HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-11, Page 5Zet fI it . �� 1, ;A'.l'�t",1�nr','R�r-%%A�,'` ',• :g:• ;> ;, ;tt 'tMg•I ;.l :rl • Santa Says; (Guard Against Fire In Your Christl!!as Tree Don't let fire spoil your holidays--- take these pre, . cautions with your Christmas tree: Set up the tree away from radiators, beaters or fireplaces , , . stand I it in water —use only fireproof decorations place gifts away from lights , .. don't leave lights burning When no one is home . , . check lights for fraying etc. , , , when needles start falling, discard' tree, Play safe and have a happy holiday, d s tro "The Insurance Man" PHONE . EXETER y24 . , r Make rZu.ricti,Pla-ns Contest BtZ..r ELAaET. .F.LtILA`V For YuDecoratioris Air. and Mrs, Harry West- brook. of Goderieh, spent Sun- day ivitlt Mr. G. Bohn. Mr. end ,Airs. Alenno Martin. visited with Air. and Mrs..Jo.ut Zandiyk on Sunday. Sunday 'visitors with Air. and Mrs. Peter Ginge.ricil were Air. and Airs. ;Kenneth .Gingerich and family, and Air. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and friends from. 1' itchener. Airs- Alary Alanson visited with Alr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb and family on Monday.. Air. Archie Mustard, London, spent the weekend with Itis wife and famUy,. Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch, Varna, visited with Mrs. Rudy Oesch on Sunday.. I Zurich .chamber of Commerce .and the police trustee board .are jointly :sponsoring. Christmas clecorntiou contest among homes ' and stores. Trustees agreed Monday night to inake a grant of $25 to match the Chamber's contribution for a total of Sao in.`"prizes. 1n an effort to e courage -the Christmas Topic For EUB Ladies. I Christmas was the theme of the meeting on Thursday of the Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S, of Em.- manuel EvangrIical 1'-B. Church, Mrs. Norman Gesello was in the chair and was assisted in the devotional by Airs. Clara Jacobe and Mrs. George Bullock. Mrs. loss Jacobe sang a Christ- mas carol accompanied by Airs. Pearl Alelick. The topic "Conte to Bethle- hem" was presented by Mrs, Laird Jacobe and Mrs. Gideon Koehler. "Just as the camel bore the wise men .to Bethlehem, so must Christians try to win souls for God's Kingdom." Alrs, Milton Desch sang "0 Little 'Town of Bethlehem" with Mrs, Ross Johnston taking the part of Mary. Mrs. Delbert Geiger and Miss Norma Geiger sang "11 Came 1-ipon the Mid- night Clear" while Misses Mar- garet and Ruth. Geiger acted out the pantomime. The president. Mrs. Delbert Geiger, took charge of the busi- ness session, It was decided to pack and send Christmas boxes to the. shut-ins. ;firs. Milton. Mc- Adams was named the director of Youth Work. The committee in charge of the program were Mrs, Laird Jacobe, M r s. Gideon Koeh- ler, Mrs, Norman Gescho, Mrs, Clara .Jacobe, Mrs, George Bul- lock and Mrs.. Ross Johnston. E.Y.F. Christmas Meeting The E,Y.F, Emmanuel E.U.B. Church held its meeting last Tuesday with Dennis Amacher as chairman. -Miss Norma. Geig- er acted • as pianist. Gerald Merrier read a poem and Rev. A. M. Amacher led in prayer. Miss Mary Grainger led in the responsive Scripture reading, Dennis A.machei' gave the topic, "When the chimes rang".! :Miss Elisabeth Finlay took charge of the business session.' A Bible drill was conducted by MAKE REAL .HEADWAY You can make headway by saving money at the 13 of A'l, says local manage i' Charlie Smith, Read this advice from 'kIomer. La Salle, one of the world's great nien: "To safe- guard your future, secure inde- pendence and Make real head-' way in the world, save money! !iced this, for it is the truth; and in this truth and the way you use it Iles the success or failure of your life," Zurich Subscribers may renew their subscrip- tions to The Tinges -Advocate. tvitli Mr. Chester Smith at the ZURICH PRINT SHOP See And Drive The 1959 Chevrolet Recent Trade-inis On The All New 1959 Chev '57 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, custom radio, turn signals, heater, 17,000 miles. '54 :Plymouth 4 door sedan, full chrome discs, heater, 29,000 miles. • '55 Chevrolet De11.uie 2 door sedan, custom radio, two-tone, windshield washers. See this one, '53 Dodge Deluxe 4 door sedan, heater, turn ignals, SPECIAL — ALL 1956 MODEL ACCESSORIES ON SALE . AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES Get Our Price Before You Buy knell PHONE 100 r s. Ltd. Chev & Olds EXETER tate pastor. Plan Courses For Farmers Winter short courses will again be offered to Ontario farmers • this year at the Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, from De- cember 29 to January 2. ' Coarses will be offered in agri- cultural mechanics (farm shop, farm buildings and farm. niachin- ery), livestock (feeds and feed• ing), soils and land use, milk production, and marketing and co-operation, The cost of room and board for the week. will be ten dollars, and since residence accommoda- tion is limited to 425, application should be made as early as possible. Application forms, and complete details are obtainable from the county agricultural rep- resentative. No application can be accepted after December 15. Whalen Pair Celebrate Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, R.R. 1 Granton, held open house at their home last Tuesday af- ternoon and evening. Tea was poured from a table covered with a lace cloth cen- tred with yellow mums and four golden candles by Mrs, Marion Moeller, Detroit and Mrs. Har- vey Squire, Kirkton in the after- noon. .Airs. Bill Morley, Miss Carolyn Morley and Mrs. How- ard Morley, Hazel Park, Mich, served, in the evening Airs. Arnold Vern, Woodham, and Mrs. How- ard Morley poured tea and Airs. James Anderson, Mrs. Jaques and Mrs, Bill Morley served. lane French, the eouple's eld- est granddaughter, w a s in charge of the guest book. At the noon hour Mr. and Mrs. Morley were Hosts for a turkey banquet for 46 guests at Whalen united church. Speeches were made by Rev. J. T. Clarke, Mr. William Sherwill. •-- Please Turn To Page 1) use of electric water heaters, the trustees agreed to.co-oper• .ate with .Ontario hydro to offer a flat rate system as .of Decent. ber 1. The former rate of 5(44 a month wilt be discontinued. No parking will be allowed nn No. 8t highway and the county nal from 2 to 7 a.m, during the winter to permit snow plow- ing. :Friday, Deeember 26, was 'de- clared Boxing Day and a public holiday. Arrangements were made for a .rabies clinic In the township hall on Wednesday, December 17, from 2 to 5 p.m. A dog control by-law is being considered. The Story In Zion' By MRS. JUD DYKEMF'N r Hear Clyistmas Message Zion West W.M,S, and W.A. field their Christmas muting at Mrs. Ken H.ern's home on Wed- nesday last afternoon, Mrs. An- gus Earl and Mrs. Harold Kern had charge of .the program which included readings by Mrs. Ken Hern, Mrs. Ward Flern, Mrs, Angus Earl and Mrs. Gerald Bern, Mfrs. J. Wareham gave the Christmas message "Gift of the Magi." Mrs. Tom }tern favoured with a vocal solo, Sunshine Mission Band Zion Mission Band held their• December meeting in the Sun- day School rooms ,in at 4 p.m. Yvonne Jaques and Vernon Hem took charge of the pro- gram, Elsie Miler gave a piano in- strumental, Shirley Bern and Barbara Bern gave readings,. The study book was taken. by Airs. Clifton ,Jaques and. Mrs, Tom 1•Iern conducted the wor- ship service. Christmas favors were made. Personal Items Combined S.S. and church ser- vices will be held next Sunday at 12 o'clock at Zion West and will be a White Gift service. Mr. and. Alrs, Clifton Jaques and children were Friday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Airs, Emerson Penhale, \Vinchelsea, Saturday visitors with Mr. and Airs, Jud Dykenian were: Misses Jane and Ruth Ann Dykenian, Wnghan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy • Dykenian and Ronald, London, Mr. and Airs. Paul Dykemar, and children, Crediton, and Mr, Gerald Dearing, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle and. children, Strathroy, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Toni Brock. Mr, Ross Bern visited Sunday with firs. L. Kyle, Exeter. Air. and Mrs. Edwin 1iiller and. family, Thames Rd. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Brock. A number of Zion West W.ALS, ladies were entertained by Elim- yille W.M.S. last Friday after- noon. Miss Doris Brock returned home from St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, where she had an appendix operation. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Michael and Steven, Exeter, were Sunday vistors with A'1r, and Mrs. ,iu.d Dykem.an. A numberfrons the commu- nity attended the golden wed - cling anniversary last week of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley Sr. of Whalen. Topica From WCOOdilaril By MRS.ARTHUR RUNDLE • Air. and Mrs, Noi.itian ffazel- wood attended the Hudson ISay Fur auction in Montreal over Tll• Times•Adv•cat.. pocember 11. 1' 0 .Pats l=ire 1:). ire Hus aa peon f:rf . Do Thursday morning .aroundi The colony house was bured three o'clock., Mr. •Lawrence to the ;ground and the 4riveslu'd a Copeland was wakened by his had caught fire. A :number olf neighbour,. Air. Fred Donee, to l neighbors gathered and .the fild'i telt hint his colony !rouse was was put out. tt • i. it . 4ij lip. yj•4d t? 4� Qi= i. ti i• 4 4 4 1. '1% 4. 4 he �veekena. A number from Woodham at- ' tended the •Christmas concert in Salem School Monday evening. f Miss Grace Doupe is the teacher. i Mr. and Mrs. Don Rixon, Mary Jane and Robert, .of London. were Sunday visitors with Misses Blanch and Rhea Mills. Alr. and .Airs. Archie Chatten, of London called on his mother, .Mrs. ;ll, Chatten, and >i'rank on Sunday afternoon. Air. and Mrs. Jack Stevens and Donald of Elderton were Sunday visitors with Air. and Mrs. J. Tipping. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ross in London. Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Dianne and Douglas were Sun- day evening guests with. Dr, and Mrs, R. Roelofson, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. John Tipping land family visited on Sunday evening with Air, and Mrs. llarv.ey Dunnell of Eighth Line EVERYONE i.OVES JEWELLERY GIFTS • BULOVA WATCHES • GRUEN WATCHES • BLUEBIRD DIAMQNDS • ELECTRIC RAZORS • COSTUME JEWELRY See Qu.r Big Selection! 5. B. Taylor, Jeweller MAiN STREET EXETER A Good Place To Do Your Christmas ShoNping. MacMillan's For Gifts That Say "Merry Christmas" FOR HiM FOR HER BLOUSES Showy White or Bold Print Sixes 12 - 44 52.98 to 56.95 in Drip Dry Fabrics So Easy To Care For! BRIEF CASES (Of Finest Quality Leather) Several Styles To Choose From 54.95 to $9,95 GOLO IMPRINT INITIALS FREE OF CHARGE EVENING BAGS Beaded Satin White or Velvet $3,95 to $7,95 Sequin Trimmed In Glittering Gold $7.95 Petite Point In Several Styles $4.95 to $7.95 Make This A SCHEAFFER'S CHRISTMAS Pens for Father, Mother Sister or Brother 52.95 to 520.00 DYLAN SWEATERS wool and Full Fashion:_ Knit Short -Sleeve Pullover ................ $6,95 Long Sleeve Pullover 47.95 Cardigan $$.95 For The Family WORLD GLOBES 58,95 to $27.95 Keep Up With Current Events Shop And Save at MacMILLANS PHONE 37 EXETER CIRRAfRyCCCOMfWRygigi lCCres1EMgAg A. faithful friend,... bringing you daily comfort and convenience . e yo ur telephone ! "Fred can make it for dinner, dear!" It is natural to take for granted its .little everyday uses. Yet—perhaps it is in these many little ways that we are most often re- minded ofthe wonderful valtte of that friendly "member -of -the -family"— the telephone. d L V /iJ/e �OL i L • J � L�i*t�� •c c4's 4 L c/4 •! •, •i • ' 'r �' , s e44144414444L 44414144y�4./44144 xa4liL d L4 44�44 f�L •4iLiAd4efe i • �iied SO4/ L31L i`41�4LL i s !Abr*Z0,41//� With Pyrex Glass Lid FR F A '24.95 Value! ANS g Savings On Other GE and Sunbeam Gift AppIances! Noma Christmas Decorations Light*, Saiitet, Belts, Carollers Ott, ,, $ T 1' t 1 �9 w ti ' GP , 1��,,,pptt'"1 :'1 'Z `1 �iti,�,.rF,�} ,�%�, "l�.r`,'1�.rh"Lt• ti�.��i•,{.t��-�t t�i�t�tlFi�r�t�i 7/%iJ�if�'f�tT�il�'f]da'tif4ifAi atiii.Lilts.'. 1ilf�itl FOR THE BEST DEAN. AROUND SEE E.LGR.cVE'S' iHONE 18 EXETER -► a •► � t� .M.- s, s, C t O M PA0 0 PO I # > i1fPA � Cfili Oil ni � -01 i l 0 ' , CCOU � t l itOgf inf 010 :* S, it Z i", ~ i t tl tt ti ii i1 lit w r w �r w w w w w w w •, w, w w •, w it h i1 1 tt it it 1 � 1 {� •i t i tr i it i Sr i4 h yi fi it t'r h t. i�l it h , t t`r $ 1� t.' i� h . l� t� tt f � h a li Y t1 ��. i, jt Your RCA Victor Frigidaire' Dealer SQUARE SHAT"I" COOKS 20% MORI than Round Pa. WATEtt* 11Attfl 1i,IM$IMT You can immerse the enaction in water tight Yip to the edntrot panel tat easy washing, CONTROIEtD HEAT S ze FRVP1 PJ i Correct temperatures for food Are shown on the )BX•GUlbli in the handle. Set. the dial, -yon get per. feet CONTROLLED 14RA.T fit baton, eggs, pancakes, att. Newt square shape, R�.