HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-11, Page 16NoeI
The Times -Advocate, Decrnber Ii, 195$
c%/.4G 12-2
seeeesetereser isse Kee Teesseethe, is.. Weed reltd realervod.
"Mother, youknow that recipe you gave me for
meatballs . . .?
Groups At Grand Bend
Choose New Officers
Legion Elects Officers I Patterson, Mrs. Herb Pfile, Mrs.
Grand, Bend Legion Branch No. Lloyd 'Walper;
498 held its election of officers an Junior boys. Alex Hamilton,
Tuesday evening with president Wellwood Gill, Mrs. William
being elected for the year 1959,1:Sturdevant; girls, Mrs. Wilma
Mr. Howard Klumpp: vice-preshi Desjardine, Mrs.. Glenn Desjar-
dents, Clayton Mailers and ,Tohn met Airs. , , in er-
And District.News,
Phone 109 Worn
Girt Wins Four Shoppers
Traffic Accident
G MedalWin $10 Prizes.
Kills Tony Read
,„ 0
Lucan. friends were surprsed
to hear of the sudden death of Coralyn Donaldson, 12 -,year-old
Anthony (Tony) ; Read, 24, see- daughter of one of Lucan's staff
and son of the late Chas. Read
(formerly of Lucan) and Airs. won
teachers, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh,
Read. Middlesex County's public
school oratorical contest and will
Mr. Read was driving his ear go. on to compete for a five -
alone near the Parliament Build- county championship at Chatham
legs, T6ronto, when he hit a next February.
steel light standard which broke Coralyn won an elimination
off falling on his car. He was contest for Biddulph schools held
rushed to the General Hospital in Lucan Public School early in
near by but passed away., November. She competed with
Besides his mother h -e is sue- 15 other contestants in the finals
vived by his wife, two small
children, two years and three
months, also three brothers.
Legion Elects Officers
Th(e Lucan. branch of the Can-
adian Legion at a meeting in the
Legion Hall last Wednesday
elected Dwight Ball as president
for 1959
Vice - presidents a r e Ralph
Smith and J. W. Lockyer; secre-
tary, H. W. Hovey; treasurer,
Harold Butler; sergeant -at -arms,
Chas. SkollY; executive, Robert
Holland and Lou Staples,
Hamilton; treasurer, Borden ' Mrs. Willis Gill, Mrs. C. Anglican WA
Clarke; sergeant -at -arms, ewe Tavener; boys, Charles Reeves,
Orpha Club Sends Xmas Cheer I tard, Mrs. Elgin Webb, Rev. C.
Macdonald; secretary, Harry; media.te girls. Mrs. Wellwood •
las Gill; Bible class, Isaac Bes- Ie cts Slate
Murray Desjardine, Mrs. Doug- c e
The Orpha Club held its regu-• Tavener, Mrs. Ezra Webb; The Woman's Auxiliary of
lar meeting at the home of Mrs I Superintendent of temperance, Holy Trinity church which met
James Grigg when arrangements t Isaac Bestard; missionary, elm in the parish hall last Wednes-
: Douglas Gill; cradle roll,' Mrs. day afternoon had as guests
were made for the packing of the
Christmas box for Lambton Chile; Myrtle McGregor; CGIT, mes. members of the W.A. of St.
dren's Aid on Tuesday evening. Emerson Desjardine, Mrs, Wilma James Church, Clandeboye.
The next meeting will be held Desjardine, Mrs. Wally Becker;
at the home of Mrs. Wallace Des- senior pianists, Mrs. Charles
jardine on Tues•day. January 13,; Reeves Morley Desjardine;
The president, Mrs, T. C. Mc-
Farlane, presided with Airs. C,
W. Hawkshaw •at the piano. Host -
when the members are asked to; junior pianists, Mrs. Len Ravelle, asses included Mrs. James Hod -
bring in suggestions for a new a. Mrs. Douglas Gill, Judy Desjar- gins, Mrs. Harold Corbett and
project. Lunch was served by' dine, Catherine Love. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane.
Gay Gal$ • Annual reports showed a good
Mrs. W. F. B. MacLaren and;
Mrs. Clayton 'Slathers.
The 4-H Gay Gals held their.year. Mrs. F. W. Hovey's resume
of the e•ear's activities was well
at Mountsford School on Satur-
day, and captured the gold medal
which she ,received from Warden
John McAlpine, of Middlesex
wins oratorical medal
County. Coralyn spoke on "The
History of Spain!'
Library Annual Meeting Dale Hussey, 12, of Lucan, also
Desjardine, worded. The treasurer, Airs. :lack a contestant, won tined place in
third meeting of the season at
, the home of Mrs.' Ira
The Grand Bend Library Board ;
held its annual meeting on Thurs.' who served tlie girls withMurdy reported the Little Help- the eight boy competitors. His
day evening with Rev. A. E.1
luncheon, after which Mrs. Dona- er's collection amounted to $11.15. subject was "Amazing Trees."
Holley, chairman, presiding. The! aid Hendrick took charge of the Plans were made for the send- The contest is sponsored an -
annual finance report was read; business part of the meeting.Irisghuojincsr.ds and treats to sick nually by the Middlesex School
and approved. The circulation!' Mrs. Eddie Gill reveiwethe Trustees and the Ratepayers
c. every clay eating the January'
W. Hovey offered her Association, 'and is open to all
considerably during the past; _ it's in Mrs. F. public school pupils in Middlesex
was shown as having increased
----------- ' "Pattern f •
all a kernel of wheat," home for meeting
year. with Mrs. Bob Coleman, Ain. Count'. Each contestant: is ee-
It was decided to raise the?(mired to speak at least five =n-
and "A trip to town with Betty
Brown." Marjorie Desjardine Mitchell Haskett and Mrs. Wes
then demonstrated the baking of Atkinson as assistant hostesses.
rate for the tourist readers to a'
25 cents as at present, with $1.00 bran muffins. Mrs. Harold Corbett took over
minimum of 50 cents instead of ;
The fourth meethrg of the Gay for the election of officers, the
deposit to remain the same, as in
the past.
The Library Board members
were all returned to office with
-the addition of Mrs. Newton
Sharen's name being .added to
slate being presented by Mrs.
utas and not neore than seven
Judges were J. N. Given, in-
spector for the London. Board of
Gals was heldEducation, Alfred James and
Erwin Scott and accepted.
Mrs. Nola Taylor, with Airs.Miss Helen Duncanson, both Lon -
President is Mrs. T. C. Mc -Hendrick again taking the busi-don teachers.
Farlane• vice-presidents,Airs.
ness part of the meeting, and • ' s The MLAs and MPs donated.
Erwin Scott, Airs. Harold Cor- .
demonstrated how to make • prizes to the winning contestants.
. . bete and Miss Lina Abbott; sec- •
the board. porridge, • retary Airs. F. W. Hovev• trees -
It was decided to hold another demonstrated the making of rice • . , • .
urer, Mrs, Jame Murdy; Dorcas
meeting early in January in con- custard. secretary, Mrs. T. A, Hodgins;
election with appointing librarians Ladies' Legion Auxiliary study book, Mrs. Harold Hed-
ged the. salaries. On Monday evening, the Ladies' gins; living message, Mrs. Bob
Honor Bride and Groom -Elect Auxiliary to Grand Bend Legion Coleman; pianist, Mrs. C. W. .
On Friday evening, a number No. 498 assembled at Green Hawkshaw; social service sec- The night was spent in going Men's
The Club meeting sched-
of the members of St. John's- Forest Motor Court for their retary, Mrs, Roy Stanley; his- through church records and ,
u ed for Monday, Dec. 8 had to
by -the -Lake Anglican Church - and annual Christmas dinner, with torian, Mrs. Erwin Scott; press compiling a list of all the living 1
friends, met in the parish hall. almost a full. attendance. The reporter, Miss Lina Abbott, members who were married in be postponed.
for a family evening, tables were decorated by the The meeting was turned over Holy Trinity church. To a spe- United Church
A few games of cards were management for the occasion, to Mrs. Harold Hodgins. instead cial service invitations will be It was' White Gift Sunday at
held after which the rector, Rev, and dinner was served, the offi- of the usual review ef the study sent ,to these brides and grooms the United Church. Miss Muriel
of appreciation for the way in , head table, and opening a short 1 propriate White Gift story "Why date of the service to be de -
to attend and sit in a body, the
Howard Kew and BennyS I ' •
au mei
A. E. Bowker, spoke a few words cers of the auxiliary occupying a . book Mee. Hodgins read an ap- Caning,assisted by Messrs.
which AirD .'d St t I d business meeting after all had the Bells Chimed". cided later. decorated the church in Cheist-
Inas theme. The men built a
miniature creche around which
the gifts were placed.
Anniversary Committee Meeting
Members of the 50th anniver-
sary committee of Holy Trinity
Church met it the home of Mrs.
Harold Hodgins last Monday eve-
The first of the four Business
Men's draws was made last Sat-
urday afternoon, The lucky win-
ners of the $10 vouchers, good
for merchandise. were Mrs. 'Ron-
ald Sprague, Mr. John Dewar'
and Pat Egan.
Lucanites are happy they do
not have to be present to win
a draw this year for Saturday
was a very cold day to stand
Medway Graduates
Among those in the Lucan dis-
trict receiving graduation diplo-
mas at Medway were. Margaret
Culbert, Heather Stanley, Claire
Seeli and Shirley Railings.
Among those sitting at the
head table at the Masonic ban-
quet and dance at the Lucan
Community should have been
Air, and Mrs. Emerson Hodgins
not Mr. and Mrs. Emerson tan -
Merchaiit 3.5 Years,.
H. B. Langford Retires
After 33 years in the lumber a great sport fan. playing first
business, Mr. H. S. Langford,' base himself, on the old Irish
prominent Lucan businessman, Nine team.
has retired. For 2C1 years he sponsored and
Messis, James Eadie, William bought, sweaters for the Irish
Willcocks and Gerald Nurse, of -Six hockey team who won the
1131eyrreln; undertookulenpossessionauieot I?.,eLcaetrni 10n.e1idta,te,atnedatetheoblaVvtAsioIsnter-
f.potireds LLutmd.ber and Builders' Sup- spininesusrveads also one obneettdoL•gthosee
f the
Mr. Langford has led a busy, Lucan Community Memorial
eventful, Active life. After leav- Centre and has been keenly in -
lug school, he entered the Mer- terested in the project ever
leshtaedrit"ienBthaenknirtlii•el‘. uwandeierseexheBeant.-
talion. He served in France in UC Association
the 54th Battalion where he was
decorated with military medal.
In 1923 he bought the lumber' Names Officers
business frOm Mr. George Baw- At a meeting in the United
In 1.925 he was elected to the Church basement last Wednes-
village council by acclamation. day afternoon, W.A. officers were
In 1930 he was elected reeve, elected.'
again by acclamation, a pOsi- Honorary president is Mrs.
(ion be held for five yea'rs, when Edgar Roulston; .president, Airs.
he was elected warden of Mid- Murray Hodges; vice-presidents,
(fleece. Mrs. if. B. Langford and Mrs.
In 1942 he enlisted in the- Can- A. E. Reilly; secretary, Airs.
adian Active Force and was sta- Ilarold Whyte; assistant, Mrs.
Honed at Camp IpPerwash, There Ivan Hearn; treasurer, Mrs. Jack
he worked for three years on Lankin; group leaders, Mrs, II.
staff training while Mr. Irving
Gibson was in charge of his lunt-
ber business here.
During his military career lie
was recipient of eight war
Mr. Langford has always been
Legion Auxiliary'
Chooses Officers
EACIlange Vowq
In Arva :Church,
The United Church,;Arvari
the setting on Friday, Nov. .23.
for the wedding of Hilda Alare
jorie Ferguson' and Gordon. Eli
Hadgins, with the. • Rev. W. F.
Stine, the pastor, officiating.
The bride is the•daughter of
Mr. and Airs. Leroy Ferguson
of Melrose and the groom is' the
son of Air. Arnold Hodgins of
Parkhill and the late Mrs. Hod-
The. bride chose a ballerina
length. gown of blue taffeta ac -
rented with white accessories
and a corsage of white cern.
Miss Leila Ashton who attend-
ed the bride - wore a red velvet
The groomsman was Mi. Sill
The young couple will Make
their home in London.
To Attend Tea
A good crowd braved the eles
meets and were present for the
-Anglican bazaar and tea on Sat -
13. Langford,. Mrs. Charles urday afternoon. The spacious
Sovereign, Mrs. Sheridan Reving- basement was decorated with
Ion, Airs. Edgar Means., Mrs. lighted Christmas decorations
John Park, Mrs.. Erie Young, and a tree, The president, Airs.
Mrs. Dave Park, and Mrs, Eldon Kay Egan, received the guests
Young. at the door. • •
- Secretaries: literature, ; Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Haskell; as tea -
George Paul; parsonage, Ales, room convener, was assisted by
Ira Carling; maintenance, Airs. Mrs. Charles Corbett, Mrs. Rea,
H, 13, Langford; flower, Mrs. coe Hodgins, Mrs. Jack Elson,
Edgar McFalls; life membership, Airs. Jack Murdy and Mrs. Nor -
Miss Doris Weir; Christian edu- man Herds'.
cation, Mrs. C. H. George; Mrs: Harvey Hodgins was
At a meeting in the Legion pianist, Miss Beta Chown; askitchen convener, and was assist -
Hall last Tuesday Airs. Roy H. (ant, Airs. H. B. Langford.
the Ladies Auxilary to the Can- The Christmas worship service Charles Haggai.; Mrs. Wilson
ed by Mrs. George Hodgins, Mrs.
adian Legion, Lucan Branch No. was in charge of the executive, Hodgins, Mrs. le- Barnes, Mrs,
540> headed by Mrs. George Paul, Guy Ryan, Air: 'Allan Ryan, and
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The Lucan church is one ofand, assisted by Mrs. Alex Young, Mrs. Erwin. Scott. .
Other - past
the Pentecostal churches which • - officers included: Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Mrs.
president Mrs DwieM. Ball. — • '
. . . In charge of 'fancy work was
a, viee-presidents, Mrs. Ralph -Ruin-
revival William Cophiane. Acting presi-
are sponsoring the Oral Roberts
revival oneetings in his "MI- mall, and Mrs. Arthur Bell; ote dent, Airs. Murray Hodgins, pre- liam, Brownlee,lirs. Oscar Hodg-
lion Mrs. Lloyd sided. Annual reports all showed •
being held at the Hamilton For , Mason, Airs. Rovden .,Herbert, a successful year. ins, and Airs. H. S. Stanley;
Evening Auxiliary, Mrs. Jack
Souls for Christ" crusade ecutive • committee,
urn Dec. 9 to 14. I Mrs. Thomas Weller and Mrs. Ten dollars was voted to the Hardy and Miss Jane Steacy;
Rev, Oral Roberts is an even- H, T. Bond; sergeant -at -arms, new 'United. Church house chapel home baking, Airs. F. W. Hovey,.
gelist minister of Tulsa, Okla- Mrs, Pat Crudge. in Toronto, The flower commit- Airs. Charles Haggai., and Airs.
homa. All meetings in the church
here are being cancelled to per-
mit Lucan members to attend.
Airs. Harold Hodgins, Mrs,
The doll shower brought in- a
splendid wardrobe for the prize
doll to be drawn at the Legion
tee voted $5 to the Children's Harold Coursey; choir Christmas
War Memorial Hospital, London, cards, Mrs. Jack Steacy; touch
and $25 was voted to Five Oaks and take fish pond, Mrs. H. T.
Bond and Airs. -James Hodgins;
count ry store, Mrs. Herman
Prest and. Air. Jack Steacy,
Lina Abbott;
Airs, Howard Currie led - in a Christmas party in the Com- Camp, near Pens.
discussion on Stewardship at the munity Centre, Dec. 20. The A Christmas welfare commit -
Young Peoples' meeting last doll and wardrobe are now on tee was named to include Airs.
Friday evening. Misses Margaret display in one •of the windows Edgar Roulston, Mrs. Murray
Eizenga and Lorraine Graham of Shamrock Gardeps. Hedgins and Mrs. Irving Gibson.
of Mrs. Meine Eizenga last Tues- ;.--eilfarerilgrgrittrerree#'''e6;1-?'
sang a duet.
The Woman' s Associa Lion held 1infillIfiVilfit.r1C.CO.ftC.0011-W.CriiIRCCROW.#
a sewing meeting at the home •
The Sunday School staff mem-
bers are. busy preparing the an-
nual Christmas concert which
will be held in the church Fri-
day evening, Dec. 12.
Anglican Church
Neither cold weather nor snow
kept the young people home last
Sunday morning for there were
16 in the junior 'choir, seven in
the Servers' Guild and 30 in 'the
junior congregation.
Both choirs are practicing for
a C.C.O. service in Metropolitan
Church, London next Sunday
evening. The junior choir prac-
ticed in Holy Trinity Church
here but the seniors went to
Metropolitan last night.
been such a help to the church, participated almost beyondcapacity.
end especially to their choir,
end had been organist since their An election was held for the
new organ had been installed, office of treasurer, and Comrade
Mr. Fred Walker also spoke a
few words of appreciation to Mr.
Stanton, after which Mr. William
needle presented Mr. Stanton
and his bride-to-be with an en -
Dorothy Desjardine was appoint-
ed by acclamation, Comrade
Gladys Duggan was elected by
acclamation to the office of ser-
geant -at -arms, and Comrade Ida
graved silver tray on behalf of Turnbull to flower and card
seeretary. .The executive corn -
congregation, Mr. Stanton
responded with a few words of mittee appointed were Comrades
thanks; Audrey Hutchison, Ethel Baker,
. White gift Sunday will be held Thelma Waldron and Rose Lague.
next Sunday morning in the
United Church School, in the
form of a donation of money in
:white envelope.
Church of God W.M,S,
The Woman's Missionary So-
eiety of the Church of Clod held
Its annual Christmas meeting on assembled in the reception room
Wednesday evening in the for an evening's enjoyment in
church, with a Christmas pro-
The guest speaker was Mrs,
Vance Shreckengast, of
While lunch was being pre-
pared the White Gifts from both Personal Items
churches were packed ready to
be sent to Foleyet.
Evening Auxiliary
Picks Executive.
The Evening Auviliary of Holy
Trinity Church held its Decem-
ber meeting at the home of Mrs.
Mr> and Mrs. Sheridan Rev-
ington and. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Revington last Monday evening
attended the banquet at Beal
Tech, London, given in honor
of the recently appgintede moder-
ator of the United Church of
Canada, the Rev. Angus J. Mac-
On December 1 Mr. Mark
Clarence Haskett with Mrs. Ar. his
of Granton celebrated
nold Lewis, Cecil ; 900 birthday at the home of
An entertainment committee Mrs. „ and
Airs. Calvin Haskett as assistant
\ 'his daughter, Mrs. Warren Greg -
was elected for the months of hostesses. ory. There are two other non-
of Comrades Dorothy Jenni- Rev, J. P. Prost presided for agenarians in 'the village, Mr.
January and February, consist -
son, Lennea Statton, Audrey the election of officers. President g
Gem e Fewster a former CNR
Hut chison, Vilda ' Clark with is Mrs. Charles Corbett; vice- employee, 92, and George Jamie-
son, 90.
Delight Rath as convener. ' president, Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins; Mrs. Cecil Armitage who un -
secretary, Mrs. Arnold Lewis; •
After the dinner, the laches treasurer,. Mrs,' Cecil Lewis; derwent an operation in St, Jo -
Dorcas secretary, Airs, Merton seph's Hospital is able to be
Culbert; educational secretary,
Mrs. Jack Eisen. Mrs, Bond's group of the Ladies'
After the election, candy was Guild catered to the Lions Club
dinner in the Anglican church
boxed for the, bazaar. Nancy
..- and guest soloist, Mrs. Norman Haskett played two. piano num- basement last Monday evening.
Mrs. Garfield Needham of Bat-
Turnbull. Messrs. Robert, and . Personal Items - Mrs. Calvin Haskett offered her lyrnote who had been visiting
euchre. The prize winners were:
ladies high, Comrade Lennea
Station; lone hands,•Comrade
Audrey Hutchison, and booby
prize, Comrade Thelma Waldron.
Mee Desjardine rendered two
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins for
duets. Mrs. Lulu Macgregor and Mrs. Mae HOU spent a few home for the ;January meeting,
a week returned home on Sun -
Mrs. Clifford Sheritt read Christ- clays in Sarnia with Mr. and Airs. Personal
Items day. Other guests included Mrs.
leas poems in fitting with the lack Riddocli and family, and re-
turned home on Sunday when Mr. Russell Radcliffe who has Arthur Abbott and Muriel of
Mr. and Aire. Riddoch visited he'" "lung in Calgary is home Saintsbury on Thursday,
Bernier Teachers Hollered with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence for Christmas and 15 helPha out Mr, and Mrs, Maurice McDon-
th dru ald and Airs, William Dickies
At the annual Sunday School,
meeting of the United Church,
Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Burr, former teachers in the
church echo] were presented
with a purchase voucher for
Biblical books,
Mr. Burr has recently been re.
ceived as a candidate for the
ministry of the :United Church
ltnd. is at present serving the
Bright charge as a lay .preacher.
Julian Burr received an Oxford
Bible from the Sunday School,
the presentation being made by
* school mate, Larry Luther.
Teachers and officers for 1050
were elected. Senior superinten.
dent is Don Hendrick with ASSiS-
tants, Roy Moreilz, Ed Gill and
Charles Reeves; junior superin-
itendents Mrs. W, H, Love, Mrs.
Garnet 'Patterson, Mrs. Allen
Miller. Mrs. Lawrence Mason:
isecretary.treasuret, Mr. Garnet
atterson; Sunday secretaries,
aymond Latta. Ivan Luther,
Mite Latta, Kenneth
elluditore. Murray Desjardine and
Mania Webb:
Teachers for nursery class,
31ts., Robert. -Tennison, Airs. at
feoed, Mrs. trwiti Bestard. Mrs.
Mervyn Webb; beginners, Mrs.
Doti Heridtiek, Mrs, Coen: Des -
Walt, Mrs. ten Davelle. Mrs,
Wilford Luther and Mrs. Neale;
'primary. boys, Mrs, ttoss Desjar-
ditto Miss tleanor Taylor, MlaS
Carol GM, Mrs. Alex I-lamiltom
Mrs. t tY,Orer.on, Miss Judy
Desjardinc.; gVis, Mrs. -George t
Luta, Mrs, Wrint, !11.rs,
Johnson and family, •
The Christmas meeting of th
Women's Institute will he held i
'the town hall on Thursday after
noon, Dec, 18, at 2 p.m. Thi
meeting will be under the direc-
tion of the branch directors,
The members are asked to note
the change time And. date. •
The T.W.S. group of the United
Church are holding' their annual
Christmas meeting on Friday
evening at 8,30 p.m., when. all
ladies of the congregation. Atone
with the members of. St. John's -
by -the -Lake Women's Guild and
Auxiliary will be guests.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wine-
garden-, of Hamilton, spent the
weekend with Mrs. Winegarden's
parents and sisters, Mr. end Mrs.
'Thomas DeSjardine, Darlene end -
Air. and Mrs. Everett Desjardiee
Mr. and Mrs. rrank of
Goderiefi, visited with Me, and
Mrs, Thomas SAW ort Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. , Lloyd taker
span Sunday visiting with rela-
tives in ,Stratheny.
Mr. Dennis titian, of
and Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth
• of London, visited with Mr. and
rl'.6'.'Fittati and Mr. and
Mit, Roy Plear over the week.
end. •
Mts. 'Thomas spent a
few days last week with With her
AN and daughter.litaw. Mr. and.
Mrs. Baird, London.
Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and
daughter, Neva, •spent, Monday in'
ate g store.
Mrs. J. C. Davey of Wcied- spent last Sunday in Shedden,
stock was a, Sunday guest with the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
her sister, Mrs. Mitchell Has- Caldwell.
kett and Air, Haskett. The Coursey School pupils ere
MWatson who fell holding their Christmas concert
head -long down the stairs at her Thursday, December 18 at 8.30.
home injured her back but es- Rev. and Mrs. Fred Thomson
caped any broken bones and is and family,last Saturday at
able to get around her home. tended .the entecostal Quarterly
Mn, and Airs, Roy Stanley and Conference, held in the Phnte-
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Haskell costal Holiness Church, Chat -
attended the banquet and dance ham, where Mi. Thomson was
at the "Country Squire", St. the guest speaker.
Thomas last Saturday evening, Lucan steres and Main Street
which was sponsored by the Has- tire beginning to put on a fes.
kett Motors. tive look. The large tree on Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Downs eche Ornie's lawn with a Santa at
brated Christmas early with the the bottom and, top, is
following London guests, Mr. and now ablaze with colored lights.
Mrs. James Dowtis, Robert, Toni Mrs. 3. A. Graham is staying
and Janie Downs. Mr. and Mrs. with her daughter in Toronto,
William Taylor and Donna Jean, who recently underwent an op -
Mrs, Herbert Jeffery and Gary, cretin,
Me, and *Mee. Wilfred Befitting- Nancy and Billie jraeketA
ton and Paul, also Ale, and Mrs. mall children ot Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill EdwArds. Clarence. Haskett, were weekend
Principal Wesley Clow, of the guests of their aunt, Mks Angela
Liman Public Sabot, reports that Arniltt of London and took in
the gaff Wae incased with the the Santa Claus parade.
number of parents wine visited Sunday guests with Mrs, Ira
the school last Monday evening. Carling ineludcd Mn, and Mrs.
Throughout the.
dangerous period
traffie accidents
itt 'those Who
Highway Traffic
year, the Meet
of the, day for
Is just after
value lite, the
ActIs required
Elmer Walpole, Terry, Sherry
and Avis Walpole. and Miss betty
Chapman All of Xineardirte, also
John Wilson And daughter Mary
Margaret of London,
Chief Petty Offiter James It.
Whyte. son ofMe. and Mrs.
Harold Whyte of Lucan, is now
in Malta And t000rts seeing
Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii and
the isle of Ceert
The children, including the
junior choir who led in the music,
met in the basement and, in a
processional, presented their
Mr. Cliff Culbert, Church
School superintendent was in
charge of the service. Judy
Thomson and Kirk Montgomery
read the lesson. 'Tice Rev, Edgar
Roulston told a Christmas story.
A,Y.P.A. Meeting
The Lucan - Clandeboye
P.A. met in the church basement
last Sunday evening with the
president Marilyn Brownlee in
the chair.
Rev. J. P. Prest led in the de-
votions, which was followed by
a short business session.
A nominating committee to
bring a slate of officers at the
next meeting Dee. 2.1 was named,
consisting of Loreen Hodgins,
Tom Tomes and Miss Lina Ab-
bott (advisor) who remained
after the meeting and completed
most of the slate,
The main- feature of the meet-
ing was the showing of two
films by Mr, Don Middleton of
the Federation of Agriculture.
The second film "The Secret of
the Gift" was particularly ap-
pealing to all who were present.
Mr. Middleton then outlined the
plan by which the projector and
films could be secured for any
Church activitiy. Mr. Prest, who
had previous experience with
similar projects, advited the
A.Y.PSA, to accept the plan.
Frank Egan's group will be in
charge of the next Meeting.
Personal Items
C, G. I. T.
The, regular meeting Of the
C.G.T.T, was held iii the Urlited
Church basement last Monday
evening with 10 present. The
meeting began wth craft, the
making of corsages. The girls
were eta given a budget balefic.
lug board in which to' deposit
their dimes, And alea hand-
it was decided to spend two
dollars for Christmas seals.
Mrs. 'Chas. Sovereign was in
charge of be worship service
with ,Tudy Thomson and nose
Anne Mesuriejehe assisting,
The annual eatidle-light service
Will be held in the thuh Sun-
day evening, December 21.
Lucky Coupons
The' garment that will not
• - ride up
.* Formerly $11,50.
• INFANTS' RECEIVING BLANKETS,, satin bound, boxed $2.98
• BOYS' & GIRLS' SWEATERS; 4 to 6x $2.98 and $3.90
• WOMEN'S BLOUSES, fussy and tailored styles $1,98 and $2,98
• TOTS' T-SHIRTS, long sleeves, sizes 2 to 6x 980 and $1..19
GIFT 'nes
• New narrow shape
• In plastic gift box
• Regular fused collar
and cuffs
2.98 6g, 3.98
* Doeskin and Cotton,
3.49 61, 3,98
• MEN'S WARM FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, sanforized, $3,98 and $4.50
• MEN'S CUFF LINKS & TIE CLIP SETS, boxed special $1.00
• MEN'S WOOL AND ORLON SWEATERS, fancy knit $7,98
• BOYS' WARM FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, sanforized ......, ......... .$2.98
• BOYS' TIE AND HANDKERCHIEF SETS, boxed .... . ....... ........ 980
• BOYS' SUBURBAN COATS, warmly lined, 8 to 16 years ....... $9.98
111 Serviceable plastics in
calf and patent
• Black and colors
Gift Nylons
• All fleet quality
• 45.30
• 51-15
• 60-15
• 400 needle
sea ni free
• • sees ;
/ .00
111 PAM
• BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 in box, fancy corners 690 and 890
• LACE TABLE CLOTHS, 2 -tone and painted , ,$7,90 anti $9.98
• TEXMADE PILLOWCASE SET$, fancy borders, boxed ...p.98
• TOWEL SETS, boxed and fin Wattle plehterboxes .....$169 tel $5.39,
et CANNON outs, double bed size, first qualify $2.49 Ee'.
Lucan Dry Goods
If your dog has a BUN' of 20
plIPS, that's news. Phone The LUCAN, ONT, ptioNe
L1(17igvl?veiVtel stiottritilitlitd°11711e: Pieta ifftelfaiteitesteilli ari it* A.,?;it.* AA A8 As it* A* it* BO id* ir18 ,f4 Al' it.1e A)
seal happens in your area.