HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-04, Page 14flat 14 The Times.Advocetil4 December 4 1911
- E-
ay MRS. J. M. •6,
Christmas cookie baking time
is here again and its none too
soon to begin baking if you have
ot already started.
In addition to the old tried -and.
true -favorites which are baked
year after year most of us like
to t4.•,y a new recipe or two each
In case you are making refrig-
erator cookies have you tried
packing the. dough into small
. Ethel's
For Latest Styling
Demi Tuckey
Makes You Feel Better
As Well As Look Better
Let pita. figure stylist show you
atm a Spirella girdle can help
your figure problem.
89 Anne St. • Phone 125
empty frozen juice Baits and put-
ting in the refrigerator? When
ready to bake, just remove the
bottom of the can, push the
dough out and you have a per-
fectly round shaped roll ready
for slicing.
Airs. Lorne Oke has given us
a cookie recipe to pass on to
Cherry Snowballs
II cup butter or margarine
1,4 cup icing sugar
2 cups sifted flour
1 cup almonds chopped
1 tsp. vanilla
1,2 lb. candied cherries
Cream butter and sugar until
fluffy. Add remaining ingredients
texcept cherries). Mix well. Flat.
len small pieces of dough in the
palm of the hand.
Make into. a ball with one
cherry in the centre. Bake at
325 degrees until brown. Roll in
granulated sugar while hot.
Another cookie recipe comes
from Mts. Janet Mason, of town.
It is a simple recipe "but good"
says Mrs. Mason.
-amend Horseshoes
1/2 cup butter
4 tbsp. fruit sugar
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1/2 cup chopped, blanched
1 cup flour
Mix and shape in small cres-
cents. Bake on a greased pan at
300 degrees until delicately
browned. Cool and roll in fruit
How about sharing some of
your favorites with our readers?
Mrs. Lorne Oke has also given
you a recipe for that favorite —
carrot pudding. It is not as rich
as a plum pudding but is just
right after that bountiful serving
of turkey and all the trimmings.
Carrot Pudding
1 cup white sugar
See Our Top Selection Of
Beautiful Bulova
- 6r. Gruen Watches
„ Jeelellery Gifts for Everyone
S. B. Taylor,
A Good Place To Do Your
Christmas Shopping
Saturday Storm Delays Honeymoon Delegate Urges 'Wives.
Saturday's" storm will ,always
be remembered by at least one
district bride and bridegroom for
it meant spending their wedding
night along with some of the
bridal party and guests at the
home of the bride's parents.
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock
in Eliniville IInited Church in a
setting of white -anti yellow
mums, Wilma Minlue- Anne Walt-
ers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..
Fred Walters, Winchelsea, and
Leonard Henry Cowan, 'Son of
mrs. Priscilla Cowan, London,
ain Street
Elects Slate
The Evening Auxiliary of Main
Street United Church entertain-
ed the Afternoon Auxiliary at
the Christmas meeting on Mon-
day evening,
A sound film entitled "Historic°
Highways of Lower Canada" was
shown -by Jack Doerr. Mrs. Earl
Russell favored with two read-
President elected for 1959 was
Mrs. Ross Tuckey with honorary
presidents, Mrs. George Layton
and Mrs. R. S. Riltz; advisory
president, Mrs, Emetic Carter;
vice-presidents, Mrs. Clarence
McDonald, Mrs. John Smith and
Mrs. Ralph Sweitzer; secretary,
Mrs. William Higgins; ass't,
Mrs. Don Hooper; treasurer,
Mrs: Earl Carroll; ass't, Mrs.
Eugene Howey; ,
Group leaders, Mrs. Wayne
Tuckey, Mrs. Wiliam McKenzie
and Mrs. Gerald Skinner; Bible
study leaders, Mrs. Clara Well-
ington and Mrs. George Layton;
Mission Band leaders, Mrs. John
Smith, Mrs. C. McDonald and
Mrs. Harold Skinner; Baby Band,
Mrs, Ralph Sweitzer; correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs. I. C. Cowan;
pianist, Mrs. Frank Wildfong.
Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer presented
the slate of °filters.
The devotions were led by
president Mrs. Jack Doerr as-
sisted by Mrs. Art Frayne, Mrs.
Robert Turnbull, Mrs. Ross
Tuckey, Mrs. Eugene Howey,
Mrs. C. McDonald, Mrs. William
Higgins, Mrs. R. Sweitzer and
Mrs. Don Hooper.
The group voted $25 to Dr. J.
E. Whiting at Wrinch Hospital,
Hazelton, B.C. A carol contest
was in charge of Mrs. Ross
1 cup suet
1 cup raisins
1 cup currants
1 cup grated carrots
.1 cup grated potatoes
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. soda
1 1/2 cups flour
Dissolve soda in a little warm.
water. Mix all ingredients to-
gether and turn into a buttered
mould. Cover and steam for 3
Sauce For Carrot Pudding
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbsps, corn starch
few grains salt
1 tbsp. butter
1 this. vanilla
2 cups hot water
Brown sugar and butter. Add
kW water and other ingredients.
Serve hot with pudding.
The smartest
Santas we know
are gifting their *
favorite Christmas
belles with lovely
nylons . . . . *
because stockings
are something a
lady always
appreciates .
and. because they're *
such a feminine,
flattering gift.
51 Gauge 15 Denier '1,00
60 Gauge 10 Denier 1,19
Phone ,474 • • 'Exeter
exchanged marriage vows before a charcoal sheath' dress with
Learn Farm Problems
Rev. Hugh Wilson. blue accessories. She had a car.
Mrs. Freeman Horne played sage of yellow 'roses. . .". "
the" wedding music and acorn- Carlyle Meikle, Kirton, broth -
panted the soloist, Gordon Ford, em of the bride was best man.
who sang "Because" and "ill A reception for the immediate
Walk Beside You. relatives was held at the home
Given in marriage by her fa- of the bride's parents. SerVing
them, the bride wore. a floral bra; the wedding dinner were Ruth
cede dress fashioned on princess Ann and Lynda Dykeman.
lines with triple pleats running For travelling he bride changed
from .a high empire waistline to to a navy blue suit with white
flat bow at the .back -and falling accessories,
to the floor over the full bouffant
The couple will reside at R.R.
skirt, A 'sequin and seed pearl 3 web.
headdress held her finger tip veil
and she carried a bouquet of red , ..., ..
roses and white 'mums..
Stratford, as matron of honor, —
V i ew Films
Her sister, Mrs. Jack Wicks,
and Phyllis Hem, London, and
as bridesmaids, a sister, Sandra
On Cancer
Patricia Armstrong; Kitchener,
Walters, as junior bridesmaid, The newly installed worthy
and another sister, Judith, as
flower girl, were gowned alike in matron- and . worthy patron, Mr.
street length dresses of blue vel- and Mrs. Elgin McKinley, pre -
vet With .feather headdresses and sided for the meeting a Exeter
bouquets of yellow and white Chapter No. 222, O.E,S., held in
Ronald Harper, London, was the cahvaapritienra.rooms last Wednes-
best man, and Jack Wicks, Strat-
Following the meeting, Mr.
ford, and Ken °.rallan.4 London, Fred Dobbs, chairman of District
- No. 9 'of the Cancer Society Of
Following the ceremony- a re- Ontario, assisted. by Mr. J.
ception and dinner was held at Wooden, educational convener. of
Armstrong's Restaurant, Exeter, the local branch, showed educa-
About 40 guests attended from, tional films on cancer.
as far away as Whitby, Bolton, A silver collection was taken
London and Stratford. 'foli'tiecupboard
Owing to the storm some of anountlinglca1gift
the wedding party left immedi- After the next meeting next
ately for home but for others in- After the next meeting next
eluding the bridal couple, it Wednesday, • a Christmas party
will be held with an exchange of
seemed wiser to return to the
bride's home until weather con- gifts. A silver collection will be
ditionss improved. The trip. was taken in Aid of the Huron County
culty, Children's Aid Society.
made with cOnsiderable diffi..
When it was time to retire for
the night the Walters found
themselves with 21 unexpected
guests. All available space, even
on the floor, was pressed into
Before the snow plow went
through at 11 o'clock, Sunday
morning, the guests had been
welt fed from the food supplies
at the Walters' general store and
proceeded on their way.
The bridal couple will make
their home in London.
Smith -Meikle
Mary Ruth Aleikle, only daugh-
ter of Mr:' and Mrs. James
Meikle, R.R. 1 Kirkton, became
the bride of Allan Elzar Smith,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Smith, MR. 3 Zurich in a cere.
mealy performed by Rev. Samuel
Kerr at the Caven Presbyterian
manse at 5 P.m, Saturday, No-
vember 29.
The bride wore a street length
gown, of powder blue lace over
taffeta with blue accessories and
corsage of pink roses.
Her attendant, Jane Elizabeth
Dykeman, R.R. 1 Centralia wore
Pentecost WMC
Aisists Family
Arrangements were made at . .
the November meeting of the Phone 31,..1 Daily Delsivery
Exeter Pentecostal Women's H. Snell presented the slate of,. PHONE AC 8:6661
Evening Auxiliary.
Re -Elects Officers
Mrs. Wes ..Witmer was re.
elected president of 'the Willing
Workers Evening AuXiliary of
James Street United Church at
the December meeting on Mon-
day evening.
Honorary president is Mrs. H.
J. Snell; vice-presidents, Mrs.
James Smith, Mrs. William
Thomson; secretary, Mrs. Muriel
Sweet; assistant, Airs. H. H.
Cowen; treasurer, Mrs. S. B.
Taylor; assistant, Mrs. H. Pol-
len; corresponding secretary,
Miss May Jones; pianist; Mrs,
H. L. Sturgisi. assistant, Mrs.
William Kernick; press report'
ers, Mrs. Ross Taylor and Mrs.
Howard Truemner;
Secretaries: Stewardship, Mrs.
Garnet Hicks;. assistant,' Mrs.
Hugh Love; mite box, Mrs. Len
McKnight; literature, Mrs. H.
Snell; supply, Mrs. E. Johns;
lunch, Mrs. Lloyd Henderson;
Missionary Monthly, Miss Meta
Salter; birthday box, Mrs. Frank
Lostell; citizenship, Mrs. R.
Bailey; community friendship,
Mrs. Otto Brown; group leaders,
Mrs. J. Kirkland, Mrs. W. Thom-
son and Miss Verna Coates; aud-
itors, Miss. Greta Harness, Mrs.
Andrew Dixon; nominating corn,
mittee, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs.
R. Batten and Mrs. A. Hamilton.
Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Mrs.
.Guest speaker for the Agricul-
ture and " Canadian Industries
meeting of Ilurandale Women's
Instittite held in .SS. No. 5 school.
last Wednesday evening was Mrs.
Lloyd Taylor, who presented
some of the highlights of the
Federation of Agriculture con-
vention which she attended in.
Toronto the week previous.
Mrs. Taylor lurged farmers'
wiyos and farm women to be in.
formed of the farmers' problems.
"She, at least, should know
enough to discuss the problems
With her husband", said Mrs.
Taylor. She suggested farm for- Shows Kinettes
.pms and. folk schools as means
to gain this knowledge and to
hear these problems discussed.
Mrs. Milton Luther demon.
strated the art of netting, saying
that it originated among the
fisher folk from the making and
mending of fishing nets but "it
is almost a lost art" she said.
She had a number of articles on
display that she had made and.
showed how the basic knot was
Mrs. Almer Passmore presided.
for the program and Mrs. H. H.
G. Strang conducted the busi-
ness in the absence through ill-
ness of the president and vice-
president. She reported on the
executive meeting of the, South
Huron District W.I. Which she
attended the, day previous in
Mrs. Ross Oke gave the sum-
mary of the Institute's activities
from 1944 to 1947. Mrs. Percy
Passmore reported that 225 had
been served at the Co-op ban-
quet for which the group catered
the evening previous to .the meet-
Mrs. Arthur Rundle spoke of
the honor given to two 4-H ,girls
of the Institute, Carolyn Oke,
who was chosen to represent
Ontario at the National 4-H Con-
gress in Chicago the first week
in December, and Marilyn Strang
Who had been./ awarded. a $100
scholarship in. a degree course
at Macdonald Institute, Guelpli,
in addition to the $100 agnecul-
tural scholarship awarded by
Huron County Council.
Mrs. Harold Jeffery was pian-
ist for the evening and, hostesses
were Mrs. E. Silly and Mrs.
F. Lostell assisted by Mrs. Ger-
ald McFalls, Mrs. "Charles Jef-
frey, Mrs. Harold Jeffrey and
Mrs, L, Rowcliffe,
The December meeting, which
regularly would fall on the day
before Christmas, is to be held
on Monday, December 29 at 2
p.m. in Thames Road church
with Mrs, Archie Morgan and
Mrs. Bev Atorgan as hostesses,
Beauty Salon
Air Conditioned Dryers
Full Line of Revlon Products
Gift Wrapping
stratedAlisgmMacMillan demon.
tying of various types
of bows for gift wrapping, at
the social meeting of, the Exeter
Dinettes held at the home of
Airs. Don Robertson Tuesday
Guests were Mrs. George
Rether and Mrs. Clare Hoffman,
prospective members.
Hostesses were Mrs. Gordon
Baynham, Mrs. Ward Kraft and
Mrs. Les Parker. The draw was
won by Mrs. Hoffman.
Beauty Salon
Main St. Phone 349
Shirley Coo
Pearl Henderson, Prop,
Beauty Bar
Hours; 9 0.m. le. 6 p.m.
Open Wednesdays and Saturdays
Evenjtm BAppoIntmOnt
PHQ.NE 522
Opposite The Post Office
peuillialiiiimitiontneemattat ;;; ll wine ll lllll imunimmni llll
Take a tip from
Santa ... refresh
to keep on the
go during the
Christmas rush
Missionary Council on Thutsday Marg Cowaed, Prey.
officers. . .
Mrs. Allan Fraser presided for oneelielmememmememememe llllllll eemeeetelemememeeteneeneemeeemeemeelme,
afternoon to send a parcel to the
Spillenaar family in the Hudson the worship service. She was as- ftl4144illtfiMgetillyaiitgtfiyitotAiottigegriOltynOttlipAig&WItgltfplii&Alli
sisted by Mrs. H. Jones, who '-vsv e.w e.w
read the Christmas Story in !. . .. ..e‘
ReV. 3. Spillenaar operates a Scripture, and Mrs. H. L. Stur.
plane in the north delivering gis andMrs. J. Smith favored
supplies, keeping in touch with with solos. Mrs, Williain Allison
outlying mission. stations among read a poem '"The Other Wise
the Indians and Eskimos and Man.',
when necessary bringing the, President Mrs. Witmer eon.
sick to hospital. ducted the business. Citizenship
The message "The Holy Spir- secretary,eMrs. Hector Murray,
it" was given by Mrs. E. Millar. read an article "Alcoholism Is A
Assisting in the devotional were. Disease." It was disclosed that a
Mrs. G. Hamilton, Mrs. C. Blan- Christmas gift had been sent to
chalet and Mrs. K. McLaren. Miss Mildred, Mathewson, mis.
Miss D. Peart was pianist and sionary for prayer ill Japan.
the meeting was held at the The meetingconcluded with
home of Mrs. Edgar Cudmore. the singing of Christmas carols.
FE coupoNs
ON tip
MARK GOLDEN WEDDIN4—Mr. and. Mrs, Will
CHRISTMAS JACK0011 krt.1 Grantehy celebrated their fiftieth wedding stmt.
Vertary•Tudsday afternenn their hem. The eettple who
Loads of Space
for out of Season
Clothes, Keepsakes,
Trousseau Treasures
' llllll '
Ne W Console styles and.
'regular length cheats in
walnut, mahogany and
some toasted finithet.
• We have. a large. sole&
For the teenager, too!,
Famous Lane
Cedar Chests
'62: to
Hopper -Hockey Furniture
PH0NE. 00
. have lived at Whalen eorners since their rnartiagel were
grgef40,04#410itP00101.4141010***010410.A1400011401#104,1PPA*0) hO3LS for a turkey batiqttet attended by 46 gue,sts: Doerr 01101040010101,10101041#1#14001#1001#tOPOUR1410410trAiltii'itriAt•
''' '
. ,...
' llllll '
Ne W Console styles and.
'regular length cheats in
walnut, mahogany and
some toasted finithet.
• We have. a large. sole&
For the teenager, too!,
Famous Lane
Cedar Chests
'62: to
Hopper -Hockey Furniture
PH0NE. 00
. have lived at Whalen eorners since their rnartiagel were
grgef40,04#410itP00101.4141010***010410.A1400011401#104,1PPA*0) hO3LS for a turkey batiqttet attended by 46 gue,sts: Doerr 01101040010101,10101041#1#14001#1001#tOPOUR1410410trAiltii'itriAt•