Huron Signal, 1851-01-09, Page 1Deva,$:,
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abs ggt ie, AGRICULTURE.
14 MISTi aro naleHtItIs., eft inttleseay LECTURES ON AGRICULTURAL
*10 010pIlOtol. -
prmIFe aloalLig.111%Valli, 0001st KR. 4)T IM.iVIT TDOLR RIND.
aid Jeb ?netts', executed with
swims mad du seeb. POTASH, SOUL ar<o kfaeNaata.
Items or rue Hutton RlsuAL.-TEN SRI I.-
These substances eclat in variable Tian -
Items or
per isms. if paid strictly ie ednace, titles In all cultivated crops. Vegetables
Of TwaYa ase ria Puce with the expinuo° appear to possess a limited power of mak
of the year.
No paper d eewtisred tool arrears •re ing inducnni nate use of them, cnprcully
Paid 4)p •lees tie pailieker thinks it his advert- of Pots" and coda. Thai to rot the ease
to;e to do no. witb sulphur aid pboephoroue , no maid no'
Any t.dlvideal is the reentry heromintr.- .eta 1.;ors litter, cao be formed without d• 6-
ip440441s Eur as sahoertbers, shall receire • nitre quantities of each. A few e amptet
aevrotb copy grille willgerve to illustrate the very variable
QT Alt teneraaddrrw.d to 'he F4il•rw.rithe quantities in wb'eh potash, soda, meg.
Mist pad, or {bey will awl Ere Wise 'slat of the iir'sla are introduced into wheat. lo six
post office analyoo'. of whe.'t made by cel•orated chem-
, 1 nes or *Dvwarmu. ^ tn,'ahere wore found uo ltw lbs. of the
8tzliees lad alder, first internee LO 2 6 ; No'f ^6 lbs Potash, No 2.6lbs Pota'b,
Each •uhsendea,insenion •... 0 3 7_' 6 do Jlagneca, 13 Jo Diaeresis,
TN hats and red.', fins iereer lien ,.... 0 3 4 • tit Soda. t]4) Jo Sala.
E01 neo, br-teq t ir1*n.•w 0 0 10 No 3.21 lbs Potash, No4. 30 Ib. Potash,
Oytr lea line*, lir-t ,stereo. per Ger0 0 4
Each subse'goest taawllue. e 0 1 , 13; do llegac.,io, 161 do Ilarr'e>n,
1T A liberal die. eaui n,oie 1* 11.0 e in nu t 10i Jo Soda. (lido Soda.
*duel se be the ter, Nos.:3"Ihs Potash, Noll. 91j lb., Pre ask.
lam; du Magna.; ydo ht:1R•m;ii,
_.. I - 0 do Soda 13; do :Melt.
1 N 0 T I C E• iRel Clover. Potatoes, mai e.pecIahv
To the Clerks and Bailiff's O. Potato tor. Dentins., 1leogel Weitzel
:.rid pore, in a word most !-ten c.'ot . re
the Division Couttii, gni-e touch polies .nits and ma; o.e•a.-
ricIle ioereased demand for Sueamaess• t thew,
comparatively s1rall eeootity of the
11 aod ocher BLANK WRiTS, in con- I aubstauceea will •aI.474 "grate -growing
nee'top"tsith this business of the several D•. imps. y
Tia(ta Courts -in the District, ham warran,eu An acre of Ceiteetiatetelerafreer 40-tO01b•.
n• in printing Chem in much I freer quant'- du of 1'seiroot e► Mengel
'•'n,beretofore, and coesequently ear,- Wer•zel, F0 -I90 Ib..
lee ea to sell then much cheaper -Ile c An acre of Potato :oos. 130-150 do
re wh intinnte to tl a several Ilf ecru rr_ do o• wren and straw of
,.m`rinwthese Blank Forms
F, 164)1 from ttr. Whi. 30`5O do
r ate', Semeaenwe aod all other Writs be. The iargegeaoUty of Potash lad Soda to
'non, ie lfue 4viiion Court, will be Sedd Potato tom, enotrs'Cis the impression
.olgie S4ignal-Oen at the reduced price of. rregoentty fount, to proem(, that they -are of
-•'Two SMIWn!1es AND •Silii:9Ot r{n httle0N • me -ere,
luarmee; ,lI) •L tie. -A very ispo•lant eon•tituent of
all orwpetabier cultivated for the food and
I use of a man-aod ii 'toss ole an equally
!thunk Deeds and ltentorials, important al;ept in the hands of the egri-
AND 4Jl tried. of DIVISION C(NJRT eolteriitt for amelia •atmg the co'iditwo nI
, BLANKS. and BLANK PROMS-- many kinds of soil. 1ts erect* an a mtn-
$t )ICY NOTE.`,. for sale at the Signal are WIlf be cons•dered ander that head ; it
II EMMY. ati diecuptioof.-1100iii std 1* F'i$c'Ci l.(o our present porpotee to be -
it Printing executed with neatness end comeacnoainted with tbo-.c foods of vege•
dispatch. iable• which particularly regnire I me io
be 'dee formation of their venous oroads.
Au .cre pf ether( ftu..o 70-901e5.
Wr,aiw. ., ,,.r
1 *T TR1 ►.ND o► 71111 'Rae.
Elector ret eu eesd, he is at liberty to ins "Arron atleedasee at each Scheel d," le thle env _rner all these des/wale efforts at ie.11•
rho of either Protea 'teen oars et •'Ave"tg. •rteodaece of "'spilt," a in ranee I Uet. it is ver hrmttir•i•=-eonksaie[
I P ' k l
Filet Platte. Soda Pinola Uwe Meta the District item. t t0 the 8u enotendeeis the • ro reline of our e;e,.n th'w.nd
ur $secs. Commissieeers are hkewuN In V Dp D p*eNs
ora sok. help y
Turoi Peat,
Wheat, W
Oats, Beet toot, Beaus,
Rye, Man. Wurt':el, Clover,
Barley, Indian C, tit!, Tobacco,'
Hay partaking of the character of the throe
chases (Letbto .)
Other, and moree':act modes of arrange-
tneot of different kindn of vegetables with
referesel to each other naturally suggest
themselves, when the number under emulate-
o..i e.
ration is dimioisbwl ; these will he letro-
duced hereafter, under' Rotation of Crops.'
The recent analysis of a roil -from the
Seigoory of Cnambly, in Lower Canada, by
'1'. a. fluor, Esq., Chemist and Mineralogist
to the Pror0ola' Geological Survey,-"er-
hauated by having yielded crops of wheat
'or many SOeeePOire years without rece:v-
ing my moor.," gave the following re-
sults :
In 100,000 lbs of the soil there were found
of Lime 374 Ib.., Snlphare Ac'd 31 Iliac
Magnesia S84 lbs.. Pho,pbonc Acid 1261be.
Pnv'ab sad Soda bS0 lbs., Soluble Flint,
80 Ib',
We here discover an shundancn of all the
nece.sary substance' which plant.; require. -
'Ph, nloa of deficiency the •ef're cannot ob-
t'tr. In the. in.tence. The present barren -
M161 of toe roil ie uno'reat'ooably duo to
the ,Grle in wh.cb some o; those bode,*
e: !at at repent. Title 0.:ew w confirmed
by the remark of Mr. Hunt, that it suppor-
ted nothing Mut " a •rant♦ growth of a
short wiry grass, which Is regarded as indi-
cative of an impoverished *o• , and loowo
moi •rbe a Areal "
The same soil when Pobj'cted to the
action of wder, ''ave 00!' minute traces -of
wtlpbate• of lime, ma'nenu, potash and
,oda ; tbe-c being propi,rttooately two
pounds of eutphur 1-, ore 10111 00 pounds o'
the hetet. with which the -oil was treats.!,
white analysis showed that there was up•
ward, of three thousand one hundred pound+
of sulphur in one million (made of the
soil, in an insoluble :rate. No weot.on is
made of phosphates soluble ia water, there-
fo-e we may conclude that the quantity
was too intk,'* ficant to be detected by
ordtaary means of analysis.
We have bid under coneulerat ion a soil,
which at nee period was eminently fertile -
having yielded successive crops of wheat
for 70 year, -at prevent, however, barren,
and yet pesseedlog in abundance, a supply act of common Justice tnatimuch as the ei• , ' h -,mud our costem ear has such a nice
of 4)'l oeedf,l s:untanees for thousands of gra le articles of your production have equal to the yearly avenge of .13.400: just 39,- i rene+ittve fe Y
be Not to the DuchlN and Schleswig -Hot-
but in place of his•nwn tables, rons'r,o *u 0.14)4,1 to it -there wns fifers t4)aa..nd
wd wader '0. head ler Id17-'49, we now lied. salvos ie this bu.iees.l Lchu an.wer. Where
olein, to induce the Sttdtholder to cease in 1849, the verage attendance of pap'I. reed' Bet to ear 4..tredve. P. meeuag of "the
hostilities. ['tease of refusing, Austria l0 given ; eel ineteid of the result of •'41" end Cherch U,iversite Sherd" was held on the 2lat
be allowed to o.e compulsion. "41" as us rho tables for 4849, we now lice• :hr io•t ..,,b, the 84.h,.p was broof t w 64 ow_ Early de 'h. 4tn Inst. a Cabinet was lumbers of -'78,466."-the were result 1 c',n. lass, ea,' .0 the ruu.e oI his ,.piece wide the
held, presided over by the King, and a plsioed of thesew table. being introduced mem.- 10".i*„: fr...,.nt:-
communtcatton was sent to the Chamber, ceal. 1a the tut report. the heading and the t•WI.le 1 w44) i. E tallied 1 rad• an apoliee-
prnroguin' it to the 3rd of January.
numbers ere at 'seance and if this be • blue; '.en 1. her M.j..'y'a Secretary of State for the
There has been 4)o change in the affairs dot in the t^ns'rlct,00 of the cables. it r t'elen:es. ere • Curler for the government of
of Helve Cassel. such a one es wooed tie dbcred.uble to a j n„o tM pntooe•d College. rind 'wise roq..ea'd`to toe-
Spam a 1linfsterial defalcation has clerk le acv counting hoose, and alto ether ua- duh the (nim or head+w snob a Cheerer u 1
pardoosble a* proeeedtnx from a well-paid puhlir da11.ght desirable. I trawl • 4 alt which 1 um
taken place. The fund', however, were ofgdr In the thiel Sup.r otrndent'a letter !.y a cone of breve yea-" '
very little 'fretted. Hie Excellency the Governor General. and et-' A yey peer,, story -eery likely.••l. that
TURKEY. Cached to the report for Itell . in the 3nl seeuo4i. 'the S.rretary sr Stat• weak! tek.Joha Torwo'o
we fled, "That the told average se•elance el • to d•aw spa Curter ! hoer seely the corner.
The disturbance at Aleppo ban been put pupils darioe the summer was 72.2'14: sed of n11. r•ory nee rnunded-'n elmele-.n'eei-
down, after a severe struggle, to with the denag the wieler, 78.66.4-s co.e8,,.ble le- 4IP rid ,'re osteo'. th'n , . What ea idea-,(::
Turks were victorious. 1800 rebels fell crease over the go. atteodauce of she rein:
Junu Tri eros wnvM , to 1:azland fav • Cnuiw
in the atnlygle at Aleppo. Not • single allot. year." I web a powder petits° roe it. -and newer think
Christian fell in the terrible affair. All the
Ina ,anter lette", auscbed to the repot nt i dee renew x tent IL, secrete, of Slope ee.
si the rebels well be devoted by 181'+, he says the groes .verge at,,'d'ree el' guested bite to pt teem io shape 1 Oh !
properly pepita for the Sommer or 1847 wee 84.537: la I Anse is 'ray c ear -our atatemeut that John
the authoriues to indemnify the Christians the summer of 1848,'112000. lo the winter of 1 Toron•n drew . he thing himself. wiuboar the
for their losses on the 14th and 15th Ucto- 1847. the gross ■vela ;e an.ndanee of pipits was keeededee. 00 toot a ad✓ee of any •nr other
bee, and to re -build three churches, which '19.9"1; in the winter ot 11'49 it was 114600. helve i iethet -J l,, the alter! That beingen-
were burned., let re compare the returns for 184,9 tebl•.h.4 .a•l•rtetortl,, let es see what Joh.
sed 1549, and fivdoat the .xpeise of hie •'ren- To• tit°, on *melte. did se'uelly put into this
ISDiA. viderab'e increase" in 'he latter yes'- 1n 1Ft0 Cha•le. Where is the doran.ett-out crier ie
The news from India by tbo overland hot aver",,. for the ",Tomer in 112,000, it 1849 ; -so bock ng ! let d• all see 'he weal fence
mail is not Important beyond some fight ino it 1s 72,204,--a decrease of 39.796; in the w.n- I rata. u'oemely end fully deti.ed, whets 3.11.
n the doter mons of the Nizam about tome ter of 1848. it a 114 it00: of 1849. it is 78.465. Tenets d.J modestly preview to confer epee
iquarrel which the E lPb res.deot ue called -a decrease of 36.375: allowing ioatead or het. hisser, *r the reqs.•, of the Secretary lot tits
q Erg/1i" hoaa.d "ioeresse," a drrease to the year, ot Colt/ewe! Come, Mr. Char -h. out with the
to .euI.. Everything a tranquil. -Globe. 80115 ! Charter ! You may u well do it at o.ce-it
THE AGRICULTURAL INTEREST OF Thu dec'.are of 39.065 in the averse attend-' mast eine.-Gf.0e. .
"nee at our Com•non Schools may be a eery .
trifling matter :o tree public who par very-li!tfe i GREAT EXCITEMENT !-AI.ARNINO
(FromFrom Wilmer & Smits. report I POPISH AGGRESSION..
anew to the •,lam 0004 sad costly sof ' u I
The straw begins to move. Two noble-
.he chef Sonerlrieodent ; but it ought tb be Der
mens the Duke of Portland and Earl Fitz 'eiee to that officer, whose entire elfin has heels I
wull.m. have been diseaarong In their ten-
aappert blase/tem by the results of t4ese ; Hardly beg the ink time to dry wbieb ro-
ublr.- - roe& the latest daring assumption of the
ants tbu week on the moat imort•bt sub- How does he account for. or reconcile these' Pope and his followers, than some new and
jeer on which a landlord can offer an opinion, Net quoted from Hie reverts? He' more outrageou+ encroachment comes ap
-namely a reduction of rent. The *rata very wisely pays nothing about them: bat trusts' to.*ell the tide! The world has 'carrel, -
mint of the Yorkshire -peer is worthy el to the credulity of%e pubic, aid the effect .f' realized that Cardinal Wiseman and bis
the liberality of hta'house. The time has hill army oI figure. in effeeriall► poveeIiD* Reedit) ratentes. are great English facts of
arrived, he says, to make an egnitable adjust- them from seamen; too narrowly the resit bei ,he year. 163Q, than the said world is to be
meet of rents, for it 11 clear that the aver• so coendently defier,. burrowed wttb the new* of an iistnuoding
age price of wheat will rule low -lower 10 Inc report for 1849-Stetis'itat Abe.tne Papal assumption in Canada i We Age
prokabin, than the present price. in each
747..,3,:r will 0. report(
of the summer e
of hie forme he proposer' to make an invest- waverages for 18411'8%1e 1.49, the first be- ( ten to lav be'e't our readers the weexcca -
gapoo, and on use a alt to base the rog
ot. Is. gtvee sa 72.4,59 end 76,711. equal toe yearly i Iacti et the ease -and we are sure we cao-
The o,soltenantry ieassembleditto hear thus mu- avenge of 73.585: and Inc latter, 72.204, end I not do this better than by copying the re -
The equal to an annul average of 75.335: marks of, the Cirurfl, on the subject. The
' motion were naturally delighted witb,it, and sad in the colomn for the year 1847, in prate oft Ckrrek is, of all existing journals, the beet
gave vent to their feelin;,p,accordingly: but the numbers, No R•pnrt to the coreeepondiog I fitted to batole such a topic ;-an over -
bus lordship Meted that there was no ground table of 'h• report for 184e, Nn. 4, the "erns I whelming amount of knowledge on all the
for appleum or an expression of thanks.- foe the a.mmerand winter of 1847, are given is solemn mad' important pointe of eecleslas.
"That which 1 propose," said he, 'hs only an 84,537. and (.n,911..goal tn'h. yearly aver.7. tical etiquette, aboote forth from its every
of 263 aod for 18.18 112.000 and 114. I'0 q' ' y
1,f L me. cru of whoa', or env other re •table P 065 Ira than he makes it for 1819, all of wh es near on all these grave matters,
QT Cr C 11110\Sk Srtgeired by the New Di Ps g greatly fallen io value;' it appears from is effected wittiest a remark that envihie. 4)6- I and such a meek e.r cathedra style bf !no-
,net Court Act, end .11 other 61..11YA Mr acre o! Hay abstracted from 30-50 lbs. which at the pleasure of the cultivator the Earl of Fttzwtlham's statement that he Usual had taken place, and in the fete f hist y
t'Oh-MR treed in the District end D„Is eo of Lime. coned he grown upon it. The present ex- came to a similar arrangement with hie leo- D eouncut d on them, 4)e to qualify him io the
Cetuas, •a Sale •t the ?Wrist Ofoee Alto, .1' An erre of wheat .tow abstracted from ample affords agond illustration of the con- g well as
reports aod table' iefor Igo one 1849, al hidden, degree for unmasking • tette plot,
ants eevca yeah ago, when the Free Trade well es hie self -larding article ip the Jonraal hidden though 1t might be, in the texture
kiwis •f J08 PRINTING executed e. the 15-20 the of Lune. d.ttoo of other soils which have been tub- measures of the I tte Sir Robert Peel first foosded 'hereat; we have no re rt en'errd for
shor'ea notice, and on moderate terms. Aa acre- of Oat straw abetracte from 10-18 acted to an is td•cioee course of creepier. ,. n(4) surplice or the cut of •lawn sleeve.-
Qoderieh, July 19, 1849.. 1 J PD R began to tell on the farmers' pocket. Hu 1047; but perhaps it was more easily to do this Brit !emceed we at once to the facts 4)w d.-
Ibo o"Lime. 1 It becomes then, a questten of much inter- views of the relative position of landlord thee te reduce the es es to eorVeepeod wile 1 P '
Varlets v*getab'em peas v• the power ot! est and moment to poetical farmers, to and tenant aro bock liberal and eaGghtenen.
the retires of 1849, u he -had done dose of 1948. vel°ued In the Ckr,ch:-
e.ellbtfarimg! more than nn avenge quantity 1 ascertain the nature of those artifices they ed. He show• that rent was merely the A lets venter in the Moetreel Pilaf attempted i "A TIT La L star o !-in another column
COUNTY COURT TFiRMBni Itee. if powered to them is a proper; moat emp'oy ib order to restore aod ren- proportino of the produce of the soil to d h h h Schools Lo will be found a communication from Ih
to en the character el the
ort s 10 wer -
troop.lta effects upon the straw of gone der permanent the fertilityof such de rear Cased' egoism • comparison with our Saperia- Charbennel to the Superintendent of Com-
pu I De P which the landlord was entitled- On rich
)arch Term -From the 3rd to the 8th. ! growing oro is ver remarkable. Farm- aced soils• lands the field was greater --so o4) hr the t`.dsatem ed for 1847 tad ranee mon Schools. Oursolereason for not,agai ng
1 , g Ps 7 1 Y g R He seemed twee of the fallacy of them roe 1 this document, is to enter a proteetragainat
.1one Term -From the Zed to the 7th. 1 est are aegoaieted with limo 1n three di?era ' The chief agent in effecting the solubility root to Se. Oo poor lands the produce was pata,whieh he characterised'. "Pious Pn0d.'•
4 letoher Term-Prega the 40th tot est cults, -let. in the form of common of the .eeeesary quantity of mineral an b• I smaller, and the amount of capital and skill i 1 wi11 leave :he writer end the Rev. 84) n' the illegal manner Dr. which the writer has
11reslober Term -Free! the Oth to the 1 t t.Ne♦trme. wbieb eoesists of time tits eat. - excrete is Air. All the operation) of the l employed must necessar:Iy be greater ---and I tendert 4o settle tete eeenee.iee between piety "ascribed it. y Charbooell u nor,
1 boeie acid; 44114. of carbonic acid and 96 farmer aro in the mato directed to the f SehopdToromto, nor ever can be, ex-
the rent ou"ht to be reduced accordingly. and fraud. sed will only add that praseatwm-
1 lbs of pan lime, forming 100 ibs of tom- introduction of air into the soil, aod afford- , Hie lordship is not at all deapondmg in his 1 tree cod winter a•enilei for 1439. reduced a rept he abjJro the schismatical body with
moo limestone, which when burned in a ing time for its influence to be exerted.- tone at the present proepsets of agriculture. they arc, rod the annual average rryplu•s Iron wbteh he is connected, and 1. appointed to
DOVER\AIEN'I' OFFICERS. I. kiln, parts with the carbonic and then tonal He ploughs for the purpose of exposing 8e chide* [hone who th/ok that the land them, are' mill • fraud oo,be prblic,estbey sea tbe•See in question oy our Sovereign Lady
tot borne oat by tbe tables themselyee. the Queen, Is the event of a vacancy occur -
I in the Corm of slacked lime. When, lbs. into its pore* and crevices 4 be fatless to
Arthur Acland. Esq., 1'•dge. *orates ; god. quick or caustic 11ra* ; Mrd. fresh surface'• to air , he dnina to admit air caDnot be cultivated with profit in the pre-
sent clrcometances of the country. aod as
John McDonald F q Sheriff. f I
ilantei Lamer, Few Clerk of the Peace. ' of aa'er are thrown ,poi 28 lbs. of taus ttt1 give time for 4)'r to exert its power u in, far ay his aid tae assist the t:esen ing ten -
John Galt, Ent., Megtetrar and Collector , lime, the lime swell•, evolves great heat, fluence ; he employs a rotation of crops for ant, he is ready to afford it. An energetic
of Customs
and entering into combination with the' pretitely the same object. tenant could not deserve more ; a good
Mor±es Hamilton, Esq., Deputy Clerk of ,water 37 lbs. n( slacked hme.- [To k eewiirtlyd.j landlord could not offer less.
the Crowd. , Lime lax foetid in the suit 111 the state of The Duke of Portland is less hopeful; but
Charles Wilder, Esq., ioepeclor of Li carbonate of lime, Ns presence is imduca:ed ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA. he writes like a good fanner, aod is evident -
Cannel. r►y effenesence when an acid is poured over - ly a liberal landlord. Menu nog and the rix- '
Thos. McQueen, Esq., Clerk of the Coon• I tt. In the caustic state it possesses very LIVERPOOL MARKETS, Dee. asd. course of cropping is the principle he attire-
ty Court and Registrar ot Surrogate Court. 1 power(ol properties', canting, the rapid de. cath. No forest land that will not, with.
eompusitioo of vegetable and animal .eb. Trade dull. Money !I a 31. Console out manure, after a fallow, produce two
etsoccs• Olt a 971• Coro 31. a 33s tit Flour 93o quartet. of barley per acre, 10, in his judo-'
KL' MOV AL. FLINT. -Called by chemists Stliea, cum- gd a 244) Lard unaltered. Beef gas a g7e 'tacit, worth colttvati.g with matter*. He
poem a large proportion of tbe ash to grainpork SOs to 55s, Mess 4i Bacon a strongly opposed to the exhaustrbn of the
JOHN ADAMS, TAILOR, growing-plente; iia nff -e le vegetables to 33e. Tobacco extremely firm. soil by ''•queer cropping, aod be mvoeatw
EG9 leave to intimate to the inhabitants torn, strenitb to those parte whreb ries The Africa arrived at New York on the diminution of expense on the part of the
L of Godeneb aod itavieinite, that bleb's! particularly to require addtuonal ads. The S.od.y with Liverpool dates to the 7th.- farmer, even where the land ie good, by
itemoyed his TAILORING ESTABLISH- wheat plaot afford. a .dounble ilttasva The Cora market renaa;n. quiet. The ratnae grans. is order, at lower ntervala,
11F. VT to wear Street. Got door asst .f tine of elegance in form united with wart- large arrivals end shipments of wheat and In get a greeter crop to corn from the coil.
M. D. o.ymopr k Co.'s Store, where he derful atet►gtet. A column 576 feet high Sour from the contineotreventing any im- Even under the four -course system,he ehewq
win be prepared to make alt kinds of GAR. and 3 feet to diameter, as' • weight prevenient. Wes'ern Canal flour is quoted that an estate of his own, in the North of
MENTS ea the shortest notice, and on the upon Its summit equal to that of the cologne j9. a 9t.: Philadelphia asd Baltimore 234) England, hese been exhausted in the tonne
moat reasonable terms. Cutter( dose ort itself, repro*toy a multiple of • *haat Indian Corn 30s 6d per quarter for mixed : of eight yearn. impre..ed *kb theft
shortest notice.P lant feor feet high and one -forth of an yellow. principles he has adapted les rent to them,
Goderich, Sept. IS, 1850. y o30tf inek to 44.414,,. No s51s a 314 61 for election of materia The Workington arrived at Cowes on the and gives to his teoan(t at the same time
alai 4)r 005(00asce in Melding them togetb• eveata of the 6th the benefit of the remission aod of hie owe
r. 0;tt •
err would enable an artificial structure of g
theta proportion., to 'talar t0. torte 4)r- The Dews brought by the Ajriea is counsel and experience.
led by •gentle breeze. wholly favourable both politically and cota-
A goad crop of Wheat, from one ace
All fears of a general continental war
1 -
The+• results would have been predated hod ring therein. Cardinal Wiseman'. aseump-
the schools been kept open for 42 months. bit es lien of the designation of Archbishop of
they were only open for 91 maths, coosequeatly
about 1 must be deducted from the averages to
male them according to the table.; the true
seethe,' for the year being 56,592, instead of
75,335. as by his returns.
The Georral Abstract Table, No. 4, in the
Superintendent's Report, for 4848, is a etriosity
in its way. Rte evidently bad the Cease. Rep,rt
for the year before him when he conatiucted it:
but iu'eed ofa•ailiog himself of the two columns!
of that report that would has, efieetually cbeek-
ed bis own returns aod .bows' the absurdity of
them, we Gad a voluminous array of figures, ex-
trsete from centers rolls, and from aaae.smenr 1
roils also, Dot one of which had the Nut particl. t
of the ioformattoa he pretends to have extracted l
from them.
Thenumber of children of school age, by the!
crus:' returo wu 109,321; by the school ratas I
wording w which looney w•as drawn, 241,102n
--a difference of only 50.780. The number •f
persons encoding s11 colleges and schools by
the centres, was 40,4;1, by the S.periateodeat'a
table. 145.195-a diserepa.ev is the, returns far,
!too mutate for bis to aouce !
After each • result with tbs peoeipal columns
of these.tati°ties, it would be waste of time to
attempt to cheek the moor eon. The money
eolomon give an °ecoost el the •mounts ahnn-
!mtely collected or balances in the bands of DS-
From the Glebe.
an: thoaeh tb.y show en expeeditere of .0
110.0000 s►lMhaA W PrO LT LOOT:. 'hotenets to the font, alone free WO to 130 478 for 1849. I MO eeaviuord that 40 per cent.
' lbs of Fleet; of Oats. mad lied strew, from bays been quite dispelled by a treaty con- THE ANNUAL REPORT Or COMMON 11
Altggle, struggle, tau and early. 40 to 60 Ib. ; Mengel Wurta.t and Beets, cl.Nd it Olmata. •between pacific
and SC11OO1.8 IN IiPPCR CANADA FOR 1849.
vagi. Mrd, tad straggle loo``. D._._.. The effect of this acifuc nettle-
?bdugb rhe world be dark and early from 12 to 18 Iw of roma. e,ott N axbibnled 10 the rapid edyabce of T.
T las Ed,tw tis Globe.
ad it. meow were. ad a iion.e-iroe is pretreat to all fertile toils, Bra -A. you w ruddy pobti°hed ie year
smog and Is also se lnvanehle constitsent of European ,ecunttee. a -Ae use mo.the M,f Jal tad Aa oa4 ! farriebieg Scheel Testees with a erpv of h..
Fair *Al Mils, Wien re danger, The Catholic question io England a still paper, t
eltheiebistg bast when peril's mat- City 04 lee. It greatly ossa the 4u- lave. two lettere el Isis, es the "Scheel Statile- ( Jeereel aod of thio Report. whits ie simnel a
a'ltalisg the peblk mind and is alto Can• ream of the Jarred. Fee itch Jostled th.
Who tr0W,Mi a •it, 10 r t city of clays when toned is the seal m the tic•" a( the Re•. Dr. Ryerue.. Edo., e( the M y
X. geed elates wholly tat 1 ••tate of black nide or rust by ezpocare to
og eoe•dan►M on•a'issn in Roma. Jon le Edace4ow, sad which 1 afterward' pay tiw abdhags of pebl a sanwv,-the Nepal
4ty10..44. * • oaylte an. The Meek oxide is soluble to water portant.he tram France '.scally soim- feed to eorreeened with the tells of the RepoA 1 eunet rest kw. We have 3,11111 wheel et'he'rs
moi distal t• tables : the red oxide of the C1de( Seperleteei*e•. of Gasmen Senoel. rnowquetty pay $062 et lent rte "elmel rr
.r.thenu fearn°at'Mp t preJo felts The again of Ge have been almost for 1818, i hot.wand, pea will be pleased a deka Hush ea must is to be pent to ils
gilt -demi, seal- rIp., sleety oro. te sparingly enable, and • bae04 or tlth• the exchuw•. topic o(ennvaT'atine .The bell Imre that the effects of ter remarks, thoeph an- p.rpeee, tan ought 10 be ulcer 'het the °u'e•
Ma • de', 4t• aft ; i 4'i lel ft 11 fre product. Iron is orm int iH 4M granting a credit of 1416.000 tabes for call, moueed at Mee tines. an.err app5reet in the An• menu be etereet, sad dust they shaotd h..e I.•.
JfiaeW? writls'. samd' e •N.tbyll-•lftte clay mite of Canada, in tb. form of the black u4) out 4 000 tr nMlaensitat.d b the owl Report d that •t s., for 1144q of the eh.sseter ef modern nenasie•e tM. the
'f{ll Jhs tqq •Mat Mubesal• (e - elm"."' onde of cent : ee the °herr. of Nite of alrein in c ter 4)o wu in y red 1 then eodeayaed te show that the paraben Repute of 1047, 1848 wed 1M: 9.
Arf IM 4)w dal {nkle'- •. hem aware, Pl steee, Huron, tit. Cfair, f ft u the Chief A, a the .0e.- You obedtsat wpaut.
rw4Rrer alar 4)e Important discussion by274 anion. ei• y OBSERVER.
,> t♦ Nat. Ito„ 1l e'as.w m rosy tacit tpaNllFss mix• t po wee .11*4daace of papa° et Me COMMONS Reboots
Se fbeeeif rt merle' boodle', ' .4.7. a ! wits white NW! red e5b4-1t may tri y for gill year, 1847 lad 164t. were ,tree«wl+ble
•etir°'tlwt4.lellyd ehMfd ' "' n`i' Nfs*ay. tlab y_ emelt of ° maggot
1 •Ie► 4i'Ir aaameen -• , Cwzomtes_ bis inbnaace deo•.01 ez glees mea to .OS. talk it 4ap atla m -
to he.dded to tl es the sou of co ecuoe
lied managemeet ; bet tbeae being taken from
dlfl=errt (node are carefully secluded from the
School Reports.
The Sep.riotesdsst takes credit to himself for
A iir111 .(W Gaitot to tM Rlfeee b.. with the retinae Gem the Dletnat of Niagara for
thew years, earl tautly at 'aurae' will the
iA Me eMpb Whore state ; k In Away
is elegy, fated is enmhneekee ►Eli wit* , bodes, . AUSTRIA.
eoemM salt M the great amore►'wase _1_
•detrlhelfitestr beaten y
S r lyf sJield 4,lm w ellen'• Balt tom of Mated nodi. Vttesi `The ftagevld e.bfaet led aNi-
ile,'e.MCs w bpi 1 n rte in onion a M composed
used u aatesit to the Alawt. t
.►resit have beim int led • Tb. Coed'ttoe.
twee t n.
w a
ipslewe *Mt yields soda and ehloriee to
j, jj y 11t sot
Ss stmblee. a 't''mmf *pen at Almett 0....nn Priem
.et -Nina ecelivE mos
lseti is oat plewt°, Sshervttepm std garrets Me•troflhl are
The difficulties betwe.p Austria and
1 IMAM Mlle• w hetta eMitM f • 1
••ts4 eels,
bail at Drunks, wit► u hole hetet w
11 w dtlMarsM kinds possible. The Federal Doom, 04 Frank-
ie wrN*ygn- a scot osewdr It tea a ewe for these feel ,Isem*tfhw tett) take se fernier steps ie
1. &woo a, ' -.. • • a. a I er fjbb i . WOO 1i el Lot, frame, ePeeress a eyress (senetftwtine et
o(Iq d 011111,,,R;•.
owgs win' ie 18.
pf gait water. Imsd1.ia so4'i ee. as follows roe ementem.N te be
bo ,
1•41109•00wapem/ NaneiaR1111919' se'u' ..nhnt
1M1 d11'ws=1
w'Niglt .. 04ing tlpmaties.. TINS
will seamiest to raetnee
owe 841.., with IM a.mteuw
s tad Freesias ab impost"
,.* 'ammo
ho . a
tri. porn. 'sf Aoserin. std Pewu
h ti
l enter h. IbM
bsei. ..0 the
habit of sttoodMN et wheels diet eremite ie JOIl „ 61 c i, r CORNERED
the Prunus. t thea.i. showed. •htbet in radar
te plrodee• his es treat• for 1847 awl 1848. it
wend rq,iee every eieEA ere Mt seminal Mit to
uwed echoed daily let se died 104 mention
keeping wheels ripes is there years, was oily
8e sod 9 seethe
I w eerie tsaght M a•eed•eetveaiws Of tbe
A to ms-•tat.mest'. eyes to
ti o$.t matters. •. they bed to tore west of ens -
Wong when tliesnen,d. sled Nana ho eeeeellee
walllasl iersdv'.g .emotion' of tio nods. of
,'Asps s.m°th..g worm -'s m'sim highly
worthy .1 b'llug 4.e kased s. On rieNi
while his tables show that the avenge time of
slightest seem"
tomb by • co
av0. kootko N IlltWt sti bus r.`atd for their wi-
le,. mate of +Wh `e Aeheel Rep.rta for Iht7
'oe••eadit tet rellhA Nsyltlt f to weM Era
of lbs wheats kw dosed so omit awls he CIM
3. Tokio lilt of ilorat atfottWO, ie the eel -
,tee mm ieem4dM ** t tell M famed,
Weatminieter: is by no means such a glar-
ing infringment of the laws of the realm, as
that which has been perpetrated by the
Roma* Catholic Bishop of Toronto. This
title having been conferred upon Dr. Ctn.
bonell by the Provincial Parliament, be may
use it, we grant, without being guilty of •
Sincerely do we trust there will be no
popular commotion In consequence of this
"gtanng infringement of the laws of the
realm." and that the friends of order will
exert themselves to the utmost, to maintain
the public peace ! Let there be no excite-
ment -lot the matter be resolutely, manful-
ly though carefully and discretely inves:i•
gated in all its hearings -but let every man
woman and child keep cool`. For ourselves,
we have looked deeply into the matter, and
feel twitted we will be able to restrain oar
indignation. Oer first step was to turn to
Dr. Charbooell'• letter, sad there, sots
enough, we found indubitable proof o! boo
Reverence's moral -the Ckrre4 instructs eel'
it a not unfortunately, (or then we might',
have feed him) a legal misdemeanor. M
the foot of the letter we found printed these
demo character.:-
W. earnestly deliaod-when ars these
af•umptrone of the Papacy to end 1 We
not, at first know precisely what the
1ne►og!cpalo•Ion0mg tbinC. meant.. -but we
dud know (few the Church told on so) that in
P ians way or other, the whole we. ■ slab
at the right. ane pnvtledegee of our amiable
and astute friend. John Toronto -.end whit
tnJ•'res John, 4)e Lr nide. tined to say 11
,Zara of yore. "touches the apple of ear
e ye' editorial. 10 our reaearct.e• after the
meanine ni the things, we turned up the
Imperial Dictionary (an edmlrelde work In
be h., at ,%Iu'l Ieer'e)for the leter.••Arme."
and fneind them to be a con ten of Ar
1meddle. a ettherur'ed "rnnr44 mirk n Are. r4.
I bow q .b0:." A r'. sr ■eeump'ton 100 of nee
1q( )orin 'I',runt;. moat remerkebte cher-
' eelmiette. ! Pu•e Dr. ('harhoerll Moet he
. I,Il -ted •r+rd, un:hwet. ,t he tlntuute, onto the
The Ch nib of #alas,& h"y rte sot so spin,- . Bets wit!' rase 11 ehe.p on that teen''. Both
lee. as we 'heegl thea -we °PI,;e d the lb. "Fr." le • fee *arse •'tneroerbmcat"!
(lis, e1seet-throgs toss not to Irl .4 they thea th'•-'h. Luer. 4,,,,a •, ,neorpnt as 51
might be. be, • at WOO. Oar dew MenT1TJ, dr' John (:11,4)4) mss at,hnnt th. eve -la -a",
Chureb N England BM°b a el. Ter•eto. hes he"' -Mit the malice of rename JM11111nm I
for Mee fairly ..eq.4si.d-brought to the book ,coley lis. M. "Fr." •v,d.nlly *1*oda t;.,
-d.'o eosfeal-b.°ten Ah.'he tenor Rias- • "rnrlw'. ■ (°r•htm.d Inenlnry in tM Panes
op . NMt a ch°egr hu tome ever thin Carta• ,
da, wbee Joh, Tnre°10 has tohow drives 40 pope. of. Kett*. ie the literdom of P'h--M. Very
lar etamevrbat peen wit is ! Long 1.e Might Pzeies a bleb -J"sea To,nbto baa rendered
-.hotted and quibbled 441 evw'1e (thwarting the i'I.Nrnm.o as the Mere al hi. ch'ees'e .e -
charter, chWki ose re ' morn .ham.ol M.
rely ,►at 0., It imNt, sea Neoto tatoe. t►1' e•r.e tetoethly. •'ead th.A Rom'•i, Ioet 'rf1r. robasteourpt Bi-hItoop
tbet be night 4. 1t at 0s0 . Had he twitss ver of hu enr.'enrnl and earliest pedegngu'rsl
advice. M meet bean avoided she Parent's glafe°, v►• ha'rr4errly er.l wfrA. A leeyar
nob desist sedde°(NMetise-the Petraes nail- .d end mfeew0*e g.ni4nra. to t,hn4w
Mies last -est -e t:bontufala's .Wattling Otter 1Mn.d tare *oriel Sad aswrfwwnf Itwrduy.
-whit yens trump' at easier is h1' wood. t reen°e Mted that the teethes ''Pr." est'►oee
-read his meagre esple..nee in h," M1n1. Alt Rif
might hers Woo e•wthed by a hold rlrn.wis..1 a 'arra •t °Ilw,ns to Jnha Toronto's pimp
tba whole -bit re w-+te beet et (.reed oat . 1oe f•f•a Kettle to a "Panne." ern ttN1 they