HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-23, Page 9:10101 0 1.04ACCRACRICACCACROPRIR 11111,01 W.C1
A. A*
nd may year Yuletide
be bright with ;
peice and happiness.
Shoe Store
And Staff
, . .
LIMEY scHool. :ENJOYS SLEIGH RIDE—New Christ, ° arrived with his Warn and bobsled to provide an extra
Inas feature for Lumley School pupils in Usborne town- treat. Adding to the gaiety of the ride were a large num
ship this- year was an old-fashioned sleigh ride around bei of bells, of which Mr. Jeffery has a collection totalling
the .district. Following a yule turkey dinner, prepared by over VA After the pupils returned to the school, Santa a/y3s-*fiviyr,a,sy,awp,Asygl,gpfripo,avypysvAvA*AvA.i.Avai,ij
Teacher Mrs. William Mair and the pupils, Victor Jeffery arriverl to distribute presents. photo eriltreviWedireffeerileriI3reVi4eWilfrilinn.nPrer07117.MinrilP'
The Time$,A4volete, Povonnber 23r 19,54 9.0.
04114140441"4'4044440"*." -004. $0'44104110.
this festive season, we look bAPIC PPM. .yearpt
meeting old friends and making new meet To aigo
our hearty thanks and happiest greetings. May each
and every one of you have the merriest holiday ever.;
Lindenfields Ltd.
CCOPS Students Write
Witte '44:0444.Awg.,,..
As happy families everywhere, gather together
o celebrate this most festive of seasons, we take pleasure
in extending to you our hope
that all the joys of Christmas fill your liorne.
Rether's Restaurant
tvkam 4
73est wishes of the
season to all our
friends. In the
• spirit of this holiday
time, we wish you a heart
full of good cheera home Ml
of friends and loved
ones, and a life filled
t. thhappiness. May all the
joys of the Yuletide be
lastingly yours, to brighten
and enrich every day.
fi Ontario Hydro
Exeter .Public Utilities
'My ristmas
First prize in The Times -AA=
vooate's public school essay -eon-
leet on "My Christmas Wish"
goes to Helen Cole, of Exeter
Public School, who'd like to have
a wonderful party for orphans.
Her story, in the opinion of the
judges, "expressed the children's
exciten.ent for Christmas along
with a fine yuletide spirit."
Second prize goes to Karen
Finkbeiner, S.S. S Stephen, who
would like to take everyone back
to the original nativity scene.
Winner of the third prize is
Penny Fallis, 3, A. D. McCurdy
school, RCAF Station Centralia,
who thinks people should realize
it's thethought, not the price,
that really counts in Christmas
There were many others, said
the judges, who deserved prizes
—children who wished for world
peace, for the end of commu-
nism, for the control of cancer,
and many other unselfish de-
That the judges• found it diffi-
cult to pick the winners was
shown by the fact that none
chose the same essays. Com-
promises had to be made to se-
lect the final choices. • • •
Only about one-quarter of the
essays appear below because of
lack ,of space and thus. They
de not appear in order of merit,'
following the winners, nor are
these necessarily better than
others submitted. To avoid reps-
titon, some essays which dupli-
cated ideas _ were sacrificed for
those with: different themes.'
There are some wonderful
wishes expressed here, by young
children and some might make
readers wonder if the world
would be better off governed by.
children, not by adults.
It's food for thought. •
She'd Entertain
Age 11, Exeter PS.
wish I ,were a winner of a
contest Who could get anything
I wanted.
would buy pounds and pounds
f candy, 'tike, soft drinks, and
toys for boys and girls.
I would get a big Christmas
tree and put lights on it. I'd
wrap every gift and put it under
the tree.
Then I • would invite all the
children .from orphanages 'who
haven't a Christmas like you
or me.
We'd have ice cream and cake,
and then they would open their
gifts. 0 what a happy sightsall
the children just bubbling over
with joy!
Visit. Bethlehem
Age 11, S.S. 5, Stephen
MyChristmas wish is that
We may, in spiat, go, like the
Wise Men and shepherds following the large bright star, to
Bethlehem to the stable where
Christ was born.
When we reach the baby in the
manger we will kneel down and
praise God for sending this Child
and for letting us be the first to
see this great King who yill be
our spiritual leader..
After we give him Our gifts we
will spread the glad news to
We will then return home re-
joicing and praising Godfor all
we had seen .and ;done.
It's, The Thought
MeCurdy Scheel
If my wish came true Christ.
tuts would be a wonderful time.
Parents wouldn't be wishing that
Christmas was over and wonder -
jug if the presents would eVer
be paid for, Childec.1 ,Wouldn't
Spend their time loOking for
things to ask poor old Santa to
buy for them,
:Everyone would be buying
gifts knowing that is the thought
and not the price that really
Perhaps you have guessed that
My wish IS for the true Christ -
Mas spirit. If everyone had it,
Chtietthas would then be a really
happy time.
Seeks Knowledge
Ey .1611N kOOPMANS
Age If, LLS Usberne
Whatt wish for Christmas is
hook shelf with many ihterest-
lag books in it.
One section of boas would be
all the hooks in the teeyele=
Pah! se I would have more
I I would like science books, to
•learn about planets, rockets;
sputniks and nature.
'Another section would be or-
dinary reading books such as
mystery books, comical books,
and pleasure reading: •
! My last section would he about
hundreds of things a boy can
make and do such as, toy cars,
motors, bird houses, and sports.
naipf bypyC.hrist7as wish came
true, it would make me clever
In New York
Age 10, S.E. 1 Stephen
As I sat beside the Christrnas
tree, watching the' lights blink
off and on, I began to feel
drowsy. I thought of my Christ-
mas wish.
It would be going to New York,
and 'seeing all its magnificent
lights and wonders. The Christ -
Mas parade would contain many
wonderful things. Windows would
hays gay decorations of merry
Santa Claus with his reindeer.
Also, I must not forget the color-
ful stained glass manger and
nativity scenes. •
Suddenly, the whole family
came rushing in. The dream
was over, but still remained in
my mind', as Wonderful'as it had
been 'at' first sight. •
. , . •
Christ As Baby'
Age. 10, Exeter PS
My Christmas' wish is that
other people and myself could
go 'back to the time of Christ
and- see Him as a baby, when
the wise men 'anti shepherds
came 'to the stable. where He
was born, and see the star
which led the wise men to Him.
I would _like to see Him in
later years when He chose the
disciples, when Jesus walked on
the water to His disciples in the
fishing boat, when Peter walked
on • the water and lost faith in
Jesus and began -• to sink, and
many 'other feats which Jesus
performed. '
A Free World
Age '11, S.E. S Stephen
If I were granted any Christ -
rims wish I wanted it would be
that all countries be free from
Communism. Communism reigns
over a third of 'the world but it
is slowly diminishing. Commun-
ism is fighting hard but it is
Many people share my wish
for there is no singing or cele-
brating Cheistmas' in the Com-
munist countries,of Hungary,
Poland, Czechslovkia and Aus-
tria, Like me, many people of
those countries would like to
Lee the Communists' downfall.
We hope never to see • it rise
again in any country of the
world. ,
' • 'W.,;.0•Wc•
Glad greetings and best
wishes for a season
tilled with all the t
Joys of Christmas,
Phone S10 Oxeler
T -A Essay Contest
Defeat Disease
Age 11, Hensall
I wish that someone would
find a cure for cancer and many
other deadly diseases.
Many people have been cured
from, of these diseases,
such 'as diabetes, cured by in-
sulin. Although many lives have
been cured from these remedies,
many more would be cured if a
discovery for cancer was found.
Scientists work clay and night
for remedies. A doctor, like any
one else, would cry with glee if
one person was cured with some
miracle that he had discovered,
Gifts For Others
BY KAREN meywooD
Age 10, Exeter P.S.
My Christmas wish is that the
poor people all over the world
get gifts for Christmas. I would
like a camera very much, but I
would rather tell mother to take
th money that it costs to get a
camera, and buy gifts for as
many of the poor people as she
can with the money. I hope she
will be able to buy quite a lot of
Pities Little Girl
Age 11, Exeter PS
While lying in bed one eve=
ning I remembered the poor,lit-
tle girl Mother and I had seen
while shopping.
She must have been very poor
for she reminded me of "The
Little Match Girl,"
I would have gladly given Up
my warm hoots and my winter
coatt, for she had no boots and
her coat was thin and withered.
She was selling pencils and
—Please Turn to Page 12
A wish to each and every 4.
friend.. .may the joys of $
the season never end... t:IP
• VP
and Christmas spirit glow in
your heart all the year.
George Vriese
"Your Imperial Oil Agent"
orAntua CAA"
gLaciness in your hart, joy
in your home and toga theft.
wherever you to...all these *e
Wish for you, this holiday season.
May the Yuletide he one you'll
font and happily rettlittnlact.
Dutch Boy Food Market
• . a,
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