HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-09, Page 2mot be reemlued es er.yerbeaf
-- •fie re 'redid! With all defeee...,
boweaer, ea bather J,ss$os N)b
ells/ to thee woo, MA loot
ae It edoubtedly N t taum..b os the Re
Armadillo is altogether tsuMLsly to
Out Wisest' ►..*ledge of the Peewee
Pbilssephy et the Yiyd ss .f Fab, w
this world Idtcat.. The 4'111." we
men digital( to 4w/cipher. Tleis too
N *theft from Jinn Toronto-ist.mdi
represent the Reed. Armadillo as foul
at Tnsdie the home degree u lobe Tort
at Kettle --ora., that of M. -Meet
Demises. Or, awned, it may weed se
Anes in the vulgar walk• of Commerce
1 illustrative of the Ewe
weakness on that ,Dior ; In that view, b
war, ,ro•v t. M.'s rather t h
warn Doe woold have bees thus happier
Ioannina In tbhe part of the world, just
But here "Armadillo" throws of Ole m
sad boldly expose* rho den°g cnaracte
lou pretwation.. Unflicchrnily he et
honest( elbehop of Toronto" and stick
dagger before it .. :l In shake denenre
Ma Angelica° brother ! "Armadtl
Freebie Maguvr ; Bishop of Tomei
We wonder not that Ibt Cha,c& terms
"a tole usurped" -every leiter of it ie b
I.e.dly entree Iron out June of Toroot
sod we ►urtuy ecru with the Ckerch t
Cardinal Wiseman's tittle affdr is not n
ly so owingeuum • proceeding.
Dose Mooeieur Ie Comte de Charbo
really think that the people of Upper Ca
de will permit him to euros here and lo
Men tree audaciously with one •u dear
them -will allow him to •pproprute,
boning, a title which has cost them
much 1 To win- that same title for
thraebsn, the ennntry was convulsed
toasty years --national education
created and fostered throughout the wb
land. To keep this same title before
public with eclat, the same feuds are e
ewugbt to be m•totaioed, and but recce
eleva thousand pounds were .oiled •t o
Mel to sustain it. Tb Count must t
that so valuable • property requires prot
tees-ibisgs lose their value when they
emu eommom- Job. Toronto's rig
must be epheld agahst all comers !
Bet it is not only i. School manifee
that the two Torooto prelate' bare ewe
ed the beta in mortal strife for tbs benou
titles sed dsgnitiee of Ibte muodsne scene
Into the inner chamber of social life has tote
ambitions Romanist pushed bus proteseloo.;
to the very highest seattn the •yeagogue
-where out John Torooto has heretofore
reigned Lord of the manor -bat he stretch
ed forth bat groping hand ! Truly does the
Chard declare that Cardinal Wiseman is
modest personified to the other Arma•
ditto. Truly is it time tbat we ebould
rally round the standard of our Protestant
faith, when the satellites of the Roman Pon-
tiff carry out tbeir daring assumptions to
the arrogant and truly alarming, shape
brougbt to light in the following stutluog
but reliable missives:
JO■] TO /aw1DILLO.
"The Bishop of Toronto presents his
compliments to Dr. the Count Charbonell,
and requests the honour of his company at
Dt°ser on the evening of the inst.
at 7 o'clock."
"The Palace,
"Tweeter, Dec. 1850."
"The Bi.bop of Toronto returns compli
di(ie- yell Taav>♦iem seam se J. a. wanes.
le le well hews tli•i W Beamimds we meetly
nddietedN cash-llebeng--inabort. depn.o them
Ufa of tbsw seek.* nod OM Pleas del Dwu"
bkh (ibelwve Om M . mgt. sod tea woad be meta mics fik.Ip
•ce•vten of lb Gowns -
Sad meat. Whits ! was te Trinidad d. Cabe, i•
may April lea, 1 w•. tad .< • wiry leakage Hess THUBAIDAT JANUARY I. IMI.
stmt emend f ha
■` to am e t rock -ph le Ihol miry it
d.ag *bad be eadruteed that ewer-6ghtieg ora very
ata ptyalin sed (..hie able amusement. amid that WHO 18 MY NEIGHBOUR,
taselltae, ea t
er- w -
reeds of a baht, a canted to
s• eatreerdtsary berabt. Tkrir "birds" are
were ernell, and bele( deprived of all their (Nib.
for He..aeept those on the wap, sod two as three
opal straight este es the utl, they prime.* • very
a■ a
r or
• •
o !"
nel l
b. -
r -
*nests to Dr. Sheehan, aid bas mush plea -
sore to emotionhis levitation to dinner
for the *waning of tbo-i°et., at 7 o'c:ock. '
The Palace,
Toronto, Dec., 1850.
We are sure all our readers will feel deep-
ly for the brother prelates-tbue forced, to
their seal for true religion, to occupy atti-
tudes mat painful to them, and alas, bating
the appearance of a squabble for the empty
vanities of a wicked world ! That either
of the Rev. Gentlemen care for titles, or
Precedence, or any other such carnal device
of the Evil One-oo charitable person will
Insinuate -How could they? In that
Word which cannot err, are they not enjoin-
ed to "Feed the flock of God," 'bot by
eosetraiot, but ; not for filthy
lotto, but of a ready mod ; wilier as being
Geis ever Ges heritage, but being mean -
pies to As )(oar "Yea, all of you be sub -
pa one to soother, and be clothed with
humanity, for God reeuteth the proud, and
(meth graze to the bumble."
How cruelly thee must 10. feelings of
tha humble saeeeeoors of the fishermen of
Tiberias, be rent by their present n°eeemly
position ! But at the all of duty, and in
the maintenance of truth, even such trials
as this must be boldly encountered. True,
there may be eeoff re wbo will ask. Why
all the brawling for an empty :tile ?-what's
in a same? They may point their Infidel
ware al the two "holy men of God" fight-
ing for that wbicb is this country of entire
religious equality, whatever it may be in
ethers, is but tawdry tneel-a miserable
.%.ctatton of power -empty as air! and
that' may exclaim with Cowper :
•'Bebetd your Bishop ! Well M plays his part-
Chei.tleo f• same. and infidel in heart -lively aloe, oe, earthly is Ms plias -
A ala.e at cramelsewhere • lady's as f .
Dumb as a Seater, wed as a priest
A piece of mere eh.rch-feroitere at bet !"
Them they may refer to the Dictionary for
the meanie( of the title about whatthesebelt mac are.gsabbltng, and tell you that
a Bishop is Int "se Iwpector •'-a "Nutt.
title goresby the Roman* "to thou
who were inspectors of prnvufone," and
Mimosas thMimosas to thou "sent into the
Provinces subject to them, to teepee( *he
auto of stain., -that to the primitive
Church s Brhne "was is Elder or Presby-
ter. wee who had the pastoral tare of e
Church:" ad In now of lbs gement char.
metier of the title, they may sok what special
claim ay ow inspector, be It of churches
or provierone hs. to 'novae to himself the
bile.! M. Bishop of Tnronte!
We meed not gay that we .peek not here
nor ween pesthe.
timent.-. are the cavil -
hop of wished .wen. who eirhmtt sot to
tbe Powers -that -be in holy mother Church,
adoms •tto isle/rapt all (hung. lnr them -
solves. Alas ! that the daye of them►
d boots-
mrows.jerk boots should hero
remainaw.v. while such /eilnwe remain ! Wt g
for John Toreete- ur
honos, title., Rue
Princes. tones. Colleges, Clergy Ruwvee,
Aa►tere --.eery thing wont be his. The
be interests of Pro -
a neIineal C601110... -
fast i.. setting aside
,tandem, this ir trawl
nee M.hep mat prr•.f6ly beat last rebelled
--attained to the Sweat will poblte pleads,
Oil be ratmore;--bethe1d no two !-tw.
Jobs Tweet ' '
domuaty• and asked appraraaee. They are
sever .Mewed to fight with "garb," bat tree their
natural opera, which are eb.rproed i. • sleety,
sad they fight with • teethes* amid ease that in-
dicates bow woefully they have bees trained.
As Americas C•pisi• el • yr...l, laokug at
a fight that 0.d bee. .00some helmeted, at
leeeth bent at with -
"Get out with sseb birds as them, they ain't
bigger thee a toot -tit, sad out wenh • curer,
soy low ! Tbrm ere nom, poor 'miserable Cube
cock., I rerknnPee g.ot as board of my ship
a ..moth, Yankee Med. that'll lick any three w
fear of your mi.erahle cocks helm yea could
my beetle -mid I'll but b.eh ni if. too !"
A fret of fifty ••(aseee" ($*130) was usra.tly
offered ea the C.piu.'o proposition, who sot-
wnhsiaediog the remomt•sc.. 01 lou fnends, pet
up the •wry. sod rid he would be the r, sere c
•,.d give all suck small fry cocks at bud particu-
lar thooder 1"
Now, be ,t understood the Csd'ei• had as
"old grey eagle" ea board his ship. and 6n*
order was sot to give it aur'hing to eat for the
neat twenty -(our hirers. He also stripped the
wets of ate plumage commies the old fellow to MI
ashamed rat him.el(.
The day of trial arrived. the cock -pit was
crowded tow the great trial of one bird ataia.t
three f The Genie arrived is time, with ha
bird under bis arm.
••Who pits your cock. Captain?" was asked.
"Who? Well, 1 rather *bink I'll attend 'to
that business myself,"rid hr, sod steppng over
into the ring.
The old male seemed eabarned of the contain
he was In. and did not look very courageous ;
mad as they maimed the Yankee cock, nosy
were the winks, ode glance, and node eccba.ged
among the Bpsntsida. i.., .asepsis( only hu
vise there was ort anythi•g very cocooning im
the old eagles spprnnce. He was wretchedly
Tas whole mural .7.1.me of the whole lo
line of ethical philosophers from Confue
of Chios, down to George Combe of Ed
burgh, do sot comma ouch a bappy Illu•lra-
two of man's duty to man, ae that wbich
Holy Writ esbibtts to answer to the ques-
tion. Eves tie morality of Divine Reve-
lation does not furnish us with a more beau-
tiful picture of the real nature and %glue of
human sympathy or benevolence than is
embodied is the parable of the e Good Sa-
maritan." It appears that the world, even
eighteen hundred years ago, .bounded with
the withering spirit of tewnelantsm-that
acidity thin, se now, was split up into little
paltry, sarrow_sooled factors., aod that
onventionalities and exclusive fraternities
or brotherhoods, fomented and fostered the
same spirit of jealously end bitterness which
at present curses society, and impedes the
progress of civilization in Canada. A w
Hebrew Lawyer taking advaatage of t
unaware! distracted state of 'octet
thought to entrap the Son of Mao by as
leg " Who is my neighbor r' A Lawye
No. A member of the same brotherhood
No. A believer in the same creed andfo
mule ? Nn. A dweller In Jerusalem ? N
The wily Jewish Lawyer la informed by
simple, beautiful parable, that a Samerits
a stranger -a foreigner -wee, an rat
(for "the Jews had no 'dealings with tit
Samaritans,") was kis seigkber ! Veril
e man of quibbles most hare felt vessel
The world -we mean, of course, tb
tbeee fraternities. And, to eery* some base
,teed sell.h pa/poem has Moms belliger-
ents is th
a war le which en more worthy
lane were yetis onagers. Thee. Maroc -
ten aro happily dew, sad for from Wog o-
ther *b roost mtelligeat or the most opo
right portion of maak,sdare
e. . They afr.-
gstly d .iib., for them woo -
ranee or their lack of sterling pnsciple, aid
it is pleasing to kviow that they ars gam -
rally euspectd sod despised, oyes by the
fraternity to wbicb they bare united them-
•elvae. Thea characters, we say, forgea
very small and a very unworthy porous of
maski.d, aid, io attempting to apologise
(or the bitter prejudice* and party (seller'which produce the animosity of .oenty-
and in adeavoriog to iuculeate the Mho -
taut fact, *bat theta prejudices are sot the
choice of the individuals, but have boss born
with them, or bare boforced into them
by education and the external eircumstan•
eye with which they were surrounded, ws,
of course, offer nu apology for tb.e...w
"consorts.' We may offer apologies, sym-
pathy, pity, or justification for the men who
is bon with prejudices, but tb• finger of
score must be pointed at Idwho Toluata-
rily adopts them. His motives are essen-
tially base. WW -e have no faith in attempt-
ing to subdue prejudices by force, nor is
ily ',offering to put down party feeling and party
bte 'moons, by Legislative enactment. We
Y' question not only the propriety, but also
k the practicability of such attempts. But,
1 1 at the same time, we think it is the duty of
1 every man to lead his whole influence to
1' smooth down sod neutralize the bitter, us•
°! charitable, unchristian spirit which these
a party societies and these sectarian distioe•
° twee have eogenered. And certainly the
e•y, most pleasiog and most encouraging feature
e in the spirit of the age, is the fact, that the
great mode -the tlusktog me° -the litera-
poor, a.d they aloe discovered that b• bed no ib
*pure ! rd
•' Wby. Captain," said they, "your bird has
so spurs."
ta ahead!"
Three noble looking pmt chickens were now talented by this beautiful pantie, or has
brought io, and the betting commeoeed. Every shamefully forgotten to illustrate its beauty
thine offered by the Captain or dn Pis fnenwas 'by practice. The idea popularly attached
eagerly *.ken op by the The Caputo, to "my neighbor' is jual as narrow t
and when quiet was retooled, he gamily petoo mucb hemmed n by little conventionalities
e -
"Diet the first spot f" sed he, "but he's worse Christian world -lou either suer learned
dna ha wild eat where he scratches or bites ; se the great prinaple of brotherly kisdneas in -
it was observed. teak all the bete that he cold.
-JUG ae
the old eagle, and se be pet it isle the rtag, paltry brotherhoods, creeds and mummeries
where the cocks were strutting, he .aid -
Now go it, old fellow, for the besot of your to-dayru it was when the Hebrew Low -
caner, ry ! Give 'em bleats '" ver ask. " Who is my Neighbor ?" The
cocked bit bead nto os os. side, ad seemed oabe
Priests and Lyttas, had the Lawyers, ars
eyeing the huge iso. that not one whit better today than *bey were
mug owarde him, bat he stirred mot ! At length eighteen hundred years ago. They are still
the chicken sad. a dash at him sed doubtless
gave him a sharp blew, for with s kind of wild wrapping and swaddling the human mind up
scream. the old bird started. took Dee glance at in these Darrow prejudices and peculiarities
the ebtekee, mewed epos it, mod with tut claws of paltry creeds and brotherhoods, but the
aid booked bill tore it ell to pieces ; and to the
boner and aasehmeot of *b. Spastards, beta. great principle of universal brotherhood is
tont it ! The wetted cock .hared the fate of neglected, or impeded in its progress. Tb3
withdrew"' by the enraged ud mortified Shoe- parable of the " Good Samaritan" is thrgot.
mrd., who had already last is. nl.able bird. by ten. Would the leaders of society -the
the first, sad t would the third, had it not been
a very semetary proem... As soon as the Cap- talking men only agree to give faithful ex -
rain was declared wirier, be 'matched up his
bird. collected his bete mail r the putties of 011e parable, both theoretically
doe, when he tanned and addreased•'tbebewil. wed practically. much good might be effect -
end crowd-
' ed. It would come like a bomb -shell a-
" Look here, Does," mid he"it's my opinion
that the nest time you fight a yank'* cock.' "DB the little artificial fraternities', petu-
yoa'lI keaw that he's a bird that e[wsys gnats!" lleritite and distinctions which forma pro-
. ea tire of modern civilization, and,
men t f
sed 0w !nerds withdrew, Iesviog the Gbh clack -fighters is a p*eesisg state of wder
.m.t.-Si. if properly administered, would, in a few
Louis to&mn11.. ge•eratfooe, drink up the gall and worm -
THURSDAY NiGHT'S REPORT. wood of these little, warring, struggling
Washiegten, Jan. 1. communities. This would be a gigantic
The Prveidrnr'. 1..., h.. we. .....0, brit. enterprise -the moral reputation of man -
tient. The prominent to• t&
inent states all ponies kind It H I -d
slapping hi*
well filled ed pocket., the Captain
and all the fereige ministers, were tbere.
New Tork, Jas. 2.
The "City of Glasgow" 'mime' arrived a
Philadelphia yesterday. The committee of re
ceptfu are making gnat preparations for agrand
demons*reit.. on the °cession.
The steamer Merlin arrived trom Bermuda.
The Baltic arrived at her wharf yesterday.-
The Aft lest did not leave till 4 a'el.ck, owing to
the state of tis weather.
renermt 1T TWO ILLTIC.
Ammo/ the psesmos by the Agnea, wen the
Arehbiehnnpp of Ciseisati, and Sir Edward Bel-
cher. R. F.
lbs law just peeved by the Fr.eeh Assembly,
throwing epee the electric telegraph to the pub-
lic, will make • great chase in the comment -
cation between England and France, from and
after the let March. Th. French telegraph will
be as free to the public u that o1 Eoglaod at the
pretreat moment, aid the rates charged are much
more moderate.
Baltimore, Jae. 3.
Jeney 1.icd's eherity Cowe.,t at Chwrlee:on
on Saturday last realised $3.400, which elm has
bees dietrihoted emoeg several infinities,. She
was to leave ea NOW Year's day fee Havanna.
New Tek, Jae 3.
Doted* of the news from Mertes west head.
The cholera is makes, enesidenble ravioli et
Oejec■. The sten ni' Nubia is about to wider-
inks to make the Adige river Navigable so u to
eomme.aNettle.te with the Nettle.
• ergo ea°
and isirable-praetf-
cable. Will it take place ? Certatoly not!
It t• like Law Reform -it would be profit.
- able for the mill10°s, but tejonoue to the
tens. The Prnet• and the Levttas, and the
Lawyer., and all the lazy and the idle have
a lirisr f
The tslegnph from Washington of the
95th, an: -Late advices from Central
America annonnee that the English are
blockading the porn of San Salvador, and
threaten the sem. with thou of Nicene/ma.
The Savannah parer@ have late news from
Ilavannah. The cholera .till lingers in the
North and Routh, and mantle tri woes of
the mot npipertant roger distnN..
The f.d'ene ennventinn have mimed w
rssnlntioe probthil,ng the legislators greet-
ing divorcee. -Glebe.
Vassal, ave Callow ifn.-The Tele-
graph from Holme.' Hole, of the 15th tat.,
sari that daring the let• rale, a *chooser
wao driven on *hoe. on Norman's land, and
slot's immedtarnlw went to home. Tbo
crew were wool .frue fling in the brakes
loll nn aseistaoeo *meld he n.d.r.d them,
and all hand. nertahed. Natty of Waal sot
know.. -Motto.
NNW F■aruaa n Rmnzrne.-Tho Read
British Bank, inoid"n, has .sswnre•d s
novel anti fm.ertent (esters in ►,eking,
.atsol7, 1het de°eainnr. min antes prelate -
amity were. es the @menet el their deposits,
wades, piss be given me ow -wit?, lb* motel
tell usisdnr.ed, tkne ietereet to ieeumslate
to depositors.
Ow readers will do well to reeolleet that
Der Now Year's Day, the Niel valva of
tbo dolor sod MI( dollar ars reduced from
Se id tied St IV rswpwetively. to r,, ad fe
6d. The &It4MM esiws will be 8. 1d: half
teed teem.
4: to. 1i 314, ed. 7N--free-
`O. 4.. hN &
Thew aro seely two ways.r s.eapi.g
r.iw--NNsr John .'..lo own be
or MI .Net ha !who Tena e0. .ad
Ks elllkr.-WOW.:
'venae - wilt'ttv.,_ # .. - _
«..r` :taro
e at►ersity of sect.,
and brotherhoods, and artifice! diaieeuona,
and jealousies that make up the present
state of things, and, hence, the present
state of *binge will COntinne so long se
pounds, shillings and pence @hall remain ao
intimately connected with the administra-
tion of Law and Religion.
it would certainly be difficult eves to im-
agine a uniformity of thought and opinion t
among mankind. Perhaps it is neither nat-
ural tier desirable, therefore we will not
suppose that the whole world will agree to •
heeom, Orangemen or Rtbboom.n, or Mor- t
moos or Mabometas.. Such a entformity
is not practicable, and not required. -
But men could surely be ta°gbt to believe t
that such distinctions are of a eery ani..- t
portant character. They could certainly a
M made to understand that the difference
between calling the Ring Head of tb. I
Church, end calling the Pone the Head of t
the Cbureb-between governing the Church
by Bishops and governiog it by Presbyte-
ries, Synod' or Conferences, is a mere mi-
nor differesee, and does not saceeaanly is-
tellers with true practical religion. But,
@bow all, mankind could be iestructed to
understand that these di.tunctinna-tbese
differeoeea of opinion are not putridly
the result of voluntary and deliberate elutes
en tbs part o1 the different Individuals, but
are, to ateeteaa eases out of twenty, produ-
ced by which *rated before
the individuals were born. Country, birth,
parentage. education, or the want of it, dee re
tides the quaetioe of Prnteeta.tu. or Pe- in
Rory, with the great majority of their roe- w
peetive .atones. The pnjodieee that make we
a rags an Orangemen, were bor. with him, ha
aid the principles of Ribleonum forma part riot
of the eaten of hfm wbo avows Oleo. W. tom
speak here of the general rola, and aI d boor
tb. ereeparoes. W. are aware Nat trema lh
ow tedlvidoele whe were hero free of theae dr
pepsin prepndiers anal feelings, wbo were He
btr.sght sp ad educated *maw more favor-
able /.. Yee boa se.ww*d to M
thew pejedtaB4 et M isvi.t hew. b.. W Ibis
t. .weir tbsm..•heett NOW MnmSlew le mop
tura and philosophy of the present day, aro
all nobly struggling and tending towards a
generalization of the feeings and di.po.i-
eine of .opinion is no more a proper cause
of hatred or ill -will, than a difference to
feature.-tbat the black man end the wbite
man, the Catholic and the Protestant, the
Ribbooman aid the Orangeman, all bear
equally in their nature the improv of the
Uoi 1 God. Esch one of them, se mem• t
bora of the same family, aid ae creatures of
tone of the human family -are a!I striving
to make mashed understand that a dtffn•
upwards of twenty years -they bore
ceeded beyond eves the moat oaguu.e
prosaism, they have obtained milli... of
' vmariee-•aid reclaimed thonemd. Mm t►.
$w. .1 rotor sad metwttbat.adlsg all the
tales predictlsSs that hare baa metteved
is reform*, to them, and io defiance of all
the arils, sad oppoaws which they hs.e
encountered, the thousands of Total dl.li-
srsee 8oe1e2te., and the tbosmesd Divisions
.1 the Bon. of Temperance that are now Is
oateeoce, prove satisfactorily that the great
priecipl. ts progressing. Won mes-
oeopbere, are now looking upon *be e
with eau tannest, had the istroduotioo of
the New Tome isle... Law of Ca
will eomsNsd the littoralos of the
commsmty to *be importsso* of the
act. And if mss will only bogie to t
sad esquire, and look around them
Temperance Reformation will very s
ly occupy • prominent position among
popular reform movetnent• ante age.
Law and Liquor haul bete the two
curses of Clouds. Both have been carr
or at lens* aggravated, by an iniquitous •
tee of Legislation. And, now, Legi
ons seems to have token • different new
the matter, and is wilesg to assist In nm
rang the evil. Tb. New Division Court
Act of Solicitor General, John 8andeold
McDonald, h.s struck a deatb-blow at the
grasping avariciousness of tie " Bar," and
the New Tavern Liao,. Law of the Hos,
Malcolm Cameron, will fall like a thunder-
bolt on the profligacy of the Bei -room.
But the action of the people is required.
The New bowies Lew places the power
of controlling the grog -trade exsctltly
where it should be, viz.; to the heeds of the
people. And i' the Municipal Councils,
and the inspector. of T will only do
their duty, and be faithful to the public In-
terests, and to the cause of public morality,
lbs country will soon get rid of many of
these low, tippling shops that are nothing
more than dans of gambling and debauch-
plot -
bmtb.ebeed. sed h.! seeded ",gig,
"pee e.siram. to bl. former slloyal',
allyaall w'sI4sot Mo'b a
.items vis sagas s�.g i»
8bap netabeldy_of pejo. w�lane !
•• ?be t *IAN &Mho w
The li4wiag is di on*
Elesdees, as fir sews meta
ase o ast
n t V..a.+i�flll..-SL
Somai1. Pum*.. A..ief neelel.
Ratteaber j N Aonotes Wad-
Cnmpbu, Mathew Bks,
Imola•• S.. David's Wend -Witham w�
leer, Cbrlesghs, Cram, hew Gentles. Ego
-St. Patrick's Waag,.Hs„aes
Dbsoit, Wlllle. Beery, Losing.
Maim. dam
Gawark T.ww.�sdolts Mtn Joy
Lesewonh, James aetto o,, Aedne Rl. _*a
n ada . syay „Jam Aowsed, 1eh. M.As, Deal, t%e
we Miller, Wilil.. Tsang, tJt.o Mani.. ti
..►- D.etd H. Ritchie, hen Gras,,
►ink, , to . Burge Dern. 1eh. McNsegle aa,
the • eine• •
pe•df_ .-Dr. Chalk. Custom s Van
sloe •im••d, rnnci. Fowler, - M.Les•, nine '
-8.p.-Cato. Willis. Reber' BO. Reber
great Deis, simro and
sod, Qsiek, lames �t, Theme. Loma,
y.- Anderw, Esquires.
Novas da- tub, or• ---Alva. Hamilton, P. M./a•
ofGreat, Jere Corns, sada Gorose,
°' Bluth towhees Ma ol.etd bee Own wss,few
.( whom ..omen speak Eopti.b-,hs I% le we
wetby old friend, Sebastian lIryfoe a w►. now
.peak absodaotfy ler the whole Caeseil.
!t. D. I The who Towsohipi will be roper*
is oar seat.
(17' We retire otic ▪ sincere thanks to our
°em.ras (need. lbrosghout-24 Province,
and especially fe thea United Collaties,
who have of Ism, ...premed their appreba-
lion of the Heron Sigma,' by forwarding
many additions to our 8ubeeription Li.t.-
1t is encouraging to be able to state, that
without soy exertion os nun part, our cir-
culation is Weedily Ieeiwsang, and as the
third volume of the Signs! is now nestle
completed, we take the opportunity of Mat-
ing that the present is a proper time to
subscribe. We may also state, that, hew-
n( aotne intention of enlarging and improv-
ing oar sheet, we hope *dr subscribers will
be Mutual in peyi■g up their arrear., le
order that we msy be wielded to carry of
this inteetion.
Tun Sentcbman wawa, "ill beginnings kat
gwdkiader-cads," and baying been taught
to put faith in this proverb, we were led to
form the highest opinion of the New Jury
Law on its first introduction tote the Court
on Tuesday -for certainly it exhibited all
the appearance of ao i/( or an awkward "8s.
ginning." A few of those who bad been
summooed as Grand Juron, did not appear,
and a few wbo did appear were Germane
orally unacquainted with the English len-
gusge,a°d consequent ly,eould not be sworn.
o short, only twelve Grand Jurors could
brought forward to the book, and the im
preesia of the Bench beteg, that dirt(
were required, it was declared that s0e
was no Gram Jury ! ! "That's your Rad
iesli&m !" "The remits of yo°r Ne
Radical Jury Law," Ise. ke. Me., wa
chuckling in the throats of every genet
Tory in Court. 1n feet, bad • Dative
Herschel been pretest, he would have mu
poeed that Robert Baldwin was the menu
lecturer, not only of the New Jury Law
beat also of the Germane of South East
bops ! ! Now, we have not room at pros
est for our opinions on the New Jury 1.w,
but 112 oar next, we shall endeavor to thew
bat the blundering which bee occurred 1
he introduettoo of this New Ac:, it not at
Ibutable to the imperfections of the Ac
tit to the inexperience and carelessness o
oto whose duty it te td reduce it to prat
the .ams Creating Divinity, ie Our Neigh-
bor, and, has a claim upon our brotherly
sympathy in the hour of difficulty and die•
IT is gratifying to observe the progress
which the Temperance Reformation is ma-
king in Goderich. Only a few months bevy
elapsed eines a Division of the Sou. of
Temperance was established in the Town ;
and already, it numbers upwards of eighty
members, comprising mercbaots, trades-
men, clerks, farmers and laborers, many of
whom were always temperate, and many
were almost &tsayr drunk. In (act, we
BT W. are gad to Mars tea. Me Temporise,
Ball whisk "come eft" is the Hall of tae Cel-
boerna lea, ee Friday e'eeiag law, was iso d
the *wast npeetebbe and happy Delis that bat
'ekes piece's Oaderieb: tint it was 01(01y credit-
able folk. parries who get i t up, and *very way
wsetb' of the priaciplos es which it was eee-
Nonce. -The Re.. Jeb. L.gis will peach
ler one Re.. Choles Fletcher, sa' the U•Ited
Presbyteries Cbueh, Oed.rith, am Mbb.tb first:
be wale* to eommsnee at 1 t veleta teres... -.ad
6 ✓Week .vesiag.
Gederii, Joinery 8th, 1641,
r- ommunicationt,
. Goontcn, Jan. 8, 1651.
TO T.1 •DITwa or Two NOUS 11110142. -
or Dena Bra, -le looking over your lest
week's Sigeei, i sensed a e.mewhet
• long thy comma.icatio
0. 'Jibed X, contain-
ing many animadversions en the eorrespon-
' donee of a tax payer aid Councillor, togeth-
_ or with sone remarks relative to parties
hawk's, shoot petitions, or a petitias rath-
er, to do away with the Corporation of our
Town u beteg p►ematsro ke., rte. But
Sir, 1 have have neither time or iscli°atioo
te follow Mr. X through the teeny utters
reel statements and a.sertio.t to which In
treats your readers, but the nob effusions
from his pea, may probably be the sreet of
Meanies or New Year', rejoicings, it is
ELECTIONS but reasonable mid charitable to overlook.
little of the frailties of booms afere--
Then is however oso portion of Mr. re
letter, that I cannot pass without anklet a
few contradictory remarks /her.,., aid
first i will or tics his wholesale sail grow-
_ roue slander on a portion of the t°babreats
of the Towasbip of Gedevi.b, Mr. X tells a.
"that he has lived assay yams is the Time,
that be has doss se is the days of Cut Law
whoa the wave of stick ward eat the
keys to do this or that as 14. idol of eke
day bade them, that he has Wed re town
wbo Dr. Doak, was tuned eat ei the
Chair, from the rap of s slob Min ghee a
a mgsal os t►o table, de bas lived n T.we
he says whew the by. from the farthest
limits of the Township, noted es with a rot
of ire or ridicule as the whim et the seo-
mut moved them," view eh I will jets
meet awertron by ss..rtne tut emphati-
cally declare that there I. not man a .leer-
ing of troth i. all *bot this ah..im..o
scribbler bas /toted, ..d whoa i mil yes
sad your readers that 1 hem Ind is Tow.
for nearly font**. years, outmoded .11 polo -
la mooting. that 1 have ever been away.(
n.d that the boy. though Illy Amy hem
soma times 0.o.. Inds ase .obey ler mesh
sermon ebar..ten u Kr. X, that tier
gaetnlly ported po.dly sad orderly, fiat
i ham Hewer hews soy ono brought b.A.e
• magistrate for disorderly modest. either
at tows or trainee day., that
they ham attempyd to carry .y metas
whatever, et tows se other *she tttllmal.p
but by their importer nu obeys, the H1[p!4
Constable of the Distend who hes lama
invariably p...st a seek .yus.isee tri
who is • m e of testa, maid ted yea slid
other. who nay pbaly �` des iv*
ham boo. Ihng le vi te et savage hips
barity, previa.. to the ti..r j.getiom d ger
tow. ; that b be seldom .r msec bees
.blip a arrest my 1diwlie4l tee miea-
d.et s e.e\ seeevinvi. IAN Alm eel
not eldest of we sully
*b .viae t..tim.sp. lot perhaps 45 leo
be well to minted peer Imam KV Km
puNie g.s.rglty *long She /Mr M *los
*tea eta ?Mvida ttlg MMdekdkaifaag
r.1 .0. heads m[ tit! a_ « 110.0554
jog.* or iib- uM 0/ ON" s tit- - J
a...M711 pr1/tp walh phi, tames
emh*dse b.* tees' r tlhe tt56s55 d 410
MpiKweira4Bed05wiehllpeM Sp
ia� e" oiMssai y'wdhtt .sates za+atA ; (.N r►sal+t '►-1. 10.yf7:
.! �. �lwafmV'`.1 , f(&a,.a,.-
are only doing justice to the cause, when t
we say *bat we have never witnessed, and 11
seldom heard of ■ more astonishing and a b
more satisfactory reformation accomplished 10
in such a abort time. It is true, that there ti
is much evil prophesying on the subject -a
great deal of scoffing and derision -predict -
Ing that this brother will soon fall, and that
brother will net stand long, and so forth, -
in this eau, it may safely be assumed that °1
"the wish is father to lie thought," that D1
these prophesies are generally aceompaofe
with a sioeere but an unworthy desire the
they may be fulfilled. It is • fast disbono
table to our nature that the desire for com
pinions is stronger to the vicious than in th
virtuous-goilt trembles at the thought
being left alone, and the stronger the pre-
,dice the stronger the desire to make pros-
elytes. it is not even enough to tell us
hat certain of the " Sone " will .son fall,
bat it m0.1 also be assumed that they will
be "far worse than if they bad never joined
or been made members !" The last half of
he propbeey destroy& the credibility that
might probably attach to the first, and, (or
our own part we do not believe one word of
his gratuitous nosiness. It i. possible
hat some of the maoy dissipated ndividu-
1. wbo have joined the Division may fall a
prey to the numerous temptations and al-
uremeot. *bat will undoubtedly be tbrow■
n their way. But we cahoot imwgtna why
or how they can possibly be made more ,i-
Nave gone off well throughout the United
Co°otiee-the people are evidently begin-
og to understand the importance of Mo
weal institutions, and are taking an inter
d eat in them. In the Town of Goderich the
election, as a matter of course, was not en
tirely void of political feeling, and as was
to be expected, bas remitted largely:in fa
e yor of the Radicals. - The St, Andrew's
f Ward, u usual, returned three Tories, ed
the other three We rd. `returned nine Libor.
a1.. The preemies! contest was in 8t.
George'. Ward, where Jame. Wateon,Fwq.
who, after being elected last year by a large
er number of votes tban were tendered for
any other Councillor -after batisg not only
refused to net, but sloe offered mach oppo-
sition to the action of *bit Council -after
having exerted big whole influence in get-
ting up a petition to'bolf.\ the Corpora -
ties, and after howing •nthorized a friend
to prevent hte name frets being pet goon
the poll book -efts all thou strange cas-
J.m.. Wates, Esq., pr.mptod
eitber by a senae of duty, ora strong love of
eonor.t toy, &bons half an boar after tin .-
ection had commenced, requested to bo pet
in nomination ! "Hope travels on, vie►
gaita us whoa we die:' Bet habits opfnf on
is a very d,flenue thing from &ape. Tb
poet .ays bops is immortal, and lemma
anoint and .ieivsral experience, declare
that public opinion is the mut mutable -
the meet .hffti.g, chn((.g, petnls.r, is-
eoemetent thing im the world !
Arlene! ata. ! Mr. Wates'..zpsrf.see
i. n hammy with universal ozperieses a
this .object-p.blfe opintem en sloe first
Monday of Jan,.ry 1650 tideland that
James Watson E.q. was more worthy of
ptibhe eosfideaoe Nes any etbor nes who
offered as Councilor in God.rinb, .t that
Uma. Poblie opinion on the Prot Needle,
is January 1851 comely and loed(y dello ed
that the same James Watson Bog. ems
romma.d only six voles .ad J{.. b ant
plryap.re !
etous or more Incorrigible by having made
a laudable effort to abandon their former vi-
cious habits. if • mon who has baa is lb
habit of getting drunk, at (east oneo a
weak, can be induced 'oy any messy to re-
main sober for even a month, ha most cer-
tai.ly ha baeitted by the experfineet.-
Being drunk once a month is certainly a
lee evil than being drunk ones* Welli-
es(' four weeks of calm, natural sobriety,
eassot, in 0. •&tore of things, strengthen
the dn.kes appetite, or eau* the mu to
gat that he bad sot bees ofteetnefrnok i
short, this kind of bar -room or citadel'.
pbiloeophy that says a mu will W made
no by abstafang fur a lesion, seems to
bee got up with the fiendish inters -
of &teat•( weak-minded meg Iron' at -
posy to abstain. it he a fictitious bur-
, bot It will sot ammo tie purlieu of
e.e who baro mused It. Toe veriest
mkari fs sorry that be unmet abeW.._
frc'geeetl. regrets hong drank. bet be
tomer regrets his ova tomperery ..hetety,
le tins, however, that the ladeI . .
utast dreold ogee• --Ib. harper_
♦eeteli.. ►an leo, i. mistimes tar
153* Kr. Wein. w. 4.k, W len
rum Kee 11r. C...+Aler Haat was
dstM-le IOW fin
had sty
rsir ono mi fr .1 dun rat rare
a •'m -N. hod doe* every ons thatNur tho a .
rises mold de to tone Memel( pepsin sod
Ie mit x'-44 to lot moved. ices
,;... __,_ hrlq IW. 1
.tree - e
1 4 ,r,.. 3 v " "r::,�. *a 'e!:!6Jm'Yr.�"" •"":C(" �..�!?'1
tb a
.f lot
a▪ nd
1■ 1
afar a
dee II
trim pi
fa K
iter ten