The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-23, Page 7s.
ei News Of Grand Bend
BY .1414.4..„1C -OWN
• ,,
;W.. Christmas Meeting
Mrs. Jacob Rata, of Crediton,
brought an inspiring Mutates
message to the ladies of Grand
Pend W.l, The halt was decorat-
ed for .Christmast with the meet-
log in charge of the branch
Mrs. A. E. Holley favored with
it piano selection .of Christmas.
numbers. My Tasiql a solo,
was rendered by Mrs. Mansell
Mason. Mrs. Harold .Walper gavn
the motto, "It's home and house
and little things that make .4
great Christmas,"
Ladies are to bring to January
meeting their requests as to
'where and .when'for the bus trip.
A pair of blankets is to be given
to the McLeod family at Port
Franks, whose home and belong-
ings were lost to fire recently,
and also to see What other help
:could be given this beedY
f a ntily.
Roll call brought many child-
hood mentors of Christmas
from each member present.
Local Items
The Grand Bend Legion held
its annual Christmas party for
the children of the district in
Attlee Theatre on Thursday after-
noon. A movie film and cartoons
were shown to the kiddies, after
which each child was given a
gift and a bag of treats.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Klopp and
family left on Wednesday for
Florida. Mr. Klopp expects to
return in about a month, while
Mrs. Klopp and family will .re-
main for the winter.
Mrs. J, Waldron
Born In England
The death occurred in South
Huron Hospital on Wednesday,
December 17, of Florence Wal-
dron, .widow of John 'Henry
Waldron, in her 71st year. Mrs.
W,aldron, ' the former Florence
Hamdforcl, was born in England
and came to Canada 35 years
ago,. Her husband died in 1946,
She has lived in various points
in this area, where she leaves
many friends to mourn her loss.
She is survived by three sons,
Mervyn, in England; Denzil and
Jack,'in Grand Bend, and one
daughter, Thelma, at home; five
The body rested at the Harry
Hoffman -funeral home, Dash-
wood, where 'the funeral service
took place on Saturday, Decem-
ber 20, with interment in Grand
Bend Cemetery.
HOOP CHAMP—Julia de Vooght
was named the hula hoop cham-
pion of j.A.D., McCurdy School
in a contest • held during half
time of the recent Grey Cup
game. Shown above working two
hoops, she eventually ' whirled
three successfulity,
—RCAF. Photo
. .
SEAS 0111S—:—.
To all our friends we extend
our sincerest wishes for a
joyous Holiday Season. ,
ratton & Hotson
I their -friends
,eason's Greetings pHoNe 328 itutit & Chu& Snell
tittOPASMCCIMAKKOMOVICPAROtti AtiMiltECOPtirl0016104";AivittiOn#AMMA
CENTRALIA GREY CUP AIDS SPRINGHILL—Football teams at the J, A. D. McCurdy
School, RCAF Station Centralia, staged their own Grey Cup battle recently, complete
,with cheerleaders and majorettes. Sale of,candy at the game raised $30 which was
donated to the Springhill Disaster Fund, Aove, team captains confer with officials
before the game. From left are Callum McPhee, who led the Ottawa Rough Riders;
Principal Henderson King; Ass't Principal John McCarroll referee; and Ken Milts,
captain of the victorious Edmonton Eskimos, who won final game 48-36.—RCAF Photo
sks Champs At Centralia,
in Little Grey Cup Final
Winnipeg Blue Bombers may "Last Friday I played in the
be Canada's football Champions first football game lhat really
but at J. A. D. McCurdy School, mattered, It was the first game
RCAF Station Centralia, Edmon- in which I played an important
ton Eskiftios are the top team. role — or so I am told, Looking
In 'the school's own Grey Cup back, I cannot recall any inci-
contest held recently, Eskimos dent that would qualify, even re -
defeated Ottawa Rough Riders motely as a 'great moment' n
48-36 for the -title. spectators the game. It was a sheer case
crowded the school's gymna- of "muddling through'! •
slum to see the touch game "The whistle blew, the ball
whch climaxed the season. was thrown in, and the game was
Other teams in the McCurdy on I watched the play for days on
league were Centralia Mustangs end it. seemed. The gremlins of
and McCurdy Wildcats.misgiving prodded me uncom-
During the regular season, Es- fortably. I was sure I would
kimos topped 'the league with make a Grade H. fool of myself
four wins and one loss for eight on the field. I was anxious to
points. The Rough Riders cap- have it over and done with for
Lured second place with a 3-2 the suspense was unbearable.
record, followed closely by the ."At last the dreadful moment
Mustangs who won two and lost arrived. With eternity hands
one. The Wildcats won a single and parched throat I apprdached
point with a tie, the field. My mind was on every -
During the Grey Cup final, thing but football 'In Flandm's
which featured cheerleaders and Fields the poppies grow, 'among
drum majorettes' as part of the
program, over $30 was raised
through candy sales • for the
Springhill Disaster Fund.
'Members of the champion' Es-
kimos were Ken Miles, captain;
Garry King, Ricky Beating,
Brian Dolan, Dexter Harker, Mayor It. E. Pooley Monday
Wayne Nitres, Anthony Hum- requested greater co-operation
phreys, Bill Bird and Paul Fel- from citizens in tieing up dogs.
ker. "There are still many clogs
The Rough Riders included running at large despite the
Callum McPhee, captain; Stan- widespread publicity given to
ley Lesnick, Dennis Swanson, the rabies epidemic," he stated.
Murray Swanson, Bob Stork, "Perhaps some people are as yet
Bill Bradley, John Richards, Bob not aware of the new by-law
Benning and Bill. Tasker. which requires all dogs to be
Teacher John McCarroll, who tied up and gives police author -
organized the league, was refe- ity to shoot any running at
roe and linesmen were Louis large."
Dugre and Sterling Palmer. "This by-law has been passed
Cheerleaders included Dianne for •the protection of the public
MacLeod, Merle Stephen s, on the recommendation of the
Leanne Lapeer,Dorothy Labou- 'Huron County Health Unit. It is
tillier, 'Gayle Brown and the ma- foolish to risk the lives of child-
jorettes.were Lynne Lesnick, Va,. ren and adults by allowing dogs
lera Lowry, Sharon Kelly, Vale- to be exposed to .rabid foxes
re Hebert, Gillian Buchan and which are la the area."
Linda Lowry. "We don't want to take drastic
Barb Andrew, Claire Chabot action against dog owners but
and Lona- Hay Glenn raised the we will be forced to if they re.
mond for the Springhill dom. fuse to co-operate for the pub -
Inn. " lies safety.'
Following the example of pro- Clear Roads For Plow
football start who write stories The mayor also requested co -
about the big games for the operation/of citizens in keeping
newspapers, the quarterback of the back streets clear of ears
the wpming Eskimos. provided during the night to facilitate
his own version of the Grey Cup snowplowing.
contest fee The Times -Advocate. A town by-law provides fines
Here is Bryan Dolan's personal for motorists who leave their
rea.cti on. ' vehicles on the streets at night.
Tie' Up Dogs
Urges Mayor
Vor your valued patronage,
many thanks! And may you
reap a tich harvest of
happiness for the holidays,
South' End Service
the crosses rew on row. 'Dear
God, forgive this dark despair,
but how I wish that I were there'
"B u I miraculously, nothing
dreadful happened. Nothing spec-
tacular either—but nothing real-
ly dreadful. I don't know why it
took so long to dawn on me but
suddenly I realzecl I was not
alone. After all, I was only one
member of a nine -man team and
the others 'weren't there to pick
daisies. They kicked, they passed,
they tackled, they caught. The
teamwork was beautiful and I
joined in the fun. It was a game
like all other games — and I
was thhre."
During the regular season, the
top scorer was Louis Dugre with
13 points. Other leaderwere
Stan Lesnick, 12; Ken Miles, Bob
Grayer and Ricky Fletcher, 10
each; and Ray Ashbury with
'Present 'Program
At 11ensall SS:
The Sunday, School and Alis-
•'..alon band Christmas program of
Carmel Presbyterian church was
• held on Sunday afternoon with
Clarence ,'Volland, superintendent
of the Sunday School,in the
The opening number was given
bY Brenda Koehler and numbers
were given the•different >etas-
ses interspersed by instrumen-
tals by Carol Brown, Patsy, Bar-
bara and Charles Sc•hwalm.
The ,Christmas . Story w a s
shown on DIM and Billie Roy
gave .a closing number. Gifts
,-*ern presented IQ the children
by Mr. Volland.
Mr. .and Airs. Volland were
.presented with a gift from the
teachers. The Arnold Circle
served lunch. -
Tuckersrnith PS
Stages Program
The Christmas party of S.S. 1
Tucliersmith was held Friday
afternoon with a pupil of the
school, Graham Bell, as chair-
The program included recita-
tions by Nancy Forrest, Gerald
Traquair, Alle Vanderworp, Jim
Traquair and Graham Bell;
piano solos, James Traquair
and Deanna Forrest; saxophone
solo, Ray McLean; duet, Nancy.
Forrest and Gwen 'McLean; and
a number of dialogues and
Santa distributed gifts and
treats. Mrs. Laufahclle Reich-
ert is the teacher of the school.
The TimesAtIvocets, Nowa*, 23# 1W POO
Our slneere tkanks and
best wishes for a happy holiday
to our,friends and patrons.
Exeter Furniture
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