 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $81.04 with sales to
$83. Twenty-two steers consigned
by Douglas Wagg of R.R. 5,
Mitchell averaging 1204 lbs. sold
for an overall price of 81.08 with a
sale to $82.75.
Seven steers consigned by Larry
Smuck of R.R. 4, Wingham
averaging 1150 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $82.03. Twenty-six
steers consigned by Eagleson
Farms of Parkhill averaging 1243
lbs. sold for an overall price of
$81.64 with sales to $84.10.
Thirteen steers consigned by
Skinner Farms of R.R. 3, Mitchell
averaging 1187 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $80.81 with a sale at
Twenty-five steers consigned by
Maryborough Farms of R.R. 1,
Moorefield averaging 1310 lbs.
sold for an overall price of $80.40
with sales to $83.25.
Forty-one steers consigned by
Gerald Ball of R.R. 1, Embro
averaging 1153 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $79.28 with a sale to
Choice Exotic Heifers sold from
$78.00 to $82,00 with a sale to
$86.00 choice white-faced heifers
were $76.00 to $80.
Seven heifers consigned by
Leonard Archambault of Blyth
averaging 1080 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $82.58 with a sale to
$86. Forty-sixe heifers consigned
by Fred Marshall of R.R. 3, Fergus
averaging 1071 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $82.04 with a sale to
$85.25. Eleven heifers consigned
by Alvin Grainger of R.R. 2,
Wroxeter averaging 1066 lbs. sold
for an overall price of $82.92 with a
sale to $84.25.
Sixteen heifers consigned by
Doug McPherson of R.R. 2,
Wingham averaging 1055 lbs. sold
for an overall price of $80.95 with a
sale to $85.50. Twenty-eight heif-
ers consigned by Wilfred Haines &
Sons of R.R. 4, Wingham averag-
ing 1107 lbs. sold for an overall
price of $80.41 with sales to $83.35.
Thirty-one hereford heifers con-
signed by Bellview Farms of
Bluevale averaging 894 lbs. sold
for $77.85 with a sale to $79.75.
Eleven mixed heifers consigned by
Ross Balfour of R.R. 2, Dublin
averaging 1118 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $78.32 with a sale of
$83.75. Four heifers consigned by
David Marks of R. R. 4, Brussels
averaging 1015 lbs. sold for $81.00
with a sale at $83.00.
Thirteen heifers consigned by
Allister McIntosh of R.R. 7. St.
Marys averaging 1132 lbs. sold for
an overall price of $80.03 with sales
to $82.70. Eight heifers consigned
by Bert Elliott of R.R. 2, Blyth
averaging 995 lbs. sold for an
overall price of $79.06 with sales to
$80.85. Choice Cows were 46.00 to
$49.00 with sales to $51.25. Good
Cows were $42.00 to $46. and
canners and cutters. $35. to $40.
Thirty to 40 lb. pigs traded to a
high of $1.00 per lb.; 40 to 50 lb.
pigs to a high of .98; 50to 60 lb. pigs
to a high of .95; and 60 to 70 lb. pigs
to a high of .80 per lb.
Both Brussels Stockyards and
Corbett have several loads of
choice ranch calves arriving this