HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-04, Page 19Qrand :Bend •Leg 13raneb, No, 498. EVERY Saturday 'Night. • * Cash * Prizes * Jackpots * Specials Cone °be, Come All ADMISSION. " " • CKNX Broadcast apd Barn Dance • Sat • Dec, 6 HENS414. CdMMUNITY • • KREN. , • Adults 750 Children 500 Sponsored by the HenSall Kinette Club Arena Activities FRIDAY, DEC. 5 4 '0045 $00—Ska WV 0 (30-7130--;11 Ide* 8:20-1111tehell vs, .illottawks SATURDAY, DEC. 6 , 8:00412 i00—Minor lloekeS 1 0042 a00—Publie Skating (Yo Charge ) SpOwacired by Esc ter „ • • • flustribianten'm ;taxer, 13fl-5130—F1gure Skri 0941:00—flon lama *aOO.1OOO—Z'tihIIc Sihn ling SUNDAY, DEC. 7 ' 12 s00-2:00=-411thavii4), 2 :00-5 110-0 pen • Ver. Booking 0 0110-8100—rigarre Skating ;00-11100--C url log ' !MONDA'Y fa. T.H4R$DAY. ,c.xsOaKen?„,, • ii ttttt tttttt II ttttt lllllllll 111111 llllll .Zurich:HNS Presents .GRAND 't. • TURKEY RAFFLE „ „irrr , , I , „ The. TimOPAdvocetet Pecitnber 4 10.50 1110 lll • - , tiiWit411.41114g4N141,1411.141,144, 4114144141*AMIt1101411414141.!frill14311411.11144411b01444044444041414111414444414014411011$ v.aWW, "Lr•WW11...3!"14.WWWW,•,4w1,4rs.a-As7wqrwe,p 1„pl4we,,w.r+s.w wqfp‘.. BIRTHS, PATh— flAW'jr—r. and Mrs. piddettly at his late , James 'Eamtenhelmer (nee Dose on els )) int , baa, ate, banni to November 29, 151g, JopIa Se' I • n. Poster. In his eightieth year. announeet the bIrth of a. son, November 30. In Sarnla Gellerai Survived hy one son, William. J. Hospital• Watson: ono brother, Nicholas. DECE/lit. -.••Mr. and Mrs. Itill of Seafortlt; Sister 5Iary Erica, mr" 'Wisconsin; and tour granci- 'Becker (nee Fa )iner), Grand children. Posting at the West - Demi. announce the birth. of a lake Funeral. Home in Zurich. daughter. battrie Ann. at South until 51.andaY, December 1, 'when „. Iittron Hospital, November 20. Requiem High Mass will be sung DOBBS (ore and Lee Dobbs are pleased to announce the at rn., in SI. tioniface 110- .y. r.„, birth of a son, Michael ral yii, Mali rat 1101 IC Church, Zurich. 4,04, at St. Jriseph's Hospital. Maven'. Interment will be made 1t1 the ....lip adjoining cemetery. tier 23—a brother for Bobby and 4" ,vak Johnny. HODOINS — 51r. and l'stra. .CARDS OF THANKS, HOC) gin 313 Andrew St.,. 19se Wish to thank ail those who eter, announce the gift of a so kindly remembered 1110 With edaitgitr, at South Huron Hos. cards. treats and visits while a Pital. november 1. 8. a, patient in South Huron Ho - s J.k C Q I:Ants—Mr. ri lqrs. Jaeouard, 15A Columbia -Drive, Oitat and alllee returning 110r1. RCAF Centralia, announce the Special . thanks to Miss Claypoio birth oCa, daughter, Holly 1.9r- and • staff and Dr. Fletcher —• Mint'. at South bicron Hospital', Clarence Smith. 4* November 3(1—a sister for ;lac- We wish to expresS our sincere ln and Mark. thanks to our friends, relati.vea LOW—Sgt. and 'Mrs. W. James and neighbors who so kindly re - Low, Montreal, announce the membered Ila with cards, flowers, birth of a daughter at 'Miser, treats and visits and those who rot*clia Hospital, Montreal, No- helped In any way while a patient vomiter, 29. in St. Joseph's and South Huron — Mr. and AIrs. Bess ilospitaitt and since returning 51ePball, rromariT, snoollnee home. — Chester and lla Dunn. the birth of a (laughter, Bonnie - 4* Myrtle, at Soul h Huron Hospit- I wish to extend my 'heartfelt al. November 2. Pre,A0004<—Mr. and Mrs. n. Pea• ilmoks and aPPreciation to rela- cock, Carling St.. 1.1.seter, all- "V". friends and neighbors for notince the birth of a son, John the arts of kindness, messages of Ttobert. at South Huron Hos• sYmPatIlY and beautiful floral of.. pital. November 211, I ferings received in my recent be- VII.LENEUVI0 Mr, and Mrs. ,reavernent. Special thanks to Bev. Maurice J. VilleneuVe, Grand 1 Strome.—Bert Peek. Bend, announce the birth of a. I The family of the late Albert sett, Maurice Peter, at South , Wolfe wish to express their sin - Huron Hosnital, December 2. Icere thanks and appreciation for facts of kindness and messages of ENGAGEMENTS— sympathy and beautiful floral nor. T. and clarke, or, offerings received front their relatives, neighbors and friends Centralia, wish to announce the in their Tecent berelvernent 4 engagement of their daughter, in - - - ' Alargaret Elisabeth IsaheI, to Mr. 1 wish to thank everyone who John Richard Challen Clark, jr. thought ft -WY remembered me • rnnla. .B.(4„ son or mi., and wit h cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in South Mrs, John Richard Challen Clark, Penticton, B.C, The marriage to Httron Hospital, with s p eclat thamks to Miss Claypole, nursing take place in the 1...Tnited Church, 3, staff a nd Dr. Fletcher and those Cori tral ia, Ont., on January 1050, at 2:30 p.m. 4. L.,,i.sn.0 so kindly remembered Nel- son at hmM oe,—rS, Nelson Coul- d* I wish to thank all those who visited me -while a patient in South Huron .Hospital. Special thanks to Miss Ciaypole and staff and Dr. Clans. — Clayton Sanders, 4. CAVEN CHRISTMAS FAIR SIMMONS' SHOWROOM Sat,, Dec„ 6 • 3 to 5 p.m. * Home Baking * Farm Produce * Delicatessen * Fancy Work * Christmas Booth * Tea Friday, December 5 ' Zurich Town Hall 9:00 p.m. Bevies of Beauteous Birds—Valuable Door Prizes Lots of Fun FREE ADMISSION '1.44 II f II 11111111111111111 III111111111i111111111111IIIII 11111111W 111111111111111111111111111111111tIltIll 11111111111111111111111111 Y4, 5 EXETER LEGION Fowl Bingo Exeter Legion Hall WED., DEC. 1.0 Doori.'Opian 8 — Games Start 9 1.5 ;REP.ULAR ROUNDS—CHICKENS 1-0:SPECiAL ROUNDS — TURKEYS PLUS TURKEY DOORPRIZE Admission 500 Special Rounds & Extra Cards 100, 3 for 25¢ ,,144t 011 ,41 55 lllllllll ttolio lllll ll lll meimmtuittotwiso tom, lllll iviusica1 Messenaers * SOLOS *, INSTRUMENTAL * TRIOS tt,01tOUP NUMBERS plus Dynamic " Ernie Taylor Youth Evangelist Clinton 'Legion .Hall Saturday, Dec, 6 '8:00 omit TRI,COUNTY YOUTH ItOR CHRIST ithiteitiogeomyanialimmiiiminoioiiiminannonfouweinoffitemetteeitminionmffintitiffith$:, „ . The family of the late Mrs. Thelma Workman wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation for the many arta or lcintineas. Messages of sympathy and bea.u- Ilful floral tributes received from relatives, fricends and neighbours in our recent bereavement. of a beloved mother, Special tbankS N. to Rev. T. J. Pitt, pallbearers I C.114/ and all who helped in any waY. •rt 7Jt .1% IN MEMORIAM— YEARLEY—In loving memory' of a dear husband and father. Harry Yearley, who passed 1 1•„/ away one year ago, December 2, 1957. Like failing leaves the years slipped by, Vt But loving memories never die. He lives with, us in memories sIlil, • Not just today, hut always will. —Always remembered by his wife and Billie. 4* HOPCROFT—In loving memory of a dear Dad, Thomas. J. Hop - croft, who passed away Decem- ber 15, 1513. They say time heals all sorrow .1nd helps one to forget. But time has only Proved How much we love him yet. Cod gave us strength to fight it tu And courage to bear .the blow, 4111 But what it meant to lose hint 1'4,44 No one will ever know, gotten by* his 12ving wife, —Too clearly loved to ever be for - daughter and sons. 4* BUNKIN — In loving memory of t7".4k our. dear mother, Mra, Ella Hun - kin, who pa.Ssed away suddenlY VA on December 2, 1955. Site smiled through -pain, She. .did not cry, 'men suddenly, without goodbye., 4.„1, She lefhta, for her home on uv We lovedher then, we love her te6 51111. v On through the years we always tU..i will For none on .earth could ever be ••••") , As dear as Mother was to me. —Always remembered by her sons and daughter, son and daugthers - in law and grand- children. 4c Advertising- helps procure the best materials and manpower. DANCING Every . Friday Night %COMMUNITY 'CENTRE • Zurich 10- 130 Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Modern, 'Rock 'n Roll Square Dancing :Sponsore6 by Zurich Lions Club • Lyric • Theatre •NOW PLAYING "CATTLE EMPIR (Cineniascope, Color) * Joel McCrea * Gloria Talbot •MON., TUES. 8, WED. December 8. 9 and 10 — DOUBLE BILL — "TATTERED DRESS" * Jeff Chandler * Jeanne Crain — and — "THE NAKED TRUTH" * Terry Thames * Dennis Price THURS,, PIM & SAT. becember 11, 13 end 13 "THE TIN STAR" (Vistav).sioni * Henry Fonda * Sexy Pahner ‘4%,4j4e444,44,444...4,4,444. 2 Show* Nightly .t:30 tid 1,1J• 4t4,7 •• , here Does anta Get is Best Ideas? Wthere does Santa look first when hers on the prowl for bright ideas on Christ. mas gifting? You guessed it . .,. in the pages of his newspapert There (before' hi . never sets forth to shop) he can find a world ofinspiration on WHAT to give to WHOM; and WHERE to get it! • • , His wife, Mrs. Claus, follows the same time -saving method In searching au/ • the best ideas on what to give Santa, himself as well as to all the other members of her Christmas -expectant And (just like a woman) Mrs. Claus is especially - interested in VALUES. That's why she appreciates the convenience of being able, in, one front -to -back scanning of, her. paper, to find out who's got what and 'fol. HOW MUCI41.She has learnecl that thus cuts hours from her 914 shopping time „• and results...in the very bet selections for all!' ti‘ dually, you might say that. "Christmas begins in youdr newspaper .. 4, be. ause thats where most merchants FIRST present their best gift suggestions I • • and where most people FIRST look for the best ways to make Christmas the happiest. time for all! • 4 Let your newspaper be your time -saving guide 74 rit ;IC o• es: 174 Mb. to; Merry Christmas 'gifting! alt •,.1. 114t4t, 44; 4,4 viz 151 640i101***000441111410.0g0t01: 0444410itAillYgOgrOCCOICKOICCOMCOPKOWC011043,1****0441101 Zhe xefiainiesakivoc* 444 •