HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-18, Page 3youths Dive From far
Defy Bc,ndit's Threat
— Continued from Page 1 _behind a ear, no matter stow
(erect to get the money back .by slow it ;was going. he made us
arranging a mortgage on the stay behind. it until. he .could see
i-nuee but he (the gunman) de• it wasn't .a cruiser.
c:'led to shoot him instead, ' ".rl couple of times when we
"Il.e said he was going to Kits were rounding curves, I thought
e'"crer but when we got there of skidding the car into the
h. said it was about a sidle put.: ditch but 1 figured he could
11. hen we were 10 Hailes -out, 'l shoot us before he'd be knocked
Aced him where it was and be over.
fah' it w.as near Peter's Corners. ! `sWhen we got out of Erin -
tie knew the road well because dale, he told etre to turn down
Jie told. us all the turns and this road but I kept right on
curves along it. going. 1 knew there was a swamp
"Be was watching, the gas there and 1 figured the might try
gauge and kept remanding me to kill us."
1 should get some more. Be.or- "He was pretty nervous, said
dered me •to pull :into a station Jim. "We'd ask hint for aciga-
et Peter's Corners and bought rate but he wouldn't give us any.
a dollar's worth there, He warned A minute later we'd see him
Vs not to move or talk to the with one in his mouth. He was
operator, , smoking it kind of funny — with.
"13e ordered Jim to give him his hands around his mouth."
his pouch and •he took the money ; "Once he asked me to turn on
out of it. Then .l had to give him ' the cloine light," recalled Jim,
ntine.:}le gave it back to me but ".l turned around and brought
a little while later he asked for my one arns over the back seat.
it: again to get my driver's As soon as 1 dirt it, he pointed
licence," the gun right at. me. 1 got my.
Jim was carrying about $80 arm back in a hurry,
end Lorne had around $45. d Although his story about the
'"Ile watched the speedometer murder in London apparently
ell the way. Be wouldn't let me wasn't true, the gunman kept
gn over 50 miles in the open and talking about it to the youths.
about 25 in the cities. If we cense ;He wanted to .tear the hourly
news reports from London over
the radio to see if police had dis-
covered the body yet.
CE Employees
"He told us there was no one reds of clog owners who had their pets vaccinated against rabies at free Clinics held. Huron Iiosnital the latter part Christmas in ler heart all the : to me the 'tessage of wonders
in the building al the time he of the week. tune as she lakes the trouble to and worship, Yule shot this fellow but he expected throughout Hurcn this past week, 'They're shown with Pr. H. K. Mitchell; Sandridge �• p, the example of
Over 200 attended the .Christ: 'someone to he back around 11 veterinarian, who is in charge of the clinics. Besides "Sport" and "Queenie", above, forget e, as she is as kind to all ; Ihumilitr, the urge to give, the
and is appreciative to God and t willingness to accept the thoughts
oras Glance sponsored by the Cen- i o'clock, He told us lie figured he the Whittaker boys and 'their mother brought in over a dozen cats for the treatment, her fellow man." t for others.'"
tralia Branch of. the National; could get to Montreal and across Town Topics ics I
' the hordes w 1 t h 0 u 1 sett' U 1111111111,uu111P/11112111111111111,11111111111111111111111It1111111I11111111111111111111m111u1111/Itluu1111/1111111111111nu1/
Defence Employees Ass'n in the getting
:ile. and D'la•s. W'illtam. Pass• �
1(3+1 1 Y'na
The Time4,AtIvocefee December 18L 1159 Pilo a
Big Prizes
coming upElizctheth To Split Fund
Big prizes for district shoppers et
will g given next
by merchants� /� Sister Diana �
during the nc.a week. w
At Exeter, there's $550 wait-, —Continued from Page 1 What will Elizabeth ado with.
luckyto aw nner .5t titaturday o night ,c•hcrluc} for :$7.10 came front miza• leer at�aney?
the draw will he for $15(); Wed- b^tla s fairy godattather. '$i0: for Slae is to YoBtitg to. appreciates
h"l t- t the value .of altonCY Y.et," said
Mr. Knox. aninistex of Trinity
Anglican Church. Lambeth.
" 13ut we will have: to do what
the lady asks. To do anything.
else would be breaking faith,.'.
be added.
"And we well not try to find
out who she is. She has gone to
great lengths to preserve her
anonymity and we will respect
Mr. Knox who has five other'
- I er.a aC in cash Genre a tette'x—tlte dying' children besides Elizabeth can
wpntan's will, only guess franc the Ietkers that
AeeC�. p "another Elizabeth"' is elderly
t Star Ban ue' A thousand dollars is to he and ill, and tnay be 7vealkhy,
kept in trust for Elizabeth's ed -
William t . :Middleton, of I e- ucation and $50 for Elizabeth to Priceeless Gift
ter, sufferer. a heart attack Sat- spend on her family at .Christ- liut whoever and wherever
urday et ening while attending mas. fart sure ;'ou will honor' she is, "another Elizabeth" Jia$
an Eastern Star banquet in my will, given little Elizabeth Knox, in
Strathroy and is at present to "1 can leave Elizabeth a little addition to a handsome sum of
Strathroy .Hospital. ;1M. and of worldly goods, but how much money, a gift that no sum of
' Mrs. Middleton were aeeompa- greater would be a legacy of the money could buy,
nied to Strathroy by Mr. and C'hristma.s spirit, the miracle And she has given herself
Mrs. Stanley Love. White seated glow of joy that comes to the peace of mind which she had
at tlhe table :Mr. Midrileton eons- heart when the real :Christmas never know before,
pl.ainecl of the heat and left the spirit is in it. "In these last months of my
hall and was later removed to "I know now that there's no life, the spirit of Christmas has
hospital. He is making. a saris- need to wait for snow. filled been with me as never before,"
factory recovery and is expected Christmas trees and sleigh hells. she concludes her letter.
VACCINATE PETS ---Ross and Lorne Whittaker, R.It, 2 Hensall, were among .bund- to be brought home to the South Would that little Elizabeth has 1 'The Christ child has hroury t
nesday night the jackpot as .;i;ro0, •
tut a I. J o be spenton
At least one store in roan is presents for her family, and Sas
ajor appliance for her favorite charity
giving away a m
in addition to the joint prizes, Elizabeth, instead of keeping
"Pot Of Goirl prizes at Hen- any none, , sent the whole. $100
sell will total 3•.n•Sl5n on Satur—
day and +200 Christmas eve, India.
Elizabeth received.theift from
Lunn merchants are also of-
fering awards to loyal shop, her aliionyntousd andlahenefat gar, who
Iters. fears she may not live to send
her another Christmas gift.
With the tin containing :$1,050
recreation hall at RCAF Station caught. But be didn't expect to
Centralia, Saturday night. !last. much after Christmas,"
The social event concluded the.1 .,•As soon as the youths told. Huron PerthClergybranch's activities for the year, their story to Toronto Township
It: represents the civilian work. police, they set up roadblocks
ers on the station. I and sent the alert out on the Th Road, t of 11
Among the guests was. G iC A. radio to other parts of the prow-
G. Kenyon, commanding officer. ince.
mare received word of the death
of their brother-in-law, James
Philips, in Calgary, on Tuesday,
December 9. His wife was the
f o r m e r Berta •• Montieth of
Three Million Boxes
CARE's Yule. Target
Three million food packages,
as personal gifts from Canadians
and Americans, have- been set
as the goal of CARE's 1958 an•
help f e l
nual Food. Crusade to e c
hungry peoples around the world.
Each .pa.ekage contains 22 lhs,
of surplus toed . , . flour, milk
powder,' corn meal. and cheese,
enough to supplement the
persons for one
diet ••of .four 1 cis ns .
month. One package can be sent of race, cle__
for a $1 contribution. 5lission staffs work closely'svith Skinner, Mitchell; Elgin'MeKin- .
local private and official wel- ley, Varna; Gordon Manning,
fare agencies to assure eflec- Clinton; Rev. G. M. Lamont, Crime Life
tive distribution and use. Deli-: Mitchell; Rev. W. S. MacLeod, _Continued from Page 1
famili are made dughtly feeding dY Rev. St. john's
ames Semple, lj Stratford; in Burwash reformatory."
families, or bh pro -r p He was married over two years
grams at schools, hospitals, or- 'forth; Rev. W. F. Krotz, Dash -
ago. Ile has one child and his
phanages and other welfare in wood, president of Huron Tem -
wife is expecting a second. Slae
stitutions, perance Federation; and Rev. has fired iat Ottawa for several
The desperate need. for relief C. B. Peacock, Bayfield, seCre years and comes from the Mari-
tary of the conniitlee' times. "I wanted to do things
The committee will work with for her, I, worked in Winnipeg
existing organizations, and 11 is in a carpenter shop and later as
elevator operator.
"Everything I ever tried to do
except steal turned out wrong. I
couldn't seen to do anything
right, For the past two Christ-
mases I couldn't get her any-
thing, This year I wanted to do
something for her."
y e m p e r a n c .� aws
na ' a sister Mrs.
Mr. and :Mrs.. Charles iti'ag-
A committee of clergy and of liquor stores, brewers' retail Retail Stores are opened arbit•
laymen, representing Perth and stores, beverage rooms (for rarity by the Liquor Control
Huron counties, has been named both men and women), estab• Board and the Brewers' Ware•
to stud the provisions of the lishmenls such as hotels and housing Corporation where bust -
Canada Temperance Act and to restaurants for the s e r v i n g Hess woulct seem profitable in
see where it would be advisable of beer and wine with meals, any municipality," Mr. Moulton
to have the Act amended. cocktail lounges, and cocktail stated: "The CTA curbs con -
The appointment of the corn— bars. con-
sumption and eliminates drunk.
Under the direction of CARE mittee was the outcome of a He explained that, under the eriness and consequent social
Mission Chiefs. the packages will meeting held Monday in St, Ontario Liquor Control Act, ho and police problems attendant to
ubli drinking,"
le d ed.
• l at ens and h ratfore
l n' Umt d Church, t
be distribute to the neediest
john's e u St tels,
families and groups in 13 conn• Representatives of churches in clubs of various kinds, •such as Mr, Moulton also explained
andtersports,veterans' hat u � until 's h meet-
golf oil v l in 1949 theAct was
n t.
both counties attended e 1
' s: Columbia,1; � Greece
ter 1 t
Hong Kong, India, Weal, Italy ing arranged by the committee and social clubs, maapply for still operative in Manitoulin
Korea, Macau, Pakistan, Poland, of evangelism and social service licences. Island and Peel County, but both.
West; Germany and Berlin and of the United Church in this "Liquor stores and' Brewers' lost their status at that time.
Yugoslavia, area. "In both eases it was (Inc al -
Recipients are selected solely Members of the committee together la a• subtle, despicable
on the basis of need, regardless are: Gordon Hale, St. Marys;Ad
c • �j" procedure nn the part of o••
1 .•. .l ,. Ceb•c Frank Howson Winmham' S. �'4 t Tells l el'1lniCnt OfflelalA lvltli llgllOr
interests to discredit the Act,"
Mr. Moulton said. -"They were
sucessful." .
South End Service
Used Car
Y' .
assistance is dramatically evi-
dent from United Nations sur-
veys, which reveal that two
thirds of the world's peoples are hoped that when some concrete
underfed. Lack of land, of tools, suggestions as to amendments to
of farming knowledge are the the Act have been reached, a
'50 FORD ."CUS'1'OMLINE" basic causes. Wars, aggressions, delegation will present the re -
4 -DOOR SEDAN disasters multiply the hunger. commendations to Hon. • Davie
Today, as never before, nations Fulton, Minister of Justice, 01 -
Automatic, radio, •t. u tone, are striving to increase produc- tawa.
window washers, snow tires. tion. Meanwhile,millions of Reviews Act
A beaut!
people never get enough to eat. Dr. Semple presided at the
"At a time when our farm p He was on relief here and was
abundance contrasts so sharply sheeting, and .the speaker was always failing to produce.
with world hunger, CARE calls Royal Moulton, Toronto, execut- "My wife never said anything.
to the Canadian people for per- ive secretary of the Ontario She was a wonderful ul girl and it
Tutene, automatic, r a d i o , sonal action." said Paul J. Cou- Temperance Federation. 11r. `vas embarrassing to her to have
excellentcolxlitioil.• rian, director of CARE of Can- Moulton gave something of the relatives talking to her about
ada. "During the Christmas sea- history of the Act, which was me never doing anything
son especially, we must rio all passed by the Dominion Parlia• never
includingone as
'54. He held jobs
CHEVROLET SEDAN mens in 1s7s
we can to spread .the spirit of Shortly ft 11 CTA + magazine salesman t n
hor y after the ' ' was eft- h azine 1 sma but it didn't
Automatic, snow tiles eget brotherhood across
the earth 1 quite wide- work out either.
ter Than New! as well as al horse" acted, it had spread
Contributions in ally amount ly in Ontario, Mr. Moulton said, Jack Harness arrived in (St-
een be sent to CARE of Canada, and by ,tbe end of 1885 some 29 tawa about 4 a.m. Monday, Most
'53 MONARCH SEDAN Ottawa, A. official receipt will be areas in this province had voted of the day he spent driving
Tutone, radio.
Power steering, power win-
dows, power brakes, radio,
automatic, in excellent con-
South End
Russ & Chuck Snell
issued, under 'Ui e jurisdie- around torteLast night (on-
`:ion of the Act. By the end of day) he saw a movie. Police
1889, every one of the 29 areas knew he was stili in Ottawa des -
You'll i e re ort n ar and
had repealed the law, t s to the co tr
1 ou 11 enjoy. shopping in The p p p Y
totes -Advocate ads, Save steps,
two areas in Ontario sat racy were getting closer to hriht
T ,
time and money by reading lo- present under CTA, Huron and all the time.
cal merchants' ads first.
11I I I I,I I I I I I I I I I I l i l t l 11111,1111111111111111111I111111111I ("I 11,
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednes-
clay afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
'iiltitllulugtial111i UIIIli11nunllllIIIlu It111mitII1h�
'x,11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu11111111111111111111111,1111111 It IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIt1111111IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII111 utll 1111111 HIIIIIIt 1111 t11111111!/�
Take Advantage Of
Huron Motor Sales'
Body and Pain
Low, Low Winter prices Aro
Extended To Alli
We specialize In o contolefe Idle of Betty Repair
and Pallif
' Visit Our COrtvet ienf •Motorcade# Supply Store
Huroi Motor Sales
Ahill'.1titYmoo minl'n57iTirlPrn'iTnrnrrPnh(irrnnrillrYilirn' gnu mrrnvrlrPn7Tn9nli'nmmnfYnrrrnYpormomue
Perth Counties, adopted the mea-
sure in 1914 and 1915, Their ac-
tion, Mr. Moulton said, repre-
sents a revolt against the prac- was not locked but I only took
tically paralyzing .influence an out the dope. I tossed the bag
the progress of local option of out on the street."
tate requirement of a three-fifths The bag was later found by
majority. 'a lumber firm:truck driver with
Counties lamely dry under its top slit but all the contents
municipal olocal option freauent-
lv found their by-laws seriously except drugs intact.
impaired in (heir operation by When the detectives arrived,
the presence of some municipal- they searched Harness and found
ities, frenuently small ones, (hat among other things one large
persistently voted wet," Mr. shell of a .45 calibre and all but.
;`Moulton said. "In self•dofence a few dollars of the holdup
they reverted to the old and money was missing, An ambu-
lon ouiescent law which fur.' lance s ummoned in case the
nd.shed complete county local I dope had endangered the man's
option on a straight majority life arrived just after the police.
vote," They took him to hospital for
Mr. Moulton went nn to point , observation and later removed
out that: the Canada Temperance him to city station and placed
Act does prevent the opening, in a cell,
Returning to the subject of
stolen doctor's bag, he admitted:
"I took it out of the car that
He continued: "We are fear-
ful that this same cunning
"underground". is still at work
in Perth and Huron. It would
seem that incidents of drunken-
ness, carousing, rowdyism and
general rt r c forand
es e tslaw p
and order are being deliberately
created throughout the county of
Perth to discredit the Canada
Temperance Act, and to exas-
perate the people to the point
of voting in Liquor Stores, Hodgins rendered
Brewers' Retail Stores, beverage piano instru-
ms fpr men and lwomen, mentals and Gayle Duffield and;
bars and dining unges Sharon Hodgins played a duet. 1
under the Liquor Control ,Act and Plays were entitled " se Malt
Liquor Licence Pet. This was the Order Hut" and "Dad''s Quiet•
method employed in Manitoulin Evening,
and Peet county and it succeed -respite a snowsinrm, Santa
ed „ Claus arrived to distribute gifts
Mr. McKinley reported the to the ehildren. The school was
Huron Presbytery Men's Cncil
filled for (he event.
had interviewed i11r, Fulton a
year ago with five suggested
amendments to CTA. These in -
I ley
fi n
elude: that the possession of
unsealed containers of intoxicat-
ing beverages in public places E n to rte i n s
be prohibited; that the consump-
tion or possession of liquor; S.S. 14 Stanley held its annual
brought into the county be. limit.) Christmas concert last Tuesday
ed to one's residence; that the:. ,
supply to oruse by persons Rice
withe ore teacher,v.a .Mrs.
Rice as director, Rea. Davidson
under 21 years ofage
be pro -
of ]3rucefiekl wash lenge
c a nand
hibited: that a right of appeal Mrs. McKinnon of Clinton,
pia -
t° attgher court from the de
cdsion Hist.
of a magistrate be pro- The program included choruses
vided for; that the provisions for b all the school; recitations by
search warrants under the Act Kathryn and Karen Hendrick,
be extended to motor vehicles.' Larry Gibbs and Gwenneth 1len-
In summing Up the meeting, drick; instrumental duet, troin-
Dr, Semple said that Perth and bone, Douglas McBeath, clarinet,
Huron counties are trying to! Billy. Farquhar: dance and song,
get-together and not have the. Gertrude Toonk, Deanne Faber,
church accused of not being Eleanor Wright, Gwynn Jones,'
realistic. Ile pointed to the need Gerald Johnston, Larry Gibbs,
for immediate action, as the Douglas 1 eBeath and Ri11 Far.
Canada Temperance Act is on'qulial.; plays and a Christmas
the agenda of Parliament when pageant.
it meets in January.
Rev, Dr. W. 3. March inquired
if temperance officials have any 44 THE SECRET OF SUCCESS
hope that the weaknesses in l Truman 13. Leighton ]las been
CTA will be corrected, or that' quoted as saying: "Here is the
the government twill even try to secret of success in life—save
correct• it, in reply, Mr. Mout- money, You noed.lo..k no further
ton said lie felt there might the for. it. If you cin, you hate pass -
amendments to the Act or to the ed it." Charlie Smith, local 13
Criminal Code which would sup- of SI manager, urges you to save
port the Act. 1 at "My Bank",
horn of town were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Neil, Kirkton
R.R. 1 on Friday evening on the
occasion of their thirtieth wed-
ding anniversary. Their son, Wil,
11am Waghorn and his wife, Kirk -
ton, were also guests.
The December meeting of the
Reformed Ministers and wives
of this arca, was held Tuesday •
at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
R. Van 1i'arowe. Those attending
came from Brockville, Hamilton,'
London, Cooksville, Stoney Creek, •
Brantford, Woodstock, Leamin=;
ton, Chatham, Galt and Guelph.'
Whalen P5
Mrs. Charles Gowan and her
pupils of. Whalen school present-
ed. a Christmas concert to the
community Friday evening.
Chairman Ken Hodgson intro-
duced a variety of numbers in-
cluding a pageant and butterfly
and duckling drills,
Recitations were given by Roy
1 and Ronnie Pullman, Janice
Morley and four pre-school chil-
dren, .Bruce Mills, Donald Neil,
Muriel Abbott and Joe French.
Catherine. Klahre and Avis
WHALI N ENJOYS CHRISTMAS CONCERT. -Students :mt' rtes concert 1.4'Titley night, Most of the children are shown
Whalen, above, under the direction of Mrs, Charles Gowan, i above itt a .chorus. Xen Hodgson was chairman for the
tCaCllclp entertained the community with c"i tiller Christ.; program, 'l: A Photo .w w ,� :, r w if
,v �' t Ed.+ e, C .> i; �, ,, ,, i, Suet milzr , i<1 ese• 7 t, ,llsigsitae
Cornish, Mitchell & Co.
H. J. Cornish 1., F. Cornish 1', Mitchell -_
K, W. Slade W. E. Suchard
291 DUNDAS ST. Dial GE 2-2651 LONDON, ONT.
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When you buy INSURANCE
make sure ... .
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General Insurance Agency
534 Main St. EXETER Phone 863
ifool,.l It111mmu1111111 nuntint11111u11111ntu/ll11iunu111111,11111111/11111umuti1111ul1111111111111111111x.
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Know Someone
Hard to
Buy r.
•* Table Centres
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* Floral Arrangements
•* Cut Flowers
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Capacious, light
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