HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-23, Page 1a__-•- AM.. �• n !■it •IIILLIFIoa IN a*Taa CO. VOLUME I11. t`TBE GRRITEiT POSill:LE GOOD T.• Tut: utlE.tTEiT POSSIBLE NUMBER GODRRICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) TIIUItSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1851. TWELVE AND MX PENCE AT TY m.0 Of TUB ram. NUMBEIt XLIX. dtbc Duron 9t9, (r From the L.adoe Moroni CM.•ak. imitation. *twirl h•• been 'rimed, the •o.. M enlfT4D aaD ►DaLI$4 ,D avaae TYeaaDar BV 'PHO* iM PI at'Q UEEY, moven ego rimer4arua. wain MAm(UT SQYaan, 00asalCH. •. Book sad Job Prising, eteeeted with seasene end di.p.leb. Tangs oe run Huaee aeseaa.-TEN 81111, WIGS per masa if paid *trimly in aurae,, et Twetra AND Mx Pass with she expiration .leis year. No paper dimisetiemid swtil a are paid sp, salsas tispablishae thinks it hisadmas- tats to ds a.. Asx is1'rvideel in the enemy b.cog re - spawn. 4e sin s•hsetiMn, shall receive a •sheath espy retie. EP All lettere•ddr•ssed t• the Edi cos meet be Pone Mid. Of they will set be takes sat of the post tiMs0 T <re or £DVEITIsis,. ME lists and wader, first isrrtios,.... £0 2 6 bohsobeegwestisaerti..e 0 0 7; Tea lists d seder, firm issertie.,..... 9 4 ma Each eebsegweat imsrrtion 0 0 10 Over tee lines, first insertion. per lime, 0 0 4 Esuk subsegse.t las.rtioe. 0 0 I t r A liberal diecoest made to them woo advertise by the year. 1 _ w t'NOTICF. To the Clerks and Qaili 's of the Division Courts. TIE isereaeod demand for tivrrmsas and other BLANK WRITS, is con - see' ion with the business of Os several Di- ned -at Courts in the District, bas warranted I ns in prtntiss them in muco larger gnantt- ttes then heretofore, and coeeegwently ena- bles us to well themmuch cheaper -there- t fore we intimate to the several Officers re- gairing these Blank Forms, that from this date, Summosaes and all other Writs be. 1 l•eseine to the Division Court, will be Sold h at the &veil Offica at the redoeM pries .1 FUMED. ,„,B3Two $MILLIOOS ASO 81xTgies IPSOa FUMED. ,„,B3 THE PREPAKATI./N AND MAN YALTURE OY FLAX. (lin of the grea'ess obstacles which h bnhert• stood in the way of an eaten cultivation of Ilam m : that of the troob delay. mod expense atle,.daa1 upon its sloe ins, ie order, to prepare It for the u,ark• has now hem removed, by so '*venom which entirely d'.p.nee with that proses and emblem ib. grower at the smallest po ebb, cost to seed lira fibre into the marks By 'his process. of which Mr. Donis,. the inventor, the results are obtained by eonibinafir.n of mechanical and chemic wens ; and ss it sands all the expenn conseetrd with sleepier. the fibre may prepared at a con considerably below th moeurred in the present prates-, end may wade we m►e armored, sppl'e.ble emlh.r for fabrics of 1he coarseness of nail bags or tensa. of 1M ieeaeo• of the moot besot, ful Brussel. I lee. But not hely is the ex- p.nee coneolerably lege, bit the time con- sumed in the preparation of the fihre, which by the uld prnce-s, nn.ea from tyro lava three week,, does not exceed as many hot... by rbc unsteep.d mode. It also posee.ee.. a mast superiority em arcouat n( the ex room simplicity of the means adopted, which mar be made fntelhgible to and perfume.: by a mere child. But by far the too.' valuable end nnpnriant part of this in.entmnn Is. that it produces a BPre perfectly clean. and tie mama! nate, without any of the stains or imp..rit,e, which nece.sartly at- tach themselves to the fibre down, the pro. res. of weepier, and it slut Poo, .cases the *drawers of securing that regolar.ty sod U_ demand briny x i').0 )0. Toe eegetta. tuns are 41111 p. n.bng, and the 17th Inn. fixed op •n au the Jar upon wh•cb a •• 11111 meteor is to be gt,en by the Dutch ,�. :•,vernmsst. We believe that no Wade.. Ir I.y, a formal spplicamion was made by M. Ammon to the Baru of Trade, regossttny Vthat machinery m ght be plated at bin die - ,a ;,-..sl, in order •0 enable hint to produce of • least one ton of yarn, and mo make a sen•.. e of , a• 10 the beet made of adapting the fibre to the machinery ; the it experiments to be conducted mn the me. a eence of some impartial and well quebfi.d a1 maroon to be selected by the Government, rs and we have reason to believe that the .polication has been favorably received, a. although no answer has yet been gives o0 b„ the subject." 'enormity of strength which is to a greater it Ica. extent wenttng mn the steeped Wire Appl'c*'mon ha. been made for a chane if wmenrpnretton for a compare r hir.h wt e prepared to purchase the flax prrnitmced 'poo 100,000 acres in Ireland at 411 pe ere, and to prepare it for the market cases where the grower may not pones he necessary (.ethics for preparing it him elf. The uniformity of strength and free ton from stain or impurity which crista i the 0 ix prepare.) by the unsleeped promise, haat within the last Poor days. l.d'to the practice; demonstration of au tovtention, of the value end impottasee of wbieb, to the agrmculturm.ts and masufsctures of this enon• rn, it le impossible to form soy adequate idea sad matt -h crowfeet., among other things of the adaptation of the the fibre to cotton maeh's.ry. Tb. pstenfwe of thi• invention is M. LeCboyaIer P. Clan.•... member at the Brazilian liesutste, well known a. the 0,emmnr of Ute cirrul.r Isom, and by his e"dleetbroe nfol.J-es. of amoral history and plants of South America in the British Moa.u.e, and to the Mu.pue of Parrs. - We stelae ne Monday Inst that we bed paced in one hands • gnest,•y of Mx rove Inge sod yarn. spun ap•m cotton 'machinery by the rnremtnr. Steele that peri -d we have l TIIE PROVIIICIAL GEOLOGICAL bed a.Ipportwady of 'smogs!!! inspecting, •r.. SURVEY. sr Masebe..r tee *bete poneetre enameled I with- the entreaties, mad the emelt has folly The Cnra•niwion appni tied for the, wank h, e.mateeml us of its practicability. Th. w-'4• Provincial P.rlmae..r. h.v already been for frw.et perto•n of the vasa aporn, i1 our l • x pr s-,ee ►can .n Powe 1 .n r. .xpinarp,•n..and 1. npiw...n, sr.d we were confirmed to it be s 1 1..e, (m ynr.nhmurod mer Hi, . Porn. geotl.wten .•f great a:per.ewe* and Ieeg , Leem tits G..ere..r e a• ,,. I l .opens of •he pm - s, hnivever. e000.etros w th the en•t,,e trails.. maw eq•.a1 i hot t li.eit.d l.um �. '.frth I..- r-por'A h ,- b.'. .e fine.... to 13'1'• .nt1.. , the e•areeet i p.'.' -d. a..d eat, 6.. dotted -miter; am mit the twee •tto.1 to dl•'., The u -p! casino of • ,)le.nh-ra of the P.rtamest. the resole of the a•'ee a first as that 1 ere for the first time I G•..1 •g`e•1 I iplon•tnn. amt a!„,,, even the ex- wa. eertilely m most .•.•e• •w*. The re Hese• oft Commission 1.r the perm... are an- a.tlt, however was perfectly ..eessef.i. A 4swe•to maay who wooled if aege*iamed with Pi gtilt d,Meulty ani s1 116114 wit ib. mw-. tate .. ioleren t• .4 prone .. Aa the Ge,. ebmory, ie tM 'b of .t.me.t hese a the lite tie*eoa of Pvham-st the Shim; 14w, h^•••••••. owe es•tt era- teeewed the Rill few the Survey. (the, cathode is. tie es0usestinn Mr a forttl•r term of fl.e ted he a slrrh( itimmittull 1a x40 Poem M of years.) it may mot be oninter•eans 1n •4s pn'tlic one of the Yellen. A. t11• 1 we, however. re he presented frit,. • ••ry herr( 0,11... of the mal ►e prep.r.d t• my 'north. tbwre wit ahjee'•- plena. 1.15,1•11 of isvestigatioo, 113 re- bs so s.es..ny N Siders foe ••e* the. asks of the C.e,isissiie. 41t.ra'loth the gemel.( .ea'e* maesa.seer Alrteseb its esteeeble object is agony Genlnti. be," Mrb.etlp ./.grit/ fa the p.rpe.e tsf MI i•v.•.iearinw, the nature of the country, and , pieetee eve mese a aersrdtet le tow pr•• the semis eewee, 'which •.•.-aeait, eri.e to ease peseeted ►, Tba „Hiro, ews.etwo wit4 die work, lav male it to ad- __-'_' 10 u ... � -_ ditiwn. • h.onera nh�e.l ..,.e....m.:,..r ...1 ....___ f Lak• Saperow sod Lake 11.re. • careful aeoloe.eal emcee-ofnew-we, Int/Ie. with .me.- aswwi,. of Ilse 'envie* bens which a'o•• ec isms a sad tralumbl. *armor of roe Bruce moss. th et.l r.l-.e*e. o, IM •a.enmtcal mtoeriL._r; an,) eep,,d several week... Au imynrun, app• e• the r..•1u. d hough �... i.•.....e o.. .... .. •.... .�.. .. . chemical ently•is has •le. bees mat le 1. we hare then mimed. mom. ciipp•r. eel Ille af the inenniorp tie rocks of she other metals, wer• torch woold, if ant...lel in. Enteru Towaehtps. to which •1111.104 h • twe, have repressed the liege irdod enterprises of ill• already mele. Monti, •nollewa polo 1,1 out . 10WrIlled and 111110,41/4.41 eirecflators. sod prevent- many of the unctolaged rock., the p ee eif •ert, much of the dkappimatuout aud fuss igigtedient• In • latent conditiogs, which. in tithe whfch have than resulted. inns were developed to • cry...Ohne kora it The further results of the Survey have been ro.its whoop appearance was an far changed the 400 miles, of the whole of the shores atial isnod• gratonats 11.41 110r;f COuDeCtlfil ape tom - of ink, flume, of the western potions of could be ;optic out. Proeioce betwees the Great Lakes, the whole la the 14 II report will he fogad Some impoi of the Eastern Township., sod the region mewl, mat coetributions in the science of Actico:ture ne have eoosi•ted on car -1011v determitting th• this' province. Mary atett,ets Paton of 1110 ditfereut ,.,,k wiii. Willi the Ohre! rd. rollettnie formai.. their AI •04 dip. Or their 4111PC.100 and inc,i• apon the enhject of arricoliare. ea in ill. pleat nstiori: forming 'ha. an amaem‘dave of faet• of cultivation, the grooms of mown.. which, when redticed to lorm upon proper chaos. manuring, &c .11. pawner of dolertniaine etre • Imagist knowledge ot the irgangemeitt won ;he won of the soil., chetn•ce ly toisidered. , disposition id- the rocks throoghout the dniriet• meeimeog nf characteristic foil. bore beeo has alio been taken te arteriole., in fiir as I•eterl. and's large 'vomiter of tionn analysed.- turn out, upon forther trial, that flag pre poomble, the rectal'', rninevan preprint la the The inmate of thew. see gores ie the report pared in a particular way, ca• he mibtililoted various rock., and eepecially !hoes whtch are co Itige-50; eel the •nlhne observes that they are tor cotton, so a• to enable Great Brown t • economical impor•a cc. len the commencement of • it -ries of resteerehea dispensd with 0111 S•nithrten etaplo. a migh boa. coll-conx. have been mirk soeci- of Ilse kind, which he lugs in treat. 14 an de- ly effect will be prodered epo,, I ha aa ',Ie.! mein. annealing the rocks and mineral, of ot: ot Clongionty. perhaps. have the labor. of propanty in the Siiuthern States. Thisi-th""'v'nee ell1111,nch lit ail loom to Ill.,. price .. prop/ply will at I 110f. i•orlion of; the roe rs are distinwo k te pu n petit d once be diminsalted and bummers arrange. conistoinw the remains a • and.now ex- ss in its applications to agliculture. Thr of that species of nronerty, will. al er nee meets entered into tinon the itreeent etiue ar. in the Oat, and Itmesteln- rorka• John•tnn. and II •itintowault ere no the have rnatureci produce • craph that will be lion. The gion•ly of these ha• w•tion * hinks c.pahle to de•r.les il,e nowt la.- felt over the molt,. country. A lemon Isernme • 'nye! of gnat 1,11, irtsoce. litio only woe. qnestions of see...stile chemistry and to Avon the v Nrhich akord of the look id Let n• hope that 140 retenrch-s would tittle be read upon the inutabillie human afftira. The po!ittcal c•towl:ten- lite and al fletrolop0inent. but from the feel thai lion' will put oar agriraltorion in a condo- nes twain tinz from the rh•nffe woold tile2,1 nr,^cla• l• mark"! itr cet'•'* ‘FP'co1,"it 'pot to 'tools Ilene principles to Their own fields. most onaortant. A coneidershie dimintk , test..eitaracktivi.c nod., 4, 1.141 n11.4 or • tr.. .•tti tIonnaelvea the re,oin th•y lion in the wealth and power of the &with Owns nr cootie. • geologist i. ti!d• to tcc'ed'o• 'ind .4 clear Ind so beautiful in theory. W• • • Pueey..m ; for rte Prayer -1i ok enamoured he ba•i• el the between Ca'hu. .em and "'roentgen, sod carefully mate_ *Med that amMrnous phrae.ol.g., which nada tt equal'v capable of a comm-Csth..lre r •r a downright Pruteatant interprstatb... {it it was not only in the Pra)er Book, , .01 in the hereditary pleas and tradlnonsl . castings of Eaglaod, that the seed. of the •ptev.ns emoted which have more recent* doauomed to Pis..,.., ani in many ' rinallr O.rwired out 1010 Popery. Tne yrs:ut•c4l circumstances which made :ngland ..1be butwsrk of I'rute.tant.em, w-1 not destroy the seer. -t power of the Meas whteh intim the eccissiastica part of • Homeroom the natural pattern of her relict. .lis tunautuuon, and whichatBlrale her, in l .1 In.t One *Chop' of ler C •urel., to Ro- •nan l:Athol ciem. No one can look upon rhe Cathedrals of E'glamr', the wealth and .toe of her b..yop•, the docmllty of her common people to the Church, the balf- a0'w-lwsate emanation for eeele,nstieai uesgee and customs which pervades her -ural district*, the private endowments tied t.hanttes.of which the ,parish churches art, • the almoners. mad the conatmtuuon of her Universities, without seeing how largely ' the fundamental !Mao( Catholicism, nsme- i !v, the supremacy of the visits Church, enters into the Englteb mind mid boort.- This supremacy may be political metal and sp•riluall-or oe;y social and •ptnllpal.- Rnme united all three-Engleod only the two last, and these in a partial but large Degree. For Greet Britain ba. participated .n much In the political rail 'octal- programl ..f the norid, and has felt the influence of enmmeree and coamopolnan ideas, ;so es i tenets.. y, that the church -life has with the l, ' majority of the people doubtless, relmngnisb i ed a great measure of its pre-eminence i the doctrine of the ming 1n that wider and nob'er idea of thrisible Church amhmit e IChurch,;which make. the infloence of the ,.en'trnents and troth* of the gospel, work• . login every and all form.-.Ihrongh liters. pure, art, politics, social reform and the public sentiment of the wn•Id-the real triumph tied preemie* of Christ on earth...- ' Biit meanwhile; that the laity in cities, and , 'list portion of the elercy who are worldly- wiee, parity for raid and partly for bad rer.nm., but mevttably is both cases, have ! felt the general is0..ne*of the lime*, fatal ' alike to It•'man' Ca'hnl•ci•m sod to high IClinch of Enrlandisnt_o certain other, soil r army one and ecnolarly and mom portion of clergy of '&'.gland, atodvieg with logical een*msleney agd.rch..laelie rigor into the real easeneeof the Chuen es "Arland -in ^ rndi, us ,ls 114•Inys 0: 1 rhwftbarit'N-- -mserinn•ptet..., of focathedrar pro.rre.an oh eh .. ma so be spottier tie simp't^ire nflh. prep to hall Wm.. shat the only possible '' salealtnn of that Chinch Iry m the whelming ii.!n rat the Imre*, w*• in the nitsm fstthftl re-a•*entnti .-1,1.origins I Idea, the revival of tis pwerfwl dolma., the re.umnt.nn of its exelmrmrs enter Iran., and en r!T'rt to • reek* the vwtble Chinch anon what It wee . Not eeriest lobe. best what it must be or ern sintee, „new of „nett hare a marke4 stiforniation and identity o rock Inet .4.1!. in tote thoi e non' oorrooldri: rnr. efTect upon their political re!ations P "" 4n"er Vent 4"""e. y in Ile"' t her States -i he importance Of the; r • noisily. to den.roliae the eaten' end teoloei,41 ' really he beneficial to the practical men. i• , friendship as weIl as the dread' of then gee or- the linseatone• of Lake St. John and ef a .low awl nbatiouspoweae. the coMplele ana. I enmity would thereby be decreased. Th. the Weed of &ottoman. without ever having ofa innate soil recoirioi weeks. • • Blank Deeds and Memorials d A ND all kinds of THVIPION COURT t11. BLANKS'. and BLANK PROWS. ISORY NOTES, for male at the Signet JOB Prietteg metaled with names. end DT C11••Litli Who wield morn bis bumble fellow For the coat be wean 1 Tor lb* poverty bo suffers For Ins deal owes / Woe week( pies hoe is the footway If you were -mut WM, whets vice oe crime repentant, With grief stseere Asked let perdoe. would refine it - Mere thee Leaven ee-ere Who to orrieg worpon's warrant Wind/ web taunt* reply / Weald sea, brother! No -you would rot. I/ feu weeld-oot Who would tbst all who differ Prom bre meet meet be Asidiefilece Mem to perdition Week • hely Me 1 Wield pm brother 1 No -you would not. If ram wend moot 1. Whir would my that six dare cheating I• theater. of mar Iliqrht be rebated by liumley prevail Flan tbe hosted Mart, Utile Elembay fere were selems, Am/ tie erode Welt / wsead ye*. bellow life-yee amid got. If yee weeld-oot 1. le • hall of slam/ Or the memo ere eet dishemet If they dies of plate / imeld my Illeteme mil Merit Mist part emartay Wield yes, bomber? Ne--yeo wooed . If yes weiski000et I. Who wesW ry• a mem We starts Whim the mom wee stream Bet derma it osi Istlem, Whether right or erne, / Mem widest with the opietret, WNW yen, brethor Nwoopte would sot. If 700 woold--sot 1. Whe would leed Ids mee to strengthen Whe timid eve the pm le blacken Freedom's mg* of Imbt Who irreeM Wed Me teogue Metter lip Preen ef memo, I Weald you, breekart Pfe--yire would mat - If roe greeed-riel sessitsuirps CAPITA/ Pealemoestr...-41 bill bee ben letrodriesol 1040 this Imrislatom of die Wet. of Now Twit. imactiog Met whelk my ret. Wiwi Med be metemed &elk too Mall ho met mime 4 the roam primias, time reerrarred for the epee* 6f nee your. tp "Ntiffel •^1011wwwelltwl.. .41/d that Itt tbs. mid or Seel tiltwe• the 11easernee of the Bkato lost ha hie iiiteritties isms his warms. foe the eollOoorieo of the Grimiest. illetrawriversrese.....A townie of L000 • year hor hose elbotel by awing the derios e l Preeteeist Mayhem to them of dm Proehiefel Illemetwy. Mr. Thee. Arafat ie 'preluded BriputpArgroetzet without. we kolloev4 pay *tram or WW1- 1 flose.-41 le imild that oho Derwhtare of 4.0. Pauline Nor Wrote hike cove 4 0. medsmozsiziro •041 01211, - Colton Treaty, to be negotiated with Eng e,f the, regoona, and to in•t,tut• compnr.sons be- The department of acient.tie mmeralogy hag r land. which, not long rmre, we had °era. tween the rocks of Cassette and those of other ; cot he., neel-eted: many new localities a smn to di.cii••, and throilzh which 1he w"1.1* a•ol onEle neW and rare epeciesi, have a Southern Stattss were to core all the evil.. ' r' ft?. h 9 d,coverc.l, wl..ell aro of • ereat otte!est to - 01 Disunion. would vaniah into thia air, end er "! je: '114144. iiedv"ined'. 1st three, or four Ole mitten:own,. We believe that 11!r. flent a nwn resoorces. Should fl..x be made to I ....-1":iiiii:i ineineurie011.1,11i.01tiy(11:::Iir:rk::'1:::'hiel;nr,nioinrini:oese.E.eiutI.nrol:P;e:o.devini:tn:te:- rhsa.16,,,ITbe:16.7017.7;.tiiin:tiPswisitleignreinalsedppeular..n.14. pimply the place of cotton. then will be -ox i ire footle. Ti,- - the Southern States be thrown toms their. . Ve borate series of oilskins tan numher of puerile. , Ili i• 'h. design of The fici-v.y. in accordanee emplifed the impolicy heretofore pursued ! the Geological Commis -loin ate .", 15'1.'2* Ibri Will th• Act of Parliameat authorisiamthe ii..- hir the eorrota • Slates, of relying' en nue , precinua, end we u•oleroaml that Mr. Logan, vestittation, In publi.h an el•bonste 'report prim first recommended • by General lIamilton I 161 If th.ot great eysteiri lir American Indoor!, , hint ebraf.releerti,14,3 IG'^.;71.1417:10. '61..."cil,,:tyhoor."7:77,10.17 satiiiTer;:;:n.'.ine:11:111:4**.elihni:I/hPerryliltnerear.t.otilltiodhP•e":ii...'"1"aiiii:apatetihai.; mid since enlarged sod enforced by air. and itome of the princimil ecologists "f i rale"- ter, and Meat...fed with primer mar...el,aela sad Cell, h84 ne'n 4'1°W" I•nrn lin Ike Einn. II Toweehlp• Maim bee*. highte intfrittant i• • Wt., r ...re II con•tdernide tinker er she e;oopte. so me h cmaatrophe could befall her. Bit 1 ..,,,..,,fi, pa,a, .1 „ie.; w. 'hey bog. foreorbod iie'n or73111:e Survey. and We hope that ie etole;eir unforttrottely th•t eyelet's wan rejected.- I the key to a mentims whirl; Moil hith,erto 71..1.7 online in Ike Pertinnee.. the liberal god etil,ellsteo• change. South C,rolins, now monitor no • Itib'w• ef Mr. Lowte• have Moved thet the's' , ed spirit with whieh, wider nereiss•Ive admielli. 'he brirk of essecenion relight be indoeed to ;al if'. "" rar rem twine" w**Conn-fif POT' I traii,teo., ell rm.." Ingo fostered thi• imponme draw hark emote! she look into the tutors.-- • nrimwri• f.•11°). 14 • ^kW' "e."" nnderlakinir. W.11 mil ha nata•otaleed. to OM Richmond Whig.", riCal are thee th..or tho Mort of Mammal. o„ro "o a .1w,a,ra..„, a L.T.,a,„ aarVief, Prom the hi tones, Weekly p.i.e. the dif illak Ps Illa • *ben 0811°. chemical de ronster, wt.% • well *mowed So, PI to modem a mobstitute foe eettoe and ishernmry 17a ...entry which Me. •Ireef e Ow., Omen?, god aloe fee the mixture of the the loiter of • geemgien ieratmtala thee oberowerl, whack tee be card sem: omm is the cm.. of 01.,7 in.e.:744,7,:::.*:: ed togeakee wrh 111 a. creme. or wool, or 'hi* ra..jac•• 111* officers hare foetid ii neer'. w iry to rook. enyqce• of vrerk• owl manths eepareiely es mattes ler apeman :ntotares. . Tho right• la alms onestrod few preparing litho's.% roroste pryer before traverser! hot In Ille leer Abe* rs• • Onbeitt•to for silk for bleech Wahl .c7 . hod" a:ee..de r "b.::: .4d " ."I. n''."1:4'ea. marked noon any chart: In. Sta Use _, ,"4 laStagml. 5...,..1114, n" awl OM, 10 examia• region* Woch would have Tin lumwasor does not, hearever, confine limed man. that ha Call obtain weeilar rettu.t• from mid chart.: mod benne it ha. beets friend were. - hemp, kite. Clemens rum, and to use tos "'v '''' the wi" "co'. with the stentoltra's ex - own Tzprioniton (rm. 0 an old tar rops. or a smimii.os. In make canna t••pignanhtcal and 11"1""w" '1"111 '" A. 1" P`'•"" 6" 1101 gleniaisair"47Zel "iii"forentruatrfogi.nill'ishroh:ilsallitin'imporrf: yet oseorod for several continental State. - tent as It has twee to the immediate objects of end some women/ the United 11.egdom the Commissien. Met beet, perhaps still Tore On- -for eur aboard patent laws require that portent re the emoory fit large: for the seesrat• separate wester Nosh/ be vented for esch Purees. a. the priscipal over's( the peeinet• al of the three kingdoms which from "Mat is Game. mod 41. tribot•deo epos the north eborea teemed afro lumbar' giaffrmo_., ire eet nf !Ake, Hume awl &weenie,' au well as the of, um, mesa. adopted for rho po,l000e 0, whi.h were before nosorveyerl,-ItITO tires hriegiat the fibre into *be required state. isdho66poloosoot" thoefloC,77,60otlAth64.1..D'Ped...4"""do„..6'. ,',"; W. may state, however, that frotn II cwt. art,. t; b. ling their renter*. sad tits. works of flait fibre prepared gni cleaned op •n the ehich, :rif eel' uerteken •t re al ...mild ha,.. coo Mentieal with white cotton elle laft pendia- ineideeeetey kr the 0.'1 'eel Ramer. withmte imy addimosel einem*. : die wow woe. the 011arector of the thew retina's es in limber, the aspalotirie• .4. the anti. and their ermersl scorni- that ▪ is koottra nf an intevi•ir of eke netionnags of • lt orm re Omni dist Me fint eircilmofiloo wen. air/mew& ea sea ei Oa- Tont, a which the hoe. defer- sleseiwee of woe lis heto pew* f meeting wirlk det miewel. Rot the Weir, of heetwea. Loma ited Merrily lo that dietries. 80000 Owe NSA kW, shows dist oOof thew meta em men amieat shoo the osal-Olownli paph• ef Now Ilhaeowlett. 0444 Aimee th awl - o, Mat atom is tittle cestaws to It••po that Ma latisenal will over be eeetbeerel weirmi era re. cad at a coot for material ad. awes than half- a-erown. Tbo cost of manual or mochtsi eel labour neon."( in it. preparation, to eladier the expellee of ithowIttrie an utters. twee performed ie • few •••emials, does lieel 11110,181 to mom thee 7.14th of • peony Pee Moon& The mixture .-1 the Iwo rub te, whole its ewe nosy bo jedged by him Mot while wool mode is geo /be prepared wed ready for spinning may be obtained for empanel" per period, so that w ith dm 11•I sod wool groin torithisr • eineetlim the wet worth! we rodamid samowhalf. Of the liehoil mho, ef lb* to e mstion, awl /of its meeticohility, the moot .00...eicoir i• to he blued 111 the foot vel pews dheeterl Me time towel stmotere te the estglert. teed WI40 sloe seeceeded le Feweeeetir • aims of the mow wittlity ted Government Irene meet •osiosq mew& wee that of ilos pee/peen. reel ie Mot Preview.. 501 the mesellle ever Illetievered epee the earth owes lied '"‘"1"'• 1.4'e b'e"'e cl'e'eePte he •ePee''Pe' rhea in promotion' Scientific invenigat.ains Ilk probahly gemolta.kout aria, (haste !laic'. rie.a1.11 iii, i 4, • th. acne with the amnion.. reelt• of 0". : won, d,,,,j,,,,i • E.,Tfind 'lent Mates halo Sonthera !inters roof Brazil, sod probably also I with thow of California. twelve boahoperes....to • ierci•ind immense velvet, ha,- beeo nom.. •oil.r4L, areal muleteer. The Imndon Tower.. for • mon'h past, op lempho•i. iii iti-itaii Id' !he Snivel'. PI even- portion of of depocr•ea. and er• ',neve tint it war colt- to the latest serval. had devotede 11,1fP Owed 11 th. intuit:al inionutton• .4 the Pro- 1 cof the Pope and to the egitatoon rtf the "" Iv 4! Protestant Metier of ENTIVI.1. Pa Ito r• those branch., nf o••trol hinon The Innate consista eery largely of reports of mitligna- meet logo, held in all tIm separate rho- sinn are so email, that it is rim poniSle to ex- "00 rove the koth Dart Of Ih•it cnliectinr.s. hut it ii ; ceses of the Establieliment, to which 110- i., be hoped 0441 in •n•nore treat:the Gor•rn. 40411101n and its recent presumptions ore mom will place some neer. hoilding at the.. <1;•.- ' treated with 'nary rcern or alarmed con - p.m'. and 'nevi. them ni eslit'ut to the public 1 emir -not withota. in simnel every Cale, Th• Inhere in the Bela, which are under the A. Marrow. I:eq . are a §•••• int -erupted do,. sow the winter gen -01. wioch i• devoted to th• tart!' a violet Into form the otweroation• of the summer. It is neeeworv to connote,' collate olio) to compare ail this v•ri•tus facto obwoorrol, sod p.o.e.- mane, ettatte, and pet -toms: to eramtn• o ni rooster,. epeetmens of rock. end Made: •nd ii, get i• nudism" the sear& report tor tha ea - are ontin the direction of T. 9. • Heat, E.q.. mace. Coder his direction. the latimatory hes reties!". sufficient for all the ordipary in4e4... department. med. te Mr. II ow'. order by 13.1.0,1 o f Pain t• withast demo the 11.e. moire went of pen.ed in Ain -ries. It. ae•near• is pinch. that w th a Inui of tall gram nes on err -h sole. it in aisle to deternisne With •••••• the owe igrfn-tnne. sandth of the weight. Such •n instrument as thos is 'egoista, i• the more delicate precool./ , of asalvais. where the tanttere which are to Iso de- sawIth port sl. the eahstanee examined. Dorton the 10111111M.r season Mr. tient sot en- fregoestly accompanies Mr. Leese donna hi. •nr.erti. particularly when in • enan,re of mine - nitrides, totemic •r plie ta *meted iadep.e. deed, is nuking Matervatime mon sehieeta sectio• with the Commiturinti, he has devoted a large pmtiom of tone to an examinants.' el the ▪ stir ef the Pro ions., an I +Pitch were emmowd to he .4 interest •ot only home.. a their meallictnal •irises, bet is their mintier) to' science, as film -wing light upon the oaten a the Minim 11,11111 0( th• earth 'brooch which they riot., rind .1....1 Wl•nir primps hot% i• Eillirefa awl Welt - gene (no• hs. have twee visited. their wagere Mi• nims analy.M. The reedy. ei the labors of two moire smote. rhea emninaa,1. ha. ta,,, the nelysie of skeet thirty die...rest springs. the isowsporitine of many n whom premiai. peen- o mswillos. Wok mon of them oradvem dm meth. his. he., stlel. imortionreii ihe moos will he Gond in H. atilt'. r -rt elm, whieh. ap• peorliid lb me of Mew-. II,41wo sod MOOTIV. hoe. Immo for .16, heel three years perminted lie th. promote of th. Itervoy: tonnes theoe y h. easedesed the toe( 'Moe of users med. ipso dw mem, owl etivir sweet [who Seevroir. eel I 01(10". has remind lo Ste Meknes - III ft" these hi eeeseeriet. with Mr Imps', lotwood I ham/ room, all th• deeirteee reelred hy * tinny km at tienviant. as the enterng senior. of Popery in England. Short pan eriiph• in the Ettyli•li parry, from "Prole. diabolical nwitre of Romsnmim, with ad- ohlet• treating every part of the imbpsct, indielle the thomuchnem of the panic. - The intlignatno appears to be compowed of two porta-of wounded politicel pride, snd of enraged Prominent feeling. A I d-evites to the Q ISM atm.' la g the love of her ca,,j,cte, and their Immo" •t the metal offered her prerogative in the high- ase.,,option of power in her dom.- Iona by a R. onto Prince. alternato w th 1,110, ed aileh fonlInt 10 land. the Pope.ihould hive deemed himself Male In ritelltab'i-htng the Roman hierarchy in E Mimed at lb., lone. Th. Pt...vile move. mcot there has h.min probably • fir dewier, more genuine and wore significant 'vaunt:, Checked very much in its outward manifes. tatoms by the potent authority of the their own ground. hr coneiderati ms of state, It has ei rock into tho convictiola of we und . nd 1t, is noting bot on amemot to wows to thrt moble Chttreh tho pre eminent pleas um the social swat -teems, t., habits end images of the world, w och longer/110 it in the •trongeet dacs of the Papacy -an honest effrot, ',rowing nut of k •inoter• faith is the peinciple -Ica make the 'noble Chorch the h of the host •ffec- t goo., the merest of the eharime.,th* foon tam of thn ,op elm% an the centiel fight .1 the whole lure erth. Eneligh per mile. At beam of 'corm's'. Toe belie( in a Catholtie C tures, [be only anthuriwo,: Pinney of sit ghostly tell mimeos, in annetolic m hertormal remeneration, its an element and Mealloar mood of porictillonit is todetrooderme (wiring that the etiproma- Intlfeninittl'e) of the aperitrial end the tem morel powere-lt•-• docirinee-the creed toe plettirm of *octal seder and lacteal too. null Eaglets Oligarch, ewer once the Rotor- ennieg.need, sod ry rfly,IVer. one by one, Amon•t it. eh • hope or fear, the great -teength-the idea of Chriet, the eat* heed of the Church. en) the only priest. and the Rolle privately interpreted, the aids tito•le Tee eh .le reltrious and special Ind emend ▪ out ef the nmeteenth century is utterly opposted ter (7burch of k;oglandime end 10 C•tholietem. Li gland 11 t only Protes- tant country where Wiresni•m eon din .1141.d6r111,11, 11110^11111'. 0 1111 there she will only manifest w' ea already exim., which nut• ria ronectences and (30.1 --of flae4 phided. tichtore to a term which haw loot its power I crush thought• Callinliwitse .% mem* has bet emottherallIK 0. NMI !IP 1,01, reo.air two rl anorrenn-a considering, e ttqlottree al armee' nod loomed 1 se▪ ism totto Mos miestued meters et erred 'turfy it.s,r pursing foe orifietlitp am)