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•POI* 14
The Tim's -Advocate, Decombor 23, 1958 Mr.i.Mrs.. Santa
11.111M4.41111101111111110tii.11.400111111M1110111.11,1ffittltill.1111$11t111101.0014041111.WWW11,1101MM4411141.WHIMMI At Rebekah Fete
• "N 1H
By MRS. J. M. S.
Again the bonniest,most beau -
season of the year is here.
One of the loveliest passages
*written are the words of Henry
'Van Dyke. in his "Spirit of
"It is a good thing to observe
"Christmas day. The mere mark-
ing of times and seasons, when
.-med agree to stop work and
make merry together is a wise.
wholesome custom. it helps
.one to feel the supremacy of the
'tommon life over the individual
4ife. It reminds a man to set his
Meathera of Pride of Huron
Rebekah Lodge, Eater, held
their Christmas party following
a shed business ineetiog ou
Wednesday evennig.
own little watch, now and then,
by the great clock of humanity
which runs on sun time.
"But there is. a better thing
than the observance of Christ-
mas day, and that is, keeping
"Are you willing to forget what
you have done for other people.
and to remember what other
people have done for you; to ig-
nore what the world owes you,
and to think what you owe the
world: to put your rights in the
background, and your duties in
A program- included Carel sing
ing,:led by Mrs. Harold Bill
solo by 'Douglas. Taylor, _duets,
ilrentle and Dale Skinner, and
aeanand Brenda Delwood; and a
play presented bY the Woman's
Federation of 'jetties Street
United Church. Taking part were
Mrs. Harry Cole, -Mrs, John
Schroeder, ma. Clarence
Mrs. Rey Jory and gra. Grace
Air. anti Mrs. Santa _arrived -
on the scene and presented gifts.
from a gaily decorated tree.
Turkeyburgers, Christmas -cake,
chocolates.. and other festive
goodies Were served,
SS Concert
At Crediton
.4,, •
Along Wiotir
thanks for yottr kind patronage in
the past yeer,we extend
our best Wishes for the holiday.
Beauty Salon
14 Main St. EXETER
Credited United Church School
members presented a Christmas
entertainment in the Community
Centre on Monday evening.
Superintendent Mr. Nelson Lan.
port presided.
A large number of reditation5
were given by younger members,
also several exercises, and a
hoop drill,
Musical numbers were given
by Judy Lamport and Caroline
Glanville. Mr., R. Bocock, }en -
nth and Richard Moon. played
several musical trios consisting
Of Christmat earels, when the
audience joined in singing. A
canta ta, "The Christmas Story,"
was also.produced, and program
was closed with a pantomime,
"Silent Night."
Conveners of the entertain-
ment were Mrs, L. Prendator,
Mrs. R. Harris and Mrs, A.
Becker, assisted by the church
school teachert.
Personal Items
Mr. J. Leary, of Detroit, visit-
ed on Saturday with Mrs. S.
Lamport, who accompanied him
to Detroit, where she will spend
the holiday season with members
YPA.C.CIPAC.C.riilfWACiiiVACCOW.C.tgrig of her family.
W02 John. Wade, of Manitoba,
has arrived at hit florae here to
spend Christmas with members
of his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis FAA 'and
sons, of St. Theniat, visited on
Saturday with Mr. Faist's
mother, Mrs. M. Feist, who re-
turned to St. Monies with them,
where she will spend the festive
Our best wishes to you
on this
Happy Christmas llotiday.,
Rea6ty Salon
Ethel Desjardino
lowcoitittottistfoigitcstv 441044widiwk!!
yours...new and through all time to conte,
Ak. Nay the joys of
this Holiday semonfall with
abundance upon you and
Special. Christmai
Dinner Menu
Celery Hearts, Sweet Pickles, Salt Almonds, Fresh 'Print,
Mixed Nuts
Soup — Consomme A la Royal or Tomato Juice
Grilled White Fish, Brown Butter . $1.00
:Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Ring ....... ......... . ...... $1.25
'Breaded Veal Cutlet with Tomato Saue1.10
':t.fione Steak with Strip of Bacon 2.00
lirfoln Steak with Fried Onions 1.75
Roasted Turkey with Cranberry Sauce 1.75
Roasted Young Chicken with Apple Je;ly .. 136
Prima Ribs of Beef with Brown 6ravy 1./5
Lag of Young Perk with Apple Sauce US
Mash or •French Fried Potatoes, Butter Swett Peas.
Groin Apple, Raisin, Cherry and Hot 'Mince Pies, Christmas
Rake or Christmas Plum Pudding with wine taUCit
The Exeter Grill
pf4oNg 401 439 MAIN St Si.
• • •
Have a •,beautifill
CHRISTMAS TWINS—Kathy and Karen Hendrick, twins of Mr. and Mrs, HUgh Hen-
drick, Kippen, celebrate their sixth birthday this Christmas.' They were born, on De -
comber 27 Which Means the yuletide brings a double celelsration for them. Their
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. salt Hendrick and Mr—and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, all
of Exeter. —Jack Doerr 'Photo
Jose Strevett, Stylist
Telephone 522
HEAD LEGION AUXILIARY—This group was installed As officers of Exeter Legion
the middle distanee, and, your
chances to do a little mere than
your duty in the foreground; to
see that your fellow men are just
as real as you are,. and try to
look behind their faces to their
hearts, hungry for joy; to adMit
that probably the Only go6d
reason for your existence is net
what you are going to get out of
life, but what you are going .to
give to life; to close your book
of complaints against, the man-
agement of the universe, and
look around you for A place
where you can sow a few seeds
of happiness — are you willing to
de these things 'even for a day?
Thea you can keep Christ/no.
"Are you willing to stodp. down
and consider the needs and de-
sires of little children; ta remelt.-
ber the weakness and loneliness
of people who are growing old;
to stop asking how niuch your
friends love you, and ask your-
self whether you love them
enough; to bear. in niiiid - the
things that other people have to
bear in their hearts;
"To try to understand what
those who live in the saltie houte
with you really want, without
waiting for thent to tell you; to
trini. your lamp so that it will
give more light and less smoke,
and to carry it in front so that
your shadow will fall behind you,
to' make a grave for your ugly
thoughts and a garden for your
kindly feelings, with the gate
open — are you willing to do
these things even for a day?
Then you can keep Christmas.
"Are you willing to believe
that love is the strongest thing
in the world — stronger than
hate, stronger than evil —
stronger than death — and that
the, blessed life which began Iii
Bethlehem 1900 years ago it the
image and brightness of the
Eternal Love? Then you can
keep Christmas.
"And if you keep it for si day,
why not always? But you cad
never keep it alone." — Froin
"The Smrit of. Chriattnits" by
Henry VariDyke,
May this season bring joy and
happiness to, all At together we
again celebrate the birthday 61
Christ. I
''our patronage we have enjoyed,
Coed -Will and friendshin, toot
Our gratitude we try to shoW
By saying "THANES" to you.
We'd' like to have you knew that
Our efforts we Will strive
To keep, your valued friendship
Good -Will with ins,. alive!
And new we wish you One and
Our hearty wish sincere:
tOr a very Merry Cliristinat
And A Prosperous New Y,earl
Ladies Auxiliary Thursday night during a joint ceremony in' the branch, hall. Front
row, froth left: Mrsi' Gordon McTavish, secretary; Mrs. Graham Mason, first vice-
president; Mrs. Gerald Campbell, presiden t; Mrs. Clarence Knight, second vice-presi-
dent; Mrs. Stan Frayne,- past Vresident; Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, 'treasurer; back row, Mrs.
Gerald Lawson, Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds, Mrs. Norman,Norry, Mrs. Eldrid Simmons, Mrs.
Roy Baynhirn. and Mt., Andrew Bierling. —T -A Photo
Christmas Weddings
Stanton -Dawson
The bride, groom and atten-
dants in the Stanton -Dawson
wedding in St. John'S-by-the•Lake
Anglican Church, Grand Bend,
on Saturday, December 20, 11
a.m., are New Zealanders.
Mist Trent+. Dawson daughter
of Mr. and Mil. William Dawson,
Half Moen Bay, Stewart
New Zealand, add ,David George
Stanton, Grind Bend, son of
Mr's. D. M. and the late Mr.. G.
A., Stanton, 3 Aldersgate
Mt. Roskill, Auckland, New. Zee-
land, were united in marriage by
Rev. A. Bowker in a nouble-ring
cerertiony. The sanctuary was
decorated with • white baby
gr. Lance McDowell, London,
played the wedding music.
Given in marriage by a friend,
Mr. Ernest Gross, Grand Bend,
the bride were a royal'blue vel-
vet dress, styled Od princess and.
etrare lines with a fitted bodice
and neckline. The 'fitted bodice
jacket featured three-quatter•
length tleevet. A royal blue. vel -
yet Crown held her elbow length
blue veil. She carried a spray
of pink Sweetheart roses on a
white Morodcan leather prayer
Her maid Of hihnok, Mist Betty
o a ai tat ,
New Zealand, Wore a rose pink
velvet dress, with scoop neckline
and fitted bodice. She carried
blue carnations.
Kel Brine, form Orly of New
Zealand, now of Niagara Falls,
was, best man, and Ross LOve
and William Sturdevant, both of
Grai_d Bend, ushered.
A reception was held at Green
Forest Lodge, Grand Bend, where
Mrs. Ernest Gross received
guests on behalf Of the bride's
mother. She were a 'teal blue
crepe .dress with white acces-
sories and pink carnation cor-
'.,For travelling to JaniestOwn,
New York, where the honeymoon
it to be spent, the bride changed
to a cherry -wool ensemble worn
under A green coat with white
accessories and White carnation
cersage. •
On their return they will reside
in Grand Bend where the .groora
it a teacher ins the public School.
in First Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth, on 'Saturday, Nov, 29,
at 2.30, Rev. Elder united in
marrlage Catherine M. i4ohner,
Seaforth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Rohner, Exeter,
I/Weirdest holiday
wishes to yoo, friends and
Alighhers, and
foil metiers of
tho hist things inlife
„ let new and slimly:.
Tom, Dol Arid The Staff
' at
and . reflnsWies, son Of
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Bemiewies,
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore an ankle.
length gown of Chantilly lace
over satin. Her Shoulder length
veil was ,held by a wreath of
lily of the valley, She Carried a
nosegay of red roses and lily of
the valley.
She was attended by Mrs,
Ralph Betinewies, Seaforth, wear-
ing a .teal blue dress of crystal
— Please Turn To Page 18
Beauty Salon.
A Very
• And A
.hAari Coward
Phone AC 8-6661
Oh, holy, peaceful
Let every heart
rejoice in the
inspiration and
b;essings of the season.
Ladies Wear
Mrs. C. E. Boyle Robert Irwin
Mrs. A. Frayne
At the end of each year we pause to consider
how fortunate we are 'to have wonderful folk S like'
you at our Customers.
It it your loyalty and patronage that enables
US to conduct Our pharmacy with strict observance
of our Code of Ethics.
You never ask for the impossible and have al-
ways been quick to co-operate with Sortie of our prob.
lents: We 'will gladly continue to give you the court -
eats attention, dependable service and reasonable
prices you rightfully deserve.
- The approaching Christmas season again gives
us the welcome Opportunity to sincerely wish you and
yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We
hope we may have this happy privilege for many
years to come.
PRESCRIPTIONS VatEAL4euz.L244, gyspeze.4_
EXETER (1'. 447
Hope the teaSen's Own cheer •
Makes you, happy at hert,
And the coming New Year
Is glad right from *the start!
• get Wishes From The Staff
MactAILLAN'S Phone Su Exeter
Yet& Hairdresser Met. C. .1-forit Ars, Booklet, Mrt, A. Johnson Miss C. SimptOis
PHONE 146 EXEtErt PHONE EXETER Cliff and boa Etittieti