HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-18, Page 16P49111 14 The Times.kivecoie, :Dezember it 1958 Family Farewell lionst Gifts _ _ _ wIIAV.I Atcrediton East • n At Crediton Meeting .Crediton • Community Centre'Preszcator; good cheer...Miss vas appropriately decorated when Ch,ernbers. Mrs. Kenney, Mrs. the Women's institute held their Christmas meeting. with Presi- dent Mrs. E. Lamport presiding. Roll call was responded. to by naming.'a 'Childhood Memory st:If Christmas." Mrs. Wilfrid. Mack .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Me', • Dunou,gh and, Carol and 1400. The exchange Of gifts from a who have spent some time in Christmas tree was greeted with our midst, have belt! rounds of applau,se a&l laughter red •to Germany and Tour" ExetergLions Club's last meet- daY. lug befort Christmas at Am On Monday night the Pei 11^, strong's Restaurant Thurscl Swartz; pianists, Mrs. J. Wile- boors gathered at the home evenmg, way, Mrs. Preszcator. Mr. and. Mrs, J. Jesney and ' Members of the club brought Secretaries, press,. Airs; Jos, presented the departing family their gifts and deposited them at Mrs. C. Kenney; literature and time tunes was enjoyed after tree when the roll call was made, Weedall; Chsong of old ristiah Stewardship, with gifts. A sing the foot of a gaily decorated corresponding see., Mrs. G. Hilt; which lunch was served. I When the names were again 4y reported on the district exee,1!" reserved fund, Mrs. Hill: Mis- personal, Items I read the member chose any gift live meeting held in ilensan- sionary Monthly, Miss Chambers; MrandMrs. ilaroid Glanville ; frour beneath the tree. Members Citizenship, Mrs. Wilfred Mack; .1),,fisittililge Manitoulin Island are , who neglected to bring a gift Mrs. Gerald Zwicker reported supply. Airs, Al, Icipg; Christian . tether on Hospital Auxiliary. Baby Band superintendents. Mrs. with their sons and . paid $3, for a gift provided by: i the committee in charge and • an Good Cheer and Mrs. Fink- . Dates for short course families here. Were R. Reid and Mrs. Finkbeiner; - , William Homey placed it.beneath the tree. Each Pet for May 4 and 5. Members Itiission Band superintendent, Mr. and Mrs. ....- m recipient opened his present at Daylight Saving Time. Bach Mrs. I. Galloway, Mrs. Kenney; and Airs. William Motz. occa- sion. Many and varied were the , •voted to support resolution on Mrs. N. Lamport; assistants, of Exeter spent Sunday with r. ' a table provided - for the tute was read from Reeve J. . Lewis !laughs. • 1 • ' Jnember donated 50e for Care. anditors. :Ntrs. Zwicker and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrissey 'for support during his Choir Present* cantata term of office. The choir of the Evangelical Mrs. E. Hendrick presided. for U.B. church presented a cantata program. Carols were sung and entitled "The Story of Christ. a reading given by Mrs. W. Heist. mas" during the worship serv- Trios were sung by Barbara ice on Sunday Morning. Dundas, Shirley Geiser and The story was told in original Gwen Pfaff and piano. selections verses, interspersed with carols, given by Jean Krueger and Carol passages of scripture and eon - Hendrick. netting links by Rev. Glen "Christmas" in Holland" was Strome. Tlie annual Christmas vividly described and demon- program will be given next Sun - Waked by two new Canadians day. • In addresses given on their na- tive land, by Mrs. H. Van-Oesh Personal Items and Mrs. W. Muller. The ladies Mrs. Margaret Bowman of De - gave a graphic description of troit visited. on Sunday with her how Christmas gift giving was father, Mr. E. Gettinger, who celebrated on December 5 and accompanied her to Detroit. the religious celebration on De- Mrs. Martin Morloek of Guelph 'comber 25, They sang one of and Miss Agnes Stock of Kitchen - their native carols. or visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mrs. R. Krueger demonstrated Herbert Young and with Mr.' the making a turkey -burgers. Young who is still serionsly, ill In the lunch period following in South 'Huron Hospital. ... some 40 or more guests were Mrs. Jas, Schroeder called :-on served turkey -burgers. Mr. Francis. Clark on Saturday Hostesses were Mrs. Krueger, who accompanied her to* her Airs, Hendrick, Mrs. L. Wein, home in London where he will Mrs. R, Geiser, Mrs, 0. Pfaff spend some time. Mr. Clark will and Mrs. W. Heist. W.A. Christmas Meeting Appreciation to Weinen's Insti- preszeator. and Eber and Mr. and Mrs., Among Lmero.naain'ddlAVierisn. spent Sunday wa'Inthd 'discussed was the sending of a family at Parkhill. i crippled child to camp and. the , sponsoring of an oratorical eon - Mrs. John Nedsa spent a few test.They were referred IA days in, Victoria Hospital last ' 1 committees. week. Treasurer Eugene Beaver was presented with a pin by int. D. Mrs. Joseph P. (Ilene) Hanna of Jake Sweitzer, It was decided to Sunset Drive, and Airs. Richard call off the meeting scheduled J, (Velma) Hopson of Dexter i for Christmas eve and donate Blvd. ' the supper expenses to the Boy The daughters held open house 'Scout project. Nearly $70 was Monday evening for relatives -raised in tile recent paper drive, and friends t Members not participating in also visit with his daughter, Mrs. Dale in Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilmartin, Christmas meeting' of United was Danny and Kerry of Lambeth Church Woman's Auxiliary held. President Mrs. E. Lam- visited on Sunday with Mr. and port presided for business and Mrs. Jos, Woodall. reports were given. Mr. Frederick McDonald of Mrs, L. Preszcator was ap- Detroit spent Sunday with Weeds pointed to assist Mrs. G. Zwicker here. as auditor. Mr. Art Bailey of St. Cath. arines returned home after spend - Presentation was made to Mrs. some time at the home of R. Harris, who expects to leave ing Mr. and Mrs. C. Radford, the community shortly. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bender and Mrs. Zwicker conducted a Mrs. Allen Becker .visted in Kit, Christmas service, assisted by chener on Tuesday and called several members. Mrs. Harris, rendered a musical number and on Mrs. Pearl Faulhafer who is Mrs. J. Galloway brought in the i a patient in St. Marys Hospital.' They also. attended the Oral plate of officers for 1959 as pre- t pared by the nominating corn- Robert Crusade in Hamilton on mittee. Mrs. Garfield Hill. con -1 Tuesday evening. ducted the election of officers. I 'Crediton Natives President is Airs. E. Lamport; vice-presidents are Mrs. It. Fink - Sixty Years Wed beiner, Airs. G. Zwicker and, • Mrs. E. Neil; secretary, Mrs. IL Lightfoot; ass't. see., Mrs.: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wind of N. Lamport; W.A.. treasurer,1Lathrun Village, Michigan, and Mrs. S. King; W.M.S. treasurer, !Kingsville, Ontario, celebrated Mrs. A. Baker; parsonage corn-* their 60th wedding anniversary rnitiee, Mrs. L. Hill and Mrs. on Monday, December 15. Mr. Wind, 84 end his wife, the former Leah Wolfe, so, were born in Crediton, Ontario, where they were married before -com- ing to Detroit 58 years ago. The couple operated a bakery at Gratiot and Bellevue in Detroit after the turn of the century. Later Mr. Wind worked for the Ford Motor Co. from which he retired 11 years ago. The Winds have two daughters, New Fresh Stock Our Bridal Bell and Elco supplier has furnished us with a complete new stock of Diamonds and Watches to replace those lost in the rib- bery• NQW we lvve a BET- TER SELECTION THAN EVER! • JACK SMITH CREDIT JEWELLER Phone SIO Exeter • • Centralia Class Aids Blind; Exeter fund for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind got. a $30 boost this week from the intermediate class of Cen- tralia *United Church Sunday School. The class raised the money from a bake sale and other ac- tivities. Total is now**$930, just 870 short of the objectiVe. Local chairman S. B. Taylor reports contribu- tions are still being accepted since the campaign won't close until the end of the year. You Can Depend On When kidneys -fail to remove eves, arida and wastes, haekaohe, tired feeling! disturbed reet often follow', Dorld`e 'Kidney atirroilete kidnexa to normal &Ay. Yon feel better—eleep bet- ter, work better. You 'an depend • 53 on Dodd's. GetDodd'e at any drugstore, Villt.IIIIIIM1111111141111111141111f1IIMMIIIIM(1111111(illi• tttttt 11,11111111111111111111111111/111111111% The Best Buy Of The Year! Save Up TO 50 On A New Muffler! I Your Troubles Are Over With A Brand New Glasslyrier Muffler , WITH FULL GUARANTEE I Fdr - Only $9.25 eath to '53 CHEVROLETS „,..„. '49 0 '54 FORDS ......... .....64•,..+4.4 . $6.90 i each to '5'5 DODOES & PLYMOUTHS (5 tyi) $8.60 each '55 to '58 DODGES & PLYMOUTHS (V8) ,. $9,35 each Get One Today • Local Women Win Two Fowl Airs. Ray johns and. Mrs, :Stan. traYne were two-time winners at last week's fowl bingo stmt. sored by Exeter Legion in thel memorial hall here. Airs. johns. won ,a turkey and aschicken and Airs. Vrayne cap- tured two _chickens. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, liensall, both won. .a videken. Turkey winners included Mrs. George Michell, Marten Carscad- dent Gordon MacDonald, of R.R. 1. Crediton, ,Charlie Wag.horn, Mrs. Gerald Prout, Mrs. Hay Jory, Clarence Taylor, Mrs. El- more. Harness .and Eruce„, Walker, Hensall. Turkey door prize went to. Airs. Mary AleLelland, Those who took home chickens included Mrs. Russ. Schroeder, Gordon Kirk, Mrs. Dry Smith, Doug Jeffery of R.g. I, Hermit, 'Mrs. Roy Pepper, Lorne Johns, Airs. Stan. Frayne, . Mrs. E. Beaver, Mrs. A. Byckman, Wil Liam Northcott and Mrs. Leo Boyle, .Clandebeye, the drive paid $1. 'each to 'the Tail Twister, Buy and Use Christmas Seals Larry -Rumpel Says: 14 ‘THA K For Your Patronage Tills month marks the end of our first anniversary at our Supertest Station in Exeter in whith during this time, we have met many new, friends. On this anniversary, we would like to express oar. sincere appreciation for the pat- ronage and support we have received and we hope that we can continue to serve you for many more years te come with guaranteed Supertest products. kg' • We Also *Want To Wish One Ancl All A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR, Larry's pertest _ Lawrence Rumpk14 Prop. PHONE 968 • .EXETER • ilifill*.:C.014144141*.:104t04:#4.4'.144Ailltayabritittn,AfirditsatC.Citalitinch014141With#M0101044*.A114443(441411414441414141Z4 GrahamArthur Motor's '.:.. I Sfudebaktir Sales atici Setvice toHONE 216 EXETER .1p01 leirr Get Your Tickets in for the BIG ONES! • • Saturday's Prize .0 ristmcis Eve In EXETER'S Free Christmas Jackpot Draw at 10:30 Saturday Night, 9:30 Wednesday Night • • • .14 You don't need to be presen to win these cash prizes SHOP in EXETER Stores Open Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday And Wednesday Nights, For Your Convenience FREE C 1;cs nbce • With EVERY eylnclm! At. These EXETER Stores - Food Markets A'& H SUPERIOR DARLING'S IGA FINK'S MEAT MARKET EXETER LUCKY DOLLAR 4 FRAYNE.!S GENERAL. STORE SANDERS' GROCERY Jewellery Stores :JACK SMITH JEWELLER • S: B. TAYLOR JEWELLER Stationery Stores CHOOSA BOOK SHOP EXETER TIMES4 ,ADVOTE MIL LAN'S' Cleaners BRADY CLEANER3 MID -TOWN CLEANERS Shoe Stores SMYTH'S SHOE STORE WUERTH'S SHOES • Miscellaneous ERsMAN's BAKERY CANN'S MILL EXETER DAIRY- SIMPSON-SEARS Furniture Stores DINNEY FURNITURE HOPPER -HOCKEY -FURNITURE Restaurants I3URKLEY 'RL*STAURANT RETHER'S COFFEE SHOP CASINO RESTAURANT Clothing Stores LLOYD FORD MEN'S WEAR GOULD & .;ORY IRWIN LADI,E57 WEAR F. A, MAY & SONLT WAER'S Variety Stores CHAIN WAY GREENE'S VARIETY Drug Stores BROWNING'S HUNTLEY'S IDA ANDREW: JOHNSTON DRUGS 'COLE'S DRUG STORE Autci Supply GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS CANADIAN TIRE STORE EXETER MOTOR SALES SNELL BROS. GARAGE LARRY SNIDER MOTORS' *reit/are-Electric BEAVERS HARDWARE FISHER'S HARDWARE •LINDENFIELD'S LTD, RUSSELL ELECTRIC StIELGROvE'S TRAOUAIR HARDWARE • thiliciren's Xmas Party This Sat, • SOOVISON'ti by tokrvica Clubs ,PREE movies, 12A5 & 2,41 FREE TREATS itOtt itft100101fROPtitifilitifiligtillgOilOPtOltritO,04010101Ptigitt itOit#1101 irit010110110 it it itiii1010i1,040ilitAt*Itflit it#110110100 ,? • 0' • , 4 'r or,