HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-18, Page 10Pap*. 11) The Timos-Advecato, December 11, 1951 Christmas Programs Featured At Centralia christmss Entsrtainment i Mrs. G. Hepburn presided. for The Sunday school rani was the pro.ram. Mrs. G. Hicks and filled Ai TueadaY evening for the1A'irs. L.g"Alorgan assisted with the annual Christmas entertainment.1 devotional period. Other num• Boys and girls and young, people - bers were accordion Solo, Jucty displayed their talents in. variousi Lan.11"11. vocal solo. Mrs, Ross ways to form a good evenings ' McFalls, a vocal number by six elftertainment. Mr. Lloyd Alin•-tlathes, Mrs' 4. WI's". Mrs. II* gatt was master of cerentOnies.lElliott, Mrs. K. Hodgins. Airs. To climax the evening Santa i F. Osborne, Mrs. L. Nicks and arrived to distribute the gifts Airs. liePburn with Mrs. A. • AO treats. t Essery at the piano; reading. 1 Mrs. Hepburn; an account of Wi •M. S. Meeting l Rev. Gaudin's first Christmas as •Mrs. G. Hepburn, Urs. K. Hod.; a missionary by Mrs. R. Gates: gins and Mrs. Langford were in piano solo by Mrs. K. .Hodgins. charge• of the program for the Facts regarding Christmas Christmas meeting of the W.ALS. were given by Mrs. F. Bowden ht the schoolroom of the church:interspersed with a vocal duet OD Tuesday evening of last week.: by Airs. Hoclgins and Mrs. Kipp. A short business session was Allison Clarke gave a reading. conducted by the president, Mrs. 1 Hostesses were Mrs. W. Elliott. The roll call was 4 El - answered with a gift of money.; ' It was decided to send the money , _liootrtgdan, Mrs. rs. L. B. Hicks'Mrs. I Gates and—Mrs4: m handed in to the Children's War -biQw en' IVTemorial Hosptal in London. I Shower For Bride -Elect "A. re -affiliation service was Mrs. Kenneth Greb was host - held with Mrs. Elliott and Mrs ; ess at a miscellaneous shower - Ross McFalls, the leaders, and for Miss Margaret Clarke -in the gels of the C.G.I.T. participat- , schoolroom of the church on Fri - big in the service. I —Please Turn to Page 15 0 r,,,,,,,44,1000.01,40..0011,414.41 ll 0 l 4,404,...40,441,44.400,44.40 lll ,,,,,,, llllllll 4 l 0 l . llllll MI llllll Icl... l MO l 1 lllll LSMFT '58 EDSEL "CITATION" TUDOR HARDTOP Automatic, whitewall tires, a gleaming black, less than 7,000 miles. Own this , $3,800 olotozotcookoototottspArtoggogoto , . , • . .• . , • . • " • , ... • ' . LAST CALL.' • Hurry! Get your tickets IA now for the cbastalas. gva draw for a FREE Westinghouse DRYER Free Ticket With Every $10 • Purchase CONFIRMS CLASS AT SAINTSBURY—Bishop G. N, Lux- ton, right, London, confirmed a class of 34 candidates at St. Patrick's church, Saintsbury, in a special service Sun- day. The class included young people from St. Paul's, Kirkton, and St. .Thomas, Granton, Rev. P. L. Dymond, rector of the charge, is at left, and beside the .bishop is his staff bearer, Ken Blackler., Front row, from left, Wayne Carroll, Jim Harding, Larry Harding, Avis' Hod- gins, Robert Atkinson., Clayton Kooy, Joey Pesko; middle, Lynn Paul, Hilary Dymond, Margaret Knight, Sharon Beatson, Phyllis Weiberg, Ann Creery, Gloria Harding, Lorene Hodgins; back, Wayne Knight, Allen Hodgins, Margaret Carroll, Bill Waghorn, Mildred Weiberg, Joyce Harding, Helen Heather, Julie Clatworthy. —T -A Photo beautiful masterpiece for only j. Clipper Tops Bishop Luxton Presides '58 EDSEL "CORSAIR" SEDAN — automatic, power WAGON steering, pwhitewall tires ower brakes, tint - e, , 5,000 miles . 35 of them! '51 METEOR RANCH BeanTests ' At Saintsbury Service beans has scored highest yield On Sunday ae 3 pan, the Rt. Earl Greenlee; social service, among six strains tested over Rev. G. Luxton, Bishop pf Huron, Mrs, Maurice McDonald. d glass '51 PONTIAC SEDAN It's a mechanical master- piece! For. only . $ 500 The Clipper variety of white '58 EDSEL SEDAN Radio, power brakes $2,700 '51 FORD SEDAN Needs several things such as a buyer! $ 195 '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN '50 DODGE SEDAN ..$ 350 '47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Radio, it ran in! $ 125 '47 CHEVROLET. SEDAN Owns four new tires. She needs a clutch. the past two years at SHDHS, confirmed a class of '23 in St. Patrick's church. The class was made up 'of members of St. Kirkton, St. Thomas, Granton, as well as St. Patrick's, Saintsbury. He spoke on the great need for a return to Bible reading and family prayer in the homes. Mr. •Gaery Lewis provided music and accompanied the choir from • St. Thomas Church, Gran- ton. At the clese of, the service a social hour was enjoyed in the parish hall. Mrs. James Turner poured tea at. a table tastefully decorated with Christmas can- dles and flowers.. The church was filled ----------- ith the overflow seated in the hall where 34.9 bushels; 3838•26C placed they took part in. the sdrivce fifth with 32.2, and Michelite, thanks to a loud speaker, set, up only a few years ago the popular Flowers were by Mr. Bill Haskett, Lucan, variety in this area, placed last Gad. • provided by the with '31.9. Professor G. E. Jones, field Guild Annual Meeting husbandry department, OAC, On Thursday afternoon the made these comments on the members of the -Guild met at the Personal Items according to results announced this week by Agriculture Teacher Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker spent Andrew Dixon. Thursday in , London with Mr. and Mrs. Don, Firth, Master Clipper produced 34.6 bushels Gary Barker Visited with his : . per acre 1.. 1957, and 43.9 in 1958, for an average of 39:3. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. One of three as yet unnamed •• Lorne Barker. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Davis and new strains, 5081A, actually ,family were Sunday evening topped the 1958 .tet but placed guests with Mr. and Mrs. George '58 FORD ' 6 CYLINDER SEDAN Power brakes $2,300 '56 MONARCH 'LUCERNE' SEDAN — automatic, radio, lovely piece of metal $2,300 '56 FORD "CROWN" VICTORIA —. Automatic transmission, n top condi- Driven by a nice oulet school mam! llllll . $2,200 second over the two years, It McFalls. scored 33.3 in 1957 and 44.5 in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tindall, 1958 for an average, of 38.9. London, Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Me- non.Canilac, a relatively new vari- Falls and David, Miss Rowena ety which became popular in Abbott, Lucan, and Mr. Allan I '57 DODGE SEDAN this area last year and which Tindall, Exeter were Wednetday 1, She's good! $1,795 has won the world title at theevening guests with Mr. and a row, took third place with anMrs. Robert Tindall. They ob-. served a birthday for .Mr. :• Royal Winter Fair two years in t '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN a• Automatic, radio, only $1,595 TRUCKS— '55 FORD DUMP You're breaking my heart at, . . $1,500 '53 MERCURY PICKUP You'll have to see this one at night. The boys want to drive it all day long! $ 750 average of 35.2.Charles Tindall. '55 BUICK COACH Strain 5081B carne fourth with Mrs.. James Turner and Mr. Radio, one of those- things Gote Weinestraum were Sunday a at $f,495evening guests with Mr. and a • Mrs. Heber Davis and Mrs. Fred Davis. -• '57 NASH METRO a HARDTOP Mrs. Cliff Ings, London, and music! $1,250 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll were ••1 11,000 miles, makes with the Sunday lying guests with Mr. TRACTORS— '54 CHEVROLET COACH and Mrs. .atry Carroll, • A sexy red and white $ 950 .Mr. and Mrs. Alauxice MeDon- old were gdests with Mr. and 1. '53 PONTIAC SEDAN Mrs. Torn Kooy. 1- A nice beige and bronze. home of Mrs. H. Carroll. for the annual meeting with 11 mem- bers present. Reports ,cri the year's work followed the opening, with Mrs. H. Carroll, president, leading. Mrs, Raymond Greenlee read the scripture. The treasurer, test: "5081A is higher yielding than either Sanilac or Michelite hut has the same size seed as Clipper. The sister line 5081B is lower yielding than A and is also slightly on the large side," Mr. Dixon said he was im- pressed with 3838-26C because of '49 FORD With Sherman back hoe, good for digging graves. Want to bury your mother- in-law? $1,100 Mr. Gote Weinestraurn ac- t $ 750 companied by Mr, Borden.Smith, Centralia, were recent guests a! '52 CHEVROLET SEDANwith Mr. and Mrs. Don Simpson, •-1., Driven by a mechanically •1-. minded individual $. 695 its maturity and plant type. Mrs. Dean Gibson, showed a London.lrs 1 James' Turner and Mr. balance of slightly more .than - the new strains may be released $300. Donations were made to and Mrs. Clarence Davis visited I '52 DODGE SEDAN Pr6fessor Jones said some of . A gleaming black $ 595 in the near future. several needy causes including with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hamil- ton, Ailsa Craig, and Mrs. Wilt •:• $10 to Miss Lillian Powell, mis- V '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN '49 FORD $ 495 '54 MASSEY CORN PICKER—Who wants one of these? $ 350 Buy Christmas Seals Carroll, ParIchlii, on Monday. sionary Obuse; Japan, prayer Several of this' community at - partner of St. Patrick's W.A. • Larr-y Snider Motors- . tended. the Christmas concerts Ws. Ron Carroll conducted a contest won by Mrs. Dean Gib- at Eden and. S.S. No. 2 Biddulph held this past week, son and. Mrs. Heber Davis pro- ... E vided a second with Mrs. Tom „:. , • Ford.Edsel Dealer Kooy as winner: • : Mrs. Carroll declired all seats Topics From EXETER L. PHONE 624 Sales and Service vacant and Mrs. James Turner took the chair for the election , of officers effective fortwo llll l 1111111 llllll I llllllllll 11111111110118111111111111 lllll ll 111111,11imli11111111111111111,11111111111111f11111101M1111111111 years. yr Honorary president is Mrs. P. tiCre.A0W.CCIPIRACtifittlfglitICAPPRACCOMAttOiliggig.011411R.018Pi Dymond; 'president, Mrs. Hugh Davis;' treasurer, Mrs. Dean Gibson; secretary, Mrs. Harvey Latta; C.W., Mrs. Harry tar- . roll; cards, Mrs. Ron Carroll; birthday box, Mrs. Lorne Wei - berg; sale of tape etc., Mrs. i4 1 now introduce For the First Time in Canada A TRIO CONVERTIBLE TRANSISTOR RADIO with the Sharp Magnetic Car, Attachment* *This unique attachment holds radio firmly in place on dashboard and cannot scratch! TR•210 & TR.182 Smelt t,nigh for any pocket with clear ten4 poi ornate velure', 6 TransitfOri 2½ x 41/2 x 114, With Corvine Cate end ler. Otani, $49.95 Pita fir AttetChnlinf TR•173 6 powerful transistors. Excellent tette and emote sentitivity. 3 7/16 x 51/4 x 1 1/16. with too cId earpleOne. Operetta en Penlight bat. tries., pIny for abut 406 houri, 1 menthe warranty. end foe moms, • Transistore gwerentie4 for 5 vont, • Coed In tart and NW. A fin* Cfirlitinis Mit in in attractive box, Russell Electric PHONE 1.00. *Oilillnitlifitiggit01010311001111010114111q0101 t EXETER polvotioitroprofirsitcAl oeft1 everytiling ott It ,.{.41 sure as yeti livd. 8,ted apAtypijoitiatlimittigg3goopoilliel,1001010.101.041 a. .4 3 .3 .3 .3 3 s WHO AIAD2 GOD? , of success is not you,' 737s.v373witer373PPt." Down To Earth .Continued from Page 9 ever pceaching a sermon on this Subject, . or of ever discussing is some book in the Bible that and Mrs, Delmer Skinner and queries this question, maybe ! their families. there is an answer to be read Mrs. Philip Murch is spending I will admit that I've not read a month with Mr. and Mrs, Ross all of the Bibleand have proh- Skinner, ably missed the moil. informa- Eiimville Y•P•11, were carol tive chapters and if so I'd bet- singing in the cornmunity on Mon - ter find it fast because I know day eve when they 'visited sev- that question is lust sitting under erab homes. They were enter - the fringe of 'blonde hair and is tained later at the holm! of Shir- going to shoot at me again and ley Johns, this time .there'll have to be an The Christmas service will be answer forthcoming, held on Sunday morning at 10 On other questions that a fam- a.m, with Sunday School at the ily of five can lob at you I gubss usual hour, 11 a.m. In the eve- the rate of average can be ap- ningat 8 p.m. there will be a plied, Sometimes the questions special Christmas service in the can 'be answered right down to church. the last button and I pitch to the S.S. Officers Elected heights of childish fame: other times I nearly drown it a sea of The annual Sunday School , despair of my own making try, meeting was held on Tuesday ing to squeeze around acouple evening when officers for 1959 of points to the one do know. wereelected. Butthat' t no good either, they - Superintendent is Elson Lynn; catch you Out every time,,, and ass't., Vernon deMontmorency; drag you back to the horrible secretary, Bruee Delbridge; fact tht you've got to find a assts., Fred Delbridge, Edward geed answer. At this Point you Skinner, Grant Skinner; pianists, agree they'd all make darn Diane Johns, Frances. Johns, San - good schoolteachers, even if it. dra Walters; treasurer, Itorae was only for persistenet hi re- Delbridge; singing leaders, Ron- ouiring an answer, Horrible lit- ld Elford and Airs. 110s8 Skin- tI6 monsters, ' ncr; Superintendents, home de - Darling little angels. When 'partment, Philip Johns; temper - they are All tucked up in bed, ane, Vernon deMentnioreneY aMelling of/ scented soap and and Delmer Skinner,' Cradle clean pyjamas, after the lett tole, Mrs, John ititlidy. goodnight kits and sbft little • hugs, The last question has died aWay and you tiptoe down the Elimville .; • By MRS. ROI'l SKINNER Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Johns, Mr, and Mrs. Har- old Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern, Miss Ruth Skinner, Lav- erne Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner on Friday evening. Friday 'evening •guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford and Mr, A tiMPL E SUCCE' TEST? hall, breathing a, quiet sigh, get, Save money at your local 11 halfway down te stairs When ' at M. advises Manager 4,CharIld "Mumniy queation, lues:ton, question." They don't stay angels lotg, de they You either have children, or have been children and no doubt have been in their predicament Of Mine .66trietitne during a life- tinie and Se AM leaving this with you — 1 haven't found the atiavver; maybe Vott.haVe. "Mittel -Oft If ?4nd made the .Sinitli: it e eh' be the difference between suceess :and failure, rtead what Tartlet J. Hill once said: "If you want to, know Whether you are destined ie. be a StittOSS or White in life, •Yett e an easily find Otte The tett it Sitilnit and it is Are you able to Savo money? If riot, drop but. You- wilt lose,'Vott may think tit, buryou will lose, Jet Crash Kills Pilot FO. Robert E. Reid, an in- structor at Centralia for three years, was killed last week when his T-33 Silver Star jet crashed into a field near Portage La Prairie, Man. • His wife, who has been active in women's organizations at Huron Park, and one young child survive. Reid, whose home is in Niagara Falls, had been posted to jet air- craft and was taking a training course at Portage. He was alone on a training flight• which had been postponed because of bad weather. At ,Centralia, he was first a flying instructor and then a ground instructor in the former Primary Flying Training School. A Famous Name .Automatic ELECTRIC - DRYER 3 -Heat Centre! '179.95 TOY 1 40 JON GNAGY LEARN Td DRAW OUTFIT Exclusive! . . . You've seen it on TV—, It's in Beavers Toytown, GUN & HOLSTER SETS from $1,98 BLACKBOARDS — EXCITING EbUCATIONAL TOYS ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS starting at $14.95 TV, Record Players, Radios, Sparton and Westinghouse Models SHOP OUR MODERN STORE FOR GIFT SUGGESTION.t -Lciw ;Prices * Top Value Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER 04"404:aftt4ttiMifOM*04S4*.tfifi&WifitOWSW.O.SAfiCi 11 Shop at alp For The MEN in your Life , Tie & Tie Bar Sets Tie & Sock Sets Wallets Tie Racks Cuff Link .& Bar Sets WHITE SHIRTS $5 to $9.95 PERRY COMO SWEATERS $8.95 LetHim Choose HiS•Own,! Give Him A Handy Gilt 'Certificate Phone 81 Open Every Night' lot ALPER'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR Exeter Christmas Except Thursday 1 • nikitiN 4sf4lwi ilTi‘liritTrilir.WilrawATillrit91,711, •