HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-18, Page 4tplt 4 The' imosAtlYocats, Dmtmlier 1E, 19511
tets Talk
;Sports. Editor
Exeter Mohawk Hockey Club President Bill
Cochrane received a very encouraging letter this
Week from the Kitchener -Waterloo Dutehmen Hockey
Club. Ernie Goman, manager of the OHA-NOHA
Senior "A" entry, writes first of all to wish the Ex-
eler Mohawk Intermediate "B" team a very pleasant
and successful hockey season and. off.)rs assistance
to help the team out if needed.
Secondly, and possibly most important, he
has suggested that the town of Exeter hold an Exeter
Minor Hockey Night at one of the Dutchies' home
games in the modern Kitchener Auditorium. He
states the Dutchmen Hockey Club would be pre-
pared to :accommodate all of our Exeter Minor hockey
teams plus our WOAA Exeter Mohawk entry, man-
agers, coaches and .officers of the teams as guests at
Some future game if we were interested.
We feel this is a splendid gesture by Mr.
Goman and one that our town would be wise to
accept. The problem of transportation to and from
the game could be solved possibly with the .charter
of a bus to carry the minor teams to Kitchener. If
the .town service clubs each chipped in with a dollar
or two, it would look after the travelling expenses
and all the kids would have to worry about is slip-
ping 50 cents or so into their pockets for a hot dog
and they're away. With the Dutchies looking after
the admission tag, what more can one ask? Well
be glad to hear from any interested parties wanting
to make such a trip.
At the time this is written, the Dutchies are
trailing the league -leading Chatham Maroons by five
points for second place in the standings, Last Satur-
-day night we took in the Sudbuey Wolves and the
Kitchener contest in which Sudbury pulled out a 6-4
overtime victory. We were amazed at the ability of
DutchiesWiggles Wylie. Wylie only tips the scales
-e.round the 140 pound mark but is something like
third in the league point. race. It wculd be a real
pleasure for the local minor hockey enthusiasts to
see such a performer in action. Along with Wylie,
the Twin City entry supports such stars as Kenny
Laufman, who has been asked to turn pro far years,
and "Butch" Martin, Who has had the New York
Ranger brass chasing him for some time to play
in Manhattan. Other stalwarts of the '58-'59 Dutchie
regime are Don Rope, Jack McKenzie, "Boat" Hurley,
Ralph Hoskings Gerry Theberge and Billy Flick. Sud-
bury put up a real fight in the game we saw to over-
come a spectacular three -goal effort by K -W's Ken
The following advice given to a drunk from
the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association is
one we thought you'd like to hear about. Here goes:
"Since you cannot refrain from drinking, why
not start a saloon of your own in your home? Be
the only customer and you will not have to' buy a
"Give your wife $55 to buy a case of whiskey.
There are 240 drinks in a case. Buy all the drinks
'-' from your wife at 60 cents a drink.
"In 12 clays (when the case is gone) your wife
will have $89 to put in the bank and $55 to buy an-
other case. If you live 10 years and continue to buy
your whiskey from your wife and die in your boots,
•-; your widow will have $27,125,47 on deposit.
"That's enough to bring up your children,
pay off the mortgage, marry a decent man and for-
_ get she ever knew a bum like you!"
• Brother, what. a beating the male specimen
takest • -
CUFF CLEANERS—The tremendous ovation' Detroit's
Gordie Howe received right in the Montreal Forum
. Saturday night when he scored goal number 400
proved once again that although the fans down
Montreal way may be a bit rowdy at times, :it's hard
to find a city with such keenness t.o pay tribute to
players, no matter what team they belong to, when
,., they pass a milestone in their career such as Howe
did , . In our books, Howe is a terrific competitor
and one who should be definitely respected. We feel
that Jack Adams and his band of Red Wings rely too
much on the finesse of Howe to carry thein along.
They have him out there for both offensive and de-
fensive duty which is far too much particularly in
that calibre of league. We're afraid it will wear
Gordie out before his real retirement time rolls
around. We'd hate to'see what would happen to the
Motor City club if kiowe was out of the lineup . .
Good to see that the Exeter midget and bantam teams
are starting to roll in high gear again. They just
registered a double victory over Mitchell clubs . .
• Rinks galore are out after the Exeter Curling Club
turkeys. After wheeling the rocks down the ice we
. imagine the winning quartet will be just about ready
• : for a meal — Mary Shantz is still number one on
the WOAA Groupd hit parade.. He has 21 goals and
eight assists in six games for 29 points.
ratutimuttalle Inge ilinttitialttut t tout! utimulantInt oat t to It v lll untimittnit ilturnintatottintte
Hockey Action!
Dec. 19
s. 6:l0 p.m.
Lucan Irish
• Exeter Mohawks .
• Thi; Ad le Spenienaisf ThenUlth ebUrtely
Mohawks Clobber Wildcats 10-3,
Colts, Devils Also Register Wins
Devils .Edge
Lucan 5-3
!Eitisketbati Schedules
Set For Perthex Loop
The 1959 Pertlicx -Conference *Itt's017;1:t
girls and: boys, junior and senior.: t P1
baSketbalt schedules. have been•
ursti ay j nary 801
released. snatit l'ittean at st,flSf' tit
SHOJIS teams will each play 811at f°r4
eight ga.mos apiece whivh ear- ..1.1.rla'er ePlifjp4ii
ries from January 8 to Fehruary S(oit It Huron at Stratford
26. Alt genies will consist of : uentiay, 1.P.e1tr ',tory 0
Mitchell at St rat ford
doubleheaders with the junior
and senior teams in each respee- Til.ist el at South Huron
tive grouping playing the same .i';'1.ts,1:ft at Listout
afternoon starting at 3:00 p.m. stratrem at .si. Marya
* South Huron coaches, Miss L. T1I""1".7. rebr""r 10
are i.‘1T11,11wg"Xle at
Seigner and Glenn Mickle,
respectively busy lining up theh"ratments, it*.tetritere Tao
best teams with consistent work -
Marys at South Huron
outs after classes throughout the t'lti."""r`t 'al' 14114'1
week, MIMS' (11»LS
The schedules are as follows; Thursday. January
st. Marys a: Mitt -hell
South Huron at Stratford
Thursday, January 15
macheti at Stratford
List owel at South Huron
Thursday, Januar311
1%1 ifehrll at List'nwo1
St rat ford at St. Marys
Tuesday, January 2.7
smith Huron at I:1 itchell
List owel at St. Marys
Thursday, January 20
St. Marys at South Huron.
Stratford at Listowel
Thursday, February
51 itchoil at St, Ala r.ve
Stratf ord. at South Huron
Monday, February 0
Stratford at Mitrholl
South Huron al Listowel
Red's Billiards grabbed a big TIMT,',Itg't 11;;;'/Tlit',7,112
seven point victory from the Co- st• MarYs at Stratford
op last week to move into sole TIVrtm-,1,7,fi art-el;fa",M,F11,11a.„,
possession of second place in the St. .Marys at last ntvl
Exeter Men's Bowling League.
trroSotitit 11,2,00 51 i‘iarly3
odny, eh n ry 20
Billiards soared into second i
place, two points ahead of the
Spares, when the Spares only
league leading Windmills. The O WI ',Spiel
m.ana.ged to get two from the
P'enhale's 637 triple while C. U nd
er WayH. Billiard victory wa5 sparked by
Foster of the Windmills trundled • laventy-six rinks belonding lo
BOSS* scut:Dt 1,F1
TIturRAGLY. JantiarTS
5litoboll at St. Marys
Stratford A t Smolt Huron
l'hursdny, January' ia
St ra t frverl t M11,11,11
sem as Homo at I., at ma el
Thursday. January 22
Liston et at .51(ichoti
St. Stars at Stritfrord
Ray Smith
Hits 878
Mitchell Red Devils, paced by
two -goal performances from
Mary :Shantz and Doug Smith.
chalked up a $-a victory over the
Lucan M Mitchell Tuesday
Mitchell, Clinton and 'Exeter:
• hockey ,clubs chalked up
(11/1/kie ries in WOAA Intermediate "114
Loader Fires M h • •
o .14, Group 1 action this week.
Mitehell Red Devils had their
70-3 Win •Over Cats lateen Irish but they pulled out
hands full UMW' night with the,
.close 5-3 victory to - remain ,on
Jim "Red" Loader,. the tire- two past "Bud' Dietrich in the to,,P„:„" the standings with 14
less "(Read of Exeter me. Exeter net, while teammate Don •Th'"''^
-Urbshott scored a single marker, Eaeter Mohawks and Clinton,
hawks,. was the "telte„-eharge" Colts trail the league leaders bY
two points as a result of their
wins over Ilderton. but still have
two games in Land on the front
Lucan Irish are .the only leant
in the loop to go winless after
six games but they came mighty
close to their first victory in Mit.
chell on Tuesday night. The
Irish -Six will move into the No.
hawk wigwam this Friday night
for a game and intend to ehalk
up their initial victory of the
into a 5-0 lead until Stu. O'Neil '
third period when he .cut 10
sharply on Keith Scarborough scored his first of two,. and Don Mitchell Red Devils have
Urbshott dented the twine to put pumped 55 goals into the ninno`.
sing nets to lead. the league In
Mitchell led the contest 24 gtly Tuesday night against Ilder- ',Pod Alt the Wey
withtwo more 10 three goals and four .assists 10 started the Mohawks off on the
after the flat period, and then ton, as he powered his way to Eefeecemen Jean Bourque
pulled away right foot by whistling a 25 -footer
a 10-3 romp over the Wilde.ts
" into the left hand corner of the
the second. for a 4-1. lead. How-
ever, in the third, lateen struck
back to outscore the home club
2-1, but their desperation rally
fell two goals sbort.
Mary Shantz and Doug Smith
sank their first goals at 4.15 and
9.37 respectively, of the first
period, while Bob Hefter •offset
one of the markers with Lucan's
nitial goal of the game •at 11,58.
Shantz and Smith once again
looked after the scoring honors
for the winners 'in the second,
with Smith's second counter
turning out to be the eventual
Ken Powers slipped a pair of
tallies past Bruce Chessel in the
Machell net in the final frame,
but C. Butcher, playing his first
game of the season in a Red
Devil uniform, sank a lone tally
to keep Mitchell in the lead,
Mitchell 5, Lowell 0
1,1 CAN -Goal, Barnes: de fenre,
Al. Thompson, O'Neil; rent re,
Day; wings, Fletoher,
alt ornat es, Do wburrY, Power
Heady, Lait k in, I'arks, Store,
(Iittard. Davis.
ILITO11£31.1. Goal, Chessel:
frnoe, Roll( rilsch. lintober; cen.
t re, Wost man ; wings. Powell,
Sha rite; alterna tea, W tb'r, Smith,
Aiteheson, Hartlelb, Saw.
First Period
2 , Mitchell, Smith -(Weher) 9:37
1„-i:n5:1.1rhel I, Shantz
penalty - S.11 n t (trIpPing)
liohfritsch , ____ 4,15
( DaN Thompeon 1
Act.ttlid Period
4 Tl'infte.11:1111; ShantzI-art --___ 3;11
5--Alitchell, Smith
a 773 total to help whip the the Exeter Curling Club are . (Weber, entac ) 9:04
Spares, competing in a Christmas turkey 7 :11'fc...11 aditrilietsh -(-hoBittliticniglef 15 ;2 . ,• . .
.Milkmen, with 11. Sinith roll- bnnsPieL Th ltd Period
Mg 878 and C. Edwards 815„ The Ken. Oltewell rink jeads
muoini, Butcher
total f .I3 points (Storey) 14
G• ,trowers
5. 1,11ean, POWPI'a 1 Hefner) 11:111.1:(11
Penalties -- Botcher (interfer-
ence ) 1:21 and 7:1n; Githtinaldrr).
slashing) 5:51;Thompson
111:41 911: Itutrher and Horner
( roughing) 11:12; Hartielb (hold-
inc:i 16:15; G Marti (holding)
had an easy time with the King- 1110 N
pins for a seven point vietory.witile Carfrey Cann's quartet is
The two high games paved the I arilY one point back of the pace -
way for the clean sweep while' sette*rs.
C. Radford's 600 was tops 'for Claude Farrow, Jack Fulcher,
the kingpins. Bill McLean, Morley Sanders
Bill GtIfillan's 610 triple led and Art Cann rinks are all dead -
the Pepsics to the only other 7.0 locked with 11 points each.
whitewashing of the week to Tuesday night's results of the
move the Pepsies into fourth • bonspiel were:
place in -the "13" grouping with Lee Learn 8, Ulric Snell 5.
49 points. Wildcats were the vie- Carf Cann 7, Harry Ailey 3,
rims of the free wheeling soft. Art Cann 6, Ken Hockey 4.
drink gang. Morley Sanders 10, Reg Bea -
High Triple Broken vers 3.
Dick jermyn. 8, Henderson,'
Big news of the week was
made by Ray Smith of the Milk-
men when. he rolled a three -
game total of 878 to break the
previous high triple record for
the season. Smith automatically
won the free bowling, award in
this department for next week
while F. McGuire of the Edsel-
aires, who chalked up a 333
game, took the high single hon-
o ts Lace
Cats 15-4
Sparked by "hat-triek" per -
Bob Doig and
formai, e es from
King 7, Jack Meriam, Clinton Colts 'hem -
Bill McLean 12, Lorne Klein- bar
sliver 5. harded :Merton Witdcats 15-4
Friday night before home town
Jack Fulcher 8, George Me -
Masters 3. fans to record their fourth vic-
tory in five starts.
Glen Mickle 9, Harvey Pot- . The Colts turned on the power
len 6. • right from the drop of the puck
-Ken Ottewell 14, Charlie
Smith 5. as they outskated and outscored
the Wildcat club 6.0 in the first
Claude Farrow 7, Dick Roelof- twenty minutes of play. Unto
son 6. added four more to their total
Five points are given Inc win -
Hidden score went to Lorne ning a game, with one point for in the second before Ildertoe's
Passmore of the third place each end. Larry Noden broke through the
Spares. Colt defensive setup to beat De -
Six rinks still have to play Francesco in the Clinton net.
alia• six' cat printn pit ;on • _ 8 their initial round, and all will Leading 10-1 entering the third
Tradesmen (r. 'raster 3n2) '. - . a play twice before the winners stanza, the Colts coasted in for
To SlInerie51 '1'. MON night 7201 5 of the fowl can be determined. their fourth league victory as'
ri.are oa. attre ;on) .- ' Ttinks that haven'( played include they split the scoring honours
Sankmonts It'. smith -01 ) ....., , 5
ili„r.,,,pi.,r,s 11). t;;„.„t 'F;4q) .,:...: .2 Russ Snell, Bill Cann, Harry with Merton at three , goals
Jeffery. Dr. Cowen, Ken Mc- apiece.
Rounding out the scoring spree
for Clinton were Gord Walters
and Malt Edgar with two each
and John Hartley, Jaen Lee, Bob
ens. The lowest rink 1 n the Garon, Ken Doig and John Scott
standings will pick up four the with one apiece.
of cranberry sauce. Besides Larry Noden's second
period .marker, Scott McNair,
Don. Urbshott and G. Thomnsen
triggered homellderton goals,
Nippon Tigers (Iv. Avrti$11 Str)-: 5 Laughlin and Cliff Braman.
Windmills IV. 14'noter 771) ........ 5 The -winning rink will win four
spares ( n. Grave( t 702) .. . ... 2 (urkeys, while the second place
-nerve Billiard% (H. Ponhale 1517) 7 finshers will cart, off four chick-
ca.op CI', Wright 513) _ .. n
Silver -Hawks ( 11. Hoywond 612) 1
Dorigors 1)2, Heywood. 577) ..... 2
'lockets (L. Thompson 6261 ...... 1
Butchers ( T.). Wells 112) ......_ 2
(Standings of the rinks as of
Imperials (D. Harrison 611) Tposday, December 16,) ori
Tip Tnppers (fl,.10r5' 41.,)
on (it t
siiikee•ri (n. smite ........... 7 ilinits
Kingpins (C. Ilatfford 0503
Cpst rts (B. 'McIntosh 57n) 5 1-:-r • .
f V:Inn
C. Rollers (J. Mills.r!nude Parrott' --..... J
rPpAta Guiana', sin) Jack insist
Wildcats (1". Pon don 811) ___
"A." League landfitsr
Iletra . ,
Snares ct
ilg Slx- , . 61
Pinpoppore ...„ _ 44
Aid;toIa iros . .
1., Superb:0 . , . 1111
EIPPort 'rigors .....
"13" Lettgue Nt nitiOX
715"NailkalOO 515
Butohers 11
PepSia •..„, ..„ 42
Silver HaWks' 41
'Upstart 42
1'v:smart 'arillerra _ 41
ImPerlals _______ 11
Dorly;•ors 12
Wopperts ......25
1,111 McLean
ori y Sanders
Art Cann
3)1ok Jormyn
Glen FAlickle
Lee Learn ..
1 llrie Snell
Jimillorson King
Ila re ry Pollen
Dirk Ilnoinfson
IlarrY A ticY
Lorno. Ivor
ILPEItTo Scailborough;
defenco. Duncan. Charlton: cen-
tre. Noden; wings, Thompson.
Ail i son ; all o rnal et. Coll Ings,
17rhshott, MeNair, B. tIrbsbott, K.
Loft, SOyes.
Goal. De francesco;
clotence, "Waltors, Garon: r entre.
3 1-ittri 101'; wings, bee, 14. Dolg; al
5 tornat PS, :K. 1)(11g, Meriam. M.
5 rolaultount Sr61.1., T. ColOuhetta,
4 Pon:molt, Edgar.
First Period
1*, Ilnr,
Ttng Beavers 2
George 5ir3.,lasterls --
Charlie Smil lt 5
Lights Upset
Gal Leaders
Highlight of the Exeter Ladies
Bowling League last week was
a battle between the Happy Gals
and Hi -Lights, who are running
• One-two in loop race for first
place honours.
The second ;place Iliatights:
peced by Ruth Durand's 622
triple, upset the league leaders
Mr. Don MacKay has been in a tight 4.3 point battle. Mullin
elected president of the (lode- Coleman's 617 was tops Inc the
rich Trotting and Agricultural Happy Cots, who continue th
Association for the 1959 season. Teed the grouping with a seven
Other officers id the '59 At- point bulge over the second place
SOCiatiOn ITIC111(.101: past preal-
dent, H. 0. jetty; Vite-president, Mighty Mice, Rollettes, Alley
SValfer Ratliburri; treasurer, Cato, Butteretips and Hand
• 'Young and seeretary, pers all registered seven point
Hugh vietorite over their opposition to
Following are the committees climb iti the standinga,
embed: Track, George Feagaii, 'Ups & Deems, Nile Hawks,
fleg. ItleGe.e and Lyle Bennie- Wee Hopes, nog Dogs and 13e -
ter; Classifying, George Feagail, Bops, Whatnots each cellected
Clayton /living and Jim Shear- five of the possible seven
dowht Barb, Hugh Hill, E. Little throughelit the week'S action.
and it Young. Milling 600 or better triples
The ways and mean a commit- were Vesta Miller (Ups at
tee it be headed by Bud JerrYt DOW111) 633,. Dot Marks (Rol.
who did sueb. a fine job with Settee) eat rtuth Durand ail -
this eommittee at president Lights) 622, Mit) Coleman
during the past staten. (Happy Gals) fil7, Grace F11111.1 -
Plans were made for further liar (Merry Maids) 600, Dolly
improvernentt at the track aed Mattson Mite Ilawkal Vet -
an early harness race bite: 16 13)11 LitifIntlfiniff (VVOt Hopes) 666,
being arranged for the Wieg. Phyllis Haugh fT'in Peppettes)
Goderieh hag approximetely 60 657 arid Doreen Mot
horses wintering at the barns Dees) 621. •
this winter and they will be Verlyn Lthdelifitslcl of the Wee
fretting eti the Gederith track, Itopes topped the free bowling
one of the earliest tracks hi the award for high triple honours
district.. ...Please Turn to Page 5,
Trotting Group
Names Officers
011 Lucan
cage at 3.49 of the first period
Loader, who patrols left wing after a nifty bit of foreehecking
on the Tribe's number one unit, by new Mohawk Jack Fritz, who
failed to score in the initial set up the play,
stanza but he shone in the syc-
ond with a pair of quickies just
From there, Bin Oberle and
"Boom" put the Tribe tlfree
14 seconds apart. He climaxed up
after the first period. Loader's
his three -goal splurge with a two quickies shot the Mohawks
beautiful effort at 16.12 of the
from the left side, faked a shot,
and then slid the puck into the
lower right hand corner of the
Other Mohawk marksmen were
Jimmy Russell, Bill Merle and
"Booin" with two each, and Jean
Bourque, who netted a single** ond goal cif the game al; 10.58
Merton back in the game. Ho.w-
ever, two third period goals
from rightwinger Jun Russell
and singles from Oberle, Loader
and "B-oom" iced the game for
the 'inners.
Stu O'Neil registered his ace -
Spearheading the Wildcat at- or the final frame when he
tack was Stu O'Neil, who slipped' fooled Dietrich on the shed side
with a 3.5 -foot slider.
Local Minors
Stop Mitchell
Exeter Midget and Bantam
hockey clubs scored a double
victory over Mitchell in Mitchell
on Monday night, R marked the
first doubleheader victory of the
season for Exeter clubs as the
local Midgets racked. up an 11.2
decision while the Bantams
routed the Mitchell six 9-0 in a
lopsided affair.
Exeter rose to the occasion In
the Bantam fixture as they built
up a 3-0 first period lea.d, added
five more to their total in the
second, and then climaxed their
uprising with four in the final
twenty minutes of play„
Ricky .Boyle and Lester Hey-
wood paced the Exeter attack
with three goals apiece. '
Single snipers for the winners
were Don Cann, Fred Lamb and
Freddy 'Wells.
Howard, in the Exeter nets,
recorded his first shutout of the
Exeter lineup was as follows:
Goal, Howard; defence, L. Hey-
wood, D. Cann; centre, R. Boyle;
wings, F. Lamb, F. 'Wells; alter-
nates, Smith, Lesnick, B. Wright,
Schroeder, Broderick, Cooper,
Nagel, M, Cushman and•Woods,
sub goal.
1--('1 In ton. 'nferiam
(K, Pols) ______ 3:29
2. -Clinton, Meriam 4:10
-011nInn, Walt Ors 6:11
4 -Clinton, Edgar_
. 6.51
5 -Clinton, 131115 Doti 16:11
8-4'linton, Walt ors
(51Ortam) . . 17:41
rP 11514 los (7. roc erierenCe)
2:10; McNair (boarding) 5:15.
Second Period.
7-rDhinn, Ken Dots.
wgitorg, moria,p-1)
5-- Clinton, HarlleY
(B. Dols) 7:4n
9- Clinton, SOIL
rtley) 8:47
0-01 Int Iticigar
V It • 10.415
11 -Merton, Noden
(Allison, P. Crbsho 14:14
Penalties Nnd en (hOoking)
7:12; 00101Thoun and )1unra n
(rotghIngl 2:11; Meriarn (slash.
Ng) 15:25; R. Prbshott (high
al felting) 19:44,
(Loft, Dtinean ) 6;511
13. -Clinton, AlOrlarn 7:53
14-.11elort,on, Thompson
(Notlen ) . 2:05
18 -Clinton, Bob Polg
Ma Mien .___ 12;53
16- t-rbstOft
(Notion)- .....,..- 13:36
11,4'1111ton, tohDolg.-
(Dkrtloy) •_ ig:20
--flitntern, ta
(Dish T)111')+,. ---------17:l
14-rainien, Garen •
Ponall los INsin Oillefulici'qn and
51eNair thigh stleiting1 Torn
Colduhoun •(Interference) 11:48
And •hciarrlIng 1 14:57; Al1Dit10
(11016Dig) 12:31.
Phone 102
In the 12' months up to °ctn.
ber, 1958, Canada' S consumer
price index rose by two per cent;
increase over the past five years
has been nine per cent.
The Exeter defence -which n.
eludes Jean Bourque, Glen
Weise', Al Rundle and 13ob White,
looked very steady throughout
the contest, while Keith Scat'.
borough, in the Merton nets,
was spectacular at times,
1111Prikon 3
IGNET101 -- (Thai Plol rich; de.
fence, WIPSP, Bonn:1u P ; venire.
Merle: w Loader, Gravel t
alt orna (Ps, Heideman,. Phicombo
-Russell, Fritz, iht yn ham, Whit o ,
Rundle, Sabo or' 11, 'MacDonald
(sub goal).
ILD MIT° n al, Scarborough;
defence, Charlton, 11. 1.-rbahot ;
centre. S. O'Neil; tv logs, Quirie,
(4. Thompson: alt ornatrs, Duncan,
Notlen, (*oiling's, D. Vrtishnt 1,
Nair, Loft, Noyes, Pester ano.
Piro( 'Period
1-Exo ter, Bourque
2 -Exeter, °boric( 6:05
(oF,ortaittzif)0. 3:42
1.-F,xe ter, Gra vet t
((Theriot Loador ) _„„ . 11:59
Pena)t Wloso ( bolding)
1:51.; McNair (tripping') 11:43,
Second Period
4-1)Ixe1 er, Loader
DIravett, Ohorie) :24
5-Exet e r, Loader
6--1(1r4arin ;tit; -81°.1.1(Cr,Ni'Prii 4:41
7---(TIV:Nrtaninr.) D, Critshol t
nunean, Thompson) _ 3:11
Penalties Sa hourin (hnld log)
5:14; Dunran (tripping) 7:15; P.
tIrbshnt t (honking) 9:45; S. O'Neil
(broken sl irk ) in:55; Pinrombe
(Interference) 11:4; Sabourin
(oross (Thai:king) 15;01.
Ird • Period
N-Exoter, (Merle (Loader) 6;17
in -Exeter, Gravett
2-Exet Pr, Mussell
(Holdeman) •
(Loader, WWI e)
1 1. 1(...11xi t• i 1,1m \Viler! o 16 ;12
11aI-J1rETIF;111:nntic.notninriptins'brrtienSi;,* s sQ.(e)ri 3.0 55
Penalties -- Q1.1 trio (tripping)
6:42; 0. O'Neil (tripping) 5:12,
the offensive department while
Ilderton has 'been scored upon
59 times in seven games.
The best goals -against aVer.
age collies out of the 'alolia)vk
club as paler "Ilud" Dietrich
leads the procession with 22 in
five games for a 4.40 percent-
1:s #413" 3u01.1,
P ti‘" LTPAP
Nthrhall I 5 2 n 33 15
Exeter _____ 5 4 1 0 40 22 g
Clinton 4 1 n 45 9.9
Morton 7 2 5 n 27 NS 4
Luca n _ . 6 0 6 0 17 41 0
Future ii;ringrist
Decom her
12-1,urati :vs. Exeter (1:10
Clinton Ilderton
21 Exot er vs. Mitrhell
111- Clinton v5, Lucan
2- Clinton vs. Exeter
liderton vs. Lucan
11* 0 11 0 L P 1 STATISTICa
LEGEND: C' - Clint on ; E Exo
et15r; - Mitrhell; 5, - Liven;
1 -- Ildertnn. Ga GaMe.8: ea -
opals; .A Assists:P -- Points.
Ga (1: A P
Mary Shantz, 51' .___ 6 21 11 29
13111 Ohsrls, E ____ 5 10 13 23
jack Morlawt, CI 5 111 A 29
Reis rioig. 5 9 11 20
bnader. _ - 5 7'13 20
"Boom' (lravot t, E _ 5 9 10 19
Charlie Westman, M _ 7 A 12 11
"Nay° Powell, AI . 7 1 7 11
.4 1 yin Weber, 51 - 7 7 A 16
bob Hart leih, 51 . 7 5 S 15
"Bud" Dirt rirh, 5) -_ 6 115
Patti Hamilton, E ___ 1 4.
Eel sr Total:* 22 4 40
Bruce Chessel. - 7 53 4.11
Don De nomMe. __ 2 10
John Defranoiscot 0_ 3 23
Clinton Totals 5.69
".lake" Barnes, .,__ 6 41 8,53
Keith Searborongh, I 7 52 8.43
1'i4.A-bri. bilis:DMUS
+Larry 'Soden, 1 .. Pim
*Hob Morrison. L 20
Vefirporild„Aajailes.on b __„,19
"Sob lia 1'011, 0 13
*Don Fulton, r
Glen Weise, F.1
. ....... ___. 216:
*dark T'ark, I.
Sob While, 'E „_,......,.._._ 10
T111) Oberio 12 . .,. . . , 10
*--IhrIndes . 10-mlnuts misconduct
penal! y.
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