HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-23, Page 6Page,.,6 Th Tirl es•Advocater D'scenit►et• 23, 1951
l'k ?Ate A17/"1�fi!!i
May this Holiday
Season be a joyous
and healthful
one for our
many friends,
Harvey's Taxi
X17/itfitOtiA A7A�`tiA•`AZriliAl#1 41:4'1iF 4 7l{ 7/t�7/1i iii` v
What's a happy holt.
day made of? Tinsel and
holly, music and merry
making, love and laughter
..,we wish you an abun•
dance of all these and
more throughout this most
festive and inspiring of all
the seasons in the year.
Ray C. Mills
Representing Canada Life
tyfg.tn fk!tfSWtq klfgg`tfntiykli iO4t0
Don Jolly
Rhone 1$7 Erxete.r
o our friends
and patrons, we wish
all the pieasures that come
Ssith a joyous Holiday Season.
{L L. 4 c tectc.lo¢ c enefjtto/j c c e c {•
A Toast to your
May It
1 i7 W . ,. , .°v 5 'i 1y�
1 •1
t r t T i JR t �i V•ti78.
ESTA.i, $HRD 1980.
CWL Contributes Lions Plan hOf b i
Christmas Gifts
The The lleecmber nlretin of the
•Catholic M1l'amen's I.ea, ue, of St. At the Christmas meeting of
Peter's itt.'. "wren. of St, Zurich Lions Club, held. its the
un Drive
Joseph, was held at the home of Dominion hotel last Monday
Airs. Richard ,Ieffezl with 21; flight, Ivan Ralbfleise', was
members present; i chosen as the club's repiresenta•.
The bazaar, which was held In, live on the Ontario Society for
November was successful. The' Ciippled Childi.en.
annual Christmas party wilt be Lion lid Casella reported that
held on January 4; - . the profits from the fowl bingo
Donatigns are to be sent to the, held the Wednesday previous
Veterans' Fund. School of Christ , were $55.
program, and Christ the King'An auction sale of gifts, with
Culture College. Alvin Walper as auctioneer,
The nest meeting will be held realized about $85 for the club
at the home of Mrs. •Charles Rau, I treasury.
Former Member Guest $peaker i Lion Victor Dinnin played a
Rev. Hubert Swartzentruber, I number of records he had made
pastor of Bethesda Church, •St• i at Christmas meetings •of previ-
Louis. Missouri, was guest i nus years. Christmas carols were
speaker at the Zurich Mennonite , sung.
Church lash Sunday morning. I A turkey dinner preceded the
Mr. Swartzentruber, a former 'meeting for which Lion Presi
member of the Zurich congrega-, dent Delbert Geiger presided,
tion, shared some experiences in 1
in St. Louis. They have been I a ke PS
the growth of the young church
serving there a little over a year.' .. -
The el Patients Performs .
There are a number of people ;
from this vicinity in various hos-
pitals at the present time.
Among them are Mr. Clarence
Geoffrey, in Victoria Ilsopital,
London; Leon Jeffery, in the
Clinton Public Hospital, and Al-
fred Reichert, also in Clinton
Public Hospital.
A large number from this dis- riveau. "`It's Beginning to Look
triet attended The annual fowl, a Lot Like Christmas," was sung
bingo in Bayfield last Friday by the school, and Lois Widrick
night, sponsored by the Bayfield gave a recitation. A skit, "Noon -
Lions Club. day Nightmare," was followed
Rev. and Mrs. E. Heinrich, of by a recitation by Kathryn Etch,
Brantford, were recent visitors A Christmas tree pantomime was
at the home of their daughter given by the younger pupils of
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. the school, followed by a recite -
Fred Harborer, Jr. .. tion by Peter rejkl.
Miss Doris Johnston, of Clin-
ton, music teacher, played sev-
eral selections on the marimba,
with Nelson McClinchey, Clinton,
at the piano. Recitations were
given by Barbara Schwartzen-
truber, Charles Erb and Marjorie
Erb. A skit, "All in a Day's
Work," was played by Allen Erb
and James Finlay. A skit, "In
the Best of Families," was also
given. The play, "The Bells Ring
Out," was given. followed by the
closing songs by - the school.
Santa Claus arrived.
Teacher Miss Donna Oesch ex-
pressed her appreciation and the
co-operation showed by her
pupils. Miss Judy Willem and
Miss Cecilia Denome assisted
Miss Oesch.
Local Items
Mr. Archie Mustard. Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ropp and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Rueben
Gingerich, Nairn, attended the
Blake Public Scheer concert.
Mr. and DMFS, Gordon Erb spent
a day at Kitchener
Mr. Leon Jeffery, who is a, pa-
tient in Clinton Hospital, is
suffering from a heart attack.
On Thursday, the annual Blake
Public School concert was held.
Mr. Gordon Erb was chairman
for the evening.
The opening song was sung by
the i,chool, followed by a wel-
come recitation by Michael Cor -
Personal Items
Mr. Delbert Geiger, Zurich,
was recently appointed president
of the Huron Sail and Crop Im-
provement Association. The an-
nual meeting of the group was
'held in Londesboro.
Your Library
— Continued From Page 2 '
sleigh, twinkling eyes, cheeks
like roses, nose like a cherry'
and a round little belly.
Today's Santa Claus is by no
means streamlined but he is a
far cry from the lean, ascetic,
somberly dressed fellow who,
for centuries, on Christmas eve,
guided his mare through the
streets of Europe.
Use the new World Book En-
cyclopedia as a reference.
Still puzzled about that gift •
for your friend? Give him or
her a membership card in your
As Times Go By
— Continued From Page 2 .
much damage was done,
F/0 Gerald Schroeder, Sum-
merside, P.E.1., LAC Earl
Schroeder of GimIi, Man., AC2
Orville Schroeder, of Hamilton,
spent Christmas with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Schroeder. F/0 Leroy. Schroeder
in the Bahama Islands was un-
able to be home.
New 194!1 licihnce plates will go
do sale Monday, January 3.
This year there are 35 on the
roll for classes• in the High
School for displaced persons.
The course of study is basic
It was the stork that'brought
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wein
their best Christmas present
this year. Sherry, a baby son,
was born on Christmas morning,
Mr. Charles Waghorn was the
winner of the radio at Robert-
son's Drug Store.
The best bushel of turnips sub-
mitted by the members of Hu-
ron club at Achievement, Night
was that of Harry Dougall.
Santa Claus arrived by air at
the Centralia RCAF Station on
'Wednesday afternoon and thrill-
ed close to 500 children.
Warden Hugh. Berry was re-
elected reeve of Usborne Town-
All of Canada's 13 prime
ministers have been outfitted by
the same tailors, the Prestons of
Ottawa, who have been located
in the same shop since they first
made riding breeches for Sir John
A. Macdonald.
��LIEF Colds
Should you contract a ettd, belt
ever to trivial, resort at once to
Robert's Syrup. Pleasant to
take, Your nearest dealer has i t.
�+r,irrriirnnrrirrriprra,trruro urunn"ui mi,urrrrrrnr:
Sunday And
e N
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednes-
day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
Piper, St. Nick
At Town Party
A Christmas party for the
children of the community, or-
ganized by the Exeter Branch
of the Canadian Legion, was
held Saturday afternoon.
A procession headed by the
Legion Pipe Band and Santa
Clads marched to the Lyric
Theatre at 1 o'clock where they
were treated to pictures and
bags of candy. There were
about 400 present. A second
showing was held at 3 o'clock
with about 250 present.
Garnet Hicks, 'Osborne, Wore
the red and white suit and
whiskers and paid a visit . to
most of the stores in town.
Prices at Hensall Community
Sale, Thursday, December 18;
Weanling pigs $ 8.90 $12,00
Chunks 13.40 15.20
Feeders 17.00 21.00
Sows 66.00 80.00
Boars 45.00 52,00
Holstein calves 17.00 38.00
2 .00 63.00
Durham calves
l for
Holstein springer cows sold
$226.00; Durham. springer cows
sold for up to $278.50; butcher
cows up to $17.00 per cwt.;
butcher steers up'to $27.25 per
cwt.; butcher heifers up to $24,70
per cwt.
Treata i Goshen R5
Prompts Dog Law
All dogs in 'slay Township must
be tied up. Effective immediate-
ly, all dogs in flay Township ;are
to he tied up until further notice.
The reason is to try to stop the
present outbreak of rabies• in
Western Ontario. This decision
was reached at a special meet-
ing of Hay Township Council.
held last week. It was reported
that many of the neighboring
municipalities have passed such
C.C. Christmas Meeting
At the Christmas meeting of
Zurich and District Chamber of
Commerce, preceded by a turkey
dinner at the Dominion. Hotel last
Wednesday evening, a ways and
means committee was added to
the slate of officers to establish
frleas far the raising of funds for
the group.
jack Bannister reported on the
progress being made with Pee
Wee hockey, sponsored by the
Chamber. It wa's announced that
the annual ladies' night would
be held some time in January.
Alex Mousseau was inducted es
a member of the organization.
Lucky draws were won by
Milton Desch, Earl Weide, Ray
Fisher, Jack Bannister,. Lloyd
Klopp and Leonard Merner. •
President Milton Oesch was in
the chair for the meeting.
Attended Open. House
Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Mrs. Earl
Yungblut, Mrs. Arnold Merner.
Mrs. Earl Thiel. and Mrs. Ted
Steinback attended an open house
in Kitchener on Sunday at the
Calfas Floristry,
Home From Hospital
Mr. Bob Adams has returned
to his home in Egmondville after
a stay in the hospital, and. is im-
proving nicely.
Local Items
Mr. and Mits. Lawrence Brisson
and family, of St, Thomas, spent
the weekend with relatives and
friends around Zurich.
Mr. Leo Corriveau, of Goderich,
was a Sunday visitor with Mr,
and Mrs. Ed Corriveau, of the.
Blue Water Highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Geoffroe
and family were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siemon,
Mr. and Mrs. Leischau, of
Baden, were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
lace Gingerich.
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gin -
gulch and 'Lorne were Sunday
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Gingerich.
Miss Anne Bullen, of London,
was a weekend visitor at the
home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Rawlings.
Mr. and Pim L.+ DalBello, of
Thedford, were Sunday visitors'
with friends in Zurich, t
.Mrs. A. W. Kiahsen and little
son have returned house from
Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr. , and Mrs. Edward Letts,
London, spent the weekend at the
home of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. ,Ivan Kalbfleisch.
Mr. Sam Gingerich has im-
proved nicely after his recent
Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Eckel
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan 13a.echler.
Mrs. Theresa Hartman. Zurich,
spent a few days with. her par-
ents on the Blue Water Highway,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme,
due to the illhess of her mother,
Mrs. Ducharme.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeffery,
of Goderich, and Mr. and. Mrs.
Lennard Masse, of London, were
S::nday visitors with the latter's
brother and 'mother on the Blue
Water Highway.
Mr. and Mrs, David Oesch and
Bobby were Sunday visitors with
their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Rader and family.
Miss Donna Merner, of London,
was a visitor at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
er. and Mrs. Fred Black, from
Taynlon, Saskatchewan, are
spending the holiday season at
the home of the former'* son.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Black and
sons, Zurich.
Mr. 'Roy Weber, of London, was
a visitor at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Carrie Weber, this
Mr. Ross .Toltnsnn. and Mrs.
Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Kalb£leisch were visitors in
London on Thursday.
PrC Cfkttl> M >•C>r iRC s0ifil*r aye
It is our sincere wish that the'
spiritual beauty and
festive Eby of the Christmas
season light up your days
with bright hope and happiness,
ppfaho 461' l Aify'r
Phone 78 Zurich
i1 t�j'1 yt3si, R Citi '11 itct.A4 i spat* Aro s 7 c scpli tip �ji �y {igRf�iac 1 h�j y,i ,yy AA:,sPAl A,toti hippie yriS � y�ltyty aydy�i�yj, yl
s+rrriurrnn'ntrniririirtttn'rrriiri,tr,mnriiiinnrniinln) '7 t,l�.i 9 Kilt( triVi ,+ Fi�i1 1�i1J/`il itl�'.l st�ilLr.lLr{ , Wit r s1 Trt,iril,M11.i1Lr'i1741,`Bell,, P.trairi,lt'i41AiirralA nrr••Lr'i•Vit. itrrittrilf,PUr 1LQ`iS 1l�t3Lt..Lrii Ir{`„ i,rA 1,16..1/rf fAsl'
S.S. 3 held its Christmas non -
cert. in the Goshen school on
Thursday night. Mere is an
enrollment of 31 children, Miss
Clara Clark is the teacher.
The program, with Rev. Pitt
As chairman, included chorus
•11 ll 111 h•e r S trios, recitations,
dialogues, also tap dancing by.
Karen and Diane McKinley, and
accordion numbers by Karen Mc-
linley and Bonnie Pollock.
Goshen concerts wouldn't. .be
'complete without the old-time
violin and piano selections- by
Mrs. Frank Boyce and Mr. John
Armstrong. Mrs. Bruce Keys
accompanied the musical num-
bers. • -
5.5, S Concert•
The .children . of S.S. 5, with
Mrs. Marie Beatty as teacher,
enjoyed a Christmas party in the
school on Friday afternoon, with
a few parents and pre-school
children as guests.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Merner
spent the weekend in Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Smale, of
London, were weekend visitors
with relatives in Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Gin-
gerich and family were, Sunday
guests at. the home of Mr. and
Mi:s, Ivan. Baecliler and family.
Trip South -
During a recent visit to the
west coast of Florida, Mr, and
Mrs, -Allan Smith, newlyweds, of
RR 3, Zurich, enjoyed a trip
through. Sarasota Jungle Gardens,
where they saw colorful wild-
fowl from most every continent
roaming uncaged, amid some of
Florida's beautiful scenery. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Landwyck
and boys were Sunday visitor'
with their parents, Mr. and' AIrs.
Menno Martin,
Victor Hartman, Goshen Line
South, called on his grandparents
on Thursday last.
Mrs. Valerie Cantin, St. Joseph,
left a few days ago for Detroit
where she will spend some time
with her children. She was
aeompanied by her' son, Andre.
and a friend, after they had
spent the weekend in St. Joseph.
Mr. and. Mrs. Pat Oesch and
family entertained their neigh -
hors, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb,
on Friday evening. The occasion
being Pat's and Mrs. Erb's
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckel
were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Evan. Baechler.
Mr. Dennis Charrette, Blue
Water Highway South, has re-
cently completed his large im-
plement shed, Which adds greatly
to his farm property, and -as well
.is a preserver for valuable
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb and
family were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gerber. •
Phone 276 Exeter
s, . ;+.. Z .,+ . i1 r, , r• ilii , it : t+ i, i+ . "+ ,+ M 1+ . 3r . i• - i• ., 1
a. a a
1, ..,
many plea
r' • To all our friends
.� we extend
our best wishes for a.
wonderful Christmas,
one flied with
good cheer and
ant surprises. .s%
Phone 761 Exeter
t/J&+orsidk�Tyupitf itooy4414�idwitl
May your Christmas
dreams tome trbel
And may lolly old Santo
bring you and Moots
a full pack of
happiness and hum..
Art Clarke
5hoII Oil At joiit
dUow as in.the days of
old, may the story of His
birth bring you great
comfort and enduring joy.
Our thanks for
your patronage
during 195N.
lfAialoa'aift7OwiQaiA'Aia ll1omtkcZr!'m . L ;to ti/i't"t7E
ti1141.T/r`A7iid.R17/ li/0` 1 •;fit N
May fhe glow of holiday
cheer brighten thehomes of
our many kind friends
whose patronage we valua
• i highly. Out thanks to you all,
From Management
And Staff
arson..Mators Lt .
'Pho,ne 608. -...rxeter