HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-23, Page 31111111011611 M arse W sex they; to de, seri 4 white he has Ghent se mesh right MOD meat, is Otleee t .swell hod fen the wens* .kerns. pad bx Grad Isldaa, sad ►r ass Bir T. owe the ethwl slay ►1 the Bs- psbife.s v Cs...wesi et Eagles/. Th... -, the Newt wows rswtsd ie ter .s.brri.g hoer w • airs wbe weer had say thing le de Is tW deigns sad ...vrraryng osa OM a • whish sea teemed. wee tel ebeash.Ms a loa-oslled Leasing - whisk we keg trig te the.betebelden of tbsCeseda Ce'opa.y the Isae they will hoed ..r-'-ai by da eebbsw .vests. I will Neo yen Otte Gesseeie.ioaee Widdrr ersdit fen knew - leg mss Leiser Amato is lb. yew 1844, when ...sealed 4 abwiag nese 3 w 4 sen set - nue s 00awe Twat, the it was easier . pox +yegda y £132 Bs ild is 10 yeerer thea le pity Mae is 11 years ! Mei regard le deist Mills, the Canada Com- ppss /!! Nil' 4, see of which still moan* os iheir M.M the ether 3 were disposed aim meet ad- esstsgeose tens, est taking isle eossderaties that • Piot MIS, a Baw 0,1,, • Schaal, • Blaakoawti's Thep, a Bbsewakees Shop, .n the sseesmedatiese .eight sad esesir•d after, by mea w pard.. deet to Is..te to s sew cesatry seek u the Hese* Tract. This wee • project widen no late C of the Canada Campo* sever lost eight of, but which was u well u all ether most I by lits. C•nsmisaieser Wid• des. The Mille W.. completed as berets es forth. is 1837. i wish te be r-_ _i l- -- - ( Net*. -We do sot pretend to he s lil" lodge of other t►. ms Use of the foregone, Q Y k t ZS . OODi:RICH J g ase • me+e. Br 3d. seer 100 rad coed .we their mists t. C ---, Wil- der. he set baring se/thIeg to de with the akin d the Cassis C.mpsey 1■ Caasda aril the year 18391 1a to year 1814. the Canada Cesspits, ems - mewed hailing a 8.eemboat at Oodericb, which bad thea •a b•rbear. The Compton bed at that ported, to be Matted of is Godeneh, 1,010 Tem teseeme4 whits the boll ed this hambsg Let me laid down. you added £3 to the the peke .f seek of year Town Lou: and erten this Brat wits Ia.sehd their was • farther sera of L3 trdd.d le die pries deaeb Lot is the pew Tows sl Oedevieb, for ba(Idies the Stess- best for which yea Geek .. mach eredlt i■ your pe ag prospeetes, •otwithnsadir that you saddled the Tows• Plot with • debt of £ 10, (001 Yeo named the Bose is Carload at £ 15.000. •t • very reaeseaNe rat. paved • policy o• that in - susses for 3 yenta-drewerd the b..t-peeket- ed the £15,000. and los/bed at no idea of the settlers req.e•uag yes to bald seethe, Bost. - Tbis to the 3.d dam of year te-called liberality, -from *eh geed Lord, deliver a. ! C..ada Como.* Harbour at Goderich. in the year 1833. yes cement -wed • harbour at this ►+as, yea used every mese gnomes year pros - pastes sad .tbe►wir, net yes veers fully latest ea eserpleti•g the same without iotermi•dsa.- Thi• was. string Nlsremeat to some and settle as.o•ee•ieat as medal* to the fine harbour st Ceder ick, and its eoeri.hi.g Tow. of Leg-•k..- ,te! Thi Harborer yea carried on •t imer•ak sant no mean .( Aaiun, 1843. et which period yew bean esmar. Mr. C Widder. carne ben sad declared that the hsmbog was earned he .•segh for the Camelia Company's purpose, sod that...titer wiener r daald sot be 014 est. &movie/ at the manse time that the An of Parllameat which was eoaeeeted by the Cassia C•repawy'e Law Agent. leas most defec - tire, ieasseeh u •n fixed period for the comple- tion of rho meld herbs, was set (.ria thereto - Ad •stwIthna.di.g that daring • protreet.d period We Testa yes allege that you expended l se thi..a9N.►ed harbour, the enormous .um of £10.647. 1 *esti like to •e• the bill in de• Sul, making this sem total -for, the y and Mae W,1. weeks wide its model war made by sae and roe he entice, have stated that whim • feet step was pat to the works, yes 14.d on band., towards its eomplene., i. implements , and material. afloat 16U0, all of which is render - •d mine Asd frost your performing the work ,n Pewees, n bat eon shoot 30 per cent. more tbas yseamte it boo dose, hid the work b -en serried a withal to the year 1044 yes tried le emoted, the Colonial Govern - Meat le mho 7t»r barbell, aid complete it, at Gla same time, to ellen yea veer . Ikg.d out - ley, hostiles Weise is awls." of the .nh.•e- 0d 'Were( veer prsperty thnagho.t all the Dis- trict. 1n 1144 ye. ere Aided. the Col,.,.l Go.. casae( ie begetting to docent your lsad- .barkisg system ! Year sett attempt war In practice use of rear mala i hses,., c nrpeon e l on the g Mruieipal Cowed of the Ilene Distrito is take ye* sa8at.bed harbour inta their aft-kerpiag. la this they were not Mad 'gnomon esegh te become your phaos 'why the anteattrtn% made against them is C Wi4der'. memo - modem. 4th February, 1843. With regard to y..r eswern,taMe opo0.1inn and o1j-et ions to Hying ef lead taxes, and whish yon eventually will bees as My, yea voltmel.n derive the greatest Gressel, homed" as the taxes are sp- pprr. pprwwted to the omen* and improving of Road., &a. &o., all which gees* Amill,s** the ask sed ..14..e. the .alit ef the 700,000 acres of Ind wbieh a still at fear disposal in the Huron Tract The Canada Comeau, makes the Member for Hares. By the V. William 4th Chap. 46. the Tows - skips saleSisisg es Reran Tract with the int- ention of Ihteam -'at, was made tote • *perste County, sod eo..egseatly that year •Ithsegh n ot banog mays these 30 freeholders retuned • Member to serve is the Legi•tattee A.embly of Upper Ganda. Bit is Cased. Company ama.ie their ether wicked ..d aawerr•ntablt aetn towards the poor settler. el the Huron Tract, brought a member oat from Scotland ready made is the penes of the late Capt. or G. Daalap, load who •t that period knew no mese el the Hem Teat w the laws of Cassel. nal" 1 did .f the Imes .f Mehemet -bun any body for ate Cased• Compaq teener also mho settlers "Mudd haw the be.eft of the .ereite of the late Mr. Ver Egnee.d (for he was the only indepen- dent mea is the Comity •t that period), who hod • great deal tens au of the Caserta Compote •t hi. Gagers pada And i say without fear o( , that the greatest losa that this Comity bar ••"meld ie demister say gentle- man was is that of the late Mr. Vas Egm..d, is best prod i.. the C.a•d. Company ting in son dread ei his return 1. the Hese d Assem- bly. *wing le his deetemisaules sod capability of aesieg them » When strictly to their Char- t... 4Mr. a deed* is .ettles.st .f thf. is- ts C.mp•.y smelly goes a free14aM te Capt Dooley w q.•hfy bis .. . camber et the H... of Assembly; awmtag . Ant is him they wesld beet a stoat pliant i Gaal- Asd their were. in eons. o iswanes, ewenpiished. fen Capt. Dealap war t (ems see who elesi..d the Bdl for the Qa.st . s Ib p• ia1 s( 7. •egpisisga pn.eriptioa a to aeseedisg to the it eaeht he see fear. (00 w 1000 i• pro- , ro- h • The Camel' C gmtag the Great, of 0 Rotes isle • atperete Diagram. See die !« Vivien ship. 1G....t. 11, It i. I Hen ser ken that se @Miensal tax s( .af pewy 1. die posed .Oar at.4 above .it ether mow imp be **wed w Sha i.b.M.aa,s d the DI .s.(et , s a, for slam ..beth wart .0.11 4 • M tie •'mow mea ..need 1.,. a law b simY ts.mhw n..a.►-they meld to'omfoeiemtIOs, or of Els• twiner In wbicb Jas. !1. 4 le bloodied. lir. Longworth regatta self as a Menem to the ndisure ..!lube e( the Canada Company, and alledges t tkls Letter, addreeeed to the Company's rectors In 1846, is the cause of the perse- cution which he has since saluted. He so- licits the pr.vi!ege of seine/ himeslf right with the public us this subject. And a we here tinny" • feeling of sympathy for men who have seen better days, we have allowed him the use of our eoiumns. It is probable that Mr. Longwortb has stated many fact. i■ lb* long letter. But if his intention was merely to inform the public that the Canada Comp toy have fallen far whorl offul- 611iog their canna with the Imperial Go yernrr.ent, in refers&co l0 the amount 0(m0 - nay which they were bound to lay out on 1 to in the District, we certainly think he might have adopted a much shorter and • far more pointed method of earryin out On intention. We bare also :o r mark that Mr. Longwortb's statemeote to reference to the late Dr. Dunlop, are alto- gether at variance with what we under- stood to be tete facts of the cue.-Eo.11.8.) Nonce. -The Rev. Jas. Skinner, Loo don, will preach for the the Rey. Charles Fletcher ia the United Presbyterian Church Godench, on Sabbath the 20th lost. et iI o'clock Forenoon and 6 e'clock e►eoing. " Goderlcb, t2nd Jao. 1931. IT We are reviewed to state that a Fire et or Secood Claes Tescher mar get employment by apply et School Section No. 1, Catboat, a• good wages. We regret to record this week the death of Mn. Asa Post, of Pickering, aged 44 year.. He was born in Pickering, Merck 3, 1806, and has now departed this lire deeply regretted by a large number of friends and relatives: Ni4itby Reporter, fill Y, Al Treetewe Cottage, near Fort George, oe the 25th alt., Mr,. Isabella Campbell Roy, in hrr 78th year, relict of James Roy, Esq., Scr- ee* tri the Forces, Fon George, •ed eldest daughter d the late John ran- t•." , ,q of leo Fall Wheel per he. 3e. IMd. Bprag What INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE ts. W. near F r ba t barky per b. 9s. W. Oen (0d. Perk 1 W. Ow - Centore Dsraatre.t, » 17. it Hey per tee, £ 1 17s W. Termite, 71A December, 1850. Dt. OTICE ls ►.tib Iha H E ewhat may be required for seed fn the sprang. Timothy Seed -7a 64 per buebel T. roato, Jan. Flour, per barrel, 198 ibe. (5s. to 110..-- Wheat, per bushel, 60 IW3 , 0. to . 04. Barley, per bushel, 48 lbs, to 6J to 3. Id Oats, per bushel, 34 lbs. 1s ad to la 3d. Pea, per bushel, 60 lbs. I. 8d 2e. Belleville Jan. 13th. Wheat, 3s. ed. Oats, Is. Peas, 2s. Pork, $4. Potatoes. Is. 9d. Potash, tie. Id. Butter, 64. • 7d. Beef, lie. a 17s. ed. Lard, 6d. Geese, le. 3d. 7 g Yen t t ia x- CRLLirCr Tea Gimlets** GaraaaL in Council, hu base pleased under the sutho rtty rested to him, by the prom.Io*, of the • let Section of the 13 and 14 Vic. Chap. 5, LONDON, C. W. 18th Jan., 1861. Wheat-_Denveries moderate, •Id w. einem Change our quotations. Fall 3. 1 ad; Spring, 2a 64 per bushel of 60 lbs. Oat• -Quite scarce, and prices stiffs' le per bushel. Barley -We hear of no trenseetie.. Shu week; in fact, we belie.e there is little remaining in farmer.' hands. not mor. than Mi -!tort,, Lieutae..t•Go,ereer of Fort George. to our obituary of tb', week we record the ,00th of Mrs. lwbeaa Campbell Roy. at her re- sidrece nor Fort•George. It is due to the memory of this estimable lady to my that her drerm is deeply and universally regretted ie the district, in which, for a period of .ivy -See years. her qualities of heart sad mind gamed her a high place in the affect ens of all Clea.... Mre Roy was • geailewomso of the old *heel. ia the highest mean( of that chancier, of rebated manner,, most eng.gug address, and of and habitual piety. Her considerate and kiodly emeritio* to the rnu.gers and the poor of her eelghborheed endeared her as mach to them as her unceasing charities-dutribui.. uooatente- tinuolyt .he "'need is this, so in all the rale• it... of life, eonaietenl Modem sad true Chris- tian enamels. Though so adeaseed ip years. her mind retained the iprightlinem of youth: load among her friends her uniform kindest*, cheer f.lties., and urbanity, spread a charm over her seely which will he long remembered. Mrs. Roy was daughter of John Campbell, Esq.. of Menem. Omens of Fort -George, whose family di,ting.ished tbemindere ,b the 'terrine of their eo.auyi,and by one desp.tch sive received the peinfol iatelhgenee 4'944,.th of three brother,. killed 10 .coon -two of them and • coest•_ger- tia nee engagement. General Si,,,',wa tiny alludes to this melancholy circumstance, when referring to the conduct of the 74th regi- ment at the battle of Awyer-",Tia Mellon family warp vary U(nrlmnete Ski. year. Three brothers fell iv the field, Captain John Campbell, and Linn/ante Ale:ender and Lora Campbell, as alpo • eosin -german, Lieeerasat Membered Csmphell, sen of Lieuvnant-Colonel Alexander Campbell, of the 74th regiment, sfrerwuds Liestenenl-General 8o Alexander Campbell, G. C. B . G r of Madras." Another brother, Lieutenant Cohn Csmphell, oftermarde Lieateasot-Ge.enl Sir Colin Camph,II,G. C. B., was in the same merino, en the stair and having *minced on the Duke of Wellington's stag. had the gond (nrtoss to b- priciest in every engage- ment fought wader W. Grare's enemas! in the Penin.nia, a -J !.k -w,., it Waterloo. He died to 1847. bathe/ bees Covenant a0eeesaively of Portnoo.th. Halifax. and Ceylon. A.oiher brother. the Isle V,ce•Admiral Bir Patk. Camp - hell, K C. B., dietisgaiehed himself in the osev. The only surviving brother ef Me i. Colonel Frederick Campbell, R. A., now gem- med ar Woolwich, whom we saw witses.ing our Highland ramat Inverse.. Ian atoms, when oa • Vivi. to hi• rzeelle.t sbtn, who., death we record. -Inverness emits. This gentlemen • few year age tutted Gode- rich to compeer with Earl Cathcart, he bele( thee in mewed of the Royal Artillery i. Cana- da, 141r.. Major Forty., wow ia Toronto, is the only lady lines of this ia,r.and ',epeefed fami- ly, the ch'ldre. of Joh• Campbell late of Mellor. Hamilton, Jae 14th. Our Markets area usual dull and 'Oleo live. Premons gnotatione ars maintained with slight *notions. Wheat is slowly but gradually ruing, and at present is steady at 3. 9d. 1a other articles of produce there are nee aymprome of change, if we may ex- cept barlye which el exceedingly .cares. Pons Cornea.-Madieoe, is Indiana. is mutating the other largo eines of the West n the bestow. of pork packing. A a extra- rdinery feat in that line was performed here on the 91.t ultimo'. At the staugkt- rnag mod peeking establuhm.at. of White. Cuaniogbam end Co., four tboan.d one uodr.d and twenty•two bogs were klll.d rad armed in ten hours and twenty minutes a two beeches. Beath No. 1 turned out 1,059: bench No. 1, 0,053. Thee is the ✓ egeta one day's work ever yet recorded o the Union. Tb. Spring thaw still eostiet.., k tb. leighiap 7. pretty seedy at a. end. Yeete - y .yang we had .owe %header and e ood deal of lighteetag-ratMr uncommon lase hoes e. ten tem* the ~tem g 'ionises at t►ie seems. Whet hoe se dip pebfie r•psed » be sewed •lad revises Meinponed a Dm( tries. Aid ISM that BIO NMand se resets a et Mer the mtwos, s of • .•r per pees/ weld awe bpeari the debt ie 30 y.. Bet happy fen Th M flIbkt sial the Maeieip•1 Ceased Law Ise weft Wm eIMansa .*, end aeeq.setly as- sess lltsleged Aer. Thee derCoes& t w Cemmess d thel greep,nrpete• •( it►M .ns forth tbi l nMsstege. diedesd In the i •ettlresseset fres Wing pseshis.d e a D seefott 2they y 1 sf Bhtteries the hese sassed flier this Dir I hew Me beset a hsbn, y d ` 1k •ad -i., ea 'i i Tame . 1ueNw . servt, its t1de41.1.1. raq/ORTH asit 4 d. O.large an g.ltn; op, red so is large sae of perk. tions prodigious ems•I• re thiamine* purchased by Mr. Crank. • quality eeetuses axes/Hest -Hob Rep. Wa•R.R. TO Petenee.--O. Monday last e eb,ldree belo*gteg to J. Whelan of • tows were left in s roes, to (ether, theft parent*, and while Ow, ~grillroom ne of t►• ehtld,ew about 4 years *Id was iyi.g wIA straw and •beset bgetting ens le the Are. Tbe ehiy'. .Ietibe. .gbt Ore and Were relibetty was beyond Is ef .een nfold he given peesealiag moot the Strg,pgg gt• • • Galt, Jan. 17th 1851. The following are the prices curreot:- Wbeat, per bushel, 30 61st, c'y.-Oats, is Id -Res, 2. 6d -Flour, fine, per 10011n., 10e -Timothy Seed, 6. 34-Beef,1001bs (7s 6d to 20. -Pork, per 1001ba, 2'i to 22s 84 -Butter, in roll or Gob, 7id-Egg., per dozen, 64 to 70d -Hay, per ton, 40. to 50s. 13irt1), At Cowrie, Colborne, oe the 12th loot., Mrs. Georg. Young, of. dasghter. 1i .MUSICAL. ENT ERTAIN.aI LI'1Y T or TRH FRENCH FLUTINA, Or Improved Accordeon, BY MR. CHAMBERS, AT the BRITISH HOTEL, Thursday Evening, 23rd of January, 1851. PROGRAMME ria, 1. 1. Sole Fantasia, (Psaa.let,) with Variations. 2. Goad Military Much, comprised by Mr. Chambers, 1 Celebrated Echo Ain. 4. Selections front Irish Melodies. 5. Belectioo. from Open of Brotre Horse. 6. Poet Horn Gallop. • (Ace*. ) ►ak1 Ir. 1. Selections from Scottish Melodies. 2. Hungarian Waltzes. 3. Pot room, embracing Gema from Operas. 4. Dolce Comer's, with Vanatioe., and Air from Beggars' Opera, Do. .5. Military Waltzes, by Mozart. 6. Celebrated Military March, Q3 Aoeissto., 2. 6d -Children, hal(-pries. Doors opts st seven o'clock, Performance at eight. N. B.-Aecordeon., Arc., toned and repaired. Goderich, Jae 23, I13I. .3049 CAME INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF the subwcnber on the firer of August last, a year old HEIFER. dark brown, with some white on the back, belly and tail.- i.ot 29, 5th eon. Tucker.nt iih. The owner is requested to prove pnoperty, pay expen- ses and take her away. JOHN WALKER. Mill Road. Tuckersmlth, Jan. 21, 1851-49 BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. NOTICE in hereby gieen that the Quarterly Meeting erne Board of Public toetnctios„ will be held at the British Hotel, in Goderich, oe Friday, the 28th day of -Marsh oext. All persons destrou• of becoming teacher's.* thee be examined upon producing the proper certificate of moral character, and aoleu appli- cation is the made, the Candidates will set let.e soother oppurtoaite for three months after- wards. By raids of the Board, ALFRED W. OTTER, See'y, To the Board of Public iostr•etiem. Goderich, 21st Jen., 1851. ♦3049 NOTICE. ALLpermss indebted to WILLIAMKEN. ( NEDY, Erse., late of Saeger'', are request- ed to make immsdietesettlement with the Sub- scriber -and parties having claims agmina the same will please forward them dole attested. A. MACDONALD, Attorney. Guelph, 20th Ji.., 1851. v3o49 to appolot that the following Articles now charged with • duty of Twelve Pounds Ten Skillings per centaurs ad valorem, shall be placed In the Lid of Goods paying a duty of 7'ts. Powsds Ten Shillings per *Meet ad ea[arens, from and after this date, and •hall be rated for duly accordingly. vis: Cotton Warp, Slate, Fire Been, Me.tard Seed, Ultra Marine and Paste B:ue, 8s1 Ammoniac, Prussiate of Po:ah, Alum, Pborpburu., Bleaching Powder, CuchinesI • Coppers., Vitriol, Shellac, Felts, Borax, I Strung Fluid Acids, including Nitric, 8u1. phone, Monello and Oxalic Acid. By Command, J. W. DUNSCOMB. JOHN ADAMS, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, [Next door to M.B. Seymour k Cie el STRATFORD FULLING ¢ CARDING MILL _as wtli 11111. 8ubecribee is thankfully acknowl• edging the very liberal patronage her towed upon baa Carding Mill lona smog, bogs to inns** to hie (rieed• and the peb- ite g lly, that he is ready now for Fulling, Dressing and Fiuishillg all aorta of Cloth that will be left to his care. lite Fu11►og mu, Csd,eg M111, and rest of apparatus, la all o1 the most impro- ned .rad newest kind of Machinery, and wor- ked by none but skilful and hands, and hu Terms will he always the most liberal and moderate known is the 0001try. GEO. J. PRUSBINO. F.'r WM. RISCHMCILLER. Stretford Steam Mille, Oct. 16, 1860. Always on Mand • large •ad well assorted Stock of LUMBER, which will be sold at fair prices and on tortes to suit cuss tomer". 3.37 3m F()R SALE LOT No. 1 u the West Bide of North Street to the Toe* of Gtdench• Terme Easy. Apply 1", D. 11. !AZAR'S, Solicitor, Stretford. Goderich, 8th 1 y. 1851. West Street, Gael ick. NOTICE. January 1851. 3v n48 BY-LAW No. 9, To divide the Township of McGillivray into Rural Wards. Passed Sept. 16, 1850. Wanes* a is deemed expedient to di. vide the Township of McGilllvnr into Ru- ral Ward. for the purpose of Election of Township Councillors, Be it enacted by the Municipality thereof, by virtue of the pow- ers vested in them by Act 12 Vie. cap. 81, and Is hereby enacted by the authority of the tame, that iheTownshipof McGillivray be and the earns a hereby divided into Fire Rural Wards. FROM the very flittering support recei- ved by the subscriber on his first ap- pearance as Agent In the Division Courts, he would intimate to the inhabitants of the District generally, that he will attend the respective Courts throughout the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, at:each arta every of their Sittings (health permit- ting,) and as his charge. are moderate, and travelling expensive, prompt payments will be req.ured. N. B. -Communications must be post- paid. JOSEPH WILLIAMSON. Goderich, Jan. 7th, 1851. 47 3tf Ward No. 1, to roo•ist of the 1st. 1n., CAME into the Enclosure of the subeeri- 3rd and 4th concessions, from the Town. her, 4th Con. Lot 10, Tucker.mith, on ship line of Stephen, to the Side Line be- or about the 1st of November last, a White Sween Lots 20 and 21. together with that STEER. with Brown ears, one year and a half old, The owner is requested to prove 7 roperty, pay expenses and take him away. WILLIAM McMURRAY, Tuekereznith, Jae• 4, 1361. 46 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING ,■ the BTR "TFORD Post Office ■p to Jasury 7th. 1651 part of the North Bouidary butting the sed concession. Ward No. 2, to consist of the 1st, end, 3rd and 4th . . , from the said Line between Lots 20 and 21, to the Townabip of Williams, also Lots 34, 35, end 36 in the 5th concession. Ward No. 3, to coos.st of tb. 56, 6th, 7th and 8th .. . , except Lota 54, 3) and -36, in the 5th conceesioo. Ward No. 4, to consist of the 9th, 10th. 11th sod 12th, together with that part of the North Boundary butting the same. Ward No, 5, to consist of the remaining part of the Township. And be It further enacted, that the Town- ship Clerk be appointed to hold the first Annual Meeting, and to be Returning Offt- re, to the First Ward, and that the first Meeting thereof shall be holden at Palrtck Flanagan', Tavern, in said Ward. That !Nark Wed be appointed to hold the first Annual Meeting, and to be Returning Officer of Ward No. 2, to be holden at the house of James Barber, Esq., on -Lot 19, in the 3rd concession, That John Graharo be appointed to bold the first Annual Meeting, and to be Returs nine Office? in Ward No. 3, to be holden st John Morton's, Lot 26, in the 8th con. That Linwood Craven be appointed to hold the first Meeting, and to be Returning Officer for Ward No. 4, and that the first Meeting thereof shall be holden at the School House near Craven's corner. That Edwin Wood be sppoia►ed to bold the fret Anousl Meeting, and to be Recur. niog Officer of Ward N,.. 5, and the first meeting thereof shall be holden at Richard Evans'e, Lot 15. on the 15th cancel..ioo, WM. FiSHER, Township Reeve. Joe+ FLaaao.r, Clerk. 48 4 Important to the Public. ALFRED BURIIAM CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Member of the Royal Pearm.c.oticei Society of Great Britain,) RESPECTFULLY inform• the inhabitants in and monad STRATFORD, that he has purchased the Bonne.. of Dr. 'Hyde, lately car- ried on by him in the MEDICAL HALL. sod haying dispensed Medicines for mon than half the Nobility of Enel.nd, and for mend Mem- bers of On Royal Family, doting Oen year, experience with some of the moat eminent Med- ical Practitioaen i■ that country. He will be happy to give ADVICE GRATIS, To all persona who may think proper to consult him A loll supply of the choirs' DRUGS, CHEMI- CALS, Sutiestry, Ods, Verniehes, Dye Staffs, Psis's..fte., together with • greet variety of other domestic articles, will be constantly kept on heed 1N THE MEDICAL HALE.. Stntferd, lit Je..ary, 1851. 46-3m3 CAME into the prcmieee of the subscri- ber, on the 17th of December last, a Black COW, with some white about her hag, sod a white stripe between her fore lege. Lot 41, let conceustoo, Goderich - The owner is regoested to prove property, pay rzpeose., and take her away. WILLIAM HALL. January 14, 1851. 48.7 3 AT a Meeting of the Provincial Land Surveyor., rending in the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, held at the 8t. Marys Hotel, 8t. Mary., on Tuesday the 7th January, instant, the fol- lowing resolution' were passed. Ruolr.d, Tbat the Provinetel Iand Sur. veyor, residing or practising in the United Counties, do form them:mites into a body, to be called the " ituron Board of Provts - sial Land Surveyors," for the purpose of promoting their interests as • profession. Rerolred, That as the profession of Land Surveying le one holdsg important trusts, and requires proper qualifications and high M ✓ posrbihues to its tonmbere it *the duty of tits board to defeod the footrests of the profeestoe by indicting for an infraction of the Statute, all parties under their nonce who shell practice, Land Surveying without legal qualfeatioe.; and at thte board are "ware that such illegal poetice is going no is von* pens of the United C0.etiu; that prompt and 'melodist* steps be taken le pet a stop to the same aid to briar the parties tooetn•. Resolved, That the tantof fess prnpe.ed by **Caseation Institute het adopted by this bard sad sarigf' WhoredtWhoredto; and thee 411P eia( to Rev *Myers, henieaftsr coming into tar Casino" be require ed to .nits with 11. iusrd Is carry out h *hymns, and den *Mai* freer the Seeroluy 1 (winless of the tariff *flees and heaard of the roles ted n-' Resolved, That the heard de reset et Mast .seer-asseally, to determine time god piaems of Me owe 0e•tisge, sod to •treed is each ether matters ee way b. salmon .d R•••l•nd. tilI IA* twat wetia( of the honed he beadles at the Helen Howl, Stria. fent, eathe ...lendTorinda a )rise esti J. B. CLRNDBNIH., P, toS. 0. Mk. Merle. (0th Ier.t Ilili vet* Arroll Thos Laedesaiekrt Jao Bsllasiine David Miller J.1 Botta Richard MultpausSam! Broomhead W J lletbseall Win 1 Bond James ' Moore Wm Cotnpbell Prier Moor. Veld.. Campbell ArehtiiNd Merryleee Alex Cuomo* Georg. McGJI W m Cotner Joo aleCatdall Jowph Csmphell James McCafferty A Campbell Robt McA'Leer James C.rragher Termites McErwen Jao Corry Monroe McI)rrmd pent Cutler Sand N•.er Loreeao Do.gl•s• Mn Dorothy Nea Wm. Drumm J sob O'Doset!I Simon Drummond Patrick Ogilvy Robt Dean Thomas 06,74 00urse EJwatd•Jno (141b.,t Wm Seor Ellison Christopher Odbert Wei . Fannon Andrew Odbert Thos Fisher Alex Pike Joe F tepatnek Ji. Porter Jett .3 Fresh A C - Tarnow' !no Gartnll Wrm FooleryWm Grovel Wm *amnia.t'brt.elia• Gunoune HenryQ.ipop Jeasthao Hays Joe Quioberia Ju Hamilton Hogh 2 Reid Thee Heron Edward Reny Wilson Johns Semi 2 Robertson Jas KeemIy Edward Baekrider Jao 1 Kipp.. Alex Strat,dee deo Kreuter Fredriehk Stott Wml Kipp.. Duncaa SStepler Henry Kipp.n Jas Spetron J..o Emmet.) S Henry Jas Love Robert - Thom Alex L•rkwonhl Gee Watson Wm THAT EXCELLENT FARM Lafferty Edward Watson Ja.I ON the Bayfield Road, Nine mile. from A. F. MICKLE, Postmaster. GODERICIi, and Tbreo from Bsyfielc', c0neisting of 190 Acre. of Land, 43 u( the Enclosure of the Serb- teI,,cb are Bleared, end through which roes that ez.c:Ieot Mtli Strear't, the 33 Creek. For particulars apply to lir. NAFTEL, st Goderich. A1 NO TICE. TO Country Merchaota4 AND OTHERS. THE 8eboenber has menet for SALE e. COMMISSION, Tweeity•6ve Chou OF%( Whims grades Al.. as es -elite' an,ck of HO.\EP DEV CAVIXDISN TOBACCO! Whieb will be Bold .t s smell .4*..ee es hew York Priem. Potash, Cherry Looney and Whet Ikea is Exchange. IHORACE IhORTON, '.VB. SADDLES, IIAR.'ESS ,r end everytbi.g in the 1.1os. eeap.otly en b•0Ai chrap for ooh or Merch..taLle Predate. 11 (1. Geferieb, Nom. 1114, 1860. 3no4l-3m CASH for WHEAT A T the Goderich 11.17,. by WILLIAM PIPER. God.rieh Mills, 3th December, 1849 46 tf NEW LINE OF STAGES 'BETWEEN GALT AND GODERICH THROUGH iN 18 HOURS ! In csamactise teeth As Sieges/rest I(emibses. COMMENCING on 9L'ESD.1T let of October, a Stage will leave the Unice Hotel, Galt, at 5 o'clock, s. m.. sad the Ornish Hotel, Goderich, at 5 o'clock, a. m., every day (Sunday• excepted,) arriving at each of the above Towne at early bed. time, and will cosu.ue to run for the Ae• commodation of Travel!era, starting pone. tually at 5 o'clock in the murning. The subscriber hopes by payee, erric' atteatjua to the comfort. of the Travelling Public to receive a share of their support. Buffalo Robes, ke., ftrntabed. Any complaints made of Drivers win ft -- cone immediate attention, and will he 4th once redressed a far a retirees is practi- cable. Parcels sent by this Line will he coneejr- cd with care and punctuality, and delitered at 'uoderate chargee. Parent traveling by this Line will ant he deprived of eat as on the Route from God.. rich to Hamilton, they strive to Balt be- tween 10 and 11 o'clock at night, ad leers in the morning for Hamilton at 3 o'clock - and clock- •nd on the Route from Hamilton to Gude• rich the Passengers arrive in Galt as they choose, at 2 u'clock in the Afternoon or its o'clock et night, and leave for Goderjeb at 5 to the morning. T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stratford. Sept. 26, 1850. 3e -n3311 HURON HOTEL. 1"IIE Subscriber begs leave to intimate to his numerous respectable cuetomcrs, and the travelling public generally, then the extensive repairs and improvements which hare been in progren on the Herne Hotel daring the course of the summer, are now fully completed. And as he feels confi- dent that his establishment is now capable of affording accommodation equal to that of any Hotel in this section of the country, he ventures to hope for a enntinuince of that liberal support which hello. received during the period be has been in business'. JAMES GENTLES. Huron 11ot,1, Goderich, October 161850. v11o35 FOR SALE. SME into t scriber on or about the lat of Novem- ber last, a three year old steer, also about the let of Sept. • yearling heifer, Lot No. September 27, 1850, t3=n33t( 2G, 4th Con. Township of McKalop. The _ owners of the eboveantmals 1s requested to 100 1-4 ACRE LOTS prove property pay expeneee, and take Them away. FOR SALE in the Town of Stradnrd. Ase - THOMAS GOVENLOCK. j ply to D. iIOJIE LIZARS. McKillop Dec. 30, 1850. n46-113 Solicitor. Stratford, 18th Na. 1830. 3vs40tf Goderich, 20th Nov. 1850. MoveJ-+that the United Counties be d'ri. ded into three school rheum*. for the parr• t t T pose of appointing Superintendents of eom- TO EMIGRANTS mon schools to be as follows viz ; AND OTHERS, WANTING 1st. The County of Perth to form one I II I 0 townships to the north of the above. Dis tricts comprteteg the township.. olBlan- 1 chard. Downie and Gore of Downie, North and South EaNhope, EI.ice, Logan, Ful- lerton, Hibbert, together with the new j 1 ATTACHMENT. 301. The township. of Blddulph, McG.l- - livray, Stephen, Hay, Stanley, Tucker- - U.b United Counties of ) 33Y virtue of a Huron Perth ¢ Brnce, C l writ of attach - 71, 1Fu. ) went issued out of Her Majesty" Court of Queen's Bench at Toronto, to me directed, against the Es- tate, Real a• well as Personal, of John Jones, an absconding or concealer! debtor, at the suit of James CromWe and Jame. R. Andrew" for the sum of Five buodred and nineteen pounds nine •billings and five pence. i have seised all the Real sod Per- sonal Estate of the *Id John Joins, sod unless the said John Jones return. within the jurisdiction of the Court from wbence the said vent issued, and put era Bail tots woos or cause the claims of the .e,J3.m-s Crash* and demise R. Andrews to be dis- charged within three calendar mootbs from the tint day of the pnblteation of thi.Inouce, all the Estate, Real or Personal of the said Jobe Jones or a 'ouch thereof an may he ie► neeesy will be held liable fur the pay. meat, benefit and sau.fectioe of the claim. of We said plai.4ta, as well as for the payment, besefit or sauudaation of the claim or thorns of ouch other plaintiff or ple*sett., se shall or 'Immediate take proediate stalest the properly sad *arts of the said in Jetta Jos.., with•in menthes free' the issuing of the above meettosed writ of at. taeba eeq ie virt.rd of which this some* is pehli•hsd. JOHN McDONALI, Ss isM►teMnb. l AtU. 74. C. P. 94 8. M, Doeffs fast I'gi0 •11-•46 TOD IIIIgTi11O of emery p1»wrote plesprIgesswere4 al fideMew. sin, erne. 3rd. Goderich toe whip end town. Mil. let, McKillop, Colborne, Weeranosh, Ash• field, and the County of Deuce, also the township" to the north of Mullet and Mc- Killop. D. ii. RITCHIE, JOHN HOLMES. Carried unanimously : JOHN STRACHAN, Berristm and Attorney at Latey Gnderick. INT ILL is fore attend as Co..wl at dee def VIV futureferret Division Courts in the United Countless( Hems, Peeh and Brunel God.neh, 1n Jaguar!, 1851. N. R. -Partin at a diso met *anise lar snit themselves of Mr. Stncse'..tratees, will pk•ee •ddre.e Mr. &reek.., post-paid,,, Wk.tuder 46 NATIONAI. HTEL, BRUCEPI0 LD. THE RUBSCRIRER begs leave t in_ form his f ends and the public. ghee. ri►Ity, tbat he now got the National fr*lel so far co pleted, ee is wariest Mm is saying that he is prepared to furnish ao- comsedatioa for man es/ hers*, Anal at least. to anything that can he found be- tween Loads, aid Goderich. The Natio. et Hetet is situated in the beautiful and, thn.s.gs village of i r.oulteld, 18 mace from Godeiick and 42 wiles from Lowden, cud Iron t►is eligibility el the utuattos, and strict attest** to the comfort el his gamete aid ...Meetly he hopes fora share of pelt. 1a petroiegi. Softy M.KES7.IB. lllruetgeld, let Jen. flit. .x -nee THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE, THE tullewiag LOTS OF LAND to the Toweehip of STANLEY - Lot 21, 2nd Con. Coaristiag of 100 Aerv., 60 Cleared Lot 21, 3rd C. , cnntiliin of 100 Aeras, 40 cleared, being nee sad . htelf mile. from the VILLACIE of BRUCE'FIELOe O. the lamer Lot, there is a 0000 1.00 HOUSE. BARS. Rc. 14e., with • creek Noe - iq tbraegh the Farm. Then a .lu„a.ss tee PALL IVRREA T SOWN ',high eon be had at a moderate vele". Th. Lets will he *Id together er sep.ntely. se mer b. desired. 1). the fest In the 2.d eoac.s.te• there are Potash Wicks int excellent oder. 3v.41 if M. n. bET HOUR at Co. Jif I ThION COURTS. Tile nett Divisioa Cosner.? tar 1.7.ed Cowan* sf Horse tenth and Orem, .ill tee held si the times mad place. telkwing-.-. In. th.i,s.w -Coon hoot* at Gedetteb,-- 1st F.bnary. T. 0. Merges, Lee., Clerk. FO Division. -Jena flicks', 14ih»14elk 3n1 re.ey. Reb•rt Caws. tint , Ckrb. 3d Di•vi4.-Weed's Taves, era treed, ft la Relineey Rdv t ilti.11N, Iwo.. Clerk. 4114. /tiaws-Qdals' Tavern Leads. Rend. 14th Febreary. (:"err ep Carter, Rey * ., CIr. Sib Oisuis.--Ws. Rnn.b.ryht Inm.Chat.., 13x14 Feb. Jaws needs*, E'4.. Clefts. Sta. A(wniee-Aadeesawe Terorw,Rt. Mary', 5.14 Fob. Jewett Colman, tee.,Chet. T1» Sinews el the floweret Gm.M ern esw- eesas puwlesly et 111Cw'dsab. A. M. ARl31VR AOIwWq J. a C.'e rlader..h, Sops, 11.14, 10 Nm'till