HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-04, Page 12tP4ge. 12 The •ThresAdy.00ste, pocimoott Trahquilizers Help Ariiniai $ The tranquilizing drugs which are being used and discussed so Pitiell in the human field of me, divine are now finding a useful in treating animals, le- ' orts the Otario Veterinary Col- e Met ; Among the Many uses the drugs appear to have are the quieting, of thoroughbred horses for training or other purpOseS, making dogs and cats easer to hiAdie* and for making sows •more at ease at farrowing time. CVVLis $S Doll To Zurich Man .Jete. 1il1er Zurich, was the *inner of the draw for a walk ing doll and ten dollar bill span. eared by St. Peter'S Catholic Women's League of •ClandeboYe. The draw was made at the Mt. Carmel turkey bingo on Mon- day, There is even evidence to sug7 gest that beef c attle gain faster, and 'dairy produce more when they are maintained on, adequate levels of these new drugs. According, to the college, they have proved quite .safe, even when tested with several dose per day over a period of time, much longer than most veteri- narians *mid wish to use them. Veterinary authorities agree that many more uses for • the tranquilizing agents. will become lcnowa.M the near future. JOLLY JILLS The Huronciale Jolly Jills made plans to tour St. Marys flour mill on Saturday, at their third meeting on Monday at the home of Mrs. Bruce Tuckey. Mrs. Tuckey explained the good qualities of cereals and Mrs. Alvin Moir told about flour explaining the different quail - ties and their uses. rA1991i191191111911111eMeelleMMIIIIMMUUMIMMOW111911111199111111911111111911911111111019111ifieelle I. Three Ways To Buy • BUDGET TERMS, CHARGE IT, PAY CASH } Do all your shopping while our stock is complete . . • $1 will hold all your gifts until Christmas, I For Him . For Her. • 1 Wrist Watches Signet Rings = • Stone Rings • Initial Rings • Lodge Rings • Electric Shavers • cuff Links • Ronson Lighters' I • Eigin•American Lighters I • Billfolds • Barometers ft, *EXCLUSIVE! CHRISTMAS CANDY by OLIN BROWN • Beautiful candy, exquisitely packaged—. • Santa suckers, ribbon candy, chocolates. IOrder now for fresh shipment before Christmas. • CHRISTMAS CARDS AND WRAPPINGS * 9 • Diamond Rings. • Signet Rings • Ledge Rings • Wrist Watches • Costume Jewellery • Silver Holloware • China Gifts • Compacts • Glassware ' '0 Brassware • Clocks ' • Candles • • I Jack Smith I CREDIT JEWELLERS I PHONE 510 EXETE' Lodge '..Presenta 'GIN. To Faithful Officials HONOR RETIRING OFFICERS—Two faithful officersof Exeter Lodge No. 67 IOOF were honored at a social meeting Tuesday night. E. A. HOWald, seated left, who served for 30 years as recording secretary and has been a member for 50 years, was presented with a chair and William Allison, treasurer for 11 years, received a lamp. With thqm are, standing from left, Tom Yellow, vice grand, who made the presenta- tions; Garnet Hicks, who read the address, and Gerald Campbell, noble- grand. This Week Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Trousseau Tea On Wednesday last Mrs. Fred Walters was hostess for a trous- seau tea in honor of her daugh- ter, Wilma, whose marriage to Mr. Len Cowan of London took place on Saturday. Mrs. Kenneth Hera of Zion displayed the bride's trousseau while Mrs. Gordon Prance was in charge of the wedding and shower gifts. Miss Betty Hart- man, Mrs. Joy Palmer, Mrs. Bill Brock, all of London, and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan assisted in serving. Wesley Sutton Dies In Clinton Wesley Sutton, a former resi- dent of Exeter, died early Sun- day morning in the Huron Coun- ty Home, Clinton, where he had made his home for a number of years. I He was unmarried. He' is sur- vived by three sisters: Mrs. Elsie Remington, Rosevale, Mich.; Mrs. Laura Cluny, De - trait, and Mrs. Viola Hill, Lon- don. I The funeral service was held in 'Clinton on Tuesday, December 2, I with interment in Exeter Cerne- t tttt itery. totowitotorsouittotcotortow444.4**Azottigbopuiwgi4w#1,!1 when it eomesto 1Pretre Gift: Centre for the Whole Family Specials! FREE! Electric Kettle with each Frypan. '26.95 FREE! Cover With each Ironing Board • FREE! Camera with each Record Player FREE DRAWS For Record Player, Camera & Clock • • See Santa. This Saturday 2-4 In Our Toyland Free Chocolate Bar For Each Child Free Draw Nr Children's Toy '''.•Toys! Toys! SEE OUR .HUGE STOCK OF TOYS. Phone 24 4•Zurich • 'God Made 3 3. a aa a a 4 44"444a $1 $ 4 4 4.4 4 it 4 4 4 4 4 4 e. Valedkslipt they put them In page) '010011111Prff010401PihrtillA01P01141300110111011P0' Form New AOTS Club Members of Exeter A.O.T.S. men's club of Exeter James Street United church gathered with the newly formed men's club of the Fullerton pastoral charge for a supper meeting and charter night in the Munro church last Wednesday evening. Rev. Francis Lovelock, the pas- tor, welcomed the guests and proposed a toast to the Queen. Mervyn Cudmore, president of the Exeter club, introduced the members of his club and pre- sided at the meeting. Bryce Skin- ner of Munro introduced the members of the Fullerton. club. Hervey Pollen presented a travelling gavel and Dr. H.. H. Cowen, the charter to the new club. Rev. H. J. Snell installed the officers. Gerald Godbolt con- ducted the program with Robert Southcott, Exeter, in. charge of the worship service and Ray Mills, Exeter, leading in a sing- song. A panel discussion on quota- tions from the Bible and from Shakespeare was held. • The Woman's Association • of Munro church catered for the supper. • aflata,,,,tamaittaatatiamtalatitattaitialtatia. News Of Your LIBRARY By MRS. J. M. S. Many new books are being published for Christmas gift- giving and some. of these have arrived at your library. The King :tree, . This novel written .by Gladys Taylor of Thetford ines, Que. bec, has won t the Ryerson Fic- tion award. This' it' the Second time the • author has wen the Ryerson award as her novel, Pine Roots, carried off the honor two years ago. The theme is a difficult one— the problem of racial amity in Canada. There are many charac- ters in the book and enough material for • two or three books. Mrs. Taylor is at her best when analyzing conditions in the. prov- ince of Quebec and her descrip- tive passages are beautiful, A Mixtufa of Frailties This book by—Robert Davies has a strong Canadian flavor. It deals chiefly with the making of a young singer of dubious background who is educated and trained through a trust fund. Here is a quote from the book because Christmas is just around the corner and because if our preparations for the season were more simple today it would be more in keeping. With the real Christmas spirit, In the story the Canadian heroine and an American Rhodes scholar are spending Christmas in a .country house in. Wales. They are off to buy presents for not trnort than a Shilling; each and the Ameriean says: • "The sheer bliss of this robs ine of speech. Here we go on Christmas eve—get that—Christ- mas eve to buy presents. If / were at Mahe I would have finished my shopping a full two weeks ago; I would have wrap. ped everything in elaborate paper and tied it with ' expensive rib- bon. would approach the great day prepared for everything but a. goad time. But here I go. prepared to squander ten shillings at the ut- most on the very -eve of the'day of giving; for the first time I have got Christmas in focus. TO, morrow I shall worship. I shall feast and quite incidently; shall give and receive, And that's as it ought to he." 'Your library has books you would like to read. • Huron County Crop Report By D. H. MILES Heavy snowfall over most of the county brought to a stand- still all outside farm operations. Arranging a schedule of chards Is the Order of the day. Message From Kirkton By. MRS. • HAROLD -DAVIS Personal Items Mr. Robert Anderson of Wheat- ley called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Ti. Burgin and family on Sun- day, . 'Service was Withdrawn on Sun- day. in. the United Church due to the condition of the. roads .following the severe. snowstorm. • Mrs. Jack Switzer is a patient in St. Marys General Hospital at time of writing having under- gone an operation for appendi- citis. . . - A Symbol. of spring has been 'seen dring the wintry winter,- •a robin has -.been - staying in a mountain .'ash' tree at Mr. Eve- rett Doupe's- and branches from a forsythia . and • japonica tree picked a week ago, .WednesdaY are coming out in bloom at the home of Mr. G. B. Burgin. A Wondeful Selection COLO'S' Hallmark Christmas Cards See Them At The Times -Advocate GET READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Y•37 • Everybody turned . . . to look at my Sanitone DRY CLEANED dress.., It looks so nice even • after many dry cleanings. A smartly -styled dress is new only once, but it can be "ret:ne*ed" many times if you depend upon our Sam - tone Service to retain its store -fresh charm. Sanitone's deep -down gentle cleansing action plus Style -Set® fin- ish means colors that sparkle and a tissue -crisp, like -new feel and fit every time. Call us for service today! Ids *Style -Set* a special ingredient that restores the like -new body, texture and feel to all dress fribrieS. Gold Bond Stamps & Jackpot Coupons BRADY CLEANERS 6r. LAUNDETERIA LTD. Phone 106 Far Pickup and Delivery Exeter Be a 'tart an interest-bearing BNS Christmas Gift Account now Plan for your 1959 Christmas shopping now—byplanning your saving. Open a Christmas Gift Account at any BNS branch. Decide how much you want for Christmas gift giving ; ; and each pay.; day tuck away a fraction of this amount. In this special account, with its attractively covered passbook, your Christmas fund can't disappear in day. - to -day spending. And at the BNS will 'earn full savings -account interest! • To give yourself a carefree Christmas, open a 1959 Christmas Gift Account at your nearest BNS branch—now! The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA, Mere Mee 560 branches direst; ganade rind In tendon a NOW'Verk a Jalia a tuba • Puede IMO bentiinitan Reaublk 6 ohem.s * Trinidad s arlaidaie Catrespandinti the world 6666 Manager : °Exeter 'Branch, Kenneth W. McLaughlin MONEY • okoaLeMs? . SOLKIHENI WItH At LCOAi4 Low Monthly repaytitenti Lira insured' at he extra cost to you it.