HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-18, Page 14Page 14 Tho i:ir 'r .Axi>t
o Do~;ori r 1 4 1,914
By MRS. 4. H. PATON.
Bride -Elect •Honored
Last Tuesday evening a miscel-
laneons shower was held for Miss
liutlt Donaldson in the Clande-
boye school.
The btide•elcet is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Don -
aids= of Clandeboye. Her wed-
ding with Mr. Donald Black.
son of A1r, and Mrs. Howard
Black of Lucan, took place on
Saturday, December 13 at the
parsonage of the United Church,
with the Rev. Edgar .officiating.
Assisting with opening, the
gifts were Airs. Milton Price.
sister of the groom -elect and
Iiss Jeanette Blake ilia also
address of best
t addc.
d short t
re a
wishes for lots of happiness in
the future. on behalf of the
ladies. After a suitable reply of
appreciation, refreshments were
Visit Relatives
Cpl. A. L. Boggs and Mrs.
'Boggs were guests with the lat-
ter's parents for two weeks.
Later, the former left by motor
for Cold Lake, RCAF. Alberta,
where he is to be stationed.
Mrs. Boggs and daughter.
Vicki. left by air to spend a few
'Roy Cunningham has returned
-home from St. Joseph's Hospital
• where he uderwent an operation.
Airs. Roy McMann was able
to leave St. Joseph's hospital
last Sunday. and is spending
some time wtli her daughter.
Mrs. George Moyes and AIr.
Noyes. in Delaware. Air. Roy
Mellann. and daughter, " lleth,
visited with the tautly on Sun-
day in Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Paton and
Clare Called on Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Paton in London on Thurs-
day. where they have taken up
residence ce s u
ce :moving from
Pr -1 i11.
h, t
Mr., ton of London,
• Earl Paton,
vatted on his brother, J. 1:L
Paton on Monday,
Nursery Cemetery .Meeting
With the Rev. Edgar I'•oulston
i presidng. a meeting was held
'at the United Church with .offi-
cers elected. Chairman is Rev.
E. Itoulston: tt'ustees, Wesley
Revington, :hurray Abbott. Alton
Neil, Charlie Rollings, Harold
Lynn. Orville Dixon, Garnet
;Flynn, Rea Neil and Murray`
weeks with her sister and family.
Sgt. M. L. Bloye and Mrs. Bloye
and girls, at RCAF Station, Find Safe
North Bay.
Clandeboye W.I.
Mrs. Murray Hodgins gave a
Christmas message at the De-
cember meeting of Clandeboye
Women's Institute held at the
home of Mrs. Ernie Blake.
Cash donations were received
to purchase fruit and treats as
White Gifts for the Pines Haven
.Nursing Home in Lucan.
In Forest
The safe stolen from the Lit-
; can C.N.R. station early last
Tuesday morning was found on
Thursday in the woods between
Lucan and Clandeboye on Con.
2. The estimated $70 in cash
and money orders totalling $500
were missing.
C.N.R. Investigations special
agent, At. A. Hallawell, reported
the thieves had battered the safe
open with a pinch bar and track
hammer found on the ground
nearby. Only 19 cents in loose
change was left in the safe.
Cpl. Dennis Alsop, OPP• iden-
tification expert, assisted in the
investigation, dusting the safe
for fingerprints. The police say
they have a lead on the safe
Nine months ago 'hieves at-
tempted to steal the safe but
apparently found the 1,250-1b,
strongbox too unwieldy to move.
Accordion solos were given by
Larry Lewis. President Mrs.
Arnold Blake presided. A Christ-
mas cake contest was won by
Mrs. Andy Carter.
Mrs. Norman Hardy, Mrs.
Carter and Mrs. Maurice Simp-
son assisted the hostess in the
social. hour.
Personal Items
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I
PS Concert
At Biddulph
The school concert in S.S. No.
P, Biddulph was presented on
Monday evening under the direc-
tion of the teacher, Mrs. Bruce
Isaac and the music instructor,
Miss Betty Leake., London.
A nativity play was staged ac-
companied hy a choir of six
children who sang Christmas
carols. Drills, readings, piano
selections, plays and dance num-
bers tvere presented.
Sharon Devis'and Sheila Elston
presented Miss Leake with a
gift and Magdalene Korcina and
Teushe Korevaer gave the teach-
er, Mrs. Isaac, a gift. •
Santa Claus paid a visit dur-
ing the evening.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickey and:
family have moved into their
new home purchased recently
from Mr. Anderijka•. It was for-
merly the old Mitchell (home-
stead) house on Con. 2 Biddulph,
Mr. Alex Wilson of Strathroy
was a recent vsitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hedging,
Lois and Brian were recent vim.:
tors with the latter's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith.
Guests on Sunday of M. H, '
and Mrs. Elston were their
cousins, ;lir. and .Airs, Ivan T.,
;Needham and aunt, Mrs. Louisa
Needham, Ilderton.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner,
Karen and Garry spent Sunday
with the latter's father, A1r. Al-
vin Pym and Mrs. Pym,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Kenon Fischer, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith
and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs, M. H. Elston!
were Sunday evening visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, George Davis,
Recent vistors with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Fischer were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Varga and Mr. and
Airs. T. Thompson and family,
ell of London,
'rtl i rt O 1111,7111 11 t IH i t tl t l i t fl lit m a n int i n t rt i t l i n tl rt s o b
Phone 156 Grand Bend
UC Men's Club
Hears Speaker
The December meeting of the
United Church Men's Club was
held in the church basement
last Wednesday night with Mr.
Chester McComh's group in
charge of program and refresh-
The guest speaker was air.
Robert Sotrth.cott of The Exeter
Times -Advocate. who took as his
topic "Have you got it and are
you sharing it?". lir. Soutbcott
spoke of the part religion play s
in the church and home.
,Phone 149 eitc.en
And District News.
'11111111111"1T5 correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
Legion Hall
• P
Last weekend was a -really
busy one at the Lucan Legion
a11'Thursday night)tite Luean
Hydro held asocial eveningnrn
dancing, , catris and games fel-
at 11.30 by smorgasbord
refreshments catered to by the
Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Harold
-Whyte and Mr. R. T. Rummel
won the door prizes.
On Friday night the men held
their annual turkey raffle.
On Saturday right .the Legion
and Auxiliary held a social eve-
ning for themselves and friends
which took the form of a fowl
On Saturday, December 20 at
the Lucan Community Centre the
Legion and Auxiliary are stag-
ing their annual Christmas party
for the children of the village.
The draw for the doll and out-
fit will be made,
Presentation And Dance
Mr. and Mrs, lack Keogh,
nee Mary Mlcllhargy, were the
guests of honor at a reception
and dance at the Lucan Memor-
ial Centre last Friday evening
when a large group of their
friends met to extend congratu-
lations and best wishes.
During the evening, Mrs. Vin-
• cent Thompson read an address
and :Messrs. Les Morley and
Gera '1 d Thompson presented
them with a purse of money..
Yule Program
At Pentecostal
After weeks of practice the
little people of the Pentecostal
Elo.liness Church presented their
Christmas concert last Friday
evening, Although the congrega-
tion is small yet everyone works
,and those present enjoyed a con-
cert of recitations, songs and
The nativity scenes were par-
ticularly good. •
The superintendent, Mr. Ed
Butler was MC. Mrs. Butler pre-
sided at the piano. Rev. Fred
Thomson led the children in two
numbers. Mrs. Jack Eizenga
told a Christmas story on -"Giv-
Last but not least was the
giving out of. the Christmas gifts
and treats. Even the adults
shared in the latter, each one
present receiving a bag contain-
ing an apple, candy and nuts.
Mr. George McRoberts of Report On
Bryanston entertained with ac-
cordion numbers and five mem-
bers of the junior choir, led by
Mrs. Dave Park and accom-
panied by Mrs. H. B Langford,
sang Christmas carols.
Present Stars
To Explorers
The 22nd Lucan-Clandeboye
Expedition we.s held in the United
Church basement last Monday
evening with a splendid attend-
ance. The meeting opened. with
Christmas carols in charge of
Mrs, If. B. Langford,
This was followed by the pres-
entation of stars to Carole Davis,
Barbara Ready, Judy Scott.
Susan Bridger, Nancy Kestle,
Margaret Cobleigh, Barbara
Park, Louise Cochrane. Patricia
Cobleigh and Cheryl Thompson,
for memory work, church and
Sunday School attendance and
being an all-round good Explorer.
Names were drawn for the ex-
changing of gifts at the Christ-
mas party. December 23 which
will be followed. at 7 p.m. by
carol singing to the sick and
I "shut-ins."
Counsellor Kae Haskett took!
!'the worship service assisted by Ra 1"i Article
, Counsellor Rose Revington and r
Nancy Kestle who lit the candle. ; B Captain
1 Evening Auxiliary
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams,
Mark and Brock and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Chapman of Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett,
Connie and Al, Mr, and Mrs.
Ross Corbett and Steven of Hen -
sail, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Morenz
and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Aiorenz, Ernest, June and Shar-
on were pre -Christmas guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams,
Harvey and Gloria on -Sunday.
Mr. and Airs, Lorne Devine
!entertained at supper on Satur-
' day for her parents, Mr. and
'Mrs. Fred Weiberg, of Dash-
wood, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Weiberg and Sherry Ann of
Waterloo. After • supper they
went to the home of Mr. and
IMrs. Weiberg where the other
members •of . the family had
gathered for a surprise party
for their parents' fortieth wed-
:ding anniversary.
President of the Evening Aux-
iliary is Mrs. A. E. Reilly; vice-
presidents, Mrs. George Thom-
son and Mrs. J. 0. Andersen;
secretary, Mrs. Bert Thompson;
assistant, Mrs. Warren Flanni-
gan; treasurer,Mrs. Chas. Sove-
reign; community friendship and
missionary niaintenanee, Miss
Reta Chown; supply, Mrs. Ben-
' ny Saulnier.
Stewardship Mrs. Ross MIe-
' Roberts; literature. press and
"shut-ins", Mrs. Erle Young:
Christian citizenship, Mrs. Ivan
.1-Iearn: associate members sec.,
Mrs, Dave Park; pianist, Miss
Reta Chown.
borrow at low cot through
An article written by Capt. D.
J. Goodspeed, native of Exeter,
,was criticized by the Russians
at the United Nations last week.
The articles, described as a
theoretical study of the coup
d'etat or forcible overthrow of
governments, appeared in the
lfall of 1957 in the General Revue,
published in Paris under NATO
I auspices,
Capt. Goodspeed sold that as
a serving officer of the army he
`was unable to comment on the
criticise) by Soviet. delegate
'Valerian Zorian of his article,
"The Secret Army." He ex-
pressed surprise, however, at
the Russian's reaction.
The author dealt with similar
subject matter` in an article en-
't ( Subversion"
ti ri d "The Arts o Subt e
that first appeared in the Queen's
University Quarterly and late
,vas reprinted in the Canadian
Arniy Journal.
Following criticism of "The
Secret Army," the army issued
a statement that Capt. Gond
speed was not advocating the
overthrew of any government
and that his article was a purely
theoretical one written Ott his
Capt. Croodspced, a former' re
potter' with the Windsor Star
has held A staff appointnment• iii
the hist eieal sectiofl fit Ottawa
about five years.
Belt at teeter in 1.1)19, h'
spent most of his boyhood i
Port Arthtir. He joined the
army there in 194.,E and Eva,
r ' ' Winnipeg.d�i erve
hrfth d t e
� a
overseas hi Italy and kith
Europe With the kith: Batic:ry
1411i 1'�ield ttegrmeht, Roya
Caliadian Artillery.
WI Ladies Name ' Grou
[Favorite Stories
P -.k Slates
., .�a
The December meeting of the �. ..
I. s
Lucan W. L. was held in the' Ort "tiesdiy, J)ecembei• 9, the Joy ing its beanie..
Community Memorial ,.entre Woinan's Association, the W.M.S, Mr, Robert Hamilton sang at
last 'Thursday afternoon with ,16 and the Evening Auxiliary of the Metropolitan Church last Sim -
• in
) si
errbeiler• ai
its(` t• i l lc t i joint Celled It tet t
.lie € ci
t t d r J ay.
n• 1
c itilt, c t
ۥi a: meeting r the t ,
was hrslt.t� Ck i
hC t
of ofthe
The mottoQ
A' • i S' tri c • who was
iAles. Benny au . r i
timely, "It is more blessed to, Mrs. Edgar 13oulston's 'roup lot confined to her home for two.
give than to receive." Members the W.M.S. -toe the worship ser- weeks with pleurisy is able to
answered •tire ,roll call by giving !vice, ice, the Evening Auxiliary pre -
be out.
'the title and author of their seated a pageant and the W.A.Mrs, W. W. Garrett and Mfiss
t favorite Christmas story, E Provided the •refreslirncitts` I Doreen Garrett were Thursday
The guest speaker was Mrs. 1 dates of officers for the. guests of Mrs, Bob Coleman,
•C'lar•ence 'Lewis who spoke one \\ `,ALS. and Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Isabelle Underwood fell
"Christmas Joys" using three . were presented,
i on a London street last Fr'idaY
headings, "The Joy of Christ- ; honorary p r c s 1 d c li t of the , and broke her right shoulder,
mas Day Itself, The Joy of Song.' Vi M.S, is Mrs. Edgar Boulstan, She was taken tobSt. Joseph's
and the Joy* of Giving." • ! past president, Airs. Alex Young, , hospital,
Mrs. Jack Steaey, one of the r president, Mrs. Sltericlan Rev- Mr. James Little had a cata-
1 ;. cl •s in the "Save to Sew" I in'gton; vice - Presidents, Airs• tact removed from ane eye at
class submitted the report that llaro:ld 11 byte anti A1rs. Clarence I Westminster Hospital last Tueat
there is to be a Summary Day, I Lewis; secretary, Mrs, Erle • day, and is making satisfactory i
Tuesday, January 13 in the Niles. Ioun,, treasurer, M1is, J. A,recovery,
the course are to display the !Mrs; Si, A. Cantelon, Mfrs, Edgar Sunday guests with Mr, and
P � -.Weans and Mrs. Thomas Lec' � Mrs. Wes Hodgins included 113x..
Cancer Delegates.I.
Attends .Meeting -
Mrs. Benny Saninier attended
the .C'ancer convention held at
the, Royal C'onuatight, llainilton,
December 4 and 0. 'There were
150 cdelegates present,
She reports two important • de -
visions. First that every general
praetrtioner should be given
equipment whereby he eau. lo-
cate cancer in tate early stages,
and second that an electronic
microscope valued, at $30,0011 be
set up in Western University
where live cells can be viewed,
Personal Items
One Alice St. resident has an
bloom inDecem-
Laster lily in t o rat, Dec t
1)er, She and her friends ,are 'n- tl � k o ,? i 4 i• '1, ti' e t L• t• c • r. a. K. t. 1: tl.
town Hall to which all who took Cantelon finance committee,
articles made, with approximate it
cost of each. corresponding". secretary, Mrs,! and Mrs. Jim 'Tubb and Jimmy
ardship, Mfrs, Thomas Lee citi-' E1r1 and family of Woodstock
Also each branch is asked to
provide one number for the pro-
gram, if possible by a member,
and next year's courses will in-
clude hooked rugs, lamp shade
making and hints an nur•sieg. A
vote was taken and the making
of lamp shades won.
The sura of $25 was voted to
the L.1J.C,A.N. The general
December cancer • meeting Lor
the making oL dressings was
cancelled as only 20 dozen are
tweeted this month. These will
be grade hy a small committee.
The singing of Christmas carols.
was accompanied by Mrs. H. B.
Langford. Miss Lina Abbott con-
ducted a telegram quiz.
Mrs. Harold 'Whyte was lunch
convener. and was assisted by
Airs. H, B. Langford, Mrs. George
Paul and Mrs. Cecil Robb, ,
One special feature of the
meeting was a display of Christ-
mas candy with recipes. The
candy later formed part of the
Church Singers
In Carol Service
Members of Holy 'Trinity choirs
and the United Church choirs
were among the 300 singers who
joined in the 31st annual tra-
uitional carol service of the Lon-
don Centre, C.C.O. — (Canadian
College of Organists) in Metro-
politan Church last Sunday eve-
ning when about 1,000 people
crowded in.
Conductor of the adult section
was T. C. Chattoe, veteran mu-
sic director of the church, and
conductor of the junior choristers
was Miss Bette Leake, organist
at Knox United Church and
music teacher at Lucan Public
Both junior groups showed
their appreciation of the training
given then by their leaders by
presenting then with ,a gift.
Mrs, Dave Park received a
leather-bound hymn book and
Airs. Clarence Hardy a make-up
Draw Winners
include infant
The second of Lucan Business-
men's pre-Christm as dra ws was
held last Saturday afternoon
with the $10 merchandise draws
going to Rowena . Abbott, Ellen
Mcllhargy and Nancy Murphy
(infant baby of Mr. and Mrs.
Jin) Murphy, Con. 4, Biddulph).
The next draw will be held at
3 p,m,, Saturday, December 20,
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton
spent last weekend in Detroit.
Cl t e Lewis; Christian Stets of Mitchell Mr' and Mrs.Sam
zenship and temperance, A1rs, and Mrs. Albert Copeman of
Gordon Ranting; literature and London.
press, Mrs. Ira Carling; supply, J Weekend visitors with Air, and
Mrs. Burns Smith. I Airs, M. 0, Smitli were 11 -year
Missionary Monthly, Mrs. John' old Sue Ellen Leckie, daughter
Park; community friendship and ;of Mr. and Airs. George Leckie
pianist, Mrs. H. 11. Langford; E and her friend, Vicki Brown,
C.G.LT. leaders, Mrs. G. E. i both of Kitchener. The former's
Nicholson and Mrs, Chas, Sove-1 mother and. sister, ,]ane, • also
reign; Explorer counsellors, Mrs, + Mrs. Jack Hodgson were Sunday
Kae Haskett, Miss Rose Resting.' guests taking the girls home Sun -
ton, Mrs. I9. B. Langford: Mtis-; day evening.
sion Band, Mrs, George Thomp Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Lewis
son and Miss Rose Revington, I and Mr, and Airs. Bob Lewis
Baby Band, Mrs. Leroy Rev.ing were Saturday guests of Mr, and
ton and Mrs, Tom Barr.
Exchange Rings
At UC Parsonage
Mrs. Maurice Campbell of Sar•
Mrs. Roy Stanley spent Sun-
day in Stratford, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. ;blathers
A quiet double -ring wedding ' of Luean and Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
was solemnized in the Lucan: ford J. Irwin of 1-dicksnn• attend -
United Church parsonage Satur cd the funeral of Mr. John
day, December 13, at 3 p,m., 1 ]\lathers' brother, Mr.' W. Alex
when the Rev. Edgar Roulston Johnston- of Concession 2,• Grey
united in marriage Ruth Mae Township, ort Mlonday, Dec. 15
Donaldson and Donald Howard' at the Rann funeral !)Dine in
Black. Brussels.
The bride is the daughter of Mr, M. 0. Smith is home till
Mr. and Mrs. James Donaldson after Christmas after a 3,000
of Clandeboye and the -:groom: is stile business trip through the
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maritimes and Northern Que•
Black of Lucan. bee. While in New Brunswick he
in marriage by her fa- stayed at Newcastle, the birth-
Giventher, the pride was gowned in place of Lord Beaverbrook,
pink crystal charm with net Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. A:hdersen,
overskirt, scooped neckline, 111y nee Audrey Marshall. are leav-
point sleeves and ballerina- Eng by plane on Friday for a
length skirt. A snatching head three week vacation in Denmark
dress held a fingertip veil. She with the former's father and
carried a cascade of pink car- other relatives.
nations, white scums and ivy.
Her only attendant was llrs,
Milton Price, sister of the groom,
who chose. a ballerina -length
gown of Windsor blue crystal
charm with thatching headdress
and nosegay of bronze and yel-
low mums.
The best span was Mr. Milton
Pink and white streamers and
white bells formed the setting
for a reception in the home of
the bride's parents, where the
bride's soother received in a
strip e d turquoise dress with
black and white accessories and.
corsage of yellow carnations and
white musts.
She was assisted' by the
groom's ' mother in a copper
brown silk and wool dress with
brown. accessories and corsage
of pink carnations and white
mums. Assisting at. the receptdon
were Miss Jeannette Blake and
Mrs, Alan. Eveleigh.
For traveling the bride chang-
ed to a• red wool dresswith
black and white accessories and
corsage of red carnations and
white mums.
The young couple will make
their home in London.
On Monday night Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones England, Mrs. James Coughtry,
and family of Kippen were Miss Marjory Donaldson, Hiss
Thursday guests of Mr, and Mrs. l-lclen Shamhlaw (Kiri:ton), Mrs.
Irving Gibson. Milton Price and Miss Beth
Mrs. Alvin McLean leas been Black were joint hostesses at a
on the sick list again, kitchen shower at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McNaugh- Mrs, England for 22 guests,
ton and family, Dr. Harvey Rev- mostly from. Lucan, .ihreee con•
ington. and Mrs. B. Shier, all of L•ests "urine the Howard
London, were Sunday guests of won by Airs, Howard Black
Mr, Wesley Revington and fam-
(twirl contest), Mrs. Wesley
ily Hickson (tree Contest) and Mrs,
Charles (Ilenn, Hiss ATnr,iory
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Graham Donaldson and Mrs. Gordon
of London spent Saturday with Eaton (gift contest),
Mr, Fred Armitage. Persona, itetrs
The Cubs who met in the Scout Mrs. Will Hackett of Denfield
Hall last Molloy evening will was a Monday guest with Mr.
he on vacation until after 1Very and Mrse. Roy Hamilton,
Years, Mr. Herniae Powe of Exeter
teas a Wednesday _guest with Mfr,
London Druggist and Mr's. Henry Hodgins,
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert MeT-
brech and fancily, who have
been living in the Harold Butler
apartment have bought and
moved into bee of the new houses
built by Mr, Ralph Lippert on
Bent Si.
i Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Strasser
of London were Saturday guests
of Mr, and Ales. Cecil Hodgins:
The pupils of S.S. No. 2 Bid-
animal 'hr' t-
. l' ar t aT Cr rs
1t lecl their
dul )
Christ -
Mae concert last Friday night.
Alr. and Mrs. Lesley Luepke
and fancily of Saskatchewan
have rented the ll:oy Stanley
Warned. recently vacated by
Native Of Lucan
Dean Russell, 58, Phm.
president of. the Dean 'Russell
Ltd., London, died suddenly at
his London residence Tuesday,
December 8.
He lay at rest at the George
E. Logan. funeral horde until
r Friday noon.Pt, T`ree% Angus
MacQueen conducted funeral
,services at First 5t. Andrews
'United Church at. 2 p.m. with en-
tombment in Woodland Meuse -
lie is survived by leis wife,
tire. former Buena lnugles, two Mr, and Mrs. Art Bell and fant-
daughters, Mrs, It. Nash Hill dilly.
New York City, Mrs. Wilson Mr, and Mrs. lack Young and
Scott of London and one son, (amity of Mitchell Were Sunday
Douglas of Toronto,
• Soh of the Tate Mr, and Mr'4.
, Janis Russell lie was born in
Lticaii gild aduated as a gold
medalist from the Ontario Col-
lege of Pharmacy in 1920.
e Membership included Tuscan
n' Lodge A.d�", & A.M. No. I.9a,
Fits, St. Wends tinned Church,
s the Canadian Club of dantclnn,
t1 the London Mint anti Country
t Club. C'hnnthter of t'•tiitit\irtet,
guests of Mrs. -Herman Young,
Mr. And Mrs, William Young of
Lotttlon were guests the previous
Weekend guests with Mrs.
Henson included Miss Betty
Gi'avcr and Mr. Irvin Lunn of
London. Mr. and Mrs. jilt Tay.
lot and Suaanrye also of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Short of 'To -
' tri,
MirKn. Pearl blotchy of Tarkiilif
C"urliri Club aril Detail ,)rug'. arid' M.lra. Hclrri Grieves of AITs ,
_i�ls` A t;rrct d i nd � ... -.. .. 'Crxi lvtrras. �tltfclay i2trt'sts 8d .,. ; ,,_....: ..,.. , s . ,, ...,► �; •� � � # ._..-, .s � .. s .. ,. , . ,....;
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Stllgieal J A°41; AS ijeiatAi l'Arlt1r acid 111. At'it11(1 gAiiL elYt S,7Ir 1tdR .04.T1e"iSrA'li/f"si1J Ssd/ etteifte1'S,V"S'tl/r`1041r7R i10j*. L 4.4� .41.LT ii}0i. it e i keia•itI� HIL"itJ�'"4 re. Sit
UR Family
Should Have
A Camera
Capture the excitement
of Christmas in long -to -
be cherished photo-
Color Slides!
New Neoea 35mm Canter'a ($59.95) has
amber -coated lens for colour correction
and automatic featufes for easy opera -
Oe the Ansco Colour Clipper will
clo a good job for you at only $15.95
Show your slides on • the Argus Auto-
matic Projector, only $69,95 to case.
Movies Are Fun!
Yashica A Movie Camera ($49.95) coin-
pares with •others twice the price and
bas razor-sharp • focusing lens. 1\'e have
the new Argus 500 Movie Projector,
with amazing features, which sells at
$99.50. We can provide you with all the
movie equipment you need for your
own show.
Carl Wetzlar Binoculars $39.95
Lumex 4 -Power Microscopes $11.95
Wok! provide a complete demonstration and "briefing" on.
how to operate these cameras before or rafter Christmas.
This professional service is available, at no extra cost, with
each purchase.
,,f C O +3" i1 `J+4 410 '114 f ii144`14 31+
Y� w.n:A3?•
Music to suit all tastes at all
prices, Or give an. RCA Victor
Record Girt Certificate.
PH 0N. B1
Open Evor y Night Unfit (hrratros (tikcept Thursdays Doc, 18)