The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-23, Page 8tom* $ The Times Advocate, 'December 3, 958
t,etter From
Dashwood Ihree Schools Present,
May the faith that
led the Three Wise Men
to His manger
CI your heart with love
It; and good will this
Christmas time.
Plumbing end Heating
We're coming your way with best ;T":1•1;,;
wishes for a happy holiday and
many thanks for your patronage.
Christmas wish. May all the joys of the
season enrich your heart this day and forever.
Xall Out friends and neighbors
we send our sincerest wishes for a joyful,
cheerful, healthful Holiday Seaton.
W. G.. Thompson
Staffa Music Concert
The leachers and pupils ,of ship of their teacher, Mrs. no.
school sections 4, 6 and 7, of den. Santa Claus arrived with
:Hilbert. with Mrs. If. L Sturgis treats for the children.
as musical director, combined p
theirprograms for the concert -
WOW League
The Walther League of Zion
Lutheran Church held their meet
log on Tuesday.
The topic,"the United Word."
WAS taken by Brenda Becker,
Ronald Merner. Ruth Reste-
mayer, Ross Miller and Ruth-
anne Rader, assisted by the
pastor. •
The leaguers have been WV
making new articles and paint-
ing them to add to -Weir Christt
teas scene erected on the church
lawn, They also have purchased!
a flood -light and wiring for the
Rabies clinic
The _clinic held here in the fire
hall Wednesday morning was
well attended. There were 106
dogs and 20 cats treated. One
thing noticed was that the big
dogs made more fuss than the
little ones.
Personal Items
Black -bush School, with teacher,
Stanley Haist, held their Christ-
mas program Tuesday evening.
The fire alarm Monday evening
took the firemen to the home of,
Miss Loretta Keller, where there
was a chimney fire. No serious
damage resulted.
Mr, and Mrs. Emil Becker and
family left Friday to spend ,
Christmas in Florida.
Closing exercises were held in
Dashwood Public School with an
exchange of gifts. Santa was on
hand with treats for all,
" ' • •
Report On
Christmas Concerts
At Blackbush school on Tues-
day night, and 'Shipka .school on
Wednesday night, standing room
was almost at a premium for the
Christmas concerts.
Mr. Hugh Morenz was chair-
man for Blackihish, where Mr.
Stanley Hoist is the teacher. Mr.'
Arthur Gaiser was chairman at
Shipka, where Mr. Donald Fink—
beiner is the teacher,
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love at-
tended the Stanton -Dawson wed-
ding at St, Joh's-by-the-Lake,
Grind Bend,
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dixon,
Glen and Terry, of Sault Ste.
Marie district, are spending the
holiday season with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. -Carl Pickering and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon:
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Andy. Keogh, are their two
daughters, Miss Winnie Keogh
and Mrs. Dinney and Debbie,
of Ottawa.
Alr. and Mrs. Harold Whittard,
Richard and Jeanette,. 6f St.
Catharines, ate holiday guests
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs.. Cecil Ellwood.
Miss Audrey Darling, teacher
of 'music at the Nazarene College,
Red Deer, Alberta, is spending
Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Darling.
• Mrs. Otto Darling, Karen. and
Nancy, spent a few days in To-
ronto with her mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dixon •
Dixon, visited with friends at!
and sons, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl.
Tihetsville recently.
Miss Alice Carter and her
pupils of North Brinsley School,
had a sucessful concert on
Thursday evening; also Mrs.
Hamilton and her pupils- on Fri-
day evening.
Miss Carolyn Odd, of London,
is spending a few days with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Ellwood. '
In an essay. on "Things I am
Thankful For," a little boy list-
ed "My Glasses," explaining,
"They keen the hays from fight-
ing and the girls from kissing
me." '
r ,:4•0.*.g.w34•••mwv.4.4ogi:...••••.k
Sincerest wishes ..fOr a ver
Merry Christmas all our
Phone 14WDashwOod
Wishing evne eryovery
Aferry Christrhasl,
:SHOE treFtg•
rhon* 29 bAthwodel
staffa. Hall on Tuesday mot, Mrs. Parent, of prince Albert,
with a capacity audience preSent.,Sgsk,774,41 with her 4410'
Mr. Keith McLaren was master .....,W;eS Sgt. Wes and
of ceremonies, and Mrs.Gibson
who is teacher at No. 6 Scho,: many relatives and friends
el, from Cromarty attended the'
Presided at the piano,
The program consisted funeral of Mr, ,Hugh McLachlan
ch•ruses, readings, in swarth en Thursday,ings, drills, square •
dancing, skits and rhythm band
ugh McLachlan
numbers, by the children. Santa in
Claus was a welcome visit, and I
presented to orall the ,
Nafive Of Hibberl
The death ocurrect on TuesdaY
School't'heannualclert Christmas enter- mr. Hugh McLachlan, following
tainment of No. 5 School was an illness of about four iveelts:
Mr. Andrew Christie in the chair
held on WednesdaY night 'it Air, McLachlan was in his first
, year,
and Mrs. Calvin Christie presid-
ing He was born in Ribbed Town-
the piano for the musical
He was a blacksmith in
at his honie in Egmondville, of
II eel'. a tions, choruses,. earlier years, and farmed in
Stanley Township from 1917 until
1940, when he retired to' Egniond-
He was 'married in 11902 to
Maud Kerslake, who predeceased
him in 1912. In 1914, he' married
KirMinnie R. Martin,. who died ill
3947. His wife, Mrs. Maggie1.
McKenzie, survives, also a son
William D, McLachlan; Stanley
Township; and one. grandchild;
also adopted children, Mrs; Cur-
ran and Jack Brown, bath of
Brantford, and a brother, An -
Mrs. S. Siner%, received a life drew McLachlan, of Cromarty,
membership certificate in the The funeral was held Thurs-
United Church W.M.S. ,at the • day from the Whitney funeral
Christmas meeting on Wednes- home, Seaforth, with Rev. D.
Leslie Elder,. of First day afternoon, afternoon. Twenty one mem- terian Church, Seaforth, and Rev.
hers answered the roll call with Dr. Semple,. of Egmondville
a Christmas thought. United Church, officiating.
Mrs. A.. Wiseman conducted a Entombment was made in
Christmas program assisted by Mitchell until a when
Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Baillie, Mrs
F. Roger and Mrs, E. Doupe. Cemetery.
an obi ell ren ete
by the pupils under the leader-
Mess4gis Fromkton
Christmas Meeting Of W.M.S.
Offcers for 1959 were elected:
Past president is Mrs. S. Shier;
president, Mrs. Alvin Crago;
vice-mesi ents, Mrs. T. Elliott,was the winner of Hensel'. mer -
Mrs. J. 'Urquhart; recording sec:- thants "pot of gold" draw of
retary, Airs. W. Kirkby; assis- $150 oh.Saturday. evening. Mrs.
tent, Airs. R. Switzer; :treasurer,
Mrs. F. Roger; assistant, Mrs.
H. Paynter; auditors, Mrs. Bail-
lie, Mrs. F..Routlyi pianist, Mrs.
Alex Crago. •
Community a n d Friendship,
Mrs. Ray Francis; correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs. W. Urquhart;
temperance, Mrs. Urquhart:; Mis-
sionary Monthly, Mrs. E. Doupe;
literature, Mrs. S. Shier; Chris-
tian Stewardship, Mrs. C. Rapt-
ly; Mission Band leaders, Mrs.
R. Paynter, 'Mrs. R. Tufts; Baby
Band leader, Mrs. A. Eveleigh; finienittiVAINNOWAM1*-NIMAI
supply secretary, Mrs. I. Mar-, Mrs. Rachel Sims and Mri.
shall. ' card secretary, Mrs. H.
Laura Wilson, of Exeter, visited
Burgin; -press, Mrs. khlr!
, during the past week With' Mr.
group leaders, Mrs, P. Switzer, and Airs William Sims. •
Mrs, W. Scott, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. - Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Reynolds,
Shirley and Robert,. will spend
Christmas with Mr: and Mrs.
Luther Reynolds, of Exeter.
Christmas visitors in and out
of the community:
Mr, and' Mrs. William Silfery
Wins $150 Pot Of Geld
Mrs. Ed Chapple, Crornarty,
Chapple was the former poreen
Varley of this community, Lorne
Hay drew the winning ticket.
The'draw will be .for $goo on
Christmas eve.
• Happenings In •
F. Roger; nominating commit-
tee, Mrs: Ray Francis, Mrs. M.
Dobson Mrs. Glen Allen.
Annual School Concert
The pupils of. S.S. 11 Kirkton
presented their annual school
concert in Aberdeen Hall, Tuts- with Afrs. 'Janet Harris, of
day evening under the direction
of their teacher Miss Nairn, Mr.
Jack Switzer acted as chairman
for the evening
The program consisted of dia-
logues, chorutes, a flashlight
drill, pantomine etc. ,
Santa Claus paid his usual.visit
at the close,of the evening's t n-
tertainment. .
SS 10:Hay
Enjoys Party
A Christmas party was held
Friday afternoon at S.S. 10, Hay,
with parents and pre-school chil-
dren as guests. A short program
was, presented, with Henry Gaek-
stetter, a pupil of the school,
acting as, chairman.
The program included choruses,
recitations, junior and senior
school songs, a play, "A Foolish
Princess"; violin solo, Wayne
Payne; piano solos, Malcolm
McEwan; piano duet, Helen
Wasson and Mary Payne. Kath-
ryn ,Gackstetter acompanied for
the musical numbers. A back-
wards spelling match was tried,
and a Christmas picture contest.
Senior winners were Jerry Chap-
man, Helen Wasson; junior win;
ners, Douglas Munn and Larry
Cookies and chocolate milk
were served. Santa was also
Mrs. E. Norminton is teacher
of this schbol,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Strang and
family, Rev. George and Mrs.
Lamont:, John and Elizabeth, of
Mitchell, Mr.. and Mrs. Anton
Miller of Exeter, with Mr. and
Mrs. Carman Cann and Dennis.
Mr, and Mrs.. Ross Oke' and
family, with Mr. and Mrs. Rhiney
Hickman and family, of Lucan..
Miss Mary. Abram, of London,
with her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Etherington and family. •
Mr: and.Mrs. Evan Slins, Lode
and Steven, with Mr. and Mrs.
George Baillie and family, of
Christmas visitors with Mr: and
Mrs. William Sims are Mr.. and
Mrs, -Clarence Heywood, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter .B.ently and .girls, of
Exeter, Mr. and. Mrs,. Mervin
Sch'initzer and John, of Kitch-
eller, and Mr. and Mrs. Evan
Sihis and family, •
Miss Marilyn Stiaiig,who is
attending,k Macdonald Institute, in
Guelph,' will. spend .Chriatmas
holidays with her parent's and
family. '
Mr, Jim Etherington, who is
attending the University -of
Western Ontario, in London, is
spending the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Etherington. ' ,„
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn
will spend Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Johns, 'of Ellin-
• Air, and Mrs. Frayne 'Parsons,
Murray' and Margaret, visited on'
Saturday with Mr.- and . Mrs,
Alm!: Passmore and family, of
Thames Road.
Come let us sdoee
Child bf Ikaven, bearer of Ptaec...
sed Good Will to ilL
Let us remember the true Significance ot Christmas •
at the Office party, the club festivities, the family.
gathering, the rally of friends or when we drive
the highway. ,
Make your example count for a truly happy. Yuletide
an: 'experience or wholesome enjoyment that in
retrospect will cause you no regrets.
Put. Christ into Christmas and let the spirit of season
be only His spirit is our wish, '
T. Harry Hoffman
44344 ldjt,A4otcgwotc#44jqjpjo,*
MOM AacHig laeoftEqoR.
.. , .. . . . . .
Winners at the Legion fowl
bingo held Friday evening in the
Legion Hall, sponsored by the
• lieinusrakilo'yl;e,giAoinirsi,veRreeio. Charles
Pilgrim,.Varna;Mrs. William
Kyle, Kippen; Miss Hannah Mur.
ray, Mr. • Taylor, Mr, L.
Mrs. Alf Clark (2), Harry Moir,
gd. Corbett;
Chickens Mrs. , Faker
Harvey Boyce, Clinton; 'Sim Roe -
bol, Mrs. Glen McKenzie, Jim
Yenner (2), Mrs. T. C,. .Coates,
Mrs, Doupe Mrs. Charles
Pilgrim, Varna.; Mrs. Clarence
Reid, Gwen Harburn, :Ed Munn,.
Hensall; Mrs. William Kyle,
Icippeo; A, .Jeffery.
Door prize was won by Miss
Hannah Murray, Hensall.
Personal Items
Mrs. Cornelius Cook is spend-
ing ,Christmas and New Year's
with her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. • and Airs. .Harry Cook
and family,. at Oakville, • •
Mr. and Mrs, George Hess are
spending, the' Christmas holiday
with their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr.- and Mrs. .T. L..McCloy,
Cathy, Jimmy and Christine,
Mrs. Alice Joynt and son, Dr.
William Joynt, are spending
Christmas with Dr. and Mrs.
Harry Joynt and Judith. Toronto.
Five Christmas Abaskets and
three plants were ' sent to The
sick and shut-ins by the C.P.
T. fund of the 1.0.0.F.., and
Amber Rebekah. Lodges.
Christmas boxes were distri-
buted to the sick and shut-ins
by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
In charge of the -,praiect were
Mrs. Ron Mock and Mrs. 'Bryan
Treat Kids
At flonsall.:
The Christmas party for• the
children of Hensall and corn-
4nunity was ,largely attended on
Saturday last, Reeve Norman
Jones gave the welcome and
Rev: Charles D. Daniels spoke
Santa arrived 'in the .fire truck,
and distributed 400 'bags of candy
a'nd 300 bottles . of . chocolate.
milk, the milk donated • by
Hurondale Dairy,
Films were shown later in the
Town Hall, with Clay Austin in
charge of the projector. ' I
The Chamber of Commerce
and Hensall Legion sponsored
the party and the Kinsmen Club
were in charge of the films.
Kin Clubs 'Treat Families -
The families of the Hensall
K i n s m e n_ and Kinettes were
entertained to a Christmas party
in the auditorium of the arena
Sunday afternoon. Vie 'children
enjoyed .several cartoons arid a
sing song' of Christmas. 'carols.
Santa Clans presented each one
with a gift, candy arid chocolate
miller George Sawyer ;was in
charge of the project.
Comic Figures..
At Open House
Mr, and Mrs, Rodger Venner
held "open liouse" for the office
'staff' of General Coach Friday
evening, •
Twenty-four people were. pres-
ent, each..portraying a personal-
ity from the comic strip, and
were divided" into teams. for
charades.' This was followed .bY
various cards. and games.
' A buffet supper was seriod at
Midnight. .
Fink's Plumbing &
Electrical Service
' At this joyous Christmas
season...we-extend to everybody.
our heartfelt wishes for A
harpy ,hotiday, a prosperous New Year,'
Huron Lumber C�. Ltd.,
.PHONE .48
( is
"--e A1111.0
. :And Laundetetik
mow los,
IX el' Ell