HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-04, Page 13Shop Early For r Thy TirrmsAdyotote, Oecembxr 4, 1958 Ps 113 Un er CIASSIF.1 EO RATES - 25 words or less 70c More Than 24. Words 2' Per Word 200 OFF • if ad gold with order, or by Saturdpy following the last insertion SUCCEEDING INSERTIPN 40c • Coal or Wood tinn: 11P W rose uphnlstery; Implement shrd anq dmible ar- ?Ave than. 25' Warcl3 - , or large home, abip. 7,OrIO flow n. ekrupr w marP preferred. state price and BABY CHICKS - carry. mortgage .011., balaice. Part loalara, Robert. Ilan el.% Sitar- , • ta. It For further 1 -Orientating coutaet el• has Urnit (pantile' deal H. IL Areolde Brnker, IT: 3 Kin- LARGE elute ten aim and narposp 1,Pahrirn pullets. da 014 pen, nr le J.:Tem-Jerson, Volga r mattress. Apply 25 John Ft.. and start"' Prnntir 6114"P". FOR SALg- FOR SALE- • ' I HELP WANTED- I HELP WANTED MALE - 1 ESTATE- ,••• FENCE' POSTS, div ePdar; also rial,jes nip vt,L4. aultabla far a 00 A(Ims, bad room betake The lejeny ep, fell time. Apply YOUNG. „MAN Intel est Fel hea t- alwhor Poste Apply Baird nos. s.yea,r-old; also doll buggy; both house, elate 1,00.e• bate. Atli base.. Nviiteman's ery, .16eeter., plioi4i: etit1;11,;1,,sulledaelly. eon, rem, Keneerdine. 20:27; 4' in per feet condition: $6 fleet, „ oil ' two Preasur a Ifia'4* hone ..e 8-e. ii4 PIMA HA. lie. SI 'l Plant aX3(1, BOO, klIWIO 4e mr.v.i."rnir RANGE. 'Moffat t. 4 - trye igalsvizeL: nwrialiai t elem, 1.111npuri: -t1,11-1.retlyt'ilj.11.1re.1:7S k tell; onn .11jepiti Nt,..100°,1;;Ivetsnell4;":‘,,i 1::;:eriP1011%f I j fears a ild hook. burner, high ovem goad cenditto,a,, 2,1 acres PlOughed. ther's Restanrant. ;111. Phone 111111 pier. business, .#1 r it e Box "71.6111. h ovim,(.1,r, six -0 .0, %It 11,18 ovkaltail*imi•tiiii %..a.14rjr").' Ail ot'a ie. 4e Large Furnace 111,1)011 a-1 Tirade' Cleaners. 4e v,"" ACRES, 2-beiltiomA !rent • •• • " EMI-.I.OYMENT WANTED,- WANTEO- n mo)tga- CLARE-1116014A .1B" first elsos mini -Minn, May be semi - ^t''' • - All Steel • ., • Work house, Internee 'and bath. l'lLECT.11.10 1n. m -,s7 :please Air Conditioning• VtALNI'T Alg, perfeet eondi, Large ',shelled • barn on • wan. %Ha 111Pg and ad'Itess 41-1 1.11° •TI:znitr',4s; 0131,1 JORS. carpentering ,iaintIng Ad% ovate. eoparde. pilono 4 11-.1 Ne'eter. 41; attle. Seennd 'halm on heti nf farm. pl NST'T•F IT 0 f' S F. 1, In ' jSuitable for cluireli, school, hall Phone Exeter 4118. . 8:81.fe 11/20 •Per Word Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to ono column) First Insertion $1,40 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions $1.2S Per Inch 'Minimum vf Very reasonable Mere. Can be seen In .operation, .Cnntact .GERALD GENGERICH, ZURICH YET,LOW FORMAL, size 14: green formal and mauve formal. size May be seen al. Brady Clean- LIFE MAGAZINE Special • of. Classified ' ads accepted 11P tut ers. fey 26 weeks of Lire for Only Wednesday *noon. Auction sale . ' • $3,50. to new subscribers only.. copy should be ln Tuesday at 4 Tit-nu:Aar rmileHrts, good, 1 ;m- inion. einatee; average 1,100 thee carrY. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED -Spec. piaes mixed' ha \\ WallY jai offer: 27 weeks for only $2.87 phone. 54 Pash woad" • 2 7 ; 10 new subscribers only., Subscription 'Gift Specials! FOR SAI -E- • • GUITAR. nearly new, ;13, Phone 411 J Exeter. 4c Need ca$h for. Christmas .. St.. Exeter. • le plinne 4n2-.1 .„ 4. • • - lsO eines 211-L2 tele Pullets . (lots' maintenanee. high prattle- ften 00f,le CLUBS, righl -ha 1111 1 100 3. ordor Jan tiary . February C. V..Pickard 14?, 4,rtart. or phony l',r°,1,1Pra .,,1,16 W. ASPT1 Ca.rs- „ Seafort h. CI Apple, 651-R-:::: aneen, r.xeter, phone 246-W. 4e „nue ton e2enic, 4' fort ere: pillows; silverware: glaee- ,allearteind new state Of repair. ware • antique dishes:. assortment Vonvince eevoureelf lev of embroidery thread: 'reetaurant this property before sale date. • dishes; kitchen Attensils: electric TerUIS• of Reel Estate; 11We o*,, t4 fs,iti iarloy in :1"Ini e 11.2 ti fel ratt e 84' di :.t."1,;(').1, aitere7a., 7'11 1c0cona.‘3F:lir.:abYallintli et nnw To r ebse: e rgeuiia rdaanyt pe 41 ea! trot 'Previously sold. Ern ra large list of Restaurant tables' 13 rban:$: 12 counter :tools; 2 Steel utility -tables: malt istrn.lers; leather v el ehairl fernery; laWn ehaIrs; lawn windmill end lighthouse Penn - mews: beneliP9* storm windoLve• Ierjuipment and Tinneehold 11 (euchre. beaters: variety of fetes in next, n issue. donre; emelt fire Alarm; garden .,etertem. raab• tools; 2 laundry hasliete; pnwer lawn mowers: rellar table: Tan- -T-114 Ilst.a.ta af the late Narrille15 eLy of fruit ; eroelee: sealers; and. '..tmall• other eniseellenentis items. GLEN WEB13, Cie.* will start at 12 o'clock sham, I Me to extra, large sale, selling ALVIN WALP1311, ,A.nctioneeito . • w rirt e soPars. the: Estate 02 the late Norman 'Cowan, Proprietor GLENN *WEBB, Clerk ' E g ETHIC ' AUCTION SALES . . .. , ,. NVe have clients wishing to pile- Alden, for Legion Halt, Grand chase 113xPLer 1104?"1..12 Yad wish nood. Writer Grand Bend Legion i AUCTION SALE 1.0 sell, see us. • or ntipne 112. • t, 44 i Of 53 Head Of Cattle We are offering the .following anti other properties; - BALED LEGUME; HAY, secon111 W. Te. NairAli et.. Snit wet sell by eta or s'ood firSt: cut. APP)' , public 011 11(40 on 'Lot HI. ('011 12, entNnAl.,OW, 3-bedro,oiri. excell- c. • t41' , Illanslitirdeel milia north of Gran- fill11 8 \1111. ent location. Mose to . schools and . i on. -3 miles east nf Whalen T.PleIGHT PIANO, in good cnn-il - OF5'1017. EQ 171P1I ENT - Nene' • hl1f4 111PS$ section, full basement, •, T I lee 4 A ..e. 1,E. cons and hill is 1 ' l'orners, 3 miles west, of Prospect qua.rters for Royal t ypew :titer e, Gift Card .Provicled Free hot air furnare. garage. Rea•sso41- tea peleee .paie• e. et. sebeelepe tau .0a Victor adding machlnes, We can . able price with Lerma. ei' :0'0 en 1,td., hi itehener, phone 11 Ex- . AdvoCate, phone 770. 27tfc THE FX R c‘NNTn....k1,1 A- -Well Meat ed home. ett'r, 1 e ;4-I ;;;;:c 1 in 1181) tY, 01,;(141inEst is n( I t30 pap. save snit ninney! Exeter .Tim PR.. . . TIMES ADVOCATE 'Mori er n 'kitchen and bathroom, ' New drIlle'd well and pumping , BABY C11.113 and play Trnri. (alll 13 Hot.s*mis (tows -- 2 Hal - COOK'. STOVE, 11-' Ingham, In gem' . . efeeemeet, rtes, ices • 1110)101)14, 'after 6 P.m. Phone 602-r-21 1-Tei4ii-, .sitaenin: s4prii,inigm..pors;d111.. cionwsFpLIneaxivoi rond 11 ion. Apply 101)1 Parsons. phone 770 Pelee $4 300 00 Terms Quick. pos. salt. • . March: 4 COWS due in .kpril; 3 nhone 322- W-1 MXP1P1'. 4* ' eessIten. 4:11:18c To !my or sell, 500 6.31,1‘6'c• !soilI;1110, '1"...iria \gVoorlP;sNli(5'11Fle..: usenel,11? 0: icor?. ; selpni.lient:ini4i raIv's;fers2 fsl i 'pep t.ini.aphP.:s. ;: 201 ALL J•I' TINOS of !Ailey crnehet, ivork, doilies, both frill and flat; PICKARD It ealtnr, and Genera' 'over roils of wallpaper; also Nome . 11.10- year -nit! eteers anti heifers, also lovely A friean violets. dou- . thsurance, 394 Main Ste Exeter. used 1, Ids' toys. Phone Granton Durham and Hereford. from 600 ble l'OSP a ntl mauve. :We, 11. Baker Sr., Heesalrl 1* 1,,AarEs' TtICYCI.E: 2 pair boxing gloves, teen-age size; 5 -fora to- boggan; 5 -foot skits and boote; very reasonable. Phone 784 Ex- eter, 4' GIRLS' n1:crer.:87., small size, C.C.M., -neer condltioe; 1954 Pon- tine sedan, Meek. 'with whit swell tires, 21,000 original miles. Phone AC 0-6215. • 4* • 6 :5tfc • 72-r-7. , 4. to enn lbs.: 1 two-eear.old 3'PXI:" good condition, A. p p I y Barry I ' ' - ' Strang, phone 451-r-2 Exeter. le, HOUSES -New houses looated 111 S TAIITZ GRINDER, Atocie I. ' 80X, in , 117, xan:nar 1,-512 andnr63 2. S b' eft]. 0 orns, - •I • , TRAY4D-:- !pony. perfectly quiet fer.chllarep; ibo elay he seen at. Brady Cleaners. low cost homes for r en!. or sa 18A11:41; 1 ANGTS HEIFER. rising two years IN Pd 11"P fnrd hill): alsn 't black SOY'S 4e flEY SUIT, / size 16. gip, ' scapert„ mortg•age arranged. ti 1 21 , est 1.40 r ep 011110057s f ro m 1 2 e 1 o 1e 0 l take-ri(f grinder: 4. , After small clown' pd) 1130)11. leei' sidp3.3111.07,m ../1.(:t,,,, 024,0, 1..c11g (,;(7111.4.1° 1 14.,, .1‘11 I 1 vs - tilt:11 nmumehrale4., ;lane:rely unietios•;. your rent be PaYete e„.., p ..1%,.; HV P nyi ' OW11 hotne: ApplY !Art:1111i It' °1r• To Prink°. 1I'lni. itcrbr, ekrin(131.1);e tier° t IR: rt. lir :,1 :)weln.g rn the proprietor having contractor, Exeter,' phone' 356-31. phone ,320.4 _4_ , FOR RENT - APARTMENT, fotir large, bright rooms, partly furnished, • heat, light, bath, hot 'and cold water, central location, immediate ens- EXETEr. 'COMMUNITY nixisq, ROOM TABLIe; rico-tide session, reasonable rent, asittits• t'angette; imus3I doers, 11PW and . garage ave.ilable. 343 A11151-1:1,27-2ilt-4. • .II Fed ; poultry house wind 0 wa; Exeter, CREDIT UNION cistern and wen „,,m„.; small electric CPMPII t. mixer rubber ApAnTxraNT, furnished, - private tired. wheelbarrow; scaffold. brae- entre nee. 'Apply 109 Huron . .S1., Open Mon, 8 Wed. Nights 1<,,ta for 'ladders; electric sander, Exeter. 4* Balkwill, 47 John St1 East. 4' 4.noom APARTMENT evi,the bath Office Opposite Post Office Exeter, • . . and ga rage. Private entranc>. rtfitiotio.00,44.tototcoltilmotototottiowttio ii,,r e.p.7nnn„ r.1.!cember 1, 'toy Steil; he "mean. , • .1*.' • 1••••„y, • NIstmas • Vinchalitmera *' • e; , -11L • • re * 0 8 • • Blue Grass Fluffy datil to make her feel pampered and pretty $4.50 . Minh:lure Santals Cap conceals e Blue Grass Perfumalr,.$3.50 1114 Soap Ball for the bath - long -lasting, creamy -lathering. Blue Grass, June Geranium. In dainty "fold -over" carton. $1.00 Memoirs Cherie Luxury Bath Salts In elegant golden -topped shaker bottle $7.50 0 APARTMENT, private entrancs, bath, hot and cold water, newly decorated. Phone 95-1V Exeter. 40 REAL ESTAT-E- . . . T00311 house, partial basement, 3 - NEW' HOUSE rearing completion, piece, bath, good garden, mode- ' ' TREASURER'S 'SALE red rug brick, ferced air oil heat- ratite priced, • 11:13tfe Mg, choice location. reasonable I. We. have several farms, OF LANDS FOR TAXES price, Apply '1 ten Waleter, le Nelson St., Exeter, phone. 553. EA.RL pAnsoxs, Phone . 507 1 Oieet le . leRED COLE, Phone 5 4 4-11. 2n::17:4 - a very serious accident and iin- 1 0:11t Cc able in work for six months, this ye,,,ene,f,:e..n. sec,BER, :Hereford, no . gond herd mus7 be sold. . in Lot 7, 'Con. 8, reborne Town- ..- ' . . • ship, Owner may have same by TIMMS: Cash, ' proving property and paying ex - W. C. Pearce , ',Enter bionoioxs, proprietor • ' PE.AiNr,on pply1 4-tax7,. 11.11. 1. w. E. NAIRN eSONS, ovomAL ISURANCE . 01 10111, pnn, 1,1 .AuctIoneers 86 Anne St. Exeter Phone 435 BLACK' STErtil with white fees, 4e 2 -BED , brick cottege, I./teed far weighing 'about 110 lbs., rIti to Extensive .gara:r.er liberal terntsluproperty , range, 3-pipee bath, oll furnace; (1)Vnp2r, trn'famy. t111.5 ivr:bsoarinilee Irirslci,tvp: . AUCTION SALE g and paying expense.s. 3-174ED 1 -storey veneered. 'MI fur- Plume 911-r-22 K irk Inn. 4:11 :1 s' Ilene, • hot water heat, full bath, , lovely kitchen, drilled wall; •Cen- DURHAM HEIFER, white (retie. . 2-year-ald, on to lot 17, t'011eP- 3-F1E15 rug brick, oil burnIn ft.r- 010:1 16, Stephen township. Owner 'nace, ' water pressure, garage, MAY 115 v'. Fame by proving prop - large lot; Centralia. erty and paying expenses. Tom .2 -STOREY HOUSE, nleely situate. Lamport, 11.31. 2 Dash wood. ed, with furnace and bath, mo- 4:1 1.11Se 'COMFORTABLE, compact 3 -bed- NOTICES- derately nriced. , 10:2.ac F'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES by the Warden of the County 1' OR SALE • Corporation of the County of Huron Of Valuable Real Estate Auto, Restaurant Equipment & Household. Effects, Etc. on the Promisee. Part of Lot 20, South Botendary; Serepta, Township of Hay, 83 Highway, 114 Milos East of Eashwood. The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by publie auc- Hoe on REAL ESTATE - Valuable real • estate eonsisting ot part of Lot 9. c TO 14.- 1'I 20, Smith rinundry, ' Township of o Lh N irtti a of a warrant issHf (( ued Hay% alere of landn owhieh 1* sitiie ted e 2-etnrey brick dwell - ;1%000 huh's a 3 -befit -nom instil • - Huron under hie' hand and the ing. -Alain finer consists of large briele house with ba.sement• - In • • seal of the said corporation bear- kiteben; utility rnnin: living- and 111*' datf, 01 the 121.1: day ai Au. dining room and bedroom. Second very good condition and well to *none bits 2 beilroonls: 2 -piece 310,1.00 foe a: 1011 'acre farm., flood * • gr.hourilgt"al G 2.007e 1. .531.1.11:115. 11:11 at.Ieal;8'on:ft completely remodeled; nicely 041. eated in Exeter. FOR. LEASE Will be held at my offiee at the Pressure sYst 0111. 9:11 18 1101Ilt is taees in the County of Huron bathronm: large basement and mortgaging can be arranged. . • ' . . tier 1 e10 onless . the taxes and af repair. Co twiner ynitrself by House• nn the NIL day of Deceive. tutted and. in all round new state brick house and barn. Some 1.9,000 -Fifty acre farm ief tethirh • costs are sooner paid Notiee is inspecting this property before 20 a.cres Is muck land suitable .M9D,..ERN TWO -BAY ' ' hereby -given that the list of day of sale. for Market gardening. A very. lands for sale for arrears of Terms n't Reel Eetete: 14(3 on good ' 3-1,edrooin house with. oil SE Rif i C E STATION• taxpe was published in the On- dae- of sale. Belanee in 30 days. heat add a good ba.rn, Another . tart(frneette nn the 540 day of Sold Subject to a reasonable re- 32,0en • will buy all the equipment r . • • .SepternbiET • 1e15, and that copies 'served Md. eeeded to operate 41115 Jamie ( IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. of the said list may be had at my orrice. Awro-Pfi - 1358 od eConch, blue Terms can be arraeged. In color, radio, seae covers and jo.HN DU RICE'. • • • • . . . " 9711., adjotirned sale, if ttees- soon tires, In guaranteed eon- , • eery, will be held at the .abnve it ition. To be offered no tlay of Representing E. Cosby Ree,Itor 1111 •Good L°eati°1/ , .office, nn the 16th day of Decem- sale If nne previously sold. 534 Main Street, Exeter . , ber, 19 5$. 11 EST .1 11-1ANII" l'', Q 1' 1 P ,11 ENT. • Low Rental Treasurer's Office this 13th eday 1J(1-SEHOLD EFF ECTS .e. .11.Isr, Phone S63 . 5:13:211:27:40 • .iStablished BeisineSS of 'August, 1958. ITEMS - 3 - piece chesterfield; ,,,-- . (signed) J. G. Bert -y. Treasierer dining room suite aerl ehairs; 4 FRAME HOtSE, 7 -room, in 1)aishe • • g a teje•ee burner General eielleetrie. stnve • wedd, in • geed rapier. Priced to Ideal For* Class "A" . Thrir 4 - burner electric stn'.o: Thor corebin aiinn -washer and sell. Apply Wally Wein, Dash- • Methanie'or„*Car Dealer • wood 54. • -, 27:4. . . NOTICE RE ironer; Geheral 'Electric,: refrigera- • Financial Assistance Provided • • • • NIGHT 'PARKING tor: 2 large size spare hea ters: medium titre space heater; annex FAILURE -.for Qualified Person, . . . . 'It ill illegal to park any vehicle stoVe: Bauer player plane,. in - 125 records: plinnograph " ,.. - on the streets of the Trine) of chiding Charlie Smith, B of M man- ager, Exeter, quotes the great Andrew Carnegie: "The failure CANADIAN. PETROFINA LTD. of the man who does not, save 'Box 84, Second. St., London his money is due not only to the • • ' •• • fact that he has no money with or which to take advantage of the TeleiMone Goderich 1330. Apply " .Exeter from one a en. to six a.m. with reenrds; Singer sewing Ina- • • during' the ninntbs of November chine; china 08011141; ehest of .to ' March inclusive, dra wers; hall tree; leather rock - P; oak reel; er; mirrors;kitchen C.'. V. prcb:Arto, * table and chairs: antique rorker: Town Clerk, Exeter occasiotal (theirs: mentte clock; 4:11:15e. electric clock; steel table; 2 PIPP-. Ile fans; erokinnle boa.rd; Wil- lia ms sewing' machine; tri -lights; bedroom lamps; vaeuum clearier; honk ease; eent re tables; 2 Ax- minster ritgs.• 5x fit end tables: daybed; 3 -pie hedennin .suitest slept bedronm suites: nab antique eember, will be postponed until bedroom suite: beffet; tnilet set: further n'citiOre Louteda t large variety of Caney beiner, 'Herb nese Ed Fink- dishes; linens; eerie in dram's: le mats; bedspreads; quilts; .come beiner, 1.1xecutors. , SALE: rosTpoN ED opportunities that come •in the • , The 'sale 01' real estate and house - way of every man, but also' and. • '• • ' . ••' • . 24:4c hold- effect:I ef the la.te, Mrs. mary particularly to the fact. that • Wein in the 'village .rof Crediton P8 - such a man Is not able .or fit to • ., which was scheduled for late De - avail .of these opPortunities. The SERVICES P . man who cannot and does not save money, cannot and will not HiariEsx CASH PRICES for sick, do anything else worth while."* tloWn or drnabled _ horses and cows. Dead steak.. Mt value, Call iiiimminitimmintimmemomeniiiiii ffff I t mite, promptly.; 7 -day • 1%eek serVice. .4 Call Ed A.ndrews, Cellect, e11-31- • • 11 Sa CANADIAN 9:25-1;1 I, e:forth.- ' le 0 B. A.RTIFICIAL - .INSEAW.l.1.- PION' cervico e or • Mord inform - hoe, telephoile.-1118 Waterloo Cate 41 Breeding Associatinn collect at Clinton fro 2-3.441 between 7;30 and 9:30 am. week clays, 6 and A 0,01. on Saturdays. no not call for service On Sunday. Cows in heat'. on Sundae can be insenitn. *tett • satisfactorily on Mondey. We supply service In top quality bulls 07 the 1101844111, Jersey, Ayrehire, GuernseY, Br(wn 8tViSs• 1144 Poll, Pere ford (polled and horned), Beef Shorthorn (Polled and hoened), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus •and Charolais breeds, 'Min cost is tow.. 7:114tfe eiimminememineiniiiimieniemiemein ttttt PITAIS DEVELOPED in 45 hoe re, Exeter agent - lin ase 11 Electric; Hensall agent -.- Fink Plumbing .t.; Heating. Proinpt photo finish - tog. : StIlle10:11! PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend . White ilrocade "fashion Case, beautifully fitted with Auto- matic Lipstick, InvIsIbis Veil Pressed Powder Compact, Perfumair $15.50 Hand Lotion with magle pester. Blue Grass, Uinta Geranium $2,25 rekAintfr10101,01,07PAPORenctito,le,otolfitfill. as iow os 129.50 EASY TERMS The Exeter TiniesaAdvoate Exeter . Nursing Home Invalicle. and chronicelly 411 per, sone eared for In warm, Pleess.iit Surroundings, Reeently renovated hanie. New lurnpital beds ready Dec. 1 BUTS, S. 110T11, Rog. N. 50 SaritiOrs SI-, Exeter 27:4c SEPTIC TAN'KS pumped Intried. late serricm. Butler Pros. can. P110110 1:111-W nr 109. Ittl:4.1:22'. • WASHING- NIA CHINES rePaired, 11,1ev And old. Plinne 334-W. Exeter apply Paul Sit84, 66 Williant St. North. 4' 4.'A11.1 I 1411.% wishing I heir rattle 'apritypd for lire, 1111611 13)11 war. eon, 3,1-1-14. 1 1t1' HELP WANTED FEMALE - 4.'0C1075 LADY, lo Work with filen reCordlrigi unit travelling acrosa Cahittla, good Wake, steady0111. 11163'M/int, age. 20.:171, Write net "0", l'imeit.Adveiditte. • ' 1104121 WOMAN ter keit eral hOutiettOrk. Phone ,k0 4o A•NrALL 'TOM iteek Arra•tr. Apply 28 .101i42 St. �i' .0itu104 it* - .10 gve yon good telephone service Your Bell TelephOne installation man - whatever his name may - is a lot like jack MacLennan. On the job, his skillft.il rork reflects his careful training. But more than thatwe like to think that a friendly smile and unfailing courtesy ,lend a pleawatt tOnch to his brief visit, We try to -encourage this friendly spirit all thi'ougb 1110 business, YOlflI sct it whcii *rou ‘igit the Business Office, You'll hear it in the operator's "Wice with a smile, This helpful, friend' y spirit is orteofthe ny ways which We try to give you good telophoild kr% icc. tb1PHONC COMPANY OF CANADA • Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Auto, Restaurant Equipment Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Prmises. Part of Lot 2f1, south Boundary. Wed., Dec. 10 Serepta, . TOWNSHIP or HAY Highway 412, 114 Miles East of l)asliwood. The land awe inneer is instructed to sell by public auc- tinn on one mile weg of St. Marys' wr.uArlsDA-r, RC MITI Kit lo on No. 7 Highway at 12 O'Clock Short) winvh BRO. DISPERSAL 30 HEAD • SHORTHORN CATTLE 1:00 p.m, , AT THE FARM, ST. INIARYS Va.tata MX'. MI -AL ESTA171 " 25 females, .5 bulls, sevieral'. Constst a 9f part of Lot 2n. South females with calves at foot; Boundary. Township of Hay, le acre of land on, whirl) is situated h 1 f a 2-stnrey white brick dwelling. kra 1ance ocows carrying Main floor consists of large kitd - long service dates and soul., chen, utility room, living an dining room and bedroom. Second open heifers. Come 2 bedrooms. 3-piere bat 11- 0 room. Large basement and pees- SlirP system. 1 WHITE BROS: STMARYS .. This home Is completely re- modeled, nicety situated, and In . e.0•Vgire.COW.Perg.0, %see • give electrical gifts for • yoarround better living! You are sure to please everyone on your Christmas list when you give " • electric appliances. They make work easier , . . life happier . . . and they're designed for lasting, care -free service, There's such a wonderful variety of electrical gifts 'to choose from - toasters, frypans, steam irons, shavers, kettles,wallle irons,sandwich toasters, radios -just to mention a few. You'll always be remembered for the Christi rias gifts that say live better...ELECTRICALLY 40,-4 ctiak, EXETER PUBLIC '1,611LITIES, 014 414344t# 44**.0 it'W* -014 144 SUCti 444 4 • t • A. • . • • • • • • , 476 48. Ak..