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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-23, Page 17
Th 'T.11 -Act cal•. [-7..ig ac:zewar . , I95 ,Pal. 11l COLOR HIM (t) ISANTA, above, may. be traced and colored for use as it dee- oration on handmade Christmas cards, You may wish :to write a Jolly verse accompaniment fot it. Are You Nosey? IF you have a youdgster'in the household who's getting too nosey about what he or she is go- ing to be brought by Santa, and is nosing around for possible caches of gifts, this puzzle maze can be a distraction. It requires the solve to be "nosey," i.e., to try to count with- in one minute or two all, the noses in sight. How•many are there? •8ul.vap 5q4 ul palunoa aq teo sesou }uaaallip uaaltl3 ;uoi)n1oS ORNAMENTAL Si: Nick's Best Wishes? 3- Paper Dolls rIV.EN a choice, what would Santa Claus himself "-4. like for Christmas? No one knows for sure, of course, but it can be fun to speculate, Let's suppose that good St. Nick had an idle mo- ment in which he doodled the figures shown in the diagram below. There are eleven items in all. How quickly can you identify each of these items? 'aleij::duaxa 'slooq ni.;llao'17)5444174 142lg551i '555l3 ,3u1 - Iiu.v 'a)T a lk 'wogs Mous 'odic! :sae.isuv, Mk Ai01441440. 1Vw rte r �h ri Ii._zmallit 114111014,y 1147404'‘. (Nattte-Calling •4• _ 4 CAN you think quickly of a man's name for each letter of the alphabet, such as Adam, Ben, Charles, etc? Test yourself. Time limit is three minutes. After listing a name for each letter, see if you can think of a Christmas gift for each, such as airplane, for Albert; book for Basil; cat for Cuthbert, etc. A, N B O C I' D 4Z B IZ F -. S G 'r H U• V .• 1V IC M Z After you've taken the test, offer to keep time for, someone else. This can be an ice -breaker at a Christmas party. DOTOGRAPHS 3' s Motion Picture • irEM T�1O you know that one of the 1J very earliest forms of "initials picture" was a card slotted so that slips of paper could be run through it to make the eyes or mouth move? It's true. You can have a provocative set of animated "place -cards for your holiday dinner by using this draw- ing as a model. Prepare copies with the help. of carbon or trac- ing paper. Insert strip at bottom (above) through the slits in the reindeer's eyes. The strip can be pulled back and forth to cause the rein- deer's eyes to move. Color the copies appropriately. aLf 'flO13BY, at top right, and Bill, at bottom left, wish to ex- change gifts; likewise Barbara:, at top left, and Bess, at bottom right. A game can be made of effecting the swaps. Using black and white buttons to represent the gifts, see if yqu can make the transfers within 16 moves. . Begin by placing white buttons on circles 1 and 3; black buttons on circles 6 and 8. Then, moving the buttons along straight lines, rearrange them so that the place- ment scheme is reversed, That is, whites are to occupy circles 6 and 8, and blacks circles 1 and 3. Only one move at a time is per- missible and only one button may occupy a circle. Remember, object is to get blacks to 1 and 3; whites, 6 and 8. BAti 'ca 'TEC 'Mk'1'£f '9M. 'La 'TM. '8a Li um. 8a '1•a '9M, '5a '9Mt6 , ale sa. oua '011g sol M :gostq -101 a 2ulsn, :Sonnies Yule .Birthd " TOHN and Joan are two of those folks wile have birthdays at Christmas time, and thus feel they are missing something. Their combined ages equal 49 years. Now if John. is twice the age that Joan was when he was as old as she is now, how old is each now? • •a40-X3UC4,4 sl uvOr !pro carat ss1a-(lu5M3 55 ugor :uoilolos What's It Mean? OING through. antique shops A• you'll likely find old dolls of corn -husk, rags, and papier-mache as well as of rubber, cork and other materials. In olden times, many dolls were made at home, of materials found in. any house- hold. There's a challenging way of turning out three-dimensional pa- per dolls for Christmas decora- tions and stockings from ordin- ary newsprint rolled into tubes.. The head is' a dampened wad of paper squeezed into an egg- shaped mass and allowed to dry hard like papier-mache. Strings inserted while head is damp se - Caroler doll (T). Components( are rolled paper tubes; Large tubs for body; smaller tube for arms. Bends in tube form forearms, cure it to body. (Sed left, above.) To form a skirt, dampen sever- al layers of paper at top • edge and gather about waist, Tie in place with ribbon. Hair, bonnet; clothes, etc., may be improvised as desired from scrap materials. Add features and finishing touches with water colors. Optical Illusion Is a Gift TWO different things are de- picted above. Put their names together and you have the name of something we're likely to look up tO at Christmas time. -aolatlsluz so 'aol-ailsem mooning Rebus Greeting APUZZLE -MINDED man sent his friend the following group of letters as a Christmas greet- ing: A'BCDBFGH13 KIXN0PQBSrU V WXYZ. The friend understood exactly what his puzzle -minded acquaint- ance meant to say, for it is in the form of a rebus. Do you? walla/ agi Snouni .7, OMsl aaagy -pox :nolinloS WILL HE TRAVEL SHORTEST ROUTE? Spike the Ice GIVE each guest a glass of water containing an ice cube and a piece of ,string. Point out that the first to lasso his cube and raise it from the glass wins the race. Actually, no one will win. When all have 'given up, how- ever, announce that you will now demonstrate how it's done. Laying the string over the piece of ice, shake a. goodly amount of salt on both string and ice. In a few moments, the salt will freeze the string to the ice and the cube can be lifted, • Which Are Mini? "rH18 is a lest of your qui0k- 1 tem tu paying attentia>i to details, It requires you to dis- e0VOr, within one inute,' vhf eh two of these 'birds are twins, that ex5.ctiy alike. '}gala Sao})6q pee do; 51)I;B :aeatieyr TO complete a pair of Christ- mas tree ornaments th2.t are different and colorful, draw lines from dot to dot in numerical or- der, that is,•from 1to 2, 3, etc. Mount the drawings on stiff paper and cut out along the lines you have drawn. Color appropriately with crayons or colored pencils. Stick a pin-hole through the drawing of the ribbon in each, and thread it for hanging on the tree. • Keep It , Ouiet LTOW can you keep a rooster i� from crowing on Christmas? •aaojaq ,top 541 .tau •utp Svugsi.lyp x07 wig al.l :aaMAud Why does a jigsaw puzzle make the most acceptable Christmas gift for many persons? •21h))i3 }sous eta e; }l esneaag :reskswe .QANTA needs a, pilot to show him around a new suburb that has iprung up since last Christ- mas. Start with Santa at upper right and find the shortest route that will take him to the five houses shown -that is, the one route that will enable him to avoid time- consuming dead-end pathways. Santa's path should not cross' itself, nor should it be necessary for him to retrace his step's. How quickly can you guide him through this part of his rounds? IF you are holding this page' at normal distance from your eyes, it'll appear that the acrobat is holding on to the Christmas gift he chose for his wife. But if you move the page steadily closer to your eyes, you'll see that actually he is placing it in her hands. Carol to Play Star to Crass PLACE this p'ano keyboard above the corresponding keys on your instrument and sound the keys indicated below: Cc - A -G -E M. lent Might, Bo- ly night; D2'.Dz B C2-C2•G All is calm; All is bright; A -A - C2 -B -A -G -A Round yon Vir - gin Moth - or -G - E and Child; A.A. CZ -It • A • G -A Ho - ly Itt-/ant, so ten• der - Cf - E and ,mild, D2-D2-F2-D3-B-C2-E2e Sleep in. heat) - en,- ly peace; C2- G- B- G- F- D -C 8/cep in hear - en ly peace. Practice it sevel•ai times and you'll be ready to accompany the singing this week. HORIZONTAL 1 --Which son of Shiza was one of David's mighy men? (1 Chr, 11:42) 6 -What a. bad boy might have boxed for Christmas. 9 -Whom did King Ahastrertls put above all his princes? (Este. 3:1). 14 --Soft drinks. I5 -Land measure. 16 -Feminine name, 17 -What messenger did the Lord send to King Amaziah? (2 Chr. 25:15) 10 What land did Joshua , send spies into? (Josh. 2:1) 21 -Foot: comb. form, 22 -Something candles can be est- peotod tO do,. 23 -Christmas fowl. 24 -Whet brother of John did Belo kill? (Acts 12:2) 27 -Santa,, Claus' pack: 28 -Neuter pronoun. 29-I what month Is the feast of Purim celebrated? (Esth. 9:17) 30 -Compact, 31 -"The men of Judah — Unto their king, front Jordan even to Jerusalem" (2 Sam, 20:2) 34 -Mischievous spirit. 35 -=-"Why do the heathen —, and the people imagine .a, vain thing?" (Ps. 2:1) 36 -Mare ,quiet. 37 -New England state (abbr.) 38 --With whom did the Pharisees take counsel to destroy Jesus? (Mark 3:6) 40 -South America (abbr.) 41 -Imperative, 43 -Pod used in soups. 44 -S-shaped worm. 45 -What son •Of I1adabhad no children? . (1 Chr. 2;30) 4(i -P> ob1Sd iOulld in a lace. 0 It 12 14 14 17 21 18 / 19 20 4,.. 22 24 2q 25 za 27 34, 37 41 45 r 38 •4 35 30 32 34 40 42. 44 48 Si 52 56 IN I IM r V/ 53 4.7 54 54 45 62 (,6 63 57 58 59 4 is 47 -Club whose Members Sing Christmas carols, 48 --Paid notice. 49 -"Look upon mine aliliotion and my •----; slid, forgive all 'my sins" (Ps. 25:18) GO• '.Dirties. s'( 4 64 67 51-"A whip t� r the horse, a bri- dle for the , and a rod for the fools back" (Pr. 26:3) 53 -The swan. 54-•-l3rorite money. 55--" -- unto Me the toy of thy* salvation" (Ps. 51;12) Distl b t Iain treat 5 di to ru ed by Y urcit ye ea 57 -Who was Mordceai's uncle? (Esth. 2:15) 61• --Spaces. 62-Sinall taste. 64 -Operatic heroine. 65 -Intermediate. 66 --Head covering. 67 -"And On the seventh day God — his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made" (Gen. 2:2)' VERTICAL 1 -Venomous serpent. 2 -,Tune bug. • 3• --Artificial language. 4-Drowser. 5 -End of ell Yule logs. 6 -What everybody does the Mid- dle of Christmas Day. 7 -What place did the Lord give to the children of Lot for a' possession? (Deut.2:9) 8 -"And he said unto them, Full 'well ye — the command meet of God, that ye may keep your own tradition"' (Mark 7:9) 9 -Male of red deer. 10 -Fourth caliph.. 11 -Title of several of the Psalms, 12 -Be in pain, 13--1nert gaseous element. 18 -Plural aunt. 20 --Large deer. 22-T6 what place was Paul en- treated to come by a manap- pearinOf to hint In a vision?? ,(Acts 16:9) 24 -The daughter of what ruler of tete synagogue did Jesus raise from the dead? (Luke 8;41) 2. Mom. 26 --•Chart 27'-"•Fatlhilt'ioUS foozli • 28 -Afflictions. 30-73:09r) we know in —,and prophesy in —" ( Cor. 3 31 -In what Galilean city did Jesus perform the miracle of 'turning water into wine? (John 2:11) 32 -"Take Sway the dross from the silver, and there shall conte forth a -- for. the finer" (Pr. 25:4) 33 --Effaces, 33 -Cleave. 36 -Upon what w - ried when broughtasthe up toark Jecarru- salem?? (2 Sam. 6:3) 18 -Pay attention. 30 -Holy picture of Greek Church. 42 -Many are peered into at Christmas season. 44 ---Who was Phinchas's father? (1 Sam, 4:11) 46 -From what place did 'Moses send messengers to the king of Edom? (Num. 20:14) 47 --•Joshua took all of what land? (Josh'. 11:16) 49 ---By. A 50 --Fish net. Si --Son of Shen, (Con. 10:22) 62 --Series Of plant forma t i o n changes. 33-"A time in flet, and a time to tEcci, 3:6) 54 --Jewish M nth. 56 -Light brown. 57 -•Likely. 58-- (01:16 length of days, and long rife, and peace, shall they - -a to thee" (Pi'. 3:2) SO --C prinoid fish. 60• --"'Arise, lift upthe ----•, and hold hitt in tine hand; for I will Make hitt a great station" (Gen. 21:18) 63---1O' a ((abbr.) THE beautiful story that began with a. Star 1958 years ago, reached a climax with a Cross. In this cut-out puzzle, you are asked to transform a four -pointed star into a Maltese cross. Cut out the four sections of the design and see how quickly you can assemble them into the cross. •uolloaxlp aalsodda ala nl 2UI1U10d ldoaau i55 1.5;Md 1411M x547a2 -o) suollaas .1110j eq} aasld :uo;lnlog DRAWING FUN 0 TO draw a reasonable facsimile l of the Santa's helper pictured above is the challenge posed by , the diagram below. You will notice that the dia- gram above is somewhat shallow- er than its counterpart below, which means that ingenuity is re- quired to gain proper perspective. a3C1 �9Ns3W V gain►' ��i S V 3 b v .1 1 O 1 : • a X101 s 3'd ArAs3• ba3 ssa s iene 'N I V d%atl, 3 IM.1 0 N A/0 3 1 3 s s©gi k oI o N 3n V S%S N V I (1 0 b jj'/ 1)1 3^(i,1'VD 3DVI.W1 9ACi ',a,)vdPyaav gl . )1 a V S 4, s9 Wit r NaMMUMMOMPADOW oNE]jD9f,i3 44)14 3 Bev., r Alt ,I, YIVHrYY3/d► I crto63Wbab ptItZI t sotTTtlbX