HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-09, Page 3• ser Isla• Nu, few Y sea' - lar ee, ea, be - hat :1 r- tM rly it - t. 1•- sa- rill to rt to 1 ws 11- mF e - with s1 ad a d 11116410•411WOMBSIN'iliriliffiliner the ,gin Mee 4eel 1 eres14 ask the Ca. - leader W' it V bialy that we wear Morbid w OM et I • Amiss. is this oar pentrahlo District, tad that this rwpecww M hue kegasstly eesentalated the Gilead Jureses usd the p•wpb ,+swap y os th• armor e.tlee Ammar of arms is this Crusty or Oohed Colorise. WIIh reforests t. Dr. Dunlop's beta, tamed out of the Chair, from the rap of a ..hitter), there sever was, 1 firmly believe, a scan i. the Druid that would or could tars eel LIN Doctor. At the meeting re• Milled te, (ler 1 was there myself) the Dr. we proposed as Chairman, sad Mr. Jones wag also proposed, sad whoa the house di- vided there appeared a large majority is fa- vor err latter, who eery reiactaat,y took Wit Cbak-there was se turnip( out of Dr. Dunlop, at that cr a.y other time. 1 was late ptti.g to the meeusg, but was iafwrmad that es was moved and carried for half as boar. whom what 1 haws abovedsssrlbed toot place, the Doctor armee bad my rostra to fear the loops,, or is ether wort, tet inch, at whom Mr. X airs him Ale smarties.. But Dr. Dunlop had good reams to for those who crept 1.1.. c. ..der the.hdow of ►w wings - and afterwards mode his life ..happy by permeates, sod Wm is bis old day.. The time be walked the corse ss Han., this Bye was ready is support bin u. w If seed bad ire required. Their op- positions at uta memo* time was sol a- gra.t the Doctor, bel the tail he bad appended to him, that frequently wrong from him the bitter and .zeruelattsg pet', toes, " Deliver me from my Mends." I meet fowlsdo at the time, as 1 dare mot hope that yea could possiblygive me space for the tythr .f what I wed like to say. - Fergie iabrferoms of people haring a direst motored and .sd.oiable right to err. Moe their fraehts. at Township Elseuuu; or elsewhere, .sad form the subject e: an- nthec Leitch, when it may be more conve- nient tor yes and I. I. the mesa woo, 1 bog to e.benhe myself, One of the Boys, JOSEPH WILLiAMSON• IRELAND. . Aram er Helseva.-A !Wile meeting w Saturday mono, in the Phoenix Park, Dabbs, between the Ma►gsi. 1 Sligo and Mr. 0. 0. Higgio., M.P., we tsterupted by the police u the parties were about ta- king their place.. The prtotipals escaping het were arrested in the coarse of the day sae warrant leased by Colonel Browne, sad tabs to the police -sass, College Street, when they wort boned over before Dr. Belly is heavy . . The min. utNersta.di.g, we have bard, arose out of a late .lection of a .Jci. guardisas to the y of Mayo. Rauwar Counvstc•Tnis,-Kilkenny is at length se..o.t.d by rail with Dublin. - On Friday, at two o'clock, an engine, with seg liftoff, ad drawing 'four Waggons la- de with ballast's' ad atonal, arrived from B,ghatotews at the station of the Waterford and Kilkenny Company is oar city, amidst the cheers of the iehabi sets hastily assembled to wits**. tha unapeeled Might. Tbr William Darras" sogine ad soother train of waggon@ arrived at the .tation at four o'clock. The manus in which the works eousmtiag the South Eutars Eitsseioa with the Waterford and Kilkenny li.e at Lavistow■ have beta exe- cuted, do the utmost credit to the sub-coo- trtutora, Meows. Meehan ted Mulqu.ony. The lie will be open for General traffic early is the meoth.-Kiikeaay Moderator. Moue MID Bosa.s.-Tets morass, about Mi o'clock a tailor, Joh. Bchottth, killed his sister's child by obohrg it. He theft locked himself in the room sad thres t, asgl bis wife and .these. Shortly altar. wards twosher wen beard, and 1t was found 1s had blown out btu breis.. --(N. Y. Spectator, 23rd Arum- or • roaTrrn Sire.-Pnt•- Det.eWa, December 91. -Great excitemest was crested hen to-dsy by the street of a (artily' dare. The case was argued in the Gaited Mutes Marshall's office. and hr identity Mktg proved, he was remanded to await orders from hie owners. (r%' SUMMONSES and all other Blank forms required by the New Divisors Court Act, on Sale at the Signal Once, at 2.. 6d. per hundred. FOR SALE LOT N.. 2 is the West Side of North Street is the Tows 1 Oedenel. Tenor Ery. Apply t., D. H. I.IZARS, 8.iisu.r, 81rifwd. Goderieb, 8th lasearr. 1861. NOTICE. FROM the very Marro' support reeei- •ed by the subscriber nn hi. first .p - marine, as Agent in the Division Courts, he would intimate to the inhabitants of the Dutnct g Ily, that he will attend the respective Courts throughout the Unit[ Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, at each as& every of their Sittings (health permit- ting.) sod as bis charges are moderate, and travelling expensive, prompt payments will be required. N. B. -Communications must be post - JOSEPH WILLIAMSON. Goderich, Jen. 7th, 1651. 47 3t( CAME into tbeEocloines of tbe subscri- ber, 4th Coo. Lot 11, Tuckersint'b, on or shoot the 1.t of November last, a White STEER. with Brown carr, one year end a half old, The owner is req ieeted to prose property, pay ezpensey and tate his away. WILLIAM McMURRAY. Ttickersmith, Jar 4, 1851. 46 CAME into the Encloa're of the subscri• ber about the let of July lat. a White OX, with a Red Neck and Head, and white spot in the forehead, about nine rears old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. I.ot 21, 5th Con. McKillop. ANDREW HENDERSON. Ja.wry 1, 1851. 47 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING is the STRATFORD Per Office sp ta Jeaeary Iib. 1851. L•ndesdickr Jae Miller JJ Mather Sam' Me tberaal- Wm 2 Moore Wm Moore Widow Mauler Alex McGill Wm McCsrdell Joseph McCafferty A McA'Legr James Arndt Balla Boles Brim Boyd J• Campbell Peter Campbell Arebibeld Ganga George Contuse Joe Campbell James Campbell Robt Carngher Termite McErwan Jso Carry Metope McDermid Peter Caller Sam' Hauer Lomas* Drgl.r Mn Dorothy Ned Wm. Drumm i.eob O'D...rll 8imos • Drsmntaad Patrick Ogalve Robt Duos Thomas ()field Georg* Odbert Wm Seer Odbert Was Odbert Theo Pike Jae Porter Joo Paters Jae roguery Wm Quinlan Camelia' Qupep Jonathan Qoiebsrio Jr Revd Theo Res.y Wilson Robertson Jas Srhrider Jo* 2 8tnttdes :Imo Semi Wil. Stepla Henry Sorter Jus Hoary Sas Thom Alex Ware Ws Wars Jr Edwards Jr Ellteon Christopher Eamon Arrow Fisher Alex Pinp.trick Jr Frsak A C Gartrell We Gruel Wan Gaast.ee Ilea, Heys Jr Hamilton Hoe'' Hen. Edward lobes 8..) 2 Kesedy Edward Kippes Alex Kreuter Fredriehk Krppss Maas Kipple Jas Kens J 8 Leve Robert I.aekwortby Ons L.Mm Kim* OBiTUARY. Mas. Et.tzassr. Wiwa... )Aad, et at. Mary's, es the lith, Nos., 1850, Ebmheth Wawa, common of ib. Ra.. Jobe Wilbur. Mem Williams was • native of Cars- well, Lapland: she ezpsneeed the pardon 1 her sir m • sg, is her mews rad, wbss •best karma menet so. She eeign- .sd is Cassis with her lather. Pew Peer«. 8ser., is the year 1838, who settled is Peter- bere.gb. C. W. She arm jellied G srintno•y iia the R.•. J.1. Williams, Marsh Sib, 1846, with wham she lived is that moot medial tad 1- fsetiwea rice te the day of her Math. Mr. ed $'.. Willman her wihw of them rioted geed hedge, hetet they Mee hod their foil shoes 1 epee mild hears ad hard circuits. 8be Ms bees the mother 1 (mor children, all 1 wkum hew pose beton Mr Iva minor, She w50 takes ill s• Friday the ld inmost, 1 Mimes (err. Per a frw lays she bad some dsebts of Shu felt that she bed sot her • fishl l es she eaglet. The missies' this, whisk Mn ss d bit mid was the regret 1 firmly pesyr 1a she abse•a 1 bet husband. thegl+ as wad the seripsaus u the hear 1 wo•sklp (This ser he mo •dmssittea se all pions wise) Foe ibis she reply bumbled tree. adfhsl.. Gild. ltd olos kit the lea Mud fall vase* 1 het Savior Bow to her wsead.4 spirit. P'.. that time, is the midst fro . Inset exemia - ting pair, she felt a swat emm4.wn 1 tied. .bm tryi.g r sty the praises 1 Gd. About two days bellies her death, she laid to • teal pslaabsr who ouquirsd 1w but mistral state. Uwe wee het am trig ler whisk ohs was wil- tiaa to stag ism her &eber s that was the pots' asps 1 BL. William,' host, and the hope that she might mak. him more e.mlwtsbk.- Mewmsar, sirs 11t as satin nn, trio. to Os wide( 0.4. Oe Tarim, the 12th met.. M. wittiest a twsnale oe hardly • gasp, fell about err years old, Bridled, with •whir sap, la Jam. i• the tlbrq•t►id you 1 hoe Heed. sad • Bell se. The rowan as her sem bar pints. revisit, hoe (easel irate by pay's, ezpoas.y and proviso primer,. wsa plural Ip M. wrlw, w1° impw..4 tbe 3160. CLEGO. eewiaa Item lot Coe. 1A Iii --d7, sad hee re Tp Galeria', Ike. 10.1860. 43 i. F. SICKLE. Primula. ATTACHMENT. Brace, U.iNd Consists of ) 'isn't of attach - Y virtue of • t1H.r.. Perri +Tb Wu. rest usurd ail of Her Majesty@ Cort of Queen's Bench at Toronto, tome dirwtud. &gam in the Es- tate, Real as well as Personal, of John loots, an absconding or concealed debtor, at tbo suit of James Crumb's sad James N. Andrews for tmr is of Five barbed sad mousse trods sine *billows and five pence. 1 bows 40110d ail the Keel ..d Per ,oust Estate of the said Jobs Jo.ee, and umleo. the said John Jones rheums within the Junadtcuois of the Court from where the said writ issued, and put in Bail to the action or cause the claims of the satdlame• Crornbe end J.ms. R. Andrews to be dis- charged within three cathodal months fres the first day of the publication of this«wuce, all the Eetata, Real or Persons' of the sad lob. Joos. or as much thereof as may be nes y will be held liable fur oho per. sent, benefit and satisfaction of the charas of the amid plaintiff*, as well es for the paymeot, benefit or satisfaction of tbe claim or claims of such othor plaintiff or plaintiffs, as .hall or may take proceed'•," against the properly and efforts of th. sad Job. Jour, within u: months from the issuing of the above mentioned writ of at. tachaet, to virtues of which this .otter u publub.d. JOHN McDONALD Sheriff U. C. H. P. lit B. Sheriffs Office Godertcb, 26, December 1850 •3-.46 TO Aid. WYOM 1T MRIOOIwQiL" t I • rjtHE 8nbnenber bogs river Nees his 5,5. 1 un thaka to W seewreed Cormier* for the Very Liberal Puursg. N has retchedasis he has hoes a Butner is Whence, sad at is seedier to soy that be loll rinser to ass 1r u assat 'satire to merit a eosu of rid psuonap. From the high repsuailoe sj dm Wotk.ssssisenred by the sobscnber, it may be (.•tty freaked. that he supplies better Custom Work " THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE 1N GODERICH," as all his BOOTS & SHOES .re •• Man.tetsred Nader his owe rpsnstad. e ase. The ssbsenber .iso begs to istiata to all those Indebted to him either by Note se Boon, Areo..t, either is GODERICH or CAMP• BELLTOWN, that soler rid Notes sod Ac- couots are settled on sr before rbc 15th day of Leary, 1851, they will be putout (or coileetws. Tshe hoed. and es.* Costs N. B. -Chevy Luther, Hides or Wheat, ta- kes is peyaat st Debts JAMES CAMPBELL. Gadrieb, Dec. 25. 1850. 45 Important to the Public. ALFRED BUR MH AM CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, (Member of the Royal Phennacenical Soetety of 0,.•t Bruen, ) REn mid erred ULLY informs the , thatbehas NEW LINE OF STAGES in .d •second STRATFORD, that be has psreliesed the Bowser of Dr. Hyde, Ienly Of Immense Immense Importance t0 the lied as b, ;obi em a the MEDICAL HALL, sed beets, dlspes.ed . Med,eisee ler testi gess hell ZT T Z • the Nobility of En,laod, ad (w ss•etel Msm- ben of the Royal Family, drag bucca teen GREAT RETRENCHMENT IN experience with some of the most ernes' Med- ial Practitioner, i, that ceostry. He will he - • happy to give Just opeoug at the Greta Weeders Depot, ADVICE GRATIS, To 4 Large and well-aawried NEW STOCK all persons me who bt tmhiak proper r eeeselt of A full supply of the choisest DRUGS. CHEMI- CALS, Stationery, Oils. Vaniebes, Dye Staffs, Paints. &e., together with • greet •sriety of & DRY GOODS i ` other domestic articles, will be cosuady kept DRY GOODS ! "P a hes 1N THE MEDICAL HALL. At No. I1, Norte Side of Dundu Strut, Stratford, let January, 1851. 46-3m3 _ opposite the Robinson Hall, London. THE UNDERSIGNED LAWSO N & BURGESS BEfSG appointed to collect all private sub- rcoptions towards the erection of a Bridge ARE now opening a 8pleoid Assortment over the neer Maitland. opposite Miller'. Mills, of FALL and winter CLOTHING beg le•e.'awls a "beriberi the ne«rity of made from the Newest Styles of Materiil, tmrediate peym.n, ell the work in now eom- of French, Engl'.h, American, and Cana- v t{ a h .dad overosoeeM`. becii An. ilius Cloths, manufactured by fiat -elan mord, the aerometer, to whom they will pay workmen, under their own superintendence. their respective subscription.. and wbosu re - We call the sttention of the Public to the copse will be a sufficient discharp from rime following LIST OF PRICER of Goods in liability. the Clothing and Dry Goods Departments : BENJAMIN MILLER, COATS. JOHN STEWART. zed Led Goderich, 1811 Dee., 1850. .3.44 Englioh and French Broad- TEACHERS' MEETING cloth Coats, all colour and este., 1 16 0 to 2 10 0 A TEACHERS' Meeting will be held st EOgli.h,Freeeh and Amen- Closure on Thursday, tbe 26th lett., at 12 can Beaver Coats, .1 16 0 to 2 10 0 o'eloek. aooe. A ges.nl aglesdaee. is penic English. French, America illy me. r ►ttsiar 1 importanr will be NOTICE. TO Country Merchants, AND OTMLRd. TBE Subscriber has r- evived M BALE we COMMIS/JOS, Twomey -6u Chem' OE( NY90ti TE Of various gids.. Also r realest .rode 1 /older DEW CAVINDISH TOBACCO! Whish will he Sold ata small ad no New York Prase.. Potash, Cherry Lumber sad Wheat %eke. is Eaeh.sg.. HORACE NORTON. N.B. SADDLES, BAR'bESS sad sverytbeg in the Lice. rrtaetly so hand, cheap for ash or Merskaatabte Produce. 11. H. Ood.rielt, No.. 25, 1850. 3eso41-3m CASH for WHEAT AT dor Goderich Mals. by WILLIAM PIPER. Gederieh Mills. 5th Deeember, 1949 46.11 CLOTHING CAME into the E.elo.er. of the Sob- srnber on or about the 1st of Novem- ber last, a three year old ether, also shoat the 1st of Sept. • yearlong heifer, Lot No. IG, 4th Con. Township of McKillop. The owners arm above snouts is requested to prove property pay expenses, and take them away. THOMAS GOVENLOCK. McKillop Dee. 10, 1860. .46-.3 CAME lets the premwrl Adrew Mardi', (wt 90. 4th C.. 1Meiillop, • Black sed Whir STEER, three years aid. lath s obit' stripe from top 1 the sigh Arida dews to the whits of The belly. Any pare protist property ad paying emperor as'ote him away. Me[ill.p, Will N... 1850. 46 C>.ME ismthe Fracture 1 wthe 8.bse►iber, w the Mad Oe:.her tem. • Small Maly OX tran.asted and Canadian Doeskin, Ooderieb, Dee. 18, 1850. .3044 Tweed and Satinet Sport - Mg Coats s•dTstlooniee,1 15 a to s 10 0 LESSONS IN VESTSCloth, Cassiesete, Tweed and Doeskin, 0 7 6 to0 11 6 French and English, Plainand Fancy Flub, SatinPJiU%llIP' • • and Velvet Vests, 0 8 9 too 16 0 R. THRABHERE would eay to the AIR. and Gemdestiin 1 Goderich. that A Targe Stock of Plaid, (every vanaty,) 0 5 0 to 0,10 0 irs inured. o, Me•day, the 161)1 int., to opia a PANTS• Class in Penmanlliiip. Eoglish,Frencb,Amenoan, Plain and Fumy Doeskin as Mr. T.'s charges w most liberal, eo person P 0 12 6 to I 0 0 wbo seeds improvemestahead etas this chance. Ca.edant.,ian. American tad Privets I.eresog'vea if required without extra charge. English Tweed, Satinet His School will ratua 2 week. and so as/ P•II Co ,• •• 0 10 0 to 0 17 8 Iasger. A IargeStoek, ( variety,) coastently ROOMS AT THE HURON HOTEL. o hued or mads to order. Goderi!h, Dee. 11. 1850. 43 HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, ke., ke. TRAYED from the Mettland Flat., some - American, -Trench and English Hats, S tuns abo.t the end of harvest -A RED (Newest Styles.) STEER, three years old --r it i• probable that Enghsk. American, California, Monterey, he is somewhere um the township of Oodench, Hungarian sad Wide-awake Felt Hat., all may person who will give to the Subsenber or colour.. Fur Cloth and Glazed Caps.- 'este at the Niguel Office, moth i.formatios es White and Coloured Shirts, Newest Stylesw 1 Iced to his recovery will he baadmomely re - White and Pitteres, all prices. warded. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENTJOHN ANNA ND. WILL CONSIST OF Cdheroe. Std Dee., 1850. •33". 42 French and English Broad- TAVERN LICENSES. cloths and Beavere, .7. 6d to 25. siTW sa0 GALT AND GODERICH THROUGH IN 18 HOURS ! 1. esswadwrt with the St.gu free Jlairitrw. COMMENCING on '- IUFSDAY let of October, a Sta:e will leave the Union Hotel, Galt, at 5 o'clock, s. m.. and the British (hotel, Goderich, at 6 o'clock, a. w., everyday (Sundays excepted,) arriving at each of the above Towss at early bed, time, and will continua to run for the Ae, commodities of Travellers, hog punt. toally at 6 o'clock in the morning. 1'he subscriber hopes by paying strict attention to the comforts of the Travelliieg Public to receive • share of their support. Buffalo Robes, kc.. kro,.bed. Any complaints made of Drivers will re- mawins bwetys1 yosrgwmias.e d r the settE is the Wes - M lefsai eM11, i the Ma i li+thr Moved the1 the Gaited Cowles be divio gym+ wee ( semyam, M tied tato three rb.oi districts, for the por- yr lis 10..a thy.doirmoos r pose of appoi.us( Seprtntad.su .f Nm- MMi at R 'aaa `p•s, w _____ r moa @deals to be as follows vis Ode Mm la la pssslM. }. bis 1st. The Coaly of Perth to form one bnla.d ram R. Pow... Demen.temprW.g the towaship. ofBien. Landon. C. W.. Ree• !6, MIM. char, Dewar tad Goes of Dower, North Li k Oars, Timm. s rhe 1110 November and Soarb Isstbo lrll AM sew, hoods.. tad Cwutl 4 w toot, b. Misled Msirf@d, N 11 let y' + Log/.. FOI • re.pest manes* * yea to Gu sad Es- msahs, ober se Mien 1 two a @ ' Maher, togtsther with t1e new nether err Met ketole ytnpbaMe` else w• t• the north 1 the •b°"1. wirers, r lisra downs. toed to sell at the 1. t•teYbwa,sW.k...L.. r@ oat i. . Iu .@bsp@ of 8.44.144. Medd- ver lewe@t Mi@@is Y/lir F NMS STRATFORD FULLING ¢ CARDING MILL rilHE 8ubversber in thasblully aekmiwl• edging the very liberal patronage luso totted upon his Cerdu( MMI tan r.as.sy begs to in1101515 to bit 1,1•201111141 the pub - Ito generally, that be ie ready now for Fulling, Dressing and Finishing all sorts .l Cl.tb tart will be lett to hme care. His Fulling Mull, Cardio, Mild, sad rest of apparatus, is all of the most Isprn- tad sod newest kind of Maehio.ry, sod wor- ked hy none but dllhtl and expene.ted hands, and hos Terms will be rosy, the most littoral and moderate known to the country. GEO. J. PRURBING. Fur WM. R I SCH hi ULLER. Stratford Steam Mille, Oct. 26, 1850. 01A Always o5 hand . large sad well arwrted Stork of LUMBER, winch will be .old at fair poses sod on, terms to suit cute. 1o.rMe. av$7 3m DIVISION COURTS. THE auDivision Curtain' the United Couture of Hero. Perth and Bruce. will bo r,eld al the tithes and plum lollbwtng:- lat. /buxom -Court mere ret Ged.rleh,- lst Fehr..ry. T. G. ;Morgan. Esq., Clerk. 2d. I),visunt. - Jobe Ilieka', Mitchell, -34 Fiercer!. Robert Cana. Esq., Clerk. 3d. Msieia.-Wood'. Tear", Stratford, 6th February fishy W ithems, Eag.. Cloth. 418. fhriaioa-Q.i.ks' T Leaden Road. 14th Febsarr. George Cuter, Ep., Clerk. 5th J)touios--Wm. Rutenb.ry'e In,011.ips, 13th Feb. James Gordon. Esq., Clerk. 6th. Direr-And.rso.e Ta•en.Ri. Marne'.. 5th Feb. James Coleman. Esq., Clerk. The Sittings of the Several Coate w111 turn, trete p.netu.ity at 17o'elock. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. D. C. Gederieb, Sept. 11th, '50 I•-•-zsi NOTICE. Pdearer PERSONS deof settling as the Durham Road in the Townships of Gleaelg, Bannock, Brent, Greenock, Km - toes and Kincardine. must apply pe►.oadly at the Office of the undersigned, and no lo- cations will be confirmed except such as nes made in accordance with this requirement. All assignments of interest io lncauoos without tbe kaowledge and approval of the Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of all right in the locators or .501(055. GEORGE JACKSON, Agit. cei,e immediate attention, and will be at, Ceown Largo Orval, once redressed as far as redraw w prier- B.atiack. County of Waterloo. sublet March 14th, 1860. tial Pareels sent by this Line will bei convey- ed with care sed punctuality, and delivered TO BE SOLD. -An ,Erceuent at moderato charges. Farm oftat! Lo , . Persons traveling by this Line will not be deprived of rest as on the Route from Gode- BEING Lite No- ti Gad I6. ea lee 1410 en- rich to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be- crstos. Towsshtp 1 l.oedos, eeouuug 'ween 10 and 11 o'clock at night, and leave 200 acres, 70 of which an clrrcd. The Laud be- n the morning for Hamilton at 8 o'clock- is i a Sot e m ,. Goy, end well watered It R u utated tea miles from :he Town, of Losdeo, ad oo the Route from Hamilton to Gode- on Ihs Msead.mized Road. There is a Frame rich the Pasengere arrive in Galt as they Heea- std two Fume Bann, os the prrsioes.- cbeose, at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon or 12 It is is the matte of a parlor locality. The o'clock at night, and leave for Goderich at pl•ee i■ well adapted for • asses oe T•ttn S in the morning. Bund. This Farm w well added to the iter• -T. M. PALY, Proprietor. don 1 pene5a 4ear..1 goist i.to briaar. Mtntlord. Sept. 98, If160. 3•-O33tf Then is air a geed Bearish Orebard a the red Farm. sad will berid .5 rosr.ble HURON HU'I'EL. term.. For partieel.r. apply t.Wm. M.31. - HE Subscriber begs leave to intimate hr, os the adjoisioft Lot; or to T to his numerous respectable customers, JAMES McM( AHE , and the traveling public generally, that Town, 1Gedericb. the eztcosive repairs and improve ots Joly 3rd, t8S0. v3•519 which have been m progress o0 the Hneuron STRAYED from the enclosure of the sob - Hotel during the coulee of:ehe summer, alp / scriber on the Bayfield Road, mar the now fully completed. And hes feels coalp. Town of Godeneb, a Large Red and Whits dent that bit establishment is now capable of Spotted STEER. An one giving isf.r- affording accommodation equal to that of motion will bewitably rewarded. ay Hl in (eta stio, he EDWARD YEAMANT• vssturesoteto hope for eca eootiauaoeenofthecountofsthat August 14th, 1860. •3x31 liberal support which he has received during the period he has been in business. JAMES GENTLES. 8TNASthBUFRGr WATn•L00, Huron Hotel, Goderich, j 48eloary, 1819. October 16, 1850. S vSp35 THE Sobsenber hereby intimates to hu French, English, end AmenPUBLIC N- OTICE can Doeskins, 50 to 10.. T8 HEREBY GIyEN to all parties bolding E.gltsh, American French, j ins sed Tavern Licenses in Upper Canada. sod Canadian Tweeds, which expire on the 5th J y.18.51, that Salmons, kc., 3. 9d to 6s 3d they will be required to renew the rine ; and Striped Skirtings, 7}d to 104 that by applying to the iespeeton of Licesaes is re - Factory Cottons, l jai to lid their several Counties, they ca procure "Itch re- Fnnted Cahe*n , wdths, bd to l Id ncoal, subject to the coeditors crammed in the J3rd section of the Act 1 last Session, 13 & 14 Muslin de Irises, Plods, Merinos, Co- Vkktotia, cep. 15, to wit :- burgs, Orleans sod Alpaccu of every •• Asd be it 'meted. That • License to keep style, 1s to 2s as iso or Hour of P.btic Emersiemeat. may Tickmg,(Eagltsb and Ameriean)10 to 1s 3d be issued at any time after the passim( of this Blanket*, 1 U 3d to 25s Aet, sed without any Certifirue, to any person Red and .4V hits Flannel, 1e id to 3r thee holding • Linear for a lire perpor. which Silk and Velvet Boort., 6s 3d 10 82. 64 Li to be i.e.d, shall mohair ..eh pee- rs Visite', to keep sub lit er Hoer at the stint plmee, Wools Shaw., all rhe.. A Splendid from the "amanita tithe period to wb,10 ',eh D p former License ezueded, until the last Stock of Fors, consisting of Stone Martin, day 1 February sett. (or iulssive,) bei set Monk, Squirrel and Sable Mhos and Boa. .!,.weds; sad for ay Lleeo.e to be tossed es - Alm Victimises, all prices. der this .ecdr, the pence recei•i•g the mame Q7" The Romeo Whywe can sod will shall pay • 50.0 bearing the rme proportion to SELL CHEAP is a follows: We are de- the woo pall by him for oath former Lieeer, es tensioned to sell for Ready -Kehry, there- the time (w whisk web IH"' I;ireeee iota be fore haat ■o Bad Debts to make up by ,rowed shell beer r the times for wbieb ..eh for• lwewee5 wr pealing on large Profits. Osr goods aro me' J08F.PH CART, New -w. have sot to pot es extra Pronto G.. .i. to pay 104 Rammer sad Old Stock. And (.speeto Gesenl'a O6ce, f'asPnea r last bel not least, we have determined to Tonto. Ne.. 9R, 1850. , ..Il at One Price, -cwt Goods are All Th...d.raetioeod pap.rr, an r give see Alsr#ai is Phil Plgwm, sad JIM1 Aistr- iwe,des ted week d.ri.g 1 . rmoi 1lke.m- ..us. ul he sub. W. have pet o• so bus -[oat Ad,.nisw, Hrou Stgssl, (.t •light a profit, that we caspot,if we would, °drish.) rIl"?' r• (Lepel a, C. W.) Mind La. ..tg a Farthr.S, eves ler out warmest Al.eri.a10 Lis Past Miura. Niagara Mad, frtwi@. Jems.l • Errors. Barrie Myr" Mine, Gselpb Advertiser. Dorparrh, Pet Hope Wasehma.• P.etou So, Victoria Chromes, tGeg#te. Herod. Lanark Observer. Beeek•mlle Reorder. Cerawall tr•ehatder. L. at the Rpnsgs. %tow• Baia TRAVELLER'S HOME, • friends and the Travelling Pettit.: gess- FOR SALE. rally, that he has removed from New Aber - THAT EXCELLENT FARM " deen to the Village of Struborgb, and will O'V the Bayfield Road, Nine miles from now be found in that well-known boor for - GODEI1ICH, and Three from Bayfield, merly occupied by Mr. door, -where he consisting of 190 Acres of Land, 45 of will be reedy and able to condoce to the which are cleared, sod through which runs comfort of those who may honor bins wit► that excellent Mill Stream, the 33 Creek. their patronage. Aed while he returns For particulars apply to Mr. NAFTEL, at 'banks for put teore, be bop.., by street Goderich. attanuoo to the late and wishes of hie September 27, 1860. v3-n33tf customers, still to merit a continuance of their patronage. 100 1-4 ACRE LOTS JOHN ABET,. AOR SALE is the Tows el Stratford. Ap. N. B. -Good STABLES and attestor' 1' ply t. D. HOME LIZARB, Grooms. •9-+Ntf 8olieitor. Strifesi. 18th rev. 1850. 3.s40tf Conveyancing ^ General Agency r 0th Nov. 1850. HE S.I,.eriber ba tromme.eed the ahem T briers at rhe Omee of JOHN STEW - ART. Esq., Bsmeter, &e. , &e., West strut, Godeneh. where be will pssetuell *reed to ALL KINDS el Army with which the p•blie any favor him. H. hiss resod • Bock for the registry 1 Lands r be sold, end the ..mer of persons wishing r psyebsse, with • oiessriptiw• of property requned end to be ear -air, • re- gistry 1 Servants, &e., ace. R. G. CUIGiNGHAMF.. Godwieb, Dee. 18, 1850. .3.41 NOTICE. saw a wrote, tem" the OW Aran. lien). Stepp4hwwss, Hay, Stanley, Tooker- Gamest* aasde r erdw is w matt NATIONAL HOTEL, dse Mhri.. 38 mom Her roma wall emit`, nail et hM.o. the naiad alba pipe '►mono. at !Wiest. P. 16. God. Ged•ritl t.aw.o4ip and town. Hol on, w BRUCEFIELD. W Nsttiw• - -- field, she 1116_,_C"." 1 Boor., `1"-tbe LAWSON k 111iRGTmi THE SUBSCRIBER bogs leave to in- • • let, MaKillwp, Colborne, ■w•nosk Ash. - OODEIICB, Jen. B. towasktp. t. mirth 1 HtHMt'al Me- No. 11 North nide Docile. Street, op -form 1r freak end the polis gene• i n. Wheat verbs. b. lea shat Ki perry Rehear* Hall, lye that be hes hew pt the Natsoel tie K nom, llsmese, •a y nese N• Tbr - Lawton, October Be, HIM. /! otel ea lar eitm Bars, pot he. tai. it Aar let Pore Ito fid. P. H. HOLMiIR. M H p 1104. w to vraenat him r no •L Bs/ 4r tr., El kA K JOHN HOLM EB. { e : 1. wyi that be N prepared to furnish se- t ties for arta sad /term equal at TSwto, Jas. 114 8688. Carried ly "TOAND EOTREA3MI, WANTINGRANGTS IEEIRED iRM! District OtTIU / IAA -w"^ • 11161t., to aythttig Ant Ona he fsd b nc.- 14. per horrid, 1M A 1•n, •6. r Ilk.- -- ' Woos Lesiva and 0o4sssbNitro.. The Nitro. Whoa. pr beshs), MIllia as. 61 is Ila f•,•- JOHN STRAt7l1AN, - NOTICE ''nn. I RI 6Y (1117‘'...4.'4111 R.t1t M .Itaa.d i. the ►w.atid evil *Ark Mr hesknl, Albs k r I.. It-Ot~A Barrister and iEtiersay al fru Gmdarid 11.1 tillage el Des, )4. 1• mi sp /a Vr4 Sa r 1n,. m 1e. M 6e4syla4eel two tbe @U wf tbe atom ties, and THF. SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE, THF. foll.wi.g LOTS OF LAND is the Tow s1ipOISTANLEY- Laney C. w.. In,. - Bun. lid" le Anna awed r Cessml at she dH- 1 la A•lB tll,p si wAwAMOSa. raw 7 miM. item Lesbos. Itsw.t Olelias Cobb M Units/ now tJR • 11 Lot 21, 2nd Con. Coesiett•g 1100 Acres, 60 Cleared Lot 21, 3rd Oznce.ssion, consisting 44100 Aeras, 40 cleared, being see ad a hell mike from the VILLAGE 1 BRUCEFIELD. O. the Inner i,.t, .ben is a 00811) LOG HOUSE, BARN. Ate. lie., with • crave► unw- ise through the Farm. There ie shoo nose tee arm of FALI, ;SWEAT SOWN, whirr ems be haA at • modes. rel.►. The Ile will be mold troth, w oeperstely. as nosy 1 desired. Oe the Lot is the 2.4 rouser there Off Potash Works is,xr.l'., I nnier. 3,.41.( M. B. SEYMOUR At Co. JON PRINTING co every ammonite. mu) s pawned/ .,eeatd • t this .10e,. To Cbrnmon School Teachers. ATEACHER'WANTED far nao aro, f, Selma 8wtise No. I. 0.4/erieh T.w•.Ittp. Homo Coity. There is a sed dwt'lhq bow sd ou sere .1 mewedwall .Twrd W hoed era a ad r the 1.1-sssm for the Wore It ad** T..skoe if rialto& A. the sorry roil be Null, sloe bet those %arise a Soo a• sassed Cl.s C.eatrr seed "ply. Appiwe tinea will be oeeelved be the 'Tri.'. acid W UTeacherT ANTED a Teacher foe No. 1 8ebool fair. 7 C (brio, who hold. • bet • r I d clow comfiest, o1 gah6eauo., appliannw will se received by the Touter.. op till the 9th 1 Jens - ay, IPS'. at Robert Ellis' (fowl, Galata', at the boot 1 12 o'clock. F Med. RORh:RT YOUNG, Ch'm., )) JAMES PAYPE. j7kelamw GEORGE SHEPPERD. Doo, Mth. IWO. Distnitlli()tt r►% GLpnr1nership. THyl Cop.rtoenth,p a JAiiES URMSTO7 CRAWFORDsad RAST NILI.IAMI+. ea Ch..sist., Dnggitts and Merchant', Iuely earri•A oe setter ih. new, .eyl. aid (ohm 1 R . WILLIAMS & CO.. * Sertford, i. the C.o.- tr M Perth, Mus a, r kid, N the eel. el .8 toe "mirk sew trade to the said firm by the Sheriff. eel hy ter sets of ,h. rel Kobe Willrase.et. 'rortio( debt. reotrary to obs deed .1 C••p.n.re- .hip. Th' aeMenh►r hereby •111es •noicr bit be win ..ft held himwlf reoperhle try say deh•e nr li.hdni►e ..united by 'N said Role William,: and furthermore •..seww say real et Meer 1.e molts' say dabhe rot the eso4 Rotor William., as they will be oresuerd by tN rt.lnwn. Oscal •t 3., , .ed. Mb D..e.bn, 1RS0, by wM 1 the Comb.... JAMES V. CRAWF0 n. drat-aw y lime.cove ALJ A eeesM Ti,..d.y r Jaa.etp. (If ktw pen N Mob I +68'••8.4 Combo f se, Pam. tail isms vla.••vi la vAN, Leal• may Se do d.g1 k1 monies te be ewmfest till areas` r1) 1 e ea ni dessau 441,44. Vet { l-aaro r. .m i6 ► ,t •, ttitiie.iee ed goo*. w Mesh ~1~ ger a M MAX ItiRA/CR. ' J 1NIS %NeMeie, lel Jen. gtj, t3-aN ?stems. Poll►•}, 11.•-, 4th. t JOAN C of Mirk maw" o., t t w i Otro 11 • l a .0t4, 001 Mitt k + . CORSET. WEST.. jMarro /OHR M•LWZf1C woe mat...A1N. STRAYED hos the ft.hm•tw. 1.. I., kb waenets.. T.wrilp 1 Ood►rl'6, ea es Memo she lith 1 /sly km a h1. W1i1 with ,e she goer -ad from she 10.5)Ms to the 1'.l -a tbw.-wraw.d obis .pre r W t' 0 o hens, env.. a .rA wor .y Masa Term l.bsuwrm .4th •M tt.buus - tat wet the Nome POW O(.s ,, r M^carr •.a. _,21161.141410111.-